The best tours in November. Where to go to the November holidays? Excursions for November holidays

  • Air temperature: 29-31 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 27-28 ° C.
  • Visa: tourist visa For 30 days you can arrange at the airport.
  • Cost of living: From 678 rubles per night.
  • : from 17 139 rubles.

In November, the Arab Emirates establishes very comfortable weather, but there is no such influx of tourists as December-January. So this month is great for recreation: and beach, and excursion.

Among other amusements, Dubai: Safari in the desert, first-class water parks, parachute jumps, developed nightlife and even the opportunity to go skiing or snowboarding. In general, vacation options are mass, as it is relumed to the tourist center.

  • Air temperature: 29-30 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 29 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living: From 860 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 55 647 rubles.

Compared to other autumn months in November, there is relatively dry weather on Jamaica. At the same time, there is still no crowd of Americans who traditionally float the island in winter. Therefore, calm and more budget than in a high season is provided.

In addition to lying in the Jamaican sand, you can still go on a tour of local waterfalls, to melt on the black river, flooded with crocodiles, and, of course, enjoy local cuisine and music (Boba Marley's homeland).

  • Air temperature: 29-30 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 28 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living: From 1,819 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 35 102 rubles.

End of autumn - transitional period for Maldives: Officially, the rainy season is still continuing, but in essence they are not so much. Translated this means reduced prices for a paradise vacation.

The most precipitation at this time falls in the center of the archipelago, less - in the north. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that I am better to deal with Addu's atoll: there is the strongest wind.

Otherwise, rest at different parts of the archipelago is not very different. Beautiful beaches and water entertainment like diving and snorkeling are everywhere.

  • Air temperature: 29-30 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 28 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Cost of living: From 153 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 30 706 rubles.

You can go to your favorite downshifters since November, when the rainy season ends. And if in some parts of the country they can still be disturbed, the risk to get into the phuket is minimal. Of the advantages of such a situation: you can relax cheaper than usual, especially in the first half of the month.

What awaits you: warm and clean sea, nightlife and attractions, mostly temples and parks. But the island is big, see what.

  • Air temperature: 30-31 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 29 ° C.
  • Visa: Indian, you can get it online.
  • Cost of living: from 808 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 60 110 rubles.

Andaman Islands are perfectly suitable for lovers of a more secluded rest. On them, as well as on the Indian coast, there are comfortable conditions for recreation in November. And if you arrive in the middle of the month, you will definitely be causing great weather and attractive prices.

From the rest of the advantages of the islands: beautiful sand beaches And the main local fun - swimming with elephants.

  • Air temperature: 9-13 ° C.
  • Visa: British.
  • Cost of living: From 590 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 9,772 rubles.

November in - time of holidays and lights. The city will begin to shine on November 5, on the night of Guy Fox: at this time, Londoners will burn fires and launch fireworks in honor of the failure of the Powder conspiracy of 1605.

A week later, on November 10, the townspeople will celebrate again. The occurrence will be the inauguration of the head of the city district, which is called LORD MAYOR'S SHOW . This is one of the oldest British celebrations, which is accompanied by a colorful carnival and ends with salute over the Thame.

Finally, in November, the British capital will begin to prepare for Christmas. The city will be transformed to the holiday, Christmas fairs will be opened and thematic events will be held. In general, the feeling of joy and magic will not get rid of.

  • Air temperature: 9-15 ° C.
  • Visa: American.
  • Cost of living: From 1 704 rubles per night.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 25 392 rubles.


Another country that will plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday at the end of autumn, is America. And this, of course, about the day of thanksgiving, which will be held on November 22. Everyone who watched Hollywood films (that is, about everything), knows that this best time For eating turkey and pumpkin cake.

The holiday will be celebrated throughout the country, but the most important celebration, Maisi parade will be held in New York. The central streets of the city will put forward a procession from outer, clowns, dancers and brass orchestras. The highlight of the parade, as always, will be giant balloons-balloons in the form of cartoon characters and comics. 1 and November 2 throughout Mexico is a very bright holiday - dead day. Despite the fact that the occasion is not the most joyful (reading of the departed), Mexicans manage to celebrate him with his characteristic fun. Interesting in November and in Plovdiv, the second largest city of Bulgaria. At the beginning of the month, the autumnal interior of the arts is completed there, but from 16 to 30 November it is still possible to have time to visit the largest Bulgarian film Festival "CINOMANIA", within which shows and creative meetings will take place.

In the last weekend, another bright event is expected - "

The cost of tours (on-line) on this moment Time! Only real offers! All prices for rest in November are here:

Rest in November 2019 full of their pleasant features and is no less inferior to the summer holiday. Beach holidays at the resorts of the Indian Ocean will enjoy warm and comfort. Most Popular Destinations - Maldives, Goa, Seychelles and Beaches Pacific Oceanrelated to k. French Polynesia.. The velvet season has the accuracy of the dignity of the beaches of Egypt, to warm up on the coasts of Rhodes or Cyprus flooded with the Greek Sun, visit the quiet Spanish Islands of Tenerife and Madeira. No less fascinating will be a trip to the city of Europe. One of the classic examples is the Czech Republic where to go to rest in November cheaper than everything.

Month of carnavals, holidays and festivals

November is deservedly considered a month of carnavals. The grand German carnival starts the 11th of this month. It takes place immediately in several German cities, including Cologne, Düsseldorf and others. In the middle of the month in France - the Festival of "Young Wine". The celebration begins in the town of God, the route of winemakers starting a little before midnight. Immediately after this date, "Beaujolais Nouveau" begin to pour out in all Pipe establishments of Paris, Dijon, Lyon and other cities of France.
A very interesting and British holiday night Guy Fox. It begins on the night of the fifth on the sixth number, when the stuffed by the traitor to Guy Fox burns, which in the distant 1605 arranged a lot of the building of the English Parliament. And on the eve of December, preparations for Christmas fairs are already at all. All European cities begin to offer delicious drinks and traditional pastries right on the streets.

It should be noted that in November enough low prices on tours to Europe. By the end of the month, many burning trips and special offers of tour operators appear. We recommend that you follow the update of information about such tours on our website or subscribe to the newsletter .

If there is no time for a long journey

Short trips are best planned with airfares, it will allow you to highlight more time to rest. Preference should be given to the closest to countries, the most popular of them are: Czech Republic, Italy or France, ferry crossings in Sweden or Finland enjoy at least demand. During the rest, here you can enjoy not only excursions, but also entertainment programs of one of the November celebrations. Not a question - where to relax in November and lovers mountain Ski. This month, ski resorts of Switzerland, France and Austria are already beginning to work, and the season in the mountains of Spain begins somewhat later.

November - resting time with children.

For November, the month falls out school break (from 1 to 8 November) and November holidays.

In November 2019, in Russia, the holiday, the Day of People's Unity - November 4th, falls on Wednesday, respectively, weekends will be $ 1,4,7,8.

Therefore, during this period of time, how to relevant to relatively rest with the child and go to short tours. It is worth mentioning that taking care where to go in November to these dates it is worth in advance, rely on the last minute tours in the peak of vacation dates are unlikely to have.

Choose exotic trips

At the beginning of the month, tours are more actively offered to the exotic countries of Asia. Here the rainy season is already completed, and the weather has a beach holiday. Especially delightful at this time is Singapore, where the cultures of the East and the West are so graciously mixed.
Tourists will be able to visit the Royal Palaces of Thailand or noisy parties on the beaches of India during the rest. The nature of the islands is especially fascinating: Maldives and Seychelles. Maldives fascinate tourists with the purity of the beaches and the infinite blue ocean.
Mexico resorts are also waiting for their tourists - after all, a favorable dry season begins here.

In November, people are preparing for the winter and upcoming freezers. Few plans to vacation at this rainy period, because for many, rest is associated with the sea, the sun and a carefree pastime. But most of the European and southern Russian resorts in the last month of autumn are closed for tourists. Where to go to relax in November to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the holiday, comfort and get interesting impressions?

European resorts

Fans of sunbathing and beach rest should be paid to the Far Eastern countries. After all, in many European resorts at the end of autumn, they begin blowing northern windsThe weather becomes cloudy, and the sea rules cold trends. But there are tourists who wish to relax only in Europe, regardless of the time of year. Where to go to rest in November during this period? Fans european resorts You should pay attention to the islands located in Atlantic Ocean. Among them are the famous Canary Islands. Autumn vacation conducted on Tenerife or Madeira will leave pleasant impressions. These are worthy resorts that please visit guests with sunny days and excellent European service all year round.

Beach holiday in South Asia

To go to rest in November to the United Arab Emirates or the Seychelles are not solved every traveler. And in vain! It is during this period that the tourist season begins in the countries of South Asia. With the arrival of autumn in the UAE, the number of tourists is increasing. The country offers cozy sandy beaches, warm sea, gentle sun and decent service for an acceptable fee. Here you can not only sunbathe, but also to arrange an excellent shopping. But do not forget that the UAE is muslim countrySo, and morals in it are strict.

Where to go to a rest in November lovers of exotic? Of course, on Seychelles or Maldives! Vacation at these fabulous resorts guarantees a lot of pleasant impressions. With the arrival of autumn among Russian tourists becomes popular Thailand. Exotic country With a rich culture conquers more and more fans. Pattaya is considered the most economical resort in the country.

Hot Caribbean countries

Tourists who want to plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday and fun can go on a distant trip to Cuba, Mexico or Jamaica. Sand beaches, hot sun, palm trees, coconuts, beautiful girls - all this will allow you to forget about pressing problems and carelessly immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere. Relax in November abroad is easy. But this vacation option may be very expensive, especially for fans of exotic places. Cuba is an ideal island for a beach holiday. His best resorts Cayo-Coco, Varadero is recognized. It is warm throughout the year: the air temperature does not fall below +28 ° C. In Cuba, every tourist will find what he likes - it can be a secluded, active leisure or incendiary parties until the morning.

Budget options for beach holidays

Where to relax in November? This is the most common question in tourist firms. In general, in any country you can find economical rest, even in the Maldives. But the best option of inexpensive vacation will be the coast of the Red Sea. Egypt is the most popular destination among Russian tourists in the winter. The country indulges the visitors of guests with sunny days and peaceful sea all year round. But it is in November that begins here. the Velvet season: Starting heat falls, and water in the sea becomes slightly cool. It should be noted that in Egypt the heat is moved well, and acclimatization passes quickly.

The coast of the Red Sea is great for youth recreation. A lot of Russian and European youth arrives in Sharm el-Sheikh. Evening entertainment programs and discos are organized in the city. Holidays on the Canary Islands, namely Tenerife, will also be a budget option. Cheap, but comfortable hotels, European service, warm sea and clean beaches will appreciate tourists looking for the perfect price and quality ratio. You can relax in November in November in the combined option. Tour in Cyprus and Canary Islands It will cost cheaper than beach holidays on one resort. Tourists are provided with a great opportunity to combine the excursion program and beach holidays, and at the same time save.

Fans of excursions

Autumn is great for exploring famous attractions. Where to stay in November to relax on the excursion tour? An excellent option will be Southern Europe. In the fall, solar and dry weather is preserved here, and the prices for air tickets are dropped. You can take a trip to Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy. The number of attractions in these countries simply raises, excursion programs are pleasing to diversity, and comfortable weather conditions have numerous outdoor walks.

For excursions, you can choose Germany, Czech Republic, or order a short-term cruise on Scandinavian countries. Fans of pilgrim round tours are recommended to go to Jerusalem, visit Moise Mountain. Inexpensive tours By holy places are organized from Egypt (Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada). In this case, you can perfectly combine beach and excursion holidays.

Ski resorts

In search active rest You can go to ski resorts. At the end of autumn, the ski season begins in many European countries. So where to go to relax in November? Of course, skiing on alpine resorts - Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France. The picturesque mountains shrouded with snow cover are striking their greatness and beauty. In early November, the low season begins at ski resorts, when there are still little snow on the slopes. Professional skiers during this period are not so much. Therefore, this is a great option to enjoy the beauty of the mountain landscapes in a quiet environment. Yes, and prices in the low season are very attractive - below the usual 20%.

Holidays with a child

In the last month of autumn in schools, vacation begin. Many parents begin to discuss the question: "Where to relax in November with a child?" An excellent option will be the autumn holidays in Europe. In the Czech Republic, the child will be able to visit the attractions and learn new information About the country, which is probably useful. In addition, he will receive unforgettable impressions and positive emotions from excursions. And in Karlovy Vary, a child with parents will be able to strengthen his health, because there are famous hot springs in which guests wish to seek. You can buy a ticket for a son or daughter in the sanatorium of Bulgaria or Crimea. Do not forget that the children love active pastime, entertainment events, so the rest for them needs to be selected. Positive emotions and the charge of energy obtained during the rest will allow them to plunge into the educational process faster and better master the school curriculum.

Vacation in Russia

For beach lovers, it will be problematic to find a suitable place in Russian resorts in November. But in Russian land, you can also comfortably and economically spend your vacation. You can relax in Russia in November in sanatoriums or go to the excursion program by historical cities. The health system in the country is well developed: almost every sanatorium offers a qualitative set of medical procedures. In the suburbs, the system of boarding houses is extremely well developed, where guests are visited by visiting themselves with healing sources. And the tour "Golden Ring" is not inferior to the sights of European excursion programs. Fans of outdoor activities can go to the Ural ski resorts.

Holidays in November

The last month of autumn is rich for holidays. In 2014, Russians will celebrate the Day of National Unity in November. And in Europe in the autumn period there are many festivals and festive eventsIt is recommended to visit tourists. In Madrid, a jazz festival takes place in the beginning of November. Day and evening jazz motifs are heard from Spanish clubs. People guests can enjoy famous musical compositions until the end of the month. In the UK, November 5-6, the legendary event is celebrated - the night of Guy Fox. The holiday takes place at night and accompanied by fireworks, musical show programs and massive walks. In Cologne eleventhorn, the carnival season begins. This is the largest and colorful event in Europe, look at thousands of tourists come for. The autumn carnival season takes place in German cities, such as Hamburg and Dusseldorf. At the end of autumn, in many European countries, preparation for Christmas holidays begins. In Vienna on the Town Hall Square, a Christmas Fair opens. And at the end of November, ChristkindLesmarkt begins to act in Nuremberg - the famous Christmas market.

November holidays in Russia (2014)

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation consolidated festive (non-working) days in Russia. How do we rest in November 2014? Recall that on November 4 - the Day of People's Unity. Red Calendar Day comes on Tuesday. Therefore, in Russia will be resting 4 days in a row: Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Short-term tours - an excellent vacation option for November holidays

"Where to relax in October-November?" This question is asked by many, especially on the eve of the November holidays. If the last months of the autumn holidays, then it is better to spend them in solar country By the seashore. If there are several weekend (festive) days and I really want to change the situation, get new impressions, then it is worth considering the short-term tours. Short-term leave will change the situation and escape from the shackles of everyday everyday life. The most sought-after weekend tours are excursions to European countries. For three or four days, tourists can visit several states and admire their most famous attractions. Short-term tours in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, France and other European cities are popular. In addition, most travel agencies are now offering short-term leave (three to four days) to Turkey, Egypt, UAE. This is the perfect option for those who miss the sea and solar heat. On holidays or weekends you can make a shopping tour in Europe. This is an economical option in which tourists can combine useful with pleasant, namely - to see the sights and shopping in famous European boutiques. Russia can also be perfectly relaxing to the November holidays. Moscow region offers a comfortable holiday of the day off. As can be seen, options for recreation in November you can pick up a lot, you only need to choose the most suitable way that will allow you to distract from daily problems. So the choice is only for you!

End of autumn in Russia is the most unsightly and temporary time. A person whose vacation falls in November, usually causes pity from colleagues. But maybe, on the contrary, is he lucky the rest? While the Russians will look out the window on the flowing trees and small cold rain, he will get together for a warm sea. There are a number of countries, a trip to which does not cause bureaucratic difficulties. So, tell me where to relax in November at sea without a visa. Overview of the best beach directions.

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Why not go to the cruise? Prices are very affordable! .

In this country, without having a visa, you can come for 30 days. And November here is one of the best months. Summer heat falls, giving way to comfortable temperatures: 29-30 s - day, 23-25 \u200b\u200bs - at night. The tightening strip of summer rains ends. The water is cleared, but it remains warm: 27-29 C. At this time of the year, you can not only swim, but also ride on excursions, without fear to get a sunshine. The pleasure will deliver the inspection of numerous Parks of Thailand, among which there are thematic. For example, "Park of Birds." And, of course, the locals will try to diversify your rest with different spectacular activities.

You can watch the speech of the elephants, cheat for the participants of the boat racing, celebrate the full moon day. This picturesque holiday residents of the country are celebrated on the day of the 12th full moon a year. The Thailand River after the rain period becomes especially full. People are allowed to sail on the water of small boats, which their shape resemble the lotus flower. Inside each tiny boat, the candle burns, and the river exactly fills the fiery shine. No wonder, many tourists are trying to visit Thailand to this event. The spectacle is unforgettable! It is believed that this holiday can be freed from negative emotions accumulated over the whole year. The tourist season in November in this country only begins, so the tickets will not be so expensive as in December and January.

You can come here without a visa for a shorter period - up to 15 days. However, we rarely go to travel for a longer time. Unfortunately, mediocre-made goods made in Vietnam, and for a certain time, the flooded markets of our country have created an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthis country in some Russians. Vietnam fabulously beautiful. Monuments of ancient culture, national parks, exotic vegetation, extraordinary landscapes - all this will never forget those who visited Vietnam.

The only "but" is a sufficient remoteness of the country, and therefore, an expensive flight. The rest of the Vietnam will pleasantly surprise you cheap prices literally on everything - on food, excursions, souvenirs, wellness treatments. Most comfortable rest It will be in the south of the country, where the temperature at this time of year rises to 25 s. After the hot summer, excursion activities begin to be animated here. In addition, autumn is the time of the festivals, the local holiday dedicated to the God of the Moon, as well as the unusually beautiful contestants of the boatmen.

The visa is needed here, but purely symbolic, tourist. You put it on the spot, immediately after arrival. Weather in Sri Lanka in November stands fabulous. Air warms up to 30 s, and water to 25-26 C. Cloudy and rainy days are rare. Almost always a serenely shines the sun. There is something here, even if you do not go on excursions. You will certainly see how the locals collect tea sheets. After all, Sri Lanka is one of the main global manufacturers of this favorite drink.

Beautiful national parks in the country, where many exotic birds and animals live. Here you can meet representatives of literally all religions. With the Christian temple, the mosque will be adjacent here, and the Buddhist center will be located next to. There are hindu shrines here. Many in the country and archaeological values. And of course, it is difficult to resist and not do diving or surfing.

Goa, India

An electronic visa in this popular tourist in India can be made even online. By November, the sea in Goa finally calms down, the storm period was completed. In Russia, at this time it may already be snow, and to find out in Goa, you seem to postpone the summer fairy tale. The air temperature rises above 30 s, the water temperature reaches 28 C. Children will just be blessed here. It must be remembered that Goa is divided into the North and South not only geographically. In each area, its own specifics of the rest.

If you want to see as many entertainment events, "break away" on discos, shopping - go to North Goa. This option, by the way, will be a little cheaper. The north chooses young people and tourists who prefer economy-class vacation. South Goa - These are respectable hotels, clean beaches, quiet and calm rest, Improvement and treatment. As a rule, those foreign tourists are stopped here who want to relax, as well as secured Indians.


Seychelles are a real "delicacy" on the "gastronomic table" of tourism. Rarely who can boast that he visited there. Meanwhile, this is a real paradise for those who want to enjoy nature and solitude. And in order to get to this paradise for a period not exceeding a month, a resident of Russia is not needed. Another thing - it is advisable to get medical insurance. Although it is unlikely that you need it, but careful, as they say, God is fighting. November in Seychelch is one of the most optimal months for rest. At this time of the year there is relatively cool, up to 30 S. Misssons carry the refreshing breath of the ocean. It's time for the rains yet: the most "wet" month in the Seychelles invariably turns out to be January.

Water temperature B. Indian Ocean Also does not disappoint bathers. Seychelles unite over hundreds of islands, and only 3 dozen of them are inhabited. The largest - Mae, Praslin and La Dig. If you are going to the island for entertainment, you will find them here. Visiting shops, excursions, riding on yachts ... Hotels on these islands are distinguished by a fairly high level of comfort. Another popular option is usually chosen by the newlyweds who want bald and privacy. There are several islands on Seychelles, where there is nothing but one-sole hotel. Wave splashes, bird singing - other sounds you will not hear here. Guests of Seychelles are engaged in diving or surfing, enjoy the taste of coconut milk, which is extracted from surprisingly large nuts that grow only here.

Although the rest in the Maldives is quite expensive, but if you can afford it, I will definitely not leave here. For a few days you completely deny from civilization (this does not apply to the level of comfort of hotels, almost all of them are 4 and 5 stars) and find yourself among pristine nature. With a visa here, things are the same as in the Seychelles. For holidays, you do not need. But to make medical insurance - preferably. The flight to the island will take about 9-10 hours from you, but by being here you will forget about the clock, and about the days of the year. At the time when in Russia outside the windows - the November slush, in the Maldives - the hot sun, pegless palm trees, warm waves. And so - 12 months a year.

The archipelago unites several hundreds of small island, and most hotels are in complete privacy. You can provide a boat at the time of living, or even our own beach. Maldives diving lovers especially appreciate. Probably, on the whole of our planet, do not find more beautiful seats for immersion. All you need for diving can be rented on the spot. In the Maldives, as a rule, do not ride those who are looking for noisy entertainment. Here, rather, you can feel like a robinzone Cruise. Such a tour will be an excellent gift for newlyweds. Yes, and those who just want to live among the tropical nature will go away from here, fascinated by the islands. Often you can meet with dolphins, and see the waves that are glowing in the dark, as they have a huge amount of luminous plankton.


Turkey resorts have become more familiar to many Russians than domestic. To go to rest in this country, you only need a passport. Hope to the heat in November in Turkey is not worth it. Although the day of the thermometer's column and can rise above the mark at 20 s, at night he will certainly drop to 11-13 C. More becomes cloudy days, although solar so far is quite a lot. The sea also did not have time to cool, and swim at 18-20 s sufficiently comfortable. The most sunny and warm in November remains the area of \u200b\u200bAlanya. If you are not lucky with the weather, you can replace the beach holiday by travel on excursions, participation in local holidays.

At least 2 of them come to November: the day of memory ataturk and the feast of sacrifice. November will also provide you with the opportunity to taste all kinds of local vegetables and fruits, try delicious dishes made from them. As for swimming, today there are one or more pools in each hotel, including with sea water. And also, choosing a holiday at this time of year, you will significantly save on the ticket.

In the UAE Visa will be made to you at the airport, and you will also need insurance. In this country, November - the time when the "high season" begins. It is not surprising, because the burning heat is just starting to take his position. The day is already rarely more than 30 s, and at night it can even become cool. The water temperature remains very pleasant -24-25 C. What can be done at this time, except for a beach holiday? You will be offered to ride a yacht or soaring with scuba.

You will be able to immerse the pearl sinks, and your pearls assembled to their homeland. Entertainment for adults and children will be skiing on the "desert ship" - camel. Also here are camel runs and horse racing. At this time of the year, jewelers with their goods come to the city of UAE. Great time to purchase gold and silver handmade decorations.

Israel is waiting for guests throughout the year, and autumn is a great time to visit here. The number of rainy days in November increases, but slightly. And there are no protracted rains at all. Swimming in the dead sea at a temperature of 24-25 s will take pleasure, and the prices for vegetables and fruits will be significantly less. In the Red Sea, the water temperature is somewhat lower than in the dead, but you can still swim and diving here, and the incomparable underwater world will be delighted even experienced divers. In addition, it is a great time for the passage of therapeutic and wellness procedures.

Without a visa in this country, our compatriots can be up to 30 days. November on the "Island of Freedom" - the time of the beginning of high tourist season. He retreated the exhausting summer heat, stayed in the past rain and hurricanes. The water temperature in the Caribbean is lowered to 25 s, and swimming begins to relax pleasantly. The air temperature during the day ranges from 18 to 25-28 seconds in daytime. When gathering in the Cuba in November, umbrellas and raincoats you can leave at home, but hats with wide fields, and tools that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, be sure to capture.

Most likely, you will spend a lot of time under open skyEnjoying spectacles. In November, various festivals are undergoing various festivals on the island, in which professional dancers and musicians and ordinary residents, as well as tourists are participated. Prices for holidays in Cuba in November are beginning to rise, but to the high New Year rates they are still far away. Another plus rest at this time of the year: adaptation to the local climate among tourists, including children, is easier.

Dominican Republic

A visa-free entrance to the country is possible for up to 30 days. On this last month of autumn in the Dominican Republic drops 10-11 rainy days, the rest is dry sunny weather. Although in the rainy, you should not be upset: the shower here is strong, but short. The air temperature ranges in the range of 29-31 s, the water is 25-26 s. It can only be in the mountains in the mountains, here the thermometer shows 21-22 C. However, the sun in this southern country So cunning that you need to use protective creams. What to do in Dominican Republic in November?

In addition to the beach holiday, you are waiting for an extensive excursion program. The pride of the country is its reserves, national parks. Including, marine animals are also especially guarded here. But tourists are given the opportunity and look at them, and communicate with these amazing creatures. Tourists organize horse excursions, local attractions on jeeps. One of the most striking spectacles is the festival of flowers, which is held in the Dominican Republic in November. In addition, you will be pleased local kitchen and buying souvenirs.

To spend a vacation in this country to our compatriots have a fairly electronic visa. Rest in Mexico in November has its own characteristics. Although this month is popular among tourists - they come to the country more and more, you need to take into account some nuances. Every day there are about 6 sunsivers, when the air temperature rises to 29-31 C. At that time, without sunscreens, it is not necessary. This is especially true of those people who spend a lot of time on the beach or engaged in surfing. Water temperature in November in this hot country reaches 28 C. If you are planning to visit the high-mountain mexico, prepare for the fact that it will be much cooled here. Up to 22 Day and around 8s at night. Rain in November there is quite a lot, but they continue not more than half an hour, and, as a rule, fall on the dark time. What can tourists do?

Of course, a beach holiday priority. Warm Caribbean Sea, clean sandy beaches - Manyate here at this time of the year of guests from different countries. Diving fans will get here the opportunity to make dives and see rich floral and animal world Caribbean. You can enjoy surfing, or play golf. Mexican fields for this game are famous all over the world. For excursions, time is also favorable - there is still no big influx of tourists, there is a dry weather day and you can even go to long-distance trips at reasonable prices. Lovers of the animal world may watch gray whales. A variety of holidays that pass in Mexico in November can turn your holiday in a solid carnival, full of impressions.

In Egypt, you can relax all year round, but November is ideal for families with young children and those who want to spend their holidays not only on the beach, but also explore all the main attractions of this country. The November is suitable for diving. The only thing that can darken the rest this month to Egypt is rain. Sometimes they are tightened for a long time, leaving tourists only a few sunny days during the rest. This is the last month of the official beach season. It is still warm and sunny here: the air temperature in the day comes to 27 degrees. But at night, the approach of autumn is already felt and it becomes cool - up to 12-15 degrees.

The sea remains warm: water warms up to 26 degrees. In the Mediterranean, the sea is colder, but it is still quite possible to swim. In the afternoon the sun is no longer so active, so in this watch you can go on excursions to national parks, to the pyramids or Sinai Mount. This small country is so saturated with historical and natural attractions, which is simply impossible to embracing them for one train.
Holidaymakers are becoming smaller, but all hotels work in the same mode and offer guests a variety of entertainment. The cost of hotels, and in general tours, this month is much lower than in the peak of the season.

In November, the habitual autumn weather reigns on the larger territory of our country - the gray sky, endless rains and slush. From Autumn Handra you will be helped to get rid of the warm sun, extraordinary adventures and unforgettable impressions. To do this, you need to go to Tanzania to Tanzania. Moreover, the Russian visa can be obtained directly at the airport upon arrival in this country. On this document in Tanzania, you can stay for about three months. In November, summer continues in this African country. Here is still hot wet weatherAnd the water in the ocean warms up to 28 degrees.

However, the beach holiday is not the only one, because of what tourists from all over the world go here, despite not the most comfortable living conditions and a faint service. A variety of natural world, endless savanna, herd antelope, zebras, buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, lions and other exotic animals in the usual environment; Safari, hunting; It is possible to see the Great Migration with your own eyes - this is not a complete list of what awaits you in this African country. November is also the best time to observe birds. Yes, and prices for safaris and holidays on Zanzibar at this time are much lower than in the dry season.

Autumn in Jordan - soft and warm. Comfortable weather, gentle sun and warm sea in November are perfect for any type of rest. It's good to go here at this time with young children, you can recommend this time to rest older people and everyone who is difficult to endure summer heat. Can be pregnant on the beaches of the Red and Dead Seas, please repair health on balneological resorts Dead Sea, go on excursions to Peter, Medina, National Natural Parks, to Bedouins. The average temperature in the country is 27 degrees this month, but in the northern regions can drop to 21.

In November, it is often raining, sometimes they are accompanied by winds. Nights become cool, especially in the desert. Do not forget to take warm things on a trip, especially if you plan nightly excursions or evening walks. The sea remains warm, the temperature of the water in the Red Sea is holding at 25 degrees, and in the dead is still warmer - until 28. November, unfortunately, is not very suitable for diving. Underwater flows off the shores of Jordan, characteristic of this season, reduce visibility and do not enjoy to fully the beauty of the underwater world of the Red Sea.

As you can see, November provides a rich selection of recreation sites. So, if your vacation falls on the last month of autumn - you should not regret it. Upon return, you will surprise your colleagues with a beautiful chocolate tan, and tell them amazing things about distant and warm countries.

(1 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Summer flew unnoticed, and again outside the window is a small drizzling rain and penetrating the cold wind. How do you want to escape from my native city! Well, at least for a couple of days to feel like a free person, not burdened with work and everyday difficulties! Fortunately, this dream is quite feasible, as ahead of us is waiting for several days off.

Where to go to the choice is huge, and each person will be able to find a trip to his taste. But first things first.

Reviewless countries in Europe

If you have not yet become the happy owner of a Schengen visa, but you want to leave my native country for a couple of days, do not be discouraged! There are many countries that you can visit without any problems by purchasing tours for November holidays:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russian tourists Increasingly throw out his gaze to little-known and mysterious lands. This country attracts more travelers, and to some extent even become a new season. The capital of the country Sarajevo will hit you with their European-Turkish color, cobbled streets, christian temples and Muslim mosques.
  • Macedonia. This country is located in the center of the Balkan. Travelers will donate tours on the November holidays, as they pass old places and attractions. In this country, travelers can inspect not only the architectural monuments of the Middle Ages, but also antiquity.
  • Serbia. This country is famous for its history and natural beauty. Fans of outdoor activities in a few days can afford to familiarize themselves with the most popular tourist routes. Here you can see ancient monasteries, visit the ancient cities and national natural parks.
  • Cyprus. Our compatriots can enter the island on a simplified scheme. It is enough to arrange a permit, which is issued directly at the airport by arrival.
  • Bulgaria. This hospitable country gives out its visas at the first handling. Tourists will not only be able to get acquainted with cultural attractions, but also to go shopping. Prices are relatively low here, and European products are excellent quality.


There are many options where you can go to the November holidays. Russian travelers are welcome in November.

  • Turkey. Attracts tourists from around the world comparative cheap, comfortable hotels and high quality service. In the autumn vacation, you can afford to relax and enjoy national meat dishes and sweets. The weather is perfect for walking around the city and tour tours. Also those who wish can be like famous Turkish bazaars and shops.
  • Israel. This is another inexpensive direction, popular among Russians in the November holidays. Where to go to the tourist for a few days, if not in the country with a rich spiritual and historical heritage? In addition, here you can relax from the stress of the autumn months and visit the legendary Israeli spa centers. Youth will not be bored in this amazing country, since at its disposal there is a lot of night clubs and discos.
  • China. For just $ 30 you can get a 21-day visa to Hainan Island. Many consider it an alternative to Egypt and are happy to go to the tropical paradise for several days. Travelers entails pure sea, hot climate and rich cultural traditions. Here you can do diving and surfing, to reduce the child in the park of monkeys, try exotic dishes and much more.
  • Thailand. In this country, those who managed to miss the summer sun are sent. The trips here Russians are not less than eight days, and all this time are charged with a summer positive of a wonderful country.


The countries of the African continent are ready to meet Russian travelers, but our compatriots are still choosing only one direction - Egypt. On the November holidays came here even traditionally. He is ready to offer guests a sea, sun, fresh fruit and numerous excursion programs.

North, Central and South America

Unfortunately, overseas beauty are still not available at the price of most people our country. But if you have a financial opportunity and stock of free time, you are free to decide how to go to the November holidays. Recently, Russian travelers are increasingly looking at the island of freedom and Jamaica. Also those who wish can visit Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Chile without any special problems.

Central Europe

Of course, Europe on the November holidays will be the most sought-after part of the light for lovers of outdoor activities. Almost every country is traditionally held at this time. autumn festivals Or holidays, and you do not have to miss. Take with you children, because during autumn vacation It's time to relax and see the world. What cities do experienced tourists prefer to ride?

  • Bucharest. Sometimes they call the little Paris for the beautiful architecture and picturesque boulevards. The city is interesting because the traditions of the East and the West are harmoniously intertwined.
  • Krakow. This old one polish city invariably enjoys the attention of travelers. Guests are interested in his thousand-year history, museums, theaters, churches and castles.
  • Warsaw. One of beautiful cities Europe. He became the capital at the end of the 16th century and was badly damaged during the Second World War, but after rebuilt and played with new paints. Museums Warsaw can make a lot of story lovers, and beauty architectural monuments No one will leave indifferent.
  • Valencia. This ancient Spanish city was built before our era of the Romans, and today it is the third population in the country. In the autumn holidays, tourists here can enjoy the southern sun, stroll through shopping or go on a tour.

  • Prague. On the November holidays, all fans of the Czech Republic will fly here, who claim that they fell in love with this city at first glance. Finding here, travelers without tired walking along the curves of the streets, inspect a huge number of attractions and attempts to try all the varieties of local beer.
  • Lyon.. You can not say that a visit to this french city It will cost enough cheaply. In addition, lovers of fashion shopping should be seriously referring to the financial side of the trip. It will not be boring or regulars of nightclubs, nor historians or people of creative professions.

Countries of the former USSR

Russians, as in the good old days, continue to visit friends and relatives from the former Soviet republics. Where to go to the November holidays?

  • Vilnius. You are waiting for a short flight, the lack of a language barrier and "extreme" nutrition. Still tourists love this city for active cultural life and a large number of events. Excursions for November holidays in the city and country will raise your mood, and you will remember the hospitality of the locals for a long time in winter evenings.
  • Tallinn. Famous for their own historical monumentswhich are more here than in any other european city. Be sure to walk through it historical Center. - Old city. You will be surprised, but every time walking on familiar places, you will find something new.

Cities of Russia

Perhaps you do not want to leave the native country? Then the autumn holidays are a wonderful reason for traveling to the Golden Ring or by historical and cultural centers.

St. Petersburg

If you have not been to this beautiful city, then use the reason and appreciate everything charm northern capital. Start S. sightseeing tourAnd then select the most interesting places for you. Of course, a few days will not be enough to cover all the charms of this city, but do not be discouraged. We are sure that you are sure to come back here more than once.


Over the past decades, the city has become a real pearl in the Crown of Russia. Be sure to go to the Kremlin, walk along the pedestrian zone, having fun in the water park and try the dishes of Tatar cuisine.


For a few days you will spend in this city, you will penetrate the ancient Russian spirit. Where to go to the November holidays? What is interesting to see? Of course, ancient Orthodox temples and cathedrals, historical and artistic museums.

There are so many beautiful places in the world, and they can be seen with their own eyes! Do not postpone your life for later, spend a few days of the autumn holidays with your family in a new place. We are sure that it will be a wonderful trip, and the impressions of it will remain with you for life.

See also: