The pristine nature of Iceland: where new lands are born. Nature, plants and animals Iceland The nature of Iceland is famous for its beauties

Geography and relief of Iceland

Iceland is a country involving the same island and a few smaller islands. Belong to K. european states. Iceland is located in the northern part Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Iceland was formed on the Mid-Atlantic Range, separating the North American and Eurasian lithospheric plates. The base of the territory form the thickness of the dark basalt lava.

The total area of \u200b\u200bIceland is 130 thousand square meters. km, the length of the coastline amounted to 6 thousand km.

The territory of Iceland is washed by the Northern Arctic, Atlantic Oceans, Norwegian and Greenland seas. From Greenland, Iceland separates the Danish strait. On the coast of Iceland many icebergs. Here is the largest Glacier of Europe - Vatnayokyudl, around which there are ramp fields and Moraine. The total area of \u200b\u200bglaciers is 12 thousand square meters. km.

On the eastern and northern coast, many bays and fjords, in the south and west, the lowlands are dominated, which are closely suitable for large bays and lagoons.

Iceland is a plateau having steep cliffs. Most are basalt plateau with altitudes from 400 to 600 m. Many high mountain plateau, volcanic mountains, whose height reaches 2000 m.

The lowlands make up about 7% of the total territory of Iceland. For the most part - these are wetlands.

Note 1.

Iceland is relatively young in the geological sense of the territory. Features of the tectonic structure and relief predetermined the presence of a set of geysers and hot springs.

Large Geyser is located in Hyunadalyur Valley. During periods of activity, the water column is thrown into a height of 60 m. In the inactive period is a shallow green lake. Gaiter Strokkur is located next to the big geyser. Throwing a watery post every 5-6 minutes with a height of 30 m. Geysers, fumarols, sulfur couples - the usual phenomenon of Iceland.

In Iceland, many volcanoes (about 200), 20 of which are distinguished by volcanic activity. The largest and most significant volcanoes include:

  • Erawayyukyudl - the largest and active volcano of the country with a height of 2119 m, located on the largest glacier of the territory of Iceland;
  • Gekla - a valid conical volcano, the peak is almost always hidden in the clouds; Height 1491 m, is a symbol of the country;
  • Askia is a valid volcano located in the center of the Icelandic Plateau, the height of 1516 m.; In Calder there are two lakes - about. Viti (geothermal, emitting the smell of sulfur) and about. Eskwatn (most deep lake Iceland, 220 m);
  • Lucky - thyroid type Active volcano having many crater with a height of 818 meters and a length of 25 km, the last eruption of the volcano at the end of the XVIII century led to natural cataclysms in the entire northern hemisphere of the Earth;
  • Bourdarbung is a valid volcano, a height of 2009 M, activity has recently in recent times.

Upon contact with the water emitted by the geyser, sodium silicate is falling with cold sea water, forming stalagmites for a long time (10 thousand years).

Note 2.

Main natural resource Countries - fish and seafood. Reserves Useful fossils are small and include: spat, coal, pumice, diorit.

Iceland climatic conditions

The climate of Iceland is subarctic marine, due to the influence of two currents: cold - Greenland and warm - north-Atlantic. In a place where two currents are converged, unstable weather is noted with frequent fogs and storms.

August is the warmest month, the temperature rises to 20 ºС. Winters are soft with an average temperature up to minus 2ºС. The greatest number precipitation falls on southern coast and arranged mountain slopes here.

In the spring, drifting floors accumulate at the coast, the air temperature reaches + 7- + 10ºС. With the arrival of summer begins the season of white nights. The weather deteriorates sharply in October, in the period of passing through the ocean of cold cyclones. Since November, the day day is up to 5 hours.

Since Iceland is located on the path of cyclones, the weather on its territory is characterized by strong winds of various directions, great instability.

Nature Iceland.

On the territory of Iceland, a developed network of rivers having many thresholds and a rapid flow of water.

Glaciers provide nutrition rivers. In the summer, floods and spills occur.

The largest rivers:

  • Tursau (located in the south-west of the country, the length of 230 km);
  • Yykülsau-au-fjödlum (length of more than 200 km, has two large waterfalls - Selfoss and Dettifoss);
  • Elvyusau (length of 185 km, forms due to the merger of the river. Critau and the river. Sog);
  • Skiaulvandafulout (length of 178 km, many waterfalls, the most famous - Godfoss).

There are about 2,700 lakes in the country. As a rule, lakes are large. The most famous lakes: Turisvatn, Tingwadlavatn, Blyndulyun, Lagarflough.

Modern nature resembles tundra. The species composition of plants and animals is quite meager. On the peculiarities of populations and their diversity big influence The country relief was relief, climate and low length of the day in the winter.

Among plants, grassy plants, mushrooms, mosses, lichen and algae grow mainly. There are plane-shaped and fernable plants. Many blooming herbs: a round-round bell, polar poppy, wild lupins, Forest Maryannik, and others. Wild lupins quickly grow up and crowd out other plants, because of them possible to extit moss and lichen.

Only on 1% of the territory of Iceland trees (mainly birch and shrub IVA) grow. Coniferous rocks landed by the local population are found.

Significant territories occupy seed and moss marshes.

Note 3.

For a long time, the only animal living in the territory of Iceland was sands. Later were delivered deer, horses, sheep, cows. Among the small animals there are foxes, mice, rats, minks.

Among the birds are spread atlantic deadlock, swans, partridges, geese, paint, ducks, seagulls. Only in Iceland lives the duck of Harlequin and Barrow.

The coast has seals and whales. Icelandic Seas are replete with fish - Side, Lurur, Haltus, Cod, Marine Okun, Piksha.

Reptiles and amphibians are not found.

Iceland - a small capitalist state at S.-Z. Europe. It takes Island Island, located in the Atlantic Ocean at a distance of 960 km from Norway, 820 km from Scotland and 260 km from Greenland (Danish Strait). Coordinates extreme points: 63 ° 23` And 66 ° 33` with. sh., 13 ° z1` and 24 ° 30` z. D. Square Iceland 103 thousand km2. Population of 150 thousand people. Capital - Reykjavik.

The overall length of the coastline of Iceland is OK. 6 thousand km. On S.-Z. (North-West Peninsula), S. and V. Berega High, Fjordovy (Bay of Hunflowui, Eya-Fjord, Seydis Fjord), on Y.- Lagged Laggeda; By 3. The large bays of faxafloy and braidy-fjord (last with the schkers) are coming. Fjords and large bays are formed by the discharges and work of quaternary glaciers.

The surface of Iceland is a plateode with a height of 400-600 m, almost from all sides cool cloudy sea shores. Higher plateaus and rows of conical and shielding volcuals are raised on the plateau. The mountains of 1200- 2000 m. The lowland (Western, South-Western and South), in many places wet, occupy only 7% of the country.

Elevature of Iceland

In geological terms Iceland is a young country formed by volcanic eruptions for the last 60 million years (which corresponds to Paleogenic, non -ogenic and quaternary periods in the history of the Earth). The most ancient parts of the country are located in the West, north and east. It is predominantly plateau folded by ancient basalt lava. The plateful nature of the surface is best preserved in the north-west, while in the east and in the north of the central part of the island the terrain acquires the Alpine appearance. Throughout the country from the north to south-west, an extensive zone extends, mainly made by palagonite tuffs and breccias, which were formed as a result of underwater volcanic eruptions.

To this zone, as well as a large number of volcanoes are timed to the snifed honey area in the West, of which 20 were erupted after the country's settlement. In Iceland, almost all types of volcanoes occurring on Earth are presented. The most characteristic chains of crater arisen as a result of eruptions along cracks and faults. In 1783, during the eruption of a volcano of this type of varnishes, which is the largest lava flow in historical time, the largest lava flow has been formed, formed in the eruption of Vatnayekyud. It covered an area of \u200b\u200b570 square meters. km. To the southwest of Vatnayekyudle, the Volcano Gekla, who everacted in 1947 and 1970. As a result of underwater eruptions southwest coast Iceland in 1963 there was a small island of Suourtsi. In 1973, during the eruption of the volcano on O. Haimay, the population of the city of Westmannaeyar had to evacuate.

With volcanic activity, hot springs dispersed throughout the country are closely connected (there are more than 250). Fields of sulfur fumarols (solfatars) are confined only to areas of young volcanism. Of the fountaining sources, a large geyser is most famous, whose name has become nominative for all such formations. The energy of thermal sources is widely used in Iceland. 85% of the population lives in their waters heated. In addition, warm water is supplied to numerous greenhouses and swimming pools.

Iceland coastline has an approx. 5 thousand km. In the north-west, north and east, rocky shores are dissected by numerous bays, fjords and islands. Hooked in the inner parts of many fjords, which protect the natural harbor from the storms blowing from the Atlantic Ocean. On such braids, coastal cities and villages are often located. Southwestern and south shores Iceland - sandy, aligned; Natural harbors are missing there.

Glacial hats and other glaciers occupy an area of \u200b\u200b11,900 square meters. km. The largest of the glacial hats, the Watnaya -Cudle of 8300 square meters. km, is located in southeast of Iceland. Here is located highest point Countries Hwwandalschnukür (2119), which is a raised edge of the Calders of the Volcano Erawayyukyud. Other large glacial hats - Hofsyökudl and Laongyukyudle in the inside of the island and Eyyafyadlayukyudle and Middalsyokyudl in the south (covering existing volcanoes).

Thanks to the abundance of precipitation in Iceland a lot of pretty large riversBut they are uncomfortable. South of the Vatnayekyud, the rivers are branched on sleeves that often change their position. This is a serious obstacle to transport. During the priest volcanic eruptions and during the breakthrough of ice dams on the rating lakes, the tremendous floods on rivers cause huge masses. The largest lakes of Iceland are Tingwadlavatn and Turisvatn.

Geological structure of Iceland.

The geological structure of Iceland is determined by volcanic. The origin of the island. The most ancient breeds are basalts, which is spilled in the middle of the tertiary period. Somewhat later, huge masses of the palagonite volcanic were formed. Bracket. During the entire quaternary period, the outpouring of basalt lava continued. In places there are layers of clay with the residues of tertiary plants and numerous fossil trunks of trees, testifying to the existence of large forests on the island in tertiary time. On S. Famous Sea Pliocene deposits are known. Big area (6700 km) is occupied by lava (basalt) fields, including Lavova Desert Oudadah Roin (3400 km2). In Iceland there are more than 140 volcanoes of various types (crater rows, panel, stratululkany, mud, underwater, etc.), from which 26 are valid.

Characterized straight rows of volcanic. cones and domes dedicated to large cracks in the earth's crust. The crack of the varnishes opened in 1783 and monster the huge masses of the lava, has over 30 km. Most of the volcanoes are located in a wide band extending, with Yu.-Z. on S.-V., in the middle of the country. The largest and most famous volcanoes of Iceland: Hwwandalskhnukur (2119 m) on the Olyonenel Massier Erava-Yokul on Yu.-V. islands; Gekla (1447 m), one of the most active volcanoes in the country; Askya (1412 l) with a huge crater to the eorde. Outskirts of the lava desert Oudadakhrein. In I. quite frequent earthquakes. Many loose volcolories are emitted by volcanic eruptions. material. Vulcanic. The ash is spread to the shores of Scotland and Scandinavia, and on the island fell asleep for Iceland meadows. Especially much is thrown by the ashes during the explosions of the priest volcanoes, when the melting of glaciers occurs and mud streams carrying huge blocks of ice rushes to the neighboring plains. With volculic. Activities are also associated with gases, hot springs (sulfur, carbonate, etc.) and mud lakes. The most famous is a big geyser.

Climate in Iceland

The climate of Iceland is a cold marine (CFC classification), Alisa also qualifies as naval subarctic. However, climatic conditions are mitigated by the north-atlantic flow running along the southern and western coast of the island. The weather is influenced by air masses from the Arctic and oceanic waters from the tropics and subtropics. Also, the impact on the climate of Iceland has an arctic drifting ice, often accumulating in the northern and eastern coast of the island of winter and early spring, bringing a decrease in temperature and reduce precipitation.

Weather round year Windy, changeable, frequent machines and rude rains, in winter and spring often snow falls. Thunderstorms and strong shower are rare. Annual amount of precipitation - from about 500 mm in Akureyri to more than 1,500 mm on Westmannaaair Islands. Wind speed in Iceland on average 18-20 m / s, in the storm can exceed 50 m / s. Winter in Iceland for 60 north latitudes, average temperature about 0 ° C. In summer, the average temperature is about +10 ° C. Mountain internal areas at any time of the year are much colder. Because of the proximity to the polar circle, on the island of the night in the summer, and the days in winter are extremely short.

Soil and vegetable world of Iceland

The soil of Iceland is partly mineral, loss, partly marsh, enriched with mineral material, derived from volcanic ash, and partly eolic dust and sandy. Less than 1/4 of the country is covered with vegetation (against 2/3 during the settlement of the country 1100 years ago). Extensive internal plateau is almost entirely devoid of vegetable cover. Mossi and herbs prevail in vegetation. Wood plants have recently occupied only 1% of the area. This is mostly birch, usually having twisted trunks due to strong winds. IN last years Significant plaques have been created in places.

