Is there a sandy beach in Gagrats. Resort Gagra: Beaches of New and Old Gagra

Old Gagra is the North-West city district, stretching narrow strip along the coast. The framework of the district is very conditional - from the Ziherv River Gorge to the end Komsomol Park.

Near the coast of the historic part of the city there are multi-storey pensions, some with their own beaches. Basically, the coast is a public beach strip covered with sand and pebbles, places - running, almost without a beach infrastructure. On average, the width of the resort coast in the old Gagra reaches 40 meters, the length of the coastal part of the district is 6 km.

On the coast there are many secluded places to which you can get on foot, including almost empty even in the midst of the season. There are no canopies on the unfavorable urban beaches, but immediately behind the coastal stripe the park zone begins, where you can take a walk and relax in the shade. Such "wild" sites includes a medical beach near the Komsomol Park: once he was fixed behind the guests of the sanatorium and was used for natural healing by sunbathing, now only monumental buildings and sculptures are reminded on the border of the beach.

There are in the old Gagra area and recognized resort life centers, popular places Family and youth recreation. One of them is a comfortable beach "Mahuto" with the grill bar of the same name. Tourists This place attracts free beach equipment and sports fields, evening disco and live music.

The central beach is the most famous and popular beach among tourists in the area of \u200b\u200bNew Gagra.

It is also considered the largest on the coast of Abkhazia, the coastline reaches a length of 300 meters and widths of 40.

The infrastructure of the Gagrian Beach is strongly developed - there are various cafes, supermarkets and shops. Also on the territory of the central beach there is a "pearl" of the new Gagra - Gagra Aquapark. . Entrance to the beach Gagr is free.

Nature and water

New Gagra Beach, like most others local beaches, covered with small pebbles - such a surface allows you to walk on the beach with barefoot, but you still do not need to forget about the beach shoes. Also on the territory of the central beach there are large sand stripes. Despite its central location on the coast, the beach is especially crowded only in the most peak season, during the rest of the time it is more suitable for a separate rest.

The crystal clear water of the coast of the new Gagra attracts a huge number of tourists. Also, many holidaymakers positively celebrate a smooth and gentle entrance to the sea - the depth begins after a few meters, there is no one at the shore. That is why you can safely go to the beach with children.

On the one hand, the coastal strip is surrounded by clean sea water, and on the other hand, densely populated with greens and various subtropical plants and forests that are pleasing. In addition, from the coast you have the opportunity to admire the beauty and greatness Caucasian Gor..

By the way, it is thanks to the mountains in the new Gagra, a mild climate is preserved. Mountains hold warm sea air and protect the coast from cold winds. It is known that the most a large number of Vacationers in New Gagra numbered in July. And it is no coincidence - it is in this summer month the water temperature reaches the highest mark.

Central Beach Infrastructure in New Gagra

Recreation of the central beach is sufficiently landscaped and developed, compared with the old part of Gagra - everything you need to tourists are located on the territory: stores where you can buy everything you need, as well as cafes, restaurants and dining rooms. Any vacationer also has the opportunity to stay under the large beach umbrella, protecting from the Sun, and on the chaise lounge. However, the smooth surface of the beach allows you to rest on it and without the use of "Sun bed". For the convenience of visitors, the beach area is equipped with locker rooms.

Do not forget about the presence in the new part of the Gagra of the summer resort water park with many water slides for guests of different ages and the gaming pool for the smallest. On the beach there is a paid children's hill and is it possible to rent a water scooter, catamaran or boat, as well as hire an instructor to ensure safety.

The beach is clean, the local administration monitors the order and cleanliness on the coast, which is why the garbage is striving to clean the timely to not deliver the inconvenience to tourists.

Beach location

The central beach is enveloped by the Stone of the Caucasian Mountains and is relatively close to the residential resort area, in the southern part of it - on Abazgaa Street. Next door to the central beach of the new Gagra there are also others. For example, the beach pension "Energy" from water slide and paid attractions. In addition, transport from the new GGR will not work to get to Pitsunda where, by the way, everyone can get on sand beach.

Benefits of the central beach

The Gagra Beach connects security and leisure comfort. It is equipped with the necessary amenities, as well as well adapted to relax with the child. The central beach of New Gagra is at a short distance from the residential area, local attractions needed to visit, as well as from other beaches. Microclimate and water temperature not only contribute to a pleasant rest, but also useful for health and enrich the body.

How to get to the Central Beach in New Gagra

You can get to the central beach of New Gagra from anywhere in the resort settlement you can use a route taxi.

You will need to just ask the driver to stop near the hotel "Abkhazia" and passing 200 meters towards the sea, you will already find yourself in place.

You can also use the services of local taxi services, such as "prestige". The cost of the trip will be at least 100 rubles. Also on the territory of the new Gagra, buses are driven, the routes of which are included at the beach.

A total of about 400 km - there are beaches of public and closed, equipped and wild, sandy-pebble and rocky, if you carefully search, then you can find the sandy to find, however, you need to say justice, it will not be the sand of the beaches of Anapa, rather very Small pebbles.

Features of the beaches of Abkhazia

  • Beaches predominantly pebble, less often - sandy-pebble, gently lowered;
  • water in the sea warms up pretty quickly, the sea is clean, and if you add a beautiful nature, a good ecology, then rest here becomes rather attractive;
  • there are many rivers and streams in Abkhazia in the sea, even in a strong heat they carry quite cold water and in separate areas of the water area The water temperature in the sea may be lower than usual;
  • after the rainstone, the same rivers bring a lot of garbage, but coastal flows are quite quickly cleansing the sea (in bays, for example, Sukhumi or Gudautskaya, this process is longer).

The best beaches of Gagra

Gagra Conditionally divided into two parts - old and new gagras, the length of the coastline is about 56 km, the beaches here are pebble, the entrance to the sea is relatively steep (for example, if compared with the beaches of Sukhum).

Beach of Old Gagra

Beach Old Gagra less crowded in comparison with beaches New Gagra, less noisy, infrastructure is weaker, along the coast, many boarding houses are still of Soviet times. Some of them have their own sections of the beaches, but you can get there without problems.

Beaches of New Gagra

Beach New Gagra sufficiently landscaped, more crowded, here a well-developed beach infrastructure is developed, there is even a small water park,

Beach New Gagra Covered with pebbles smaller than on the beach of the old Gagra.

The most popular in this part of the resort beaches:

Central Beach

The public beach is covered with pebbles, in some places there are sand, the entrance to the sea here is flat, there are shallow water in some sections.

Pension sunny beach

The beach is sand-and-pebble, with a gentle sunset.

The best beaches of Picunds

Pitsunda It can boast the biggest variety of beaches, while they will all combine the clean and calm sea.

Much of the beaches Pitsunda Located in the Pitsunda Bay, well-protected from the winds.

Well, a unique microclimate Pitsunda (Everyone knows about Pitsundskaya pine) makes this region very attractive for recreation and treatment.

The most popular Beaches Pitsunda:

Central Beach

Beach is owned "Pitsunda Resort"For guests of the complex (hotels and guesthouses Pitsunda), entrance is free, for the rest - paid, covered with small pebbles, equipped, there is an opportunity to enjoy water sports, in the peak season the beach is quite crowded.

Beach Fish Voloda

Located 6 km from Pitsunda, It is considered sandy, but it is rather very small pebbles. The plant, by the way, does not work.

Beach village Ledzaa

The sandy-pebble beach is considered the cleanest on the coast: even at the height of the season there is no problems of an epidemiological character.

Best Beaches of New Athon

IN New Athos Those who appreciate the silence, the little of the beach are coming. The width of the beach strip is about 30 meters, the coating of the pebble of medium and fine size, the entrance to the sea is flat, bottom smooth. In the eastern part of the resort, the beaches are narrower, but there are sections of sand.

Beach New Afona Weakly equipped, there are no entertainment, if you need amenities, you will have to go to the beaches of pension.

Near New Afona Many waveresses, this is due to the features of the hydrology of the bay.

The best beaches of Sukhuma

The length of the coastline Sukhuma About 20 km, most beaches have a small width of the beach strip (5-10 m), in some sections in the bay area are wider (15-20 m).

Beaches here are pebble and sandy-pebble, most in free access, equipped beaches - 5, all of them are located in the central part of the city.

Popular Beach Sukhuma:

Central Beach

The length of the beach is 2 km, the width of the places reaches 50 m, equipped with locker rooms and shower, along the beach there are numerous cafes and shops.

Beach Sanatoriums MVO and RVSN

The length of the beach strip is about 2.5 km, the width is 15-20 meters, covered with pebbles, with severe visiting at sea. These are the most equipped beaches in the Sukhum area, but the entrance to them is paid (if you are not a guest of these sanatoriums).

Beach Iter.

There is a beach in the southwestern part of the city near the boarding distance of the iitar, covered with small pebbles, places of sand, free. On the shore there is children's attractions that will help you take a little child.

Beach Sinop

This is the most popular beach in Sukhum. - It can be called conditionally sandy: a wide beach strip (up to 50 meters), cursed with sand, but pebbles are often found, especially in the surf zone. The beach is partially equipped (toilets, shower, locker rooms), along the beach strip there are cafes, restaurants, shops. Beach is free.

Do not look for in Abkhazia The beaches for nudists are not official, sometimes natural. But it must be borne in mind that the local population relates quite negatively to such a holiday.

Discover one of best places For relaxation on the Black Sea. If you need high-level hotels, the corresponding service, it makes sense to think about other Black Sea resorts. IN Abkhazia There are no high-class hotels, many buildings destroyed by war have not yet been restored. But if you are the main clean sea and beautiful natureYou are on the right track.

"Paradise Corners" and "Country of Soul" - it was always called Abkhazia. Gagra is an integral and one of the brightest parts of Abkhazia. Subtropical climate, unique beauty Black Sea coastrich and diverse vegetable world, little in which territory former USSR (including the current CIS countries) there is something like that .... Sea and sea air, vegetation and fragrances of her adolescent - all these are additional natural components of such a unique treatment as aromatherapy.

They need to add incomparable rays of the sun, sea wind and the natural moisture content of the gracious edge, which is able to strengthen the beneficial effects of all other components. You look at the photo of the beach in Gagrah, and it becomes clear why, throughout the coast of Abkhazia since ancient times, people elected this place for their stay, and with the era of the Romanov, the entire Soviet period and the entire infrastructure of sanatorium treatment and develops and develops, and develops equipped beaches. Gagra beaches are an opportunity to simply and pleasantly lie on the sand and take sunny and air baths, it is an opportunity to play surfing, diving or deep-water fishing or other marine entertainment. Exceptional painting of local nature (stormy rivers, proximity mountain vertices, subtropical vegetation) will help to strengthen the impressions of the success achieved in fishing.

Rest in the company of friends at the evening fire with a pleasant conversation under the ear and soft music. For those who do not engage in fishing, there are many evening entertainment required to change day relaxation on the beaches. For example, it can be pleasant parties in restaurants and bars, everyone can choose them to taste and opportunities. It offers shops and cafes, excursions and walks.

A relatively aligned surface of the Black Sea coast, which was formed as a result of the centuries-old exposure to water and wind, turned out to be an attractive place for mass bathing, solar and air baths, which are indispensable attributes. better rest On the holiday period - this is the famous and popular on all for residents of the former Soviet Union, Gagra beaches.

Updated equipment and improved beaches - everything is designed for a successful modern young man who prefers rest in, near Russia, Abkhazia rest on the shores of Turkish. Beautiful and effectively protecting umbrellas, sun loungers, comfortable and clean toilets, beach cabins - there is all that, thanks to which the beach is considered cultural, not wild, on the other hand, contributing to the preservation of harmony with nature. We visited such a well-equipped (in accordance with modern ideas) the beach, people and do not want to go to Turkey or others gave.

From Soviet times and so far, unique health resorts have been preserved and modernized, offering unique techniques for treating and restoring human health. Comfortable spa corpses and a large number of hotels with different levels of services are able to satisfy all the most diverse tastes of customers (from economy class to premium class). They are located close to the sea coast. When they choose, you can discuss all the conditions with the operator and consider photos of the beaches of Gagra. The Pearl of the Black Sea - Abkhazia - will accept the rest with all true Caucasian hospitality. Gaga has always been considered the most tourist city Abkhazia.

These ancient places are sheaven legends, the poetry and the content of which fascinates in our day. Summer rest In Abkhazia, it is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the fabulous world and get away from the bustle of everyday urban life.

Gagra is beaches, eliminated by small pebbles, which is nice to walk even barefoot. Occasionally, you can meet the sandy shores here, but clean, crumbly sand in Gagra - Great luck, sandy beaches in the amount here are only 4 km, from the 53-kilometer coast. Such sandy areas enjoy the greatest demand, because in the midst spa season They can meet the largest number of vacationers.

Mostly Gagra beaches are available for common use, Only a small part of the coast territories belongs to private and state sanatoriums and boarding houses. The entrance to such beaches is available only to the guests of these places, however, some institutions allow everyone to soak on the beach for a separate surcharge. The infrastructure of the beaches of Gagra is developed enough, although occasionally here and you can find the place of rent water species Transportation or rent a chaise longue.

Mostly Gaga is the place of pilgrimage of people who prefer wild, distinctive look at the rest. Conditionally, the whole beach terrain of Gagra can be divided into two parts:

Beaches Old Gagra

Under the old Gagra, the historical part of the city is meant. The tourist here will be interested to look at the many buildings of the pre-revolutionary sample, well, and the truly beach will simply fail to forget its astounding beauty beaches. Often, visiting the sights located in the historic part of the city successfully combine with rest on the warmth, Cote d'Azur Gagr, because all these places are located just a few minutes walk from each other.

The entertainment infrastructure of the beaches of the old Gagra is developed weakly, or rather, it will even say that it is not at all here. These places are well suited to lovers of simple, quiet and unlawful rest on the seafront. Along the coastline of the Old Gagra, you can meet more than a dozen of various sanatoriums, from the windows of which, just amazing views of the sea are opening.

In addition to cozy and sufficiently inexpensive sanatoriums, it is also possible to meet very good restaurants that replete with delicious dishes, both traditional cuisine and the most famous culinary capitals of the world. Lovers of real living beer, one of the most popular beer cities, bearing the name "Stepan Razin" will have to taste.

The vegetation of the coast old Gagra Truly striking. Here you can meet, not only pines, olendra and cypresses, but even uncharacteristic for this palm climatic belt.

Photo of the central beaches of the new Gagra and its surroundings

On the beaches of the new Gagra you can fully enjoy a comfortable holiday. Both entertaining and tourist infrastructure of the new Gagra remains at the highest level.

However, here you can find your minuses.

Because of the stormy domes of these places with various social groups of vacationers, in the midst of summer, it is often very dirty and littered here. The central beach coast in Novaya Gagra mainly consists of pebbles.

For families with young children, this place will be able to become a real paradise for rest. In New Gagra there is a full-fledged water park, and there are a number of game establishments. The descent into the water here is smooth, most of the beach sites are shallow, which is another argument, testifying in favor of choosing this place to relax with children.

But there is nothing to do nudist beaches in the holiday season in Gagra.

The thing is that by now unknown reasons beach holidays Not at all arrived in Abkhazia.

However, if there are no special places allocated for lovers of "natural" relaxation, here it does not mean that this type of rest is not practiced here.

Immediately after the resort season is completed, in September, when the weather is still warm enough, and the sea did not have to cool, in some secluded places of the old Gagra, you can meet whole groups of people resting without clothes.

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