Stone rivers world. Stone river

There are B. Chelyabinsk region such a miracle of nature like Stone river: amazing and impressive natural education. Large stone river Tagana - Nature Monument. Education similar to him on the size and beauty of stones is known only in India and anywhere else on the globe.

Stone river is a uniform journey of huge rocky fragments, which stretches for many hundreds of meters and outwardly very similar to the river.

The big stone river is located between the ridges of the large and medium tagana and stretches from the northeast to the southwest for about 6 km, reaching a width of 20 to 270 m. Camera river consists of large blocks of up to 30 m³ (but on average 3 -4 m³). Per 100 sq. M. The meters is located up to 300 blocks, they lie down at least at least 4-6 m, i.e. In 3-4 layers. No vegetation, except lichen, is not here. Nothing can germinate through a stone stick.

Numerous mountain streams are often buried under the "river" of the ancient stone streams.

Stone rivers are mainly from quartzits, and on Taganay - from their variety - Avenant.

The origin of stone rivers is not fully studied, there are versions that the Glacier formed the Glacier during the gathering from the Taganai Mountains.

Many mistakenly refer to the Kurumnik Stone River. Unlike Kurumov, which today continue to slide down slowly, the large stone river is almost fixed, and the slope here does not exceed 2.5 °.

Coordinates The beginning of the Stone River on the tourist trail:
55 ° 14'44.58 "with
59 ° 46'24.27 "in
Further, the trail crosses the stone channel

Visit this miracle of nature is obliged every tourist. The stone river on Tagana is available for both family campaign. Getting easy.
In the north of Zlatoust, find the pos. Pushkinsky (from him the road begins in the village. Magnitka.
After 300 m. On the left there will be a Poklonnaya Cross, and on the right indicator "Taganay National Park". Here in the house with the inscription "Registration of tourists" you need to be celebrated in the journal. Before entering the park there are information stands.
The "lower" path of the trail itself, which crosses the large braid along the lower bridge, leads to the strongest river. The route can be viewed in detail on the stands or ask the employee of the park.

Article text updated: 05/29/2018

Please note that this review sights natural Park Taganai and weekend routes consist of two parts. So that you are not lost in the abundance of information, let's tell summary articles:

1. What is the Taganay National Park

This is a huge plot of taiga with dimensions, approximately 70 * 20 kilometers located in the South Urals. Approximately, the territory of the park is limited by the cities of Miass, Zlatoust and Karabash, as well as the villages of Magnitka and Alexandrovka. Earth in the Park of the Reserve belongs to the Kusinsky district and the city of Zlatoust Chelyabinsk region.

Getting to the main attractions of the park can be from Magnetic, Karabasha, Miass and Zlatoust. My friends and I went hiking to Taganya from the bandwidth in Zlatoust, and my route description is based precisely taking into account the start from this point.

The wealth of the National Park is his mountain ridgesThe impaired taiga: large, medium and small tagana, Ural and Small Urals, Big and Small Talovsky. On average, the height of the mountains is 1.0-1.1 kilometers above sea level. The highest vertex - the Mountain of the Kruglitsa (height - 1178 meters); She conquered us only from the second time.

2. How to get to the National Park Taganay

If you decide to get to the reserve by carYou need to get to the city of Zlatoust Chelyabinsk region. The entrance to the park is at the "Departure to Magnitogo". If we enter the city from Miass, then first the road goes along Griboedov Street; Running right we get on the street. Alosov. In general, the main goal is to get to railway Station. From him there will be signs "Magnitka" (the so-called village in the vicinity of Zlatousta). Alosov Street after the station will be strengthened and will turn left sharply. With it we turn on the street. Sandy to the right and drive up to big tourist basewhere is located, including the house administration.

2. Fare scheme across the territory of Zlatousta "How to get to the entrance to national Park Taganai "

For those who have a navigator, I inform the coordinates of the GPS parking lot and the beginning of the route of hiking: 55.221214, 59.731699.

Here we left a car in a paid parking lot (60 rubles per day), registered in the Saving Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and received a map of the weekend hiking routes on the territory of the Taganay National Park.

Before Zlatoust can be run by train. At the local railway station, the compositions are stopped, following Chelyabinsk to Moscow, from Samara to Chelyabinsk. There are two routes from Yekaterinburg (on the way - 7.5 hours).

From Chelyabinsk the train is coming 2.5 hours, from Ufa - 6.5 hours, from Tyumen will have to get 13 hours.

Getting into Taganay quite conveniently and by bus. From Chelyabinsk to Zlatoust every half hour, from 7:00 to 21:00, minibuses are sent from the North Bus Station.

Maybe my words will be commemorated, but, having arrived in the park, we must remember that here is a real, deaf Ural Taiga. I do not think that on the routes that I will describe below, it is possible to get lost, but before the trip, it is necessary to go through a certain preparation: learn the telephones of the administration and the rescue service (), take a map of the area, navigator.

All two-day route trails are marked. But keep in mind that in the mountains of the Southern Urals in the winter there will be snow above human growth - it's easy to get into trouble if the blizzard begins. In 2011, in the National Park "Zyuratkul" with our group there was a nuisance: we climbed on the ridge (height - 1175 meters), and there - a thunderstorm, rain, clouds are touched by stones, nothing is visible at all. On climbing the last 100 meters - Kurumnik, the path is not noticeable. We rolled out not there and about half an hour wandered on thickets of grass, which in the mountains at the end of July, too, above the head - it is impossible to navigate. When light panic already began, we finally went onto a path ...

In Taganay National Park, there are many sections with huge stones: all the vertices are ridiculed. Note that some boulders are moving, you can cool and get a serious injury. That is why the park administration calls on all tourists to register their groups in the Ministry of Emergency Situations!

The route described by me takes two days on the way, one night. Therefore, in contrast to all other tours of the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk region, described on the site, you will have to drag on yourself much more than usual. There were 5 people in our group - each of the participants carried either a 50-tuting tourist backpack (sleeping bags, tents, food, replacement clothing), or some kind of choose.

Be sure to need hiking shoes: sneakers or, better, trekking boots. Personally, I walked in old shoes - then even pleasure: the legs very quickly begin to hurt because of the constant jumps on the stones.

Every day you have to overcome quite long distances: 15-25 kilometers. Moreover, most of the way to the mountain of the Kruglitz, Mitykina rocks and a response crest passes with a bias up. It is desirable before organizing the tour in the mountains of the Southern Urals at least a month to actively engage in physical education: charging, squats, run - i.e., you need to keep yourself in good physical form.

Taganay National Park - popular place Not only among tourists who come from Chelyabinsk, Tyumen and Ufa, but also in travelers from all over Russia. I urge all like-minded people, lovers active rest Take garbage to civilization: the reserve slowly turns into a not very tidy place. Firewood is better to buy from haunts in shelters - they, even though they are cut out of old dry trees - if every tourist is cut down in the glades, we will soon write reports on the camps in the desert, and not in Taiga ... in the area of \u200b\u200bthe response ridge on the saddle in the direction The Kruglice is already located Latstundra: the trees are small, curved, after the intervention of a person is restored by decades.

4. Route for a trip of the weekend, in which you can see the main attractions of Tagana

On the official website of the park you can find a scheme of paths, the placement plan for the main beautiful places.

I showed the trails along which we went to go around in the summer of 2009 and 2010. Green - the first day. Yellow - second day in the second trip. Red - return diagram to the base in the first hike.

Option 1

The first day. Administration (1) - Bridge across the River Large Tape (2) - "White Key" (3) - shelter "Rundychy key" (4). On this site, we go to complete ammunition: heavy hiking backpacks for themselves. On a rattling, we leave the way to tell the yenchee and running "running" to the top of the response comb (6), the distance to which is 4 kilometers one way.

Second day. In the morning it was rainy and cloudy. In the mountains of the clouds is a solid, impenetrable fog. We, as the hedgehogs, proceeded in the meadow by a responding ridge (6) to the valley of fairy tales (7). There were nothing more visible - on a very cool trail (7-9) descended to the shelter "Taganay" (9). From here, on the old Kialim road returned to the original point of our campaign, where the car was waiting for the parking lot.

Option 2.

The first day. This time we were more lucky with the weather - two days were sunny. Passed from the base (1) to the "White Key" (3) parking lot. They left backpacks on the care of the merger, and they had risen to the top of the mountain double-headed hill (height 1034 meters above sea level). Go down, they sat down and follow the "rude key" (4), where the camp was again broke and the things left the forester. Lightly went to Mitya Rocks (5).

Second day. They did not drag backpacks, they entrusted them to the owner of the shelter "Hardening stream". Released to a responding ridge (6) and further - to the valley of fairy tales (7). Rested, inspected "wonders" and climbed the mountain of the Kruglitsa (8) - the most high vertex In Taganay National Park. Since the lower trail on the old Kialima road is not as interesting (there is only a large stone river), they returned to the beginning of the route the same way that came: 8-7-6 ... 1.

Both times went to the tour in the southern Urals from Ekaterinburg in the evening on Thursday. Opened in a small lake between the cities of Miass and Zlatoust in the tents. The trip on Taganay began the clock at 10 am on Friday. Back to Ekaterinburg returned late in the evening on Saturday (in fact, almost on Sunday). Drive from Zlatoust to the capital of the Middle Urals about 5-6 hours - with rest.

5. The goal of the day in the mountains of the Taganay National Park. Report

In 2009, I photographed Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W15 soap. And only in that PVD for the first time he held a mirror in his hands. It is in those days I understood what kind of camera I need, if I want to bring beautiful, high-quality photos from vacation. In general, some of the pictures presented in this story were removed on the compact chamber, and part of the Canon EOS 400D Kit 18-55 mirror photo app. We did not know how to photograph the processing of RAW files, the layers did not hear, so all the photos were discontinued in JPEG format. I, as I could, tried to prepare pictures for publication, but, dear readers, do not apply strictly! And yet: I ask to condesceve the fact that there will be many selfie in the report - in those happy days I did not know that I would blog and write recommendations on the organization of the tour in the Urals.

So, we left the park in the parking lot of the park administration (the cost of 60 rubles per day), recorded the coordinates of the GPS point of the start and went on a trip.

Top trail is marked with white-blue-white paint. She begins at the barrier before the parking lot. First you go on a hound road, which then turns to the left, the path goes to the right. After some time, the trail is divided into the upper and lower. We folded on the top - there is a bridge over the river a large braid.

5.1 Shelter "White Key" and Mountain Double-headed Sot

Both tracks are found in the shelter white key at the foot of the mountain double-headed hill. The base "White Key" is a few wooden houses, baths and leisure gazebo. Rodnik with a delicious water flows right from the mountain. Here in summer days there are many tourists, because it is not very far from the administration (about 6.5 kilometers). Very near here - a large stone river.

We leave a backpack for storage by huntshe, and they themselves rise, first on the metal stairs, and then - along a very cool path, to the top of the mountain.

Height double-headed hill - 1034 meters above sea level. Types of unforgettable! I am sure that you definitely do not regret the efforts spent on climbing.

7. On one of the "feathers" of the mountain double-headed hill. Park Taganay in Chelyabinsk region

After the descent, we have already been predicted. For 50 rubles you can buy firewood for a fire, groan dinner and stay.

5.2 Shelter Hardening Key and Top Sparkling Comb

Translated the Spirit, go further. Around - a picturesque forest, on the way cross the right influx of the Stone River - Kuruma. We fall on the clearing in front of the shelter "Rhythky Key". Previously, there was a small hut. Now, judging by the official site of the Taganay National Park, built a two-storey guest house (a room can be booked in advance).