Animal world of Iceland.

The species composition of the fauna of Iceland is poor. During the country's settlement, there was only one type of ground mammals - sandy. At the end of the 18th century Northern deer were introduced. In addition, mice, rats and mink were accidentally delivered to the island. In Iceland nests approx. 80 species of birds. On the mountain Lakes And the rivers live a lot of swans, ducks and geese, and on the sea coast are ordinary seagulls, paints, etc. In the lakes there are trout, and in the rivers - salmon. In coastal waters there are two types of seals and some types of whales. There are places of feeding and spawning of fish (up to 66 species). The most important is the cod, sea bass, pike, halibut, as well as shrimp.

Population of Iceland

The amateur population is 106 thousand people, of which 36% are employed in p. X-ve, 21% - in fishing, 18% - in industry and crafts, 15% - in trade and transport, 10% - others. The national composition is homogeneous: sv. 90% Icelanders are the descendants of the Scandinavians speaking in Icelandic. Danes, Norwegians, etc. also live in the country. The average population density is approx. 1.5 people. per 1 km2. About 60% of residents are concentrated in South-Zap. Parts of the country.

Popular points are located ch. arr. Along the coast and in the depths of the fjords. In the central part of the island there are only single "courtyards" (20-30 people); Most live in cities and fishing villages. In the capital of Iceland - Reykjavik focused OK. 1/3 of the population I., other significant items - Aku Ryari, Habnarfyardur, Siglufuerdur, Kyupstadur (Westmannaeyar).

Glad to welcome travel lovers who explore landscape design styles on the pages of the museum of design. Photographers who fond of creating unique and original frames, love to travel in Iceland.

A small country has many places that have retained their natural look. The geological structure and climatic conditions created completely different and mystical paintings.

This photo has become a kind of business card of Iceland. Low mountains, cropped grass and sharp rocky rocks between them, formed by the sticking of stones. Two people stand on tops and are lost in vast expanses of northern nature.

In the valley, many streams formed by water with melting glaciers on top and frequent rains. The soil in low-spirits is often soft and swampy. Warm air from Gulf Stream occurs with cold northern winds. Above the country is often fog and the weather is constantly being replaced.

Such an unusual house can be seen only in Iceland. The wet climate is favorable for mosses that are capable of growing on almost bare surfaces of the stones and trunks of trees. From year to year, this unpretentious green plant creates the soil itself and increases, lifting and repeating the outlines of the original relief.

The house was built among the stones and planted trees. Gradually, the level of green waves rose, drowned the foundation and trunks in itself. Moss covered the roof and stone walls. Now it looks like the housing of fairy tale elves.

The warm flow of the golfstrum creates air flows that fit the ice. Under the streams of the wind, the ice melts unevenly, stripes, forming the magic landscape design of the edge of glaciers. As if the flip of the swans dissolved the wings, and all the birds dived together for the fish, hiding the head into the water, and the snow-white plumage enchants the audience.

In the spring, when snow comes down, the slopes of the mountains are covered with a moss, which has a color of ocher. From the side, it seems that the slopes are decorated with the malarier.

The representative of the animal world, the fox went hunting. It goes on scarce vegetation, sprouting on rocky soil. The flow of hot lava boiled, burning everything in its path, and now the rocks are porous as a solid sponge.

With the heap of two tectonic reservoirs, mountains were formed. The created vertical stresses manifested themselves in the form of a giant grid of cracks located in squares, if viewed from above. From the side, the opening blocks look like tightly standing pillars. Water washed the stones, and they broke up at rectangular blocks, already ready to lay out smooth walls. From such a material you can build a castle and a house in the village.

The waterfall gradually washed his way among the stones, and the imputying ice from the vertices would be gathered in lowlands, forming lakes and swamps.

There are current volcanoes on the territory of Iceland. You can observe their eruption. Boiling lava is similar to the molten metal, which stallors are spilled by forms. Flow with a temperature of 1500 degrees and fireworks sparks. The night allows you to more fully admire such a formidable and fascinating spectacle.

Winter decor of the bay coast. The peaks of the canteen mountains are covered with snow. A strong cold wind stopped the waves and frozen them as they sought to shore. Redhead tagged last year's grass. Ribbons of roads dramatically stand out against the background of lowlands.

In Iceland, winter can see the Northern Lights. The photographer will long leave the shutter of the apparatus for a long time, and in the sky shows the movement of stars, as if they all rushed to the top of the radiant mountain. Water reflects the greenery of the glow and the brown tone of the slopes. Redhead mountain hovered between the emerald elements.

