Mount Malinovaya Beloretsk How to get there by car. Malinovaya Mountain (Malinovka) near Beloretsk

Beloretsk - the city of metallurgists with an interesting story And heritage worthy of a separate trip. But Plus, BELORETSK also also the inslant capital of the Mountain Bashkiria. He is surrounded by a lot of beautiful ridges and vertices. Just the perfect combination for an active tourist: it is possible to start to be affected in the mountains, then go down from the vertices to the ground and make a tour of the city. And if the tourist is also a lover mountain Ski - Next to its services, a decent skip "Mratsno". With search for housing, there are no problems in the principle of problems - cottages for rent in the suburbs, apartments in the city itself. There are tour bazes. But here we have any questions for one of the most popular people. But about this later.

Near Beloretsk, many famous vertices who have chosen tourists for hiking. One of them with the sweet name of the raspberry mountain. More precisely, there are three of these tasty. That's just one of them we decided to take a walk on weekends on March 4-5. Gathered wishing to 6 cars.

So, the first day, March 4th. Our team left early in the morning from Ufa and arrived by 12.00 to the village of Tornok on the shore r. Nura in Beloretsky district. It is only about 7 km from Beloretsk himself.

To the top of the first raspberry, a large comfortable trail of 3 km long.

It went pretty easy, a sloping slope, the weather as to order is bright and sunny.

The road goes through a coniferous forest, where at every step you can be photographed - so beautiful.

On the way there are many lovers to ride snowmobiles.

Soon the first rocks appeared ahead.

The path went cool up, around it became even more interesting.

Truly nature is the best artist and sculptor. Only she managed to carve out of stone unusual forms, spooler ate and trees with intricate headboards, dress up strict rocks with glamorous patterns.

As long as they rose, there were those who already visited the top. They descended with a smile, happy, inspired. It inspired us who was still climbed up. The first of our already upstairs.

Before the top, the height of which is just over 900 m, and all, including children, and even the youngest member of our group - 6-year-old Athena were reached.

And from the height opened beautiful view At the surroundings. Here we spent no less than half an hour, admiring snow-covered Beloretsky beauty and taking pictures on their background. No panoramic pictures not to convey the breathtaking views of the opening species.

Resting, part of the group with children went back to the machines, and the rest of eight "adventurers" decided that adventures on that day were not enough and the unearned energy was still boil. So, it is necessary to spend it right - try to take the top of the second or third crimson. The difficulty consisted that there was no longer a latter road. More precisely, at first we walked along a narrow path, then on the snowmobile trail. Walking on him, passed by the second raspberry, as it was drifts. Then the snowpad ended. And to the third crimson, too, drifts. But not to return with anything. Heaven, drank tea - and crawled. It remained to wait for the foot of only the lion, which was already on this top of 1150 meters.

This picture of the dissection of the snowchair of stubborn men immediately reminded the famous meme about woolen Volcter.

It is still much easier to go on the laid trail.

On the road, Ralifa, one of the "Volcar", found a Berloga, which nature with the help of the wind was built from snow and fir paws.

Although crawling, periodically failing the belt in a snowdrift, this is not a simple walk, covered some excitement. Maybe this is the most second breathing.

Finally, we are almost on top. The highest part is the rocks hidden under the snow. It is dangerous in winter and without gear on them to climb. There is a risk of getting into crevice. We are always for a safe approach in tourism, so they decided to climb down the rock with more clear and understandable outlines.
Last jerk.

Without mutual execution in the mountains can not do.

And here we are on it, at an altitude of 1,100 meters. The award for efforts was worthwhile - we have discovered gorgeous views of the first and second crimson, the mountains of Big and Small Jerlel, to Beloretsk himself, on the endless taiga around. Well, you understand, beauty and our delight can not convey words and even in the photo not to convey. We just need to get there, look around and shout in all the throat "Aaaaaaaa!" We did and did.
The first and second raspberry mountains

Understanding the ruffle to file!

King Mountains.

The road was much easier. Traditionally, the winter mountain is more fun to descend on the fifth point. On the way, I was captured by a lion who was waiting for us and picked up to cars. The time on the clock was already 19.00.
For a cozy pastime, we removed the cottage in the suburbs of Beloretsk. Although it was originally tuned only to the popular "Malinovaya" camp. She is near the raspberry mountains, and the pretty decorated territory, and there are homes, designed for our huge company. However, the dialogue with representatives of the turbase was badly glued from the very beginning. The manager responded to our questions extremely in-upper and in general it seemed that she herself was poorly representing what exactly sells. Still, we managed to agree on the armor of the biggest house. While expected an invoice, suddenly it turned out that the house was taken by "regular customers". That is, we were a priori worse before dating us. We agreed to the first floor of another house (the second floor was busy). Made an advance. But the reservation continued to not be confirmed for several days! But the manager began to call and persistently offer additional paid services, otherwise, according to her, the director does not allow us to take this floor! In additionluga included horse rides and a bath. This is despite the fact that the manager was aware that we intended to take advantage of these services and without persistent instructions. The patience of our in the end burst from such a relationship. And we refused armor and demanded the return of money. With the return of money, too, there was a big epic that was pretty nerves for us: they were listed, they were not listed, then the surname was confused, and then stubbornly did not see the funds returned to them. In general, now we know that we will definitely not advise anyone to advise anyone.
Fortunately, we found a good version of the cottage on the street. Collective, 43. Big house, where everything is conveniently located, friendly owners. Very pleased the presence of a fireplace, near which we talked to late night, played, sang well and of course tasty ate.

Second day. the 5th of March.
This day we decided to completely dedicate Beloretsk. Unfortunately, museums at the weekend do not work, and I would very much like to familiarize yourself with the history of the city, which started his life in the form of a factory village. I had to be content with an excursion through the streets. The symbol of the city is well preserved water tower with a century of history, at the top of which viewpoint. Inside the construction failed to get - it was closed.

We went to a significant place for Belorda, where many city guests are leading to the squabble at the reinforcement plant, where the ancient cast iron bridge with beautiful wrist patterns of the famous Castinsky casting stretches over the White River.

There is also a gazebo in the same style and there is a monument to Ivan Tverddyzhev, the founder of the Resurrection Medeblavl and Transfiguration Metalworking Plants. From the bridge you can see how the dam works.

Not far from this place there are abandoned structures of the old hydropower station - there, on the wall of these abandoned premises, an impressive icy waterfall of meters in 10-15 heights has grown. As it turned out later, it is used for training climbers and the fire.

To come to Beloretsk and make memorable photos in the locomotive - the holy duty of each tourist.

The most memorable place we visited, became an old wooden bridge over Beloretsky Pond long in Polkilometer. This is one of the longest wooden bridges in the country. It is made without a single nail! On his background, the episodes of the famous film "Eternal Calls" were filmed. Previously, the factory workers were walking on this bridge to work, so the plant and served it. But now everything moves on the cars, the bridge actually lost its functionality. But there they love to walk in love with couples, fishermen are sitting. From its balance, this building has removed the plant, now it is in republican property. On the attitude of the authorities to the wooden attraction can be judged by her state. It is not known whether the construction of the current flood will withstand. Not even an hour when there is no trace of this wonderful structure. And then the city will lose a very important and unique part of herself, his story, a piece of his soul.

These are the watchdogs stand at the bridge. Silent witnesses disappearance of a unique object.

Choosing a final attraction for this day, many may seem strange - this is an abandoned airfield on the outskirts of the city near the gardens. But it was a very curious excursion. According to the information on the Internet, it is a class 3 airfield that can take An-24 aircraft and more and more easy, as well as helicopters of all types. It was abandoned in the early 2000s, as they say, due to low profitability. From the buildings, everything you can carry out. Judging by the inscriptions and other combat footprints on the walls, there are often "War" airsoft or how there are more.

But then two cool things have been preserved. First, room with papers. If they dig in them, you can create the story of this building.

Another cool thing is a perfectly preserved mosaic. Amazingly beautiful.

On the territory of the airfield there is a hangar, closed on the castle. Snake saw that inside there is some kind aircraft. I wanted, of course, consider it. Found a way.

Height lovers did not pass by the lighting tower.

After everything interesting was inspected, there were small pokatushki-cellets-cakes on a snowdrift.

Drivers, widow playing cars, with a good mood they were lucky to go home, in Ufa.

Hiking day route. Length: 12 km.

g. Beloretsk - Malinovka 1 - Malinovka 3 - D. Tornok

Track route on the site

How to get

The route passes through Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Nearest cities: Beloretsk (Start within the city).

Before the starting point of the route can be reached by car, or on any route of urban transport, which goes to the October village. It is necessary to take the streets of Malinovaya, from it as all three vertices are visible on the palm.

Back from the village of Tornok, Beloretsk can be reached by taxi, having ordered it in advance. Distance ~ 15 km (on the way about 45 minutes).

Cultural and educational certificate

Mount Malinovaya (1152m) (in the people - Malinovka) Gorgeous at any time of the year. Especially good in the fall, when you see a rich color palette in front of me: the crumbs of the aspen, evergreen ate, golden birchs. Mount Malinovaya is part of the Malidak Range in which the first, the second and third Malinovka and Mount Karell.

Its slopes are covered with stony stamps - Kurumniki. In the summer (July, August), ripe large fragrant raspberries covers the entire Kurumn and from afar, it seems that the stones of the raspberry color. In addition, almost the entire southern part of the Ural Range is visible from the top of the mountain.

The most affordable and hot beloved top among tourists is the first raspberry. It was there that the series "Stone bag" of the famous Kinkieopopeia "Eternal Calls" was shot.

On the first Malinovka also annually conduct competitions in the mountaineering (rock class) of the Volga and Ural FD.

Description of the route

Route Malinovaya Mountain is one-day mountain hiking route According to Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan on Malina Malinovaya (1152m). From the beginning of the trail to the top of the first raspberry, about 3 km, the tops of the third - another 3 km and from the top of the third to the village of Torn, too, about 6 km. The height set is about 500-600m.

The route is quite simple for passing. No difficult obstacles requiring special knowledge, skills and equipment is required. Available for newbies and for tourists with children.

The route can be passing by many ways: in one day to reach the first raspberry and go back, in one day, go through all the three vertices and descend into the village of Tornok, or in the second option, do not rush and do not rush under the teretta raspberry (or under the second), and At dawn, climb to the top and understand why the mountain was called raspberry (one of the versions).

The first part of the route passes through the southern slope of the Malidak Range and passes by pine forest With a little birch and oxin. On the northern slope - where the second half of the route passes - fir and fir forests. In the spring, Bratent on the slopes of the raspberry collects the so-called kislyank - this plant is correctly called the Taran (Highlander) alpine, the family of buckwheat. It turns out excellent pies, some boiled compotes, and in raw form it is great. Quenching thirst. You can also collect blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries in July, August. Malinovka and mushrooms are also famous for the mushrooms - oil, white, boomes, rims, freight.

There are several streams and springs on the route with drinking water. In the arid period can save, it is better to have water to drink with them. At the beginning and at the end of the route it is necessary to overcome the River Vzhod. In the summer and autumn does not represent difficulties and safely. In the spring, in a flood, better on transport or bypassing the bridge. In winter, the river freezes, at about the end of November you can already move on ice.

It is worth remembering that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Malidak Range, bears are found. The raspberries are a lot here, and he loves bears. But, if you follow a strict path, the meeting with the bear does not threaten you.

But about insects, in particular, mosquitoes, in the summer it is better to take care in advance, taking with them the corresponding repellent. Also should not forget about the ticks that grabs in this region. Therefore, the passage of the route is recommended in closed pants that impede the free access to insect to open areas of the body.

On the route, almost everywhere is present cellular. On the vertices there are even the Internet. In the village of Tornok, you can spend the night on the basis of "Malinovka", as well as the bathhouse. The base is wonderful, the staff is responsive, there are horses, you can ride.

Legend and photo route

Moving along Malinova's street towards the mountains, you need to walk to Gogol Street. On the right in the course of the movement, you will see a pointer with the inscription "Malinovka". On Gogol Street go down and reach the river. This is the river Noura. Move up the flow of the river on the automotive bulk road. After about 2, 5 km, you need to roll to the left to the river, along the dirt road. From there you can see the tags on the trees.

Photo by E. Petropavloskaya

The marked route begins. The first small obstacle is a ferrod through the Nura River. In the summer, usually no higher knee, even a child. But in the spring, in a flood, it is better to refrain from the transition of the VJrod. It is better to move on some serious transport, such as UAZ, or go around the bridge (but this is a completely different story). Through a number - fun and fresh, necessarily someone "mursing" into the cool driver.

A small passage in a straight line and the rise begins. First rest in a large anthill. Before it go for about 15-20 minutes. Meters there are few, from the brown is not more than 1.5 km, but the slope is the slope, forces some speed to slow down.

After the rest, it's more fun, after 10 minutes to the right of a small ravine - there is a spring, referred to as a cow. The local historians say that it was there who once got up on the halt and walked the famous Buntar - Emelaka Pugachev, when moving through the Ural Mountains, where their fate with Salavat Yulaevoy - Bashkir National Hero. Maybe it's just a legend, but everything believes believe it. The edges are famous here.

From a cow's spring, the road dramatically goes to the mountain. After 15-20 minutes, the fork. From the beginning of the route about 2 km.

The right path goes to the foot of the first raspberry. And left - further on the ridge to the tops of the second and third.

Rock array, up to 80 m height going into a shrill blue sky. Not in vain, the director chose this place for shooting the film "Eternal Calls.", It's very beautiful here, and a great overview of all Beloretsky surroundings from the highest point.

Special equipment for climbing is not required. You just need to carefully follow the instructions of the conductor. But if you suddenly you climb and you want to try your hand, and for this there are all the conditions.

At the top you feel like a real climber! Arrange the camera and create! The sharp peaks of the second and third Malinovka, Mount Kirell, rock remains of Yalangas, harsh Yaman-Tau, Crane swamp - such photopecks will serve as an excellent gift for loved ones.

"Before you climb the mountain, think if you can descend from her," said someone from the Great. In fact, the descent of special difficulties does not represent, you just need to know the cherished trails, otherwise the cunning slave will lead you into the thicket, and this is the worst option. After climbing the hill, the snack on the improvised table from the stone slabs seems simply magical. What to say, Malinovka knows how to celebrate guests!

In order to continue our route and climb to the main vertex, you need to go down from the first raspberry to the development and continue your way further. And then we are waiting for a small traverse picturesque road. Go easy, because there is no lift. You can start a leisure conversation, you can only admire the local flora, the peaks are not yet visible. Forest areas are replaced by glades, and now after 2 km on the right in the course of the movement there will be a large haylook. To the left of the trail at the very beginning of the glade, a small spring, where you can gain pure water. And from the glade you can see the tops of the second and third crimson.

Here, between the second and third Malinovka, the trail crosses the ridge, and leads us to his northern slope. For those who wish to pass the route with overnight can be touched here. And in the evening, run on the second crimson.

The second Malinovka is not so picturesque as the first on which the rocks, and so high as the third. Therefore, it is not often rising there. Basically, these are stone placer (Kurumnik) and small races at the top of the peak.

Taking the purest water, in the springs are moving on. A small rise begins and more and more often you have to cross the stone placer. It should be remembered that the place here is tickle, and these insects are found here until September. Therefore, it costs to protect yourself. It is properly to dress that the ticks could not get into and can even be treated with special means.

About 2 km, after the transition through the next stone river, the trail is splitting. Its right part of it goes down to the village of Tornok, and the left is up to the main vertex.

The rise from the site of the development takes 20-30 minutes.

The trail is obvious, go to the side or getting up almost impossible. Inscription: "On the mountain" will definitely lead you to the cherished goal!

Already at the approaches to the top open beautiful views!

Finally we fall into the circus of the third Malinovka. There is a small parking lot (you can place two small tents), where you can also do. But it should be remembered that the stream is not there and therefore the water should be brought with you.

And now the long-awaited moment - we are at the top of the Malinov Mountain. Here they are cherished 1152 m above sea level. Our view opens the whole southern part of the Ural Range. From here, from the top, you can outline the routes of your future campaigns, because the whole large South Ural trail is visible.

Having loved the beauty by beauty, go down. And we move towards the village of Tornok. All the way from the top of the third Malinovka and to the village of Tornok is 6 km. You can go through 1-1.5 hours. At the bottom of the trip over the Nura River. Here, in the upper reaches, the river is less than at the beginning of the route.

The route ends in the village of Tornok. On the outskirts there is a pointer.

Torn Torch, once was big, there was even an elementary school. Now it is practical suburban village. There is here and the "Malinovka" turbase. You can agree in advance, and the magnificent bath will be ready for your arrival. It will be a logical completion of the route. From the village of Tornokok to Beloretska can be reached by taxi. Total about 15 km.

This route is also unique in that it is universal. It can be passed in the opposite direction. You can make radial outlets from Beloretsk to the first Malinovka and again return to the city. You can come to the village of Tornok, stay on tour. The database and go to the radial route to Malinovka 3!

Kurum Stone River - Large Stone Rossip, One Amazing natural phenomena Mountains of the Urals. It is a jamming of huge stone blocks weighing from hundreds to thousand kilograms each. This river was formed as a result of the destruction of the mountains. Stones over time gradually slipped down the mountain slopes and formed an axle in the form stone River. The length of the river is about two hundred meters. ...

Monument to Tverdyshev (Beloretsk)

Monument to the founder of the Resurrection Copper Plant and the Preobrazhensky Metalworking Plant - (their history, location and photos can be viewed on our website) - Ivan Borisovich Tverddyshev. The attraction is located on the territory of OJSC "Blagoveshchensky Armature Plant" of Beloretsk Republic of Bashkortostan. Opening of the monument I.B. Tverdshev was held in ...

Arsky stone

The yield of limestone rocks on the surface of the Earth, the historical and geological monument of nature. The Arskaya Rock is located on the territory of the Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan next to the village of the same name. Nearest big City - Beloretsk, is located 14 km north-east of the attractions. In the height of the Arian rock about 30 meters. The place is interesting because thanks to the age-old processes of erosion and ...

Mount Cherry

One of the attractions and mountain vertices Ural Range - Cherry Mountain, 836 meters high. Mount Village is located in the Republic of Bashkortostan, 4 km south of the village of Lomovka and 7 km from Beloretsk. The top of the mountain is represented by a sharp rock with a steep slope from one side (northern), an exposure rock, and on the other (southern) - a more gentle slope with vegetation. Mountain covered ...

Kurcak is a mountain on Southern Urals. Located in the territory of the Abzelilovsky district in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 22 kilometers from Beloretsk. Nearby placements of Murakaevo and Abzakovo are located.

Since 1997, Mount Kurcak has acquired the status of a nature monument. The main objects of security are forest and steppe landscapes, as well as rare plants and animals. The area of \u200b\u200bthe protected area of \u200b\u200bnature monument is 515.1 hectares. The mountain consists of Devonian volcanogenic formations.

The name of the mountain occurred from Bashkir "Cairke" - earthlock.

Mount Malinovaya

Mount Malinovaya is located 6 kilometers from Beloretsk. This mountain array is a real pearl area. The sunrise on its top does not represent much difficulties, and transport accessibility makes her favorite traveler venue. From the top of the raspberry, which are three here, the picturesque views of the city Beloretsk, the most high mountain Southern Urals Yamantau, Big Walker and Mount Jarel.

Malina is also called the raspberry ridge, Malinovka, and the Bashkir name of her "ELEKTASH", which means a berry stone. It is not difficult to guess that a huge amount of raspberry berries is growing here. Three vertices of the mountains are located semirings and are at different heights. So, the first raspberry rises 70 meters above the ground, the second has a height of 997 meters, and the third and most important top of this amazing mountain Massiva Reaches maximum height of 1,150 meters above sea level.

Where to relax in Bashkiria? This summer is my most popular question. We have a weekend tour. So that the life of the Malina does not seem to, I went to another journey through your beloved republic. The decision was made very suddenly and therefore it turned out that in the one, another hot period of all hotels in interesting places Beloretsky district is occupied, but suddenly there was a certain "Malinovaya" turbase next to the Malopular Malinic Mountain Nearby from Beloretsk. The last 20 minutes of the journey go on a graving in a picturesque and delicious coniferous forest, an ancient wooden bridge over the river and now we have a raspberry sunset ...

At the turbase "Malinovaya" we immediately liked the mysterious coniferous forest and separately standing at home with berry names: brushing, cherry and raspberry, in which we settled. 500 rubles Night with a person, while everything is very clean, on the same floor with us there is still a couple of rooms, and below, as in the real village house there is a kitchen on which the local hosts are preparing to guests food, and a common dining room with a fireplace.

Feed in a simple porridge, and pies, but everything is delicious. On the tables are always free tea, jam and cookies.

We rise to the second floor to rooms

Modestly, but very clean and bed linen is not hidden.

So cozy and great, there were also two bathrooms with a shower and cute kittens, everything as in the real village of relatives.

There is a lot of interesting things: playgrounds, a few baths, rabbits and their own horses, which are constantly mysteriously ringing the bells on the neck, which gives this place some kind of mystics at night, when you go alone through the pine from the bath to the house and it seems that - We take part in the movie about vampires)))

By the way, mangal zones are free for the guests and are equipped with all necessary - arbors, furnaces, socket, and even washfoot for washing hands.

The full and sent in the bath we slept perfectly and the next morning moved to conquer the mountain. Not japel (1589 meters ) Of course, the height of the raspberry mountain1152 meters above sea level. Thought that we would manage for three hours and went to look for a mountain local residents On the way, they didn't know how to go there, apparently did not even go for all my life))))

From wooden Bridge right along the rut in the forest

We have a small company, only three people - two jigita and me :)

During the entire lift, the road is marked with ribbons and labels of red and yellow color, it is extremely difficult to get lost. Most of the path are in almost a flat surface, sometimes it seemed to be descended rather than rose.

It was not in a hurry and in a couple of hours I got to the equipped parking lot, there is also an excellent spring. Delicious water! But this is the only way out of the spring on our way, so water can only be gained once, but this is enough.

Mount Malinovaya received its name, of course not for color, but because there is a lot of raspberry. By the way, at the foot of the raspberry near the river Nura every year a large bard festival "Raspberry Chord" is held, and here once they took a series of "in the stone bag" of the film "Eternal Calls". But despite all this, for some reason the mountain has not become popular. If on the goerle as on the Red Square and up to 1500 tourists a day, then here we met only two families on the mountain.

Heavy lifting became in the last half hour - here it became cool enough to the mountain, not so to climb, but it's hard to go hard. Some reach only before this place, the forest is already ends and a good look opens. But we went to the end! The mountain has three vertices and there is some huge walking plateau, climbed onto a stone - photo and let the other.

View stunning!

A little glamor)))

Full Zen!

We took the whole hike about 4.5 hours, but we did not hurry. Professionals here arrange competitions every fall on the high-speed lifting, this time will be on September 27th seems to be. Here they probably ware on the mountain of the hour for two, or even less))))

Outcome: I highly recommend the recreation base as an opportunity to leave somewhere on the weekend, there are still organized alloys, lifts to the mountain on jeeps, snowmobile excursions and much more. That's just an equestrian hike here I do not advise you. As one local employee admitted: horses are fed very little and poorly raising some not very experienced rustic guys, as a result there were cases that the horses of people could not move from the place on the sleigh, and once the mare suffered so that the woman was falling, received Shocking brain - helmets here are certainly not issued. Therefore, everything is fine here, but it is better not for horses.

Good trip!

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