Mount Monk Adygea. Mount Monk - Name from ancient legend

The route to Mount Monk is a business card of the village of Hamushki. Mountain cool turns to the south and east rocks from sandstone, on one of which the monk face is well read:

There is a legend that the monk-hermit once lived on this grief. But the faith was not strong and he sinned with a girl from the village below. When her relatives learned about this, they forced the monk in front of death to hollow their face in the rocks in editing everyone who lives about the inadmissibility of the sin.

Of course, it is just a legend, and the origin of the "face" is purely natural. Although traces of living in the past in the grumps of Mountain monk are repeatedly found. And for this there are all the conditions - a mischievous spring, the rocks that protect against wind and precipitation, the southern orientation of the grotto contributes to heat saving.

The route to the rock begins literally at the bridge over Bzoyu. A cool well-stuffed and labeled trail is very sharply gaining height - for a kilometer of the way a set of height is more than five hundred meters! In the rain or in the snow, the route will require a certain preparation and at least the simplest self-insurance (Alpenshtok, ice ax or trekking sticks).

After three quarters, we go out to the throat, where according to legend and lived a unlucky monk. Here is the only source of water in these places - a good spring, drowning from under the rock wall. In the same grotto, a plot of old masonry was well preserved behind the boulder on clay - apparently the once windproof wall. But we return to the path and continue the rise. This time the path brings to the top edge of the rocks, in which the grotto of the monk is laid. Here is a sightseeing platform with an excellent view of Hamushki, Big Thach, Acheshbok, Juga.

It is possible to return to the throat in the same way, but more painful another 80 meters go along the edge of the rocks and find the descent down and the grottoes under the rock to go to the spar, the route.

The unique wonder of nature is at the entrance to the village of Hamushki Maykopsky district. The plane-terrain Mountain - the ridge of the Ashhatau Ridge - Cool ascended over the village of 500 meters. Its breakdown below is covered with fuses and overgrown with a deciduous forest, and in the pertrone part of the cable. But it seems as if there are not reddish rocks, but the stormy-stepped face of the old man is exposed. The squeezed eyes look so much, the massive flap turned out sharply, the mouth ships firmly covered with a thick top lip. Through a low forehead, thick hair is elevated, and on the top of the head whites bald ...
These features are not a fruit of the fiction and not a trace of skillful cutter, but the result of the weathelation of Jurassic tile sandstones and their limestone covers.
The name of the mountain is due to the fact that the lonely monk once lived on her vertex.

On the expanses of Adygea, numerous natural treasures are opening a curious look - here fast rivers make their own way through deep gorges, and the forest filled with wild wildlife raise highly on mountain slopes. Here, crystal ringing of falling water leads travelers to beautiful waterfalls, and mysterious clefts open a great underworld caves.
It is especially nice that all this beauty is quite near, you do not need to go to distant countries and conquer other continents - it's enough to arrange yourself inexpensive rest in Krasnodar Territory.
The wonderful reserved Plateau Lago Naki in the territory of the Republic of Adygea is uncontrollabically damaged travelers. In these places, near the base " White river", can see alpine meadows, amazing vegetation and nonpumens animals, and also immerse yourself in the atmosphere pristine nature. Local residents For centuries, the beauty of the terrain in the legends, and the many days were preserved to this day interesting stories about old times. And believe them or not - everyone solves exclusively for themselves.

Legend of Mount Monk

Not far from the village, where there are Guest houses Dakhovskaya, Mount Mount Monk, who received its name for no accident. Many years ago lived in these places a monk-hermit, he devoted all his days to the prayers to God and led the righteous way of life. Once he thought of love and how much he opened up because of the faith in the Lord, and then the wind flew out and heavy rain began. I felt a monk that he was waiting for his test from the Most High ...
He hid a monk from bad weather in the shelter from his beloved mountain, and sat there in forgetting, until his thoughts unexpectedly disturbed a melodic female shot. Overpowered the eyes of a monk, and saw a beautiful girl next to him, frozen and wet. Its wonderful, innocent eyes and cute face awakened in the monk of the unexplored feelings. Previously, he treated all women as his sister, but this amazing creation felt a completely different attitude. Only a few hours they spent together, without touching, but enjoying each other's society.
We took weeks and months, but I could not forget the girl's monk, he prayed frantically to eat unreasonable love from the heart, because he could not break this vow. In one fine morning, the girl came to the monk - it turns out, she also could not forget him! The happiness of lovers was not the limit, they led a long conversation and caressed each other, but the prohibition was not broken - both remained chaste.
They learned other monks about the sinful passion of the comrade, and decided to cruelly punish him. Since the stupid monk refused to say the name of the girl, he was chained to the rock, so that his beloved every day saw his flour. Long hung a monk on the mountain, but it was his heart freely - he did not break the main ban, his love had a clean, divine origin. And the girl did not get married, remaining faithful to his monk. And once he simply disappeared with the chains, leaving the imprint of his face on a solid stone - and the ordinary residents understood how much mistaken, punishing the monk. And all around the mountain began to grow with a double strength, as if he also experienced the all-consuming power of love.

Mount Monk is located on the north edge of the village of Hamushki. There is a legend that Mountain received its name from the monk who lived many years ago on top of the mountain, in a small, like a cullee, cave. This monk, seeking to sorce your sins, wanted to knock the saint figure in the rock, but did only one head. Looking around to the mountain you can see the elder's swollen sacculent face, his squeezed eyes look at you soaked in you, the flanned nose is very given forward, his lips are firmly compressed. The hair is sacchabled by her forehead, and on the top of the master - Lysin. There is another legend who says that monks settled in former times in the mountain caves. They lived peacefully in the mountains, the food was collected in the mountains and forests. And below, under the mountain, people lived in grinding saclars, worldly. They grazed the cattle, went hunting, cultivated Pashnyi. Everything would be fine, but loved the monk beautiful girl from Adygei village. The monk violated this vow, but the harsh laws of the mountains were always observed by the residents of the village, above all the honor of the kind was. Having accepted on the monk for an unworthy act, people chained unhappy to the mountain and forced their face into the stone, so that he would continue to remind people about the unacceptability of a disappointing woman's action. From the same time, the stone face of the unfortunate monk forever turned to people as the guard of the laws of honor, purity and confidence of human relations.

But this is only legends, the face depicted on the mountain, the case is not human hands, but the result of a long exposure to wind and water on sandstone. The top of the cliff is flat, and the Mountain Monk itself is one of the revolt of the Asian Tau. From the eastern side of the upper tier of the cliff, the monk is located the Cave of Jolas, named after the doctor hiding in it during the Great Patriotic War. The path to the monk begins at the bridge across the river Bompuhu, the protrotane and labeled trail is rapidly gaining height and in bad weather, the rise will require the simplest training and self-insurance. At the end of the third quarter, the path trail displays to the throat, where the monk lived on legend. The grot has a spring, disappearing in a few meters. In the grotto, a plot of an estimated old windproof wall has been preserved. Continuing the rise, the trail leads to the upper edge of the rocks, where the grotto of the monk was laid. Here, in the grotto, there is a good sightseeing area overlooking the hazyshushki, acheshbok, Big Thach and Juba and other Mountains Adygea. On the top of the mountain is 21 mounded dolmen. You can go down down, simply turning back or passing further on the edge of the rocks and finding the way down, after which the grotows located under the rock, go to the soveser, thus swinging the route. From time to time, stone monoliths, breaking the trees, rolled out on the road or fly on the white river from time to time.

In the very north of the village, the mountain of the mountain monk took its place, proudly exposing her face. It is with a mountain monk connected
One of the most interesting legends Adygea, which century is transmitted from mouth to mouth among the locals.

Mount Monk - title history

It is not by chance that the mountain monk received such an unusual name. One of the ancient legends says that several centuries ago, this mountain monk was chosen one of the hermit monks for his place of residence. He lived in a small, reminiscent of the Cole, located on the top of this monument of nature.

In the desire to correct all their sins committed during his lifetime, a man decided to knock the shape of the saint, choosing a bare rod of rocks for this. Whether he did not have to finish his work until the end of his life or for some other reason, but on the mountain there is only an image of one head.

If you look carefully, then you can clearly trace the harsh features of the old man: his eyebrows are naughty, the nose slightly coming forward, the lips are firmly compressed, and the hair is slightly lured.

However, many do not trust such a misty cause of the Mountain Monk: There is another legend that this place served as a refuge for the monks settled in the caves.

The very romantic and interesting can be considered the legend about the monk in love with a simple girl. The monk violated this vow on them, and then the villagers chose punishment for him: a chained man had to knock her face on a rock to continue it reminded others about the inadmissibility of touching a woman out of marriage.

Mount Monk - Let's go back to modernity

Forgetting a little about the story and returning to the present, it should be said that the Mountain Monk is a spong of the Asian Tau Ridge. Under the millennial impact of wind and water in Mount Monk, dozens of caves were formed, one of which wears the name of Jolass's doctor, who took place in her during the fighting of the Great Patriotic War.

Moving along the long-paved path, you can go to the so-called monk grota, who has lived one of the hermits. Mount Monk is interesting for visiting tourists due to finding on her kurgan dolmens, springs, small waterfalls and several watching sitesfrom which the view is open at once mountain vertices The Republic of Adygea.

And again we decided to go to the village of Hamushki, where they were already in April of this year. At that time, our goal was a mountain monk, the road to which we never found, but they found another, which led us to the waterfalls of the Kutanka River.
This time, the mountain monk was not our goal, but we were going to see the waterfalls of Bzähi and get to the rock split. But when we were already in the village of Hamushki, the solution was changed.
1. On a rock monk

The mountain of the monk is sullenly towers at the entrance to the village. They say this cliff often drops the boulders of stones down, in 2008 it was the last collapse when the stones fell right on the road. Yes, and in the forest at the foot of the cliff, the monk is a lot of huge stones, which were once part of the face of the monk.
2. Mount Monk, Hamushki

Guides, which show tourists. The sights of the Republic of Adygea about the rock Monk tell such a legend.

Legend of the rock monk.
"Long ago in the sand caves high mountain Monks settled. Peacefully lived, they fed on the gifts of the forest and the mountains. Below in the valley of Belli, globite sacli, in which the hardworking people lived. Cultivated land, grazed cattle and went hunting. Smoke the smoke of their ovens, the gardens flourished in the spring, and the branches of trees were broken in the fall from abundant yields.
Everything was well in the mountain village, but it happened misfortune. Love each other monk and a beautiful girl from a mountain village. Violated the monk, this vow. Making an unworthy act. At that time there were strict laws of mountains. The customs were observed, and the honor of the genus was highly appreciated. The solid and unchanged were the decisions of the residents of the village. People chained a monk to a monolithic rock and forced to cut their face in stone, so that it reminded people about the inadmissibility of actions that felt the woman.
Since then, this stone creation of the monk is forever addressed to people and, as it were, on guard of the laws of honor, confidence and purity of human relations ".
The "face" of the cliffs really resembles a monk, like, however, and the old man, Leshgo, heroes, warrior, Santa Claus, etc. You can see any of these characters in a rock if you want. It is said that the monks really lived in the cavities of the rock, everything could be ...
The height of the monk cliff over the sea level - 1062.9m. The height of the village of Hamushki above sea level - 586.6 meters. The cliff monk has a rather broad "eyebrows" with a beautiful view.
3. View from a mountain monk on Ramushki and the White River

Path on a monk
The path begins straight at the foot. We have left the car for the second time on a turn to a commercial tourist park with dolmen. Dogs of this complex again closed us. On the other hand, under the mountain there is a kind of car road that goes to the left in the forest. You need to go through this road a little, while carefully peeled into the bushes and grass on the left. It also begins the barefoot path, which is later turning into a very well visible and marked path. You can simply resemble a little on the forest in the area and look through the blue marking on the trees or the red arrows on the stones.
4. How to get to the mountain monk

5. Trail


7. Trail

8. Limestone rocks

9. Cheese cliff))

Further only.
I have not walked into the mountains for a long time, and the trip to Europe did not best affect my physical form. And so I am happy that we finally got out of a boring city, grabbed a backpack, stuffed with food and water and cheerfully stumbled up along the trail. The trail is cool, in some places very cool. And it does not give to relax - all the time up and up, the serpentine is missing almost at all. And after about 7 minutes, I feel like a walk, I'm wrong with me. I sat on the log, then to the ground. In the ears, it knocks very loud, sick, the legs-hands do not feel. I thought, now I will be conscious to lose, I have already looked around where you can fall more convenient. The husband was a little concerned and took a backpack from me. He left only a camera. And I feel that I can't keep it in my hands, they are some wadded steel. And I can't hang my shoulder, there is no strength.
As a group of tourists passed by, they descended down already. A cheerful man of 60 years old with two young girls grew up with us. I shook my hand, heartily greeted. Asked what was with me and why I am so green. Let's let go of jokes about what is better to get away from the route in time, and that the smart mountain will not go. Offered to take me down and take care of me there)))







17. Blue tree



20. Carnation


22. In places you have to wade through the thickets

23. A piece of rock separated

More on this day we did not meet anyone on the route. After 10 minutes, I finally came to my senses and after rescued immediately, how the knock in the ears began. In general, when you go hiking, especially long, with heavy backpacks, it is better to listen carefully to your body and not mock it. Because if something happens, your fellow travelers will be very difficult to drag you back.




All the way I took 3 hours. About 2 hours we went upstairs, but did not rush, I constantly did stop for photographing.

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