The ice covered coastal rocks and made them blue. And the ascending sun decided to add pink and yellow to the tops, slopes and clouds that are removed from the lake. The frozen water mirror reflects all the colors, mixing them together.

The radiance turned a simple structure into an unusual home. Speeds covered almost all the sky. Through them, the stars are shining with white dots, yes clouds, trying to extinguish the arch, leave the shadow.

In the spring, the snow drinks the ground moisture and the meadows appear motley plants and flowers. They deactivate the earth everywhere where melt water is delayed. The northern slopes are still covered with snow, and in the valley between the stones there is a carpet.

Some volcanoes in Iceland are very active. Still fresh in the memory of many events of 2010, when the eujafjallajökull eruption has blocked the work of airlines over Europe for several days, since the sky was closed by the ashes.

But this is not the first time when distant Iceland violates the usual life of countries. The first fixed event occurred in 1783, the Laki volcano devastated the land of several powers and got through the monsoon to Egypt. The ash and smoke were stuck to the ground and destroyed the harvest, thus caused by hunger.

The motion slopes are painted by nature itself, which created its landscape design. Tectonic layers, when displaced, stirred some of the different soils, then the volcanoes poured the slopes with layers of different composition, at the end of the shift of the layers mixed everything with silhurine rocks of red.

After that, rains worked for centuries, leaning softer soil, they exposed the motley composition of the mountains. The final barca made plants by adding their tones to the palette.

The double arch of the rainbow hung across the bay as a giant bridge. In the center of the arc stands mountain. Orange and red plants dense carpet covered the slopes and valley. The streams reached the shore and in small waterfalls rushed down. Spring has become a full mistress on the coast of Iceland.

Landscape design of stone and stormy water flow. The alpine lake broke through the narrow groove to the granite rushed with an irrepressible and winding flow down. The rays of the sun painted the running element of the gilder, and the photographer was able to capture this miracle created by the elements.

The coast is cut by fjords. Red moss is waiting for warming and rain to bloom. The presence of a person in these parts gives only a white house with a double-screw red roof. Water calm, but cold and lead. Fog hooked for the top of the mountains.

Warm air flows melt ice and as a sculptor, create all kinds of configurations. This end-to-end cave is constantly falling, then freezes, creating a particularly smooth and slippery surface.

Small village at the foot of the mountains. Top bare stones hid their tops in fog. Below everything is covered with low grass. Green plantings are practically absent, only a group of trees is visible between the houses. Along the road cheerful yellow flowers. Against the background of rocks, buildings with red roofs seem toy.

In winter, the mountains are not so bright, but the snow and red-black stones create a special charm, as if light spots are artificially applied.

Another sculptures created by the warm wind from ice blocks. In some figures, you can even recognize the cat and penguin. It all depends on the fantasy. Water reflects the sky and gray clouds and ultramarine are mixed in it in the lumens between them.

Birds chose the brands of the mountain to create nests. In front of them, the sea rolls its waves, and no one gets closer to unnoticed. Yes, and it is impossible to overcome the felling slopes to overcome. A narrow strip of the beach looks like a stone track and separates the gray sea and green from grass and earth bushes.

Blue lake in the crater extluous volcano And many reservoirs until the horizon itself. Glaciers melt and fill it with water every depression. And on the southern slopes, yellow moss is already blooming.

The field was covered with ice fragments, which glass shine and reflect the sky and clouds gilded sun.

At impregnable breakwall slopes the kingdom of birds. It is convenient for them on a rock, in which there are many caves of different size and protrusions.

In the ice grotto, a man broke a fire and flame languages, reflected from the mirror surface, created mystical paintings.

The moss thick and dense layer covered the stones and they became soft, as if Perina. You can sleep on such boulders.

Landscape design of waterfall and clouds in the rays ascending sun. Gray with pink sky and golden with orange water. Brown walls of the cave playing red glare.

So it looks around in a couple of hours. Blue sky in white lamb. Green grass and people on cars arrived to handle fertile lands.

Artists Wind and Moroz painted patterns on Earth, as if it was a large window. Magic white forest spread its branches until the horizon itself.

No one better than nature can pick up colors, a person can only find a good place and take a picture on time. Dark blue water and sky. Bright green oval stones, covered with moss, and along the horizon line the setting sun painted everything in red and yellow tones.

Fog clubs covered the Earth. Only the tops of the rocks pushed it and black. The sun makes the narrow lumen of clouds and tries to decorate a gloomy landscape, adding a pink shade into it.

Against the background of the huge mountains, the structure of the tower looks unreal. Summer decor of the gorge, green and terrible.

Iceland does not differ in the large species diversity of the animal world. In many ways, a separate position contributed island state. The same fact determined the features of the flora. The latter takes about the quarter of the country's territory. Among the species diversity are found both brought plants and endemics.

On the variety and features of the growth of plant and animal populations also affect:

  • climate;
  • relief;
  • small length of the day in winter (about 5 hours).

Iceland floral world

In view of a sufficient cold climate and a landscape, in which highland plateaus and lava fields are predominant, leaders vegetable world Iceland are mosses and lichens. They grow everywhere, on the rocks, stones and near geysers.

Also found:

  • fernic plants;
  • plauanovy;
  • seaweed;
  • mushrooms;
  • various herbs, etc.

In the list of plants there are flowering herbs: Polar poppy, a roundy bell, Forest Maryannik, wild lupins, etc. Lupines have become for the ecosystem of Iceland with a real disaster. The plant grows very quickly and the whole fields it is no longer uncommon. Wild lupins in parallel with the growth of their population also actively displacing other plants, threatening with extinction of mhams and lichens.

Forests in Iceland is a big rarity. Only by 1% trees grow from the entire country. Most of them are birch, but the birch is a bit unusual. Strong winds affect them, burning trunks, and forcing them to grow under a big inclination.

Coniferous breeds of trees are also found in Iceland. They do not belong to naturally growing plants. Local residents landed them on their own, according to the decision taken by the local administration.

Animal world of Iceland.

In the period of settlement of the territory of Iceland, the people of Lescent was the only animal inhabited on these lands. Subsequently, deer were delivered to the territory of the island. This event occurred at the end of the XVIII century. At about the same time, cows, sheep and horses fell in the needs of the local population on the land of the island state. They are bred and kept as a household and to today.

Also from the mainland on the island got small animals and rodents: minks, rats, mice and foxes.

The world of Iceland birds is distinguished by a large species diversity. In total there are about 80 species. On the territory of the country in different areas you can meet: geese, swans, waterfowl, cracked, deadlocks, gulls, etc. Iceland is the only European country in which Barrow and Harlequin duck meets.

In the waters off the coast of two types of whales and seals. Also available in Iceland many species of fish, river and marine. This is trout and salmon, cod and halight, pike and sea bass. Rich water and seafood, such as shrimps.

Available in Iceland and insects, but notice them during walks on the island, almost impossible. Hiding from strong winds, they dwell in secluded places.

2.9K (53 per week)

The extraordinary and harsh nature of Iceland can be awesome any tourist. Here you can find a lot of all fascinating - the active volcanoes and the most powerful waterfalls, raging geysers and endless glaciers. Weather conditions may be the most diverse. During the day, you can see all four times of the year, which replace each other. Here you can find huge icebergs and glacial lakes, shower and sun, wind and snow. No wonder, Iceland consider the eternal struggle of heat and cold.
The nature of the island is extremely rasima, so local residents She is protected in every way. In close proximity to people there are rare species of birds, which can be seen only in Iceland.The huge spaces of the islands are empty, therefore, for the feathers here, real freedom and expathere. Even some species of birds make the flights from the South Pole of the Earth almost on its northern part, which speaks of the conditions favorable for them on the island, the inhabitants of the state very much. Almost three decades of the bird were chosen by one of the islands - Suourtsay, who rose from the bottom of the ocean. Thanks to the warm flow of Golf Stream, the territory of the island is covered with grass, many representatives of the animal world live there, as well as nests of birds. This amazing area is declared. natural Reservewhich is forbidden to visit. Unfortunately, this unique place It decreases according to its size, due to the absorption of its ocean, but how much it still exists - it is not known to anyone. Among representatives of other animals of Iceland, on the island you can meet reindeer and white bearswho dwell on the endless expanses of glaciers.
The Scandinavian island practically does not have forests, but nevertheless, nature is charming and beautiful. The vegetation of Iceland is not distinguished by its diversity, most of the territory is engaged in rocky places, large lichens and mshami. Extensive meadows covered with cereal crops are common, you can find beautiful birch groves and peat swamps.
The wild nature of the island is carefully guarded. For this four are created national ParkMany monuments of nature and reserves. Agricultural areas occupy a small area, most of them are defined under pasture.


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