Busan South Korea rest at sea when. The city of Busan, South Korea - stories and photos in the tales of experienced

The rainy season ended, which means that August is the hottest month in Korea, the beaches of Pusan \u200b\u200bare waiting for their visitors.

If you are looking for a city for beach holidaysYou will not be mistaken if you choose Busan. This is the second largest city in Korea. It is successfully located along the picturesque coastline, unlike other central cities atmosphere of the port of the capital beach and relaxed.

The city is washed by the East-Chinese Sea from the South and the Japanese Sea from the east.
Pusan's beaches are ideal for bathing holidays within the "City Civilization". Then, when you want such a convenience of megapolis, like restaurants, cafes, shopping centers, public transport There were steady accessibility.
So, let's begin:

Beaches of Pusana - Hueunde "Haeundae"

For many Heeund Beach, this is the first thing that floats in consciousness when they think about Busan. Heunde is one of the longest urban beaches in Busan. The busiest beach is covered by beach umbrellas from the edge to edge. In the bathing season there is nowhere to fall here. Sand yellow. Waves are not tall bank relative to gentle. Therefore, suitable for swimming with children.

The location of the beach is Haeundae.

One of the central urban beaches of Haeundae is located in the same name (Haeundae), Metro Station Haeundae Exit №5 or 3. on the map Google Maps. Located here:

Hotel map Booking.com in Haeundae Beach

For those who want to choose a hotel not far from Heende Beach below the hotel map with prices on Booking.

Gwanganri - Beach overlooking the bridge

For me, the beaches in the pasta are associated with the beach Gwanganri. From this beach offers a beautiful view of the bridge of the same name, Mecca Night Pusana. This is one of the most romantic beaches in Korea, nearby there is a lot of cafes, restaurants and beer establishments for every taste and wallet. Many institutions have an open veranda, where you can talk with a close person to a cup of coffee or a stronger drink and enjoy the fascinating view, the noise of the surf and the dungement of the sea breeze.

Especially good Gwanganri Beach at night:

In the evenings, on weekends and even on weekdays, the scene is built on the beach, on which the famous and not very singers and dancers are located.

On the street along the coastline a lot of street musicians, magicians, artists and dancers. They collect crowds of people around them and earn their "penny" from enthusiastic spectators.

Location Beach Gwanganri

The beach is close to Geumnyeonsan station, the nearest access to the beach number 3

Hotel map Booking.com in Gwanganri Beach

For those who want to stay near the Guagangley Beach, the beach hotel map in the romantic Korea beach area.

Beach on the outskirts of the city - Songjeong

Songjeong Beach is located on the outskirts of Busan, and in this modest view of his great advantage. Since there are relatively few people here, and water is subjectively cleaner than in the city center. This is a paradise for surfers, windsurfers and kaiter. They say they ride here all year round, I have seen them until only in the summer.

Personally, I liked this beach more because of the light beach-relaxed little even a festive atmosphere. Songjeong Beach is more "wild" if compared with other city beaches. Here, somehow everything is simple, without urban fuss, a little even in a rustic, but in this and the charm of this beach. Near along the road on the coastline, there are various cafes, snack bars and enemy. The sand is a large yellow, perhaps because of this, water is more transparent.

Songjeong Beach Location

Due to distance from the center of Busan, to the beach Songjeong you need to get on the bus. The rooms of the buses running from the metro station "Haeundae", 1011, 1001, 141, 181, 63, 39, 9.

On the Google map map of Songjeong is under a marker.

Hotel map Booking.com in Songjeong Beach

In custody

Swimming on Korea beaches have their own features:

About clothes

  • The local population prefers to swim in clothes. For this there is a special costume for Aqua relaxation. Which can be bought in any sportswear or department store E-Mart, Home Plus, etc .. Synthetic suit is not stretched in water. The species look like a suit for swimmers of divers, but it is easier. It passes water and is made of fine synthetic fabric, which prevents the tan.
  • The so-called aquasuisas are also very popular, a very good thing by the way:
    • First, they protect the lower part of the foot from damage, sharp stones, rocks, and other surprises to which one can accidentally come.
    • Secondly, this is antifungal protection and come in handy for a hike.
    • They are from neoprene and a plastic rubber heel repeating the shape of the legs, they do not feel in their shoes at all, and at the same time good protection of the heel is ensured, they are more expensive but it is better to immediately take those. It is easier, they have a coarse rubber sole and a rag. This option is cheaper, but swim in them is like in shoes.
  • Walking naked is prohibited, lovers to sunbathe without a swimsuit can fall under the administrative violation with the subsequent payment of the fine. Be carefull.

About rescuers

  • Korean rescuers limit the entrance to the depth of more chest level. Whistle and mashed with their hands. They are responsible for all the incidents on the territory allocated to them. This is their work. In Thailand and in the Philippines, you can float into the horizon and no one will stop you. In Korea you will not give to die even if you really try.

Paid services

All official beaches in Busan and in general in Korea have free toilets. Sometimes there is a compressor and a cylinder with compressed air and "pistols" to clean the legs and clothes from the sand. Some extras of the beaches are paid:

  • Rent a place under the umbrella, paid on average costs 10,000KRW
  • Equipped showers, average price 2000KRW.
  • Sometimes paid storage chambers for things 1000-3000KRW
  • Rental inflatable circles for swimming from 5000KRW

Well, on this I say goodbye to you until the next article.

The article will constantly be replenished as the material is gaining.

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The most impressive sights of the "second city" of South Korea - Pusan
According to the designation of travelers and the public, Busan is recognized as the "Summer Capita of South Korea", and to get to this picturesque and peculiar exotic placewill need to spend some two and a half hours railway from Seoul.
Busan and Seoul are the largest cities of the country. But, their numerous and bright differences in all areas of life were presented by Seoul status of the "greatest city".

There are 50 reasons, eloquently confirming such status.

In Busan, freedom is usually felt only at night: you can find the company friends, freely vacationers on the beach and dumping soda. And children, as in many countries, love to play Petard.
Traditional Korean cuisine is a hoe (Korean Sashimi). But here, without soda, it is not necessary to do - that is always plenty of the new fish market.
And it will become interesting to observe how healthy tattooed men have a popular street game: you should enter your nails into a powerful wooden timber. The winner receives prizes - cigarettes and whiskey. By the way, the tattoo on the male body emphasizes the strength here in Busan. And just in Seoul, the opinion is quite different.
Continuing the conversation about the traditions of cooking, it is necessary to emphasize that the specific features of cooking dishes, even taking into account the use of the same seafood, put Busan to the most distant from Korean cuisine.
This is what you can go to arrive in the second city of South Korea.

The beach season opens in Busan from July 1 to August 31 of each year. Millions of Koreans and every year more and more foreign tourists enjoy the beauties of the sea coast of Pusan. Beaches become a favorite center of the pastime especially on weekends.
« Sea village"The main street Pojangmacha Street is located opposite Huenda Beach. There are quite a variety of tent kiosks with seafood and everyone who was hungry from active rest, I am pleased to make your strength by sea delicacies (live octopus, lobster and other seafood).
In the client services, the choice of the desired dish, which is to prepare immediately. And after a few minutes the choshannie selected will be filed by the customer together with the favorite drink - Soda - Busan.
Hopea Beach has its own contact center: + 82 51 749 4335

Among the famous sights of Pusan \u200b\u200bare called Gvangalley Bridge. This is a chic duplex suspension bridge, which will provide the majestic visa to the entire Busan. Lovers of romance and just exciting moments are simply obliged to visit Gvanalli at night! 100,000 multi-colored lights illuminate the bridge for the entire length. If Huenda Beach is considered a family or friendly holiday destination, then a completely different opinion about the Gvangalli Bridge. This is the territory of romance and privacy of two hearts or, at least, several pairs.
Contact Information Here: eTour.busan.go.kr; + 82 51 780 0077

For each tourist, the question of comfortable accommodation is not at all the last. Busan offers Euroclass hotels with amazingly advantageous over the beauty of overlooked territories location.

Hotel Westin Chosun Busan
View of the beach of Huende Pusana from the windows of this hotel Westin Chosun is just chic! This spectacle is recognized as the most fantastic and precisely for this for members of the government only on the 10th floor since its construction 35 years ago. VIP rooms offer their visitors a panoramic view of the sea. The hotel has the opportunity to order excursions for the minimum fee or completely free. When booking a room at this hotel knowledgeable tourists May ask rooms overlooking the sea.
Coordinates of the hotel Westin Chosun Busan, Huende, 737 Woo 1-Don, Busan; South Korea; + 82 51 749 7000.
The cost of the room starts about $ 200, with the exception of 10% of the service collection and 11% tax (the rate depending on the season)

Hotel Park Hyatt Busan It is considered the brightest landmark of this maritime city. Presentable appearance Hotel buildings and comfort inside.
The hotel is located not on the beach, but has a beautiful view of Gwevantalli beaches. Interior B. the best traditions Korean people, organically complemented by modern items of European aesthetics. Here the visitor will be offered exquisite Korean cuisine and maintaining service in the Eastern rules.
Address: Park Hyatt Busan, 51 Sea City 1-Ro, Haeundae Gu, Busan, South Korea; 82 51 990 1234; Rooms from $ 240, excluding 11% tax (rates of dependence on the season)

Another miracle of Busan is the hotel Paradise Busan.. And how else can be called a place where the building is located on the roof of the building with internal heating and fragrances of various fragrant herbs! And all this with a fantastic panorama on the night city and the bar for the most sophisticated tastes of alcoholic beverages and desserts.
Address: Paradise Hotel Busan, 1408-5 Haeundae Dong Chun Gu, Busan, South Korea; + 82 51 742 2121; Rooms from $ 210 (rates of dependence on the season)

Traditional Kitchen and Drinks in Busan
In Busan, breeding pigs. And the symbolic dish of Busan is prepared from pork: modest pork stew. Serve such a product Koreans love with the same modest garnish: vegetables and rice. We will not like the European tourist an unpleasant smell of feremented shrimp salts, but the amazing taste of the dish will make it very soon to forget about the smell of salt. Local residents call this food perfect for the morning hangover.
Address: laity Sundae pigs Gukbap, 543-1 Haeundae Wu-1-Dong Gu, Busan, Korea; + 82 51 731 7005; ₩ 6, 500 ($ 6)

One of the most beloved Korean delicacies is considered a dish "pork legs with a side of the jellyfish" boiled soy, ginger and garlic, pork legs are served on a large dish with the Naengchae parameter. Sliding from cold jellyfish in mustard sauce is especially popular in summer. All these goodies can be tried to Jokbal Chanian.
Address: Jokbal Hanian, 35 Bupyeong Don 1-hectare, Chun Gu, Busan, South Korea; + 82 51 246 3039

Food card - your way around Korea
Hot cakes, like many and expected, are also sold here!
An excellent variety of hot street food (alcohol analogues can be considered hot, sweet, fried cake from a special variety of local sunflower seeds. Many manufacturers in the international market sell it, but there is only one supplier Hoddeok in the Busan market. He officially works on the clock and no one can interfere with him (only hidden envy of other sellers).
Address: Kukche Sijang (International Market), ⇔Sinchan Don 4-Ga, Chun Gu, Busan, South Korea; The cost of one - 1, 000 (90 cents)

Best restaurant Busana - Tonne Halmae Pajeon - The history of four generations. The restaurant is really recognized and loved by everyone for the kitchen, for attentive service, for the comfort and comfort of visitors. For example, roasted green onions "Pancakes" with seafood is a restaurant legend. Here you can choose and order dishes, but be sure to add Tune Pajeon (₩ 30, 000 or $ 26 for the average) and UTJIJI, a row of sweet, chewable DDEOK (rice cakes).
You should be attentive with fakes! There is an illegal restaurant with an almost similar name. The name is different in one word "Halmae", and the quality and taste is significantly inferior to the originals.
Address: Tonne Halmae Pajeon, 367-2 Bokcheon Don, Tonne Gu, Busan, South Korea; + 82 51 552 0792

Subites Busan - a recognized alcoholic drink of Busan, but easier and slightly sweeter. There are differences on alcohol content: for men it is preferable to C1, and for women - a series "YE". There are up to 20 species of various ways. And local residents choose a specific appearance under the relevant event. For example, Geuriwoye is ordered at the funeral (in translation means "nostalgia"), and for joyful events drink Jeulgowoye ("Happy"). There is a taste for every taste and mood!

Amazing architectural memos with a thousand-year history in Busan are temple facilities. Such an outstanding representative of the ancient Korean culture can be determined Temple of Pomas.. The history of this religious structure begins 1,300 years ago. It is located far in the mountains, but are engaged in the content of the territory of the temple and the building itself in perfect monks. Those who wish can freely wander around the room, surrounding the surroundings to relax from the bustle of the world. There are suggestions to experience the temple of life with the help of monks, i.e. Learn meditation methods, participate in tea ceremonies. It is inexpensive, and you will get impressions!
For one night and two days a program at a price of $ 44- $ 70 per person, depending on the choice of activity.
Korea has with no less ancient and fascinating history of another 33 temple complex. Before any temple, it is easy to get to a taxi and ask the driver to wait some time to also easily leave back. GEUMJEONG Mountain invites lovers overview excursions (Cost from $ 43, including waiting time).
Address: Pomas, 546 Cheongnyong Don, Geumjeong GU, Busan, South Korea; + 51 058 3122Top

The main tourist boom comes from May-August, but also to other seasons, there is something to do

From May in South Korea, tourists are expected from the nearest abroad, including from Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. In Busan, Far Eastern tourists are called the first swallows of the high tourist season, reports YNA with reference to the consulting center "Community" Compatriots ".

However, to find a lesson for the soul in South Korea, if you can try, you can go all year round, even now. Below are valuable tips for each season.

Winter: Eastern New Year

Winter in Busan is pretty long and cold, due to the winds. The colder only in January (Epiphany and Chinese frosts are not bypassed by Korea side). Snow in Busan practically does not happen, so there is no flow of tourists to the ski season.

In the winter months, Busan participates in the shopping festival, culture and tourism Korea Grand Sale. In 2019, the period of 43 days - from January 17 to February 28.

However, the tourist jump, when Koreans occupy almost all free housing falls on the days of the East New Year. In 2019, this period from February 1-5. For those who want to favorably fly to Busan in February, it is better to arrive immediately after the holiday - this is the time of the lowest season.

Spring: Economic Tourism

Despite the sharp warming in March-April, the tourist industry of Korea at this time is only preparing to accept the first travelers. However, you can come here at this time when renting accommodation is not yet a problem, and prices do not bite.

At this time, in Busan, it is comfortable for a walk around the city. The time is ideal for all types of cultural and recreational leisure, outdoor activities, shopping tours. In early April, the bloom of Cherry, tourists will be a little more. And closer to May in Busan, it becomes quite warm, and guests of the city are beginning to occupy the hotels near the beaches.

Summer: Beach season

The beginning of the high season in Pusan \u200b\u200bfalls on June. The air in the city is warm up to + 24 ° C, and in the sea - to + 16 ° C. In the summer there is hot and wet.

The officially beach season lasts from mid-June until the end of August, the sea warms up to + 23-24.3 ° C. At this time, there are stalls with food and drinks on urban beaches, there are indoor gazebos and umbrellas, they offer for rent boats and inflatable circles, rescuers duty, and the rules are operating: do not swim after 18:00 in the evening. But in itself the swimming season, when the water is quite warm, goes from May to September. At that time average temperature Water + 19,9 ° C.

In July-August, in the midst of a beach holiday, all apartments in the short-term rent and most hotels are busy not only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe beaches, but also within the city. The most experienced tourists who flew to Busan on summer vacation, Book apartments in advance, from winter. During this period, remove the furnished apartment with everything you need for rest is almost impossible. And Russian families are very important to have a kitchen, the ability to prepare your own breakfast and homemade food. In addition, when you rest in one place in one place, eat in restaurants and is quite tedious on the street.

Rainy season in Busan - End of June and Week in August. But resting rains do not interfere. The city is well established storm systems, there are no puddles in the tourist areas. Many shopping centers with cafes and restaurants, exhibitions and other perfects - there are always where you can rain with benefit.

Autumn: Environmental and Event Tourism

Autumn in Korea is a time for ecotourism, time of hiking in the mountains. According to special trails, everyone can rise to height - and old and young.

September - still the time of the high season in Busan, at this time the heat already falls, and you can walk around the sights for a long time, but still warm for a beach holiday. But in the days of Chusek - the Harvest Day, when all Koreans are found by families and many leave the city, the tourist can face empty streets, closed cafes and restaurants. State weekend on Chusok in 2019 - from September 12 to 15. But the period of complete clutch lasts only 1-2 days - on the day of the full moon, when the largest moon is getting up over Korea (this year - September 13).

In October and November, tourists are focused on excursion programs, event tourism, shopping tours. October is the time of festivals. In Busan, the Fireworks Festival on the Beach of Gwannali (Busan Fireworks Festival), the Korean Wave Music Festival "Korean Wave" Busan One Asia Festival (on Huenda Beach there are concerts of famous K-Pop-performers), Busan International Film Festival International Film Festival and others.

At the end of October and November - it's time to Tangkhun (so in Korea, they call the autumn appearance of multi-colored leaves, approx. Ed.). Walking through the park or forest - an integral part autumn holiday For Koreans. This is the time for those who want a quiet and comfortable pastime and immersion in the Korean culture. At this time, Pusan \u200b\u200bhas no large number of foreign tourists, as well as anchlage in hotels.

Busan is not only the second largest city in the country, but also the largest seaport, its economic and cultural center, as well as a popular tourist destination. Located Busan in the south-east of the Korean Peninsula, 450 km from Seoul, and has the status of a separate administrative unit (Metropoline City). Throughout its history, this city was the most important shopping center of the state, and today its port is widely involved in international trade and ranks 4th in the world in terms of cargo turnover. Thanks to this, now Busan is known as the "sea capital of South Korea". The city is famous for its numerous modern skyscrapers and outstanding historical sights. Here is located " SINSEG SENTUM CITY"- The largest department store in the world, and now the skyscraper is erected Lotte Super Tower"That claims to one of the highest skyscrapers of the world. And yet, despite the fact that Busan is recognized as one of the most modern cities of Asia, his story has about 15 thousand years. Therefore, a huge number of cultural relics concentrate here. Also in the city there is a number of higher educational institutions. Well, since in the south, Busan is bordered by the sea, and in the West - with the River Nakongan, there are also famous beaches and hot springs. Thanks to this, the city is recognized as a popular tourist center.

At the international level, Busan is known not only as the largest city and port of the country. In 2002, the World Cup was held here, in 2005 the city was the capital of APEC Forum, and was also declared the applicant for the 2020 Olympics.


Number of population

3 535 620 people (2009)

about 1500 years ago

Population density

4825 people / km²

south Korean vona


Postal code

International Area Code

Climate and weather

Busan is located in the zone of the humid subtropical climate. Very low or too heat Here is registered quite rarely. Due to the proximity of the ocean, late spring and summer in the city is always cooler than in the inner areas of the peninsula. Since the end of summer and in early autumn it is often stuffy and pretty hot weather (+23 ... + 29 ° C), and sometimes typhoons happen. July and August are the most rainy months. In winter, in Busan, dry and cool, and precipitation in the form of snow almost does not fall out. The thermometer column in this season varies within + 8 ... -6 ° C.

The most comfortable time for a trip to Busan is spring, as well as two autumn months - October and November.


Busan lies in the southeastern part of the country, on the coast of the Korean Strait. It was built along the coastline, so it has an elongated form. Two rivers flow in the city - SUANANAN and Nakongan, and next to the city is a mountain, the form of which reminds the securit. Since in the south, Busan is bordered by the sea coast, and in the West flows large river Nakongan, there are many beaches and hot springs. Also on the territory of the city and beyond the many green parks and reserves, the main of which are considered endusan Park and reserve for migratory birds.


First of all, Busan is famous for its culture and history, so there are many interesting things here. architectural monuments. Among them, the most important attraction is buddhist temple of Pomaswhich is located on the mountain Gymzhonsan. It was built for more than a thousand years ago, and Buddhist premises for solitude, huts of priests and a 3-storey pagoda are located on the territory adjacent to it. Another famous Kusan temple is Hadon Unguns. Buddha statue, chapel, stone pagoda, statues of lions and stairs out of 108 steps - this is what tourists come to watch. No less interesting and memorial chun-Naly, built in honor of the warriors, who in the XVI century fought with Japanese invaders. Also attention deserves fortress Gymchhonsonwhich initially consisted of four huge gates and castle. Unfortunately, only 2 kilometers of the gate and 4 kilometers of walls have survived to this day. Next to this place is the thermal source DonNEwhere the healing baths and pools are functioning.

Rich Busan and modern attractions. Among them, the greatest fame received quanilli embankment With huge bridge Quantinagege, National Center for Performing Arts, Fish Market Chagalchi andthe largest department store in the world - "SINSEG SENTUM CITY."

Also, the city can boast a lot of beautiful natural parks and reserves: Endusan Park with Pusan \u200b\u200bTower Tower, Gymgang Park with Museum marine history, Reserve for migratory birdswhich is located near the River Ringongan and huge thagende Park. Separate mention deserves UN Park. The same to whom this will seem little, it is recommended to go to donbek Islandwhich is covered with blooming camellias that have become a symbol of the city.


Busan is a seaside city, so there is a large number of fish restaurants, which are mainly concentrated in the area market Chagalchchi. In such institutions, guests are most often offered such national dishes as hWE (chopped raw fish), hamul Chongol (sealant of seafood), chhuhotan (Vull soup), phajon (Shepherds with seafood) and clams in citrus sauce.

There are also many Korean restaurants and barbecue in the city, where other national dishes are served in addition to seafood. Among the most common dishes is to celebrate rice with a variety of appetizers, kimchi (sharp vegetable dish), all kinds of soups, kebabs pulggogs, Fascinated ribs calbe And omelets with different fillers.

The most popular restaurants with traditional Korean (as well as Japanese, Chinese and European cuisines) are located near the beach. Huende. You can have a snack in one of the city shopping centers, where not only Korean, but also Italian, German, American and Russian cuisine is offered.

There are in Busan and bars, most of them work around the clock. From local hot drinks most common rice wine nonzhu and rice liqueur skid. Grape wines are rare, but everywhere there are stronger imported drinks and beer.


Busan attracts not only tourists and holidaymakers, but also a large number of business people and businessmen. Therefore, there are a lot of different hotels here - both first-class and budget.

In general, in Busan, as in the whole country, there are five categories of hotels: Deluxeux, De Suite and 1st, 2nd and 3 class hotels. The most luxurious and expensive institutions are located near the beach of Huenda and in areas Somenand Ton, eg, Busan Lotte Hotel or Pullman Ambassador Changwon.

There are in Busan and very small hotels - eVENTAN, The cost of living in which range from 26 to $ 80 days. At the same time, there may be no beds in the rooms of such institutions. The fact is that initially the externals were calculated directly at the locals, which traditionally sleep not on the bed, but on the warm floor.

Entertainment and recreation

Busan is the largest city countries and popular tourist destination, so there is a great set here entertainment centers, nightclubs, restaurants and sports facilities. However, in the first place, the city attracts with its magnificent beaches, thanks to which he was called the "summer capital of the country." The most popular Beach Busan is recognized Huende, the main feature of which is gentle white sand. He is also known as a venue of various festivals, cultural events and traditional games (Korean struggle, jumps on swing, arrogal throwing, rope pulling, etc.). No less good beaches Sonzzhon, Guagonalli, Kuchora, Hakton and Tadephothat are suitable for both idle stay under the sun and for active entertainment. And all the beaches are very clean and well equipped, and around them there are numerous shops, hotels and fish restaurants.

Another popular vacation spot in Busan is an oceanarium, which is located on Huenda Beach. Holidayly with the whole family will like Large children's Park which is 3 km from the city. Its guests are waiting for slides, rides, swimming pool, zoo and a large mirror lake.

Also Busan can boast with its magnificent parks. For example, among the citizens, one of the most beloved holiday destinations is considered park Endusan. No less popular gymgang Parkwhich is located at the foot of the Mountain of the same name. It is also worth visiting the reserve for migratory birds and the UN Park. Well, lovers of outdoor activities chose picturesque mount Kymjonsanwhich is located in the west of the city.

Among the others interesting places For rest it is worth highlighting a youth district near the Busan National University and Natural resort Tonne Onchhonwhich can boast a lot of baths, hotels, restaurants and clubs.


Busan is a large port city where a large number of various goods from all over the world is imported annually. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that he literally pested all sorts shopping centers, department stores, boutiques, shops and markets. The main trading areas of Pusan \u200b\u200bare Somen and Nammphodonwhere fashionable boutiques are located, jewelry salons and all kinds of shops. There are also four large duty-free shops in the city, offering quality goods at a low price. Separate mention deserves a department store "SINESEG SENTUM CITY", which is considered one of the largest in the world. Moreover, it is not only trading rows, but also a rink, cinema, spa and fitness center. Another one popular Moz For shopping, Street has become in front of the University of Busan. In this place there are small shops selling youth clothing and the most fashionable new products. A lot of huge shops with a wide variety of goods are working throughout the city, for example, Houm Place Hypermarket and Lot Department Store.

No less noteworthy and city markets. Of these, the most famous is considered Chagalchiwhich is recognized as the largest marine market in the country. In October, in its territory passes Festival of cultural tourism. No less popular and markets Kkanthon and Puphenwhere you can buy absolutely everything: from jewelry to a variety of equipment.


Busan is the most important transport hub of the country: here are located international Airport Kimhe and large port. Also through the city are the main railways and highways.

Pusan \u200b\u200bpublic transport is represented by the subway, buses, water trams and a taxi. The most convenient means of movement in the city is the subway. The names of its stations and transitions are duplicated on english languagethat is very convenient for foreigners. Buses in Busan walk very often, and their route network covers the entire city and its suburbs. Also here they run special excursion buseswhich circle all the main attractions.

Taxi in the city is a lot, and they are relatively cheap, safe and clean. The fare depends on the distance and time of the path, as well as from the type of taxi (branded taxis, taxis increased comfort or multi-family taxi).


In Busan, automatic telephones are installed in all public places and at all intersections, therefore there are no problems with communication. All automatic machines are divided into three types: "Mint", working from telephone cards and working from credit cards and cards IC Card. For international negotiations, you must purchase a map WorldPhone Plus Cardwhich allows you to make a call to any country from any phone.

Cellular communication is carried out in the standard CDMA-1800.Therefore, the phones familiar to us do not work here. In order to take advantage cellular connectionRecommended to rent mobile phone Local Standard. You can do it at the airport. For rental rental credit card and passport with a Korean visa.

Wireless internet access is provided in all public places and hotels of the city.


Crime in Busan is practically absent, so tourists can feel safe here. Of course, small stealing and pocket thefts happen here, but they are considered an exception to the rules. Maximum care must be exercised on the roads, since in the given country the percentage of deaths in road accidents is considered one of the highest in the world. It is also important to remember that in South Korea there is a very rigid criminal legislation. Therefore, in case of violation of the law of a foreign citizen, the same punishment as Korean is waiting for the same punishment.

Business climate

The main lever of the economy of Busan is his sea \u200b\u200bportwhich is recognized as one of the world's largest. The main trading partners of the Busan port are USA, Japan and even the PRC. Moreover, in Shanghai, Miami, Ho Chi Minh City and Osaka there are large trading representatives of Pusan. Also, the city is one of the largest industrial centers of the country. Among the leading industrial sectors, textile and food industry, as well as shipbuilding, metalworking, engineering, were most important. The city has a highly developed infrastructure and service sector, and now they are the most promising objects for investment.

The property

Property in Pusan \u200b\u200bis considered one of the most expensive in South Korea. But despite this, she invariably enjoys high demand from both the Koreans themselves and foreigners. The advantages of the real estate market of this city are obvious: a high standard of living, a developed infrastructure, an excellent system of social benefits and a good ecology. The investment in the purchase or construction of a local real estate subsequently promises substantial benefits, since prices for it here every year increase. Moreover, the process of buying all Korean real estate objects is considered quite simple and uncomplicated.

In Busan, as in all South Korea, for official institutions, monuments and museums act summer and winter schedule Works (from March to October and from November to February). A detailed schedule of any cultural institution can be found in one of numerous tourist centers.

About the second largest city of South Korea is written enough. This would be possible to finish the article, but not .. In almost all significant sources, Busan is described as a common place with sights where people historically accumulated. But no article talks about how lucky they are! So, consider Busan as a place in which you can fall in love, where you want to stay forever. And not without reason:

What places worth visiting

Dress Temple, Cultural Village Kamchon - Popular tourist places, To get to which it will not work from the subway - too far. About these places is so much written on other resources that they turned into a tourist Mecca, where it is almost impossible to dissolve in the Korean identity. Chagalchi fish market in general doubtful place for a tourist: it opens early, it closes early and reminds the stock exchange; All the same, this place is for the seller and the buyer where the latter you need to buy the most fresh fish as soon as possible. best price. Instead of popular options, we offer several other quiet places:

Within walking distance

Beach areas

The main attraction of Busan is the beaches, they are all close to the subway. In general, the most the best place In order to stop in the city - these are areas of Guangalley and Huenda - stunning areas and day and evening! It is here that atmosphere of the slow resort rest and the dynamic life of modern South Korea are combined. Recommended time to visit - autumn.

Secret Temple

In general, to find a Buddhist temple in Korea to try: all of them, as a rule, are beyond the feature of the city and also on the mountain. Fortunately, the mountains in Korea are also a lot, so in almost the center of Busan there is a secret temple, which even knows the Koreans. It is unpopular in the tourist plan, but that is why it has a special value. The path is not easy, almost all the time in the mountain, but the road itself will immerse you into the atmosphere of Korean identity and tranquility. Yes, I will send the road going!

When to visit Busan

In April and May blooms Sakura, and September is perfect for a beach holiday. Summer is not the most best time To visit Busan: Despite the rainy season, the city is overloaded with tourists and all this is combined with a high cost of air tickets.

Climate Busan: precipitation, water and air temperature (clickable)

See also: