The largest stone river in the world. Large stone river

It is widely famous for its beauties thanks to the picturesque mountain ranges.

Here rent for tourists. Here you can admire the high mountain ranges and bizarre stone remains, scammers of Kurumov and an amazing stone river, stretching a few kilometers, relict forests, subgolestelaithmets and mountain tundra. There are ancient mineral copy here.

The Taganai National Park was created on March 5, 1991. He became the first in the Urals. The park occupies the northern part of the territory of the Zlatoust city district and a minor part of the Kusinsky district Chelyabinsk region. Its area is 56.8 thousand hectares.

We will tell about its most interesting sights.

Large stone river

On Taganai you can get along the upper and lower trail. The lower path passes through a large stone river - a huge stone placer. Its length reaches 5-6 kilometers, width from 20 to 700 meters, and an area of \u200b\u200babout 90 hectares. Only on the surface here lies more than 2.5 million stone blocks.

Two-headed sop

This is the southernmost top of the Large Tagana Ridge and the first mountain peak, which meets on the path of tourists about 7 kilometers from the beginning of the way. The top is a metal staircase, then turning into a regular path. Two-headed hill is the most visited peak tagana. Tourists there are always a lot here round year. In winter, after a long tiring lift, tourists quickly and merrily roll down on the fifth point. But at the same time, you need to remember about the precautionary measures: there were accidents when colliding with trees and stones.

Two-headed sovers are divided into two vertices: (1034 m) and Baranja lba. (1041 m). The trail leads to the first one. On the top of the feathers you can see the remnants of the once-standing metal tower. It was the first television repeater of Zlatoust installed in 1958. He received a signal from Sverdlovsk. However, he worked for a short time - until 1961.

On the one hand, the city of Zlatoust is visible, on the other - beautiful view On the lamb foreheads and showing the grand wall of the response stone.

The southern slope of the mountain is called Climber. As easy to guess, climbers love to train here.

At the foot of the two-headed hill beats the spring - White key. He received its name from white quartzite, which is covered by the bottom. This is the most famous water source Tagana. Its water is transparent and tasty. Softness is even higher than that of the thawing snow. The water is very cold, even in the summer its temperature does not exceed 3-4 degrees. In the past, the white key was read as the holy source, near him stood a wooden cross.

Nowadays, the source has created a whit "White Key". North of two-headed hills (between it and a response comb) are towering small Mitykin Rocks.

Response Crest

The next top of the large tagana (and externally spectacular) is a response comb (1155 m). It was called for its comb-shaped outlines and a loud, multiple echo, resulting from reflecting sound from an almost vertical rocky wall. From afar, depending on the angle of view, it resembles the prehistoric lizard, then the sea wave frozen on takeoff, then the elongated scallop. The length of the cliffs is about 800 meters, the relative height from the foot - 150 meters. In the northeastern part of the response, a large tectonic spill is held, which is unloading underground fractured waters. There are also three rising type spring. True, in the summer they often dry out.

On December 30, 1947, the plane broke on the rocky wall of the response crest, following Chelyabinsk to Moscow. All five people who were aboard died. The body of one of them, found only after a few months, was buried right there. Even these days between the stones you can still find the wreckage of this aircraft.

Mount Kruglitsa

Trail from a response comb to the next top of the Large Tagana Ridge - Kruglice - passes through the so-called Valley of fairy tales. This place is a plot of a subglomal low coniferous forest, surrounded by bizarre-like sugar quartzite remains. Many of the remains have their own names, depending on whom or what they are reminded. The stories of this section of the mountain rocks will easily crumble under the legs of tourists and trails here are covered with coarse-grained quartz sand. It is said that when walking through quartz under the feet in this place sometimes there is a piezoelectric effect and in the dark you can see sparks.

Mount Kruglitsa (1178 m) is the highest point of the entire Taganay mountain range, which received its name for the characteristic rounded form. Externally, she can remind the volcano. The slopes of the mountain are covered with kurumami. Interesting the northern part of the tag of the Kruglitsa, which is an ideal flat platform.

Watching into a clear sunny day for the top of the Kruglitsa, sometimes you can notice the curious effect of swaying the mountain, as if she is about to get away from their foot. This phenomenon of a streamlined shape of the vertex and the close position of pressure underground water (the foot of the Kruglitsa is a solid swamp). The sun, heating stones, carries its heat out of cracks, the air becomes easily familiar, creating such an illusion.

Kruglitsa, like a magnet, attracts esoteric, occultists, psychics. On the stones of paint, then there is a variety of sacred signs. The most common is the sign of Roerich. Also here are a lot of small seidal stones. According to the beliefs of some tourists, they will certainly come true at the roundabout.

To get to the next top of the Large Taganay Range - Far Taganay, - you need to go down and go through the tourist shelter "Taganai". Lifting to distant taganay is very protracted. Already on the approach to the top will meet a well and a sign of the nearby "Botanical Monument of Podgoltsy Raddhodati".

Far Taganay (1146 m) is the northernmost and most extensive top of the Top Taganay Ridge. It is divided by several low, but beautiful ridges. A great view of the neighboring ridges and mountains opens. From Zlatoust to a long-distance tagana more than 20 kilometers.

Here is the most real tundra with vegetation inherent in it. In the autumn there are bodies inherent in the north. Dalnetaganai mountain tundra is unique and is a monument of nature.

At the top there are housekeeping house stations "Tagana-Mountain" - the most highly mountainous in all the Urals. It was opened in 1932, and closed in 1992. Now there is a tourist shelter. Usually tourists are noticeably less here than on other shelters.

Rocks Three brothers

Over the forest between the circle and distant tagana, the rock outs of three brothers are rising. These are three high stone remains, up to 40-50 meters high. AT good weather They are clearly visible from the Kruglitsa.

In the past in this place (as well as on Mount Izl), the Old Believers were hidden. In the XVIIIXIX century, Taganai forests were very popular among Old Believers. Pursued by the authorities, the adherents of the split found here. Sliced \u200b\u200bSkits were built under the ground, skillfully disguised outside the granite blocks, moss, fronted roots of trees. The uninitiated was almost impossible to find them. In addition, hermits were very careful in contacts with the world.

Among them were people who have heard saints. So in the 50s of the XIX century, the old man of Zosima, who came for thousands of the blessing, died in the 50s of the XIX century. After his death, People's Molbo went, that prayer on the grave of the elder (located somewhere on Taganay) heals from diseases and creates wonders. And in 1910, on Taganay, there was a different old man of amvelosy, the power of which the splitters were declared nonplos.

Mount Jurma

Next to the north of the far tagana is the mountain of Jurma. It's the northernmost peak national Park "Taganay", its height is 1003 meters. It is believed that the Southern Urals begins from here, and the locality of the north refers to the Middle Urals. The main attraction of Jurma is the picturesque rock of the damn gate.

Interestingly, in antiquity, Bashkir Jurma was considered a holy place. Attending it forbidden. Translated from the Bashkir "Jurma" means "do not go." Yes, and nowadays, the leadership of Natropark "Taganay" took part of the mountain, which is part of the park borders, to the protected area. For her visit and overnight stays here can write a penalty on a round sum.

Small and medium tagana

In parallel, the large ridges small and medium taganay stretch the big tag. Unlike the main attractions of the National Park, these places are visited infrequently.

Length of a small tagana about 11 kilometers, maximum height 1033 meters. The slopes of the mountain are covered with kurumami, ral outputs rise.

Middle Taganay is the shortest ridge of the system of the Taganai mountain node. His length is 2.5 kilometers. Height reaches 959 meters.

If you go on the way to the magnitics on the entrance to national ParkYou can get on a black cliff. Rock remains are tested here, which offer a beautiful panorama on the mountain range Big Taganay. The height is 853 meters, refers to the Norm Milk Range. In the summer there is a festival of author's song "Black Rock". Black cliff is dedicated.

Ahmatov spear

On Tagana, several miners and mineral kits acted in the past. The most famous Mineral Tagana - Avenant. This is a type of quartzite, which is a valuable diverse stone. Taganai Aventurine even got its name - Taganait. In the Hermitage you can see a vase made from Taganai Avanturin.

Perhaps the most famous mineral spear Tagana - Akhmatovskaya. It is located near the road to the magnitis, is known since 1811. It consists of two large workings and a series of small shurts. What only minerals are not found here! ..

City of Zlatoust

The path to Taganay begins from the city of Zlatoust - the Motherland of Bulat Steel and the unique engraving on steel. This South Ural city is dedicated. If you have time, you can get acquainted with its sights, look into a good local lore museum, climb the bell tower on the red hill and admire the mountain park. P.P. Bazhova. The city is surrounded by picturesque mountains. It gives him charm, although the city itself, must be recognized, very launched by the city authorities.

How to get to Tagany?

Taganai National Park is northeast of the city of Zlatoust Chelyabinsk region.

By car from Chelyabinsk or Ufa, you need to go along the M5 highway, then turn to Zlatoust. From Yekaterinburg, you need to go through the Chelyabinsk tract, then turn on Castle. At the beginning of the city of Miass turn right - to Zlatoust. To navigate the map below. The car can be left on the car park near the entrance to the National Park. Here you can visit the Museum of Nature.

Also in Zlatoust walk buses and trains, and train from Chelyabinsk.

Entrance to the park on the passport and for the fee. Pay to pay even for overnight stay with your tent. On the territory of the park there are several shelters with houses, book places in which you need in advance.

Go to Taganay is better not less than 4-5 days. This is enough to get around its main peaks. A visit is possible at any time of the year, but it is worth considering that weather conditions in the mountains are always noticeably tougher. Good trips!

"Stone rivers flow in an immeasurable depth, which solid drops make up a huge block size" - so poetically described this phenomenon of nature P. P. Alosov. Stone rivers (local name - placer) is not uncommon on Taganay, Ubenge, other ridges of the Southern Urals. They are linearly elongated clusters of stone blocks and rubble, moving from the slopes of the mountains in intermountary valleys. The tops of the mountains are really reminded by real rivers. Their education refers to the era of the last glaciation. At this time, glaciers on Southern Urals Only the vertices of the ridges were covered, the height of which was close to the heights of the modern Alps (up to 4800 m). In this zone, there was an intensive destruction of rocks intensive destruction. The vertices disintegrated into large blocks, which, under the action of gravity, slowly shifted through the slopes of the ridges, forming a large marine day to the current day, the largest of which on Taganay is a large stone river - stretches for 5-6 km., Reaching in width from 20 to 250 and even up to 700 meters.
You imagine that all this area is engaged in large rounded blocks of quartzite, including the avanturine, a volume of 0.2-30 cubic meters (on average 3-4 cubic meters) and weighing 9-10 tons. Per 100 sq. M. Metroxpeck meters is located up to 300 separate blocks, and in depth they are lowered at least 4-6 meters, i.e. in 3-4 layers. Unlike Kurumnikov, who to this day slowly move along the slopes of the mountains, the large stone river today is almost fixed, because it lies on the surface with a slope of only 2.5 °.
Under the "channel" of the ancient stone streams, numerous mountain spherians often hide, muffled the murmur of which can be heard in different places of large placers.
According to the famous local historian of the city of Zlatoust - Kozlov Alexander Veniaminovich, and he stoned all the stone river along and across: the total area of \u200b\u200ba large stone river about 90 hectares. On this territory only on the surface lies more than 2.5 million stone blocks with a volume of 1-2 cubic meters. M each, and in all of them can take up to 8-9 million, if we consider that in the arows they lie in three or four layers. For comparison: to build a famous egyptian pyramid Cheops went 2.3 million limestone blocks with a volume of near a cubic meter. From here it turns out that only in one large stone river in the "disassembled" form lay 3-4 pyramids of Heops. That is these wonderful places, we decided to visit. To see yourself, well, and you show you.
1. Forbid to a fairy tale.

2. Come on the National Park Taganay, is harder and harder, but people manage.

3. Proximated water of the river braid.

4. Burunches.

5.And in every fairy tale, in our same is a princess.

6.Reztsar and queen in search of mushrooms)))

7. Now the princess joined them.

8. Molding berries of rosehip.

9. And here and Ryabinushka at the first stone stream, the tributary of the stone river.

10.Good Majesty Amanita.

11.Really straining your eyesight and see the mythical dragon that lies on the ground head to us. This is a response comb, there is even a legend about him: many years ago it was as if I lived in the cave of the Taganai crest of a lutty beast. He grabbed without disagreeing hiking and equestrian and devoured them. Once she walked the Holy Desert, maybe the same Zosim, he saw a beast, crawling out of the cave, and turned with a prayer to God about the destruction of the monsters. The Lord won the prayer and killed the beast by a stone block, and in memory of people left his voice in the mountains, "the great and terrible," - add competent storytellers of some splitting sense.


13.Pest on a stone river, stones heated in the sun, the murmur of water and beauty around !!!

14.Cliking and large stone river

15. And here there is a place miracle

16. How ???

17.The consumers for life !!!

18. Well, here, the whole pine has grown, without a gram of soil on the stones. Is this not a miracle!?

19.a Stone River, know yourself "runs" further ......

20. In the framework of the Taganai mountains. View from the stone river to the middle tagana.

21. The tuchka had fallen and we were put up home.

22.Uon to that tower, not far from it, our choirs are located))))

23.The way.


25. And for goodbye, Taganay gave us amazing beauty - Sunset !!!

26. Small Taganai (Shabash).


28. Impossigate)))

Well, this tuchka is probably sleeping on Taganay flew ...... Remember how Lermontov?

Opened tuchka golden
On the breast of the Rock-Giant;
In the morning, she was walked early
On the lazuries playing fun;

But there was a wet mark in wrinkle
Old Rock. Alone
He stands, thought deep
And quietly crying in the desert.

See you in South Ural expanses.

There is such a miracle of nature in the Chelyabinsk region as a stone river: an amazing and impressive natural education. Large stone river Tagana - Nature Monument. Education similar to him on the size and beauty of stones is known only in India and anywhere else on the globe.

Stone river is a uniform journey of huge rocky fragments, which stretches for many hundreds of meters and outwardly very similar to the river.

The big stone river is located between the ridges of the large and medium tagana and stretches from the northeast to the southwest for about 6 km, reaching a width of 20 to 270 m. Camera river consists of large blocks of up to 30 m³ (but on average 3 -4 m³). Per 100 sq. M. The meters is located up to 300 blocks, they lie down at least at least 4-6 m, i.e. In 3-4 layers. No vegetation, except lichen, is not here. Nothing can germinate through a stone stick.

Numerous mountain streams are often buried under the "river" of the ancient stone streams.

Stone rivers are mainly from quartzits, and on Taganay - from their variety - Avenant.

The origin of stone rivers is not fully studied, there are versions that the Glacier formed the Glacier during the gathering from the Taganai Mountains.

Many mistakenly refer to the Kurumnik Stone River. Unlike Kurumov, which today continue to slide down slowly, the large stone river is almost fixed, and the slope here does not exceed 2.5 °.

Coordinates The beginning of the Stone River on the tourist trail:
55 ° 14'44.58 "C
59 ° 46'24.27 "In
Further, the trail crosses the stone channel

Visit this miracle of nature is obliged every tourist. The stone river on Tagana is available for both family campaign. Getting easy.
In the north of Zlatoust, find the pos. Pushkinsky (from him the road begins in the village. Magnitka.
After 300 m. On the left there will be a Poklonnaya Cross, and on the right indicator "Taganay National Park". Here in the house with the inscription "Registration of tourists" you need to be celebrated in the journal. Before entering the park there are information stands.
The "lower" path of the trail itself, which crosses the large braid along the lower bridge, leads to the strongest river. The route can be viewed in detail on the stands or ask the employee of the park.

To live in Zlatoust and not to visit Tagana - this is how Muscovite never stroll around Red Square. True, we did not get into the mountains, and for a start you just walked down at the bottom, to the Stone River.

So, Taganay National Park is a huge territory including forests, mountains, rivers and swamps. Lovers of hiking and overnight in the tents come here from all over the country to spend several days in special parking - shelters, and even these places are attracted by Ufologs and other lovers of all kinds of abnormalities. However, for family walks on a sunny day, it is also great.

At the entrance of tourists meets a banner with brief information About Taganay:

On the right of the banner is the central estate - a small "administrative building", it is the same ticket and the store of souvenirs. First of all go there.

Before you go to the park itself, you must pay for the entrance and register. The fee for the entrance to Taganay was introduced if I'm not mistaken, from February of this year. For residents of Zlatoust and surroundings, it is symbolic - 10 rubles, for all others - 100 rubles per person. It is necessary to register in order for the park and forester workers to know how many people went to the mountain and how much returned. Do not forget to go to them on the way back and register an output (although I'm not sure that if you don't do it, everyone will run in search).

Well, now, when all the formalities are settled, you can go. We have to go about 5-6 kilometers.
The first kilometer resembles any city park. This is the main trail, quite wide and drowning:

There are often marking on trees. Some indicate the distance from the central estate:

Others are understandable only to the most awareness:

Near one of the anthills there is such a sign:

And the trees hang feeders with memos:

Here the trail is divided into "upper" and "lower". As we go to the Stone River, we need a lower trail, which is also called the old Kialim road. And here is the first stream:

Here are several of them, and everything can be moved along wooden bridges. The streams themselves are small and shallow, but their bottom and coast are covered with viscous mud, in which the foot instantly fails.

But this is an obstacle time - the river is a big tape, we also go through the bridge:

The new pointer offers to choose between the shelters a white key and tagana. We go to a white key:

A little more and finally a pointer to a large stone river:

So you go, go along the path and suddenly you start notify that on the left side, instead of the forest suddenly something whites for trees:

Here it is finally a large stone river:

Huge stones weighing up to 10 tons lie smoothly, as if the road, gravel, well, or a river flowing from the mountains. Won there, at the top, see, she "flows" from the mountain?

The length of the stone river is approximately 6 kilometers, the width in some places reaches up to 700 meters. We were at the very beginning of the river, here it is not so wide. But still impressive.

In one place between the stones of the trail of the trail so that you can safely go, and do not climb on the stones, which is quite dangerous.

Despite the beginning of May, there are still snowing between stones covered with lichens:

If you listen, you can hear the murmur of water that flows under the stones. But it is very deep - the stones lie on each other for another 4-6 meters deep.

In fact, photos do not transmit half of this beauty, as well as those sensations that you experience, looking at the endless smooth "stream" of stones.

So far, no one can say exactly how a stone river was formed. Some believe that it slipped the glacier from the mountains, others are confident that the stones slowly rolled down as a result of the destruction of the mountains due to weathelation, the third and at all attribute volcanic activities and earthquakes at all. Whatever it was, imagine what a roar would stand if thousands of huge stones have suddenly began to ride with the mountains, faced with each other?

And in conclusion, I suggest to see a small video about Taganai and the Stone River, for atmospheric, so to speak 🙂

Taganai from Bashkir language denotes "Moon stand". At night, the Moon, as it were, gets up on the support, which is Mount Taganay. Its length is more than 20 km and it consists of a large, medium and small ridges.

The history of the creation of the park "Taganay"

Natural National Park is located near the town of Zlatoust, which is located in the Chelyabinsk region. Strengthened forest cutting in the Urals were held since the late sixties of the last century. The barbaric deforestation technique was used when the loggers on powerful technique completely poured the entire forest in a large area. After such works in this area, only Chertopago is more than 10 years. The country was needed by building material and few people thought about the consequences that may arise after the destruction of the forest. And only in 1985, articles on environmental topics began to appear in the press, in which the question of the mindless cutting of forest arrays was raised.

In 1988, the Chelyabinsk production logging association planned to take off the cut of 20 thousand cubic meters of Taganay Forest. At this time (January 1988), representatives of the local community wrote an open letter to the Zlatoust newspaper about the barbarous destroying of forests, containing about 30 signatures of employees of various enterprises of the city. January is considered a month of creating a public forest protection committee. Under the pressing public, the leadership of the city decides to create a national park on the territory of the Zlatoust Forest Plant. And in early March 1991, the State Natural Natural Park Taganay was formed.

general information

Taganay is a huge stone chain with a length of more than 20 kilometers and consisting of ridges, called large, small and medium mountain Taganay.

The height of one of the ridges is represented: a response comb, double-headed hill, distant tagana and a circle. The other is Shabala and Mont Blanc. The middle ridge is just 960 meters. The closest to the city of Zlatoust is a small ridge with a length of about 8 kilometers.

There are many delightful places in the park, which attract visitors from different parts of the country. Here are unusual stone sculptures, big mountain ridges, Stone rivers, vintage copy, mountain tundra, sprues, relict forests, many mountain rivers, huge ridges of mountains. The entrance to the park overlooks the tops of the lamb foreheads and feathers two-headed hills, the height of which is more than a kilometer.

The soles of the hills have a spring, referred to as a white key. Surprisingly transparent and soft enough water even on the hottest day remains cool. Its temperature does not exceed 4 degrees. White quartzite covers the bottom of the source and radiates a pleasant light, because this place is considered to be holy.

The next sightseeing of the park is the top with the name of the response comb, the height of which is more than 1000 meters. With loud sounds next to him, a multi-voiced stunning echo is heard. If you look at it from a specific side, it looks like an ancient pocket, an elongated comb or sea wave.

Several stone rocks, about 40 meters high, which are located apart at a short distance, are called three brothers. It is the stone sculpture between the round and distant tagana. If you look at them from afar, the feeling arises that this mighty brothers come down together with the top.

By quartz sand trail, from a response crest through the valley of fairy tales, you can get to the mountain of the Kruglitsa. The valley of fairy tales is a small plot on which the low-spirited subgolse forest is growing, surrounded by intricate sculptures from quartzits. Each stone is similar to wonderful animals or characters from fairy tales.

Far Taganai

This mountain is harsh. There are constantly blowing winds, there are no place to hide from burning rays flying Sun.But nevertheless, the terrain looks quite hospitable. Early in the morning when a thick fog descends into the valleys, on this elevation is sunny, the golden rays are twisted with the already bright berries lingonberries and the tops of the tops of the rocky mountains. The thirty-fertile heat at the foot of the mountain of Taganai can change the sharply with the rise of the chilling cold. Strong gusts of wind sometimes exceed the speed of 40 meters per second.

When lifting and descent from the mountain in June or August, within an hour you can see at once four times of the year. Very beautiful nature on Tagana during the August winter. Trees, grass and cliffs are decorated with lace from the snowy frost. Thick wires are covered with ice crust and savory, barely not touching the earth. Strong wind leaves pieces of ice from them and dispels on a snow-white tundra. Going down half aalkometer down, you can find beautiful paints of autumn. The leaves of trees are yellowish-green, and bright rope of rowan is covered with small whims of snow lumps. Slightly down, in the valley, the rays of the hot summer sun sparkle.

In 1932, a meteorological station was opened in 1932, which existed before the beginning of 2005. Meteorologists not only predicted the weather, but also have always assisted tourists who fell into trouble.

Big Taganai

From Zlatoust Mount Taganai is in eight kilometers. Here is a big tagana, consisting of three vertices: double-headed hills, a response ridge and round-clock.

Middle Taganai

Eight kilometers from the border of the Taganai Park between the Small and large, the middle Taganay is located. Its length is approximately two and a half kilometer, it has three weakly distinguished hills and consists of quartzite minerals. On the vertices are the remains having different forms. The slopes of the hills of the Mount Taganay are covered by the places of the Kurumnik, juniper, larchs, low firs, birch, fir.

Small Taganai

Mountain array tagana on the east side is called small tagana. It is just three kilometers from Cordon Taganay Park and stretched for integer eleven kilometers from the southwest to the northeast. Rocky ridges are located on the northern and southern parts of the ridge, the western slopes are covered with Kurubi. In the central part there is a high-altitude plateau, on which spruce and birch are growing. The top third of the ridge is occupied by mountain meadows covered with thick vegetation. The entire mountain tagana massif is visible from the tops of a small tagana.

Mount Kruglitsa

This is the most high Point Tagana, which rises at the level of 1 km 178 m. The name of the mountain is associated with the rounded form inherent in it, although a portion of the vertex on the north has a impeccable flat surface. In a cloudless day, when the sun shines brightly, watching the round, you can see how she shakes - it seems that the mountain is as if ready to break away from the foot. This effect is explained by the rounded form of stones, as well as closely located underground waters (the foot of the mountain is in the swamp). The stones heated by the sunshine lose moisture, which is stored in the rusts, the air is made mobile and the illusion described above is created. The Mountain of the Kruglitsa in Taganay, as if a huge powerful magnet, attracts people who are interested in mysterious and paranormal phenomena. There is also a belief that all the complaced desire will definitely come true.

Unusual tagana river

Stone rivers are an amazing natural formation, which is a clutter of elongated rocky fragments of a huge amount, stretching for hundreds of kilometers. Rossels call their inhabitants of those places.

One of the legends of the formation of these rivers says that the reason was the glacier who came down from the Taganai mountains and contributed to the destruction of rocks. Large blocks under the action of gravity due to the collapse of the top of the mountain gradually shifted on the slopes of the ridges, forming the river from the stone. Between the ridges, the middle and large Taganay is located the most huge one. Large stone river on a spindle of about six kilomometers, and the width of some places range from 20 to 700 m. The blocks of a round shape stone and weighing about 10 tons are located on the entire length. Inland, these blocks lie about five meters, and about 300 pieces are located on 100 square meters. From the vegetation in this place there is a lichen and rare ate, whose age has several hundred years. As part of the Avenant chill, this is one of the types of quartzite.

Losying stone blocks from color Aventurine, which are located under the eggs and distant tagana, are called the Kurumnaya River. Pines of bizarre form growing near the placers, beautifully framed multicolored stones.

Mountain Pencil

In the Southern Urals of the Kusinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, on the territory of the Arshinsky reserve, one of oldest mountains Our planet called a pencil that in translation means "black stone". Her age is estimated at 4.2 billion years. Over time, under the influence of wind, air and water, the mountain height decreased to 600 meters.

The breed of black stone from which the pencil consists, is called writing. This is one of the rarest and very ancient stones of our planet. Its composition is similar to the composition of the earthly manta and does not contain organics. Many residents of the Urals do not even suspect that they live near the amazing monument of nature, although the data on him was published by scientists in the press for quite a long time.

Mount Mont Blanc

Average I. Small mountain Taganai in the Urals is connected by a water-seeding coaster on which the top of Mont Blanc is located. From the city of Zlatoust to it fifteen kilometers. The height of the mountain is 1025 meters. She received her name in honor of the highest mountain clusters Western Europelocated in the Western Alps. A wonderful look opens to the Taganai Mountains from the top of Mont Blanc, it is from here that are accessible to the ferris of the main tops of the tagana.

Deep in history

This area has ancient history And many interesting facts. For example,

  1. Information about the oldest ridges in the world will be varied, but many official sources confirm that this is the Ural Mountains.
  2. The Ural Mountains in Russia from the XI century were called the Earth's belt or a large stone. In the Middle Ages, they began to call them the Urals.
  3. Modern lands of the Southern Urals were first called, in one word, the Urals.
  4. Among the Old Believers, Taganai Forests in the eighteenth - nineteenth century were very popular. He lived there and the old man of Zosim, who heard saints. People's Solva says that the prayer read on his grave, located on Taganay, creates unprecedented miracles and heals from ailments.
  5. Raspckers spent their secret rites in the area of \u200b\u200bstone remains, called three brothers. It was one of the favorite seats of the Old Believers.
  6. Ural began to "see" about five hundred million years ago. As a result, there was a decrease in the level of elevations.
  7. Mount Taganai finally developed twenty-five million years ago.
  • It turns out that in Canada exist mountain peakswhich are approximately the peers of the Mountain Pencil.
  • Water on the top of the mountain ridge boils at a temperature of 96 degrees, since the atmospheric pressure on it is below 100 mm than above sea level.
  • The softness of water from a white key is higher than that of the thawing snow.
  • Some local residents And numerous tourists who visited Taganai saw the landing of the UFO and found traces of a snowy man. And others even come into contact with them and fell at another time. True, this is either fiction, everyone decides himself. But, undoubtedly, Taganay is located in mystics.

Tourist routes

Ural Mountains Taganai attract a huge number of tourists and are included in the abnormal Ural zone. There are several roads in the National Park:

  • from the southwestern side: Zlatoust - Magnitka - Alexandrovka;
  • with South - Zlatoust - Miass.

Tourist trails are laid in the intermore valleys and the mountains themselves. One of the most famous comes along the eastern slope of a large tagana. It is in these places a valuable natural complexesnot yet touched by a person:

  • Three stone rocks, called three brothers.
  • Nikolay-Maximilian spear.
  • Reference comb.
  • Osts of the damn gate on the top of the mountain of Jurma.
  • river big tape and big kialym.
  • Akhmatov mine.
  • Sopka Three sisters, a saliva slide and several remains without a name located near the two-headed hills, together forming the so-called Mitykins of the rocks.

Snowproofs in the South Urals keeps from 160 to 190 days. The maximum air temperature is +38 degrees, and the minimum -50.

Taganai mountain array - one of unique corners Nature located on the territory of the South Urals.

See also: