Where to swim in Old Ladoga. Old Ladoga - how to get

How to get to Old Ladoga - The question is simple. The answer is also. But the implementation of the scheduled route is the most difficult on the journey. After all Old Ladoga Located 120 kilometers from St. Petersburg. To go here for a long time, not many will be discarded on such a journey. But still, this Old Russian city is worth writing a note "Old Ladoga - how to get there?" And tell all the ways of the road here.

1. How to get to Old Ladoga by car

To get to Old Ladoga - leave St. Petersburg to Murmanskoye Highway. It is also called M18, E-105 and "Colat" - all this is the same way. Along the highway, you need to go long - a hundred kilometers. First, the road is wide, four-band, then the Ladoga Bridge, Sinyavino, and the highway becomes two-way. So it goes up to 107 kilometers. Village Siselne - Attention! At the exit of it - turn right with the "Volkhov - 12 km" pointer. Turn. 2 km - a fork without pointers. Here to the left. 15 minutes over a desert road - and a large unregulated intersection right in front of the Volkhov River. Here - again to the left. A few more kilometers - and ahead of the cherished sign "Old Ladoga"!

There is another road. With the Murmansk highway, you can go right away and later, somewhere around the 130th kilometer. Thus, in a tet of kilometers, you also drive into the old lady, but only on the other hand. This path is a bit longer, therefore less preferable.

2. How to get to Old Ladoga by train

Immediately I will say that it is to the old Ladoga of trains do not go. Only to Volkhov, and from him to ancient City Another bus will need to go a couple of tens of kilometers. There are no buses, electric trains - even less often. The road, how to say, not a gift. Nevertheless, in the old lady you can retreat and thus too.

Electric trains on Volkhovstroy go from Moscow and Ladoga stations, you can sit on sorting, in a fishing or ohubolovo. Ticket in the summer of 2010 was worth about 200 rubles. The road takes more than two hours, the train is coming Through Moscow State University, Nazia, Pupyshevo and other villages. Arriving in Volkhov, you need to transfer to the bus and get to the destination - the old Ladoga. I will not hide - the road is heavy and extinguishing. Therefore, the old Ladoga has not yet become the most popular suburb of St. Petersburg.

3. How to get to Old Ladoga by bus

This option also takes place. Again - first to Volkhov, then - in the old lady. I can't tell you more about this option - I never went to himself, but I don't want to lie. Where buses come from - it's not entirely clear. In some sources, it is said - from the bypass canal, in others - from the old village. Maybe from there, and from there. Buses running frequency 3 bus per day. Time on the way is two hours. And then on another bus. Not convenient - you will not say anything.

All three options how to get to Old Ladogaremove into one thing - that it is far from St. Petersburg. And no matter how cool, and the road is exhausted. But those who decided on such a journey, I hope my article " Old Ladoga - how to get"It will come in handy!

  • Burning tours to Russia

Old Ladoga exists from the 8th century, it is called "the first capital of Russia" - precisely here in 862 came to the reign of Rurik. Varyagi chose this place as their residence not by chance - many centuries ago a small now village was a successful and developed city: crossroads of trade routes, craft center and international trading portproviding the relationship of Slavs with European countries. Nowadays, old Ladoga is a unique complex. historical monumentsunited under the auspices of the oldwall historical and architectural and archaeological reserve.

It is believed that the Scandinavians lived in initially here, a little later - the ancient Germans and the Baltic and Finnish peoples. It was they who built the first houses and fortifications in the image and likeness of those that were characteristic of early-service Europe. Such guesses are confirmed by artifacts of the Meroving era found on excavations in the 2000s. Slavic tribes came to this land after the 8th century, while releasing the living space from earlier settlers.

But this is superfluous

    Erarta is the largest private museum of contemporary art in Russia. On his five floors, a museum collection, cafe, restaurant and shops are located. The permanent collection of the museum has more than 2,800 artists from various parts of Russia. When buying is a passage without a queue.

How to get to Old Ladoga

Of large cities The Saint Petersburg is close to the old Ladoga. From the northern capital to the village you can take the buses Nos. 847, 860, 863, 877, departing from the Bus Station No. 2 on the Outwarm and Metro Stations "Volkovskaya", "Parnas" (with a change in the village of Yushkovo or G. Volkhov on Bus number 23). Time on the road - from 2.5 to 4 hours. Transport goes from 7:00 to 22:00, the cost of the whole trip - 470-600 RUB.Things on the page are listed for October 2018

To get from Pulkovo to get on Bus station Number 2, you first need to get to Art. Metro "Moskovskaya" on buses Nos. 13, 13a, 39 or minibuses №№ K39, K13, 113, 213, follow up to art. Metro "Oblood Canal".

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On the train from St. Petersburg

From Moscow and Ladoga railway stations to the Volkhovstroy-I platform, located in Volkhov, are sent suburban train (OF. RZD website). Next to her on the square there is a city bus station, where you can transfer to the village to the village. Total time on the road - 2.5-3 hours, just 2 two tickets will have to pay 398-460 RUB.

From Moscow to Volkhov (Art. "Volkhovstroy-I") from the Leningrad railway station there are trains. The journey will take 7-11 hours, the minimum fare in the deposit is from 1500 RUB.

By car

The distance from the capital to Old Ladoga by the shortest highway M-10 - 720 km. If you can avoid traffic jams, then it will be possible to get to the village in 10 hours. From Peter you need to follow the R-21 freewere.


The village is small, so tourists are moving on foot. There are no public transport in Old Ladoga. The only bus passing through Volkhovsky Avenue is No. 23. It gets to Olegov Kurgan, located 8 km from the Staroladego fortress.

Car can be published free of charge at the monasteries on large parking lots, as well as on the side of the road in front of the fortress.

A trip to a taxi in the city costs from 70-90 RUB Plus will have to pay for the passage of the car from the new Ladoga, where the nearest agency is located. Transportation can be ordered by phone or catch on the street. No meters, the cost is negotiated with the dispatcher or the taxi driver itself.

Old Ladoga cards

Hotels Old Ladoga

Due to the small size of the village of accommodation options, not so much: only 4-5 are available in old lag and surrounding. Most famous placepresented in all booking systems - the Old Ladoga Hotel on the street. Soviet, offering prices from 2000 RUB per day for a double room. Alternatively, you can consider the house for holidays "Barsky", designed for 6 people, for 2500-3000 RUB per night. True, it is located on the outskirts, 2 km from the Wolchow embankment and attractions.

What to bring: souvenirs

The best souvenirs from the old Ladoga will be the products of local craftsmen: original pendants and brooches with ancient roads, animals, fabulous and religious characters, chased decorations with Celtic and Scandinavian ornaments, barking bags and Lukoshka with images of local beauties deposited on them. All these things are present in the souvenir kiosk in the fortress. During ethnographic festivals, fairs are working, where the choice of crafts is much more. In the shops at churches and monasteries sell good baking, tea and launched products.

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Cafes and restaurants old Ladoga

Restaurants and cafes in old lag are no more than hotels. Main institutions: "Prince Rurik" with interiors in style knight's castle, wooden tables and clay dishes and budget "ancient palga", decorated as Russian hut, even there is a real oven. The price of a standard lunch is from 500 RUB per person.

In "Prince Rurika" prepare a branded beef chop with the Mushrooms "Varyag", baked Sig "Gift Ladoga", delicious shotboard and honey.

There is also a small cafe-dining room "Lyubava", which serves homemade dishes: pancakes, dumplings, fish and roasted meat with vegetables, buckwheat and potatoes. Complex lunch of three dishes plus drink costs 200-250 RUB.

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History of old paloga

The old Ladoga won on his century a lot of bright events: the arrival of Rurik with a squad, an unprecedented rise and flourishing, periods of bloody wars and, finally, decay. In 753, the first wooden fortress was already standing in the settlement, reliably defending the housing of artisans and merchants. With a thing of Oleg at the end of the 9th century, a powerful stone stronghold was erected, later destroyed by Norwegian Vikings. The second time the bastion was built only after 3 centuries, after which the temples and monasteries "rose" in one after another.

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Until 1702, the old Ladoga played a key strategic role and was an important military outpost. That is why the rulers of the Russian state paid a lot of attention to her. After the end of the Northern War under Peter I, a long period of decline began, as a result of which the city turned into a village, and the number of its inhabitants was significantly reduced. Nowadays, the old Ladoga is large tourist centre Northwestern region.

Entertainment and attractions

Architecture of Old Ladoga - Live embodiment ancient history Rus. Fortress walls and cathedrals are samples of the Russian northern architecture of the period of the Middle Ages, merchant houses and estates with museum expositions tell about the development of the settlement in the 18-19 centuries. But the village is famous not only for man-made sights. It is worth coming here and in order to visit the gravestone mounds in the tract of the hills, to explore artificial caves on the territory of the monument of the Nature "Ekoladozhsky" or stroll to the Gorchakovshchinsky waterfall.

Museum-Reserve "Old Ladoga"

Guests of the Museum-Reserve offer two tourist routes: "The Old Russian city of Ladoga" and "The Monasteries of the Old Ladoga". Tourists get acquainted with Russian history and culture in the interiors of the fortress towers of 15-16 centuries and residential buildings of the 19th century, in the monastery complexes of the former Assumption Women's Monastery and the current Nikolsky male monastery. Masterpieces of world art can be seen in the church of St. George 12th century, and from the Malymaya Mountain, a unique on the beauty of the Panorama of Ladoga opens.

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The central tourist object is an oldwall fortress, based on Rurik in the 9th century and rebuilt from stone with a thing of Oleg. Researchers cannot say for sure how much Opad has experienced the strengthening - no one once stormed by the Norwegian Erl and Swedish kings. Starting from the 18th century, after losing the Military Bastion, the buildings began to decline, at the end of the 19th century there were first archaeological excavations on the territory.

The reconstruction of the fortress began in Soviet times and continues to this day. Today, the ensemble is included in the structure of the oldwall historical and architectural and archaeological reserve.

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Nikolsky Monastery - one of the oldest on the territory Leningrad regionFounded by Saints Alexander Nevsky after a victorious battle with the Swedes in the Nevsky battle at the mouth of the Izhora River. Dedicated to the name of St. Nicholas Wonderworker, Archbishop World Lycian.

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Manor "Assumption" and the Ekoladozhsky Museum

The manor "Assumption", the name of which is connected with the nearby Assumption Monastery, was built in the 80s. Lieutenar General Nikiforovich Tomilov. His son Alexey in 1816-1817. Reducing her on his own project, adding a stone flibel to a wooden house (Schwartz House). In Flygel Tomilov kept the richest collection of paintings and graphics, including the largest collection of drawings and the etchings of Rembrandt in Russia. In 1918, after the confiscation of the estate at her last owners of Schwartsev, more than 6,000 drawings and were transferred to the Russian museum, and the house began to belong to the Starovogian Museum. It contains historical and household, archaeological funds, as well as the Fresco Foundation and Foundation for Painting and Graphics.

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Women's abode of the middle of the 12th century, decorating the left bank of the River Volkhov. After the Russian-Swedish war 1610-1617. Almost the whole complex was built anew. The main temple of the monastery is the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - a rare architectural monument of the Domongolian period created by Novgorod architects.

On one of the arches, a heraldic sign of Rurik was preserved, fragments of the frescoes of the 12th century survived.

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Church of Vasily Kesiahsky

The Church of Kesilia Kesilo is located opposite the fortress, on the right bank of the Volkhov (previously there was a Vasilyevsky male monastery, most of the buildings of which were wooden). In 1666, the temple collapsed to the ground, and in 20 years in its place on the funds of the Voevod T. I. Bestuzheva, a new schurch of Vasily Kesiakhsky was erected


There are several caves in the village and its surroundings. The most loyal and visited - Ekoladozhskaya and Tanechkin, which formed in the 19th century as a result of sandstone mining. After the closure of the grottoes "overgrown with the stalactites and stalagmites (let him still be very small), there were streams and small lakes - in short, nature turns artificially in nature on their own.

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Varana Street

A rustic street with a characteristic scenery, built-up with wooden outstands and merchant houses, has become known after the archaeologists have discovered the artifacts of the 9-10 centuries. It begins at the sculpture of bronze falcon and ends at the walls of the Assumption Monastery. Of standing attention Objects - Museums of merchant life and archeology located in the 19th century mansions.

Every year in the middle-end of June, the Military Historical Festival "Old Ladoga" is held in the Stoladego fortress. Every second Sunday of July, a traditional historical folklore festival "Women of Glory" is held in the Ladoga fortress, and at the end of the school year - the Holiday "Loud Posad" for students of junior and middle classes.

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Traditionally, the most suitable time for visiting cities and attractions of the North-West region is the warm summer months. Nature during this period is the most picturesque and favorably to travelers, giving the last long sunny days. In the summer, in the old lady, the most interesting events occur: holidays, festivals and fairs. At least picturesque shores of Volkhov and in winter, when everything around is covered with smooth white cover. The most unsuccessful time is the end of October-November with annoying frosting rains and frosts.

Old Ladoga is one of the oldest villages of Russia, the "first capital of Russia". Today it is a rather large village located 120 kilometers from St. Petersburg. However, in the number of historical and architectural monuments, it exceeds many cities of the country.

In our article we will tell about the history and main attractions of the old and new Ladoga.

Old Ladoga - the village with a thousand-year history

Nowadays, old Ladoga is just a village on the banks of the Volkhov River with a population of 2000. But once it was an important city-outpost of Russia, which restrained fierce attacks of ill-wishers. The main reason to visit the old lady is numerous natural, historical and cultural and architectural monuments, dated IX-XIX centuries.

Almost all the sights of the village of Old Ladoga are interesting and are unique in their own way. And their incredibly many! But tourists come here not only for the sake of monuments, but also in order to feel, feel the spirit of old days, enjoy the incredibly picturesque landscapes.

To even more in captivate the reader with old palm, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the top ten most interesting. historical facts About this village:

  • Old Ladoga is one of the oldest settlements of Russia (the first mention of it is dated 862nd);
  • until 1703, the old Ladoga had the status of the city and was called just a palm;
  • the city was one of the most important points on the trading path "From Varyag to Greeks";
  • according to one of the versions, the Old Russian Prince Oleg was buried in Ladog;
  • Ladoga became the first city in Northern Europe, all the walls of which were built exclusively from the stone;
  • already in the VIII century, Ladhodan led trading with the help of money (glass beads were performed in their roles);
  • in just one Ladoga Bead in the second century it was possible to buy a slave;
  • the architecture of the Ekoladogian fortress is unique for Russian architecture, there is no longer anymore in the territory of all Russia;
  • Ekoladozhsky stronghold included in the hundred most beautiful places countries;
  • a real treasure of silver Arab coins was found on the territory of the village (Nakhodka was dated by historians VIII century).

New Ladoga and her story

If from the old Ladoga rise upstream of the river, then 15 kilometers you will get into a new lady. This small town was founded in 1704 by the decree of Peter the first to serve the shipyard created two years earlier. Many Ekoladazans were ordered to move into new town. During World War II, the new Ladoga played a significant role in providing a besieged Leningrad for the so-called road of life.

Sin does not go to this small town if you are heading to the old ladle. Sightseeing here also plead. New Ladoga is a beautiful melted city, ancient buildings and magnificent views On the Volkhov River and Lake Ladoga.

Main monuments and interesting places in the new Ladoga:

  • Nikolo-Medvedian monastery.
  • Seating courtyard.
  • Starovogian canal.
  • Nikolsky Cathedral.
  • Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin.
  • The Church of the Roman Clement (dilapidated).
  • St. George Church.
  • Novoladozhsky Local Lore Museum.
  • Memorial complex "Road of Life".

List of attractions of Old Ladoga

However, we will return to the settlement from which our story began - the old Ladoga. Inspection of the monuments of this village, as a rule, begin with the fortress. This is the main and most valuable attraction of the old Ladoga, which is protected by UNESCO. Inside the fortress there is an old church of the XII century, which is perfectly preserved.

Full list of historical monuments and interesting placesSubject to visit in this unique village, it looks like this:

  • Starwoody fortress.
  • Assumption Monastery.
  • Varana Street.
  • Olegova grave.
  • Nikolsky Orthodox Monastery.
  • The Church of the Nativity of John the Forerunner.
  • House of the merchant Kalyazin.
  • Manor "Assumption".
  • Tanechkin and Starovogian caves.
  • Gorchakovsky Waterfall.

Map Scheme attractions of old Ladoga will help you navigate in settlement (See photo below).

Starovogian Fortress

The main attraction of Old Ladoga is a fortress based at the end of the IX century. What we can see today was rebuilt with almost zero in the 2000s.

The fortress is located on a narrow cape, in the place where the river Ladoga flows into whales. Initially, it was wooden. During the reign of Prince Oleg, a powerful stronghold from stone was erected here. For a long time, the fortress defended the northern frontiers of ancient Russia, then Russia. Lost its defensive value only at the beginning of the XVIII century.

Assumption Monastery

To the north of the fortress there is another important monument to the village of Staroladozhsky St. Uspensky Monastery. It was laid in the middle of the XII century.

Behind the walls of the monastery, the northernmost Russian temples of the Domongolian period is hiding - the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He stands here since 1156! The church is completely miniature: its width is 14 meters, and the height is 19 meters, nevertheless, he can accommodate several dozen people. The walls of the Assumption Temple were generously painted, however, the painting is practically not preserved to our days.

It is known that from 1718 to 1725 it was in this monastery who was the first wife of Peter of the First Evdokia Lopukhin, who had grown in the nun.

Varana Street

To visit the old lag and not stroll through the Varana Street - it is unacceptable. After all, on the conclusion of historians, this is the most old street in Russia! The earliest mention of it date back to the XV century.

Today at Varana Street you can see the vintage wooden houses in one floor, which once belonged to the local merchants. Here quiet and very cozy. At the beginning of the ancient street, the Bronze Sokol sculpture is installed. It is this bird that is considered a symbol of old lady. All tourists make a desire near this sculpture and leave coins in the key of bronze falcon.

Gorchakovsky Waterfall

Very few know about the Gorchakovsky Waterfall, and in vain, because it is the highest waterfall in the Leningrad region. This is an amazing natural corner where you can safely relax my thoughts and enjoy nature. It is located in the village of Gorchakovschina, on the opposite of the old Ladoga of the river.

The height of the waterfall is only four meters. It is located in a river canyon and falls into a shallow bowl with sandstone walls. To go to the waterfall for a long time, straight from the village leads a forest path.

Tanechkin Cave

In the past, Tanechka Cave was a place of mining of white quartz. It stretches for seven kilometers long. In the cave many moves and labyrinths, and in the central her gallery there is a shallow lake.

Inside, hundreds of volatile mice. This is the biggest, but also the most dangerous cave of old Ladoga. Here collaps and floodings often occur, however, it rarely stops speleologists.

How to get to the sights of Old Ladoga?

The village is located in the Volkhovsky district of the Leningrad region, 7 kilometers from the city of Volkhov and 120 km from St. Petersburg. How can you get to the sights of Old Ladoga? By car it will make the easiest way. But you can get in public transport.

On the car you need to move from St. Petersburg on the Murmansk Highway (M18). Immediately for the village of Kiselle, you need to go to the right from the route (pointer to Volkhov). Two more kilometers should be left left. This road will lead to the intersection on the banks of the Volkhov River. Here you need to turn left again and get four more kilometers to old Ladoga.

The second way to get to the village - public transport. The city of Volkhov can be reached by electric train (from Moscow or Ladoga Station). In Volkhov, you can transfer to a regular bus to Old Ladoga. Through some 20 minutes, he brings you to an old village.

Modern old ladle - a small village of 12 km above the mouth of the Volkhov River, but once it was a major urban settlement, the first capital of Russia. This place with more than a thousand-year history has always attracted researchers. The first excavations in Ladog began in 1708. At different times, famous scientists worked here: N. I. Repnikov, V. I. Rodonikas, N. E. Baurendburg, O. I. Davidan and many others. Over the years of work, more than 160 historical monuments were opened. There is an ancient settlement planning of the X-XIII century, the rarest works of fortification and architecture and much more.

At the end of the last century, the territory of the old Ladoga was opened archaeological Museum-Reserve. Under the protection of the area in 190 hectares, where architectural monuments are located, the development of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries and the cultural layer of the Middle Ages.

Old Ladoga.

The exact time of the appearance of Ladoga is unknown, but the study by archaeologists allow you to say with accuracy that it happened no later than 753. It is possible that and much earlier. The date causes respect, because at that time there was not one of the most famous Old Russian cities.

Archaeological excavations in old lag are produced everywhere and constantly.

The appearance of Ladoga was not random. She was erected at the intersection of trading routes and founded her representatives of Slavic tribes. Over the eight centuries, Ladoga became a key port on the great Eurasian transcontinental trade routes and provided Slavs free ties with countries Western Europe, West Slavic Pill and others.

A thousand years ago, Ladoga was a successful city, an international port, a large craft center and a reliable bank even for European states.

Falcon - symbol of Rurik.

It was not by chance that the Ladoga became in 862 by the residence and the regional city called to the Principality of Rurik, the founder of the Rurikovsky dynasty. Later, the prince moved his capital to Novgorod, and then probably in Kiev, but first there was still Ladoga.

Until 1703, Ladoga retained the status of the city, later became the village and was renamed the old Ladoga, because in the mouth of Volkhov, on the shore of Lake Lake, a new Ladoga arose.

The village is famous for the whole world a lot of unique attractions:

Starovogian Fortress

It is considered a "calling card" and the main attraction of old Ladoga. The fortress is not preserved to the present day in primeval form. Its current appearance refers to the XV century. Part of the fortress wall lies in the ruins. Fully restored while only one fragment with two towers - a gorgeous and climax. But restoration work continues.

Two unique ancient temples are preserved in the fortress: the George Church of the XII century and the Church of Dmitry Solunsky XVIII century.

Ancient fortress - the main attraction of the old Ladoga.

Museum in the fortress.

St. George Church.

Shafts of the "earthly city" of the old Ladoga.

Archaeological Museum

Since the foundation, the museum has become a place to store materials collected by the Ekoladogian archaeological expedition. The basis of its exposition is the items collected in cultural reservoirs and funeral monuments of various eras. In total, there are more than 132,000 exhibits in the museum collection. Here are represented funds of sculptures, painting and graphics, archeology, photo modifies and documents, building materials and frescoes, icon paintings and church utensils.

Archaeological Museum.

Exposition of the Archaeological Museum.


Once there were six monasteries in Ladoga, only two of them were preserved until our time. This is Nicolsky Male and Holy Assumption Devichy Monasteries. Nikolsky Monastery is one of the oldest on the territory of the Leningrad region. According to one of the legends, he was founded by Alexander Nevsky after defeating the Swedes in the Nevsky Battle. The shrine of the monastery is a particle of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Staroladozhsky Holy Assumption Mixed Monastery several hundred years. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. At different times, Evdokia Lopukhina lived here, the first wife of Peter I, Evdokia Hannibal, the wife of the ancestor of Pushkin, relatives of the Decembrists, Elizaveta Shakhov, the famous poetess. After the revolution, the abode was closed. Today the monastery is re-operating and continues to recover.

Kurgana Old Ladoga

Three famous mounds are located in the horseship tract. Of particular interest is one of them, called Olegov's grave, which is located on the banks of the Volkhov River. Scientists believe that Prince Oleg, the conqueror of the Khazar Kaganat was buried under the mound. However, this place is interesting not only in terms of history. Many believe in the special magical strength of this Kurgan, which confirm some scientists. In addition, Kurgan is connected underground stroke with a catacomb system. Where they lead these moves have not yet been clarified.

These sights of Old Ladoga are located on the northern outskirts of the village, not far from the road to New Ladoga.

Trains to Old Ladoga do not go, there is no railway. The nearest station is located in the city of Volkhov, from where, from every 50 minutes, regular buses go to the old Ladoga. You can get to Volkhov by train or by train.

Old Ladoga and its attractions on the map.

  1. Fortress Old Ladoga;
  2. Nikolsky monastery;
  3. Assumption Monastery;
  4. Archaeological Museum;
  5. Mounds;
  6. Hotel "Old Ladoga".

9 kilometers from the old Ladoga, on the R-21 highway, there is Abyrvalg motel, which can be safely recommended to auto-travelers.

If your journey continuously and wants the maximum comfort, it is best to use the hotels of Cobon on the shore of Lake Ladoga. From the old lady 40 kilometers, but they are worth it.

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