I recommend to stop for the night at the rattling key. The most important thing is that flows the stream with the purest mountain water. In the glade at the responding ridge, it seems like, there is also a spring, but we have become witnessed several times, as tourists came to our stream for water from above - i.e. they needed to do the way 4 kilometers down, and 4 - back, with Heavy wear. And on a threatening key, we calmly took water to cook dinner or wash after a heavy hike in the heat.

To this point of the route we come when the sun is still quite high. In July 2009, we left backpacks for storage, and they themselves went to conquer the top of the response comb. He received such a name, because if you scrup something from above, the echo will respond several times. The height of the rocks is about 100 meters, and over the sea level, the mountain rises by 1155 meters. At the base - the curds folded from the huge stone blocks.

We tried to climb the very top. But, first, on the horizon loomed the black, like the underworld, thunder cloud, and build a target for Perun, standing on top, not very much. And secondly, the stones are very large, in some places without climbing equipment it is extremely difficult to rise. And you constantly need to remember that it is much more dangerous to descend in such places! Experienced tourists do not advise clock up, if you are not sure that you will overcome the way down ... Third, two people from our team, including me - fear of height. In general, we got at that time only until the middle of the responding ridge - and now for 6 years I have been tormented by the awareness that the goal is not achieved ... You will have to organize another weekend tour by car to the Chelyabinsk region to conquer this recalcitable tagana peak.

16. In the background - Middle Taganay Range

Returning to the shelter "Hardening key", put the tents, managed to dine the most delicious buckwheat porridge and tea on mountain herbs.

You can not imagine what happiness is it - fluttering into a tent after measured by the steps of 16 kilometers of roads, cutting mountain taiga! You lie, share your impressions of the day with friends, inhale the purest air, listen to the singing of birds ...

And at night - thunderstorm! Electric arrows beat not from above, as in ordinary life, and on the side - the parking lot of the rattling key is located at an altitude of 822 meters above sea level. Unusual, I tell you ...

5.3 Old Kalym Road and Large Stone River in Taganay

In the first trip, in the summer of 2009, the next morning we met a frozen: nothing can be seen at a distance of 50 meters. They took a swing and slipped to the glade at the responding crest. In the fog, it is absolutely not noticeable.

On the saddle between him and the mountain Kruglitsa - a plot of Ferreadra. Pines look like in a fairy tale about Babu Yagu and Koschery Immortal. Fog turned this forest into a fabulous country.

We reached point number 7 on the scheme of the routes of the National Park - the valleys of fairy tales. Here - place of white quartz sand between stiff pines, so the locals call this place with sand slides. And yet - the place of the stones of the bizarre form resembling fabulous characters. But the fog prevented admire the beauty - they found the trail (7-9), leading through the barricades from the fallen trees down, to the shelter "Taganay" (9).

If you decide to climb the mountain Kruglitsa, passing along the old Kialima road (1-9), prepare for the fact that at the end of the way you will be waiting for the assault, almost, with a sheer wall.

The trail 9-1 passes, mainly along the horizontal site. It would seem that it is relief. But without trekking boots - a real test! The road is eliminated by the stones of the average size (with a fist), which painfully dug into the sole.

21. The big Kiahim road is the lower trail. There are no strong slope, as on the top trail, but it is inconvenient because of dirt and stones. Description of routes by tagana

The main tourist attraction on the old Kilaim road is a large stone river. These are the placers of huge stone blocks weighing up to 10 tons in the valley between the ridges of a large and medium tagana. The length of Kurum - 5-6 kilometers, width - from 25 to 250 meters.

By the way, I will remind you that the photos of a small stone river have already seen a weekend campaign report to the Mountains of Bashkiria. Kurumnik is located near the farmland.

For the sim finishing the first part of the travel review on Southern Urals. Today we learned where it is located nature Park Taganai, how to get to it by car and on public transportHow to get to the starting point in the Zlatoust, got acquainted with the map of the route for 2 days and saw photos of several beautiful places: the mountain double-headed hill, the top of the response comb and a large stone river. In the next part, let's see the photo from Mitykina rocks and from climbing the mountain of the Kruglitsa.

Taganay is a mountain range located in the west of the Chelyabinsk region. He occupies part of the Taganai National Park. This is a magnificent creature of nature, beauty embodied in stone.

Name history

Translated from Bashkir Taganai means "Stand of the Moon". And it is very similar to the truth - in a clear night you can observe how the moon as if "sits" on one of the vertices. Local residents Know a lot beautiful legends about his land. They gladly tell them to tourists.

For example, about the battle of the weld brothers with the diva, after which "Divia people" were stubborn under the Ural Mountains. The kingdom of the division fell under Earth and to this day is in captivity. Almost all legends of the local population are built on the fact that the people live in the depths of the mountain, which Millennia is hidden from people.

Taganay Mountain - Characteristics

Taganay - Mountains that surprisingly combine Golt Osts on tops with granite rockslocated in the middle of the century forest, and picturesque river ducts. Mount Taganay is the total name of the three ridges. Them total length - more than 20 kilometers. Locals call them small, medium and large taganay.

Big Taganay consists of several vertices. This is a response comb, double-headed hill, round-clock and far. The highest of them is the Mountain of the Kruglitsa (Taganay). It rose to 1178 m above sea level. The Kruglitsa has a round shape, probably from it and the name occurred. Indigenous people call it the Bashkir hat. She really resembles the Türk headdress of the cone shape. In height of the Kruglitsa, it is believed that the height of the mountain Taganay is 1178 meters.

Top sections are formed by quartzites. A feature of these places is the unique mica with interspersed sparkles, which sparkle in the sun. It is taganit, better known as Avenant. It looks great in souvenirs and decorations.

Almost all tagal ridges are distinguished by a steep slopes of 10-15 ° at the base, 15-25 ° in the middle and 25-35 ° at the top. As a rule, the vertices are not allowed. They are impressive of everyone who comes to see Taganay. Mountains are striking with their greatness and beauty. Especially it should be noted the luxurious response comb.


In this mountain range, they originate the beginning of the river, which then nourish the Great Caspian. First of all, it is the river Kusa with her tributaries Shumy, large and small braid.

Natural features

On this earth there are two climatic belts: one of them is located on tops. It makes up the subgolt forests and meadows, and the second - in the valleys and on the lower slopes of the mountains.

Various natural zones that are connected on Taganay, give this edge a special originality. The northern part of the ridges is covered with fir taiga spruce forests. On the eastern slopes there are taiga forests, in which larchs, birch, larch grow. In addition, there are plots covered with beautiful

Mount Taganay (Zlatoust) on highlands is covered with mountain tundra and subalpiy meadows. These places are unique in that the plants of the Central European, Western, Eastern species, Central Siberian flora are adjacent here. Arctic plants descend on high mountains far to the south, and in the foothills of the East to the North, steppe vegetation is striving.

Taganai Mountain is an old Ural array. Here are the manifestations of seismic activity. In 2002, the last 4.5 points earthquake was recorded.

Tagana riddles

In sunny and hot days, many tourists, as well as local residents, are watching an interesting effect - Mount Taganai seems to be swaying. Experts explain this phenomenon proximity to groundwater. Under the influence of the solar rays, moisture begins to evaporate actively, and the effect of the mobility of the mountain massif is created in the air-uplink.

Mount Taganay is part of the Ural zone, which is considered anomalous. Here you can often find the expeditions of ufologists, local residents can see the traces of a "snowy person", tourists talk about meetings with ghosts.

Weather conditions on Taganay are amazing. In a matter of minutes, they can drastically change. During the day, the temperature often fluctuates within ten degrees. Local residents will not surprise the snow that fell in June. Tourists can survive in one day all seasons - from the hot summer to the harsh and windy winter. Another feature is strong winds, they sometimes reaches 50 m per second.

From the mountains of the Tagana, an amazing picture of the Southern Urals opens. Beauty and features natural complex fascinate and surprise. Even in the bad weather of the top of the tagana, shrouded in the fog, is amazed. Tourists from different regions of the country are striving to these places. Here are traditional routes for tourists.

National Park

This unique Park It was created in March 1991. His uniqueness lies in the fact that a variety of animals live on a relatively small area and plants from different geographic belts grow.

Taganai National Park Polon Tyne and Mysteries. Mountain array surrounds a thick forest - the best place For habitat of different unclean. The locals say that the ridge caves are inhabited by amazing creatures, and the Kruglits Mountain is a point of contact with an extraterrestrial mind - he wrote about the Rerich himself.

Nature generously gave the park "Taganay" with his amazing creations. In the relict forest, among unusual stone rivers flow, petsense lives and water from sources are alive. All this magnificence fascinates even the experienced traveler.

Tagana mountains are confronted even an unprepared tourist. Going to the hike, put on comfortable shoes and do not forget the means from ticks and mosquitoes. In the rainy season, travelers are unlikely to be able to do without rubber boots.

Stone river

In this array you can see unique sights. Taganay became famous for the whole world with an amazing natural education, which is a uniform journey of huge rocky fragments. The length of the Taganay Stone River exceeds six kilometers, and its width reaches 200 meters.

The stone river "flows" between the mountain double-headed hill and the ridge of Middle Taganay. Its origin today is not defined. There is a version that the stone river is formed by a glacier who came down from the Tagany mountains.

Anomalous zone

In the forestry of the tagana, which was built at the foot of the mountain, V. N. Efimov, an employee of the environmental department, confirmed rumors about the abnormality of these places.

As it turned out, in the mountains - on the Zenig Ridge - the ball lightning appear quite often, more often than other places. Frequently and in the village of Veselovka. These objects behave quite strangely - beaten in the same places, as if consciously looped while driving. According to experts, there is a "nesting lightning" in classic form, with a reduced soil resistance. This speaks either the large metal fields, or about the sources of water underground.

Mysterious swamp

Anomalous Taganay is represented by an even more mysterious place - it is largely located between the tag of the small tagana in the north and the southern foothills of Jesil. Swamp covers the territory, with an area of \u200b\u200b36 square meters. kilometers and is located in a gigantic depression of tectonic origin. It resembles an oval bowl with a long axis.

On this territory, the psyche of man changes - the orientation is disturbed, because of this, even experienced foresters can be lost here. Travelers here are merry all sorts of amazing things that seem so real that they are taken for a clean coin.

Most likely, this is due to the mixture of underground gases, which contains carbon dioxide and methane. They come out of large deep fallast and have a toxicomatic and psychotropic effect on a person.

Those who wish to wander through the swamp tops expose themselves to fading and sometimes serious poisoning. Such a condition contributes to meetings with "flying plates", humanoids, translucent substances, kimoisors.

Sound Mirages are happening here. Various forest noises can be heard - foliage rustling, as when approaching, close steps. In fact, there will be no one near anyone.

Tourists are more likely to stop at the response ridge. This name he received for the comb shape and loud, repeated echo, which arises due to the reflection of sound from each vertical cliff. If you look at the crest from afar, then it resembles a strip-stegosaurus, and a sea wave, and an elongated comb.

In the north-east, the ridge passes a tectonic rift. In 2002, tourists noted over the taganay several air curvatures in the form of dark pillars. Later, meteorological services confirmed this information. Tornado appeared when the cold front passed through Taganay. It consisted of three independent vortices that were united together.

Sand Gorki

If you go along the path leading to the Kruglice, then you can get to the "valley of fairy tales" - sand slides. This is an extraordinary in its beauty area - the saddle of the lowered here you can see the glades with numerous original remains.

The valley is located in the zone of intense tectonic movements of the past. Between the rocks quite often arises "Walking" fog. Moreover, he also "sings" when it gets into stone cracks and sinks about various grain fortresses. There are a lot of firings without tops - they suffered from autumn and winter windings.

In the meadow, batteries are very quickly discharged, as a result - all the electronic devices are refused to work (camcorders, clocks, cameras). Photographs, as a rule, are being launched, and people see for example flying glowing balls.

The northern part of the Kruglitis is very attractive for Ufolog. This is an ideal flat platform with a size of 0.2x0.4 kilometers. Particularly fanatical Ufologs are confident that this is a place where energy exchange with space is carried out. There are some symbolic letters and signs out of the stones. Here, as a magnet, pulls esoteric, occultists, psychics. If you judge the ribbons on this place, which symbolize the funny desires, and the sacred signs, stacked on the stones, are regularly there are Roerichs. The pilgrims are confident that the top is paid to such attention due to the presence of special positive energy.

Meteorological station

The meteorological station "Tagana Mountain" is located on the top of the distant Taganay. The weatherproof is at an altitude of 1108 meters.

The station was opened in August 1932. There were observations of wind speed, air temperature and atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, precipitation. All information was transmitted on the radio to the management of the Ural Hydrometeorological Service (Sverdlovsk).

During operation, the station was rebuilt twice (in 1965 and 1982). In May 1992, it was closed, and the premises later were transferred to the city's property. Today, the Meteopost Park "Taganay" and the detachment of the rescue service is based.

"Stone rivers flow in an immeasurable depth, which solid drops make up a huge block size" - so poetically described this phenomenon of nature P. P. Alosov. Stone rivers (local name - placer) are not uncommon at Taganay, Ubenge, other ridges of the Southern Urals. They are linearly elongated clusters of stone blocks and rubble, moving from the slopes of the mountains in interguric valleys. The vertices of the mountains of the Roshvypi really resemble real rivers. Their education refers to the era of the last glaciation. At this time, glaciers in the southern Urals covered only the vertices of the ridges, the height of which was close to the heights of the modern Alps (up to 4800 m). In this zone, there was an intensive destruction of rocks intensive destruction. The vertices disintegrated into large blocks, which, under the action of gravity, slowly shifted through the slopes of the ridges, forming a large marine day to the current day, the largest of which on Taganay is a large stone river - stretches for 5-6 km., Reaching in width from 20 to 250 and even up to 700 meters.
You imagine that all this area is engaged in large rounded blocks of quartzite, including the avanturine, a volume of 0.2-30 cubic meters (on average 3-4 cubic meters) and weighing 9-10 tons. Per 100 sq. M. Metroxpeck meters is located up to 300 separate blocks, and in depth they are lowered at least 4-6 meters, i.e. in 3-4 layers. Unlike Kurumnikov, who to this day slowly move along the slopes of the mountains, the large stone river today is almost fixed, because it lies on the surface with a slope of only 2.5 °.
Under the "channel" of the ancient stone streams, numerous mountain spherians often hide, muffled the murmur of which can be heard in different places of large placers.
According to the famous local historian of the city of Zlatoust - Kozlov Alexander Veniaminovich, and he stoned all the stone river along and across: the total area of \u200b\u200ba large stone river about 90 hectares. On this territory only on the surface lies more than 2.5 million stone blocks with a volume of 1-2 cubic meters. M each, and in all of them can take up to 8-9 million, if we consider that in the arows they lie in three or four layers. For comparison: to build a famous egyptian pyramid Cheops went 2.3 million limestone blocks with a volume of near a cubic meter. From here it turns out that only in one large stone river in the "disassembled" form lay 3-4 pyramids of Heops. That is these wonderful places, we decided to visit. To see yourself, well, and you show you.
1. Forbid to a fairy tale.

2. Come on the National Park Taganay, is harder and harder, but people manage.

3. Proximated water of the river braid.

4. Burunches.

5.And in every fairy tale, in our same is a princess.

6.Reztsar and queen in search of mushrooms)))

7. Now the princess joined them.

8. Molding berries of rosehip.

9. And here and Ryabinushka at the first stone stream, the tributary of the stone river.

10.Good Majesty Amanita.

11.Really straining your eyesight and see the mythical dragon that lies on the ground head to us. This is a response comb, there is even a legend about him: many years ago it was as if I lived in the cave of the Taganai crest of a lutty beast. He grabbed without disagreeing hiking and equestrian and devoured them. Once she walked the Holy Desert, maybe the same Zosim, he saw a beast, crawling out of the cave, and turned with a prayer to God about the destruction of the monsters. The Lord won the prayer and killed the beast by a stone block, and in memory of people left his voice in the mountains, "the great and terrible," - add competent storytellers of some splitting sense.


13.Pest on a stone river, stones heated in the sun, the murmur of water and beauty around !!!

14.Cliking and large stone river

15. And here there is a place miracle

16. How ???

17.The consumers for life !!!

18. Well, here, the whole pine has grown, without a gram of soil on the stones. Is this not a miracle!?

19.a Stone River, know yourself "runs" further ......

20. In the framework of the Taganai mountains. View from the stone river to the middle tagana.

21. The tuchka had fallen and we were put up home.

22.Uon to that tower, not far from it, our choirs are located))))

23.The way.


25. And for goodbye, Taganay gave us amazing beauty - Sunset !!!

26. Small Taganai (Shabash).


28. Impossigate)))

Well, this tuchka is probably sleeping on Taganay flew ...... Remember how Lermontov?

Opened tuchka golden
On the breast of the Rock-Giant;
In the morning, she was walked early
On the lazuries playing fun;

But there was a wet mark in wrinkle
Old Rock. Alone
He stands, thought deep
And quietly crying in the desert.

See you in South Ural expanses.

Taganay National Park is a group of mountain ranges in the Southern Urals. Its length is 25 km, and the height rises to 1178 m. Here, between the ridges of a large and medium tagana there is a large stone river - an amazing and impressive natural education, a real miracle of nature.

In fact, this is a miracle of nature - a uniform conglomeration of huge rocky boulders, which extends hundreds of meters and looks very similar to the river. The Large Stone River Taganai extends from the northeast to the south-west of about 6 km. The width of the river reaches from 20 to 270 m. On average, the size of the boulders is 3-4 cubic meters by volume, but there are much greater instances - up to 30 meters and 9-10 tons of weight. By coarse counting, we can say that about 300 blocks are located 100 square meters. They lie at least 4.6 m in the depth, forming 3-4 layers.

The stone river consists mainly of Aventurine - type quartzite. Cuchki Aventurine differ in the colors and patterns of lichens on them. There are no more vegetation on the stones other than licinc. Nothing can germinate through the stone conglomeration. The only exceptions are rare pines older than a hundred years. Numerous mountain streams are often burned under the "riverbed" of the ancient rocks. Such a landmark would not definitely be lost in the list of 7 wonders of Russia.

Many mistakenly call the Kurumnik Stone River. Although Kurum (the ancient Turkic cammas are stone rivers, stone streams) even today continues to slide down slowly. But this unusual river is now almost fixed, because the slope does not exceed 2.5 degrees. This unique field is national heritage. Something similar can be found only in India, and more anywhere in the world. The origin of such stone rivers has not been fully studied, but there are versions that the Large Stone River Taganay was formed by a glacier during the descent from the Taganai Mountains.

Local residents say that winter is the most beautiful time in Taganay, and the river itself is a pearl National Park. They invite all tourism lovers to visit this miracle of nature. The air here is extremely clean, and only the singing of birds, the wind, the sun, the smell of fir trees and the rain violate the perfect silence.

See also: