When cheaper to buy tickets. How to buy tickets Döshevo

06.06.16 353 616 3

How to get the cheapest air ticket

Each familiar has a mythical Vasily, who flies from Moscow in Bangkok for 20 euros.

It's very cheap. But you go to the site with tickets - and everything is expensive everything is expensive. To fly cheap, you need to be cunning. In this article, we will tell how to extract the cheapest possible air tickets.

Ekaterina Kachalina


1. Hide the surveillance

On the Internet you are not a faceless. Search engines know, in which city you live, what tickets are you interested in and from which device they are looking for. On the same flight, a resident of New York will see a higher price than Indian from Delhi.

If you are looking for tickets from iPhone or Apad, tickets for you will cost more than if you were looking for from android. And if you enter the same search query in the aggregator twice, you will see how the price grows with each request. You are provoked to buy right now, so that later you do not have to pay even more.

All these are marketing tricks.

Overcome the system: Clean cookies or set the "incognito" mode in the browser. So the aggregator does not know if you were looking for these tickets before.

To open a new page in incognito mode, use the hotkeys:
Ctrl + Shift + N in Google Chrome or Opera
Ctrl + SHIFT + P in Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer
COMMAND + SHIFT + N in Safari

It is even better to use an anonymizer - a program that "hides" all the data about your device and whereabouts. Download the TunnelBear program (you need to register) or go to the online anonymizer website, for example Hideme.ru. Try to play in the settings of such a program with the iP address of the computer: pretend to live in South Asia or Latin America, and see lower prices.

Do not forget about currency conversion. If the site shows prices in the peso, then when paying money on your ruble map is converted twice: first in the dollar, then in the peso. For each operation, the bank will write a commission. Consider whether such a purchase is beneficial.

2. Do not bind to the place

Usually it is cheaper to fly from Moscow, because it is a big transplant knot and many airlines fly through it. But if you live in another city, do not be discouraged. Go to Moscow by train and calmly fly from there.

Petersburgers were even more lucky. You can easily reach Helsinki or Lappenranta, from where European Loocosostans fly.

You can save on the where you fly. In Europe Che more airport, the more money he takes for the service of the aircraft. Choose small airports in non-stationary cities. Military in the Dutch town of Eindhoven is usually more profitable than in Amsterdam. Gathering to Germany, check ticket prices in Frankfurt and Dusseldorf.

3. Choose in the budget sector

The airlines are divided into budget and more expensive. The most advantageous offers - European companies-louxers. If you boast a ticket in advance, then for 10 euros from Helsinki you can fly to any point in Europe.

Ticket aggregators often ignore such tickets because they have a low commission and they look more profitable than regular tickets with a high commission. Search for cheap tickets You need to independently on airline sites or on special resources: azair.eu, kiwi.com (former Skypicker.com).

Buying a ticket to Loker, carefully read the rules of the airline. In exchange for saved money, you will lose your nutrition on board, chance to pass a ticket or change the date, sometimes - free transport Luggage. Register for such a flight must be independently via the Internet. At the airport, this service is paid separately.

From Russia, "Visa Air" and the first domestic lourogenant "Victory" fly from Russia. In Italy, or from it, you can fly the airline "Air-Itali", in Latvia - "Air-Baltik", Germany - "Hermanwings" and "Air-Berlin", and the leader of Asia Loocolers - "Aer-Asia".

4. Catch the moment

Another inexpensive option is a charter flight. Charters fly only in certain places and only in high season. Such flights are used by travel agencies as part of package vouchers. It happens, the agency fills the plane is not completely - then the "burning" tickets can be redeeming at the last moment on special sites.

Charter departure can be transferred at the last moment to another time. But the prices are even lower than that of Loupes:

Screenshot from site www.tourdom.ru

Charter flights Search on chaabooka.ru sites, Clickavia.ru, TourDom.ru.

5. Use someone else's mistake

Special Council from the Error Tariff Expert

Mikhail Lyubich

10 0500miles.ru.

Sometimes airlines offer cheap tickets not within the promotion, but by mistake. An employee could admit a typo in price, incorrectly charge the fuel collection or not to put a decimal fraction there. Nobody is insured against such mistakes.

Error tariffs usually exist just a couple of hours until they are fixed. But if you have time to book a ticket for this time, he is right. Therefore, you need to book such tickets immediately.

Never call to clarify the airline or agent if you do not want an erroneous tariff covered. You are not risking anything. The worst thing that could happen is to cancel the reservation and you will be returned to money.

Most often, erroneous tariffs can be found on the sites of aggregators, sometimes they come across on the websites of airlines. On the websites of airlines to buy tickets are preferable, since there is less likelihood of cancellation.

6. Complicate

In the ticket aggregators, the flights with a transfers are almost always cheaper than straight. This is because airlines are beneficial to fill the flights using their baseline airports (hubs). At Aeroflot, this is Sheremetyevo, "Victory" - Vnukovo, Emirates - Dubai.

Sometimes you can get a significant discount if you form a route with several docks. Many aggregators make it possible to independently make a complex route. Experiment with flights to Stockholm through Helsinki and Asia through Bangkok. Try to take a return ticket from the neighborie or even countries.

In 2014, it was possible to fly on a journey Dublin - Mae (Seychelles) - Mauritius - Paris in just 29,000 rubles:

Screenshot from www.make-trip.ru

Advanced travelers actively use a hundred-to-transfer - "transplant" longer than 24 hours. This is an opportunity to look at one country more. Stopper is drawn up in the airline after buying tickets with docking. Find out in advance whether there is such an opportunity on your flight. And do not forget to clarify which documents are needed to get out of the airport in the intermediate paragraph.

7. Cut extra

The trick for the most cunning: buy a ticket with a transfer and just ignore the last segment. Suppose you are going to Estonia. Come on the aggregator and discover that the flight Moscow - Oslo with docking in Tallinn will cost cheaper than direct flight to Tallinn. It's a shame? On the contrary, very convenient.

Ask for a rack at the airport to register luggage to the transformation point or fly with manual loop and on arrival in Tallinn quietly leave the airport. No one will stop you.

To enjoy this lifehak, you need to know which airlines fly to the city you need and which airports they are based. All this information is easy to google. For example, Bergamo Orio-al-Ali-al-Serio Airport is one of the main transfers of the Irish LouroSter Rainair, and Eyre Baltic is based in Riga. Let's see how it works in practice.

You need to Riga. Direct flights expensive:

Screenshot from the site aviasales.ru

We go to the site "Air Baltic" and see where you can fly from Riga to the cheapest:

Now we look at the price of tickets for each of the directions where you can fly from Eyre Baltic. We find the most profitable option:

Screenshot from the site aviasales.ru

Now you have a ticket to Budapest with a transfer in Riga. Said 2247 rubles.

Note that the first flight can not be passed. This option is not suitable for tickets back: after skipping any of the segments, the ticket is canceled. Buy a return ticket separately.

8. Register in the loyalty program and copy miles

The airlines offer regular clients of bonuses. For registration in loyalty programs, you will get miles and coupons for purchases in Duty Friend, accommodation in hotels and free tickets.


  1. Look for tickets in incognito mode.
  2. Fly by leather or charter flights.
  3. Try to pick up small airports in non-stationary cities.
  4. We saw a suspiciously low price - buy without thinking.
  5. Snip: pick up tickets with a change and just go out where you need.
  6. Copy mile airlines or just

Hot season comes. Be ready to not be deceived.

This summer, many of us will remain in Russia. Realities are such. We will go south, and extremes - north. Thanks to the sanctions, an interest in the native country appeared, in everything there are its advantages.

We will put on weapons of 10 cunning lifehkov economy on the tickets that professionals advised us.

1. When entering the site several times, the price grows

Automatic algorithms are constantly monitoring your actions on the Internet to remove the maximum money from you. For example, prices are automatically rising if you look at tickets on several sites in a row.

Many begin to think that tickets are now more expensive, break, buy for an increased price.

2. With Mac and iPhone Ticket prices are higher than with PC

It is said that Mac and iPhone's owners see elevated ticket prices. We type are richer than Windows users. We can also show more often that there are few places in the aircraft (supposedly). The list of tricks is huge, write about this separate article.

How to avoid: Initially, choose a service that sells tickets, and not collects offers from dozens of sites and is not responsible for the further fate of the passenger when buying a ticket. The smaller the intermediate links, the better.

3. Tickets must be taken in advance for 3-4 weeks

Some say that you have to wait, and others - what to take in advance. If you look at the overall price statistics in Russian destinations, low prices A couple of days before the departure you will never wait.


Moscow - Adler - Moscow: June 10 from 7,000 rubles.
Moscow - Adler - Moscow: August 10 from 9,000 rubles.

Check themselves: find out how much a ticket is now Moscow-Adler, What are the options:

4. Stay for charter flights - they can be cheaper

Many online services do not show proposals for charter flights. And in vain, because the price of many charters is often lower than the usual flights of airlines.

What is most importantly, charter flight tickets are just following with the approach of the departure date. Such airplanes need to be filled to failure, so the price is striving down with a drop in demand.

This is an overseas version, but very interesting. Check out charter flight Moscow - Burgas:

Charter flights can be found in the Aviakassa application for iOS in a special tab.

5. Not about Russia. The most profitable sentences appear from Tuesday to Wednesday

These days, the exchange rate is changing in the booking system. Buy will have to buy quickly, because there are so many "smart" on the Internet. Remember that the price can also increase at this moment. Such a roulette.

6. Plan a flight before or after the hot season

By the way, their application put Apple to the main page in the most top position - that is, it got official "Appruv".

P.S.people, if you know more Lifehaki or tricks, which work within Russia and in general, share in the comments. And write where you are going to fly (or go) this summer. Maybe you know a good place, hotel in which you can relax in Europe?

Many passengers make air strikes in different countries peace, managing buy tickets on a very favorable prices. Newbies who wish to save the cost of buying a ticket ticket will enjoy advice from experienced professionals, ready to share very valuable information on this issue. All airlines in the world "play" on tariffs, regularly changing prices in a large or smaller side. Prices dynamics of flights depends on demand, directions and season. There are also some days of the week and time when you can buy a ticket for a flight at a reduced cost. In the article, we will tell you how the day of the week and time affect the cost of air tickets, which time tickets are the cheapest.

For how long it is profitable to buy tickets before departure

Companies are available for sale in 330 days before departure. But you should not immediately put the reservation on such options. As a rule, initially the carrier can establish an overestimated tariff, focusing on demand last season. It is possible that this year the selected direction will enjoy less popular. If there will be many free air tickets in the reserve, the company will definitely reduce the initial tariff a few months before the departure of the flight. If the traveler plans a flight to the most sought-after countries in the holiday season or in new Year holidays, BOOK Flights is better located 4-6 months before departure. For a flight to European countries during the off-season, the optimal solution is to buy tickets 2-3 months before shipment. On flights of domestic directions, you can book a route receipt for 45-60 days. According to statistical data, the purchase of a ticket for such a schedule often allows tourists to save a personal budget by about 20-30%. The most unsuccessful time to buy tickets - 2-3 weeks before the departure day. In this period, the airline establishes the highest prices for the flight. Travelers can also acquire "last minute" air tickets at the lowest cost. As a rule, they fall on sale for 24-48 hours before shipping. True, in this case there are risks to stay without a ticket. If the trip is urgent, this method of acquiring is better excluded. If the plane is loaded, the company will not put free tickets for sale, especially at a reduced value. Residents of different regions of Russia, who wish to spend summer holidays in Sochi or in the Crimea, it is better to purchase air tickets for the flight at the selected destination. In the late spring and in the summer months, prices for tickets to resort directions increase at least 50%.

On what day of the week Flights are cheaper

Airlines carefully monitor the dynamics of demand for tickets on different days of the week and hours of the day. According to experts, the largest number of sales is celebrated on Friday and weekends. If you wish to purchase plane tickets at the lowest prices, book them on weekdays, priority - from Monday by Wednesday.

What time of day it is better to buy a plane ticket

The time of day also affects the cost of the ticket. Since the bulk of sales falls at day and evening, carriers slightly reduce tariffs at night. From 20.00 to the early morning on the websites of airlines you can find a lot of advantageous offers - tickets for the price at a discount, promotion and sales. Plan the upcoming vacation correctly. Buy flights for the flight to the selected direction in advance. Flight tickets to New Year and may holidays, as well as for the summer season in resort cities Russia needs to be booked a few months before the scheduled departure. Regularly monitor current proposals from various airlines using convenient search resources. We recommend to choose to search for the cheapest tickets anywhere in the world. Verified search service - "Airpip.ru".

Hello everyone! In this article, I will tell you how to fly around the world as much as possible, knowing a variety of tricks and techniques. The article was preparing for a very long time and finally waited for the release of! All tips are based on our personal experience Or the experience of our traveling friends.

This post begins a series of articles dedicated to aircraft. The material is preparing for the exit on the comparison of all leading search engines on tickets, about the basic rules of the largest airlines, as well as instructions for finding and booking tickets on the Internet.

Well! Go!

Basic knowledge about booking air tickets


The most favorable way of buying tickets - through metapoiskovikov. They collect information from hundreds of airlines and offer you a choice in different price categories and with different conditions. The most popular search engines today is and. We use Skaiskner. The search engine competition is very high, so each service tries to offer some unique services.

For example, Skyscanner allows you to exercise a flexible search. For this, it is not necessary to indicate the country of arrival and some specific dates. You can view favorable offers in all directions.

You can see prices for ticket prices for a whole month or even a year.

Aviaselc offers another interesting feature - "", in which there are many interesting filters to select the most successful and suitable tickets.

Also, Aviasales has a pleasant and convenient service "". Here you can search for flexible parameters. Including such a criterion as: the presence of a visa, the duration of stay, budget.

I confess to honestly, I have never found tickets at Skycaner, but for confidence it is worth checking tickets in different search engines. Search engines do not take a commission for their services, so you can book through them calmly and without unnecessary loads on the budget.


It is believed that the best price for air tickets is in two months (50-60 days) before the departure of the flight. The smaller free places in the plane - the higher their cost. Nevertheless, often the company arrange a variety of shares and sales, therefore there are no clear patterns in terms of time. Sometimes we see that closer to the date tickets are cheaper.

In general, you can allocate three periods To buy cheapest tickets: For the year, in two or three months, a few days (last minute offers). The last option is suitable for those who are ready for adventure, surprises and adventures, because 100% guarantees that tickets will appear in general, in this case there is no.


Buying tickets there and back again Often it costs cheaper than a one-way ticket. It would seem that it is very strange and completely illogical, but it is. Therefore, many buy a ticket back-back only for the sake of savings, and the return ticket is simply thrown away. With all the charms of this factIt is worth noting that the most budget airlines do not always offer such an opportunity. Also, this scheme does not always work on very long distances.


As a rule, buy a plane ticket on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday is cheaper than others days of the week. On weekends, the flights cost more than just. There is also a nuance for time: it is believed that prices are cheaper on the morning and night flights. Therefore, when searching for tickets, see Miscellaneous departure time. Moreover, there is addiction and time to which you are looking for tickets! For example, reservation of air tickets at night or early in the morning until the beginning of the working day will cost cheaper. Often, prices for tickets at this time below, and the choice is more


Another point about the dates. If you do not have iron terms, be sure to look at the proposals for different dates. It is very often that even the price of a ticket even for neighboring dates is doubled!


Also applies to cities of delete and arrival. For example, many international flights Much cheaper when flying from Moscow, not from St. Petersburg. Often, people living in St. Petersburg buy tickets from Helsinki, and it is already traveled to it. In time, it is not very profitable, but it can significantly reduce transportation costs in your journey. Try searching flights from your neighboring cities.


To date, the flights are very developed. on Lookers - budget airlines. Unlike ordinary airlines, they have many restrictions (for example, on baggage procurement), board service is not included in the ticket price, and it is almost impossible to pass or exchange a ticket. But the main thing is that it is really very cheaply to fly on Loause-Airlines! In Europe, sometimes prices begin from one euro! So, tickets price up to 10 euros between some european cities Almost always have an airline. Known with its dumbling prices and.

For more distant flights, you need to watch different companies. A complete list of all the loupes of the world for each continent can be found. Further looking for tickets you need already on the airline's website.


Also in some cases you can fly on charter flights. Charter flights are flights that book travel agencies for their tours. If there are empty places in the aircraft, the agencies begin to sell aircraft tickets separately from tours. As a rule, it happens shortly before departure, so such tickets are called "burning". Charter flights fly far from all directions, but only in popular. But the flight on such a flight will cost many times cheaper than the usual regular one.

You can find a suitable flight on one of the sites:

  • Charter flights from Alliance Oneaero-Gocharter (I use this site)
  • Flights to charter and regular flights
  • Company "Charterpan"
  • All charters
  • Internet project "Charterbilet.ru"
  • Professional tourist portal (section "Exchange")


The price of air tickets is very much depends on seasonality". As a rule, in the summer, during the vacation period, on New Year's holidays, May and november holidays (for the Russian Federation) Flights are more expensive! But this primarily concerns popular destinations. Unpopular directions at any time of the year are more expensive, by virtue of its low demand.


Do not take a lot of things with you, but if possible, limit the hand-made predder. Per baggage procurement Some airlines take an additional fee. Exceeding the norm can also cost money. Before flying, be sure to read the rules of your airline so as not to get to you.

Advanced Knowledge of Booking tickets


If you have time, and you prepare in advance for the trip, good way Sete on the flight - subscribe to news About lower prices for the directions you choose. This functionality has a search engine. To do this, you first need to search by the desired direction, then with the search results there will be a window with a subscription to lower prices.


In general, experienced travelers are signed for many diverse mailings from airlines and search engines. Such newsletters are usually devoted to discounts and promotions. Thus, you can first learn about really cheap tickets, and immediately book them. Come on the sites of airlines that fly to the regions you need and leave your e-mail. One familiar family to us thus flies throughout Europe for a penny. As soon as the action appears, they immediately book tickets. And if suddenly it does not work out in these dates, tickets are simply thrown away. Ticket price a few euros this allows.

At the same time, this method save has a significant minus. Often airlines under the auspices of promotional tickets send letters with ordinary prices. Because The ordinary traveler is hardly well oriented at prices and cannot determine whether the price is really reduced in this promotion. That is why all prices need to be rechecked. We advise you to sign not all mailing in a row, but only on proven.

  • Subscription for sales is on the search engine website.
  • Many coolest stakes on air tickets can be found in the group Cheap tickets and ways to fly almost free ».
  • Interesting and real events are often placed in the group " Take a trip ».
  • If you know some other cool resources, please share in the comments.


Under this mystical number, I want to tell you about one mysterious receptionwhich uses a variety of tickets to find tickets. It is said that before the Russian online market, this way of knocking out money from the buyer has not yet reached, but it's better to be on a check. It is called "Separate Price Praceing" or in other words "different prices for the same product for people with different incomes."

The price of a ticket may be overestimated in several cases:

1. You Repeated prices On the directions that have already studied. Your computer remains cache from most sites that you visit. This information is used by ticket searches. They see that you have already watched these tickets, but did not bought them. So you are slow with the decision-making, and you need to hurry you. Therefore, with each subsequent search, the same directions are more expensive. You start panicing and buy tickets with extra charge.

To avoid this, see prices through the "incognito" mode, which is easily included in any browser. Or pursue the cache personally after searching for tickets.

2. You apple product owner. Shocking fact, but sites can determine from which device and which operating system you go online. If you use McBuck, which refers to the products of the high price category, then you are rich, and the price of the ticket for you can be increased. By abroad, this technique is used constantly, and many owners of apple devices industinate when they see real prices for tickets. In the Russian-speaking Internet, this was not yet observed. I do not have an iPhone to check, so if you can test this item and write to us about the actual situation.

To avoid this ridiculous situation, look for tickets from a computer / smartphone to another manufacturer.

3. You book ticket from a rich country. For people with the IP address of the United States, Switzerland, Australia and other countries where the standard of living is very high, ticket prices will be higher. While in a prosperous, but secured Germany prices will be adequate, because The Germans are known for their exorbitant rationality. Internet marketing is a serious thing that has long learned to work with an online audience.

A good option to hide your data in the global network is an anonymizer. This is a special service that allows you to preserve anonymity on the Internet. Sites with anonymisers are a lot, one of them. To work in an anonymous mode, you need to go to any of these sites and enter the site in a special form you want to visit unnoticed.

In addition, some sites use such marketing techniquesAs blinking bright buttons with inscriptions "two tickets left" or "This is the lowest price." Do not believe and do not panic. It's just a trick, look for your tickets calmly.


If you are planning a trip for the time of the next holidays, try using a good service from the search engine. On this site there is a section " Fly on holidays "where the aggregator displays the list of cheapest tickets for certain holidays.


Most airlines have their own bonus systems For regular customers. Usually it lies in the accumulation of "miles" - virtual currency for those flights that you have already performed. Miles remain virtual as long as you do not accumulate enough to convert them in an absolutely real aircraft ticket. Thus, if you often fly by flights of the same airline, sooner or later you can get absolutely free Ticket Or even a few tickets only at the expense of the bonuses that you have accumulated. This is the same as any other accumulative scheme that we are often offered in supermarkets, branded shops and so on.

How it works? Example from personal experience

For a long time I was a member. For each flight by flights "Aeroflot" and his partners, virtual miles were credited to me for a bonus account. I also received a mile for the purchase, which made the City Bank from the card, because My card was tied to this bonus account. With Aeroflot cooperates many banks. However, all major aircraft companies have a lot of partner banks.

For two years of such a storage, I made 14,700 miles. At the same time, the cheapest flight across Russia cost 17,000 miles. I thought that the missing 3000 I accumulate is still very soon, and the miles also have a shelf life. Therefore, all your miles I translated the charity organization "Give Life". Such a translation is very easy to implement directly in the Personal Account on the site of the bonus program. The fund spends these miles to the flights of sick children who need an operation in another country.

But I know several people who were more successful in this bonus program and flew absolutely several times. This is a great way to save on flights if you can easily organize everything.

Often, these programs have many pitfalls, so it is worth carefully studying the rules when joining any program. For example, to get bonuses, you need to have time to register your ticket in the system for a certain period from the moment of flight and so on. At the same time there are pleasant little things. So, some programs allow you to spend your miles not only for flights inside the company, but also on a variety of purchases in stores that are partners of airline, on your hotel reservation or car rental.


To many countries are cheaper to fly not directly, but with transit transplant. Also, this option can be used if you want to see many cities in a short time.

If you fly through Singapore with for a long time Transit transition, you can use free excursions around the city that Singapore Airport provides for waiting for their flight.

You can choose very interesting options for transit transplant. The main thing is to be confident that for the selected countries you do not need a transit visa. When buying online tickets, the largest transit transfers can be up to one and a half days. During this time, you can look good in the new city, see the main attractions.

To increase the transit time, you can use a stopper. Stopper - This is the same transit stop, but stretched for up to three days. Many airlines provide a stayer for free, others for an additional fee. With competent planning, you can make several flights in a row with the players. It turns out such a kind of airline.


Another way to save consists in separation of the flight into two stages: International and internal. By the way, it works not only with airplanes, but also with all other modes of transport. The essence is that from the original point you need to fly to any city of the destination country, where there are the most cheap tickets. And within the country, it is already to get to the desired appointment blank either on domestic airlines (it is always cheaper than international flights, you can also use local tracks), or by bus / train / hitchhiker. Practice shows that tickets even to neighboring cities can be very different at the price, although the distance between them can be quickly and cheaply overcome on the local bus.


Departing B. big citiesPrefer secondary airport (Luton in London or Girondu in Barcelona). Smaller airports often have government subsidies and serviced budget airlines for good pricesWhat affects the cost of tickets. Such airports tend to have good transportation, and it is not difficult to get to the city. Although sometimes it can be quite difficult and expensive. About how you will get from the airport to the city, it is worth thinking in advance.


As you know, usually direct flight is more expensive than transfer flight. This can be played, knowing some tricks. Let's consider an example. You want to fly from Rio de Janeiro to La Paz. Direct flight is $ 500. And the flight Rio de Janeiro - Lima, with a transfer to La Paz costs $ 400. You buy a ticket to Lima, but go out in La Paz. The main thing is to register a ticket not to the final point, but to the transformation. Also keep in mind that passing any segment in the flight, you cancel this ticket. Therefore, if you have bought a ticket on both sides and missed the segment when you fly there, then you will not fly back for this ticket.


Before booking, check which Permanent shares There is an airline. Many companies offer discounts to students, retirees and other categories of citizens. Often to obtain a discount you need to specify some special code or your individual discounted number.

I have everything on this. Fly safely, comfortable and cheap! And in the comments, share with us your tricks about how to catch cheap flights!

Good afternoon, my readers! Anyone independent trip Begins with the purchase of air tickets. Today I will tell you how to save and what tricks can be used to buy a ticket Döshevo.

I am traveling independently without the help of travel agencies for almost 10 years and always try to buy tickets abroad at low prices that I am looking for on the Internet on different sites.

There were cases when I accidentally turned out to be very interesting countries and cities thanks to purchased inexpensive tickets.

Do you want to fly as often and cheap in different countries? I will reveal all my secrets and teach you tricks to acquire cheapest tickets.

Where to buy cheap tickets

Buy Flights Cheap Flights Flights Flights Flights Follows:

  • on the official websites of airlines,
  • on the exchange of charters
  • on search aggregators.

To buy cheap tickets on the site of a specific airline, you need to subscribe to their newsletter and get news about promotions and discounts.

Several times a year large companies spend very profitable promotions with discounts up to 50%, follow the mailing and buy a lot cheaper than the standard cost. Most often the airline is held promotion and sale of fares during the off-season - in February-March and October-November.

Excellent way to save - it is to buy a cheap ticket to the stock exchange charter airlinesWhere travel agencies are thrown off their non-grade offers.

Charters are irregular flights with departure on certain days and can sometimes be transferred or canceled, to this you need to be prepared.

Tickets for flights Search on sites:

  • chartex.ru,
  • aviaCharters.ru,
  • tourDom.ru.

On search sites aggregators you can see all the offers of airlines and compare their prices. To choose the most suitable and cheap optionYou can subscribe to your interesting direction or connect a few options: find low cost, buy cheap flights, use the map and calendar.

The best services to find cheap cheap tickets - this is:

  • Momondo,

To keep abreast of new budget tickets for your destinations you are interested in, you can subscribe to one of these sites, leaving your mail.

Buying ticket online is much more convenient and saves your time and money. You do not need to go to the office, you can be at any point of the planet and pay it via the Internet. All information about the flight and electronic ticket will be received by mail, you will just be able to print it and come to the airport with him and with your passport.

When buying air tickets

Plan your trip and buy tickets in advance if you want to buy them at a favorable value. Typically, the price grows with each day over the past two weeks before departure, and when buying in 2-3 months and earlier there is a chance to save 30% of the flight cost. If you are planning a summer vacation in advance, you are more profitable to buy tickets in December.

In rare cases, it may be lucky and you will get an inexpensive ticket for a day or a few days before departure. If you are slightly tied to specific numbers, always see the price of a neighboring date, it may be cheaper by 20%.

Highly important moment - Selection of the day of the week and the time of departure. At the lowest cost, usually sell tickets for morning and evening flights and in the middle of the week (from Tuesday to Thursday). On weekends, prices are growing for obvious reasons. Also in the season of vacation and holidays, air tickets are more expensive, and you can buy them much cheaper in the off-season.

Do not forget to take round tickets back, it will be cheaper by 20-30% than if you take separately in each direction.

When choosing the city of departure or arrival, compare the prices of the flight in neighboring cities, they can be significantly cheaper and where you can get to land transport (by train or bus).

For example, departures from Moscow is cheaper than from St. Petersburg. The same in Europe - you can fly to Brussels and from there a couple of hours to get to Paris by bus or fly to Girona and get to the neighboring Barcelona just on the bus.

The purchase itself is better to exercise in the night or morning before the start of the working day - at this time the choice of flights more and the price is lower.

It is most profitable to buy a ticket to Wednesday at night. This is due to the fact that many airlines lay out discounts and special offers on Sunday or Monday in the evenings, you can buy them on armor during the day, and then on Wednesday Tickets appear again at a low cost (if they are not bought).

Map and calendar of low prices

For the convenience of searching and booking cheap air tickets on the sites-aggregators there is a convenient function of the calendar of low prices, where you can see all offers for months and choose the cheapest option for specific dates. Using filters, you can exclude unsuitable options and find out information about interesting events, events and holidays at certain months.

Another convenient and original function is a low price map. She will help to find all cheap options on the world map according to the specified parameters. When specifying the dates of the trip, a specific or approximate range, the desired budget for air tickets, turning on the visam filter, you will see all the most budget prices for flights to different countries.

Price map and low price calendar is on Aviasales and Skyscanner sites.

What is Looc Sources

Lourogenger (English Low-Cost Airline) is a low cost airline with minimal service. Low cost of the flight at Loker is established due to lack additional services and opportunities: non-return of tickets, minimal luggage, paid food during the flight.

Flights Loocolers are from 10 euros, if you purchase them in advance or by the promotion. But to fly on a really low price and do not encounter unforeseen additional charges at the airport, it is necessary to study all the rules of the Loadoster and observe them.

First of all, it concerns baggage. On board the aircraft allowed to carry only manual jack total weighing 10 kg and your suitcase or bag should not exceed 55 x 40 x 20 cm sizes additional baggage Paid separately and costs quite expensive. Therefore, consider this question in advance and better pay baggage on the site online than to encounter this requirement at the airport itself and pay a much greater amount.

Flights to Louroysostra are impossible to pass, and for shifting the date you will be asked to pay a fine, that is, in the case of changes in the plans, it will be much easier to buy a new one.

Also pay attention to the location of the airport in which you arrive. For example, when flying to Milan, Düsseldorf, Munich, you arrive not in the city itself, but to a nearby suburb, which can be 50 km away.

For you in this case, it will be possible to see new town And save on housing, which will cost much cheaper than the neighboring tourist Milan.

If there is no time and desire for this, then find out in advance how to get there by train or bus to the city you need and check the schedule so that you do not have to pay for the expensive taxi.

Lookers flying from Russia to Europe:

  • Victory,
  • EasyJet,
  • AirBaltic.

Loaders with departures in Europe:

  • Ryanair,
  • EasyJet,
  • Germanwings
  • Air Italy
  • AirBaltic.

With full and other low-cost airlines, you can find our next article.

Cheapest flights

The cheapest flights on the search sites aggregators can be found by selecting a flight with transit or stopper. A transplantation at the airport can be from several hours to several days, which will give you an extra opportunity to visit another country.

You can choose a long-lasting transplant from the day using a stopover (stopOver) by connecting it for free or for some fee depending on the number of transit days.

Not all airlines provide this service, for this, when booking, you need to select a "composite or complex route" or the "MultiPle Destinations" / Multicity button. " If necessary, in an additional transit visa, the airline will help you to arrange it, and will also provide a transfer and a discount on hotel accommodation.

Most often with transfers and stoppers enjoy to travel with long flights to countries and destinations such as USA, Canada, Southeast Asia, Latin America with transfers in Istanbul, Dubai, Doha, Singapore, New York, Bangkok, etc. This service for long-lasting transplants is most often carried out large airlines, for example, TURKISH AIRLINES, EMIRATES AIRLINES, Singapore Airlines., Qatar Airlines, Etihad Airways.

Buying tickets with a transit or shoulder not only reduces their cost, but also allows you to relax from long flights and see another country for the same money.

How to use miles airlines

If you often fly the same airline, then copy miles and buy tickets cheaper. Mile is the distance of your flight. Accordingly, the further you fly, the more bonus miles you get.

The most popular loyalty programs for buying tickets:

  • Aeroflot Bonus,
  • Lufthansa Miles & More
  • S7 Priority,
  • Panorama Club.

You can get new tickets to the accumulated miles, take advantage of the business class instead of economa or get pleasant gifts from partners in the form of a discount in a restaurant or spa.

Many airlines cooperate large banks (Sberbank, Raiffeisenbank and others) and have a joint loyalty program (for example, Aeroflot Bonus with Sberbank). Making purchases on their joint partner map you can also receive bonuses that then spend on the purchase of air ticket.

Now we will understand more about how to save miles and use them correctly:

  1. It is necessary to register with the loyalty program and subscribe to the newsletter to receive all the news about the shares on tickets, partner programs and all changes in the bonus program.
  2. Copy mile in flight. To do this, during online registration or at the airport, enter your card number in the loyalty program.
  3. Copy mile without traveling. Use cards to pay and get bonuses. You can look at the site the entire list of partners of the loyalty program and enjoy their services. It may be not only banks and their cards, but also hotels, restaurants, travel firms, etc.
  4. Use the most of all the benefits of participation in the loyalty program - you can spend time in the business class waiting room, go to the landing without a queue, take free extra luggage.
  5. Watch out for topical sales and promotions to use miles correctly. You will be able to exchange your miles and fuel charges or only on a ticket, and pay for payment separately. Or take advantage of the opportunity to fly the business class for the long distance. If you are a member of the Miles & More program, the accumulated miles can spend on purchases in the Miles & More Shop store or pay hotels.

How to return a part of the money from the purchased tickets

Recently, it is very popular to return a part of the purchase cost through the affiliate program. The same applies to tickets.

To do this, you need to register with the affiliate program on one of the sites, go through a special referral link, purchase a ticket and get compensation for a purchase of several percent. The greater the amount of purchase or the number of flights, the more money you can return.

This is an excellent option for saving. From each air ticket, you can return 0.5-3% of the cost. It will be more noticeable if you often fly.

You can get cachek on the following sites:

  • Momondo,
  • AirBaltic.com,
  • Qatarairways.com,
  • City.travel,
  • TravelPlanet24.com.

The most important tricks when buying tickets

With each purchase or search, the computer remembers all your actions, and with your new handle you can see already prices with an increased value.

To avoid this to avoid and combine the system, while saving a lot, I have several tips:

  1. Include the "incognito" mode so that the browser has shown new data every time and did not remember your past requests. To do this, use the CTRL + SHIFT + N keys in the Google Chrome, Ctrl + Shift + P browser in the Internet Explorer browser, and in the Opera browser, select "tabs and windows" and "Create a private window".
  2. Clean the "cache" in the computer - it is necessary to clean the history of your views. If you have already searched for low-cost flights, with a re-similar request "buy cheap tickets", the system remembered your data and give you limited results.
  3. Use anonymizers (hideme.ru, hideguard.ru, hidemyass.com or others) to hide the place of your stay.
  4. Do not use MacBook when booking and buying tickets - many airlines are adapted to a specific laptop model, and when you purchase, it will be the most expensive options with MacBook.
  5. When booking on special search sites, use complex (composite) routes. Choosing several cities for the trip, you can save a lot.

I hope my article was useful for you, and my advice will help you travel more often and inexpensive. If you also know some tricky ways to buy cheap flights, write to the comments and share your experience.

See also: