Bulgaria, Plovdiv: Attractions, excursions. Plovdiv - an old city of contrasts Beautiful places next to Plovdiv

Different peoples and civilizations left their traces on the territory of Plovdiv: the fortress facilities of the Thracian period, medieval wooden houses, the ruins of the Ottoman mosques and the ancient Roman amphitheater. Today, an antique theater is renovated by 3000 seats, and various ideas and festivals are organized in it. The ancient city center is looking for the remains of the stone Thracian fortress. Narrow medieval streets and the construction of the XV-XIX centuries, decorated with carving on wood and decorative paintings, are hidden behind the fortress walls. The main pedestrian street (Prince Alexander I) is an ensemble from the buildings of the XIX century. And the Mremanel of the Ottoman Empire is emphasized by the mosques "Imaret" and "Juma" (1444-1445), as well as one of the oldest clock tower in Europe. The historical values \u200b\u200bfound during the excavations can be viewed at the local ethnographic museum, the Panagyur treasure is kept there - these are gold vessels for wine weighing more than 6 kilograms. Bulgarians are proud of their city and his ancient history, which focused on the three hills of Plovdiv.

Opinions on the sights of Plovdiv

They write that: Plovdiv is the capital of modern Bulgarian art: numerous art galleries located here compete in the quality of their exhibitions. In addition, the city has archaeological, natural scientific and ethnographic museums. There are a number of theaters. The Old Town of Plovdiv is a showcase of his stormy past: here you can see the fortress structures of the Thracian period next to medieval wooden houses, the ruins of Ottoman mosques near the fair quarters of artists. A special place in the city occupies an ancient Roman amphitheater with its majestic marble statues, decorative columns and arcades.

They write that: in the city of Plovdiv there is a lot of antiquity, it is she who serves as a lean for tourists. All interesting can be inspected without resorting to the services of public and private transport, the truth will have to be stocking forces, as the walk will have all the extended.

They write that: the old part of the city has more than 150 tourist exhibits. Tours to Plovdiv provide for visiting such places like a kuyumguglive house, where there is a museum of ethnography with a huge collection of Bulgarian national costumes. The old house has an administrative building of the municipality, the house of Lamarten - the House of Writers. Even the business trip to Plovdiv includes an exciting inspection of ancient christian churches. Next to the mosques, as well as numerous archaeological monuments, from neolithic settlements to the ancient buildings of ancient Romans, the time of Emperor Mark Azerlia. By the way, in the ancient theater is still presentation. At the same time, there is a modern opera in the city, and a dramatic theater, and a puppet, and an art gallery. Tours in Plovdiv is an inspection of the famous mosques of Jumaia, Imaret, one of the oldest time towers in Europe, as well as the Church of Saints Constantine and Elena with the icons of the brush of the Zechariah zhograf, the great master of Christian painting. In the city archaeological museum, Panagyurian treasure is kept - gold vessels for wine weighing more than 6 kilograms. The southern outskirts of Plovdiv are the churches of the Holy Week, St. Dimitra and the Holy Marina. In the Bocharkov Monastery near the city, guests admire frescoes, ancient icons, books and church utensils.

They write that: Plovdiv is one of the most beautiful cities Balkans for painting historic Center He is called the city of artists. More than 200 buildings are declared historical monuments and are taken under protection. With ancient times in Plovdiv, the remains of the urban forum, the stadium, theater, basilica, term, public and residential buildings are preserved. Now an antique theater is renovated for 3000 seats, and in it, various ideas and festivals are organized. The ancient city center is looking for the remains of the stone Thracian fortress. Within the fortress walls - narrow medieval streets and civil development of the XV-XIX centuries, attracting attention to wood thread and decorative paintings. The main pedestrian street (Prince Alexander I) built up buildings of the XIX century. Since the time of Turkish dominion, the Imaret and Juth Mosques (1444-1445) are preserved (1444-1445), as well as one of the oldest hours of the hour tower. The Epoch of the Bulgarian Renaissance includes the Church of the Holy Week, St. Dimitra (both 1831) and St. Marina (1853-1854). Among the more modern constructions of the city is to highlight the ensemble of the International Fair (1948-1949). In Russia, a monument to the Soviet soldier known as "Alyosha" has been widely known (installed in 1954), towering over one of the hills of Plovdiv - Bunardzhik. The city has a significant amount of art galleries, archaeological, natural scientific and ethnographic museums. There are a number of theaters.

They write that: the first place in the sights of Plovdiv is occupied by an architectural reserve "Old Plovdiv", attracting visitors from all over the world. It covers the area of \u200b\u200bthree hills - the place of founding of the city. Almost all the most interesting from the past Plovdiv is here: religious, residential and public buildings, archaeological sites, narrow stoned streets. Church of the PRES Virgin Mary of 1844 (ul. Saberochnaya, 6, tel. 032 223265, works every day from 7.30 to 19.00). Church of St. Constantine and Elena 1832. Church of St. Marina 1856 with an interesting iconostasis made by wood carvings. Ancient (Roman) amphitheater - at the southern entrance to the fortress, over the road tunnel. The marble amphitheater, built in the II century by Emperor Mark Avrelie, is best preserved by the monument of those times in the Bulgarian Earth. Often there are views of different performances. The archaeological complex "Heavy Teppeas" - the remains of the Thracian settlement in the northern part of the three hills. Filippople fortress walls can be seen in the central part of the old Plovdiv. Hisar Kapia ( eastern gate Fortresses built over 2000 years ago). Yellow school of 1868 (st. Todor Samodimova, this is the first building built under school in Plovdiv). House and Maaz (cellar) Haji Dragan Kalofeza - 1848 -1854. (Ul. P. R. Slaveykov, 32, now branch of the National Institute of Culture Monuments). House Andrei Georgiadi (Hadzhikalchov House of 1831, ul. Metropolitan Paisius, now the creative base of the Union of Scientific Workers. House of Argira Kuyumji-oglu, built in 1847 by Zodhi Khaji George, currently ethnographic museum (ul. Dr. Chomakov, 2, works with 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00, weekends Monday and Friday to lunch). House Artin Gidikova 1848, now the residence of the 9th City Hall. Birdas House of 1856, now the reception center of Plovdiv (ul. Syborno, 45). The house is Riene Stambolihana (the second half of the XIX century), now the creative base of the Union of Bulgarian artists (Cyril Nectariyev st., 15). House George Mauridi, in 1833 the French poet Lamarten lived, now the creative base of the Union of Bulgarian writers (ul. Prince Tsereteli 19). Dimitra Georgiadi's house (1848), now the Museum of the Bulgarian National Renaissance Epoch (Tsanko Lavrenova, 11, has been working from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00, Sunday's day off. House of Dr. St.chomakova (1860 G.), now Art Gallery - Exposure of Polati Boyadzhiev (ul. Slavornaya, 18,). Nicholas House of 1863 (Street. Tsanko Lavrenova, 3,), now the museum of the city life of the Bulgarian National Renaissance Epoch is a small romantic palace on three hills, decorated with friezes and paintings, wood carvings, columns and erkers. Balabanov House (House Haji Lamisha, now also the Museum of the Museum of the Bulgarian National Revival Epoch). Ribor's home of the middle of the XIX century, the hotel and the restaurant (st. Todor Samodimov, 8). House xp G. Danova Second halves XIX. century, in the real tourist house (ul. P. R. Slaveykov, 5,). And this is just a small part of objects in Old Plovdiv. Archaeological Museum (pl. Compounds, 1,) with the most valuable exhibit - a Panagyurian gold treasure, which is artistically performed vessels for wine with a total weight of 6.169 kg. Gold. Historical Museum - Exposition "New Story" (st. Angela Bukourshtlyeva, 14,). The historical museum is the exposition "connection" (pl. Connections, 1, it works from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 15.00 hours, weekends - Saturday and Sunday). Naturally Scientific Museum (Street Holvly G. Danova, 34,). Art Gallery - Temporary Exposition (ul. Prince Alexander-I, 15,). Art Gallery - Assembly of Icons (Sabernaya St., 22,). Art Gallery - permanent exposure (Ul .. Saberoor, 14 A,). Roman stadium (located in a pedestrian zone on ul. Prince Alexander I near Sakhat Teke). Built in the second century according to the model of the stadium in Delphi, Greece. Marble seats gathered 300,000 spectators of games and battles of gladiators. Roman Forum (located on the central square of the city, opposite the central mail). In the center of the main thing once the cities of the Roman province of Frakia, disclosed the streets of the streets, the foundations of administrative and economic buildings, marble columns. Theaters - Drama Theater (ul. Prince Alexander I, 36), Opera (st. Gladstone, 1, ticket price - 3 US dollars), Puppet Theater (Bul. Hristov G. Danova, 14,), Plovdiv Philharmonic ( central square, 1).

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The amazing "city of artists", Plovdiv is among the oldest cities in Europe and for many years remains the center of attraction for thousands of travelers. Tourists are attracted to these places unique historical monuments and ultra-modern entertainment centers, Gorgeous Nature and Property National Coloring. The number of historical attractions in the city is incredibly large, more than 200 objects from their number are considered monuments of national significance. Local residents managed to maintain a lot of excellent architectural structures in the city, and real treasures are kept in Plovdiv museums - invaluable historical artifacts and works of art.

According to one of the versions, the first settlements in the territory modern City appeared more than 6,000 years ago. In the ancient era, there was a powerful city of Evolypiad, for many years he belonged to Frakia, and in the first century BC Fucked under the management of the Roman Empire. The city was distinguished by a profitable strategic position, which made it an attractive goal for numerous conquerors. Already in the 6th century, he was under the control of Slavic tribes, and at the beginning of the 9th century he was part of the first Bulgarian kingdom.

On this military event, the life of the city did not stop, four times he was completely looted by the army of the Crusaders, several times passed under the management of the Byzantine Empire and was captured by Ottomans in the 14th century. Given the saturated military past Plovdiv, it is difficult to imagine how much historical buildings have been preserved on its territory. Here you can see the unique Roman terms, and the ancient amphitheater, and wonderful medieval basilica, as well as luxury architectural monuments of a later period. It is noteworthy that local residents continue to actively use many vintage buildings, in beautiful historic buildings today are located hotels, restaurants and shops. Copyright www.Syt.

One of the main historical symbols of Plovdiv - Antique Amphitheater (Roman Amphitheatre) - used for festivals and national holidays. The center of the historic district is the Thracian fortress, this majestic building has been preserved to our days only partially. For several years, Plovdiv belonged to Turkey, and therefore in the city you can see some beautiful mosques, the most attractive among which is considered the Imaret Mosque.

One of the oldest mosques in Bulgaria was built during the Board in the Bulgaria of the Ottoman Iega in 1364. Mosques in Bulgaria at that time were built large and massive, in order to exceed the size and importance of all the existing Orthodox churches of Bulgaria in Plovdiv.

Attractions Plovdiva

Plovdiv is a wonderful city on the shores of the Maritsa River at the foot of the Rhodopian Mountains. Plovdiv is called most beautiful city Bulgaria. More than 200 buildings in the city center are declared architectural monuments.

The city rose on the hills: at home, erected on the slopes, hang on the river. Charm urban landscape baroque mansions decorated with carvings and wood and painting.

Central part of the city - Home sightseeing Plovdiva. Potted medieval streets, original architecture, floral flower beds, fruit trees, cozy restaurants, artisan shops. The most brilliant samples of Plovdiv Baroque are: a kuyumgugli house, in which the Ethnographic Museum, the House of Lamarten, the House of Neshkovich is located today, is a municipality building.

The city has survived the oldest mosque in the Balkans - the Mosque of the Jewish 14th century, built at Sultan Murade I. The mosque is impressive with its size and elegantly painted by the minaret. The Islamic Presence also resembles the Mosque of the Imaret 15th century.

Religious attractions PlovdivaTo pay special attention to - the Church of the Most Holy Virgin of the 16th century, the church of the Holy Week of the 19th century and the church of St. Dimitra 19th century and the church of the Holy Marina of the 19th century. In the last two churches you can see the icons and iconostasis of the Zharyisorrian Master.

Plovdiv is famous not only by its cultural heritage - he is ancient european citywho is older and Athens and Rome. The Bulgarian city has reasonable historical wealth. Archaeological sights of Plovdiv - excavations of the settlements of the Neolithic era and the Bronze Age, the Roman Forum, Terms, Acropolis, the remains of the Thracian fortress walls, the complex "Unheaven Teppeas" - a place that once had a prosperous Thracian settlement. In the arena of the ancient theater of the 2nd century AD (constructed, possibly, Mark Awerley) and today there are concerts and performances.

Art galleries with collections of work of local artists opened in Plovdiv. The exposition of the Ethnographic Museum presents national clothing, household items, decorative and applied arts. Also curious meetings of the Archaeological Museum and Center newest Story. The center of the newest history regularly hosts exhibitions of painting, sculptures and exhibitions dedicated to culture, art and everyday life of different countries.

At the top of the hill Bunardzhik stands a monument to the Soviet soldier - "Alesha". It was installed in 1951 as a symbol of friendship of the Bulgarian and Russian peoples.

Lunga viewpoint Located on the Sakhat-Tepe hill (Danov Hill), which is in the heart of the Old Town. Located at the Ottomanclock Tower, you can enjoy the views of the city and river.

Plovdiv is a non-smallest city of Bulgaria. And probably, therefore, not the most popular with tourists. And in vain. Because Plovdiv is very old city And buildings that seek in the lens are enough. And he is the second largest city of Bulgaria (after Sofia). In Plovdiv, many wide streets, branded shops and expensive restaurants. But here is much calmer than in Sofia. Our geochesty friends for some time seriously considered Plovdiv as a city in which it would be nice to live in retirement. I didn't fall in love with Plovdiv so much, but to deny that I had to see in Plovdiv, I won't.

Sights of Plovdiv Briefly and Emko are described in Wikipedia. So exemption that it looks like an excessive modesty:

"Plovdiv is a major cultural CenterHere there are an archaeological museum (from 1882), a natural science museum (since 1951), historical Museum (Since 1951), Museum of the Bulgarian National Liberation Movement (from 1956), Ethnographic Museum and several art galleries. There are a number of theaters "

There are no seas in Plovdiv, but there are mountains on the horizon and several hills in the city itself. And Plovdiv is a city-twinth of St. Petersburg. You can take a walk here, you can also look into the museums. But is it worth spending on Plovdiv more than two days? .. We will understand.

Where to go and what to see in Plovdiv?

I will be slightly more verbose than Wikipedia. It is strange that this megapopular resource did not mention the main attraction of Plovdiv - a hill, on which there is a world famous Alesha. Everyone knows about the monument, but not everyone knows that Alyosha has a real prototype.

Soldier Alexey Skurlatov passed the whole war on the front line, fought under Rzhev, near the village of Kryukovo, on the Kursk arc. His mother received a funeral twice. But Alyosha survived, and the victory met in Plovdiv. And when the Bulgarian government decided to put the monuments to Soviet soldiers, his friend Bulgarian offered sculptors a photo of Alexei Skourlatov. And then, at the opening of the monument, wrote on the pedestal: "Alyosha". I told about this story in detail in a live magazine (I advise you to read).

So the monument to Alya in Plovdiv - the main attraction of the city. It is necessary to go to the hill on foot, and in the heat I do not recommend this - we almost died, while in the forty-graduate heat climbed to the top. On it, besides the monument to Alya, the stele was installed in honor of the victories of Alexander, II and grow Christmas trees placed by Soviet cosmonauts. And overlooks the city.

The second hill in Bulgaria is slightly less interesting, but the old Plovdiv is visible from him.

In addition to the hills, I advise you to go through the old Plovdir. Actually, it is on him and it is worth walking. Since modern building is faceless five-story buildings with a collapie. In the old Plovdiv there are museums, temples, and mosques. And even the Roman antique theater.

Examine the theater from the inside costs money. But for those who want to save the Council - do not hurry to buy a ticket. Outside, through the fence, everything is perfectly visible. Many call this ancient landmark of Plovdiv Amphitheater, but this is a mistake. The amphitheater has a circle form, and what can be viewed in Plovdiv - semicircular shape.

Excavations of the ancient Theater in Plovdiv were found in 1968, was conserved and used for concerts.

Interesting fact. In the antiquity of the place of honor of the Honorozhnov, Plovdiv in the theater, signed - that is, specific places were fixed behind specific citizens. Emperor, friends of the emperor and ministers belonged to important townspeople.

Jew Mosque (st. Zhelezka, d.2). The main Muslim Temple of Plovdiv. It is considered one of the largest and ancient Muslim buildings in the Balkans:

Next to the mosque temple of the Assumption of the Virgin:

And this is the temple of the Great Martyr Marina:

Unusual, and architecturally knocking out of all churches that we had a chance to see in Plovdiv.

SAMI old church Plovdiva - Church of Sv. Kontstantina and Elena (Sabarne St., D.24). It was built in the 4th century on the site of the execution of Christian martyrs in honor of Emperor Konstantin and his mother Elena. The church has been repeatedly destroyed and what can be seen now is the result of the restorers in 1832. But we did not see it, because because of the heat did not reach. But the photo can be promised if you wish.

Normal photo for Plovdiv's outskirts:

Basic Museums Plovdiv:

Archaeological Museum (Address: St. Justion, D.1). The old museum, founded in 1882. Coins, documents, icons, paintings and household items, rich Roman collection. The museum covers all the historical periods of the country's development - from prehistoric to Bulgarian.

Natural scientific museum (Address: Christo G. Danov, d.34). Most large museum In the city, representing Flor and Fauna Bulgaria. Plants, birds, marine and freshwater fish ... and several dozen aquariums. Next to the museum - the Park "Dondukova Gradin".

Ethnographical museum (St.Dtor St.chomakova, d.2). The museum is built on the old fortress wall and from the front of the facade the building is a two-story, and with the reverse - four-storey. Basically, the museum presents the exposition of 18-19 centuries - decorations, clothes, musical instruments, Wine preparation and metal processing processes.

Tourist Bureau address in Plovdiv: Central Square, D.1

How to get to Plovdiv?

By train from Sofia. The train is coming About three hours and costs 11 leftions. On the Railway site Bulgaria You can see the schedule and buy tickets.

On the car or bus. Buses to Plovdiv go and from Sofia and from Bourgas (tickets on average are 14 leftions and do not require purchase in advance). Machine to Plovdiv can be reached from anywhere globe. You will go on the A1 highway (the distance in kilometers is just below).

By plane. In Plovdiva is international Airport (You can look at what months and from which cities it is more convenient to fly):

Hotels in Plovdiva

Housing in Plovdiv is not too expensive. For example, guest house Simplycomfy. In the very center of the city, with free parking In mid-April will cost 18 euros per room. Hotel Hotel Ostrova. With the same rating and conditions - in 43 euros. The average cost of hotels with reviews above 8 begins from 35 euros, hostels and guesthouses - from 19 euros. Almost all alleged overnights through Bucking is booked with free cancellation, and a large half of the hotel price includes breakfast.

And yet ... I would love to walk by Plovdiru. I do not mind return on day or two. But to spend a week here - hardly. I would be boring.

Plovdiv ranks second after Sofia in all Bulgaria not only on the area, but also in terms of population and administrative significance. It is located in the south of the country and is very popular among tourists. For the organic combination of ancient buildings with modern buildings, he is called the "city of contrasts".

The sights of Plovdiv have not only state, but also world importance. number architectural buildingsThey are declared historical monuments and are under state security, it comes to 200. In addition, Plovdiv surprises every guest by the extraordinary painting of its streets, thanks to which he is often called the "city artist".

Excrace of ancient Rome in modern Bulgaria

Attractions Plovdiv is better visiting on foot. This is due not only to the fact that the passage to many areas is closed. Only during the walk of the walk you can fully experience the unique atmosphere of the city and its unique flavor.

Going on a tour, sightseeing should be started with monuments of ancient Rome.

  • The Roman amphitheater, built over two millennia, was discovered only in the last century, when the city covered the strongest landslide. After a large-scale restoration, it opened for visits, and now it is often held in it various events. The Amphitheater in the very center of the city will take you to the Antique Epoch.
  • The Roman aqueduct, located in Stary Plovdiv, is one of the few constructions that have come down to us built to supply water to the house. Despite the fact that only picturesque ruins remained from the structure, they serve as a silent reminder of the already magnitude.
  • The Roman Stadium "Filippopolis" is located in the central part of the city. Surrounded by buildings built in various epochs, he dates back to the second century of our era and is an important attraction of Plovdiv.

All these buildings are historical monuments And enter B. cultural heritage countries.

Bachkovsky Monastery - symbol of combining different crops

Built in 1083, it is still important for the country's religious life. The decision on his construction was adopted by the Byzantine warlord and statesman Grigory Porcornosn. It was on his initiative that a seminary for young men was opened here, where they could learn to all the sciences known at that time.

The uniqueness of the architecture of the monastery is in an amazing combination of Georgian, Byzantine and Bulgarian cultures, which united the common faith. A visit to the Bachkovsky monastery will leave excellent memories of the tours.

Mosque Jew - Muslim Center

The city of Plovdiv attractions offer completely different. They relate to cultures not like each other.

So, with Orthodox churches and monasteries, Muslim, the main of which is the joy mosque. It was erected in the central part of the city of Turkish invaders after the victory over Bulgarians. Earlier at this place stood cathedral Holy Petka Tyrnovskaya. For his long history, the mosque is repeatedly rebuilt. The current building was erected by order of Sultan Murad II and reached our days with almost unchanged.

A distinctive feature of the construction is a large number:

  • ornaments;
  • paint;
  • separate decorations from branches, colors and garlands.

9 domes that are covered with lead plates, crowned mosque.

Saint Louis Cathedral - Roman Catholic Church

Traces of stay of ancient Romans in Bulgaria are noticeable until today. An example of Togo is this Cathedral in the city of Plovdiv Bulgaria and the attractions, about which it was above.

The Church of St. Louis is considered a real architectural monumentwhich is necessary to visit, having arrived here. The importance of this place is that the cathedral is the burial site of the princess Mary Louise Bourbon Parm. She helped a lot to the Bulgarian people and became the unofficial patroness of the city. Until today, residents come to the Cathedral to honor the memory of the brave princess.

Most ancient temple Cities built on the site of the Christian sanctuary. The church is the name of Emperor Konstantin and his mother Elena, who accepted Christianity, becoming the founders of the new faith in Bulgaria. This is the place that tourists most often attend. The main values \u200b\u200bof the temple are:

  • carved iconostasis covered with gold belonging to the hand of a local master of Ivan Pashkula;
  • icons rising in XIX centuryMade by Zharya Zograpa.

Tourist interest is caused not only important historical meaning Churches, but also its architecture.

Regional Ethnographic Museum

The number of unique artifacts included in the museum collection exceeds 40 thousand. They reflect the structure of life local residentsAs well as their art in the XVII-XIX centuries.

The museum was opened in 1917. Already by 1938, he moved to the Mansion of the Local Merchant Argers Kuyumji-oglu. Now, visiting the museum, you can feel the unique atmosphere of the last century, reigning in the building.

You will see the National Bulgarian Clothes, their kitchenware, guns, musical instruments and many other no less interesting things. There are often various entertainment activities for which you can get during an excursion.

Church of the Blessed Virgin

It was here for the first time he served in Bulgarian after many years of the neot of Turkish invaders. The people do not forget their heroes, as evidenced by the inscription on the bell tower "in memory of the liberators", made in honor of the Russian soldiers.

In addition, the churches are unusual frescoes. Their originality is that they are depicted not only the heroes of the Bible, but also the usual people shown in different situations.

Historical Museum

I ask for a question that it is necessary to see in Plovdiv, it is impossible to go around this museum.

Here you are waiting for four unique collections, telling about the various stages of the development of Bulgaria. Previously, they were located in separate buildings, but in 1951 it was decided to combine all exhibits under one roof. And now, having arrived in the historical museum, you can enjoy such collections as:

  • Bulgaria reunion;
  • Bulgarian revival;
  • Museum Center of Modern History;
  • Top printing in Bulgaria in the XIX-XX centuries.

This is the attraction you need to visit everyone who is interested in the history of the country.

Archaeological Museum

It is located aside from the main attractions of the city, although from the center the way on foot to it will take no more than half an hour. Here are collected coins of different eras, state documents, old-line books, icons and paintings. In the museum you can learn a lot of interesting things about life and the Bulgarian on different steps of your development.

Due to the uniqueness of the expositions and their rich history, despite the modest sizes, visiting the museum can take a clock.

In addition to religious places and museums, the attractions of Plovdiv rightly can be called:

  • city airport, next to which the aircraft museum is located;
  • central railway station, the largest transport hub of the country.

Thus, having arrived in Plovdiv, it turns out to see a lot of interesting things. Every city building can rightly be called a local attraction, because they all have a rich history with which the inhabitants will enjoy you.

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