How to pass Nord Wind tickets. Airline North Wind (Nordwind)

Then the question arises: how to return air tickets purchased via the Internet? How to return money for a connecting flight?

the tariff is the conditions for the exchange or return ticket.

many travelers do not bother themselves to read long text, but simply put the tick "acquainted."

there are single rules for the return of the ticket for all air carriers: the amount of the fine for the return of the ticket will be less if it was purchased at an expensive tariff; The longer tighten with the return of the ticket, the smaller the amount will be able to return for it.

chip flights

Asia the airline plans to fly from St. Petersburg to Guangzhou, Qingdao, Tianjin, Harbin, Shenyang, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, from Ufa to Guangzhou and Beijing, from Omsk to Shenyang, Harbin, Qingdao and Hangzhou. North wind official site if you want to contact representatives of the airline North wind, you can do this by phone: +7 495 730 43 30, +7 495 730 43 30, e-mail:

Now it's time to return to the terms of the tariff and read them carefully.

search for a ticket return rules are needed on the airline's website, even if you bought it on the Internet through an intermediary. Each airline has its own return conditions for all for all two principles:

  1. the sooner you return the ticket - the more you get
  2. the more expensive the tariff - the less the amount of the fine for the refund
There are so-called "non-returnable" air tickets (Non refundable or non ref).

airline North Wind: official website

North wind, like any large airlineHis official website has its own website -, where consumers can learn detailed information.

in the international market, the North Wind has not yet received the award. So, the British consulting agency Skytrax, which studies reviews about the quality of services from air carriers in different countriesdoes not count this carrier to rating companies.


Air Fleet Airlines "North Wind" has 10 aircraft, such models: Airbus A321-200, in the amount of 4 pieces.

boeing 737-800, in the amount of 3 pieces. Boeing 777-200ER, in the amount of 3 pieces.

additionally ordered 15 aircraft.

north Wind Airline performs charter passenger flights from Moscow and other Russian cities to resorts in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and south America.

nordwind Airlines.

First, if you are looking for the most cheap option With the help of such services like Skyscanner, then I will immediately say that the airline's website directly among the options provided by this search engine does not appear.

but do not hurry to buy from those agents who pumped Skyscanner, because the cheapest offer is - and it will most likely, Onetwo Trip, it will be 600 more expensive rubles than on the official website of AK.

traveling through the light

How to return the money for a ticket, if the circumstances of the trip changed and the air ticket, bought at a low price during the action period or before, for several months, no longer needed? All travelers and tourists are endowed with absolute right to receive money for the unused ticket. The most important thing is that you need to know the passenger: any air ticket can be returned during the current day without any fines from airlines.

is it possible to send air tickets purchased via the Internet

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Rules of return of airline tickets

The need to return the ticket may arise for two reasons:
  • Forced return, which occurs through the fault of the airline.
  • Voluntary refund, the culprit of which is the passenger.
In the case of a forced view of the return, everything is much easier. Airlines always compensate for inconvenience to customers.

How to return ticket

In most cases, the basis for a forced return is:
  1. the death of the passenger.
  2. cancellation and delay of the flight more than 3 hours;
Some airlines recognize sufficient basis for the forced return of the airflight: all such cases require additional coordination with the airline and are considered individually.

Airline Nord Wind

Do you want to buy a plane ticket without visiting the airport? Making a purchase on the site will take just a few minutes. Here you can find the schedule in the appropriate section.

When electronic air ticket It will be bought, the route receipt will come to your mail. It contains the information necessary for the passenger: the name of the flight, the date of departure, etc.

If something went wrong and the vacation has to be canceled or transferred, the first question arises about the return of money for air tickets. Some can be quietly returned or exchanged, for others it is impossible, and when you refuse to fly, you will lose their entire cost. Together with colleagues from OneTwotrip travel service, we understand the subtleties of return and non-returnable tariffs.

As it was before

Until June 2014 all air tickets russian airlines were returnable: the passenger could return the ticket even immediately before departure, and in this case received a back 75 percent of the cost (when returning less than a day, the airline kept in the form of 25 percent). If the refund was drawn up over a few days before departure, then it was without financial losses at all.

True, service fees for the return, each airline has their own, but in general it was possible to get almost all money spent money. The risks of the failure of passengers from the flight were laid in the tariff, respectively, the tickets were more expensive.

After the entry into force of the amendments to the Air Code, the so-called non-refundable tickets appeared. It was assumed that the amendments will be created in Russia the conditions for the development of loupes. But as a result, all airlines made their cheapest non-return tickets. Flexible tariffs spread on the market - not only non-returnable and non-numerous, but also without luggage. As a result, the price of flights in the internal directions fell by about a quarter.

How to find out what is the target of your ticket

The amount you pay for the ticket is formed from two parts: the fare plus fees and fees. The tariff is the cost of the flight. The tariff is established by the company depending on the length of the route, season and class of booking (economy or business). But there are still airport charges for terrestrial aircraft service, fuel, insurance and service fees.

Before you buy, learn the information on the site where you purchase tickets and find the tariff rules. Pay attention to the following phrases (in the rules they are always written in English):

Ticket IS Non-refundable in Case of Cancel / No-Show - Careless ticket if the passenger canceled the trip or did not appear on landing. That is, returning such a ticket without a weighty reason will not work. Only the first part of the wording is also indicated - Ticket IS non-refundable. The meaning is the same.

Changes not permitted - The ticket is not exchanged.

Changes ANY TIME CHARGE EUR 50.00 - You can exchange such a ticket, but for 50 euros. The amount may vary from different airlines.

Name Change Not Permitted - Change the name in the ticket can not.

Where Fare Is Non-Refundable Any Time In This Case YQ / Yr Surcharges Are Also non-refundable - Here "YQ / Yr" means the dachshunds. It is in mind that if the tariff is non-returnable, the fees are also not refundable.

What are the non-refundable tariffs among Russian airlines

There are two non-return tariffs: "Economy Promo" and "Economy Budget".

Does not receive back tickets that sell in the tariff "Basic", including "Economy Basic" and "Business Basic".

Non-return tariffs - Light Economy.

U "" Non-return tickets sell on promotary.

"Victory" offers non-refundable tickets on the Tariffs "Standard" and "Pack Plus".

Nordwind Airlines - Promo tariff.

And what are foreign air carriers?

Everything is different there. Foreign airlines have no constant non-return tariffs. It is usually impossible to return tickets purchased as part of the shares and sales. In other cases, you need to study the tariff rules.

Exception - company Louroynes. They have most non-refundable tickets by default. Sometimes, however, the carrier allows you to change the passenger name in the ticket for an additional fee.

How profitable non-return tickets

Most airlines return and non-refundable tariffs are also for economy, and for a business class. Return and non-returnable tickets in the same class differ only to the possibility of returning a ticket if you suddenly cancel the flight. Everything else is the chair, the menu is the same.

Return tickets are always more expensive. For example, Aeroflot in the direction of Moscow - Rome with departure on August 11 non-return ticket The tariff "Economy Budget" costs 14,890 rubles. If you want to take a return ticket, there are two options: the tariff "Economy Optimum" (18,555 rubles, for the return to keep 70 euros) or Economy Premium (22,640 rubles, refund and exchange free).

How to return ticket

If you detect it does not work, immediately report the need to return to the service support service in which you bought a ticket. The fact is that the return in some cases will still have to pay the penalty: it is usually spelled out in the tariff rules. And the closer to the departure, the more fine - sometimes up to half the cost of the ticket. An extreme period of return is the time of completion of registration for flight (in some airlines - departure time).

When contacting support service, the maximum specifically specifically specify the request: you want to return the ticket (and do not fly at all) or exchange to other dates. Support specialist need to know exactly what is required of it.

Some airlines return or exchange tickets only in the sales office, others allow everyone to arrange remotely. With this, again, it is advisable to get acquainted in advance by reading the tariff rules. If you buy a ticket to the Ticket Service, Return is usually done through the service.

When you can return the non-return ticket

In some cases, it is possible to return money for a non-return ticket. This is called "Forced Return". The reasons may be two: death or severe disease of one of the passengers, or violation of the airline carriage.

If misfortune happened and you cannot fly because of the illness or death of another passenger, you need to report this airline as quickly as possible. You will be removed from the flight and will be asked to send documents confirming the impossibility of the flight. It is important to contact the carrier before checking on the flight.

Violation of the conditions of transportation contract is considered a long delay or cancellation of the flight. Duration of delay in different airlines its own, everything is described in the rules.

It should be noted that the airline is received on a forced return. For example, many foreign carriers do not consider the rejection of the flight for medical reasons for a forced return. The fact is that in Europe and the United States well developed culture of insurance, including travels. And in the case of unforeseen circumstances, the costs of the failed flight will have to have an insurance company.

Is it possible to get back at least part of the non-return ticket?

Yes. We remind you, the price of the ticket consists of two parts - tariff and airport fees. According to the Air Code, irrevocate is only the tariff part, so that fuel and airport fees can be back, unless otherwise spelled out in the rules of the tariff. For example, S7 Airlines for the tariff "Economy Basic" is not refundable for the return of YR taxes (service charges for booking) and YQ (fuel collection), as well as a fee for registration of airfall; Only airport dachshunds and fees will be returned to the unused flight sections.

But even if you compensate all the fees, the amount will turn out small.

When it is worth buying a non-return ticket

Are you sure that we fly, and are not afraid of losing money if the trip still have to cancel? Choose a non-return ticket. In all other cases, it makes sense to spend a little more money, but buy a return ticket for a refundable rate.

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