Kerkira Streets (Corfu). Streets Kerkira (Corfu) Panorama Street Liston from Google Maps

A free bus goes to the city center from the berth every half hour. Stop at the gate to the fortress. Decided, it means you have to go. Entry 6 euros, students and retirees (65+) three euros. There is such an orientation: to come right - to the church, prisons and square, right - the track to the beacon to the top, to the left - to the beach, there is a yacht club and cafe. No elevator lighthouse, though, we hoped.

The cafe has internet. And there is the beach! Then we walked around the old town, a wonderful place ...

Returned satisfied, good got a day!

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Kerkira - two fortresses and the city between them

The next stop in our cruise was the island of Corfu. During the preparation, two options were developed. Ride to the beaches of Paleokastrians or walking In Kerkira with visiting both forts. Dawn I met on the upper deck, admiring the views of the city, with a circle of coffee in hand. Inspecting the sights of the city with the very top of our ship, I already remembered the guidelines for which we will have to move around the city ...

The plan of our route in Kerkira was simple and ordinary. First, the new fortress of Neo Forio, then walk around the city to the old fortress Pale Fihorio. And on the way back, go to Church of St. Spiridon (Bios Spirydhon).

Let's go out from the ship in full. Twenty meters from the ladder is already the shuttle bass, in which the passengers of both ships are sitting. For three minutes we are going to the port terminal, we pass through and see buses stop in thirty meters. We are approaching the bus hanging OLD TOWN. Inhabit the driver. The price of the question is a half or two euros, I don't remember exactly. Ten minutes drive without stopping and we are in the very center of the old city. From here, a new fortress is already perfect, so do not miss. At the heart of the new fortress - two large-scale bastions looking towards the city and in the depths of the island. A lot of passes and corridors are laid between the bastions and walls inside the castle.

We went around the fortress for minutes for forty, well, maybe in an hour. And along and across. Types are stunning!

Resting, go down the narrow streets to the old town. We have to go through it almost all ... through. Slowly go. From somewhere there is a music of Sitaka, which is more and more gives the whole occurring Greek way. It is surprising that at this time the street cafe is filled almost completely. Moreover, tourists are much less in them than local residents. It seems that in Greece nobody never works. Of course, there will be a crisis ... With such a desire to work.

The old fortress is the remains of fortifications whose predecessors, according to Archaeologists, are still another early Greece of the VII-VIII centuries. However, the fortress itself was built by Venetians in 1550-1559, rebuilding for this wall remaining after Byzantines. The CONTRA-FOSSA channel was also died, which subsequently became the place of many suicides. The old fortress liked more. Near the wonderful lagoons with snow-white yachts and greenish water color. Old guns, ringing of cicades, broken clock on the tower.

From the walls of the fortress we see several places suitable for swimming. From here, the whole city is visible, a new fortress ... and our boat. Forces gradually leave us, and we are glad with a huge pleasure in a cafe on Liston Street.

Street Liston is considered one of the most curious in Kerkira, where only representatives of aristocratic families had the right to stroll through the right. There was a separate sheet with those who were allowed - from here and the name of the street. Later, this right went to non-existence. When the French dominated on the island for a short period, then the street was thoroughly rebuilt and today there are many shops and taverns here, so the Liston is rightfully considered one of the best streets of Kerkira for urban walks.

In general, I want to tell those who will be in this city for the first time. Everything is very clear and special preparation is not required. Come on the spot.

Resting, we went to the Church of St. Spiridon. Here I had an unforeseen - at the same time discharged batteries and in the photo, and on video cameras. Here is a miracle.

Holy Spiridon is the patron of the island of Corfu. In his honor, a beautiful church was built, in the walls of which the silver sarcophagus with the relics of the saint is holy. Each year on the day of the celebration of Easter, the power of the saint rushes through the streets of the city, and the residents of tradition hanging red canvas from the windows. The love of Korfuans to their defender and the patron saint is obvious: the most common male name on the island is Spiridon.

Well, that's the program is made. Now you can resemble the souvenir benches, which is apparently invisible or drink a beer in numerous cafes.

Back to the port went on foot. It was a big mistake ... in such a heat. Thirty minutes ... Some spicy places are grazing before redness. And why did I subscribe to this, the hundredth time asked myself a question for which I did not find a response.

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And walked, and bought, sorry on the island did not go

In Kerkira, the pier is somewhat aside about the city center. On board was offered transfer for 8 euros and sightseeing tour For 40, but we decided to walk on their own. And did not regret. Yes, the center go for about 20 minutes, the city is pretty, clean.

Not immediately, but they found the Beach of Faliraki, which was read when preparing for a cruise. For the first time in this cruise bathed. Water purest! True degrees 20-22, no more. The people were a bit.

Water procedures awakened appetite. In search of a cafe with democratic prices so imperceptibly and returned almost to the pier. So let's walk on the ship! They filed, argued, looked from the deck, it seems almost everything went around. And stayed on the ship. Sunbathe by the pool.

Friends who returned in the evening with an excursion on the island were admired by the beauties so that we even regretted that they did not go with them. Exciration cost in the area of \u200b\u200b60 euros, I do not remember exactly.

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Beach and sea above all praise

In Corfu, did not go anywhere, I wanted to just relax and sow on the beach.

Stepping ashore, went to the nearest beach, swam in the sea. Beach and sea above all praise. I did not want to leave.

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The route is circular, so if you do not plan to go back, then you need to purchase a ticket at the opposite direction. You can buy the driver, but it will be more expensive. To the question "how much is more expensive?" A man from a kiosk shrugged.

In the kiosk, we clarified the location of the bus stop 1a, which was going to Canoni. She was ahead of meters 100.
They approached the stop, the bus just left, and the trace. in 20 minutes. But here suddenly it approaches. It turns out late. Drive about 15 minutes.

They left the bus and went down the path. At the beginning of the track, we were met by a dog that fled ahead, as if showing the right way. All the time stopped and turned around in our direction.

We walked a little bit around and decided to fuse on the island. We approach the boat, buy tickets (2.5 euros per 1 person). We ask when we swim? Replies that in a minute, go to the boat, sit down.

The boatman took us and said that he was sailing in half an hour. This time is a lot, enough 10 minutes for everything about everything. But we had no choice, I had to sit on the island all half an hour. We climbed the stairs to the church XIIV.

Twisted back and went a little forward along the shore. From the monastery to the center of Kerkira went on foot. On the map go about 5 km, but we are not looking for lightweight paths, the more we decided how to walk as much as possible. Yes, and the plans were on the way to see the estate of repos.

Here, of course, we drunk. It was still necessary to go by bus before the start of the harbor, and then on foot. We would save time, and the legs regretted, especially since we didn't see anything interesting about the estate of Mont Repo.

The only thing that was beautiful is the sea view from the terrace near the manor.

In general, before the start of the harbor, where windmill We have reached 1.5 hours (including commence the estate of repo).

The next point of our inspection was the old fortress or Palo Frurio in Kerkir. From the mill we went along the harbor on the pedestrian promenade. Entered the territory of Fort. Entrance - 4 euros with 1 person.

They came out of the fortress and went towards the street and Liston Square. She came to the palace of Saints George and Mikhail. Next, we went a little ahead along the coast and turned into my favorite streets, for which the numerous tourist crowd does not go.

But all the streets always lead to the main tourist "trail" - a pedestrian promenade with numerous shops. On the way back went to a new fortress. It has several names. Sometimes it is called the fortress of St. Mark or the sea fortress. Entry 3 euros per 1 person.

And after returned to the ship. On the clock was around 16:00.

A detailed photo report about our walk on the island of Corfu can be viewed.

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Kerkira is the capital of Corfu Island. In the appearance of the city, traces of the cultures of the British, French, Romans, Venetians, and of course the Greeks are noticeable. Corfu is one of the few islands that was not conquered by the Turks. In this city, so much different, but at the same time harmonious, which fall in love with him immediately. Sightseeing is enough for the whole day of the walk.

Kerkira Corfu Sightseeing

Church of St. Spiridon in the city of Kerkira

The most important attraction of the city of Kerkira, and, in fact, the entire island of Corfu is the church of St. Spiridon trimifuntsky. This saint is known for the whole world and very much honorable Christians around the world, especially korfimi, because It is considered the patron saint of the island. Although he never lived on this island, and lived in Cyprus, where he made great feats and wonders. But the Corfu was postponed in 1456 from the captured Muslims of Constantinople his power, and since then he has been bodily and staying here, protecting and helping everyone who appeals to him.

It is believed that this saint Spiridon at one time did not allow the island of Turks, which captured around all new and new lands: in 1531, Yanychars, preparing to take Corfu, laid it out with a weary siege. It seemed to fall Kerkira - the capital - inevitably. But the inhabitants turned for help to the saint, and the Turks were defeated, despite their significant numerical advantage.

From 1386 to 1791, Venetians dominated here, then the French came here, but in 1799, the Russian fleet headed by the glorious Admiral Ushakov, especially revered here, broke them and liberated the island. And in 1814, British domination was established, the memoirs of which remained english language: they - already traditionally - own local residents.

The church was built in 1589, the relics of St. Spiridon are kept here. Crowds of tourists visit this church daily, and not only they, but also the locals. But despite this, the church is the island of calm and peace in the center of a noisy city. By the way, the Church of St. Spiridon is really in the center of the Old Town. Her bell tower crowned with a red dome is the most high building in the town.

Old Town Kerkira

The labyrinths of narrow streets hidden in them are tiny square.

Orange trees, flowers on windows and balconies.

Stone stairs, winding pedestrian passages - a very colorful place. Stroll and you will not regret the time spent.

Coming out of Campiello stroll along the paved stone pedestrian street Liston. It is built by the French and reminds one of Paris's streets.

On the one hand, shops, restaurants, coffee shops are located on the arched galleries, and on the other hand, there is a spianada, something medium by Park and urban area: trees are planted here, flower beds, fountains, benches, and there is even a field for cricket.

Sea Fortress Kerkira

Cross the Spianada - And now we are about old sea fortress Cities Kerkira.

Entrance to the fortress costs 4 euros. For this price, you are not easy to enjoy beautiful views, but also visit the museums located in the fortress.

The fortress itself is a powerful bastion built to protect the island. On the territory of the fortress there is a church, museums, barracks, cost guns.

You can look at some of the rooms of the fortress and see what the fortress has thick walls.

I am very advised not to be lazy and climb to the top point of the fortress (not very heavy subsidence), offering a breathtaking view of the entire city of Kerkira. Just awesome views. We were not lucky with the weather, it was raining. But we did not regret what they rose there.

Also in the old town there are many museums (Byzantine Museum, Banknote Museum, Asian Museum, Municipal Picture Gallery, Archaeological Museum)

Kerkira City Town Hall

Take a look at the City Hall Square.

The building itself was repeated several times, there was some time the theater, but since 1903 the Town Hall was transferred here and 2nd floor was added. The area of \u200b\u200bthe town hall is raised by terraces where several open taverns and cafes are now located.

If you are tired of you can relax and eat in one of the numerous Taverns Kerkira.

And we visited the church of Jason and Susipatros - the founders of Christianity on the island.

Church of Jason and Sopatros

Well-groomed territory, the Church in the Byzantine style (built as much as in 12VEK). The place is quiet and calm. It seems to me that we were the only tourists who wandered the accidentally.

Well, like the impressions for one day enough.

This city contained a lot of cultures in himself, but he is very soulful, cozy and hospitable. Be sure to get back here again.

One of best places For evening walks on the island of Corfu - Liston Street. History this place Truly exciting and very interesting. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the French occupied the island, the famous engineer de Lesseps decided to build a place for which only chosen citizens will be able to walk. So the construction of a leaf stone began.

The architecture of the street resembles the well-known prospect of de Rivoli in the capital of France. Several times of buildings located along the entire length of the avenue were subjected to reconstruction and alterations. The British, who arrived in Greece in the middle of the nineteenth century, expanded arched structures.

There are two versions why the street is called the Liston. According to one of them, the name happened due to the fact that only citizens could move on this area, pre-deposited from the leaf. Mostly it was high-ranking faces and aristocrats. According to another version, the street was called Loveon because of its directness. On the Italian word "sheet" means "straight". Which of these two version is more truthful, it is definitely unknown, although most historians are leaning towards the first.

Galleries, extended on both sides of the street, are now mainly occupied by boutiques of world famous brands of clothing and perfumery, cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops, in which pleasant little things can be purchased at a reasonable price. The whole street is impregnated by the special spirit of calm and aristocracy, which in a few centuries firmly absorbed into every corner of the sheet of Street.

For a walk, it is preferable to choose an evening clock when the leaf is illuminated by muffled light from the Venetian lamps. Walking on the promenade, do not forget to look at the famous cricket field, located right in front of the street. Every year, hundreds of lovers and professionals of this game are coming and competing in their skill near Liston.

Famous Street Liston - Symbol of the city of Kerkira, an integral part of it historical appearance. Built between 1807-1814 for the project of the French engineer Mathieu de Lessps in collaboration with the Greek engineer John Parmesan, she resembles an excellent Paris street of Rivoli. Apparently, therefore, the atmosphere of charm, sophistication and some removal from the daily bustle reigns here.

The name "Liston", according to one version, comes from the Italian "sheet", which translated "straight line", and on the other - this area is named so because it was originally only the aristocrats made to a certain list were initially worked here. called "List".

Along the street there are two long buildings, the lower floors of which are decorated with open galleries. They are separated from the pedestrian part of the elegant arches, over each of which the Venetian lantern hangs. These galleries and determine the appearance of the whole street. Local residents gather under their cozy arches to drink coffee, learn about news from Morning newspapers, meet friends. Tourists also love to sit in these cozy cafeAlthough the price of coffee here is slightly higher than in other places. But the special aristocratic chic of this street quite justifies the costs.

Opposite the Street Liston is a field for cricket, the favorite games of the inhabitants of the island. Every year in September, a cricket festival is carried out here, in which teams from England and Malta take part.

Street Liston

Street Liston was built in Kerkira by the French architect for the Paris Street. On both sides, at the entrance to this street there were barriers, and in the entrances there were books in which all the most notable and rich Kerkira were named, which had the right to walk along this street. All the rest of the entrance to this street was strictly banned. Now we can walk through this street anyone, it is filled with cafes and restaurants in which it is so nice to drink coffee or juice.

For many centuries, Corfu island was one of the largest and most fast-growing shopping centers In the Mediterranean Sea. The island has repeatedly changed his citizenship and was actively built. As a result, Kerkira, the capital of the island, became unique european city With a rich cultural and architectural heritage, delivered from England, Greece, Rome, France Times of Napoleon and, in particular, Venice. One of the most striking examples of the island's architecture is Liston Street - Central Pedestrian Street Kerkira.

Street Liston in Kerkir: General Information

Liston in Corfu is the street paved with white marble plates, flying in the very heart of Kerkira, between the complex of buildings with long arcades and Spianada Square (Spianada Square). The first floors of the houses are facing the street with wide and extended galleries with high arches, decorated with elegant Venetian lamps, from which soft light is bottled in the evenings, making the street more cozy and picturesque. On the upper floors of the houses are residential apartments and offices. The facades above the gallery are simple, without a pompous decor, with the same white frames, protected from the bright Mediterranean sun by massive lattice shutters of the same color.

The length of the leaf is only about 200 meters, which, however, does not prevent him from being extremely popular public space. The elegant and photographic appearance of the promenade daily attracts a huge number of people like local residents and foreign tourists. Mostly passersby are placed in numerous cafes, which tightly occupied both sides of the street: the tables occupy almost all the space in the galleries of buildings and under the trees along the park. Because of the abundance of establishments, the afternoon on the street is constantly felt the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and human voices, supplemented by the rift of the cicada and shouts of swallows.

Periodically, various urban events are held here - political and cultural. So, for example, the epitaph procession is held on the street during Easter, and on Saturdays from here you can see the cricket competition - one of the favorite games of the inhabitants of Corfu. You can watch the game in September when teams from Europe are collected on Esplanad.

As Liston Street is in historical center Cities, at the height of the season with her, many excursions on city attractions begin. The greatest number Tourists are observed around noon. Therefore, coming to the street is better in the evening when the heat falls, and the flow of tourists is reduced to a minimum. It is also recommended to come here early in the morning when there is almost no one on the street, and calmly arrange a great photo session. With all this, the leafon is beautiful at any time and is required to visit all vacationers in Corfu.

Brief historical certificate

Street Liston in Corfu was designed and built in the era of French domination at Corfu (1807-1814), respectively, the new urban street turned out in many respects "Paris". The designer was French Mathieu de Lesseps (the father of the engineer, who designed by the Suez Canal), who, together with the Greek, John Parmesan, worked on a new street from a light stone with a huge colonnade, taking the Paris Street of Ryu de Rivoli for the sample (Rue de Rivoli).

In 1815-1864, when the British High Commissariat was present at Corfu, significant architectural changes began: the arches were expanded in galleries, new floors were completed.

Initially, the street was exclusively an aristocratic: only especially important specialists could pass here, whose names were listed as stored at the entrance. Only after many years, access to the street was discovered for ordinary people, and then only one side of the street, another half, everything was also discovered only for elected citizens.

Today, the leaf is the usual tourist promenade, accessible to everyone, but not lost its aristocratic atmosphere.

origin of name

Liston (Liston) is a Venetian word used in the former possessions of the Venetian Republic to refer to the area or its part. So the expression "Far El Liston" can be translated as "walking around the area". Therefore, the leaf is found not only at Corfu, but also in Verona, Trieste, Padua, Venice.

Many argue that the name "Liston" comes from the Venetian word "Lista", which can be translated as "list". This name has its own prehistory. Until 1864, when local residents kept their noble titles, only aristocrats and high-ranking persons were resting on the street, whose names were made to a special list at the beginning of the street. From this list (Lista) and the name of the street - Liston.

Panorama Street Liston from Google Maps:

How to get to Liston Street in Kerkira (Corfu)

You can reach the island of Corfu from Continental Greece on the ferry (to the passenger port) or plane (to John John Capodistria International Airport). The local airport is serviced by several airlines. Airplanes perform regular flights from Athens, Presee and Thessalonika, and have charter flights From Moscow and St. Petersburg. The largest number of flights is celebrated in the high season (approximately Easter until October).

The airport is located on the southern outskirts of Kerkira, but since the city is very small, then you can get to the leaf, both by bus and on foot. In the latter case, the road will take about 30 minutes.

Map of the route from Corfu Airport to Liston Street:

Public transport Kerkira is 16 bus lines. Of sea Port. to ul. Liston walks bus number 17. From the airport to the bus station on San Rocco Square (San Rocco), you can take a bus number 15, and then walk another 10 minutes to Liston Street. Corfu is also serviced at least three lines of long-distance KTEL buses, which are associated daily by the city with Athens, Thessaloniki and Larisa.

Route map from Korfu autostasses (pl. San Rocco) to Liston Street:

You can rent a car in one of the rental firms near the airport. To order a taxi, such services are available as Corfu Taxi Company, Spiros Kritikos, Manos Taxi, Taxi Toux, Corfu Exclusive, Piatsa Taxi Sarroko, Corfu Private Taxi, Corfu Harbour, etc.

Video about Street Liston on Corfu:

See also: