Map of Belarus detailed from the satellite online. Detailed map of Belarus with agricultural and attractions

Satellite map of Belarus

Map of Belarus from the satellite. You can watch a satellite map of Belarus in the following modes: Map of Belarus with objects of objects, Satellite map of Belarus, geographic map Belarus.

Belarus - The state that is located in the center of Eastern Europe and has no way out to the sea. The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk. Official languages \u200b\u200bare Belarusian and Russian, and in everyday life, almost the entire population of the country uses exclusively Russian.

The climate of Belarus is a continental moderate, in which 4 seasons are allocated. The hottest time is the month of July, whose average temperatures + 24 ... + 27 C. The thermometer is often rising to + 32 ... + 33 S. Wimes in Belarus, with medium temperatures -5 ... - 9c. In the cold month of February, frosts occur to -30 S.

Belarus collected many features of other peoples in himself, but at the same time she managed to preserve its originality. Today in Belarus there are a huge number of religious, historical and architectural monuments. These are numerous cathedrals, churches, castles and fortresses. The most visited places in Belarus is the Brest Fortress, Mirsky Castle and the Sophia Cathedral. The nature of Belarus is one of the most beautiful throughout Europe. Natural attractions are the treasure and treasure of Belarus. The most famous of them are Braslav Lakes, Berezinsky Reserve and Belovezhskaya Pushcha. www.Syt.

For rest to Belarus, those who are tired of the urban fuss and are looking for calm holiday. Most tourists resting on lakes (Naroch, Braslav Lakes). Some travelers prefer ecotourism and tour through the cities of Belarus. In winter, tourists will also find something to do, because Belarus is open and successfully operate and develop ski resorts. They are considered the best of them "Logoisk", which is often called the "Belarusian Switzerland". The second at the attendance of the winter resort is Sili. Actively develops in the republic and wellness, therapeutic view of the rest. Thanks beautiful natureAnd Belarus is open a lot of sanatoriums, boarding houses and holiday homes.

Belarus (Republic of Belarus) is an Eastern European state, having common borders with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. It is the largest (on the territory) of a country of Europe that does not have a direct access to the sea. Official state languages The Belarusian and Russian are recognized. Territorial division Countries include 6 regions divided into 118 districts and 12 cities of regional subordination. The capital is the city of Minsk - an independent administrative unit consisting of urban areas. Others big cities: Bobruisk, Vitebsk, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilev, Brest.

Online map of Belarus this is photo from satellite high resolution collected from the set space Snapshots in one image.

For increase picture of Belarus from the satellite Use the navigation panel in the left upper corner.

Satellite Belarus in high resolution

Climatic conditions are approached by moderately continental, places passing to marine (under the influence of Atlantic cyclones and anticyclones). The winter period is characterized by an abundance of thaws, and a summer - a large amount of precipitation and low temperatures.

Cards of cities of Belarus from the satellite:

On the territory of the state there are deposits (and their development) of such minerals, such as oil and gas, peat, potash and stone salts, dolomites, sands, clay, construction stone are being carried out. Currently, the mining of combustible shale, brown coal, phosphorites, gypsum are left. For the preservation of natural wealth in Belarus, special protected areas have been created, the work of which is supported by UNESCO: national parks Belovezhskaya Pushcha, "Braslav Lakes", "Pripyatsky" and "Narochansky" and Berezinsky Reserve; There are more than a hundred reservations.
Today, representatives of more than 100 nationalities live in the country, the most numerous of which are Belarusians, Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, Armenians, Tatars, Azerbaijanis, Tsygan. The number of Moldovan, Turkmen, Georgians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Chinese, Germans, Latvians is constantly growing. The main republican religion is Orthodoxy, the number of pretending to Islam, Hinduism and Old Believers are traditionally large.
The economic development of Belarus is based on such industries such as engineering and metalworking, chemical production and woodworking, electric power industry, food and light industry. The structure of agriculture highlights the production of grain, technical and forage crops, meat-dairy directing cattle breeding, fish farming, growing and processing of vegetables and fruits.
Major Paths transport message In Belarus - a network of automotive and railways, having both internal communication and international lines (with Moscow and Warsaw); Seven airports operate international classShipping is underway to Dnieper.
The main part of the Belarusian attractions is somehow related to the serious memories of the Great Patriotic War: for example, almost entire Minsk was destroyed to the ground and restored only after its end. Therefore, the special interest of tourists causes those few buildings and structures that are preserved during hostilities. Such legendary cities like Brest and Grodno, today are beautiful unique museums under open sky. Mogilev, Bobruisk and Vitebsk are ancient settlements with distinctive history and unusual architecture.
Belarus is one of the founders and a participant in such international associations as the CIS, UN, Union State other.

Belarus is an independent republic, which was previously part of the USSR. To date, this is one of the largest states located in Eastern Europe. The Republic of Belarus is one of the central countries of the European continent, its neighbors are Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Belarus is the largest land European state.
Lack of exits to the sea, compensate for full large rivers: Dnipro with tributaries Pripyat, Coolant, Berezina and Western Dvina, Neman, Western Bug.

Satellite map of Belarus represents stock Foto Belarus from satellite. Use + and - in the left corner of the card to increase or decrease picture of Belarus from a satellite. Arrogors Use for movement on the map.

Belarus. View from satellite

Belarus card from satellite You can view both in a schematic card mode and in mode view from satellite By switching the viewing modes on the right side of the map.

On the territory of Belarus a large number of Small freshwater lakes, in total, their number exceeds 10,000, and such an area, as Polesie is the largest in the European part of the marshy lands.
Belarus is located in a moderately continental climatic belt, so the in the summer is prevailing rainy weather, and in winter, small frosts with frequent thaws.

Such an abundance of moisture concentrated in rivers, lakes and swampy districts, makes Belarus of one of the most "green" countries of the European continent, about the third part, which is covered with deciduous and coniferous forests.

Belarus. Map from a satellite detailed online from Bing
(Map management is easiest to carry out with a mouse, as well as plus and minus signs)

There are many natural reserves with virgin forest areas on its territory. The largest of them is the Belovezhskaya Forest. From the 11th century, these places were considered to be protected, and in the grounds of Belovezhskaya Pushcha a royal hunt was arranged. For more than forty years, this reserve is in the list of cultural heritage of UNESCO. To date, the number of bison (European bison), which were on the verge of extinction, were restored in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In addition, more fidets of large mammals are inhabited in the park, over 200 species of diverse feathers. In addition to Belovezhskaya Pushcha in Belarus natural reserves: Berezinsky, Pripyatsky national Park, Nar Narva National Park and Reserve "Braslavsky Gate".
The ancient land of the Belarusian Republic is saturated with historical and architectural monuments. Castle in Mirrier, Cathedral in Polotsk, Radzville Castle in Nesvizh is only a small part of historical monuments on its territory.
The capital of the Republic of Minsk focused such historical and architectural monumentslike: Trinity suburb, Upper city, Torch, Collegium of Jesuita, Church of Mary Magdalene, Calvarian Church, Church of Alexander Nevsky, Church of the Blessed Trinity, Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.
Belarus keeps the memory of patriotic War. Famous to the whole world, Memorial "Khatyn" and the Brest Fortress are included in cultural heritage of this country.
Belarus has six major areas in its composition, with centers in cities: Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Mogilev. Minsk is the capital of the Belarusian Republic, has the status of an independent territorial unit.

Culture of Belarus

The population of Eastern Europe, which does not have access to the sea, has about 9,527,543 people. 83.7% of the population are Belarusians. Ethnic minorities include Russian, Poles, Ukrainians and others. Russian and Belorussky - two official languages \u200b\u200bof Belarus. Although Christianity is a dominant religion in Belarus, a significant part of the population (41.1%) does not adhere to any religion. 48.3% of the population adhere to Orthodox Christianity. Catholic Christians represent 7.1% of the country's inhabitants, while supporters of other religions constitute the rest of the (3.5%) population.

1. Clothes in Belarus

Traditional Belarusian dress for men - shirt and pants decorated with belt. Women wore a longer shirt, skirt with smell and handkerchief. Dresses are often embroidered with beautiful floral or other patterns. Fabrics from which dresses were manufactured, suitable for the country's cool climate. However, today Belarusians wear modern clothes, which is widely used throughout the European Union. Traditional clothes are worn during folk dance and musical ideas or traditional Belarusian holidays. By the way, if you are in Minsk, we recommend buying a female semi-boots for yourself or as a gift.

2. Literature and art in Belarus

Belarusian literature originated in the 11th century. Most of the literary works created during this time were devoted to religion. Religious poems with rhymes were ordinary phenomenon. By the 16th century, the Bible was translated into Belarusian. The current period of Belarusian literature began in centuries later, in the 19th century. However, later, the Nazi occupation of Belarus would suppress the Wolnodum Writers of the country and forced many to leave the country. After World War, most of the literature was devoted to the topics associated with the war. Other aspects of life were investigated by Belarusian poets and writers after the 1960s.

The history of painting should also in the footsteps of the history of written literature in Belarus and in the early years we had a religious character. The frescoes in churches throughout the country were the most popular work of art at the time. The fresco painting school was created in Belarus in the 16th century. In the next century, the artistic scene had an impact of what happened in Poland and Western Europe. Portrait painting was quite popular. In the first half of the XX century, Belarusian national art began to develop rapidly. He focused on the history of the country and its people. In recent decades, Belarusian art also paid attention to philosophical and intellectual themes, etc. Some of the popular crafts of the country include decorative glass, batik, tapestry, ceramics, straw weaving, etc.

On the page interactive Card. Minsk from the satellite. Read more on. Below satellite diagram and real-time search Google Maps., photo of the city and the Minsk region of Belarus.

Satellite map of Minsk - Belarus

We observe on satellite map Minsk (MINSK), as it is located buildings on the streets of Surganov and Bogdanovich. The ability to see the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe area, the streets are Aerodrome and Platonov, Square and the Lane.

Interesting places and attractions - address

➲ Select: Railway Station Central Bus Station Central Palace of the Republic Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary All-West Church Cemetery of Tower Cranes Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church of St. Simeon and Elena Children's Railway Loshitsky Manor Park Complex Memorial Complex "Trostenets" Mikhailovsky Square Monument Victory Zoo Museum of the Museum of the Museum of the Belarusian Cinema Museum of the History of the Belarusian railway Aquapark National Library Holy Ghosts cathedral Monument M. Gorky Holy Elisavtian monastery Temple of the Resurrection of Christ Church of St. Peter and Paul Cathedral Mosque Komarovsky Market

Presented here in mode online map Minsk city from the satellite contains photos of buildings and houses from space. You can find out where the streets begin. Nemig and Lenin. Using the search for the Google service, you will find the right object in the city. We recommend changing the scale of the +/- schema and move its center to the desired side, for example, to find the streets of Minsk.

Squares and shops, buildings and roads, squares and houses, Sverdlov Streets and Tolstoy. On the Detailed information and photos of all objects page. To real-time to find the necessary home on the map of the city and the Minsk region in Belarus.

A detailed satellite map of Minsk and the district is provided by the Google Maps service.

Coordinates - 53.90 and 27.56

See also: