Detailed map of Paris. Map of the sights of Paris

If you are going to Paris first look tourist map Paris to more clearly imagine where the main sights of Paris are located and the card will allow you to make up approximate routes in the city. We specifically prepared a map-scheme on which you will find the most famous sights of Paris and plus we have indicated the approximate location of the Paris metro stations. Of course, not all monuments, cathedrals and museums are indicated on this scheme, but for those who go to Paris for the first time and just a few days of this card will be quite enough.

If speak about hiking routes in Paris, then you can allocate 4 main tourist route. We made a googleps-based card on which you can find recommended tourist destinations. This is how our card looks like:

You can open a full-scale map here at this link, and here a little more details for each route.

Immediately I want to note that it is not worth paying too much attention to the specified length of the route. Why? It is hardly possible for you to go through the specified and not bypass around some cathedral or look at some picturesque Paris street. For the same reason, it is not necessary to calculate how much time you need to go through the entire route, it is almost unpredictable :)

Route №1 (Blue on the map): From the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God (Notre Dame) to Montparnasse Tower. You inspect the islands, walk through the Latin Quarter, visit the Luxembourg Gardens and you can look at the panorama of Paris from the height observation deck Towers Montparnasse

Route №2. (Highlighted in red): You will see the mayor of Paris, look at the pompous building, pass through the famous street of Rivoli to the Louvre, take a walk in the Tuileries garden, see the area of \u200b\u200bconsent and reach the Challenge of the Elysee fields to the Arc de Triomphe.

Route number 3. (On the map of green) takes his beginning on Torocadero Square, offering a stunning view of the symbol of Paris - Eiffel Tower. You're climbing the tower, pass through the Marse field, admire the views of the Louvre from the opposite embankment, visit the Orsha Museum and then through the Arts Bridge, you will reach Arch Defensa that the Louvre itself.

Route number 4. (Blue line on the map): We didn't forget about the opera, from where you start the path of the Kapuchin Boulevard to the church Madeleine, then you will see the Church of the Holy Trinity, and then you will plunge into Paris bourgeois - you will see Moulin Rouge and the Paris Quarter of the Red Lights. After that, you can relax from a few shocking spectacles climbing the hill to the steps of Sacre-Cor Basilica and admiring the stunning views of Paris.

To speak honestly, then each route is best to allocate for a whole day. If you do not have so much time or opportunities to do everything on foot - do not be discouraged, most tourists walk only the first day on foot :) then use either the subway or excursion buses. Smart tourists immediately choose the bus :)

Details on excursions in Paris and about bus tracks Read the hotel article (very soon!)

In which country is Paris? Detailed map of Paris in Russian. Map of metro, roads and streets, attractions, hotels, restaurants and cafes on interactive Map Paris. Show on map Paris.

Where is Paris on the world map?

Paris - the capital and cultural Center France, located in the center Western Europe. The city is one of the most famous and visited by tourists: about 30 million people arrive here every year. Paris is located 2,834 kilometers from Moscow, 1,420 kilometers from Rome, 1,055 kilometers from Berlin, 1,308 kilometers from Barcelona and 145 kilometers from the strait of La Mans.

Where is Paris on the map of France and Europe?

The capital of France is located on the plain of the Paris basin in the northern part of France, on the banks of the Sena River.

Paris is located as part of the Il de France region, forming both the Department and the Commune. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 105 km², its length from the west to the East reaches 18 kilometers, from the south to the north - about 9 kilometers, so the capital can be held on foot for some couple of hours. Distance from the capital to some other cities of France: 907 kilometers to French Cannes, 774 kilometers to Marseille and 465 kilometers to Lyon.

Interactive map of Paris with streets, hotels, restaurants and cafes

On the interactive map of Paris, you can find any tourist objects: museums, cathedrals, squares and theaters. In addition, special icons indicate hotels, cafes, restaurants and other institutions that can interest visitors to the capital. If you wish, you can increase or decrease the card, as well as open in a new window for more convenient use.

Map of Paris with sights

The French capital is so multifaceted that everyone will find something interesting for themselves here. On this map, the most famous sights are presented without a visit to any tourist: a triumphal arch and an adhesive fields, Montmartre and Montparnasse, Louvre and the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, and, of course, Eiffel Tower. The map is provided by Big Bus Tours Paris, conducting excursion to tourist buses in Paris.

City Metropolitan (Métro de Paris) represents a high-speed network railway transportcovering the entire city and its nearest suburbs. Currently, Paris metro has 14 lines and 303 stations. Most subway lines work from 5:30 to 00:30. The fare from 1.8 EUR, travel - from 7 EUR. Prices are presented as of 2017. Paris Metro Map is represented from the official website of the Paris Metro.

Airports of Paris on the map

In the city, several airports, however, two of them take on the main passenger load: this is Charles de Gaulle Airport and Orly Airport. Also, near the capital, Le Bourget Airport and Beauvai Airport are located.

Charles de Gaulle Airport - Main aerial doors Paris on international transport, is located twenty-five kilometers northeast of the capital. The airport scheme is represented from the official site of Charles de Gaulle airport.

Before you, Paris's map with streets → Il de France, France. We study a detailed map of Paris with houses and streets. Real-time search, weather today, coordinates

Detailed map of Paris with street names can show all routes and roads where the street is located. Rue de Rivoli. Located near the streets

For detailed viewing of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the Interactive Plan of the city plan Paris (France) with addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find now Rue Berger Street.

The ability to pave the route across the country and calculate the distance - the "line" tool, learn the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions, stopping transport and hospitals (type of the hybrid scheme), to watch train stations and borders, metro stations.

You will find all the necessary detailed information About the location of urban infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

Accurate satellite map. Paris (Paris) in Russian with search for Google is located in his heading, panoramas as well. Use the search for Yandex to show the desired house on the scheme of the city of France / Peace, in real time. Where is G. Grams on the map of France. Ul. Rue Danton will help navigate the terrain.

Coordinates - 48.8579,2.3421

Weather Paris today, tomorrow

Map of Paris in Russian

In which country is Paris? Detailed map of Paris in Russian. Metro map, roads and streets, attractions, hotels, restaurants and cafes on the interactive map of Paris. Show on map Paris.

Where is Paris on the world map?

Paris - the capital and cultural center of France, located in the heart of Western Europe. The city is one of the most famous and visited by tourists: about 30 million people arrive here every year. Paris is located 2,834 kilometers from Moscow, 1,420 kilometers from Rome, 1,055 kilometers from Berlin, 1,308 kilometers from Barcelona and 145 kilometers from the strait of La Mans.

Where is Paris on the map of France and Europe?

The capital of France is located on the plain of the Paris basin in the northern part of France, on the banks of the Sena River.

Paris is located as part of the Il de France region, forming both the Department and the Commune. The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is 105 km², its length from the west to the East reaches 18 kilometers, from the south to the north - about 9 kilometers, so the capital can be held on foot for some couple of hours. Distance from the capital to some other cities of France: 907 kilometers to French Cannes, 774 kilometers to Marseille and 465 kilometers to Lyon.

Interactive map of Paris with streets, hotels, restaurants and cafes

On the interactive map of Paris, you can find any tourist objects: museums, cathedrals, squares and theaters. In addition, special icons indicate hotels, cafes, restaurants and other institutions that can interest visitors to the capital. If you wish, you can increase or decrease the card, as well as open in a new window for more convenient use.

Map of Paris with sights

The French capital is so multifaceted that everyone will find something interesting for themselves here. On this map, the most famous sights are presented without a visit to any tourist: a triumphal arch and an adhesive fields, Montmartre and Montparnasse, Louvre and the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, and, of course, Eiffel Tower. The map is provided by Big Bus Tours Paris, conducting excursion on tourist buses in Paris.

Metro map Paris

City Metro (Métro de Paris) represents a network of high-speed rail transport, covering the entire city and its nearest suburbs.

Currently, Paris metro has 14 lines and 303 stations. Most subway lines work from 5:30 to 00:30. The fare from 1.8 EUR, travel - from 7 EUR. Prices are presented as of 2017. Paris Metro Map is represented from the official website of the Paris Metro.

Airports of Paris on the map

In the city, several airports, however, two of them take on the main passenger load: this is Charles de Gaulle Airport and Orly Airport. Also, near the capital, Le Bourget Airport and Beauvai Airport are located.

Charles de Gaulle Airport - the main air gates of Paris on international transportation, is located twenty-five kilometers from the northeast of the capital. The airport scheme is represented from the official site of Charles de Gaulle airport.

Orly Airport is 14 kilometers south of Paris in the communes Vilnev-les-Rua and Orel and is the second on the workout in France, maintaining mainly flights within the country. Airport Map Presented from the Official Site orly airport.

Paris on the world map

Paris on the map of Europe

Paris on the map of France

Map of Paris with plenty of deals

Metro map Paris

Map Scheme Airport Charles de Gaulle in Paris

Orly Airport Scheme in Paris on the map

Countries\u003e France\u003e Paris

Paris. Map of Paris. Weather in Paris.

Paris - City, seeing which you can die.

But actually dying at all, but it is better to go back and return to Paris, because Paris is always beautiful. Best time To visit Paris April-May and September-October. Therefore, many of our compatriots fly to Paris for the May holidays.

Weather in Paris now

Map of the districts of Paris in Russian with landmarks

Paris is divided into 20 districts. The counties start from the center, and spirally disagree to the outskirts. Therefore, naturally, the smaller the numbers of the districts, the more prestigious location of the hotel. Also, the counties are divided into prestige on Western and oriental.

The Eastern County is considered workers and not very prestigious. We are talking about districts 10-12 and 20. And vice versa 15, 16, 17 are considered to be convenient prestigious areas. District number 9, which is often selected by Russian tourists, is quite pleasant in the place where it borders with the central districts 2 and 8, and the least pleasant where it borders with the 10th district.

Description of the districts of Paris

1 District is Louvre, Vandom Square, Tuilery Garden, Royal Palace

2 District - District, where numerous shops are located, it is also a financial center where banks are located.
3 District is an interesting quarter with a variety of cafes, small stores. In this area you can buy inexpensive souvenirs. The same area is known as the area of \u200b\u200bgay-party with numerous gay clubs and bars

4 District - Notre Dame, George Pompidou Center. In this area, it is very nice to wander around the streets.

5 District - Latin Quarter-Boulevard Saint-Michel, Sorbonne, Luxembourg Garden.

The prestigious area, but at the same time student, therefore, cafes and restaurants and expensive and democratic are presented. At night, life does not freeze here, as in many other areas of Paris.

6 District is a beneficial respectable area.

7 District - Eiffel Tower, Marso Field, Museum D 'Orshe, Museum of Rodin. The area is quiet, prestigious. Not very convenient for those who want a lot to walk along the Champs Elysees

8 District - Elysee Fields, Star Square, Triumphal Arch, Concord Square. The area is convenient for shopping, restaurants, Lido - on the Champs Elysees. The Louvre and Notre Lada can be reached on foot - but not very easy. From the star area to the Louvre about an hour walk. And if you look into the shops - then you can not get to the Louvre.

9 District-Grand Opera, large boulevards and Russian tourists favorite shops Printemps and Galeries Lafayette.

10 District - Saint-Denis Street - sex shops and prostitutes, two stations. Hotels in the area Cheap.

11 District - Bastily, a stormy place nightlife - Focus discos, bars, restaurants.

12 District - Parks, Zoo

13 District - Sleeping District. Maybe it will be interesting to look into Chinak Town

14 District Tower Montparnas - From the Overview site you can see all Paris

15 round-prestigious bourgeois area

16 counties - prestigious bourgeois area. From a tourist point of view, it is quite convenient to get to the Champs Elysees and Eiffel Tower. But the area is very expensive.

17 District is more democratic than 15 and 16 districts, convenient for those who need to be at exhibitions in the Palace of Congress

18 District - Montmartre, Sacre-Ker. The atmosphere of creativity reigns here, many artists write portraits of tourists, passing street performances.

In the same district, there is a Pigal Square, where sex shops are concentrated, Strip bars, Moulin-Rouge Cabaret

19 and 20 districts - the districts of sleeping buildings without attractions.

Hotels in Paris on the map. Find and book
Find and book a ticket to Paris

The study of any city begins with the map of the area. Today, everyone has phones with navigators, which undoubtedly simplifies life.

However, it is impossible to completely trust the technique, because if force majeure occurs, the probability of disorientation will be great. How will not be lost in the metropolis - read below.

Paris is built in a lowland, surrounded by hills. On the map, the city is marked with a circle - an outer ring road - a kind of border of the city, built at the beginning of the XIX century. The diameter (wide place) of the circle is only 12 kilometers.

From the east to the west, the flow of the River Sena, one of the sleeves of which took the island of Sita, the city of city. Until now, the first buildings of religious and state importance are preserved here.

Sena proceeds in the center of Paris, dividing the city into two parts: North and South.

In the northern, more lively and developed part, Louvre is located - the center of Paris. (It is from him, clockwise, 20 districts are growing in chronological order. Attendant sites are located within six districts (1-6)). Do not confuse with transport areas, they are only 5. All Paris takes 1-2 transport zone, for The limits are three more zones, the latter covers Charles de Golly Airport, Versailles, Disneyland and other units (see the transport zone map).

In the west of the Louvre, the triumphal path passes; in the north-necrovy and financial quarter les al; In the East - the Center for Trade and Entertainment Life - Quarter Marhe.

In the southern part of the city. The Latin Quarter, the Saint-Germain and the Seventh District, where the famous Eiffel Tower is located on the left bank of the Seine.

All over Paris runs ground and underground transport. Both tourists and local residents Prefer to move on the subway - in the history of cases it is convenient and quickly - all the iconic attractions are dispersed by the stopping of underground transport.

As you can see, it's easy to navigate enough. It is enough to understand, on which shore you are located, know in what direction you need to move. It will not hurt to explore the Metro map to know how the metro lines pass on which stations you can make a transplant in the right direction.

Below are the topical cards of Paris, which can be useful.

Tourist maps of Paris:

Paris transport cards:

  • Metro: Mini (Center), Standard (Main), Big (full), Orlyval (airport).
  • RER: full card RER, RER A, RER B, ORLYVAL (airport).
  • Buses: daytime routes, night routes.
  • Trams: T1, T2, T3A, T3B, T5, T6, T7, T8.
  • Transport card with zones.

Paris counties map:

  • 1 District, 2 District, 3 District, 4 District, 5 District,
  • 6 District, 7 District, 8 District, 9 District, 10 District,
  • 11 District, 12 District, 13 District, 14 District, 15 District,
  • 16 District, 17 District, 18 District, 19 District, 20 District.

Updated: 06/06/2016

More interesting articles:

To get to Paris at least once in life - joy for any Russian. But newcomers are difficult to navigate in this huge city. For the first time you will certainly need Paris cards.

They can be downloaded on the Internet or simply to purchase in the nearest Paris newsstand. If you do not yet speak French well, we recommend looking for maps in Russian, there are also a lot of them.

Another option: There are many tourist sites in the French Internet, search engines, services where you can learn a lot of important geographic information. The absolute majority of them have a Russian-speaking option.


Paris is simply filled with unique cultural and historical, ranging from the time of the Roman Empire to the present day. To get around and inspect all his beauty, vacation in two weeks will not be enough.

Try to independently make a sightseeing plan to visit Paris monuments and attractions or seek help in making a route to an excursion or tourist company.

You can choose one district of Paris and focus solely on it. To help you come detailed maps cities that should only printe and always carry with them to find the right one architectural masterpiece Or just do not get lost.

Map of Paris with landmarks in Russian from Google


Species of private I. public transport There is extremely many in the city. The most massive and popular is the subway, it transports at least 4.5 million passengers daily, incl. tourists from all countries of the world.

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