Estonia resorts in the Baltic Sea. Estonian resorts Seaside resort Estonia

Estonia - The major Baltic state washed by the waters of the Cool Baltic Sea. Few, our tourists are generally heard about the wonderful sea and spa resorts of Estonia, for the most part these are residents of the Russian North-West, more precisely, St. Petersburg, which often go there to relax. Today we decided to correct such an oversight and tell about the magnificent Estonian resorts of the Baltic and about excellent vacationwhich awaits you, by the way, about very inexpensive, which is important!

In the preface it is worth saying that Estonia is a country beautiful nature and excellent ecology. The length of the Estonian coastline in the Baltic - about four thousand kilometers, and this country owns one and a half thousand small islets, most of which are also inhabited and offered a wonderful vacation and spa treatment. There are no less equipped sanatoriums and boarding houses, no worse than in the mainland country. The Baltic Sea is not very roast, because the temperature in it never exceeds twenty-three degrees, the air is heated in the warmer days to twenty-eight degrees, but more often it is standard twenty-five degrees. But the beaches of the Estonian resorts of the Baltic Sea as a selection: with dazzling as snow sand, clean and very soft, well-groomed and having everything you need, without which a comfortable stay of tourists is impossible. It is worth warming that there is almost always windy, but to swim most pleasantly in July or August, when water warms up to the maximum. For those who are their sea rest Wishes to combine with the excursion program, which is very extensive here, it is worth going to Estonia from May to September inclusive. Let's finally move on to the resorts themselves.

Resort Sillamäe

A wonderful town standing on the shores of the Beautiful Finnish Bay, just one hundred and eighty kilometers from the Estonian capital and a hundred seventy kilometers from the Russian city of St. Petersburg. He arose in the sixteenth century, formed by the Levon Order. In the nineteenth century, his nature and beaches rated representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, and the influx of tourists in Sillamäe was provided. But today, the city is positioned, rather, as an industrial center and a port, so tourists visiting it to relax at sea has significantly diminished, although some come attracted by low prices.

The beach is one here, he is not masculine, but quite extended. Its sand-pebble coating, sometimes pebbles are quite large, so you have to go to the beach shoes so as not to damage the feet. On the beach there are a couple of cabin-changing rooms.

In Sillamäe, the sights of the attractions concentrated in the old part of the city, in the form of interesting buildings of the Middle Ages and Soviet times, by the way, the city is magnifying the "capital of the Stalinist-style ampir." There is: Beautiful urban town hall; Modernist Catholic Church, Orthodox Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God; Visit the Morradia Museum; Sea Park, stroll through the Primorsky Boulevard. Football fans can visit the local stadium of the Estonian team "Kalele Sillamye". From natural corners of the resort, we recommend visiting: Lanyvoy Waterfall, the height of the jets of which varies from one and a half to four meters; And the waterfall of ukuoru. Speaking frankly, walking through this city, there is a feeling of refund in the eighties of the Soviet Union.

Narva-Yayesu Resort (Ust-Narva)

Country suburb of the city of Narva, positioning as spa place. The town with a story taking place in the sixteenth century, after the founding of his Livons, when fisheries fishery was concentrated here. In the nineteenth century, the city of Gugerburg (the old title), belonged to the Livonian Order, was already becoming a popular resort of the Baltic Sea, to visit which was incredibly prestigious. The first spa hospital here built in 1876. Since more thanks, almost there are almost no old architectural attractions, except that he was located, built in 1912 in the main park, but now he needs an urgent restoration. During the years, our tourists loved to rest at the resort of Ust-Narva, but in 1992, Russia with Estonia introduced the visa regime, and the popularity of the Baltic resort had sharply, and he began to slowly grow only in 2007. In the town it is worth visiting an interesting ethnographic museum to learn about life, stories, to view unique exhibits related.

The beach of Narva-Jõesuu resort is very large, covered with good, white sand, clean, well-groomed, it is separated from the city buildings to separate the strip of beautiful pines, among which are equipped with picnic sites. The beach has zones for sports and games. Here you will find a pleasant family sea rest in silence, because there are few tourists here, and the places are full. It is worth recalling that the Baltic Water is cool here, and in the summer it is a free-up to eighteen degrees.

Resort Toyla

The favorite town for beach recreation Estonians, who call this small seaside village "the best ozone resort of Estonia, thanks to the purity and freshness of the local air. In Tyula, standing at the Gulf of Finland and on the Pehygygy River, a lot of health and sanatoriums, highly qualified and inexpensive, within the framework of the European Union, medical and rehabilitation assistance refuses. In local spa hotels, boarding houses will give you a competent medical advice, will conduct surveys, write down the course of treatment and whether preventive procedures.

Toyla Beach is peculiar, it is covered with flat dolomite stones and goes into a narrow sand strip in the water. The path to it goes through the local Park Out. There are volleyball courts, the children's area for games with trampolines. In the peak of the high season, the Korchm "Sadamakõrts" and the Kongo bar opens.

From the attractions was already mentioned by the Park "Toyla-yell", designed by the famous landscaped designer George Friedrich Kufaldt in the nineteenth century by order of the merchant Eliseev, where about three hundred shrubs, trees brought from different parts of our planet, have ponds, mountaineering, rosary, " The singing field "- a place of holding folk folk holidays with songs and dances that attract many curious travelers. Previously, in the midst of the park was the magnificent Palace Eliseeva, but he was so destroyed in war that it was impractical to restore him. Even, resting here, tourists are definitely visited by the language terms, they include: infrared, steam, salt bath and an unusual wooden bath on the roof. On the territory of the term there are solariums for tanning, heated benches, jacuzzi.

Resort Okva

This small township is a virgin corner of Estonia, attracting eco-tourists with the cooler with pristine beauty, endless lingonberry, blueberry and mushroom glades, in the midst of magnificent pine forests, wonderful sandy beaches and diving, surfing, fishing, bicycle skiing, surveillance birds .

The local Beach of Peraküla is famous for "sowing sand", emitting a melodic sound with wind gusts. There are five meter dunes here. And in the pine forest adjacent to the beach, there is a well-equipped camping tourists on cars. There is a parking, designed for two hundred cars, in the summer, food stalls work, volleyball court. The sea is perfect for surfing, it is incredibly clean, with visibility for tens of meters. The air in the resort is very fresh, it is saturated with phytoncides of coniferous trees, so it is good to rest here to people with the problems of ENT organs and breathing. There are no rescuers on the beach, be careful in frowning windy weather when high waves rise in the Baltic.

Resort Haapsalu

The incredibly romantic city of Estonia in the Baltic Sea, the sea and therapeutic resort, where they are going for healing dirt of the local coast, which are successfully treated with gynecological, articular, musculoskeletal and muscle problems. Balneological hospitals of the resort Haapsalu became famous outside Estonia.

This city, like the resort, the Russian intelligentsia estimated at the beginning of the last century, but it has a longer history lost in the eleventh century. In the thirteenth century, Haapsalu elected the location of his residence of Ozel-Visk Bishop, and in the eighteenth, the city was often visited by our king Peter. It is really amazingly beautiful and his is often called the "Northern Venice of Estonia", because it stands on the peninsula, surrounded by marine waters. Haapsalu is located in a hundred kilometers from Tallinn, the metropolitan residents regularly go here to rest, be treated, considering it the best sea, climatic, mud resort of Estonia.

Water in the July-August freight to twenty-two degrees, the same and air temperature, but there are often rain, so it's not always lucky with the weather. The most visited beach of the resort Haapsalu is "African", it is free and sandy. But not because of its snow-white sand, such a name went, and because of the deposits of local medicinal dirt, rubbing on which tourists become similar on the dark-skinned inhabitants of the hot continent. And this dirt helps from many of a variety of diseases.

Attractions in Haapsalu Massa. Tourists are definitely visited by the historical part of the city, there are concentrated: ancient streets with old wooden houses, a beautiful town hall, a restaurant on the waterfront, with crooked carved elements made of wood, built in the nineteenth century. It is worth visiting the Okas Museum, the Museum of Communications, the Gallery of Epp Mary, Wonderland "Ilon." And also, you are waiting for an interesting night life, Haapsalu has many discos, nightclubs, wine bars. In the summer, the most interesting holidays and festivals are held here.

Resort Pärnu

This is the largest and most popular Estonian resort, sea and therapeutic, with a large number of health resorts, sanatoriums and boarding houses. Pärnu stands in the Riga Baltic Sea Bay near Tallinn. Pärnu is already half a century - "Summer Capital of Estonia." The city has a long story, lost in the thirteenth century. He was under the rule of the Teutonic Order, Sweden, Russia, was occupied by the Germans, was damaged in bombing, but he stressed and became more beautiful and more attractive. As the resort Pärnu is known since 1835, after the construction of the premises is Cupped. Upon completion of the war, the tradition of rehabilitation in this Baltic resort was continued, there were several huge sanatoriums: "Estonia", "Tervis", "Rahu", "Syrus", they went to many Soviet citizens and members of the government.

The resort town of Pärnu is located in the south-west of the country, so much warmer is so warm, than in the northern resorts, contributes to this and shallow water, so water is heated much faster, reaching twenty-three degrees, bathe there from June. A lot of married couple comes here, bringing the kids with you. The eight-kilometer beach is Pärnu with a white sand, gradual entrance to sea water, superbly well maintained.

The resort town is very pleasant, there is a lot of interesting in the sphere of history, architecture, culture and art. Tourists-resort ministers are required to visit the remains of ancient defensive fortifications of the seventeenth century, the Tallinsky gate; Beautiful Town Hall, built in 1797; The Red Tower is the preserved part from the castle of the Teutonic Order, the construction of the fifteenth century, but then destroyed; Lutheran Baroque Church of Elizabeth and the Orthodox Church of Catherine, built on the orders of these Russian tsaritsa. From museums you can visit: City Museum; Modern Art Museum; House Museum of Lydia Koidula; Railway Museum. Be sure to walk through a very nice seaside park with a casal, an alley of sculptures, a gaming playground, look at the Endla Theater, Pärna's concert hall. Children can be reduced to the largest water park Tervise Paradiis countries or a local mini-zoo, where lizards and snakes live, there is a farm where Alpaca is grown.

Treatment and rest in the resort sanatoriums Pärnu is very popular both among the Estonians and the arrivals of the country's guests. The most popular local sanatoriums, where there are a variety of medical services: "Tervise Paradiis", "Estonia Medical Spa", "Tervis Medical Spa", "Wasa", "Viiking SPA". You can eat B. best restaurants Cities: "Edelweiss", "Hea MAA", as well as the Postipoiss Tractor.


A small seaside settlement belonging to the Estonian zone National Park Lahemaaa There are no sights here, but tourists in appearance entails a magnificent three-kilometer sandy beach, surrounded by lush snow-white dunes.

The beach at the resort is perfectly suitable to relax there with children, it is well equipped, there are rescuers, lounge chairs, showers and toilets, volleyball courts, children's fenced areas for playing swings, slides. In the summer there are cafes, minibars. There is Wi-Fi, which is perfectly catching on the beach.

Prices for accommodation in the hotels of the resort is low: from one and a half to three thousand Russian rubles per day.

Spa Cabernee.

The small seaside village, forty kilometers from Tallinn, which is why the capital residents are regularly there. This resort is famous for charming sunsets, and more wonderful natural panoramas. Resting here is always quiet and very calm.

Caberneja Beach stretches for a couple of kilometers, it makes up a wide strip of pines, where, in the summer, resting gather with a blueberry berry. This should not be brought to relax children, because the bottom on the beach is rocky, there are no rescuers, playgrounds, but for adults there are excellent opportunities for water skiing and wakeboard. There is a port for yachts in the village. In one part of the coast over the beach hangs the rock formation, the edge of which is fascinated by boards to do from there nice pictures And admire the landscape, there are benches here. On the beach ride on cars, leaving them in the parking lot in the forest area, however, no one guards it. And on the beach, and in the forest is allowed to breed a fire, fry kebabs.

Resort Laulasmaaa

This little, but extremely beautiful town Not far from the capital, he attracts a completely different, serene mode of life. Laulasmaa - stands in the magnificent Baltic Gulf of Lahaper, attracting tourists with a gorgeous sandy beach, majestic sunrises and sunsets. Its name can be translated "Singing Earth" given in honor of the singing dunes.

Family couples with children, fans of water sports activities, type of kitesurfing, diving, windsurfing, surfing are adored at the resort. Playgrounds are arranged on the beach, there are "health trails" in the forest for long wellness walks. Go to Located here Padyski, Keila-Yoa Waterfall, and also visit historical Mazi, go to the evening dances that organize in the Lochal port. From active sessions, you can recommend going to the local Golf Center "Niitvälja", where you will be taught to play golf, or rent a bike and ride in the picturesque neighborhood.

The resort of Laulasmaa is popular and because of his magnificent Spa Center "Laulasmaa Spa and Conference Hotel" - a real miniature city, with a private wonderful beach, a water park, a bar, gaming zones for children, rides, volleyball courts. Remove the number on the day with food by approximately eight thousand Russian rubles.

Paldiski resort

This city is B. Finnish bay It stands on Pacri Peninsula. The settlement was formed in the fourteenth century by the Swedes, but it survived his height and rapid development after 1718, according to the decree of the Russian emperor Peter the first, the military port of Rogervik was erected here, then called Paldisk. The city suffered from the Germans in both world wars. And from the sixties, Paldiska became a closed city, due to the opening of the center of the Nuclear Submarine Fleet of the USSR here, but in 1995, they were revealed again for tourists, because Russia's warships left him. Over time, the "remnants of the Soviet past" and the town itself gradually siren, and life falls in it.

Now the resort of Paldiski, the coast of which is extremely beautiful, with picturesque cliffs, tearing into the sea abyss and a cute beach, only occasionally come with a tourist tourists. They do not stop here for a long time: local beach Small, here it is quite nice you can swim, but after spending a lot of time in the Paldiska itself, you can frankly fall into depression.

From the attractions here you can see: - Lighthouse Pacri - the oldest on all Baltic, installed in 1724, but it remains long to him: the sea thoroughly blurs the rock and soil under this structure; - the remains of the shafts of the Petrovsk fortress, standing here in the eighteenth century; - Beautiful teremok "Museum of the Sculptor Amandus Adamson" and the information center of information in it; - Orthodox Church of St. George, the eighteenth century; - the dilapidated estate of the eighteenth century, MOZU leases it; Ostrich farm "Pakri Straus"; - Islands big and small Pacri.

Resort Valegeran

A small village in the suburbs of a larger and popular Estonian resort Pärnu. The village is famous for calm, serene rest in the Baltic Sea. Although, tourists here do not bounce, because if you want fun, it can easily get to Pärnu. With the benefit of spending your vacation time, they will be able to in the local Amusement Park "Valgeranna Adventure Park" with interesting attractions, obstacle course and several paths that the visitor must pass. From the adventures you will find: passage to the shaky suspended bridge, riding on extreme swings, ride through the cable car. And, hungry from such physical exertion, you can organize a picnic in nature, and then go to sunbathe on the beach and swim in the sea.

Valgerane Beach is very well-kept and well equipped, there is a sandy coating, a platform for kids, a sports and water equipment, shops, a bar, a golf course. From the north, the beach is protected from the pine boron of the winds. The length of the beach is five hundred meters, there is a good flat occasion in the water and gradual increase in the depth, which is ideal for children.

You can, by paying a room from two and a half to four thousand Russian rubles per day from Valkaranna's resort.

Spa Kly.

This is a quiet Estonian village on the banks of the Baltic in the Liille Bay. The resort is very loved to relax couples, as well as eco-tourists. Families with children in Lamb attracts an enviable sandy beach and long shallow water, where water quickly warms up, there is no high waves. A promenade stretched along the beach, where shops and cafes, working only in the bathing season.

Eco-tourists love to relax in Lamb because of a very beautiful local nature, they have a chance of watching birds, the path of their migration from May to October is going. The monitoring station is located next to the beach, there are also places allocated to install tourist tents.

Resort Kuressaare

it chief resort On the Estonian island of Saareaa, which stands in the midst of the Baltic water of the Gulf of Riga. This sea and mudhouse resort on attendance by tourists may well withstand competition with Tallinn. Especially here you love to relax families with kids and those vacationers who are accustomed not only to lie on the beach and splashing into the sea, but also to find out something new about the place of your stay. And to see in Kuressaare there is something: the city is very authentic and colorful, in the summer months the tourists are pleased with numerous festivals, holidays, fairs.

From architectural monuments, you can visit the Episcopian Castle - the main attraction of Estonia, built in the thirteenth century. With the castle, the "Museum of History of the Island of Saarema" works. The castle stands in the middle of a beautiful Kuressar Park, where it is pleasant to walk among the magnificent shrubs and trees brought from different ends of the world. It will be nice to walk through the old town, admire the wonderful building of the Town Hall, in the northern baroque style, go to the ward of measures and weights, to the former fire depot, look into the church of St. Lawrence and the Church of St. Nicholas.

The beach of Kuressaara's resort attracts families with kids long shallow water, thanks to which the water warms up quickly, there are no waves. The beach is covered with a white sand, it's always quiet here. For children organized a play area with swings, football and volleyball playground. The holiday season at the Kuressaare resort starts from June and closes in August.

Resort Tallin

Tallinn - the capital of Estonia and her beautiful city, very ancient with a huge number of unforgettable attractions and interesting seats, mass of spa hotels, mud and sanatoriums, beautiful beaches. Tallinn is a maritime and wellness resort attending hundreds of thousands of foreigners. This is an atmospheric place with a thousand-year history and stunning medieval attractions that are concentrated on the territory of the fabulous old city, and a special flavor. Be sure to watch the Towers "Long German", "Tolstaya Margarita", "Kik-In-de-Kek", "Kusuther", visit the Gothic Dome Cathedral of Tomkirk, located in the thirteenth century, the building of the town hall, the provincial court, stroll through the old Tallinn streets With magnificent historical mansions, fifteenth-sixteenth centuries. Tourists are sure to visit the Church of Nigulist, Pühavaim Church, Church of St. Olya, the ruins of medieval monasteries of Cistercians and Dominicans, Park Kadriorg.

Tourist beach season begins in Tallinn in June and ends by the end of August. The sea temperature by mid-June and until mid-August keeps at twenty degrees, warmer in Estonian resorts Baltic does not happen, for a low exception. Already in the second half of August, they are increasingly drowning rain, every subsequent day is becoming more cooler.

You can rent a hotel in Tallinn from two to three thousand per day, but there are options for cheaper - guesthouses, hostels or more expensive - cottages and elite villas on the seashore with private landscaped beach areas.

Beaches in Tallinn are very good, big, sandy. There are five urban recreation areas: "pyrite"; "Stroy"; "Hark"; "Kakumäe"; "Picakari" and four suburban beach areas: "Laulasmaa"; "Lochusal"; "Salmist"; "Caberneem". On the beach of Pyrite, water is usually a few degrees warmer than others, it is heated to twenty-three degrees. Sometimes in windy days, the water is cooled in up to sixteen-eighteen degrees, despite the sunny weather, and then it is impossible to swim in it, tourists can only sunbathe. But this features rest at any resort of the Baltic Sea. All beaches of Tallinn are covered with a moon white sand, there are game playgrounds, shops, cafes and restaurants, parking, surfic clubs, gyms, parking, public transport stops.

The approximate cost of weekly holidays in Tallinn resort, with flight from Moscow, accommodation in the apartment in June will cost twenty-five thousand rubles per tourist.

Charming Estonia offers holidays on the picturesque coast of Baltic and Relax on the lake shores, a saturated "sightseeing" and treatment on mineral Sources. Vintage Tallinn, resort Pärnu and Saarea Island - all about Estonia: visa, map, tours, prices and reviews.

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  • Burning tours around the world

Rest in Estonia has a number of obvious advantages: proximity to Russia (here you can take a bus from St. Petersburg for a few hours), not too complex the process of obtaining a visa, the lack of a language barrier (almost everyone speaks in Russian in large cities), a high level of service. And the Estonian "excursion" is generally above all praise: it is even surprising how so many attractions fit in such a small country. Finally, in the summer here you can sunbathe, swim, and at the same time - to improve health.

All Estonia is one large resort: Hotels and sanatoriums grow everywhere where there are suitable conditions. Lovers of a relaxing and secluded rest will be able to relax on the islands, as well as on farms and farms in the Estonian "outback." The entry of the country in Schengen did not make a visa to a more complex procedure (however, it did not simplify it), but he opened before its guests the borders of many European countries.

Regions and resorts of Estonia

Time difference with Moscow

- 1 hourthere is no summer

  • with Kaliningrad
  • with Samara
  • with Ekaterinburg
  • with Omsk
  • with Krasnoyarsk
  • with Irkutsk
  • with Yakutsk
  • with Vladivostok
  • north Curil
  • with Kamchatka


Weather in Estonia are subject to Baltic whims. The climate is temperate here, turning from the marine to the continental. On the west coast Slightly warmer than in the southwest, but in general the temperature difference is insignificant. WINTERS Most often soft and snowy, but local weather seven Fridays at the week: a clear sun can sharply replace the gusty wind and barbed rain. The most precipitation falls in the fall, but the umbrella is useful at the end of August. Spring gray and cool, summer warm, but not stuffy (winds from the Baltic Sea saves from the heat).

The official bathing season lasts from June to August, but it is more comfortable to swim from mid-July: shallow coastal waters are heated by this time to +20 ... + 25 ° C.

Visa and customs

Estonia is part of the countries participating in the Schengen Agreement. For visiting the country, visa and tourist medical insurance are needed.

The import and export of foreign currency is not limited, but the amounts of more than 10,000 EUR need to declare. There are no restrictions on the import of personal use of personal use, meat and dairy products under the ban. You can carry 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarill, or 50 cigars, or 250 g of tobacco. Customs will skip 1 l of strong drinks (with a fortress of more than 22 °) or 2 l with alcohol content of less than 22 °, 4 liters of wine and 16 liters of beer. With you, you can take 50 ml of perfumes or 250 ml toilet water. Medications - in the amount required for personal use, baby and therapeutic food - up to 2 kg per person (packaging should be sealed). The importation of drugs, weapons, explosives, pornography and whatever fake products are strictly prohibited. Cultural values \u200b\u200bexported from Estonia must be accompanied by official certificates. Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

Tax Free.

Shopping in Estonia can be more profitable by 20%, if you fulfill all the conditions of the system Tax Free.. This is easy: it is enough to make purchases worth not less than 39 EUR in stores designated by the corresponding signs, and ask the seller two checks - an ordinary cash and special, with a list of purchased goods, indicating VAT rates and buyer's personal data. All this will be needed at customs at the airport: Non-speaking goods will take off, the check of Tax Free will last, and in the office Global Blue will give the desired amount in cash or issue a bank transfer.

How to get to Estonia

The largest airport in Estonia, Tallinn, is located within the capital, just 4 km from its historic center. Direct flights from Moscow performs only Aeroflot, departure from Sheremetyevo, in the air to spend 1 hour and 40 minutes. A little more profitable to get from one transplant: "Air Baltic" has routes with docking in Riga, the duration of the path is from 3 hours and 20 minutes. "Lot", "UTair", "Es Seven" and others. Carriers organize flights with two transplants, on the road - from 5.5 hours, docking in Riga, St. Petersburg, Vilnius and other European cities.

From Peter to Tallinn direct flights. "Air Baltic" is lucky through Riga (from 3 hours in the air), "Norra" and "Finnair" - through Helsinki (from 7 o'clock), "Scandinavian Airlines" - through Stockholm (from 4 hours), "Lot" - through Warsaw (from 20 hours).

You can get to the Estonian capital and on land. Baltic Express runs between Moscow and Tallinn, starting from the Leningrad Station and next to the destination 15.5 hours. Tickets in the placentar - 80 EUR, in the coupe - 95 EUR. At the same train, you can handing out in St. Petersburg at the Moscow Station: the journey will cost 40 EUR and 50 EUR, respectively. From both Russian capitals to Tallinn and buses "Ecolines" are sent to Tallinn: tickets from Moscow - 55 EUR, from Peter - 20 EUR, schedule and details - to the office. The carrier's website.

Search flights to Estonia

In Estonia on auto

In Estonia, you can also get by car (a little less than 8 hours of driving from St. Petersburg) through the gearbox Narva, Pechora and Luhamaa. It should, however, keep in mind that on the border there may be a big queue.

Information on bandwidth border points: Pärnu is at the same distance from the PPC of Narva and Culk Mountain (which is under Pskov), but the queue is traditionally much less at the cunic mountain. But on the return journey, you can book a place in the queue on the Goswift website. Booking can be done in 90 days. Next, the procedure is simple - drive up in Narva, we are going to the "sump" (turn right immediately after the first refueling at the entrance to the city, and look for a small sign on the left hand on the concrete fence). As soon as the armor number is displayed - come to the window, pass the necessary procedures and after that we are going directly on the checkpoint. Do not forget to make insurance "Green Card" in advance.


The main means of movement between Estonian cities is a train. The railway network is serviced by Elron (OF. Site), the rolling stock has recently updated: the seats are now soft, on windows - darkening curtains, Wi-Fi is available in cars. Tickets are sold at the box office and online, and electronic can not be printed: special machines read them directly from the display.

Traveling from the capital to Tartu will cost 10.50 EUR, in Narva - from 11.40 EUR.

Alternative trains serve buses: Intercity transport clearly follows a schedule and stops in the centers of all settlements. The largest carriers - Sebe, Lux Express (OF. SITE), SIMPLE EXPRESS (OF. SITE). The cost of a trip from Tallinn to Pärnu - 6-9 EUR, in Haapsalu - 8 EUR.

Between numerous estonian Islands walk ferries. Ticket price - from 3-4 EUR Depending on the distance, the standard surcharge for the car - 10 EUR.

Public transport within cities

By most Estonian cities, buses run, there are also trolley buses and trams in the capital. Tickets are sold in kiosks (1 EUR) and drivers (2 EUR), it is more profitable to purchase reusable electronic cards (from 3 EUR) and replenish them to the desired amount. By the way, the Tallins themselves enjoy public transport absolutely free.

Taxi in Estonia is needed to tourists rarely: most attractions are located within walking distance of each other. Nevertheless, the car can always be caught on the street or call on the phone, the average landing rate is 2 EUR, for each km - 0.50-1 EUR, at night - twice as expensive.

Bicycles are leased in specialized salons and large hotels. The 1st hour of the rental is from 1.60 EUR, each subsequent - from 1.40 EUR, a day - from 10 EUR (plus a mandatory deposit - 100 EUR). The trip will be as saturated as possible if you take a brochure into a turbule with detailed cyclers.

Rent a Car

If the trip in Estonia is not limited to Tallinn, car rental is a very successful solution. In the capital, the Old Center is given to pedestrians, attractions are close to each other. But beyond its limits - complete freedom of movement: the roads are good, carries are delivered to large islands.

Roller offices are located at the airport and big citiesThe most popular - Alamo, Inter Rent, Addcar, Prime Car Rent. Machines are leased to drivers over 19 years old with insurance and rights of international sample, operating more than a year. Some companies establish additional tariffs for customers under 25 years old. In addition to the rental fee, you will need to make a deposit (about 450 EUR) from a bank card. The cost of renting a standard car - from 35 EUR, station wagon - from 40 EUR, a premium model or an SUV - from 70 EUR per day. Gasoline costs 1,10-1.20 EUR per l, when returning the car, you will have to refuel the full tank.

Penalties for violation of traffic rules are harsh: from 70 EUR for a conversation on a mobile to 1200 EUR for speeding or drunk driving.

Corks happen except in the capital, the most difficult to find a parking space. Most of the parking lots in the centers of large cities are paid, equipped with parquets. You can leave the car for an hour for 0.60-5 EUR depending on the area.

Communication and Wi-Fi

Estonian SIM cards are quite profitable. Key players in the mobile market - Tele2, EMT and ELISA, tourists are most conveniently connecting the so-called conversational SIM cards (KonekaArt), to activate which does not require special formalities. They are sold at gas stations, in supermarkets and kiosks R-KIOSK network and stand from 2-3 EUR. If you wish, you can choose an additional package with Internet traffic for 4-10 EUR.

Calls to homeland with an EMT operator will cost 0.50 EUR per minute, Tele2 has a special tariff "Russia" for 5 EUR with 50 minutes included in the negotiations during the month.

On the streets of Estonian cities no longer meet the payphones: they were eliminated as unnecessary in 2010. But there are no problems with the Internet: unlimited free Wi-Fi is at the airport, restaurants, hotels and many public places in large cities and resorts.


Monetary unit of the country - Euro (EUR), in 1 euro 100 euro scents. Current course: 1 EUR \u003d 68,81 RUB.

It is best to go to Estonia from the euro in your pocket: rubles here change, but the course is not too attractive. Dollars are accepted in all banks and exchange offices Eurex, Tavid and Monex, located everywhere: at the airport, hotels, large shopping complexes, on railway stations. The most favorable courses are usually in banks, many exchangers charge a transaction commission.

Tipping - a matter of voluntary: attentive waiter can always thank 5-10% of the account, but no one will dedicate for payment for a check.

Estonian banks are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00, exchangers most often work longer. Some financial institutions are open and on Saturdays (before lunch), but on Sunday there is a day off. Credit cards of common payment systems are taken in large stores, and in small souvenir bears. ATMs are even in the outback, enjoy them safely: fraud with banknotes in Estonia is a rarity.

The Baltic Sea does not claim the first lines in the ranking of places for a beach holiday, but it also has its own admirers. In the Baltic States, connoisseurs of nonsense of northern beauty, for which white sand dunes in the frame of pine groves and pleasant summer heat are ideal components of a comfortable vacation. The list of the best beach resorts of Estonia is invariably present and Wormsi, the town of Narva-Jõesuu and sand dunes:

  • Pärnu resort has a very long history. He began in the first half of the XIX century, and at that time in Pärnu came to be treated with mud and baths with sea water. Today the resort beach is considered one of the most beautiful in Estonia.
  • Sand dunes in Laulasmaa sing, and this confirm all who rested on this picturesque Estonian resort. On the beaches of Laulasmaaa very much and children and adults. The covering of their sand is especially soft and clean, the entrance to the sea is gentle, and therefore water warms up in mid-June. By the way, in Laulasmaa there is a spa, where guests are offered several diverse health complexes. In the arsenal of doctors and cosmetologists - paraffin and ozkoleric procedures, ultrasound and laser skin rejuvenation and several types of baths.
  • The bathing season on the island of Wormsi begins closer towards the end of June, when the waters of the Baltic warm up to + 22 ° C. Sandy beaches and Fermsi infrastructure are great for family holidays: the entrance to the sea at the resort is gentle, the water is warm and calm, portions in cafes and restaurants are generous, food is cooked from local organic products, and guest Houses Convenient and comfortable. In addition to the adoption of sunbathing on the island, you can have a good time to spend time in hikes and excursions to local attractions.
  • - Another popular summer Estonian resort. His beaches stretched for integer seven kilometers and are considered one of the most comfortable and beautiful in the country. The infrastructure of the resort fully complies with the requests of holidaymakers. The coastal strip is equipped with umbrellas from the Sun, locker rooms and sun loungers, hotels are waiting for fans of special comfort and those who are not used to overpay for overnight stays, and restaurants prepare and serve the best dishes. national Kitchen and European food. In Narva-Jõesuu, you can come with the whole family - playgrounds, sports entertainment at the water, shopping and excursion programs in the city are able to make a vacation or vacation with fascinating and diverse.

The Estonian Baltic coast is filled with resting already at the beginning of summer, but optimally comfortable values \u200b\u200btemperature of the water in the Baltic Sea reaches by the end of June. The beaches, located within the city and resorts, are equipped with everything you need for a comfortable stay - locker rooms and toilets, fresh souls and sun beds. Parkovka road transport Near the beaches, most likely paid.

Inventory for active entertainment On Estonian beaches are offered a hire. You will find water skiing and boats, catamarans and boats, playing balls and volleyball. Some resorts work diver schools, so if you wanted to learn how to dive, the first lessons will be able to take from professional instructors. The Baltic Sea is not the most picturesque, but the possibilities for Rack diving in some resorts are very impressive.

Activities in Estonia

Despite small sizes, the country is full of reserved corners, untouched nature in which it becomes the main attraction for active travelers. In Estonia are popular hiking and cycling, observation of migratory birds and inhabitants of national parks.

Wormsi Island is a useful address for those who are used to spending leave in motion. On Wormsi there are clean lakes, virgin forests, swamps on which the birds listed in the Republican Red Book. All natural attractions can be seen by passing pedestrian trails laid on the island. Tourist routes of Wormsi are designed for pedestrians and cyclists, children and adults, athletes and lovers. Beach holidays on the island can also be combined with active sports. Rental is offered equipment for riding on inflatable rafts and motorboats.

Play golf? Estonia is ready to offer you a game on the full-sized field of the resort of Laulasmaa, which belongs to the Golf Club "Nietytville". Lovers arise in agility with the help of the club are waiting for 18 holes on the emerald lawn of perfect quality. In Laulasmaa, guests can make bicycle walks along the picturesque surroundings, pass through the pedestrian trail along the coast of the local river, to see the abandoned palace-park ensemble Full and admire the cascade of Trepoya waterfalls. If you are interested in rack diving, one of the best resorts of Estonia will also be very helpful. At the bottom of the Baltic Bay off the coast of the village resting the passenger steamer, sank in the middle of the last century.

Osmussar is the divers, the sizes of which are very small, but extreme and adventure on it can be found with interest. In the waters near the isval, several sunken ships are resting, one of which is a German cruiser of the Second World War. There is in the sea next to Osmussar and the underwater crater, about the nature of the origin of which scientists argue. Depth of formation reaches 80 meters. Excursions to the island love to make and fans of observation of bird migrations: the caravans of migrant feathery pass over it in the spring and autumn.

Treatment in the resorts of the country

The first sanatoriums and spas centers appeared in Estonia in the XVIII century. Natural and climatic conditions, mineral waters, the healing dirt of the bottom ylah Estonian lakes and air impregnated with pine phytoncides make up the basis of therapeutic programs of republican healthcries and beauty centers.

Mineral waters of the resort are known in the Baltic States over the past few decades, but the dirt local lake People began to use much earlier. In Sanatorium, Vyarsk successfully cured the diseases of the musculoskeletal and musculoskeletal systems. The procedures offered in the sanatorium, and for the rehabilitation of patients with patients with gastrointestinal tract, CNS and respiratory organs. Also open in Virsk water Center, which is a modern medical and preventive establishment with a water park, mud, complex of several types of baths, spa and massage rooms.

About four dozen wellness procedures in the Arsenal of Doctors Spa Sanatorium in Narva-Yõesuu, and each of them is designed in accordance with modern medical discoveries and techniques. Additional wellness factors - fresh air of pine groves, healing mud of the Estonian forest lakes and naval water of the Baltic. In Narva-Jõesuu, the diseases of the heart and blood vessels, nervous and respiratory systems, bones and joints are successfully healed. The hotels of the city have their own spa salons with pools, various saunas, baths and massage rooms.

Top 5 Best Estonian Resorts

The unique feature of Estonian resorts is the opportunity to relax on almost every one of them throughout the year. Regardless of the season at the resorts of Estonia, there is something to do both active tourists and contemplates:

  • Pärnu invariably leads in the best lists and its first positions in the ratings are quite deserved. First, the resort has a beautiful sandy beach and all the necessary infrastructure for summer holiday. Secondly, in Pärnu, a number of medical procedures can be held, which will help with diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system, lungs and skin. Spa-centers of the resort have modern cosmetology programs performed using organic natural mud, mineral waters and seaweed. Thirdly, in Pärnu is not boring. The city is becoming a venue for a variety of events - movie festivals, music and beach holidays.
  • The resort is completely small, but wears the well-deserved title of the Estonian Winter Capital. Here is a training center in which since 1978 they have been engaged in running skiing, biathlon, ski jumps with springboard and other winter sports. In the remaining seasons in Otpa, they also do not have to miss. Guests of the resort can go hiking and play volleyball, compete at the accuracy in dash and conquer the simulators of the climber. A literary museum has a literary museum and the exposition of vintage manpieces is opened, and in Odepensky natural Park There is a chance to watch representatives of rare bird species. In the summer, the resort is ready to accept beach recreation fans: on the shores of Lake Pyukhayarv in the vicinity of Odea, there are excellent recreational areas with all the necessary infrastructure.
  • - The largest in Estonia, and its best resort is called. The history of the city began during the Middle Ages, and in Kuressaare you can visit the vintage structures and architectural attractions that have been built a few centuries ago. In the town open interesting museumsHoliday workshops with workshops for everyone, and in the park next to Kuressaar castle holidays and folklore festivals are held. Nevertheless, the main reason for which tourists go to Kuressaara - sandy beaches with a magnificent infrastructure. On all its length, they are equipped with sun loungers and locker rooms, fresh souls and children's game complexes. Professional rescuers are followed by the safety of vacationers.
  • Looking for an opportunity to relax quietly and member in silence? Toyla resort is waiting for you at any time of the year. First, it is famous for its terms - spa, the design of which resembles an ancient Roman bathing. Toyskaya terms offer a variety of treatments for beauty and health: from massage and sauna to salt baths and mud applications. The second indisputable advantage of rest in Tyla is a huge amount of entertainment opportunities. In the vicinity of the resort there is a tourist trail Varivar, laid among canyons and springs, and former noble estates, transformed into museum complexes. Not far from Toyla built an adventure park "Alutaguse" with Bunji jumping, tubing and tourist routes Various degrees of complexity. Naturalists will be an interesting excursion to national Park . The reserve works the museum, the exposition of which is devoted to mineralogy and geology. The inhabitants of the park are typical representatives of the Baltic fauna.
  • Adherents of the classics are considered the best resort of Estonia - the city where the lack of Baltic beauty enjoyed even in pre-revolutionary times. Then the sea embankment was built, on which the restaurant was preserved decorated with wooden carvings. In Haapsalu, marine mud were traditionally treated. They act as the main healing factor of local wellness programs today. The resort successfully helps the patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and dermatological problems. In the free from healthcare procedures, guests of the resort with pleasure taste the best Estonian dishes in restaurants and cafes and attend resort sights that have been built a few centuries ago.

Holiday best resorts Estonia can always be combined with cognitive excursions. Transport system Countries work perfectly and go on a trip to the sights of the capital and other cities can be completely independent. If you prefer to trust professionals, choose any travel agency in Estonian resorts. Local guides will help draw up an interesting route And they will take on the realization of your most bold idea.

See also: