Ecological condition of Lake Abrau Durso. Lake Abrau on the verge of ecological catastrophe? The origin of the lake Abrau

Abrau Abrau Lake in the southern part Krasnodar Region, 14 km from the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. Abrau, the village part Seall Abrau Durso. Abrau Durso Selo in the Krasnodar Territory, 14 km from Novorossiysk, famous for his ... ... Wikipedia

Village Abrau Durso Country Russia ... Wikipedia

Abrau: Abrau Lake in the southern part of the Krasnodar Territory, 14 km from the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. Abrau, the village part Seall Abrau Durso. Abrau Durso Selo in the Krasnodar Territory, 14 km from Novorossiysk, famous for his ... Wikipedia

Abrau - Lake in the Krasnodar Territory, is in 26 kilometers to northwest from Novorossiysk. The same name wears a river, flowing into the lake and the village on its shore. The lake is located at an altitude of 84 meters above sea level, the area of \u200b\u200bits mirror 190 ... ... Toponymic dictionary of Caucasus

This term also has other meanings, see Novorossiysk (Values). City of Novorossiysk flag coat of arms ... Wikipedia

Coordinates: 44 ° 42 's. sh. 37 ° 35 'in. d. / 44.7 ° C. sh. 37.591667 ° C. d. ... Wikipedia

- (Kuban resorts) russian brandused to popularize holidays on Azov and Black Sea coasts Krasnodar Territory. In its framework on the Russian and international level are progress resort cities and recreational terrain ... ... Wikipedia

I new administrative divisions Russia, occupies the western part of the Caucasian Territory and stretches the long and relatively narrow strip along the eastern shore of the Black Sea, occupying the space between him and the main Caucasian ridge. Although Ch. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory (Kuban resorts) The Russian brand used to popularize recreation on the Azov and Black Sea coasts of the Krasnodar Territory. At its framework, the resort cities and ... ... Wikipedia are promoted at the Russian and international level ...

Kuban resorts resorts of the Krasnodar Territory (Kuban resorts) Russian brand used to popularize recreation on the Azov and Black Sea coasts of the Krasnodar Territory. In its framework, in the Russian and international level, they are moving ... ... Wikipedia


  • Informal travel guide in the Kuban. Between the two seas, Korotchenko Oksana, Gullas Elena Alexandrovna. In Egypt, it is impossible, it is impossible to Turkey, and in Krasnodar region can! A new informal guide for those who are tired of the usual rest and who are looking for new sensations! Anapa, Gelendzhik, Krasnodar, ...

UDC: 574.5; 574.24

Zvynets Anastasia Olegovna

FGBOU in Mguts them. Kg. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, RF

FGBOU in Mguts them. Kg. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, RF

E-mail: [email protected]

Analysis of the sanitary and hygienic state of Lake Abrau Krasnodar Territory in order to negative effect on the aquatic ecosystem


The sanitary and hygienic condition of Lake Abrau Krasnodar Territory was investigated. An analysis of the aquatic ecosystem was carried out and sources of water pollution were revealed. The results of the work was the description of negative factors of influence on Lake Abrau by biological and anthropogenic impact, as well as ways to purify and protect the reservoir.


Lake Abrau, anthropogenic factors, excavation, wastewater, pollution, cleansing, pesticides.

Lake Abrau is the largest freshwater lake of the Krasnodar Territory. It is located at the Abrauan Peninsula in 14 km from Novorossiysk. The sole river is in the pond - Abrau, a number of keys and temporary watercourses that collect water precipitation from an area of \u200b\u200babout 20 square kilometers. The lake under consideration serves as the only source of industrial, agricultural and domestic, including drinking, water supply of the village.

Long-time in the lake falls wastewaters from settlement Through the sewage system, as well as waste rainwater from the fields. This contributes to the annual deterioration of the state of the reservoir. Therefore, the purpose of this study is the analysis of the SGP of the lake, as well as the methods of its purification.

AT last years Lake Abrau and its coastal zone are actively used in the quality of the recreation area, which also affects the environmental condition of the reservoir. In this regard, we are interested in the condition of the reservoir. Samples for analyzing were taken in places of stormwater discharge from the adjacent territory of the champagne winery of the Wine CJSC Abrau-Durso and the discharge of technological drainage from the tunnels of the champagne wine plant, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bcoastal territories where private construction is conducted. In selected samples, exceeding the permissible content of the total number of pathogens bacteria was detected. Also, the phosphateion content exceeded the allowable rate of almost 5 times, iron and hydrogen sulfide - 3.4 times, phenol - 1.7 times. Pesticides - aldry and hexahlorobenzene, which are used to protect grain crops from pests, were also discovered in water. Aldry is a potent poisonous substance for animals and man. The PDC of these pesticides for water bodies is 0.001 mg / l. A high level of contamination of petroleum products was found, but their origin is unknown. After 2011, measures were taken to improve the condition of the reservoir, but they did not bring the expected results. The main ecopuses for the lake mainly cause: household wastewater, beach (MSW) and wasteland water with fields that are different pesticides. These negative effects affect the chemical composition of water and contribute to more active in the reservoir, which directly affects its variety of flora and

International Scientific Journal "Symbol of Science" No. 7/2016 ISSN 2410-700X_

fauna. An example is the extinction of Abrauskaya Tyulki (endemic of the lake, listed in the Red Book). Restriction of feed resources due to the bottom of the bottom, as well as the poor chemical condition of the water contributed to the mass death of the fish.

Interesting in the water bodice of household wastewater occurs only due to the poor sewage state of the nearby village. Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federation in the Krasnodar Territory It was established that the sewage facilities of the village of Abrau-Durso of the city of Novorossiysk do not fulfill its functions, as the sewage system has become unusable, as a result of which household waste drained into the soil and on Livnevops enter the lake. It is also worth noting that many of the hosts of the plots on the banks of Abrau are illegally conducting sewage from their home directly in the pond, which respectively affects the condition of water.

Over the past decade, the depth of the lake has decreased from thirty to eleven meters. The reason for such a decrease is to hydrate the reservoir itself. This process occurs most often naturally, but not to do without the influence of anthropogenic factors. Big influence The vineyards growing in its shores are rendered. To improve the condition of the reservoir, the following measures were taken: the parking lot and car vehicle was prohibited, the installation of tents, the boat parking (except for one service), the dump of garbage, breeding fires, cutting the forest (except for sanitary logging). These prohibitions only slightly reduced the anthropogenic effect on the lake. The discharge of polluted and neutralized industrial effluents was also prohibited, pollution of the soil at the lake and its very eradicate. These demands are not fully respected in particular due to the wear of the sewage of the village, as well as due to the use of pesticides in agriculture.

In order to restore the natural balance of Lake Abrau, disturbed by the adverse effects of anthropogenic and technogenic nature, it is necessary to conduct biological purification. This method of cleaning is carried out without any negative consequences on the flora and the fauna of the reservoir. It is necessary to organize the biological filtering of the lake - the construction of a small bioplalat next to it. The pond should not get fish, so it must be equipped with an elevation. The boundary between them can be issued with stones. Water is supplied to the harness with the pump. Claimed, it flows on the stones and again falls into the main reservoir. At the same time, near the pond must be inhabited by a crustacean plankton and fish. Thus, it is possible to reduce the allay layer at the bottom of the reservoir, provided that wastewater will not flow into it.

Lakeabrau is a monument of nature that needs careful protection. Anthropogenic impacts are littered with water, and only a person himself can stop it. Constant monitoring of water and coastal zone will significantly improve the ecosystem. Replacing the sewage of the coastal village and the installation of a more powerful filter in the cleansing facilities will exclude wastewater from entering water. Refusal to use pesticides, for fertilizer near arranged agricultural crops, significantly improve the chemical condition of water. If the negative impact on the lake is to decrease, then the layer of il must gradually decrease. As a result, the lake will return the former depth and increase its biodiversity.

List of references:

1. Zhukov A.I., Mongight I.L., Rodziller I.D. Methods for cleaning production wastewater. M.: Stroyzdat, 1999. 25c.

2. Pechurer A.I., Lozova S.P. Monuments of the nature of the Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, 1980. 141 p.

3. Kobiaashvili G.A., Nikiforov-Nikishin D.L., Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L., Borodin A.L. Suppression of the regeneration of the epithelial tissue of the tail fins of the sword-based water extract of chaga // Fisheries. 2008. No. 1. P. 96.

4. Borodin A.L., Nikishin A.L., Gorbunov A.V., Nikishin D.L. The statistical characteristics of the cell proliferation of the epithelium of the crystal fish. Mitotic activity of the epithelium // Fisheries. 2013. № 4. P. 48-49.

5. Borodin A.L., Gorbunov A.V., Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L. Changes in the elemental composition of the crystal fish under the influence of heavy metals // Fisheries. 2007. No. 2. P. 92-93.

International Scientific Journal "Symbol of Science" No. 7/2016 ISSN 2410-700X_

6. Gamygin E.A., Baghrov A.M., Borodin A.L., Ridiger A.V. Expansion of the feed rate of feed for fish // Fisheries. 2013. № 4. P. 87-88.

7. Gorbunov A.V., Gorbunov O.V., Borodin A.L., Ridiger A.V. Characteristic features of freshwater ichthyocenosis of the model reservoir of the regulated type // Fisheries. 2013. № 4. P. 74-77.

8. Simakov Yu.G, Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L, Borodin A.L. Hydrobionth lens: morphology, biochemistry, cytogenetics; M-in education and science grew. Federation, Mosk. State University of Technology and Management, Kaf. Bioecology and ichthyology. Rostov-on-Don, 2005, 160 p.

9. Borodin A.L., Gorbunov A.V., Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L. Changes in the microelement composition of fish lens in the process of cataracting // Questions of fisheries. 2007. T. 8. No. 1-29. P. 138-141. Y.Nikhorov-Nikishin D.L., Nikiforov-Nikishin Al., Borodin A.L. The effectiveness of the absorption of biogenic elements Iir by Bolotnaya (acorus calamus) // Symbol of science. 2016. № 2-1. P. 44-46.

11.Nikhorov-Nikishin A.L., Borodin A.L., Nikiforov-Nikishin D.L. The microelement composition of the lens of carp fish // Symbol of science. 2016. № 2-1. P. 39-42.

© Zvynets A.O., Gorbunov O.V., Konysheva E.N., 2016

UDC: 574.5; 574.24

Kulikova Alyona Viktorovna

FGBOU in Mguts them. Kg. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, RF

E-mail: [email protected] Gorbunov Oleg Vyacheslavovich

FGBOU in Mguts them. Kg. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, RF

E-mail: [email protected] Konysheva Elena Nikolaevna

FGBOU in Mguts them. Kg. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, RF

E-mail: [email protected]

Environmental characteristics of hydrochemical quality of waterborg area of \u200b\u200bthe lake and runoff


The study of the pollution of the lake from the sources located on the shores of its northwestern bays. An analysis of pollutants discarded with wastewater into the surface water of Onega Lakes. Methods used to appreciate the anthropogenic factors of impact on the lake. The results of work was the identification of factors of the negative effects of wastewater (such as the reset of petroleum products through the system of sewage drain; the estones of enterprises of the cords of Kondopoga and Petrozavodsk; insufficiently purified sewer) on the hydrosphere of the lake.


Hydrosphere, Onega Lake, Wastewater, Anthropogenic Factors, Surface Waters.

The main problem of the environmental characteristic of the quality of waterborg area of \u200b\u200bthe lake today is the pollution of the lake with sources located on the shores of its northwestern

The largest freshwater lake of the Krasnodar Territory - Lake Abrau (from Abkhaz "Abgarra" - failure), located at the Abraha Peninsula, 14 km. North-west of Novorossiysk. Its length is about 2600 m, width - 600 m, area on average - 1.6 square meters. km, and the depth is about 10 m. Cozy accommodation among majestic mountains, crossed the relict trees, Abrau looks unusually picturesque and will conquer with his fabulous landscape of anyone who will see him at least once.

Mysterious lake keeps a lot of secrets associated with its origin and to this day the debates of scientists regarding its occurrence. According to one of the hypotheses, the reservoir appeared due to the collapse of limestone voids formed as a result of their washing into the groundwater. Another hypothesis claims that Abrau is the rest of the once existing freshwater sea. The third is that the lake was formed during the Flood. However, each of the hypotheses has its own contradictions, so scientists until today can no longer come to a common opinion on the origin of Abrau.

According to one of ancient legendstransmitting here from the mouth to the mouth, once on the place of the reservoir, the rich tribe of Adygets lived. The daughter of the rich is madly fell in love with the local shepherd, but her parents were against the young people see. The father of the girl in anger repeatedly repeated that it is better to let his aul fall under the ground than his only daughter at least once will meet with the poor shepherd. Once, during the festive games, rich instead of clay plates began to throw bread pellets into the river than Allah was preparing, who sent them all underground along with Aul. The girl was afraid to escape to his beloved on the eve, so she survived. Returning back, on the site of his native aul she saw a huge pit, filled with water. Killed by grief because of the death of parents and native aul, the girl sobbed a long time and unrestrained, and from her tears was formed a stream, preserved until today. Without withsting losses, she rushed into the water, but she could not drown. Instead, she went through the water from one shore to another, where she met her beloved, with whom she quickly forgot his grief. And on the place where the girl went on the lake, her traces are clearly visible in a clear lunar night - inexplicable flicker, whose origin of whose scientists cannot explain in any way.

Now there is an excellent lake on the site of the once existing settlements, where people come from everywhere to relax, enter or just enjoy the magnificent scenery. Water vegetation is represented by the overgrudies of the sea and lake root and cane, in his plankton, the wrath is inhabited, and in the bottom fauna - cradles, a BOKOPLA, a freshwater crab. In the waters of Abrau there is a huge number of species of fish, which, despite the pretty or strength bottom of the reservoir, feel great. Today trout, crucian and golden, red-pan, Goljan, Golden Off, Sazan, Amur, Bass, Bolshaya, Bream, Lin, Taran, Czech, Tolstolob, and Abrauskaya Tulka, famous, are in abraha. From 79 years of the last century, the reservoir was recognized as a regional monument of nature, and therefore it is impossible to move on the engine boats today. Allowed movement only on oars, and fishing only on fishing rod or spinning. Fishing on the lake is permitted throughout the year, with the exception of the period of spring spawning from March 1 to May 31.

The mountain lake Abrau is truly amazing and is a wonderful place to relax, and the fishing is so amazing here that thousands of fishermen who dream of a major catch come here every year.

It is written enough about him in local lore literature. It is worth noting that this is the largest freshwater lake of the Krasnodar Territory. According to its size, it exceeds the famous rithu.

Its length is over 2600 m, the maximum width is 600 m, the area is 1.6 km2. The lake is in itself riddles associated with origin. Some scientists suggest that the brand was formed as a result of a karst failure, others that the lake is the remnant of an ancient Kimmerian freshwater basin, the third binds it with huge landslides.

The glory of Abrau Peninsula gives not only a lake, but also the famous museum of Taman wines. Dozens rushed here excursion buses A day to get acquainted with the history of Vinjeshoz, to taste the divine drink.

Description from the book "Guide to Kuban" A. Samälenko.

The mysterious Lake Abrau is 14 km to the west of Novorossiysk, on the Highist Peninsula Abrau.

A regular bus on the route Novorossiysk - Abrau Durso loops between the hill as if in a green maze. Sometimes the villages flashes. Suddenly below, in a mountain hollow, appears because of the trees of the loskoks of emerald water stroit next to the white-stone buildings. A few more turns of winding descent, and the bus stops on the central estate of the Assochet-plant Abrau-Durso, almost near the lake. If you compare Lake Abrau with the famous lake Rice, then you can see a lot of common: the mountain landscape, about the same length (about 3 km) and the greatest width (up to 800 m). The area of \u200b\u200bLake Abrau 180, rice - 132 hectares. In the greenish mirror of water and here and there are greatly reflected woody mountains.

But immediately felt the difference in relief, climate, vegetation, in all natural complexassociated with the height of the mountains and various positions of the lakes above sea level (Rice - 950, Abrau - 84 m). The vertices of the mountains around the lake Abrau are lower and rounded, without sharp peaks, and the slopes of the passing. They do not sparkle stains of eternal snow, do not bristle the isochkiy fir, and the glitstic forest with the curly crowns of oaks, maples and linde reigns. And the entire landscape looks calmer, softer. And the climate, and the water here is incomparably warmer, so on the lake in the summer season there are many swimming.

From a hydrological point of view, the main difference between these two reservoirs is that Rice of Protocation, and Lake Abrau is frantically. A small river Abrau, a number of keys and temporary watercourses, which collect water precipitation with an area of \u200b\u200babout 20 km2, and there are no surface runoff from the lake. The water coming into it is spent mostly for evaporation. This affects water quality. The lake holds in itself all substances that are brought by water, and the process of self-purification of the stagnant pool flows slowly. The transparency of water does not exceed one meter, whereas in Reda it is 9 times more.

Meanwhile, the Abrau Lake is still that the only source of industrial, agricultural and domestic, including drinking, water supply of the village. It is clear that the protection of the water branch from pollution has paramount importance here.

In December 1974, the Executive Committee of the Regional Council of People's Deputies declared Lake Abrau Monument of Nature. Security certificate was awarded to the Novorossiysk Society of Hunters and Fishermen. In the "security certificate" it is said that forests are not allowed in the lake pool, except for sanitary. The installation of tents and parking machines is prohibited on the shores, and the main boat content is not allowed on the lake itself, except for one service. On the lake is constantly on duty, the huntsman, who follow the rules of fishing, cleanliness and order on the lake.

The main mystery of Obera Abrau is the origin of its brand. Geographical name Lake Abrau in Translated from Abkhaz means "failure".

Geologists expressed the assumption that the brand was formed as a result of a karst failure. However, acquaintance with the shores of the lake shows that they are folded with a flush of uppermal age. The layers of sandstone, mergels, argillites and clays are exposed in the cliffs. This contradicts the hypothesis of Karst's favorable origin of the lake. Do not consist with this hypothesis and morphological features of the brand. Karst lakes are usually found by groups. They are characterized by rounded shape and funnel-like bottom. In Lake Abrau, there is not one of these signs.

According to another hypothesis, Lake Abrau is the residue of the Kimmerian freshwater basin, which existed on the scene of the Black Sea at the end of the neogenic period, more than 1 million years ago. This hypothesis explains the composition of the lake fauna. It explores carp, sazan, red-pan, American (Bolshry) perch and other modern types of fish. But along with them there are relics, such as a herring. Among the bottom inhabitants there are a number of organisms inherent in the Limanam and the Caspian Sea. However, this hypothesis leaves the question of the origin of the basin.

V. P. Zenkovchnch, V. I. Budanov and V. L. Boldyrev, in the 50s studied the origin of the relief of the coastal Black Sea zone, came to the conclusion that the defining feature of the structure of the banks of the Abrau Peninsula - these are ancient landslides - collaps formed at A significantly lower level of sea (meters by 40-50 below modern). When the sea level began to rise at the end of Novoevksin time, the abrasion increased sharply and the equilibrium of the slopes turned out to be disturbed. At the same time, the wet climate contributed to breaking and sliding rocks. Huge blocks of flush volume in millions of cubic meters in the form of mountain colors collapsed over the slopes. Such phenomena took place in river valleys. Lake Abrau is led by one of these gigantic collaps, who blocked the river valley.

This hypothesis well explains the morphology of the coastal area of \u200b\u200bthe sea. However, on the site of the alleged collapse, allegedly blown to the Abrau river, no high mountainsFrom which so wide and high challenge could have collapsed.

According to other scientists, the movement of the earth's crust at the turn of the new era shook the Black Sea coast. Before the earthquake of the river Abrau flowed into the sea. As a result of the earthquake, the mountains moved, closed the mouth of the rivers and created the lake. The presence of several hypotheses of the occurrence of the lake testifies to the complexity and nonressence of this issue. Most likely, the last two complement each other.

Now about the depths of the lake. In some new guidebooks, it is indicated that the maximum depth reaches 30 m. After conducting promresses, we did not find depths more than 10.5 m. The most deep place Located in the southern end of the lake, where both shores are tight and cool go into water. Data on the 30 meter depth, apparently, moved to modern guidebooks from the past century. And during this time there was a strong decline and cropping of the reservoir.

The process of hazing proceeds, on the one hand, naturally, without human intervention. Each river arising after the rain carries its burden on the lake. And in the rainy years, when the level of the lake is high, there is a wait for steep shores and landslides are broken from them. On the other hand, the housing activity of a person contributes to the rapid reservoir of the reservoir. For the post-war period, the farm cultivated land expanded twice. At the same time, the vineyards are processed by machines on a greater depth and often along the slope. For these reasons, washing the soil from the slopes intensified. And during the construction of the road around the lake, there was a dump of loose soil, again down the slope, and a considerable part of it was in the water.

The harassment is the most insidious "enemy" threatening the existence of the lake. To suspend - this process, some safety measures are currently being taken. In the northern end of the lake, at the mouth of the Abrau River, a sump has been created. A special dam is constructed, cutting out shallow water from the rest of the lake. Shallow water will be deepened. Here, on the thought of designers, the torment should settle on the bottom, and clean water to flush into the lake through the span in the dam. The shores of the lake are equalized and strengthened by concrete, and the Western steep slope where the vineyards used to be terrified under the setting of the Crimean Pine. Washing soil from a terraced obsened slope will decrease.

The leadership of the Vinjeshoz, it is necessary to pay attention to the strict implementation of measures for the anti-erosion organization of the territory. With vineyards located on the slopes of the mountains, this is now being demolished a large number of Alla, that the sump will not be able to keep the lake from having.

Abrau is the largest freshwater lake of the Krasnodar Territory, located in the south-west of the edge at the lowland Abrauan Peninsula, 14 km from Novorossiysk. On the shore is located Village Abrau. As part of Russia, the active agricultural and recreational development of its shores began in 1872. Nature Monument since 1979.

The greatest depth is about 11 meters, with a medium depth of 5.8 meters. The area is 0.6 km2, the catchment area is 20.3 km 2.

Study of Lake Abrau

In 1870, on behalf of the Emperor to study Oz. A special commission was created from agronomists, engineers for inspection of the surroundings of Oz., Abrau, which concluded the "royal command of the establishment of a new special estimation with the name of Abrau-Durso's name. In 1872, following the advice of French winemakers, in the vicinity of Oz., The breeding of vineyards was launched, which, however, had a negative impact on the hydrography of the lake itself, due to the strengthening of the erosion of the coastal slopes of the mountains. The researcher of the Azov-Black Sea coast V. P. Zenkovich noted:

"An even more interesting is a large lake Abrau framed by a rings of vineyards. It is located in the deep valley, where an unknown obstacle stopped the water ... "

Aerialism of Lake Abra

Hydrography of Lake Abrau

This is the second in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror mountain Lake Big Caucasus (After lake, Kazenoam in Dagestan). Abrau's length - more than 3,100 m, the largest width of 630 m, the depth is 10.5 meters, the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror is 1.6-1.8 km². The area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment pool is 20.3 km². The maximum depth is observed at the filling dam, but over the past one and a half century it has decreased from 30 to 10.5 meters as a result of erosion of the surrounding coast after the construction of roads and bookmarks of vineyards. Height above sea level - 84 m. The experiments separating the lake, Abrau from the Black Sea, is small and in width is less than 2 km.

It constantly flows into it only a small river Abrau about 5.3 km long, also a number of temporary watercourses, including local livneys that feed mainly atmospheric precipitation and landing of local enterprises. In addition, the keys are hit at the bottom. Most of the area of \u200b\u200bwaterboron of the lake (61%) takes the pool r. Abrau; Other watercourses flowing into the lake occupy 6.3 km² (31%), the remaining 1.6 km² (8%) occupies the water mirror itself, for which precipitates are also falling. No river flows out of it, so it is formally considered to be the final (mouthwash). The water flowing into the lake is spent on evaporation, as well as on an underground flow, which is carried out in the form of water filtration through the body of the dam. Therefore, it remains fresh and swamp vegetation in it is not developed. Because of its dissolved limestone in water, its water has a white-blue or emerald color and their transparency is small (about 1 m).

In the district of the lake, the dry Mediterranean climate dominates, which imposes an imprint on its hydrography: the maximum water levels in it are observed from November to March and are associated with the fallout of precipitation here in the form of rain and wet snow. In summer, there is an intereth.

Lake Temperature Mode Abrau

Abrau does not freeze even in winter. The minimum average monthly temperature of the surface layer of water in the lake near the coast reaches its annual minimum in January, but then it is positive and on average equal to + 0.2º. The rapid increase in water temperature in the surface layer begins in April and continues until the end of July.

The maximum of the average monthly temperature of the water reaches on average (24.8º), and from August, the water begins to gradually cool. The absolute maximum temperature of the surface layer of water was registered in 1954 and reached 29.8º.

The origin of the lake Abrau

Hypothesis about the origin of the lake., Still quite discussion. It is in itself riddles associated with origin. Some scientists suggest that the brand was formed as a result of karst failure, others - which is the remnant of an ancient Kimmerian freshwater basin, others bind it with huge landslides.

Although a mediterranean carcass relief and is distributed at the Abrauan Peninsula, the theory of karst failure is unlikely for a variety of reasons.

First, Abrau Mountains are relatively young.

Secondly, karst lakes are failed and therefore usually have a rounded shape, and Abrau has repeated the outlines of the valley of the river. Abrau and rather resembles a typical dam reservoir with an expansion at the dam.

The landslide theory is also unlikely, because in the district of Dam Abrau, separating it from the sea, no high mountain verticesFrom which impressive boulders could break. As a result, the most realistically binding the origin of the lake with an earthquake, which led to the displacement of the earth's crust in the district of the dam.

Fauna Lake Abrau

Fauna him is distinguished by an uniqueness. According to Research V. A. Vyanitsky, the Caspian Caspia Heterocope Caspia (Heterocope Caspia) prevails in Plankton, there is an endemic extinosoma abraoo (Ectinosoma Abrau). Among the bottom fauna are also a number of organisms inherent in the Limanam or the Caspian Sea. Such is the booplasts strong (Roptogammarus Robustus), korofius, Bott Orchings, isopod - Yera Nordmann, Mesomisis Kovalevsky. Most of the bottom is settled with red blooded blood (up to 250x. / M 2) and an olig oxid tube (up to 400 / m 2).

Thus, in the bottom fauna, the liman-marine nature of this relic lake is pronounced. It also lives a small herdow (Clupeonalla Abrau) with a length of 8.5 cm. In the lake, it is a lot of her, food serves mealsida.

See also: