Azov Sea Location. Sea Crimea

Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov (Ukr. Azovska Sea, Dr.-Greek. Μαιῶτις λίμνη, lat. Palus Maeotis) - semi-closed sea of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean in the east of Europe. The smallest sea in the world: the depth does not exceed 13.5 meters, the average depth is about 7.4 m (according to different estimates from 6.8 to 8 m).

The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is connected to the Atlantic Ocean Long Chain of Straits and Seas (Kerch Strait - Black Sea - Bosphorus Strait - Marble Sea - Strait Dardanelles - Aegean Sea - Mediterranean Sea - Gibraltar Strait - Atlantic Ocean).

The two largest rivers flow into the sea - and the Kuban River.

The shores of the Azov Sea and the River Delta

Coast Azov Sea less picturesque and varied than Black Sea. But there is also its own, unique beauty. The steppes approach close to the sea, and in some places overgrown with reeds. The shores of the chamber, they are low and gentle, with a sand-andracked beach, then low, but inciteous, folded from yellow lessoidal loams. The coastline of the sea forms pretty smooth bends, and only long sandy braids give it some slices. A large number of KOS is one of the characteristic features of the banks of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.

West Coast.
The West Bank of the Azov Sea is represented by a long oblique - the Arabat arrow. It pulled out along the seashore by 112 km, separating the shallow water bay of Sivash from him. The width of this flat sandy-shell spit ranges from 270 m in southern and middle parts of it to 7 km in North, where there are several small hills.
Arabat arrow is a huge natural beach. In parallel, she stretched a number of long shames. They are perfectly seen from the walls of the old Genoese fortress near the village of Arabat, or right from the sublime root shore. In the silent sunny weather, greenish blue waves of the sea with a slight noise, gently fade on a sandy-seed beach and a foam of a light surf bends him, exactly narrow white lace. Bursting on the wing, slides low above the water blocker seagulls. In the distance on the spit, blindly glittered under the rays of the hot sun mined from Sivash salt. Beautifully sea and in a storm. When the fierce nordost blows, it darkens, becomes severe.
With angry noise, boiling with white foam, collapsed on the shores cool waves. You can admire the foamed sea scope with hours, rapid running and stormy waves.

Any person who visited the Azov Sea will forever remain a memory of his nonsense, but the exciting soul of beauty.
Hot mineral waters are open at the Arabat arrow, in its chemical composition and therapeutic properties superior Macestinsky. On the basis of these healing waters, it is supposed to create new resort - Azov Mazesta.

South coast.
It is represented by the territory of the Kerch and Taman Peninsulas, between which the Kerch Strait is located connecting the Azov and Black Sea. The Kerch Peninsula is the eastern tip of the Crimea. It is about 3 thousand square meters. kilometers. In the depths of the peninsula, large deposits of iron ores that feed the metallurgy of the priazia, oil and natural gas were found.
North and Northeastern Parts Kerch Peninsula Folded with marlamles, clays, limestones; In places there are sandstones of tertiary age.
The western part of the Kerch Peninsula is flat, oriental - hilly. Within the Peninsula, the southern shore of the Azov Sea will be more steeply breaking into the sea, leaving only a narrow beacon strip. In places, cloudy shores are composed of mushworm limestones, resistantly resisting the onslaught of sea waves. Such, for example, Cape Kazantip, at the base of which lies the mshank reef - atoll. To the west of this Cape - the Arabaty Bay, to the East - Kazantipsky. Eastern Cape Kazantip stretches the low-albidate portion of the coast. Theberer of both bays are stacked with soft clay rocks. Yuzhneemyes Kazantip - Aktashsky Salt Lake. This is a relic lake. It represents the balance of the Kazantipian bay, once far away in the land.
In the midst of the Kerch Peninsula from the West to the East, a low parpachi comb stretched out. Between this crest and the shore of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. There is a wide longitudinal valley. In the reduced parts, it has salted lakes, and in particular the Chokrak region, as well as a number of mud volcanoes, well-known for its healing properties.
Eastern Kazantpian Bay, near the Kerch-Strait, the shore of the Azov Sea is more relaxed, Noah here is characterized by cautions made by solid mushworm limestones, for example, Cape Zyuk, Tarkhan and others.

Kerch Strait, connecting the Black and Azov Sea, Sleep and relatively nonsense. Width hesitates from 4 to 15 km. Strait length - 41 km. Depth is about 4 m.
In ancient times, Kerch Strait was called the Bosporus Kimmeria. In the title, there is a hint of the ISLNODY of the strait, since "Bosporus" translated into Russian means "Bovy Brod".
The Crimean Strait is broken in places. In the northern part of his part, the city-port Kerch spread.

Caucasian coast of Kerch Strait is low, sandy, places with dunes. Farwater Strait climb the reefs, sandy braids and coastal melels, which earlier made shipping. Now for the passage of vessels with a large sediment in the Strait of the Soron Channel.
Message through the shed between the Crimea and the Caucasus was previously carried out by conventional steamers transported by cargo and passengers. In the spring of 1955, the railway crossing was opened. In the Crimean coast, the Railway Station of the Crimea, and the Caucasian Caucasus railway station, was built on the Crimean coast.

On large diesel-electric ferries, the railway formulations are easily and quickly transported through the Kerch Strait. The railway track between the Crimea and the Caucasus is thus reduced significantly.
Taman Peninsula, which is part Krasnodar Region, occupies an area of \u200b\u200babout 1900 square meters. km. Of these, the land has a little more than 900 square meters. km, and the rest of the territory is limana and smooth.
The nature of it is originally. From a geological point of view, this is a young peninsula, since he formed in a quarter. Back in the first century. e. In his place there was about five islands, the transformation of which in the peninsula happened, apparently, in the V century N. e. Under the influence of the accumulative "activity of the Kuban River, mud volcanoes and tectonic lifts. The formation of the Taman Peninsula continues.

The surface of the peninsula is a shattered plain with low domidated hills, stretched in the form of interrupted varieties from the south-west to the northeast. Almost everywhere, mud volcanoes and ancient grains - mounds are scattered. . Thelashaft revives numerous limans. Widespread and smooth, overgrown with reed and Russian.

The Taman Peninsula contains in its depths such natural wealth as oil, combustible gases, iron ores, salt, construction materials in the form of limestone, clay and gravel.
The climate of the peninsula is moderately warm. The sun generously supplies its warm rays, but precipitation here drops a little - only 436 mm per year - and therefore there is a lack of moisture.
On the peninsula - fertile black soil and brown soils covered with drinker-resistant steppe, and along the valley of the Kuban River - smooth vegetation.
It is famous for its vineyards now.
The shores of the Taman Peninsula are quite diverse, but two types of shores dominate: high, steep - abrasion, that is, formed by the destructive work of sea waves, and low, flat - accumulative. The latter were formed from sandy-clay deposits as a result of the activities of marine waves and flows.

The shore of the Taman Gulf, from Cape Tuzla, up to the village of Taman, eclifted and steep. On average, the height of it fluctuates from 15 to 30 m. East of the village Taman Shore drops and remains low all over the southern and eastern coast bay. Only places there are steep cliffs, and then often at the expense of the cultural layer of the ancient Fanagoria.
The north shore of the bay is also sublime and somewhere cool breaks down to the sea.
"Accumulation" translated from Latin means "accumulation". This term in geology denote the process of deposition of loose material of various origin.

Spit Chushka, composed largely from quartz sand and broken sewer, has low shores.
Further, the Taman Peninsula Taman Peninsula (up to 50-60 m above the Azov Sea level) and has often a stepped landslide. It is complicated mainly from the lesid clay and bordered by the beach strip, consisting of sand-clay deposits, places with admixtures of seashells, pebbles and rubble.
Then, right up to the village of Balubitskaya, the shore of the Azov Sea drops, it rises again, but, starting from this village, it becomes low, and in the Delta Delta of the Kuban River acquires a swampy character.

It is interesting to note that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Kuchugur at the low shore of the Azov Sea, there are eologous form of relief in the form of low (1-3 m) sandy bugs - dunes formed under the influence of northern winds.

The attractions of the Taman Peninsula are mud volcanoes (Salza), which are up to 25. Many of them have the form of low cones with truncated vertices. Some Salza temporarily idle. The rest are isolated dirt and gases, such as methane, nitrogen. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen.
The eruption of mud volcanoes are usually calm and inappropriate, but sometimes resemble the eruption of real volcanoes, as they are accompanied by an explosion, and the products of volcanic activity are then scattered hundreds of meters from the crater, and the liquid dirt forms large streams.
A very interesting phenomenon represents mud volcanoes at the Day of the Sea near the shores of the Taman Peninsula. Thus, intensive mud, tank activity was observed near the village of Golubitskaya. One of the eruptions was noted on September 6, 1799. The underworld, he was heard, then a deafening crackling and over the sea, 300 meters from the coast, rose a pillar from fire and black smoke. About two o'clock, the eruption continued to form the formation of the island from the dirt with a diameter of more than 100 m and height up to 2 m. A few months later, it disappeared, blurred by the waves of the sea.
Such eruptions were repeated and later - in 1862, 1906, 1924, 1950 and 1952. In 1952, the west of the village of Balubitskaya is 5 km from the coast, also as a result of mud, the mud island was formed, blurred by marine waves.

East Coast of the Azov Sea
The eastern shore of the Azov Sea, from Temryuk to Primorsko-Akhtarsk, for about 100 km is a low-lying Delta of the Kuban River with numerous limans, ducts, extensive floats, overgrown with reed and Russian. Kuban River, originating from the glaciers of Mount Elbrus, is one of the largest and multi-water rivers North Caucasus. Its length is 870 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment pool is 57900 square meters. km. Delta was formed on the site of the Bay of the Azov Sea, deeply sent to the land. Tens of thousands of years ago, this bay stretched to the place where Krasnodar is now. The huge lagoon was separated by pouring from the sea and then gradually filled with river nanos. A well-known role in the formation of the south-western part of the delta also played the activities of the mud volcanoes (Salz) of the Taman Peninsula, which had a small islands archipelago at that time. The products of mud volcano eruptions have listed ducts between the islands and along with river niaos filled gradually lagoon.
The formation of the delta continues in our time, and it is immersed by Achuyev 5-6 mm per year, and in other places of the delta - 3 mm per year.
The Kuban River makes it an average of 11.4 billion cubic meters annually in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. Meters of water containing in a total of over 3 million tons of solutes and a mass of mud. Water in the river muddy round yearBut especially a lot of nansos it carries in the period of floods, which in the Kuban is observed an average of 6-7 per year. The total number of solids endured by the river (the so-called solid flow) is 8.7 million tons per year. To carry such a cargo, it would take more than 52,000 cargo cars. At the expense of these nanos and there is an increase in Delta Kuban. Now Kuban Delta, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b4300 square meters. km, begins at the so-called times-der, near the city of Slavyansk, where from Kuban is separated to the right (north) the sleeve of the duct. The latter takes about 40-50% of the Kuban water and flows into the Achuyev's Azov.
Below the docks, not far from the mouth, Kuban is still divided into a number of sleeves, of which Pershin's sleeve and Cossack Erik are the largest. Petrins Sleeve, representing the main shipping channel of the Kuban River, goes by Temryuk and flows into the Azov Sea.

Cossack Erik - Left-Bank Sleeve Kuban, he carries his waters to a major Ahtaniz Liman, who has a connection with the Azov Sea through the Peresypskaya Girlo.
The modern Delta of the Kuban River is a whole labyrinth of shallow lakes or limans, interconnected by ducts, or, in local, trenches, which form bizarre hinges between low-lying plots of swampy sushi.
In the Delta Kuban, huge squares are busy with smooths that stretch to dozens of kilometers. Plavery Delta Kuban, adjacent to the Azov Sea, are called priazov. They are dismembered by the river with two arrays: on the actual priazovsky float in the western part and Angelino-Cheburgol in the eastern part.
Priazovsky smooths are bizarre labyrinths of swamps and limanov of various sizes, with fresh, semi-saline and salt water, overgrown with surface and underwater vegetation. Among the first is the reed, reed, carf, rogo and chain. Underwater, or "soft" vegetation of limanov - this is a chasty algae, rideats, rogue, pita, etc.

In the priazovsky limans there are thickets of a wonderful plant - lotus. During the flowering period over the raspberry emerald leaves, a large rose amazing beauty flowers spreading a strong aroma are towering on the stems. This tropical new seller, brought to us from Africa, is a useful medicinal and food plant.
Limana Delta Kuban rich in fish. It occurs here more than 70 species and including a taran, bream, pike perch, fusion, tulle, sazana weighing up to 15 kg, soma weighing up to 100 kg.
In smoothies and limans, the delta dwells the mass of birds, especially waterfowl: wild geese, ducks. There are whole colonies of cickplanes and pelicans. Swans are inhabited here, herons, many prey birds. From mammals numerous foxes, wild cats are found and in deaf smoothies - boars. Accirimized ondatra, giving a beautiful brown fur.

The subsidiary is rich in minerals - natural gas, oil, mineral waters.
Most of the Delta of the Kuban River is not yet mastered in an agricultural terms, although the soil here is very fertile.
But gradually the assistant changes the landscape. In plans instead of the dremblers and rotten limans, blue squares of rice checks are already stretched for many kilometers. In 1952, the Kuban irrigation system of 23 thousand hectares was commissioned. In 1967, 62 thousand hectares of land, meliorators in the smoothness, were employed under rice. When the Krasnodar reservoir on the Kuban River will come into account, rice fields It will expand to 250-300 thousand hectares and will give our homeland every year to 700 thousand tons of high-quality rice.

North of Primorsko-Akhtarsk, up to, smoothly occur only in the mouths of the steppe priazovsky rivers - Baisuga and Chelobs.
The shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov are presented on this site with low and gentle sandy braids, but mostly the coast here is a breaking or cool descending to the sea. It is complicated, as well as the coastal plain, lessels and lumbering loams and late sense-alone clances. Ice - breed, easily blurred by waves, and therefore the sea shore is quickly destroyed here. The average rate of destruction throughout the coast is 3 m per year. Maximum up to 18 m. The soil of this part of the adsee is represented by carbonate Wengredcaucasian fertile black soils. Earlier, this whole area was a disadvantaged stepma, on which herds of wild horses-Tarpanov and herds of rapid sails were grazed. There were even moose. Now these lands are disassembled, and in the summer there [pegs the unbarrous yellow-green sea of \u200b\u200bbreads, the fields of corn and sunflower spread.
In addition to the Kuban River, such steppe rivers (counting from the south north) fall into the Azov Sea (counting south to the north), like bricks that pour their waters to the Bridge Liman; Baisug, flowing into Liman Baseugian; Chelubs, flowing into the Liman sweet; Her, carrying water into a major Yeysky Liman, and, finally, small rivers Wet Chiburboga and kagasnika, flowing directly to the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.
The characteristic feature of the landscape of the eastern coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, as already noted above, is the presence of numerous estuary.

Don Dance.
In its northeastern part, the Azov Sea forms an extensive, strongly eligible Taganrog bay, which flows one of the largest rivers of the European part of the USSR - Don. Its length is 1870 km, and the catchment area is 422,000 square meters. km. Don annually puts at sea on average about 28.6 cubic meters. km of water. Significant masses of river water are strongly desoired by the Taganrog Bay, and the submissions endowed by the river will annoy it and lead to, which covers an area of \u200b\u200b340 square meters. km. Modern Dance Dance begins 6 km below Rostov-on-Don, where uncomfortable sleeve is separated from the river to the right.
On the Don River, there is always a big revival; Up and downstream swim diverse and numerous ships. The calm smooth of the mighty river dissect passenger ships, cargo ships and fishing barcases.
Below the village of Elizavetinskaya Don begins to hide much on a wide lowland valley, running on numerous sleeves and ducts, which, in local, are called trenches. These sleeves and rods are becoming more and more as they approach the Azov Sea.
The landscape here is peculiar. Everywhere can be seen weakly-peeling over the water of the islands with bizarrely rugged banks covered with thick thickets of cane. The islands close to the sea are constantly flooded with sea water, and the vegetation on them is scarce or not at all. In the strong western winds of the water of the Azov Sea rushes at the mouth of the don, they write river waters, Don leaves the shores, flooding not only the delta, but also over 100 km upstream.
Oriental winds, downstream dona reverse action. It occurs in a sagon of water, while it is sometimes so strong that not only the sleeves of the river, but also the Taganrog bay, which violates normal shipping. The amplitude of the surgical phenomena is +3, -2 m.

Don makes it an average of about 14 million tons of river applications at sea on average and about 9.5 million tons of dissolved mineral substances. Due to the nanos, the Don Delty's growth is growing, gradually nominated further into the sea at a speed of approximately 1 km in a century.

North coast
The North Azov Sea coast stretches from the mouth of Don to the city of Genic. A number of small rivers fall on this site in the Azov Sea. Taking start in the spurs of Donetsk ridge, carry their waters in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Mius River and Calmius. Blooming on a low priazovskaya hill, flow into the Azov Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Berdya River, Crupping, Corsaq and another row of small, drying in the summer of the river. Moreover, the braids will be laid to the West, for example, the curve, Belosaray ( south city Zhdanova), Berdyanskaya (at the city of Berdyansk).

Bulips and limans are formed between the braids and the indigenous coast, for example, Berdyansky and Cryatnaya. If we exclude wicked braids, then the rest of the northern shore of the Azov Sea is a smooth steppe, the larger part of the disconnecting descending to the sea. Spit and narrow coastal stripes are complicated mainly by Quaternary marine sediments. The north of the plain is composed of lessels, forest-like loams and late sense-alone clances. At these rocks, fertile black soils developed. Still in the past century, unbarrible poverty-miscarriages were stretched here, and in the Western Half - the Kampi-Ticker Steppes. They grazed tarpans, wild camels, and even earlier there were even noble deers and moose. Bobras were found in the rivers. During the flowering period, these steppes, according to N. Gogol, were represented by the Green-Golden Ocean, which combined millions of colors. However, such steppes have long disappeared, they are almost completely disassened. They were changed endless fields of wheat, corn, sunflower, fruit gardens and vineyards.

Nature of the Azov Sea
Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov - peculiar and wonderful in many respects reservoirs. It is the smallest of all seas of the Soviet Union, but in its significance in the national economy is not in the last place. Its area limited by parallels 45 ° 16 "s. Sh. And 47 ° 17" p. Sh.I Meridians 33 ° 36 "C. d. and 39 ° 21" in. D. is only 37,800 square meters. km (without Siva and Limanov). The greatest depth does not exceed 14 m, and the average depth of about 8 m. At the same time, the depth of 5 m occupies more than half of the amount of the Azov Sea. Its volume is also small and equal to 320 cubic meters. km. For comparison, let's say that the Aral Sea exceeds the Azov in the area almost 2 times. Black Sea More Azov in Square is almost 11 times, but by volume - 1678 times. And yet the Azov Sea is not so small, there would be flu two of Europe, such as the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Its largest length is 380 km, and the greatest width is 200 km. The total length of the coastline of the sea is 2686 km.
The underwater terrain of the Azov Sea is very simple, the depth is mostly slow and smoothly increase as far as shores are removed, and the greatest depths are located in the center of the sea. The bottom is almost flat. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov forms several bays, of which the largest Taganrog, Temryuksky and highly separate Sivash, who or rather consider Liman. Major islands There is no sea. There are a number of shamers, partially poured water and located near the shores. Such, for example, the islands of the turquoine, turtle and others.

The history of the Azov Sea
In antiquity of the Azov Sea did not exist, and Don fell into the Black Sea in the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern Kerch Strait. The theory of the Black Sea Flood assumes that the filling of the Azov Sea water area happened about 5600 BC. e.
In antiquity, the Azov Sea was called at the Greeks of the Motiya Lake (Dr. Greek. Μαιῶτις), at the Romans Palus Maeotis ("Meotyskaya Boloto"), at the Scythians Karalhauk, at Mets Tverinda (which means "Mother of the Sea"), Arabs - Bakhr Al -Azuf, Turkok - Bahr El-Assac or Bahr-Ya Assak (dark blue sea; Sovar. Tour. Azak Denizi) And also - Balisira (Balisira), Genoese and Venetians - Mare Delle Zabacche.
The sea was renamed repeatedly (Samakush, Salakar, Mautis, etc.). At the beginning of the XIII century. The name of the Saksin Sea is approved. Tatar-Mongolian conquerors replenished the collection of the names of Azov: Balyk-Dengiz (Fish Sea) and Chabak Dengiz (Chabacier, Blooming Sea). According to some data, Chabak denburg as a result of transformation: Chabak - Dzybach - Bear - Azak - Azov - happened modern name Sea (what is doubtful). According to other data, Azak is a Turkic adjective, meaning low, lowered, according to other data, azak (Turkic mouth of the river), which was transformed into Azaau, and then to Russian Azov. In the interval of the above names, the sea has also received the following: Barel-Azov (Dark Blue River); Frankish Sea (under francs understood the Genoese and Venetians); Souroogo Sea (the modern city of Sudak in the Crimea was souched); Caff Sea (Caffa - Italian colony on the site of the modern city of Feodosia in the Crimea); Kimmerian Sea (from Kimmerians); Akdeniz (Turkish, meaning of the White Sea). The most reliably that the modern name of the sea comes from the city of Azov.

On these etymology, the words "Azov" there are a number of hypotheses: named Polovtsky Prince Azuma (Azuf), killed when taking a city in 1067; By the name of the Tribe of the OS (Assa), in turn, there would be as if the Avestian, meaning "fast"; The name and the Türksky word Azan - "Lower", and the Circassian Uzeve - "neck" are compared. Turkic name of the city of Azov - Auzak. But even in I. n. e. Pliny, listed in his works Scythian tribes, mentions the Askoki tribe, similar to the word Azov. It is believed that the modern name of the Azov Sea came to Russian toponymy at the beginning of the XVII century, thanks to the chronicle of Pimen. And at first, it was fixed only by its part (the Taganrog Bay, which before the appearance of the city of Taganrog was called Don Liman). Only in the second half of the XVIII century, the name "Azov Sea" fixed all the reservoirs. The sea gave the name of the villages of the Azov and Priazovskaya, and the cities of Azov (in the lower reaches of the Don, Rostov region) and Novoazovsk, the village of Priazovskoye and other settlements.

In the history of the study of the Azov Sea, three stages are distinguished:
Ancient (geographical) - since the time of Herodota until the beginning of the XIX century.
Geological and geographic - XIX century. - 40s XX century
Integrated - Mid XX Art. - Today.
The first map of Ponta Evksinsky and Meotyda was Claudius Ptolemy, he identified geographical coordinates For cities, the mouth of the rivers, the capes and the bays of the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.
In 1068, the Russian Prince Gleb Svyatoslavich, who ruled at that time in Tmutarakani, measured the distance between Kerch and Tamani in ice. As evidenced by the inscription on Tmutarakan stone, the distance from Tmutarakani to Korchev ( ancient name Kerchi) accounted for approximately 20 km (in 939 years, this distance increased by 3 km.) From the XII-XIV centuries. Genoese and Venetians began to make portolanes (locations and maritime maps) of the Black and Azov seas.

Geography of the Azov Sea
The extreme points of the Azov Sea lie between 45 ° 12'30 "and 47 ° 17'30" North. latitude and between 33 ° 38 '(lake. Sivash) and 39 ° 18' Vost. longitude. Its largest length is 380 km, the largest width is 200 km; The length of the coastline is 2686 km; Surface area - 37,800 km² (This area does not include islands and braids, occupying 107.9 km²).
According to morphological features, it refers to the plane seas and is a shallow water with low coastal slopes. According to the remoteness of the ocean, the Sea is the most continental sea of \u200b\u200bthe planet.
In winter, partial or complete freezing is possible, while the ice is taken out to the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait. As a rule, Ice formation is typical for January, but in cold years can take place a month earlier.

Azov Sea Depth Card

Underwater sea relief is relatively simple. As the depth is removed from the shore, slowly and smoothly grow, reaching 13 m in the central part. The main area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom is characterized by depths of 5-13 m. The area of \u200b\u200bthe largest depth is located in the center of the sea. The location isobat, close to symmetrical, is disturbed by a small elongation of them in the northeast towards the Taganrog bay. It is located about 2 km from the shore, moving around the Taganrog Bay from him around the Taganrog Bay and in the Bay itself near Done's mouth. In the Taganrog bay, the depths increase from the mouth of the Don (2-3 m) towards the open part of the sea, reaching the bay of the sea 8-9 m on the border Western (banks Marine and Arabat) coasts, the depths of which are reduced from 8-9 to 3-5 m. For the underwater coastal slope of the northern coast, a wide shallow water (20-30 km) with depths of 6-7 m, for the southern coast - steep Underwater slope to depths of 11-13 m.
The area of \u200b\u200bthe waterboa of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov Sea is 586,000 km².
Sea shores are mostly flat and sandy, only in the southern shore there are hills of volcanic origin, which in places go to steep advanced mountains.
Sea currents are depending on the very strong northeastern and south-western winds here and therefore quite often change the direction. The main flow is a circular flow along the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov counterclockwise.

Changing the salinity of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov in the XX century
The hydrochemical features of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov are formulated primarily under the influence of the abundant flow of river water (up to 12% of water volume) and difficulty water exchange with the Black Sea.
The salty of the sea before the regulation of Don was three times less than the average saline of the ocean. Its value on the surface was changed from 1 ppm at the mouth of don to 10.5 ppm in the central part of the sea and 11.5 ppm from the Kerch Strait. After the creation of the Tsimlyan hydroelectric Salidity of the sea began to rise. By 1977, the average salinity of the sea increased to 13.8 ppm, and in the Taganrog Gulf - to 11.2. At the larger sea water area, the water was caught up to 14-14.5. In the period of relatively high moisture (1979-1982), a rapid decrease in salinity was noted to 10.9 ‰, but by 2000 its magnitude increased again and stabilized at level 11. Average seasonal oscillations of saline rarely reaches 1-2 percent.
In the northern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, water contains very little salt. For this reason, the sea freezes easily, and therefore, before the appearance of icebreakers, it was disadvantage from December to mid-April. The southern part of the sea does not freeze and remains moderate temperature.
During the 20th century, almost more and less large riversPurchase to the Azov Sea were overporn by dams to create reservoirs. This led to a significant reduction in the reset of fresh water and sludge in the sea.
The main ion composition of the water of the open part of the sea differs from the salt composition of the ocean with relative poverty of chlorine and sodium ions and the increased content of the prevailing components of the sushi water - calcium, carbonates and sulfates.

Transparency and water color
Transparency of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov Low. It is not the same in different areas and at different times of the year and ranges from 0.5 to 8 m. The flow of a large amount of muddy river waters, the rapid climbing of bottom zlovs with the excitement of the sea and the presence in the Azov water of the significant mass of the plankton determine its small transparency. The smallest transparency is observed in the Taganrog bay (0.5-0.9 m, occasionally up to 2 m). The color of water here changes from greenish-yellow to brown-yellow. In the eastern and western areas of the sea, transparency is significantly higher - an average of 1.5-2 m, but can reach 3-4 m. In the central area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea, due to the large depths and the effects of Black Sea - transparency is from 1.5-2, 5 to 8 m. Water here is greenish blue. In summer, transparency is almost everywhere increases, but in some sections of the sea, as a result of rapid development in the upper layers of water of the smallest plant and animal organisms, it drops to zero and water acquires a bright green color. This phenomenon is called the "blooming" of the sea.

Flora and fauna
The phytoplankton and benthos are developed. Phytoplankton consists (in%): from diatoms - 55, peridinium - 41.2, and syine-green algae - 2.2. Among the benthos biomass, the mollusks occupy a dominant position. Their skeletal residues represented by calcium carbonate have a significant proportion in the formation of modern bottom sediment and accumulative surface bodies.
The Izthyofaun of the Azov Sea currently includes 103 species and subspecies of fish belonging to 76 genera, and is represented by passing, semi-pass, marine and freshwater species.
The passing types of fish are poured into the sea before the occurrence of puberty, and the river can only be spawned. The period of reproduction in rivers and or on leaning usually does not exceed 1-2 months. Among the Azov passing fish are the most valuable fishing species, such as Beluga, Sevryuga, Herring, Ryberry and the Spanish.
Semisputing species for reproduction come from the sea in the river. However, in rivers, they can delay for a longer time than passing (up to the year). As for the juvenile, it rolls out of spawning, it is very slow and often remains in the river for wintering. The semi-pass fish includes mass species such as pike perch, bream, taran, Czech and some others.
Sea views multiply and feed in salted waters. Among them are distinguished species that are constantly living in the Azov - Perelegeas, Black Sea Kalkan, Kambala Gloss, Tulka, Perkarin, Tröhchchalch, Long -landed Needle Fish and all kinds of bulls. And finally, there is large group Sea fish, setting in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov from the Black Sea, including regular migrations: Azov and Black Sea Hams, Black Sea herring, Barabul, Schinor, Ostronos, Loban, Black Sea Kalkan, Study, Mackerel, etc.
Freshwater species usually constantly live in one area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir and large migrations do not commit. These species are usually despicable sea water area. There are such fish such as a sterling, silver crucian, pike, is, bleak, etc.

Sea mammals in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov are represented by one type of guinea pig (other names - Azovka, Azov Dolphin, Pyutun, Chushka). Sea pig leads a stadium lifestyle. The group includes two to ten individuals. The population has always been small, there are no modern data. Azovka is the smallest animal from a person's group. And representatives of the local Azov-Black Sea population are smaller than dolphins from other parts of the range. The females are somewhat larger than males: 90-150 cm. The known maximum sizes of males reached 167 cm, and females - 180 cm. The average vehicle weight is 30.2 kg. Life expectancy - 25-30 years.
There are no equal in the world by the number of plant and animal organisms of organisms in the world. On fish productivity, that is, the number of fish per unit area, the Azov Sea is 6.5 times higher than Caspian, 40 times - black and 160 times the Mediterranean Sea.

Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, Yeisk City

Geographical objects of the Azov Sea
Listed large or of particular interest geographical objects In the order of their following clockwise along the coast ranging from the ingenious strait.

Bulips and limans:
On the territory of Ukraine:
In the North-West: Utonksky Liman, Milk Liman, Chat Bay, Berdyan Bay.
On Russian territory:
In the northeast: Taganrog Bay, Mius Liman, Yeysky Liman;
In the East: Yasensky Bay, Baisugian Liman, Akhtar Liman;
In the south-east: Temryuk bay;
in southwest: Kazantipian Bay, the Arabaty Bay;
In the West: Sivash Bay (from April 1, 2014, de facto is a plot of the Russian-Ukrainian state border).

Spit, Moxies, the largest islands:

Main article: Spit Azov Sea
On the territory of Ukraine:
In the North-West: Fedotov Spit and Spita Biryuchi Island (Utlyuksky Liman), Circuit (County Bay), Berdyanskaya Spit (Berdyansky Bay);
In the northeast: Belosaray Spit, braid curve.
On Russian territory:
In the northeast: Blessing Spit, Petrushina Kos, Taganrog Cape;
In the East: Cape Chumbburg, Glafirovskaya Spit, Long Spit, Kamyshevatskaya Spit, Yaseznskaya Spit (Batesugian Liman), Achuyevskaya Kosa (Akhtar Liman), Yeisk Spit, Sasan Space;
In the south-east: Cape Achuevsky and Cape Stone (Temryuk Bay);
In Kerch Strait: Spit Chushka, Tuzlin Spit, Tuzla Island;
in the southwest: Cape Chroni, Cape Syuk, Cape Chagana and Cape Kazantip;
In the West: Spit Arabat arrow.

Rivers flowing into the sea:
On the territory of Ukraine:
In the North-West: Small Utonuk, Dairy, Corsaq, Floor, Country, Berdy, Calmius, Ferrechik;
On Russian territory:
In the northeast: Wet Feltchik, Mius, Sambek, Don, Kagalnik, Wet Chiburbog, Her;
in the south-east: duct, Kuban.

Legal status
The international legal status of the sea is determined by a number of sources of law, the most relevant of which is a treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on cooperation in the use of the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait (ratified by both parties in 2004). In this document, Azov attributed to the category of inland waters of Russia and Ukraine.


Source photo and material:
Social team
Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 add.). - St. Petersburg., 1890-1907.
Maddons P. A. The map of the Azov Sea 1699 // Proceedings of the state. East. Museum. - 1941. - Vol. 14. - P. 73-81, Repr. cards.
Velokurov N.I. Hydrometeorological characteristics of the Azov Sea / N. I. Velokurov, D. K. Starov. - Moscow-Leningrad: Hydrometeoisdat, 1947.
Tushin Yu. P. Russian Women's Waving at the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas (XVII century) / Yu. P. Tushin; Auto Preport. V. V. Mavrodin; Art. D. Stankevich; Leningrad Orden Lenin State University named after A.A. Zhdanov. - M.: Science (chapters. Editorial board oriental lith-ry), 1978. - 184 p. - 10,000 copies. (region)
The Encyclopedia of Taganrog. - Rostov-on-Don: Rostizdat, 2003. - 512 p. - ISBN 5-7509-0662-0.
Radiant A. V. Names of the Azov Sea. - Vradiyevka: Publishing House Kovalenko A. G., 2008. - 48 p. - ISBN 978-966-2035-01-8.
Wikipedia website

Full information about the Azov Sea: His story and origin, where the sea got its name, information about the seasonal water oscillations, why water in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is muddy and why the bull fish occurs.

Azov Sea

Origin of the name of the Azov Sea

Where did you get the usual name - the Azov Sea? It is said that in the first century, our era was called him blue, and after the formation of the Damutarakan principality, the sea was the name of Russian. Then there was a number of new names: Samakush, Salakar and even Mautis. And at the beginning of the thirteenth century, the new name was established - the Saksin Sea. Tatar-Mongolian conquerors replenished the collection of Azov named the following names: Balyk-Dengiz, which means the "Fish Sea" and Chabac Dengiz denoting the "Sea Bream". Some see the root of the name "Azov" in the transportation of exactly the names of Chabak denngiz. Another group believes that the name has become the result of the transformation of the word "azak", denoting the mouth of the river, in Aza, and then into the usual Azov.

The uniqueness of the Azov Sea

Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is part of the Atlantic basin. It is a continuation of the long chain of the seas, which begin with Mediterranean, marble and black seas. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is connected directly to the ocean pool through the network of narrow straits, it is the smallest sea in the world, and at the same time the smallest and most freshwater, at the same time this is the only sea to which the Donetsk region has a way out. Azov is a real sea, unlike the Caspian Sea and Aral, who are essentially lakes, because they do not have the world's ocean.

The origin of the Azov Sea

It was formed somewhere at the end of the Mesozoic - the beginning of the Cenozoic, (Cenozoic era) from some bay of the Black Sea when picked up the Crimean Mountains. The Crimean Mountains are part of the Alpine Folding, they arose simultaneously with the Alps, Tatras, Carpathians and the Big Caucasus. Mountains rose, and separated the sea, forming a Kerch Strait connecting the Black and Azov Sea. Raised part of the sushi - the bottom of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, so it turned out to be small. The middle depth of the sea is somewhere about 8 meters, the deepe-water fixed point in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov - 14 meters, a well-trained diver, easily doses to the bottom at any point of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. The Square of the Azov Sea is about 38 thousand square meters. km. Two main rivers - Don and Kuban fall into the sea (aquifer rivers), at the expense of which sea water was diluted with fresh, and the sea becomes less salted. This ensured its uniqueness in terms of various living organisms that live there. Biogeocenosis, which was formed in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, occupies an average intermediate position between marine and lake. Going there to spawn fish, which are considered freshwater - bream, pike perch. In addition, there are also fish that are considered marine - sturgeon, taranu, etc., they coexist peacefully.

Due to the special composition of the water in the sea, there were little blue-green malicious algae, which often force to bloom water (phenomenon when algae multiply, called water flowering). Algae pollute water, poorly affect fish and on the saturation of water with oxygen, as they take it. All this provided a unique sanatorium for vertebrates and invertebrate animals that live there.

Water level fluctuations in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov

Due to the fact that the Azov Sea is associated with the ocean there are observed tidal and tidy oscillations, but they are minor. Probably, almost any resident of the Donetsk region at least once in his life visited the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov in holiday season, and personally saw the daily fluctuations of water, somewhere within the limits of several tens of centimeters. This turns out due to the narrowness of the straits, which connect the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov with the World Ocean, where the most important influence of tidal and taming phenomena. The effect of hydraulic resistances occurs, while this tide and tide comes to our Azov Sea, it loses its strength, loses energy in winding and narrow straits. Therefore, in the Azov Sea oscillations are not very noticeable, seasonal fluctuations in the sea level are strongly noticeable in it, so-called wind sgon-honey phenomena - moving the mass under the influence of constant winds. The official maximum fixed range of outrage of the edge of water from the summer level is about 4.5 km. Returns, bottom is exposed: this effect can be seen if pouring water into a flat plate and very much - the mass of water will move on one side of the plate to another. Because of this, the phenomenon is filled with small limans, the so-called "rotten sea" of Sivas, which is already adjacent to the eastern part of the Crimea (exactly where the Red Army women took place when the Crimea storming took place in the 20th year, when Wrangel was knocked out). In the summer, the opposite - Meltet Sivash, shutters, even in someone who performs the salt, the slices of salt go, and remain on the surface, so the features and tricks of this sea are.

Muddy water in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov

Water in the Azov Sea turbid, but it is not the wines of the sea itself, it does not happen because it is some kind of dirty, rot, etc. Two powerful rivers - Kuban and Don flow on the plains, collect or streams on their own way, suspension, clay particles, and throw a throw in the sea. In the sea, mixing with the remains of microorganisms, which are in the water, they form a black dirt that accumulates at the bottom of the sea and has a certain extent with some medicinal properties of the balneological type (or the particles in the mixture with biogenic residues of life in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov).

Recently, the Azov Sea is experiencing not the best of his years, despite the fact that environmentalists talk about his pollution to do so far yet nothing and that's why the water of the Don and Kuban rivers are very intensively disassembled on the irrigation of the fields. Because of this, the so-called "daily debit" of the river drops significantly, and the influx of fresh water decreases. Therefore, the level of the sea itself falls and the water from the Black Sea begins to the Azov Sea (through the Kerch Strait). There is a well-established stable Kerch current, which carries the water of the Black Sea to Azov. Before the beginning of intense agricultural activities in the Stoverapoly Territory, in the Don region, the opposite was observed, the water flowed out from the Azov Sea to Black, where he was mixed with the water of the Black Sea (having a very minor influence). On the contrary, there is a salty water fever and the salinity of the sea increases annually. Most of all, it affected the marine inhabitants - fish, which was spawn very long in less salted (almost fresh) water, and now the fish simply does not want to go to spawning in the Azov Sea.

Ma Bulk in the Azov Sea

As soon as the salinity of water in the sea rose - it began to multiply less useful algae, which were unusual for the Azov Sea. AT last years Intected by Sea Fish "Bull" in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, most often with this problem are faced by holidaymakers on the sea coast in the summer season, on the beaches of many resort towns, bulls are thrown ashore. And they are thrown ashore due to lack of oxygen in water. When heaving the gills dissolved in water oxygen, they feel its shortage, the cause of which is the lack of oxygen in water. In the sea are a large number of Algae, which also requires oxygen for its photosynthesis. Having taken it out of the water, they deprive him of other marine inhabitants.

Il in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov

In addition, algae increase the sea crooked. The age of the life of algae is inexpensive, they die and their organic remains are just increasing it. Not only flows, but also the decomposition of the remains of small-calm animals and plants that lived in this water are affected. Dying, their organic remains fall on the bottom, in the future turning into il, and since the amount of algae in the sea every year only increases, the number of il will also increase in proportion to increase.

Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is one of those seas that fully freezes in winter. Here the Black Sea does not freeze completely ever, but the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov in the frosty winter freezes completely. The ice turns out the moor, it acts on the shore and the whole water surface becomes ice, if desired, you can walk on this ice.

The Azov Sea is a shelf half-plated with a reservoir, and it belongs to the Mediterranean system in general, this natural reservoir is a mixture zone of Black Sea and river waters, so some researchers consider it as a bay (shallow) black sea or spacious, extensive river Limin.

From this article, you can learn how the area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea, about its location, the origin of the name and MN. Dr.

Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov: general information

This reservoir is the northeast pool of the Black Sea. Connects them among themselves

According to its morphological features, Azov belongs to flat types and is a shallow water reservoir with not very high shores of the coast.

There is a fairly small area and depth of the Azov Sea (the last no more than 14 meters, and its depth is only about 8 meters). Moreover, more than 1/2 part of the territory has a depth of up to 5 meters. And this is the main feature.

Custom and Sivash Sea Azov has an elliptic form stretched to the south-west from the north-east. In the ocean, this is the smallest natural reservoir.

Two great rivers flow into it - Kuban and Don - and many (more than 20) smaller, which mostly flow from its northern shore.

Parameters of the Azov Sea: Area

The pool of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov has an area of \u200b\u200babout 570 thousand square meters. km. The length of its largest 343 km, and the widest part is 231 km. 2686 kilometers - the length of the entire coastline.

Square of the Azov Sea in square. km. It is about 37600 (here does not include the area of \u200b\u200bthe islands and braids, occupying 107.9 square meters. km). The average volume of all water is 256 km 3. As noted above, approximately 43% of the territory falls on the depth areas from 5 to 10 meters.

origin of name

Its modern, relatively new, the name of the sea received several centuries ago from the name turkish city Azov. The latter, in turn, is due to the name of the local feudal (azak or a lot).

But even earlier, the ancient Greeks called him "Motis Limne", which means "Lake Mets" (peoples inhabited on the shores). The Romans called it ironically - "Palus Meotis", which means "Moloto Motov". And it is not surprising for the Azov Sea. Square, and especially the depth of it, not very large.

Arabs called "Baral-Azov" and "Nitschlach", and Turks - Bahr-Assak (sea dark blue) and Boryal-Assak. Many other names were in antiquity, everything is not counting.

Azov in Russia became famous in the 1st century. er, and his name was given - the blue sea. After it was formed called Russian. Then the sea was renamed repeatedly (Mautis, Salakar, Samakush, etc.). In the 13th century, the sea was approved with the name of the Saxian Sea. The conquerors of Tatar-Mongolian gave him the name "Chabak-Dengiz" (Beshechye or Chabacier) and "Balyk-Dengiz" (translated - "Fish Sea"). As a result of the transformation of the last name (Chabak - Dzybach - Bunch - Azak - Azov) and today's name arose (dubious version). All assumptions about origin is impossible to describe here.

Types of animals, water volumes, area: comparisons of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov with other seas

On the area more Azov almost 2 times, and black - almost 11 times, and, accordingly, it is more than 1678 times in water volumes.

And yet, on this area, you could accommodate two european states, for example, Luxembourg and Belgium.

It is curious to compare the number of types of Mediterranean plants and animals in different seas, considering from the West to the East. In the Mediterranean - more than 6,000 species of various organisms, in black - 1500, in Azov - about 200, in Caspian - about 28, and only 2 types of organisms live in Aralska. This explains the fact that all of them once in the long past gradually separated from the sea of \u200b\u200bMediterranean.

Water expanses of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, the area of \u200b\u200bthe coastline territories contain a huge number of diverse animal species.

On the shores there are many diverse waterfowl: ducks, geese, steppe kelits, centers, chibisov, Swans-Shipunov, CHEK-Chernogolovka and MN. Dr. in the sea and in the mouth of the rivers flowing into it, as well as in the limits of everything inhabit 114 species (along with subspecies) of fish. This reservoir is called the sea of \u200b\u200bmollusks.

And on the productivity of the biological, it takes the 1st place in the world.

Sandy relief

Slend the bottom of the sea. Depths here mainly increase gradually as removal from the shores, and naturally the most deep places Are in the center. Practically flat bottom at Azova.

All the territory of the Azov Sea arose due to major bays. The islands of large on it are not. There are small shallows (turtle islands, turquoine, etc.).


The area of \u200b\u200balmost the entire surface of the water is already quickly warming up in April. From June to September average temperature Waters are greater than 20 ° C, and in July-August reaches 30 ° C. And in the sivache (for comparison), water is heated and up to 42 degrees.

Bathing season lasts 124 days. At this favorable period, here only a few days is relatively low or very heat Water and air.

Due to the small size of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov (area, depth, volume), its influence on the climate of the sushi surrounding it, is pretty poorly and slightly noticeably only in a narrow strip (coastal).

Water here quickly heats up in summer and is cooled in the same way in winter. Fully the sea freezes only in the most severe winters. And throughout the winter ice is formed and pulls out several times, since in these places there are often thaws.

In conclusion about some curious facts

There are several very interesting and curious facts from history.

1. Sea many millions of years was part of a huge ocean, called the geologists of Tetis. His endless smooth stretched from America Central through the Atlantic Ocean, part of Europe, black, Mediterranean, Caspian and Aral Sea and further east through India to the most Pacific Ocean.

2. Russian Prince Gleb in 1068 measured the distance from Kerch to Taman on Ice. The inscription indicates that the distance from Kortchev to Tmutarakani (the ancient name, respectively, Kerch and Tamani) was about 20 km. It turns out that in 939 years the distance it increased by 3 km.

3. The water of the sea contains little salt (one more feature). In this regard, the water quite easily freezes. Therefore, the sea is uncomfortable since the end of the year (December) until mid-April.

washes the coast of the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov, Zaporizhia and Donetsk regions, as well as the coast of the Crimean Peninsula and belongs to the Atlantic Ocean Basin. It is connected to the Black Sea with the help of a Kerch Strait, through which the bridge is built in the Crimea and the rivers like Kuban and Don fall into it.

Maximum depth of the Azov Sea It does not exceed 14 meters (approximately such an height of the five-story building), and the average depth is only 7.5 - 8 meters, and it is rightfully considered the smallest sea in the world and the smallest in Russia - an area of \u200b\u200b39,000 square kilometers. If in the area compare it with the smallest sea in the world - marble, then the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is more than 28,000 square kilometers (3.5 times). But the depth of the marble sea is 1350 meters.

The current title of the sea received due to the city of Azov. And due to shallow water and predisposition to flowering in ancient times, the Greek tribes called the Azov Sea Meoty Lake (Mayothius Liman), Romans - Meoty Boloto, the antique residents assigned to him the name "Temerinda", which means "Mother of the Seas". In ancient Russia, he was called the blue sea, and after the formation of the Tmutarakan principality, it was called the "Russian Sea".

The bottom of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is very simple, and the depth smoothly increases at a distance from sushi and in the center of the sea forms the maximum. The coastline is wide and mainly consisting of a small shell (beach in the village). On the Taman Peninsula And there are hills of volcanic origin in the Crimea, mud volcanoes (including near the central beach), passing into steep mountains. The flows often change their directions due to constantly changing winds, and the main one is considered circular counterclockwise.

The transparency of the water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is very low, and in different months he fluctuates from 50 centimeters to 9 meters. This is due to the large flow of water from rivers, Ilov, which is quickly triggered by excitement, and a huge amount of plankton. In summer, transparency increases, but in some places, thanks to the rapid development of algae and living organisms, it is almost completely reduced and the water acquires a greenish color. At this time, the sea "blooms."

As already noted at the very beginning, the Azov Sea is very fine, so the water in it is completely mixed and contains a large amount of oxygen. However, oxygen deficiency appears in hot summer weatherless weather during "flowering", a "zam" or "mor" occurs (many die).

Winter on the Azov Sea is very cold, but not long. Summer is very roast and arid. The average annual temperature is about ten degrees. The maximum temperature in July comes to plus 45 degrees, and in the winter sometimes the thermometer can fall to minus 30.

The water temperature of the Azov Sea by the beginning of June warms up to 23-24 degrees, which is a few degrees warmer black. Local residents often open the bathing season in the May holidaysSince at this time there is a comfortable weather, and the water around the shore in the daytime clock is very warm. Tourists from all over Russia begin massively riding only from mid-June. On the hottest days of July - August, the temperature may rise above 30 degrees. In winter to the very
Cold days Azov Sea freezes.

The height of the Azov Sea waves is relatively small, because the slight speed and duration of the wind, as well as the small size and depth of the reservoir, do not allow to develop the waves - giants. Maximum height Waves is three meters, and 25 meters long. In the open ocean, they reach a height of 14 meters, in length 450. The truth is exceptions. For example, in October 1969, a very strong southeastern wind blew some time (local calls his "low-level"), the sea near the shore from Primorsko-Akhtarsk to the Kerch Strait moved, the water level in these places fell almost a hundred centimeters. And the opposite north-western wind sharply blended (the local is called "Mastera") to 45 meters per second, and millions of tons of water rushed towards the Kuban coast. A large number of people died, thousands remained without housing.

Salt of the Azov Sea It depends on the inflow of river water and connections to the Black Sea. Near the Kerch Strait it is 17.5 ppm. The central part is very homogeneous and is 11-12 ppm. And closer to the mouth of Don salinity drops to 1.5 ppm.

Bays and limans connecting with the sea by Russia: Taganrog, Temryuksky, Sivash, Kazantipsky, Arabat Bay; Miussky, Yeysky, Yasensky, Batesugan, Akhtar, Ahtanizovsky Limana.Spit, Capes of the Azov Sea in Russia: Arabat Arrow, Chushka, Blessitskaya, Petrushina, Glakhirovskaya, Long, Kamyshevatskaya, Yasenskaya, Achuyevskaya, Yeisk, Sasanski Kosy; ; Taganrog, Chumbburg, Achuyevsky, Stone, Chronic, Zyuk, Chagana Capes and Cape Kazantip.Rivers, flowing into the Azov Sea: Wet Felt, Mios, Sambek, Don, Kagaznika, Wet Chiburbog, Her, Duch,.
Areas and areas that wash the Azov Sea: Rostov region (Neklinovsky, Azov district, Taganrog), Krasnodar Territory (Shcherbinovsky, Yeysky, Primorsko-Akhtar, Kanevskaya, Slavyansky, Temryuk district), Republic of Crimea (Kerch, Leninsky district).

See also: