The largest shipwrecks. The largest marine catastrophes in history

The world is familiar with a lot of shipwrecks, shook by its scale and horror of what happened. A lot of terrible shipwrecks, which caused significant human sacrifices, knows the domestic history.

The top of the most terrible shipwrecks of the 20th century

As is known, modern ships Equipped with means designed to save the life of a person. However, it was not always. Especially many large shipwrecks occurred in the last century.

Some water disasters occurred far away in the sea, and some in the coastal strip due to collisions with reefs. The consequences can be frightening. Next, consider some of the most terrible shipwrecks in the history of mankind.

Steamer "Sultansh" (SS SULTANA)

Wooden wheel steamer "Sultansh" is built on American shipyard in Cincinnati and launched on the water in 1863. Disaster The ship suffered on April 27, 1865 on the Mississippi River near Memphis because of the explosion of the steam boiler.

On the steamer transported the soldiers liberated from captivity. 1653 people became victims of the catastrophe, 741 people were saved. This shipwreck in the number of victims is the most large-scale catastrophe of the XIX century.

Ferry "Done Paz"

One of the largest shipwrecks of the 20th century occurred in 1987 - talking about the passenger ferry "Dona Paz". For more than two decades, he regularly transported people by running along the banks of the Philippines and Japan.

Faced with the tanker, the ferry literally broke in half. There was a fire, passengers died on fire. The number of victims of this terrible shipwreck - 4375 people.

Liner "Wilhelm Gustloff"

The cruise steamer "Wilhelm Gustloff" belonged to one of the largest companies - tour operators of the Third Reich. He was launched in 1937. The ship has left 50 cruises, and the cost of tickets was so small that even the working class could afford to go on board on a journey.

During World War II, the liner fulfilled the function of the hospital, and later became for the Sailors-submariners barracks. In early 1945, the vessel torpedoed the Soviet submarine. According to official data, 5348 people died in shipwreck. Historians also call another number of victims - at least 9 thousand people.


Who does not know about "Titanic"? It seems that everyone heard about this accumulating shipwreck. The vessel made only one flight, which ended with a catastrophe in 1912. Titanic according to the site, is included in the rating of the biggest ships.

1513 people became victims of shipwrecks. Only 711 passengers were saved. "Titanic" disappeared under water in 160 minutes. This terrible catastrophe is reflected in the cinema: in 1997 she took a film with the same name director James Cameron. The main roles in the picture were played by Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio.

Cruise ship "Costa Concordia"

"Costa Concordia" is one of the largest European boats. The sea disaster occurred on the night of January 13-14, 2012 in the Tyrrhenian Sea, not far from the Italian Island of Gielo, during a cruise in Western Mediterranean. On board were 4229 people, when the side flew to the reefs and turned over. As a result of the crash, 32 people were killed.

In the crash "Costa Concordia" 6 people are recognized as

The chief guilty was recognized as Captain Liner Francesco Sketino, sentenced to 16 years of conclusion. After this incident, the rules of maritime shipping and passage of pre-trial brief passengers were tightened.

The most terrible shipwrecks in domestic history

A few large shipwrecks knows the domestic history, and they all entailed huge human sacrifices. It is impossible not to recall the crash of Armenia, Admiral Nakhimov and Novorossiysk. The terrible tragedy became for our country and the whole world the death of a submarine Kursk, shipwreck "Bulgaria" and "Komsomolts".

"Armenia" sank in the fall of 1941 near the Crimea in just four minutes. The ship transported evacuated residents and wounded Red Army. Five thousand people died, and only 8 passengers could remain alive.

One of the largest catastrophes on the water in the USSR was the wreck of Admiral Nakhimov. He walked from Novorossiysk in Sochi, carrying 1243 people. Due to the fact that the steamer rammed the grain truck, he had a breakdown, and he sank in 7 minutes. This shipwreck occurred at the end of August 1986, and then 423 people were killed.

The name "Novorossiysk" in the USSR received a ship that belonged to this Navy Italy. At the end of October 1955, an explosion occurred in the nose of the ship, which was formed a hole in 150 square meters. meters. Novorossiysk sank along with 604 people aboard.

Ferry "Estonia" in September 1994, coming out of the port of Tallinn, got into the storm, lost his nasal part, which would have fallen out and drowned. The rescue operation complicated the natural disaster, as a result of which 852 people were missing and died.

About the tragedy that occurred with the nuclear submarine "Kursk" is known to our contemporaries. The wreck occurred in August 2000 due to the ledge on board the explosions. The crew consisted of 118 people who did not have survivors.

In July 2011 another happened scary shipwreck In the domestic history - the sweating of the ship "Bulgaria", which committed a cruise along the Volga. With a capacity of 140 people on board were 208 passengers. About 120 people were dead, there were many children among them.

In the Norwegian Sea, the submarine "Komsomolets" was wreking. This happened in April 1989 - the reason was the fire in the feed compartment. The crew consisted of 69 people, only 27 crew members succeeded.

The most terrible catastrophe on the water in the history of mankind

Perhaps the most terrible catastrophe on the water in the entire history of mankind became the shipwreck of the German ship "Goyya" in 1945. His victims were about 7 thousand people.

The wreck of "Goya" is called the bloody catastrophe. It occurred during the Second World War. The vessel was used as a ship for evacuation. At night, the Soviet submarine caught up "Goyuy" and attacked the ship. After 10 minutes, the Goya ship, along with all passengers, went under the water. On land, large incidents with human victims took place. We invite you to learn more about the most terrible catastrophes in history.
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Many mistakenly believe that "Titanic" is the most terrible tragedy that happened on the water. All this is far from the wrong, he is not even in the top ten. So, let's begin..
1. "Goya" (Germany) - 6900 dead.
On April 4, 1945, the ship "Goya" stood in the Danking bay, waiting for the loading of military and refugees. The bay was under the constant artwork of Soviet artillery, one of the shells got into the "Goyuy", easily wounding the captain of the vessel pluny (plünnecke).
In addition to civil and wounded servicemen, there were 200 soldiers of the 25th Tank Regiment of the Wehrmacht.
At 19:00 a convoy, consisting of three courts: "Goya", a steamer Kronenfels ("Kronenfels", 1944 the year of construction, 2834 BRT.) And Marine Tugger Egir ("ÄGIR"), came out of Danzig Bay accompanied by two travelers 256 and M-328 in the city of Sveteyunde.

At this time, a Soviet submarine L-3 was held at the exit of Dankig Bay in anticipation of German vessels under the command of Vladimir Konovalov. For the attack was chosen the biggest ship convoy. Around 23:00, the convoy route was changed, the convoy headed to Copenhagen.
Guards submarine "L-3" ("Frunzevets")

To catch up with "Goyuya", the Soviet submarine had to go under the surface position on diesels (in the underwater position, the electric motors could not develop the required speed). L-3 caught up "Goyuy" and at 23:52 successfully torpedoing the vessel with two torpedoes. "Goya" sank seven minutes after a torpedo attack, while 6,000 to 7,000 people died, the exact number of people who were on the ship remained unknown. Support ships managed to save 157 people, during the day by other ships another 28 people were detected alive.
Such a quick immersion of the ship under the water is explained by the fact that the Goya ship was not passenger and did not have partitions between compartments, as prescribed for passenger ships.
On July 8, 1945, for the exemplary fulfillment of combat missions, personal courage and heroism, manifested in battles with the German fascist invaders, Guard Captain 3 rank Konovalov Vladimir Konstantinovich was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal of the Golden Star.
Konovalov Vladimir Konstantinovich
2. Dzunyu-Maru (Japan) - 5620 dead.

"Zyun-Maru" is a Japanese cargo ship, one of the "ships of hell". "HELA ships" is the name of the courts of the Japanese merchant fleet, transported prisoners of war and workers forcibly taken from the occupied territories. "Hel's ships did not have any special designations. The Americans and the British treated them on a general basis.
On March 18, 1944, the ship was attacked by the English submarine TradeWind and sank. At that moment, there were 1377 Dutch, 64 British and Australian, 8 American prisoners of war, as well as 4200 Javanese workers (Romsus) on board, and 4200 railway on Sumatra. The catastrophe has become the greatest for its time, with the life of 5620 people. 723 survivors were only saved in order to be sent to work, similar to the construction of the death road, where they are also likely to be delayed.
3. Toyama Maru (Japan) - 5600 dead.

Another ship from the list of "hell ship". The ship is planted on June 29, 1944 by the American submarine Sturgeon.
4. "Cap Arcona" (Germany) - 5594 dead - (a terrible tragedy, almost all of them were prisoners of concentration camps).

At the end of the war, Reichsführer Gimmler issued a secret order about the evacuation of concentration camps and the destruction of all prisoners, none of which had to get alive in the hands of the Allies. On May 2, 1945, the "CAP Arcona" liner, the ThielBek cargoes and the ships "Athen" and "Deutschland", who stood in Lübeck's harbor, the SS troops delivered 1000-2000 concentration camps on the barges: from Stutthof near Danziga, Neuengam near Hamburg and Mittelbau-Dora near Nordhausen. Hundreds of prisoners died on the road. The captains of the courts, however, refused to accept them, since there were already 11,000 prisoners on their vessels, mostly Jews. Therefore, early in the morning May 3, the barges with prisoners were ordered to return to the shore.
When the semi-dealers began to get out to the shore, the SS, the Hitler Jugend and the marines opened fire from the machine guns and killed more than 500. 350 people survived. At the same time flew away english airplanes And they began to bomb ships with raised white flags. Thielbek drowned for 15-20 minutes. Survived 50 Jews. The prisoners who were on the "Athen" survived, because the ship was ordered to return to Neustadt to pick up additional prisoners from the Stutthof concentration camp with the barges. This saved the lives of 1998 people.
The camp striped uniforms of prisoners were clearly visible to the pilots, but English Order No. 73 reads: "Destroy all the concentrated enemy ships in the Harbor of Lubeck."
"Suddenly, airplanes appeared. We clearly saw their identification signs. "This is the British! Look, we are satellites! We are prisoners of concentration camps! "- We shouted and waved them with their hands. We waved our camp caps in a strip and pointed to our striped clothes, but there was no compassion to us. The British began to throw napalm to shock and burning "Cap Arcona". The next yield of aircraft decreased, now they were 15 meters from the deck, we saw the pilot's face well and thought that we had nothing to fear. But here bombs fell out of the bombs of the plane ... Some fell on the deck, others in the water ... in us and in those who jumped into the water, shot from machine guns. The water around the tough bodies was made red, "wrote Benjamin Jacobs in the book" The Dentist of Auschwitz ".
Burning Cap Arcona shortly after the start of the attack.
The British continued to shoot the prisoners, launched a boat into the water or just jumped overboard. By "CAP Arcona" released 64 projectiles and dropped 15 bombs on it. He burned long and people burned alive alive. Most of those who jumped overboard, drowned or were killed. 350-500 saved. A total of 13,000 died, and survived 1450. Barges, the sea and the shore were littered with corpses.
The next day, on May 4, the Germans surrendered to Field Marshal Montgomery.
5. Wilhelm Gustloff (Germany) - 5300 dead

At the beginning of 1945, a significant number of people in a panic flew by their flight from the upcoming Red Army. Many of them followed the ports on the coast Baltic Sea. To evacuate a huge number of refugees, on the initiative of the German Admiral Charles, a special operation "Hannibal" was implemented, which became in history as the largest evacuation of the population by the sea. During this operation, almost 2 million people of the civilian population were evacuated to Germany - on large vessels, as "Wilhelm Gustloff", as well as on dry cargos and tugs.
Thus, in the framework of the operation "Hannibal" on January 22, 1945, Wilhelm Gustloff in the port of Gdynia began to take on board the refugees. At first, people were placed on special passes - first of all several dozen submariner officers, several hundred women from the naval auxiliary division and almost a thousand wounded soldiers. Later, tens of thousands of people gathered in the port and the situation has become complicated, they began to let everyone, providing the advantage to women and children. Since the projected number of seats were only 1,500, the refugees began to be placed on the decks, in transitions. Women's servicemen placed even in an empty pool. In the last stages of Evacuation, panic increased so much that some women in the port in despair began to give their children those who managed to rise on board, hoping at least thus save them. At the end, January 30, 1945, the officers of the crew of the vessel have already ceased to consider refugees, the number of which exceeded 10,000.
According to modern estimates, 10,582 people were on board: 918 cadets of junior groups of the 2nd training division of submarines, 173 members of the vessel crew, 373 women from the auxiliary maritime corps, 162 serious military personnel, and 8956 refugees, mostly old people, women and children. When at 12:30 pm "Wilhelm Gustloff", accompanied by two ships, finally departed, disputes between four senior officers arose on the captain's bridge. In addition to the commander of the Captain Friedrich Petersen (FRIEDRICH PETERSEN), designed from the resignation, there were commander of the 2nd training division of submariners and two captains of the Fleet, and there was no consent about how the fairway to keep the vessel and what kind of precautions Take on submarines and aviation allies. An external fairway was chosen (German zwangsweg 58 designation). Contrary to the recommendations to go Zigzag to complicate the attack of submarines, it was decided to go direct a course with a speed of 12 knots, since the corridor in mine-fields was not wide enough and the captains hoped in such a way to get into safe water faster; In addition, the ship lacked the fuel. The liner could not develop the full speed due to damage obtained during bombardment. In addition, TF-19 Torpedoles returned to the port of Gothenhafen, having received damage to the body when a collision with a stone, and only one Lion Martyr (Löwe) remained in the guard. At 18:00 a message was received about the convoy of travelers, who allegedly seized towards, and when he was already dark, it was ordered to include running lights to prevent collision. In fact, no trassels were, and the circumstances of the appearance of this radiogram were still unexplained so far. According to other data, the trawl sections led to meet convoy, and appeared later than this in the alert time.
When the commander of the Soviet submarine S-13, Alexander Marnesco, saw and went out ofigel brightly lit, contrary to all the norms of military practice, "Wilhelm Gustloff", then for two hours he followed him at an outdrawal position, choosing a position for attack. Usually the submarines of that time were unable to catch up with the surface ships, but Captain Peterson went slower than the project speed, given the significant overflow of passengers and the uncertainty about the state of the ship after many years of intelligence and repair after bombing. At 19:30, never waiting for the travelers, Peterson gave the team to put off the lights, but it was already late - Marinesko developed an attack plan.
S-13 submarine

At about nine hours, C-13 came from the side of the coast, where it could be less expected to be expected from a distance of less than 1,000 m at 21:04 released the first torpedo with the inscription "for their homeland", and then two more - "for the Soviet people" and "for Leningrad. " The fourth, already crushed torpedo "For Stalin", stuck in the torpedo apparatus and almost exploded, but it was able to neutralize, close the hatches of the devices and plunge.
Captain of the Third Rank A. I. Marnesco
At 21:16 the first torpedo fell into the nose of the ship, later the second blew up an empty pool, where women of the naval auxiliary battalion were located, and the latter hit the engine compartment. The first thought of passengers was that they appeared for mine, but Captain Peterson realized that it was a submarine, and his first words was: Das War's (that's all). Those passengers who did not died from three explosions and did not drown in the cabins of the lower decks, rushed to life boats in a panic. At that moment, it turned out that ordered to close, according to the instructions, waterproof compartments in the lower decks, the captain was inadvertently blocked by a part of the team, which was supposed to do the shower boats and the evacuation of passengers. Therefore, not only many children and women died in panic and LDA, but many of those who got on the upper deck. They could not pull the rescue boats, because they did not know how to do this, besides, many sluts were icy, and the ship was already a strong roll. Common efforts of the team and passengers, some boats managed to pull into water, and yet there were many people in icy water. From the strong roll of the vessel from the deck, the anti-aircraft installation was broken away and crushed one of the boats, already full of people. About an hour after the attack "Wilhelm Gustloff" completely sank.
Two weeks, February 10, 1945, the S-13 submarine under the team of Alexander Marnesco Saved another large German transport "General Stomyben", about it below.
6. "Armenia" (USSR) - approximately 5,000 dead.

Around 17:00 on November 6, 1941, Armenia came out of the port of Sevastopol, evacuating a military hospital and residents of the city. According to different estimates, on board was from 4.5 to 7 thousand people. At 2:00 on November 7, the ship arrived in Yalta, where a few more hundred people took on board. At 8:00, the ship came out of the port. At 11 o'clock 25 minutes, the vessel was attacked by a single German torpedo stage "Heinkel HE-111", which belonged to the 1st squadron of the I / KG28 aircroup. The plane went on the side of the coast and with a distance of 600 m dropped two torpedoes. One of them fell into the nasal part of the ship. After 4 minutes "Armenia" sank. Despite the fact that the transport had the distinctive signs of the sanitary vessel, "Armenia" broke this status, as it was armed with four zenith guns 21-k. In addition to the wounded and refugees, on board were military personnel and NKVD employees. The ship was accompanied by two armed boats and two fighters and-153. In this regard, "Armenia" was "legitimate" in terms of international law military aim
German medium bomber "Hakel HE-111"

There were several thousand wounded fighters and evacuated citizens on the ship. The staff of the Chief Hospital of the Black Sea Fleet and a number of other military and civilian hospitals (only 23 hospitals), the leadership of Pioneerlage "Artek" and part of the party leadership of Crimea, was also shipped to the ship. The loading of evacuated was in a hurry, exactly their number is not known (just as with the evacuation of the Germans from Germany at the end of the war - on ships Wilhelm Gustloff, Goya). Officially, at Soviet times it was believed that about 5 thousand people were killed, at the beginning of the XXI century, estimates were increased to 7-10 thousand people. Save managed only eight.
7. Ryusey-Maru (Japan) - 4998 dead

Ryusei Mara (Ryusei Maru) - a Japanese vessel, which February 25, 1944 was torpedoed by the USS Rasher American submarine, as a result of which 4998 people died. Another ship from the list of "hell ship".
8. "Done Paz" (Phillipopins) - 4375 dead

Before the time of the collision, Dona Pip was performed twice a week passenger Transportation On the route Manila-Tacloban-Katbalogan-Manila-Katbalogan-Tacloban Manila. The ship was released on December 20, 1987. At about 22 hours of the same day, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe island, Marinduk Ferry collided with the "Vector" tanker. This catastrophe is considered the largest among those who occurred in peacetime.
9. "Lancastria" (United Kingdom) - approximately 4,000 dead

Until 1932, Lancastria made regular flights from Liverpool to New York, then used as a cruise ship that went to Mediterranean Sea. And along the coast of Northern Europe.
On October 10, 1932, Lancastria saved the crew of the Belgian ship Scheldestad, enduring in the Biscay bay.
In April 1940, Admiralty was retired and converted to military transport. In the new capacity, first used during the evacuation of the Allied troops from Norway. On June 17, 1940, more than 4,000 people died from the coast of France, while more than 4,000 people died, which exceeded the total number of victims of Titanic and Luisania.
10. General Steben (Germany) - 3608 dead

During World War II, until 1944, the liner was used as a hotel for the top team of Crygsmarine in Kiel and Danzig, after 1944 the vessel was converted to hospital and participated in the evacuation of people (mostly injured military personnel and refugees) from East Prussia from the upcoming Red Army.
On February 9, 1945, Shatyben liner came out of the port of Pillau (now Baltiysk) and headed in Kiel, there were more than 4,000 people on board a liner - 2680 wounded servicemen, 100 soldiers, about 900 refugees, 270 people of military medical staff and 285 vessel crew members. The vessel was accompanied by the T-196 destroyer and the TF-10 traveler.
The German liner was found in the evening on February 9 by the S-13 Soviet submarine under the command of Alexander Marnesco. For four and a half hours, the Soviet submarine persecuted "Shtyben" and finally at night on February 10 at 00:55 Torped the liner with two torpedoes. The liner sank after 15 minutes, and more than 3,600 people died (the following numbers are given: 3608 died, 659 people were saved).
When torpedoing the liner, the submarine commander Alexander Marnesco was convinced that he was not a passenger liner, and the Military cruiser Emden.
Cruiser "Emden" for comparison.

The fact that it is not, Marnesco learned after returning to the base to the Finnish Turku from local newspapers.
Until December 1944, Shtyben made 18 flights by evacuating a total of 26,445 wounded and 6,694 refugees.
11. Tilbec (Germany) - approximately 2800 dead

Died next to Cap Arcone (see paragraph 4)
12. Salzburg (Germany) - approximately 2,000 dead

September 22, 1942 Submarine M-118 (commander - Captain-Lieutenant Savin Sergey Stepanovich) went to position No. 42 (Cape Bournas district) from Poti. The task of the boat was an obstacle to the enemy navigation and the sump of his ships.
On October 1, 1942, the Salzburg transport was located as part of the convoy "South", who came out of obstacle to the Romanian port of Sulin. In the convoy, the Bulgarian steamer "King Ferdinand" (which two years later, October 2, 1944, was surfed by the French submarine FS Curie). After passing through the convoy of the traverse, Odessa was taken under the protection of Romanian canonse boats "Locogenent-Commander Poems Eugen", "Singokotennt Hikuplek ion" and the Mer-7 trailer. The air surveillance of the atmosphere was conducted by the Arado AR 196 hydrosapol (some sources mentioned CANT-501Z) of the Romanian Air Force.
Salzburg walked with a load of 810 tons. Scrap (according to other sources - rose coal). In addition, on board was from 2000 to 2300 people of Soviet prisoners of war.
Due to the danger of being attacked by the Soviet submarines that were constantly on duty in the area, the convoy walked near the coast, and the ships of the shelf were covered with his Morushey.
Submarine M-118

At 13.57, the right side of the second "Salzburg" the explosion and above the superstructure and mast will be tired of the waters.
Cover ships began searching the boat towards the sea from the convoy, but unsuccessfully. At this time, the captain of "Salzburg" received a team to throw a stranded ship. However, after 13 minutes after the explosion, the ship sits on the ground. Only masts and pipe remain over the water.
"Eugen Lockogenent-Commander" continued to accompany the Bulgarian transport, and the "Singokotennt Hikuplek ion" and the Fleeper approached the silence of Salzburg.
At this time, M-118, which during the attack was located between the coast and convoy, began movement, and the vaporically screwed by the track was noticed by the pilots of the patrol aircraft. When the headquarters receive a signal about the detection of a submarine, the Feller received an order to catch up with a convoy and protect it from a possible new attack, and the "Singokotennt Hikuplek ion" went to the location of the boat detection. From the air for the boat, the German seaplane BV-138 was hunted from the composition of the 3rd squadron of the 125th intelligence aircorder. After resetting a series of deep bombs from the Romanian canoner, they reported on the water spots that appeared on the water and surfaced wooden wreckage.
BV-138 hydrosapol

In 15.45, the convoy commander from the Canoner Boat "Locogenent Commander Poems Eugen" sent another radiogram to the headquarters, which reported that "Salzburg" sank on shallow water, only masts and superstructures remained above the water, and bad weather, strong wind and excitement At sea, as well as lack of rescue tools greatly make it difficult to carry out rescue work. Only after this report at 16.45 German boat trails "FR-1", "FR-3", "FR-9" and "FR-10" were directed from Bugaz to the place of death of the vessel, and at 17.32 they reported that ". ..70 Russians hang on masts. "
The Romanian command of the Naval Forces of the District appealed to the help of local fishermen, who were raised on the alarm and sent to the sea. Fishermen was rescued from water 42 prisoners of war.
At 20.00, the Bulgarian steamer "Tsar Ferdinand" and ships of the Festival, who delivered some of the saved, among whom were 13 members of the Salzburg crew, 5 German artilleryrs at the calculation of the anti-aircraft installation of the deceased vessel, 16 guards and 133 prisoners of war.
Cameric trails "FR-1", "FR-3", "FR-9" and "FR-10" were saved by another 75 prisoners of war.
In total, 6 Germans and 2080 Soviet prisoners of war were killed on transport "Salzburg".
M-118 The ether did not leave anymore, did not return to the database.
13. "Titanic" (United Kingdom) - 1514 dead.
We were told about readers in detail in articles:

14. "Hood" (United Kingdom) - 1415 dead.

Heroically died in the battle in the Danish Strait - the marine battle of the Second World War between the ships of the Royal Fleet of Great Britain and Crygsmarine (the naval forces of the Third Reich). British battleship "Prince Wales" and the Linear Cruiser "Hood" tried to prevent the famous German Lincoor "Bismarck" and the heavy cruiser "Prince Oygen" break through the Danish strait to the North Atlantic.
In 05-35 on May 24, the head of the Prince of Wales was noticed by the German squadron at a distance of 17 miles (28 km). The Germans knew about the presence of an opponent from the testimony of hydrophones and soon also noticed on the horizon of the mast of British ships. The vice-admiral of Hollands had a choice: either to continue the maintenance of "Bismarck", waiting for the arrival of the linkers of the Escord Admiral Tovy or attack on their own. Holland decided to attack and at 05-37 gave an order for rapprochement with the enemy. In 05-52, "Hood" opened fire from a distance of about 13 miles (24 km). "Hood" in full swing continued rapprochement with the enemy, seeking to reduce the time of hinged fire. In the meantime, the German ships shot themselves on Cruiser: the first 203-mm projectile with Prince Oumen got into the middle part of "Huda", next to the feed 102-mm installation and caused a strong fire of shells and rockets. At 05:55 Holland ordered a turn of 20 degrees to the left so that the feed towers could shoot on the "Bismarck".
At about 06:00, without completing the turn, the cruiser was covered with a volley with "Bismarck" from a distance from 8 to 9.5 miles (15 - 18 km). Almost immediately in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Grotto Mastta there was a giant fountain of fire, after which happened powerful explosion, bursting a cruiser in half.
German battleship "Bismarck"

The stern "Huda" quickly sank. The nasal part rose and rummaged in the air for some time, after which she sank and she (at the last moment the doomed crew of the nasal tower made another volley). "Prince Welsh", who was half a mile, was covered with wreckage "Hud".
The cruiser sank for three minutes, having taken with him 1415 people, including Vice Admiral Hollands. Only three sailors were saved, which was picked up by the ESMINIS HMS Electra.
15. "Lusitania" (United Kingdom) - 1198 dead

"Lusitania" left Pier No. 54 in New York at noon Saturdays May 1, 1915.
On May 5 and 6, the German submarine U-20 sank three vessels, and the Royal Navy sent a warning to all British vessels: "Submarines are active southern Shore Ireland. Captain Turner on May 6, twice received this message and accepted all precautions: waterproof doors were closed, all the portholes were shouted, the number of observers were doubted, all boats were drained and downed overboard to accelerate the evacuation of passengers in case of danger.
On Friday, on May 7 at 11:00, the Admiralty referred another message, and Turner adjusted the course. It was probably thought that the submarines should be in the open sea and are not suitable on the side of the coast, and the "Luzitania" will be protected by the proximity to land.
At 13:00, one of the sailors of the German submarine U-20 noted a large four-pipe ship ahead. He told Captain Walter to Schwiger, which noticed a large four-pipe ship, going at the speed of about 18 knots. The boat had little fuel and only one torpedo, the captain was already going to return to the base, as the boat was noticed that the ship slowly turns the right side of the boat.
Captain U-20 Walter Schwiger (died in 2.5 years along with the submarine U-88 off the coast of Denmark)
"Lusitania" was approximately 30 miles (48 km) from the Irish shore, when she fell into fog and reduced the speed of up to 18 knots. She went to the port of Quinstown - now Kob - in Ireland, which remained 43 miles (70 km) of the way.
At 2:10 pm tremendous noticed the approaching torpedo from the right side. After a moment, Torpeda fell into the right side under the bridge. The explosion shot a pillar of wreckage of steel sheat and water upwards, then followed the second, more powerful explosion, because of which the "Lusitania" began to roll on the right side.
A radist of "Lusitania" was unsolicited sent a distress signal. Captain Turner ordered to leave the ship. Water flooded longitudinal right side compartments, causing a 15-degree roll on the right side. The captain tried to expand the "Lusitania" to the Irish shore in the hope of putting him stranded, but the vessel did not have a steering wheel, as the torpedo explosion interrupted steering steering highways. In the meantime, the ship continued to move at 18 knots, because of which the water came faster inside.
After about six minutes, the Bak "Lusitania" began to dive. Roll on the right side greatly complicated the descent of lifeboats.
U-20 on the Danish coast in 1916. Torpedoes exploded in the nose, destroying the ship

A large number of rescue boats overturned during loading or were overturned by the movement of the ship when they touched the water. "Lusitania" carried 48 rescue boats - more than enough for the whole team and all passengers - but only six boats managed to launch safely, all from the right side. Several folding rescue boats washed off the deck when the liner was divered into the water.
Despite the measures taken by the captain, the liner did not reach the shore. On board a panic rose. By 14:25 Captain Schwiger lowered the periscope and went to the sea.
Captain Turner remained at the bridge until it was shoved by water overboard. Being an excellent swimmer, he handed three hours in water. From the movement of the vessel, the water fell into boilers, some boilers exploded, including those that were under the third pipe, because of which she collapsed, the rest of the pipes collapsed a little later. The vessel passed about two miles (3 km) from the place of the torpedo attack to the place of death, leaving a trace of debris and people. At 14:28 "Lusitania" overturned the keel up and sank.
Comparison of "Lusitania" and killed her submarine. Figure from the magazine "Nature and People", 1915

The liner sank in 18 minutes in 8 miles (13 km) from Kinsale. 1198 people died, including almost a hundred children. The bodies of many victims were buried in Quinstown in Kinsayle - the city of Luzitania's death.
On January 11, 2011, Audrey Pirl died at the age of 95, the last surviving passenger liner, which at the time of his death was only three months old.

On April 16, 1945, exactly 117 years after the death of Francisco Goya, a torpedo attack conducted by the Soviet submarine, the ship "Goya" was flooded. This catastrophe that has taken 7,000 lives has become the largest shipwreck in world history.

"Goya" was a Norwegian cargo ship, a requisited Germans, 17 April 1945 did not set up since the morning. A gloomy omen of the coming catastrophe was the bombing that the ship was subjected to. Despite the defense, during the fourth raid, the projectile still struck the nasal part of Goya. Several people were injured, but the ship remained afloat and the flight decided not to cancel.

For "Goya", it was the fifth round of evacuation from the upcoming parts of the Red Army. For four previous hikes, almost 20,000 refugees, wounded and soldiers were evacuated.
At his last flight "Goya" went uploaded to refusal. Passengers were in the aisles, on the stairs, in the holds. Not everyone had documents, so the exact number of passengers has not yet been established, from 6,000 to 7000. They all believed that the war was over for them, they were built plans and were full of hope ...

Ships ("Goya" walked accompanied by convoy) were already in the sea, when at 22:30 observation noticed on board an unidentified silhouette. Everyone was ordered to wear rescue residents. On board "Goya" there was only 1500. In addition, there was a breakdown in the engine room at one of the ship's ships, "Kronenfelse". Waiting for the end of the repair work, the ships went to the drift. After the hour of the court continued the way.
At 23:45 "Goya" shuddered from a powerful torpedo attack. The Soviet submarine L-3, which followed the ships, began actions.
On Goya began panic. Johen Hannah, a German tanker, who became one of the few survivors, recalled: "From huge scratches formed by the torpedo, water rushed with noise. The ship broke into two parts and began to dive rapidly. It was heard only a terrible hum of a huge mass of water. "
A huge ship, devoid of partitions, caught for some 20 minutes. Alive left only 178 people.

"Wilhelm Gustlov"

On January 30, 1945, at 21 o'clock 15 minutes, the S-13 submarine found the German transport "Wilhelm Gustlov", accompanied by escort, on board, on modern estimates, over 10 thousand people, most of whom were refugees from East Prussia : old men, children, women. But also on "Gustlov" there were German submariner cadets, crew members and other servicemen.
The captain of the submarine Alexander Marnesco began hunting. Almost three hours, the Soviet submarine followed the transport-giant (Gustlov's displacement "over 25 thousand tons. For comparison: Titanic steamer and Bismarck battleship had a displacement of about 50 thousand tons).
Choosing the moment, Marnesco attacked "Gustlov" by three torpedoes, each of which struck the goal. The fourth torpedo with the inscription "For Stalin" stuck. Submariners miraculously managed to avoid a boat explosion.

Running from the persecution of the German military escort, C-13 was bombarded over 200 deep bombs.

Flooding "Wilhelm Gustlova" is considered one of the largest catastrophes In marine history. According to official data, 5,348 people died in it, according to a number of historians, real losses could exceed 9,000.

They were called "hell ships." These were Japanese shopping vessels used to transport prisoners of war and workers (in fact - slaves that were called "Romushi") to the territories occupied by the Japanese during the Second World War. "HELA ships" were not officially not included in the military fleet of Japan and did not have identifying signs, but the forces of the allies treated them from this no less violently. In total for wartime, 9 "ships of hell", on which almost 25 thousand people died.

It is worth saying that the British and Americans could not but know about the "cargo", which was transported on the ships, as Japanese ciphers were decrypted.

The largest catastrophe occurred on September 18, 1944. British submarine Tradewind torpedoed Japanese ship Junyo Maru. From the rescue equipment on the ship, a two rescue boats and several rafts were packed under the urbank. On board were 4.2 thousand workers, 2.3 thousand prisoners of war of Americans, Australians, British, Dutch and Indonesians.

The conditions in which I had to survive slab on the ships were just terrifying. Many went crazy, died from depletion and stuffiness. When a torpedo vessel began to sink, there was no chance to save the ship's prisoners. The boats accompanying the "ship of hell" raised only the Japanese and a small part of the prisoners. Total alive remains 680 prisoners of war and 200 Romushi.

It was the case when the living envied the dead. Miraculously, the captives were sent at the destination - to the construction of the railway on Sumatra. Chances to survive there was not many more than on the ill-fated ship.


The cargo-passenger vessel "Armenia" was built in Leningrad and was used on the Odessa line - Batumi. During the Great Patriotic War In August 1941, Armenia was converted to a sanitary and transport vessel. The board and deck began to "decorate" big red crosses, which, in theory, had to protect the ship from attacks, but ...

During the defense, Odessa "Armenia" made 15 flights to a deposited city, from where more than 16 thousand people were taken on his board. The last flight "Armenia" was a campaign from Sevastopol in Tuapse in November 1941. On November 6, taking on board the wounded, almost all medical personnel of the Black Sea Fleet and civilians, Armenia left Sevastopol.

At night, the ship arrived in Yalta. The captain "Armenia" was forbidden to make the transition to Tuapse in the bright time of the day, but the military situation dictated another. The port of Yalta did not have a cover to protect against the raids of German aviation, and German troops were already in the near approaches to the city. And the choice practically did not remain ...

At 8 am on November 7, Armenia left Yalta and took the course on Tuapse. At 11 h 25 minutes, the ship was attacked by the German torpedo stage HE-111 and sunk less than 5 minutes after the torpedoes hit the nasal part. Together with "Armenia" died from 4,000 to 7,500 people, and they were able to escape only eight. So far, the causes of this terrible tragedy are disputes.

"Done Paz"

The death of the ferry "Done Paz" is the largest shipwreck that occurred in peacetime. This tragedy has become a cruel lesson, implanting greed, non-professionalism and slopes. The sea, as you know, does not forgive errors, and in the case of the "Danay Pass", the mistakes followed one after another.
The ferry was built in Japan in 1963. At that time, he was called "Himeuri Maru." In 1975, it was beneficial to the Philippines. Since that time it was exploited even more than mercilessly. A maximum of 608 passengers intended for transportation, it was usually clogged until it stops, accompanied from 1500 to 4500 people.

Twice a week, the ferry was performed by passenger transportation on the route Manila - Tacloban - Katbalogan - Manila - Katbalogan - Tacloban - Manila. On December 20, 1987, Dona Paz went to his last swimming from Tacomphan in Manila. At this flight, the maximum of passengers was hampered - the Philipins hurried to the capital to the new year.

At ten in the evening of the same day, the ferry ran into a huge tanker "Vector". From the collision, both vessels were literally broken in half, thousands of tons of oil broke over the ocean. From the explosion there was a fire. The chances of salvation were reduced to almost zero. Aggravated the situation and the fact that the ocean in the place of the tragedy kishel sharks.

One of the survivors, Pakito Osabel, remembered later: " Neither the sailors nor the officers of the vessel did not respond to what was happening. All required rescue vests and boats, but they were not. The lockers in which vests were kept were locked, and the keys could not find. The boats were discharged simply so, without any preparation. Panic reigned, Bardak, Chaos".

Rescue operation began only eight hours after the tragedy. From the sea managed to catch 26 people. 24 - Passengers "Donja Paz", two - sailors from a tanker "Vector". Official statistics, believing which is not necessary, talks about the death of 1,583 people. More objective, independent specialists argue that 4341 people died in a disaster.

"Cap Arcona"

"Cap Arcon" was one of the largest passenger ships Germany, water displacement - 27,561 tons. Having survived almost the entire war, "Cap Arcona" was killed after the capture of Berlin by the Allied Forces, when on May 3, 1945, the liner was surplored with English bombers.

Benjamin Jacobs, one of the prisoners who former on "Cap Arcone", in the book "The Dentist of Auschwitz" wrote: " Suddenly, airplanes appeared. We clearly saw their identification signs. "This is the British! Look, we are satellites! We are prisoners of concentration camps! "- We shouted and waved them with their hands. We waved our camp caps in a strip and pointed to our striped clothes, but there was no compassion to us. The British began to throw napalm to shock and burning "Cap Arcona". The next yield of aircraft decreased, now they were 15 meters from the deck, we saw the pilot's face well and thought that we had nothing to fear. But here bombs fell out of the bombs of the plane ... Some fell on the deck, others in the water ... in us and in those who jumped into the water, shot from machine guns. Water around the tough bodies made red".

On board the buypt "Cap Arkon", more than 4,000 prisoners burned alive or suffocated from smoke. Some prisoners managed to escape and jump into the sea. Those who managed to avoid sharks picked up Tolliers. 350 prisoners, many of which were injured from burns, managed to get out before the liner overturned. They floated to the shore, but became victims of the ESSites. In total, 5594 people were killed at the "Cap Arcone".


About the tragedy that occurred on June 17, 1940 Western historiography prefers to silence. Moreover, the fear of oblivion covered this terrible catastrophe day when she happened. This is due to the fact that on the same day, in front of the Hitler's troops capitulated France, and Winston Churchill decided not to report anything about the death of the ship, as it could abandon the moral spirit of the British. This is not surprising: the catastrophe of "Lancasteria" became the largest mass death of the British for the entire World War II, the number of victims exceeded the sum of the deaths of the "Titanic" and "Lowisitania".

Lainer Lancastria was built in 1920 and after the start of World War II was operated as a military vessel. On June 17, he evacuated troops from Norway. The German bomber of Junkers 88 began to be bombarded. 10 bombs got into the liner. According to official data, there were 4500 soldiers and 200 people of the crew on board. About 700 people succeeded. According to unofficial data, published in Brian Krabba's book about the catastrophe, it is said that the number of victims is consciously understood.

Not all victims wreck ships finish their history in the seabed, the fate of some of them more prosaic - they are challenged. We will tell about the most impressive courts, forever remaining in shallow water.

World Discoverer.

1. The ship with the sonorous name WORLD Discoverer ("Peace Own") was built in 1974. His main task was to commit cruises in the polar regions. The vessel body was specifically designed so that the ship could cope with the exposure to polar ice, but it did not save it: on April 30, 2000, World Discoverer jumped on the reef unknown on the map, the right side was significantly damaged. To prevent the ship flooding and avoid human victimsThe captain decided to "throw out" stranded into the Roderick Dhu bay. Despite the fact that subsequently the vessel was plundered by the marauders, it is in the present moment popular Moz Among the lovers of marine romance.


2. MEDITERRANEAN SKY, or, as it was called during construction, City of York, was built in 1952 in Newcastle (England). The cruise liner departed from London in November 1953 and was serviced in this port until 1971, until he was sold and did not renamed Mediterranean Sky. The last shipment of the vessel was held in August 1996 on the Brindisi route - Patras. Due to the financial situation of the shipowner company in 1997, arrest was imposed on the ship. Two years later, MEDITERRANEAN SKY was towed to Eleusin Bay (Greece). At the end of 2002, the vessel began to gain water and lean. To prevent strokes, it was deposited on the shallow water, but it did not help: in January 2003, the vessel still overturned on one side and remained to lie in anticipation of his destiny.


3. Captayannis was a Greek cargo ship whose main task was to transport sugar. In 1974, during the storm, the ship seriously suffered from a collision with a tanker: the anchor chains of the latter damaged the Captayannis case, and water began to enter inside. The captain tried to direct the ship on the shallow water, where he was successfully stuck on the sandy shallow. However, the next morning the ship turned over and still lies there. Marauders made everything from the ship, and now he slowly covers vegetation and serves as a house for a variety of birds. Local residents Similarly, it is called "Sugar Ship" and gladly show everyone visiting.

4. The history of "America" \u200b\u200bbegan at the shipyard of Newport News (Virginia, USA). Descent on the water occurred on August 31, 1939 in the presence of Eleonora Roosevelt. The interior of the ship was trying to make as cozy as possible, and in its decoration was used ceramics and stainless steel. On August 22, 1940, America went to his first flight, but already in 1941, the ship was requested by the US naval forces and sent back to Newport News for re-equipment in a warship. After the end of the war, America went on the New York route - Gavre - Bremerhefen, and in 1964, a Greek company was sold and renamed Australice. After serving the Greeks, the vessel was reset five times. The last resale took place in 1993 for re-equipment in a five-star floating hotel in Thailand, this time the ship received the name "Star of America". In 1993, the liner left Greece in a tug, but the time of the storm towing cable was broken. Several attempts to restore him were unsuccessful, and on January 18, 1994, the star of America was grown near Canary Islands.


5. Dimitrios (the old name - Kintholm) is a small (67 meters) cargo ship, which was built in 1950. Having passed three decades, on December 23, 1981, the ship was stranded off the shores of Greece. There are many rumors about the origin of the ship and its crash. There is even a version that Dimitrios was used to transport smuggled cigarettes between Turkey and Italy, and Greece's authorities seized the ship and deliberately released that he had to go five kilometers in shallow water. According to another version, on December 4, 1980, the ship was forced to go to the Greek port due to severe captain's disease. After arriving at the port because of various problems with both the crew and the ship itself, the whole team was dissolved, and the vessel was left in the port. There it was located until June 1981, while his finding was not recognized as unsafe. After that, the ship changed a dislocation many times until finally stuck on the place where it is also located. No attempts to recover him was undertaken.

6. Olympia was a commercial ship, which in 1979 was captured by pirates along the way from Cyprus to Greece. After unsuccessful attempt To pull out the ship from the bay near Amorgos Island, where the sea robbers were driven, the ship remained there until the present time, becoming the most noteworthy object on the island.

8. The French barge BOS 400 was the largest floating crane of Africa with a length of 100 meters, and on June 26, 1994, it was stranded in the Bay of South Africa during the towing Russian "Tigr". The courts had to overcome the path from the Congo to Cape Town, but during the storm, the towing cable was damaged, and barge sat stranded in place under the name Duiker Point. Despite several attempts to towing, the floating crane was completely lost.

La Famille Express.

9. La Famille Express was built in 1952 in Poland and before 1999 he served in the USSR Navy under the name "Fort Shevchenko", after which it was sold and received his second (and last) name. The circumstances of the shipwreck are unknown, except that the ship was stranded during the Francis hurricane in 2004 in the South Waters, near the islands of Terks and Caicos (Caribbean Sea). There was no attempt to tow the vessel, and he quickly plundered the marauders. But now the abandoned ship is an excellent attraction for all tourists who have found themselves in these parts.

Hmas Protector

10. HMAS Protector was acquired by the Government of South Australia back in 1884 to protect the coastline from possible attacks. The ship passed the first world War And almost passed the second. Ironically, the vessel died from a collision with a tow in July 1943 on the way to New Guinea. Rusting the remains of the ship can still be observed in the same place.


11. Evangelia is a trading ship, which was built on the same shipyard, where and "Titanic". On May 28, 1942, the ship was lowered under the name of Empire Strength. Later he was also known as Saxon Star, Redbrook and Finally, Evangelia. In 1968, during a dense night mist, the ship was swollen too close to the shore and got stranded near Kostinešti (Romania). Some say that this was done specifically to get payments for insurance. The hypothesis is indirectly confirmed by the fact that during the crash, despite the tight fog, there was no storm at sea, and all the equipment worked properly.

Santa Maria.

12. Santa Maria was a Spanish cargo ship, whose main task was to transport a huge number of various kinds of gifts from the Spanish government to those who supported the country during the economic crisis. The ship transported sports cars, food, medicines, clothing and much more. On September 1, 1968, the ship was stranded when he took place through Cape Verde on the way to Brazil and Argentina. The local tug tried to save the ship, but the attempt was not crowned with success, but the valuable cargo was somehow wonderfully disappeared. Since then, Santa Maria has been one of the main attractions of Cape Verde.

13. Maheho wreck can be rightfully called one of the most famous shifts of the XX century. The ship was built in 1905 and was one of the first turbine steamers. Maheho walked on a regular flight Sydney - Auckland until he was called upon service during the First World War. In 1935, the ship was sold by Japan. During its towing, the ships fell into a serious storm, and the towing cable was cut off. Vain attempts to fasten the cable during the storm did not lead to anything, and Maheho went to "free swimming" with eight members of the crew on board. Three days later, the ship was found on the shore of the island Fraser - none of the team, fortunately, did not suffer. After this incident, Maheho was put up for sale, but there were never buyers, and it is still in the same place. The time beaten, rusted and no one, except for tourists, not necessary.

According to experts, there are about four million sunken ships scattered across the oceans, some of which have no longer one thousand years. Even the numbers of famous sunken ships are impressive.
A large number of sunken ships are historically significant and are protected by UNESCO as underwater cultural heritage. Some ships set stranded near the beaches, and gradually rot under the action of the forces of nature. Some of them turned into tourist attractions.
Last time shipwreck, which attracted a lot of media attention, occurred in January 2012, when a cruise ship Costa Concordia turned over in waters near Isola Isola del Gilo on the west coast of Italy. The tilted ship attracted thousands of curious tourists. Here we have gathered some impressive sunken ships, for which you should see until the time destroyed them.

"SS America"

"SS America" \u200b\u200bwas ocean linerbuilt in 1940 after a long career, the liner was sold in 1993 to be renovated and become a five-star hotel in Phuket (Thailand). It was at that time that the ship was renamed "American Star", although he never sailed with this new name. The ship was departed from Greece to the Atlantic by the Ukrainian tug. However, the ships fell into a thunderstorm, the towing cable was broken, the crew from the side of "SS America" \u200b\u200bwas saved by a helicopter, and the ship was thrown into the arbitrary of fate. January 18, the vessel sprayed not far from western coast Fuerteventura Islands (Canary Islands).
During the first 48 hours after the ship got stranded, strikes a surf Atlantic Ocean broke the ship. The stern part collapsed and sank in 1996, while the nasal part remained untouched. In November 2005, the nose part collapsed, and the body began to disintegrate. In 2007, the entire ship fell and fell into the sea. As of March 2013, this ship is visible only during low tide.

The wreckage of the "American Star" (SS America) in July 2004.


The "discoverer of the world" was a large cruise ship, built in 1974 and carried out periodic flights to Antarctica and Polar regions in order to allow their passengers to admire ice torus and icebergs. The vessel had a double case, which ensured protection against minor effects. But still the ship on April 30, 2000 ran into the reef and struck the body near Solomon Islands. The captain sent a ship to the Roderick Bay and planted him straight to avoid flooding. The team and passengers were evacuated and later the ship was looted by local residents.

"Mediterranean Sky"

The cruise liner "Mediterranean Sky" was originally called New York and was built in 1952 in Newcastle (England). The ship made his last flight in August 1996.
Due to the financial problems of the own company, the Mediterranean Sky was arrested in 1997 in Patra. Two years later, he was towed to the Elezuysky Bay in Greece, where he was abandoned. At the end of 2002, the ship began to fill with water and began to lean. In order to stop his flooding, it was towed to the shallow water. In January 2003, the Mediterranean Sky overturned the side, where he remains waiting for his fate.

"MV Captayannis"

Captayannis was a Greek barge for the transport of raw sugar. She sank on the Klyde River (Scotland) in 1974 after a collision with an oil tanker. The tanker did not suffer any damage, but his anchor chains were sorted by Captayannis so that the ship began to be filled with water. Captain Captayannis tried to bring the ship in shallow water and he sat down on a shallow. The ship turned over the next morning, and lies there until now.
Although this ship is in relatively small waters, there has never been any attempt to save the remains of the vessel. After some time, Captayannis became the habitat of marine fauna and birds.


The BOS-400 is a French floating platform that set stranded in Maori Bay in South Africa during a storm, towed by the Russian trafficking on June 26, 1994. The BOS-400 was the largest floating crane in Africa. The tug was chartered for towing BOS-400 from the Republic of Congo to Cape Town ( South Africa). However, during the storm, the towing rope broke up and the platform thrown a stranded, where it is to this day.

"La Famille Express"

The ship "La Famille Express" suffered shipwreck in the southern waters of Terks and Caicos in the Caribbean. The vessel was built in 1952 in Poland and most of his life served in the Soviet Navy as Fort Shevchenko. In 1999, the ship was sold and renamed La Famille Express. The circumstances of the crash is not clearly known, except that he got to the stranded during Hurricane Francis in 2004. Now the ship is a big local attraction and attracts a large number of tourists.

"HMAS Defender"

"HMAS defender" was a big gunboat acquired by the Government of South Australia in 1884, in order to protect the coast on the possible "Russian threat" of the 1870s. HMAS defender served during the Boxing Uprising, I and World War II. In July 1943, HMAS defender was requested for military service to the US Navy. On the way to New Guinea, the ship was damaged when a collision with a tow. The body subsequently sat down from the coast of Queensland. His rusting remains are still visible to this day.


"Eavangelia" is a trading ship, built by the same shipbuilding plant as "Titanic" and launched on May 28, 1942 with the name "Empire of Power". Later, she had several names and eventually called "Eavangelia."
In 1968, during the night thick fog, the ship sailed incredibly close to the coastline and got stranded next to Kostinisht. Some argue that Eavankhelya was deliberately destroyed by the owner to get insurance compensation. The hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that during this catastrophe, although the fog and was very thick, but the sea was incredibly calm and almost all the equipment of the ship worked fine.

"SS Majno"

The shipwreck of the ship "SS Majno" is the most famous shipwreeling of the Fraser Island in Australia ... Built in 1905 SS Majno was one of the first turbine steamats. She performed regular flights along the route between Sydney and Auckland, while during the First World War was not converted to the hospital ship.
In 1935, he was sold to Japan on scrap metal. During towing to Japan, the ship fell into a strong storm and with eight people disappeared on board. The ship was found after 3 days thrown on the shore off the coast of the Island Fraser, his crew had to break the camp on the shore of the island. Attempts to remove him from Meli were not crowned with success and ultimately he was put up for sale, but they did not find buyers.

Santa Maria

Santa Maria was a Spanish shopping ship. During last flight On his board were sports cars, food, medicines, cars, clothing, etc. On September 1, 1968, the ship was held near the Green Cape Islands on the way to Brazil and Argentina, when she was stranded. After the local tug is unsuccessful to save the ship, he was left. All valuable cargo was overloaded and taken away. Chips "Santa Mary" have since become a symbol of Boa Vista and Cape Verde.


"Dimitrio" (the former name is "klintholm"), is a small, 67 meters long for a cargo ship, built in 1950. He was thrown to Valtaki Beach in Laconia Prefecture in Greece on December 23, 1981.
There are rumors that the ship was used for smuggling cigarettes between Turkey and Italy. He was deliberately thrown by a cam on Valtaki Beach, about 5 kilometers from the port of Ghifio, and then set fire to hide the proof of smuggling cigarettes.


It was a merchant ship who was thrown ashore near the city of Katapol, on Amorgos Island in Greece. In 1979, he was heading from Cyprus to Greece was captured by pirates. After an unsuccessful attempt to pull the ship from the bay, he was left there and became one of the most popular tourist destinations.

See also: