Antique city Gorgippia. Story about life in the Greek city

More than 2,000 years ago stood - southeast outpost Bosporian kingdomwhich united the land of Kerch and Taman Peninsulas with surrounding territories. The Greek city received its name by the name of the son of King Satira I - Gorgippa, who joined these lands that belonged to the Sindov tribes, to the Bosporus Power.

The city of Gorgippia was not only a trade and craft center, but also a border fortress and one of the largest ports of the kingdom. Currently, an ancient settlement together with the necropolia is under the central part of the Anapa resort. Numerous archaeological finds fix the existence of the Ellin city at this place with from the V century BC. e. by from the third century n. e. - When Gorgippia died as a result of enemy invasion, and this ended the antique stage of her story.

Archaeological excavations

In 1949, the Archaeologist-Anti-Kovad Vladimir Dmitrievich Blavatsky held the first intelligence work on the search. Five years later, excavations were organized at the site of Gorgippian Necropolis. Unfortunately, in the 50s, during construction work, significant territories ancient City It turned out to be destroyed.

The systematic excavations of the ancient polis began since 1960. Then the stationary expedition of the institute of the Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences opened under the leadership of I.T. Kruglik. Tight construction modern City Completed the excavations, and yet for 15 field seasons, archaeologists managed to explore various sections of ancient Gorgippia, determine its layout. Scientists recorded a cultural layer of an ancient city at 800 m along the sea and 500 meters deep into the mainland, with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 40 hectares.

In 1977, by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Gorgippia was declared the archeology of the archeology of federal significance, and the site was allocated in its territory in almost two hectares, which received the status of the archaeological reserve.

Archaeological finds

The earliest in place of the current Anapa is dated VI to BC. e. The first settlement of the Greeks has stretched 400 meters along the sea. By the beginning of the V century BC e. The city has grown significantly: archaeologists found that the city market provided Mediterranean goods of the neighborhood by 15-20 km.

From the residential buildings of the ancient Gorgippia, the basements of houses were preserved, the walls of which were erected from the stone or were made of raw bricks, and the roof of the roof was tiled by various shapes. The streets of the city were paved by a cobblestone and wreckage of clay amphorous, on the pavements preserved ruts from the cart, ancient coins were found. The approach to the city with sushi covered the powerful fortress studied in 1978-1980.

The wreckage of inscriptions give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe administrative structure of the city, about the composition of the population. A huge number of different items have been found that tell about economic activities and the household text of residents of the city. Scientists have proven that in the ancient city there were processing of iron, copper, glasswalls, a stone craft and woodworking.

Scoops with unique frescoes and a large number of gold items of the first centuries of our era were discovered. One of the most interesting finds was made in 1975. The archaeological expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences found a funeral complex of two crypts and rock tomb with a large number of gold and highly artistic products. On the frescoes of the stone crypt, the feats of Hercules were depicted, which was considered the Kimmerian dynasty ruling in the bipospor.

Today, archaeological finds of ancient Gorgippia are located in various museums of the whole world.

This summer, historical heritage Anapa - the ancient city of Gorgippia-took inclusive in the project of the route " Golden ring Bosporian kingdom. " The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a global interregional tourist routewhich will unite the four southern regions of Russia, owned by Lev Stepko - an employee of the Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve. The project also support Roshurism, Krasnodar Regional Office of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO), Committee on the Use of Natural Resources.

Now the project is actively working various specialists. According to the organizers, the route must be available for tourists traveling both railway and automotive and water transport: "Taking into account the start of operation Crimean bridgeThe objects of the Golden Ring will become more affordable, "said Ivan Chaika Chairman.

In the future, the project will have a website that will be comfortable for both tour operators and tourists. With it, you can choose a convenient route and start it anywhere, pick up the optimal trip to any kind of movement.

In the meantime, we suggest you learn about Gorgippia a little more than what is written in Wikipedia.

In the IV-III century BC in the territory of the current Anapa existed the city of Gorgippia. During the fire, he would seem to disappear from the face of the earth, but it was not there. In 1975, excavations began in Anapa, and the city, with an area of \u200b\u200b35 hectares, began to revive. Today, the remains of the foundation and walls give visitors the opportunity to present the image of ancient, who once existed in this territory of the settlement. Here you can see cellars and foundations of residential buildings, powerful streets, winery, wells, drains, fragment of the fortress.

Archaeological excavations are held so far, and the Anapa Archaeological Museum is constantly updated with exhibits: household utensils, coins, sculptures, weapons, statuette. The Museum-Reserve is a crypt of Hercules, where he was buried to know - scientists managed to discover three sarcophagus. It is noteworthy that the walls of the crypt are painted according to the plots of Hercules's feats, carrying into the world with which people met only on the pages of books.

In the photo presented below, you will see only a couple of excavated quarters of an ancient city area of \u200b\u200babout 1.5-2 hectares. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe entire city was about 40 hectares. Modern Anapa is entirely located over the ancient Gorgippia. We will show you her small part.

Greek settlements and war with Persians

Greek settlements in the Black Sea region had a lot. According to archaeologists, it can be said that these cities were located on the Black Sea coast at a distance of 5-10 km. From each other, and even closer, which is quite dense accommodation for ancient settlements. However, we are interested in the Asian part of the Eastern Black Sea coast. Curious, but it is here in the sorts of beginning Caucasian Gor. He suffered chained to the Caucasian rocks of Prometheus, referred to here Zeus to suffering, for the fact that he conveyed to people the sacred fire of knowledge.

Sinda and many other tribes lived in this area. There were no time to live in Scythians, and they were subsequently ousted by the Greeks subsequently. The Greeks were also founded by Panticapy, which was located on the eastern part of the modern Crimean Peninsula and other cities, including in the Malaya Asia and the Eastern Black Sea part of it. The second city in its meaning after Pantikapei was Fanagory, it was located in the eastern part of the coast through the Kimmerisk Bospospore (Strait), and even east in the V century BC in the foothills north Caucasus The city of Sind or Sindica is based on Gorgippia.

Before the war with the Persians, the city did not obey the Bosporian kingdom (these are the Greek cities-colonies, combined into a single state), and his king Satir, while the Greeks warned the war with Xerxes decided to master the Sindica, but was intensified in political intrigues, a label and war against the Sindian Tsar Penate And, in the end, died of overvoltage and loss of his younger son. The archon (by the hereditary ruler) of the Bospod was his wise and far-sighted senior son Levkon. He sent his brother Gorgippa to Cindica and that using his talent policy, by negotiation and generous gifts, bowed to the Sindica to the world and became there the first governor of the king of the Bosporian kingdom. It is interesting, it was this year that the battle of the Greeks with Persians in the Fermopyl Gorge occurred, where King Leonid and his 300 Spartans were killed, which is now known to every student.

New name - Gorgippia

So, in the 4th century BC. Sindica entered the Bosporian kingdom and was his key border city. The new name - Gorgippia was granted to the city as the merit of Gorgippa in front of the Bosporian kingdom for his great acts, as the sources say. The Levkon reigned in Bosporus forty years and received Athenian citizenship, although he was not at all the Greek at the origin. His sons of Spartok and Parisad were confirmed from the Athenian people regarding the advantages, their father and grandfather Satir. From Spartoka, the dynasty of the Bosporus kings - Spartokidov. They reigned about three hundred years and were the faithful allies of Greece. Complied with a general order. Local Scythians paid the Bosphor moderate tribute and power held from raids. In the Bosporus kingdom there was a strong fleet, he defended everything black Sea coast From marine robbers.

When Mithridate Evpator Gorgippia nominated the most important cities of the Bosporian kingdom. In subsequent years, the city continued to flourish and rich. Public buildings were erected here, their own silver coins were minted, large roofing tiles were made in the workshops of the pots. While levkone in Gorgippia, self-government was introduced within the framework of the civil community.

Gorgippy was a significant, very rich city, shopping center all small asia and large and key seaport. Already, more than one hundred years, Greek merchants delivered wine here, fragrant oils, graceful black-eyed Greek dishes, expensive fabrics, jewelry. They took the same in huge quantities of wheat, skin, fur, cattle, honey, salty fish and, of course, slaves. By the way, in Athens, at the agora, at the time the statues of Satira, Perisada and Gorgippa from the "Grateful Athenian People" were established.

Geographic Paution - Travel to Gorgippia

The only one for us is an eyewitness travel to live Gorgippia - historian of PAsani. He told his impressions of her visiting in his "Description of Eldla" in the 11th book in the II century of our era.

When you float in Gorgippia on a ship from Pantikapey, then you see how the sandy plain shore is increasingly issued in the sea, forming a cape who dissects the magnificent bay ... However, if your ship passes the bay, and it will wake this cape, then you will be offended A different picture is a high shore, smoothly passing into the harsh lifeless mountains, almost falling down in the sea. Nothing amazing that exactly these rocks, by order of Zeus, Hephasta chalked Prometheus.

By the way, this terrain is now within the art of the modern city of Anapa and local residents Call her "High Bank".

The very same city impresses even Ellina who arrived from Egypt. The main urban street stretches from the west to the east along the sea, from the Western gate to Agore. The street is wide, not less than 18 elbows (one elbow - 40-50 cm), has been removed with huge stone plates, up to three elbow long, and completely new. The plates are made thoroughly on a powerful layer of subflowing and tamping, in some plague, the old bridges can be seen under them. Under the plates of new pavements pass the drains connecting with the catchment wells.

In the yard of each house there is either a well, or a plastered tank for rainwater coming from the roof of the house. In the house itself, a huge basement with a stone staircase. From the courtyard takes the beginning of the channels of drainage, made of neatly treated stoves with a chute. The yards are paved either by stone plates or sea pebbles, the floors in the earth rooms with clay coating, the walls are plastered and mostly painted. The houses constructed by the Romans are distinguished by large sizes and wall thickness and, as a rule, contain terms. One building of the Roman barracks is located in the city center, another in the Eastern Gate.

During his stay in Gorgippia, I saw the construction of new temples. Theater was rebuilt, now he was adjusted to the simple tastes of the Romans, which means that he had to be suitable for conducting gladiator fights. At the entrance to Agora, the courthouse and gymnasium are open. On the self central Square - The temples dedicated to Poseidon - the Lord of the Marine Element, Demeter - the patroness of the farmers, Aphrodite - the fan-chip destroy of navigators and certainly - the Savior Zeus. This is really the dwellings of the gods. They are striking with power, and even the heavyness of their forms. From the statues, my attention paid a huge sculpture of Athens, the patron of Hercules. As I was explained, this is the work of Hipathodor, made by him for the 102nd Olympic Games and redeemed by Megalopians Mithridate, especially for its border city of Gorgey.

Architecture Gorgippia

In the IV century BC, apparently, the planning of city districts of Gorgippia has already been scheduled. This is evidenced by the orientation of the walls and the direction of the streets opened in the layers under the extension II century. There are distinct traces of street leveling, starting with IV century. BC e., in the form of alternating layers of ceramic submet, gravel and crushed stone.

On the existence during the Hellenism of the streets in the same place where they took place in the first centuries of our era, testifies and laid by the doorway, whose threshold corresponding to the level of the street IV century. BC e., in II century. n. e. It turned out to be more than a meter below the stone pavement. The city was burned and destroyed by Goths in 238 of our era. Gorgippia is one of the first to take this unexpected and catastrophic punch of the barbaric tribes from the Baltic. Part of the inhabitants were killed, all the others took into slavery - it was the main fishery ready. On this, his glorious antique story ends, but the other gradually begins.

The archaeological excavation of an ancient city is right at the main city beach Anapa, which, it seems, should give him a pop taste and the presence of a large crowd of curious vacationers.

Gorgippia (Syndskaya harbor) (ANT. γοργιππία) - antique city On the Black Sea coast, which existed in the IV century BC. E.-III century n. e. As part of the Bosporian kingdom.

Gorgippia began to exist on the local lands from the 4th century to our era. Prior to that, in historical sources mentioned the settlement called Sindica, by the name of the Sindi people living on the shore of a comfortable bay. After the formation of the Bosporian kingdom, Sindica is part of its composition, the city rename him to Gorgippia, in honor of the governor of Gorgippa - the son of the Bosporian king Satira.

Gorgippia, according to specialists, held an area of \u200b\u200bat least 40 hectares. Large stone houses with cellars and inner courtyards were built in the city. Roofs of houses were tiled. Amphoras with grain, butter and wine were kept in the basements. Walls of houses on the inside were deceived by clay or plastering. Glass windows in Gorgippies appear only in 3 V. n. e. And there were rarity for citizens, so more often the windows were tightened by bull bubbles. To maintain order on the streets of the city, waterproof were built. The problem with drinking water was solved by the well system.

During his heyday, the city coins his coin, where on the one hand depicted the head of God Dionisa, and on the other - the grape cluster and the inscription Gorgippia. This suggests that residents of the ancient Greek city were engaged not only by agriculture, various crafts, but also viticulture and winemaking.

Life in the city was bright, noisy, various holidays and competitions were often satisfied. The names of the winners were entered into special lists on the stone slab. For several decades, 226 names appeared on this stove.

With respect, the Gorgeppictions referred to their gods - Athena, Demeter, Zeus, Dionysus; They were installed temples and statues. Also, the inhabitants of Gorgippia trembled to their dead.

Behind the city there was a necropolis-city of the dead, where the deceased was buried in crypts and sarcophagas.

In the late 1930s of the III century, Gorgippia was attacked, separate quarters were destroyed or even the whole city. Who destroyed Gorgippia? There were no written evidence before us. Some ancient historians have the versions that these were goths, which at the time together with other tribes invaded the borders of the Bosporian kingdom.

After the defeat of Gorgippia never could recover, although in some places where the population restores destroyed at home. And in the second half of the IV century, a new misfortune collapsed on Bosporus. The nomadic hordes of the Huns broke into the limits of this kingdom and, attached everything in their path, robbed and destroyed the cities and villages. So the life of a beautiful, civilized city ended. After the place of its several centuries, various agricultural tribes settled.

The settlement is located in the center of the modern city of Anapa. Partially excavated urban quarters, rich burials. Created Museum-Reserve "Gorgippia" under open skywhich are presented by the streets of the streets, foundations and walls of dwellings, remnants of workshops, winemons, fishery baths, marble plates with inscriptions, extracted from the necropolis of sarcophagi local nobility, etc.

The ancient city of Gorgippia is the most famous and popular attraction of Anapa. The Archaeological Museum-Reserve includes excavations of an ancient settlement and several exhibitions, which present the most interesting finds found in Anapa and the surroundings of the resort.

Photo of the Archaeological Museum Anapa and Gorgippi

History of Gorgepia

Gorgippia is a city of the Bosporian Kingdom, based on the place of an even more ancient settlement of the Sinda Harbor in the IV century BC. The Bosporian Kingdom itself is the most interesting state education. It was created in 480 BC, when, located in the area of \u200b\u200bKerch Strait, the Greek-policies were united. At the same time, the state formally was democratic, the rules of the king. It combined the features of the Greek Democratic Board and the forms of the Board, which inherent in the tribes living here - Syndam, Scythians, Sarmatians and many others. The capital of the kingdom - Panticapy - was located on the territory of modern. The Shind Harbor voluntarily in the Bosporus kingdom did not enter, and after a hundred years, Sindica attached strength. It happened at Queen Levkone, who sent the governor of his brother Gorgipppa. Probably, the Sindian harbor was in ruins: the archaeologists found numerous traces of fiction. So Gorgipp actually founded the city anew and called him with his name. The planning laid under it was preserved by centuries: the main streets stretched along the sea from the east to west, others from north to south.

Gorgippia was destroyed for about 240 years of our era: she died on fire. It was an external invasion. However, at the expense of the perpetrators of the death of the city, scientists are still arguing. For a long time it was believed that these were goths: Byzantine authors mention that the once goths burned the outskirts of the Bosporian kingdom, and Gorgippia was just at its borders. There is also a version that these were the North Caucasian tribes of Alanov, at about the same time seized Tanais, located near the modern Taganrog. True, Tanais was restored, and Alans stayed there. And Gorgippia has sunk in the fly. However, the location of the city was so successful that further cities were built directly on it.

Modern Anapa is completely on the ancient Gorgippy. This means that many of the attractions of an ancient settlement we will never see. Now the museum owns a small area of \u200b\u200babout 1.5 hectares, many buildings are still underground. Excavation financing ceased to allocate in 1996, so serious research had to stop. However, the collection of the museum is replenished annually: mainly due to excavations, which are necessarily carried out in the construction of new objects.

Archaeological Museum Anapa

Anapa Archaeological Museum began with a small cabinet of antiquities, which was opened in the resort hall in 1909. Finds came here, accidentally made by the inhabitants of Anapa. Then began Civil WarThe archaeological collection was lost. In the 1930s it became clear that such a city like Anapa could not stay without his own museum. He was revived to lose again during the new war. However, in September 1945, the museum again opened its doors.

In the mid-50s, the first significant findings were made in Anapa. At the place where the Motherland's cinema was later built, an antique necropolis was discovered. Treasures from burials replenished the collection of the museum. However, the most important discovery was made in 1975, when the so-called "crypt herakla" was discovered. This discovery received world fame, so it was decided to turn the museum into the archaeological reserve. Earlier, all that archaeologists found, they buried back to the ground for preservation, in the hope of museum in the future. But already in 1977, the museum was allocated a plot of land on the seashore, excavations began, which would continue to this day if it were not for the cessation of financing.

Now tourists can see three streets and several buildings of an ancient city, including a blessing house, two winery, an ancient bridge, a small pottery workshop, where they made religious statuettes, a shopping shop in which many glass and iron products were detected. Weightful Gorgipies lived in two-storey houses. Below was the basements, where the stocks were kept or placed workshops, and residential premises were located on the second floor, erected their saman bricks. The roofs covered with tiles. Interestingly, construction technologies for 2 thousand years have changed little: from the same mixture of clay and straw, they built the Cossacks at home.

Through a plot of the Museum-Reserve undergoes the central city highway. It should lead archaeologists in the main city square. True, there are concerns that now in her place is the Pension "Ancient Anapa". On that part of the museum, where the excavations have not yet been held, there is an open-air exhibition: here you can see fragments of Gorgippy temples, tombstones and sarcophages.

In 2008, the exposition of archaeological finds of Gorgippia opened on the territory of the Museum-Reserve. This is a modern, well-organized museum located in the early 20th century building. Tourists can learn about the history and appointment of exhibits using an audio guide: for this you need to read by phone QR codes of exhibits.

Now the museum buildings are repaired, part of the exhibitions is closed, but the main expositions are an excavation and a collection of Gorgippian finds - tourists can inspect.

Square Hercules in Anapa

The legendary crypt of Hercules was discovered in 1975 during the digging of a pit for the construction of a 12-year-old on Gorky Street. In fact, the crypt was two, but the second did not receive a loud name, so that only one was widely known among tourists. The first skelet was looted, but it was preserved that the thieves could not carry - walls with frescoes depicting the feats of Hercules. It is because of the frescoes of a crypt Hercules and got its name. So you should not believe the guides, which claim that the Greek hero was buried here.

But the second crypt, the robbers did not notice: there was a burial of a noble Gorgipice of the II-III centuries of our era, perhaps a member of the family of the ruler of the city. Archaeologists have discovered a huge number of products made of precious metals decorated with stones. True, see the famous Gold Gorgippia can be in Krasnodar: the collection was taken there. However, genuine frescoes from the first crypt are in the Anapa Archaeological Museum. True, from 150 stone blocks with images in Anapa can only be seen eight (the ninth block in Krasnodar). Restoration is still continuing, the process turned out to be very heavy and painstaking.

How is herakli connected with such distant from Greece Gorgippia? It turned out that the cult of this hero was very developed in the Northern Black Sea region, the Scythian kings erected their pedigree to him. The legend states that Hercules left his bow of the Scythian Snakenogo goddess that gave him three sons. The hero bequeathed that he was from the sons who could tighten his tight onions, will be the king of Scythians, and it happened. In relation to Hercules, the kings of the Bosporian kingdom were confident, who printed their own coins with the image of Hercules or his attributes - lion skins, arrows, and so on. At the turn of the II-III centuries, our era came out a whole series of coins with images of Hercules's exploits, now they are valued for gold weight, very little has been preserved.

Museum is included in the list best museums Taman Peninsula And Anapa, compiled by as part of the project "".

Opening hours: 9: 00-18: 00. Excursions are held in time several times a day, at 11:00 and 16:00, but the schedule may vary depending on the time of year. Ticket price: Adult ticket costs 150 rubles, a ticket for children and pensioners - 80 rubles, people with disabilities and preschoolers are free. An excursion ticket for adults costs 190 rubles, preferential - 120 rubles. Photographing costs 30 rubles, video filming - 100 rubles. Address: Anapa, ul. Embankment, 4. How to get there: the entrance to the museum is located on the urban embankment, not far from the Park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory. Nearest stops are on the streets of Lenin and Astrakhan. Www:

Ancient Greek city was called Polis. Each policy is a small state called the city city. Such cities in Ancient Greece There were hundreds, and each of them had a control. The most powerful cities-states were Athens and Sparta.

Polis consisted of the city itself, as well as the agricultural land adjacent to it, which were called Choir.

The population of the policy consisted of citizens who were full, as well as from slaves, which were significantly more. Each citizens of the policy should serve in the army, also have armor, shield and spear.

Greek policies named three different state systems, including: democracy, monarchy and oligarchy.
The story should be started from information about the life of the Greeks.

The daily life of the Greeks
Housing Greeks

Greek houses were one and two floors, they did not have windows - only smooth walls. A small open courtyard was located in the center of Greek house. Each Greek house was divided into two parts: female and male. In the first one had the right to enter into exclusively family members, and in the male part, the head of the house received guests.

As you know, the Greeks had furniture, but her number was small. The furniture consisted of a family bed, several small tables. The owner of the house had his own chair, and women were sitting on wooden chairs.

There were no cabinets at that time, so the Greeks kept their things in the chests, and the rest were hanging on the wall.

In addition to the chairs, the Greeks were also shops of various sizes.

Poor citizens used dishes from clay, the rich used silver. Also rich houses decorated mosaic and wall murals.

Greek clothes

Most of the whole clothes of the Greeks made at home - women were engaged in this. However, artisans made rich clothes. Clothing in women and men were similar - they wore shirts that women had longer. Men also put something like a raincoat on the shirt. Pockets and buttons at that time were not yet. Hats were also inherent, but they were worn only to protect against sunlight and only outside the city. The shoes mainly consisted of sandals. In addition, men wore boots, and women shoes.

Slaves most often did not wear any shoes, and their shirt was poor and made of coarse fabric.

The robe of warriors consisted of bronze armor, a bronze helmet and absorbent. In addition, they wore army raincoats. The main attribute of the warrior was a wooden shield, which was covered with bronze, such a shield was called goplon. Goplit is a Greek infantryman whose name has come from the title name.

Day from the life of a citizen policy

The story about life in the Greek city should lead, relying on the class division of Greek society. The life of slaves, women and free citizens was seriously different.

Greeks got up as early as possible, with the first ray of the sun. Then they have breakfast. Tomorrow it was often pretty scanty - just a few small pieces of bread.

Immediately after that, every citizen went to a large area, which was named Agor. She was the center of the whole life of the city, shopping was performed here.

Citizens sold olives, beans, grapes, a large number of Different vegetables and fruits. In addition, the meat was sold, various birds, as well as eggs. In addition to food, artisans sold other products, whose environments were weapons, home appliances, clothes, workers, shoes and dishes. In addition to purchases, at Agore, citizens discussed laws, exchanged news.

When evening, the Greeks loved to walk along the neighbors. It is believed that the Greeks were very sociable and always had to see guests in their home.

Guests sat down on the bed, in front of the tables with food. They ate the Greeks most often with their hands, since the forks were not, the spoons were not prolonged. The basis of dishes during such villages was meat and fish, which diluted with various vegetables, fruits, as well as a small amount of seasonings. In addition, on the table stood bread.

They saw the same exceptionally diluted with water wine. Clean wine Greeks did not drink, it was considered real barbarism. During the cutting of wine, the Greeks discussed many topics, from politics to gossip.

Poor residents are much worse, they did not have time for hiking to guests, the poor were also not going to Agor. The main occupation was grave work. The diet was also meager: the cheapest wine, mostly a small fish, bread and a chowder from barley flour. The meat of the poor was very rare, mostly only on holidays.

Life of greek women

The life of women in the Greek Policy was significantly different from the life of men, so they were incolment-free inhabitants. Women did not have the right to vote and did not participate in the management of the Polis.

Women always obeyed their husbands, fathers, or brothers.

The main task of women was the upbringing of the younger generation. Slaves and slaves were engaged in their homework, which women managed. The hostess could also be engaged in craft - weaving.

Most of the day, women did not even come out of the house, they were not allowed to do this without the resolution of her husband or father. Interestingly, poor women possessed much greater freedom than women from rich families.

See also: