Mount Elbrus Brief information for children. Message about Mount Elbrus

It is said that to one of the rocks of this mountain, Prometheus was chained for giving people to people. It was here that, according to Homer, Jason went for the golden rune. And also go the legends that it was Elbrus who turned out to be the first block of land, which met the Noah after the World Flood, and his ship literally hit the top and split it.

Stratovulican Elbrus is located at some distance from the Grand Caucasus Range (20 km north) and is the highest point of Russia. Since a clearly defined border between Asia and Europe does not exist, many believe that he is the highest mountain vertex European continent, the height of which is 5642 meters.

ELBRUS formed somewhat differently than the rest Caucasian MountainsPart of which he is: they appeared earlier, about 5 million years ago, and are of a folded nature. And the volcano was formed later, about 1 million years ago, as a result of complex and long-term geological processes: First, the Western Top appeared, and then, from the eastern side of the lateral crater, the second cone began to form. Nowadays, the volcano is not active, but it is also impossible to call it too: the manifestations of volcanic activity here are still observed.

What does Elbrus look like

Nature here is diverse: mountain meadows, rare plants and animals, coniferous forests, the stormy rivers leave no one indifferent, and some time ago in the area of \u200b\u200bthe volcano, the National Park "Elbrusier" was created, and therefore neither to hunt or cut down the forest or deal with construction here It is impossible.

At the foot of Elbrus there is a huge number of extremely beautiful gorges, and from the northern side there is a famous tract of Jyl-Soo with mineral thermal sources and beautiful waterfalls Height from 20 to 40 meters, among which the Malki Waterfall Sultan is very highlighted in the upper reaches.

On the slope of the mountain, at an altitude of about three hundred meters, there is a huge size of the ice lake Dzhikaugenköz. In its middle part rises resembling medieval castle The Kalitsky peak, the height of which exceeds 3.5 km, where the platform with the cultic sanctors, which were created from large stones.

The volcano itself looks like this:

  • Elbrus has two vertices, each of which is two volcanoes independent of each other, connected by the saddle, the height of which is 5.3 km. The distance between the vertices is about three kilometers;
  • Eastern, more young cone, slightly lower than Western, and its height is 5621 m. It has a clearly pronounced crater, a diameter of 200 meters, and a depth - about 80 m;
  • The height of the Western vertex is almost extinct volcano - 5642 meters, the diameter of the crater is 600 meters, the depth is 300 m, and the upper part of the volcano is partially destroyed;
  • The slopes of the mountain mostly canolates, but closer to the top, starting from the mark of 4 thousand km, the angle of inclination increases to 35 degrees;
  • From the northern and western side of Elbrus, there is a huge amount of sheer cliffs with a height of about 700 meters;
  • From a height of 3.5 km, the volcano covers stones and glaciers, there are about 70 glaciers in total on Elbrus, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich exceeds 130 km². Water flowing from Elbrus glaciers creates three main streams that feed the main rivers of this region - Baksan, Kuban and Malka;
  • The surface of the volcano, free from glaciers, is covered with loose rocks;
  • Snow cover on the top of Elbrus lies for a whole year.

On the northern slope of the mountain, at an altitude of about 3 km, there is a lava tract Birjal with a huge number of left-mounted sand remains, which are under the influence of precipitation, weathered, soil erosion, collapsed and created numerous jets of bizarre form that formed the grottoes and caves. They hang over each other, forming bridges, arches, consoles and, refraction in different directions, acquire different bizarre forms.

Activity of volcano

It is believed that over the entire period of existence, the current volcano showed volcanic activity about four times, and the age of the most ancient volcanic rocks of this mountain is about three million years.

The greatest volcanic activity of the volcano showed about 225 thousand years ago, then his activity was gradually slept, and for the last time he was erupted about two thousand years ago (on the suggestion of scientists, it was about 50 g. E.). Despite the fact that this eruption was not anywhere fixed, on the mountain, the lava flows up to 24 km and 260 km were found on the mountain. sq. Volcanic fragments, which indicates that emissions were quite strong.

Although the volcano does not remind himself an extremely long time, volcanologists consider it not extinct, but sleeping (valid), since it demonstrates active external and internal activities - first of all, this is manifested in the discharge of sulfate and chloride gases on the eastern slopes, as well as in stock famous to the world of mineral thermal sources "Hot Narzan", the temperature of which reaches + 52 ° C and + 60º C (apparently, the magmatic focus of the volcano is at a depth of 6-7 km from the earth's surface).

Many scientists agree on the fact that the volcano is unlikely to wake up in the next two to three centuries.

Some scientists believe that Elbrus may well be activated already in this century (though, not earlier than fifty years), arguing its conclusions not only by the manifestation of fumurol activity volcano, but also due to the green moss of the mountains found on the Western Top. The soil temperature in this place was + 21 ° C, while the temperature indicators of the environment showed a minus temperature (-20º C).

Weather Elbrus

Not everyone who starts climbing Elbrus, will be able to conquer it, especially if he decides to do it in the offseason - in spring or autumn. Closer to the top of even well-prepared climbers, it may well stop not only a firing cold, but also a terrifying force that knocks down the wind, whose impulses reach 100 km / h.

The most stubborn can, despite the bad weather, get to a height of 4 thousand km, but this weather will stop any - snow, storm and temperature in minus thirty degrees, in these conditions climb upstairs extremely dangerous for life.

Since near Elbrus, warm and wet Mediterranean and Black Sea cyclones are found with cold Antarctic, Elbrus climate is extremely changed: the summer heat is quickly replaced by a firing cold, and the clouds are capable of covering the whole mountain, to hide absolutely all landmarks - and the traveler will have to rely only on his own .

Wet air flows going on the side of the Black Sea are caused by numerous precipitations on Elbrus, mainly in the form of snow, which can fall out at high altitude both for minus and with positive temperature indicators. The most precipitates falls here in summer and winter, which is why the most favorable time for lifting is November, when constant dense snow cover is installed, and winter.

The most dangerous period for the lift to the volcano is the spring or autumn months: the weather is bad and unstable at this time, and the temperature on the vertices even in May can fall to -50 degrees Celsius. So, a few years ago, a group of climbers from twelve people at the end of Spring made an attempt to climb the volcano. But because of the sharp deterioration in the weather and the loss of visibility, the climbers got lost, and then they were too frozen to death - only one person was able to go down.

Rescue station Elbrus

To avoid such situations, it was decided to create a rescue shelter - work began in 2007 and ended in five years. Construction was not easy, because at a huge height it was necessary to deliver materials and fastening systems, which was done with a helicopter. The first opening of the shelter occurred in 2010, but after a month the hurricane completely destroyed the construction.

Given the need for such a structure, it was decided to restore the shelter, but to make it a smaller more windy-resistant - and by August 2012 on the Saddle of Elbrus (5300 over y. M.) The most high rescue shelter on the European continent was erected.

In the Ridge of the Caucasian Mountains is Elbrus. It is also considered the whole of Europe. Its location is such that several peoples live around it, which are called him differently. Therefore, if you hear such names like Alberis, Oshomaho, Mingitau or Yalbuz, know that they indicate the same thing.

In this article will introduce you to closer with the most high mountain In the Caucasus - Elbrus, who was once acting volcano, and occupying the fifth place on the planet, among the mountains formed in the same way.

Height of the vertices of Elbrus in the Caucasus

As already mentioned, the highest mountain of Russia is the extinct volcano. This is why it is due to the fact that its top has no pointed form, but looks like a two-service cone, between which there is a saddle at an altitude of 5 km 200 m. Located 3 km from each other, two tops are different: East 5621 m, and Western - 5642 m. In the background indicates always great importance.

Like all former volcanoes, Elbrus consists of two parts: a pedestal of rocks, in this case it is 700 m, and a bulk cone formed after eruptions (1942 m).

Starting from a height of 3500 m, the surface of the mountain is covered with snow. First, the stones are moving away, and then turning into a homogeneous white cover. The most famous glaciers of Elbrus are TERCHOP, Big and Small Aza.

The temperature on the top of Elbrus practically does not change and is 1.4 ° C. There is a large amount of precipitation, but because of such a temperature regime, it is almost always snow, so the glaciers do not melt. Since Elbrus's snowy hat is visible round year For many kilometers, the mountain is also called "Small Antactide".

Glaciers located on the top of the mountains nourish the most large rivers These places are Kuban and Terek.

Climbing to Elbrus.

To see a beautiful view that opens from the top of Elbrus, it is necessary to climb it. It's easy enough to do so, since a 3750 m height can be reached on the southern slope on the pendulum or chair cable car. Here is a shelter for travelers "barrels". It represents 12 insulated carriages for 6 people and inpatient kitchen. They are equipped in such a way that you can wait for any bad weather, even for a long time.

The next stop is usually performed at an altitude of 4100 m in the hotel "Shelter Eleven". The parking lot here was installed in the 20th century, but was destroyed by fire. Then in her place rebuilt a new building.

The first vertices of Elbrus were conquered in 1829 Eastern and 1874 - Western.

Now the climbers are popular with Donguzorunica and East arrays, as well as the Gorge of Adylsu, Adyirs and Schelda. Mass ascent on tops are increasingly organized. From the south the Ski Resort Elbrus Azau is located. It consists of 7 tracks, total length 11 km. They are suitable for skiing and beginners and experienced skiers. A distinctive black of this resort is freedom in movements. On all routes there is a minimum number of fences and separators. It is recommended to visit it since October to May during this period it costs the strongest snow.

Elbrus, at the same time, very beautiful and dangerous mountain. After all, according to scientists, there is a chance that in the next 100 years the volcano will wake up, and then all the regions located nearby (Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia) will suffer.

Elbrus - Sameya big Mount Russia and Europe! One of the "magnificent seven" of the highest peaks of our planet, with which even the Black Sea and the Turkish coast can be seen ..

Elbrus is a little north of the main Caucasus ridge at the republic's border Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Elbrus. (Mount Elbrus) - a two-headed volcano in the north of the Caucasus Mountain System.
The height of the Western Vertine is 5642 m.
Eastern vertex height - 5621 m.
Saddle height - 5300 m.

The white double-headed volcanic cone Elbrus is noticeably different from the entire mountain landscape of the Caucasus and you can see it in good weather For a hundred kilometers. Nearest settlement - pos. Terkol (Rep. Kabardino-Balkaria) in the Baksan Gorge at the foot of the mountain itself.

Elbrus coordinates on maps:
43 ° 21'11 "S.Sh. 42 ° 26'13 "V.D.

The peaks of Elbrus.

Thanks to the status of the highest point of Europe, climbing the top of Elbrus is popular among climbers around the world and is estimated as one of the "steps" to conquer the "seven vertices".

Despite the ease of routes, Mount Elbrus annually takes dozens of human lives. A greater the death of the mountain is caused by a complex climate with changeable weather, as well as weak preparation of climbers without experience. Visually the vertices of Elbrus seem to be easily saved, which instantly excites the hearts and minds of many people on the "conquest of the mountain" and even those who have never been engaged in mountaineering ... In fact, this simplicity is deceptive and in reality a person without training falls into the hardest conditions in which not Always manage to survive ...

Climbing to Elbrus.

The peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East folded a large number of songs and legends about Elbrus.

One of the legends tells about the fact that earlier the mountain was one-burnt. The Magic Bird Simurg, giving up the horses, who inhabited the valleys of mountain gorges, happiness and prosperity inhabited. This idyll lasted for a long century, while the desire to take possession of the podnely throne of birds did not lead to her possessions of two greedy people. Their cruel struggle was stopped by the highest forces: blinding lightning cut the sky, the terrible thunder broke out and the Elbrus broke out in half, hesitating fiery streams on its way. After such a terrible fight, the Simurg Magic Bird disappeared deeply underground, the sadness of the ungratefulness and greed of people.

According to studies of scientists, Elbrus did not remind himself quite a long time, but, despite this, the current degree of activity does not give experts to take it to extinct volcanoes, now he carries the status "Sleeping". The volcano really leads quite active external and internal activities. In his depths, there are still hot masses, heating local "hot narzans" - sources saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches + 52 ° C and + 60ºС. In the bowels of the volcano begins the life of many famous sources medical resorts Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and the entire area of \u200b\u200bCaucasian mineral waters.

Flowers on the mountain peaks of the Caucasian Mountains.

The climate on Elbrus is characterized by the severity relating to him with the Arctic areas. average temperature The warmer month of the year does not rise above the election of -1.4 ° C. The precipitation here is quite a lot, but they are mainly represented in the form of snow.

Beautiful peaks of the Caucasus are located around the double-headed giant: Nasty-Tau, Ushba, Donguz-Obun .


  • The first climb committed Kilar Khachirov - conductor of the Russian scientific expedition, Kabardian by nationality on July 22, 1829 on the eastern vertex of Elbrus.
  • Western Top of Elbrus was conquered by a climbers team led by Florence Grove In 1874.
  • The first one who reached both vertices was the Balkar Hunter and Shepherd Ahia Sathtaev . For the period of his long life, he conquered Elbrus nine times: he committed the first climb at the age of forty years old, and the last one - in 1909, when he was 121 years old.

The study of Elbrus by Russian scientists was actively started in the XIX century. Academician V.K. Vishnevsky In 1913, the first determined the height and location of the volcano. In addition to the status of a unique natural attraction, the famous Caucasian peak is also an important scientific basis. Even before the war, experiments with space rays were held here in the Soviet Union, and today there is the most highly refined geophysical laboratory.

The territory of Elbrusya is a major center for tourism and skiing. The main mass of guests make up fans winter species Sports, including extreme, which are very popular in these mountains. In addition to everyone familiar to all snowboards, Sanya and Freiride, new entertainment hunters were organized by a new entertainment, which is a rise in the top of Elbrus on a helicopter and the next descent from the mountain skiing. For more conservative skier athletes, cableways are provided, the average bandwidth of which is 2400 people per hour.

On the slopes of Elbrus.

How to get to Elbrus?

  • Aircraft Fly at the nearest airport to Mineralnye Vody. There are many regular flights to Mineralnye Vody from Moscow from airlines: Aeroflot, Sky Express, Kavminvodyavia, S7 Airlines, Utair, Don Avia.
  • By train You can get to Pyatigorsk or Nalchik - this is the nearest settlements From which it will be faster to get to the "minibus" or a taxi. Already out of these places beautiful views On the Caucasian Mountains that can be admired all the way.

From the airport or train station, it will be easily accessible by taxi, cheaper will use the services private carriages. The best I. cheap option - It is found on the Internet of the phone numbers of private "bombing" from the village of Terekol and will appreciate the meeting on arrival and price. The path to Elbrus will take about four hours of driving. You need to get to the city of Baksan, then turn to the Baksan Gorge and to the end along the Baksan River, where the road will lead to the foot of Elbrus.

You can also get there by regular buses and route taxi. Only this method is less convenient and will take more time, as there are no direct flights to the terklo. First you will need to get to the city of Baksan and there to transfer to route taxi To the village of Terskol. The road in the Baksansky gorge passes through settlements: Tyrnause, Upper Baksan, Elbrus and Tehenekley village.

  • According to the materials of the Sites:,
  • 24 March, 2015

Caucasus Mountains are amazing and beautiful. Snow-covered Elbrus manits everyone. Especially beautiful reserved places Elbrusya with ski resorts, rope roads and ski track in 35km. There is a rather mild climate and wonderful landscapes. But the Caucasus is not only beautiful, he is very harsh. Many climbers died from snowdowed avalanches and stonepads, from the unpredictability of the weather and the sheer cliffs ...

"Stone art"
Northern Elbrus. This stone is against the handsome of Elbrus. Someone tried to knock his portrait in stone.

At the foot of Elbrus

The flowering foot of Elbrus

From the slope Elbrus Jilsu

Elbrus is a stratovancan, located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. He is deservedly considered the highest peak of Russia. And due to the fact that the border between Europe and Asia is ambiguous, it is often called the highest mountain peak of Europe.

Lenticular cloud over Elbrus

Elbrus, covered "veil"

Rhododendron slopes Elbrus

Mushroom raincoats on the shore Kyzylkol

Raincoach near Elbrus

"Summer Tusovka" at the foot of Elbrus

On the Karachay-Balkar language, the Mountain is called "MINGI-TAU", which can approximately be translated into Russian as "reminiscent of the mountains" (Mount of thousands of thousands). This name is sent to the incredibly huge size of Elbrus, who always admired the indigenous inhabitants of this region.

From the trail from the Chestov Bridge

Northern Elbrus. The locality near Kalinov bridge, nusted in the people of the hell. If you believe ledge, sacred Mountain Alatyr (Elbrus) was located Irish (paradise) garden, and proceeded by the Smorodin River, which was separated by the world of earthly and illuminated. Over currant Kalinov Bridge, which combined these two worlds. On him from one world, the souls of the dead penetrated. To drive around Kalinov Bridge, a remote bogatyr needed to fight with a snake about three heads. It's easier to defeat the evil in the face of various snakes threatening good. The bridge left to Kalinov - the last frontier in front of the kingdom of Morana (Mary), there was no time to think, the choice between good and evil is predetermined by the whole previous life. It is no coincidence that Kalinov Bridge in Folklore is the place of the battles between the attacks and the unclean power.

Stone mushrooms
Northern Elbrus. Burgal tract. At an altitude of over 3000 meters above sea level Nak called "Polyana Mushrooms" on the slopes of Elbrus. This is a flat, slightly tilted area to the north, small sizes. Only 250 meters per 100, but how many "mushrooms" fit here for every taste: and with flat hats, and similar to Boroviks on a strong leg. Some of them are higher - up to five or more meters, other lowers from two to three meters.

At the foot of Elbrus from the North side

So much brightness and light! Paints of mountains and colors of summer!
These wonderful expanses! And whitewing mountains!
Mountain air, fragrance! I'm glad to breathe!
The edge is magical and wonderful, the meadow blooming podfully !!! ...


Some Balkars, however, challenge this pronunciation of the name and assure that it is more correct to call "Mingha-Tau", and this is no longer "mountain of thousands", but "Mount Sidnamed." So Elbrus began to be called only after the first person came to her top in 1829. In local regions, it is customary to rename mountains in honor of who the first one climbed them, so this theory also has the right to life. The modern Balkars call the Mount Elbrus-Tau and translate it, as "a mountain around which the wind is spinning."

Waterfall "Sultan"

In Northern Elbrus, in the tract, Jil-Su is a Sultan waterfall - an amazing beauty natural monument, 40 meters high. The Kyzylcol River (such a name is Malka in his upper reaches that originated from the Ull-Chirande glacier hanging from Elbrus), having dug a lava comb, lowered down from a multi-meter height, connecting with the waters of the Birzhanlah-Su river-suite of the outlet of warm Narzanov.

Northern Elbruse., Focusing from the slopes of Elbrus, in the lava rushed deep canyons. All trails go up on the slopes, and the waterfall flow rages and roars under their feet.
along the trail over the canyon

The Garabashi-Su river falls from Elbrus's slopes here is such a spectacular waterfall. Local residents called him " Maiden braids"For the similarity of jets with loose hair. There is a convenient grotto behind the jets, where the mountains of the Caucasian Range are spectacularly looking.

Before each waterfall
I want to fall a thing
These tears are broken by hail,
Mountains cry ... but about whom? ...

Inna Kashevyev

In the gorge of the Zugull River

View from the Valley of Kullumkol

And far in front of you, dressed blue fog,
Mount hit over the mountain, and in the host their giant gray.
Like a cloud, an ellububous two-headed terrible and greatest
There everything shines beauty ...

V.A. Zhukovsky.

Elbrus at dawn

Elbrus has not one, but two vertices. Western vertex rises at 5642 meters, and East - by 5621 meters. The distance between the two vertices is approximately 3000 meters. For the first time, Elbrus's height was determined by the Russian academician Valentiya Karlovych Vishnevsky in 1813. On Mount Elbrus 22 glaciers, which give the origins of three rivers: Baksan, Malka and Kuban.

The most favorable time to visit Elbrus and climbing him is the period from July to August when the weather is most stable. In summer, the local temperature is rarely lowered below -8 degrees Celsius. But as the temperature climb, the temperature may fall to -30 degrees. Winter in these places is suction enough, and it lasts here from October to April. Ascent to the mountain in the winter period almost equivalent to voluntary suicide.

Lonely cloud

Pos. Terkol. Elbrus. Over the peak of Cheget (translates as a top in the shade, you need to understand in the shadow of Elbrus, because she is against him and much lower in height) a cloud appeared. From Georgia. This is a signal that the weather is spoiled and snow will go. But it is nothing. Even good for skiers and snowboarders. Well, for the illegal service - work: to lower forcibly snow masses.

from the glades in the tract Dzhylyus

On average, climbers spend on climbing the top of Elbrus a little less than one week. In our time, the climbing to Elbrus can be greatly alleviated. After all, it is much easier to use the cable car and immediately turn out to be at an altitude of about 3750 meters. At this height, the shelter of the "barrels" is located, which is ten six-seater insulated barrel-shaped carriages and a specially equipped kitchen. It is from this place that most of the climb on Elbrus begins in our day.

The very first climbing on eastern vertex Elbrus was committed in 1829 during the expedition, which was led by Russian General Georgy Emmanuel. The expedition was scientific and among the members of the detachment were geologists, physics, zoologists, botany and other representatives of the scientific world. Karachai conductor Kilar Khachirov asked to the top of Elbrus. This event entered the story as the first case of conquering one of the greatest vertices Planet Earth. To this day, Elbrus is one of the most popular peaks to climb among the climbers around the world.

Elbrus height 5642 m above sea level. Such gigid is visible almost from anywhere in the Caucasus. Elbrus is an excellent place to view the surrounding gorges and vertices. Excellent viewed the territory of Georgia and the ridges, steps descending to the sea.

From time to time, climbers located on the top of Elbrus can simultaneously see Caspian and Black Sea. All this depends on temperature, pressure and other parameters, thanks to which the radius of the review can grow significantly. In 2008, Elbrus was recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia, according to the results of the voting "7 wonders of Russia."

Elbrus from Kyzylol Gorge

According to studies of scientists, Elbrus did not remind himself quite a long time, but despite this, the current degree of activity does not give specialists to take it to extinct volcanoes, now he is "sleeping". The volcano really leads quite active external and internal activities. In his depths there are still hot masses, heating local "hot narzans" - sources saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches + 52 ° C and + 60 ° C. The life of many famous sources of therapeutic resorts of Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and the entire area of \u200b\u200bCaucasian mineral waters begins in the depths of the volcano.

Mortgage stone

He is more than 200 years old, and it causes an unfair trembling and respect. After all, as memorial plates at the goal of the fortress, they went here, went to the riding and Pushkin, and Lermontov, and General Yermolov, and Count Vorontsov, and General from Infanteria Emmanuel, who attempted to climb Elbrus.

Sculpture of the poet

In Northern Elbrus, there is still a Polyana, where he stood with a camp with the Cossacks, and it is called Polyany Emmanuel.

"Castles" against Elbrus
Northern Elbrus. Here are two almost the same elongated isochki pyramids. Through them, both in the gate, include those who descend in Jils through the passage of Caucar and the Ice Lake Dzhikaunkengone. If they talk about Jils, as a paradise place, then these pyramids are "gate to paradise." By the way, the pyramids wonderfully look against the background of the snow-white snow of Elbrus.

Northern Elbrus. "Eagle, painting wings" ... The slopes of Elbrus where the molten lava with ice was met, covered with different "sculptures", which natural sculptures give different names.

In the course of geological studies of Elbrus, layers containing volcanic ashes from two ancient eruptions were detected. The first layer is an eruption of Elbrus himself, which is dated about 45 thousand years ago. The second layer is the eruption of the Kazbek volcano, which occurred about 40 thousand years ago. It is after the second powerful eruption Inhabitants of local caves (Neanderthals) left these places and went to look for more favorable conditions for life.

The last eruption of Elbrus occurred about the 50s of our era, that is, about 2,000 years ago.

Northern North Canyon North Canyon. National Park. Zylyus's tract, which adjoins directly to the slopes of Elbrus.

Interesting Facts

Mount Elbrus is mentioned in myths Ancient Greece. After all, it was to this mountain that God Zeus chalked Prometheus for giving people to people.

Elbrus from the slope of the Tashhvyrt ridge

During the Great Patriotic War during the Battle of the Caucasus, the German Mining and Rifle Division "Edelweiss" captured mountain base The "horizons" and "shelter of eleven", as well as established Nazi banners on the Western Top of Elbrus. The German newspapers of that time were shot by enthusiastic articles that the fascist flags were installed on both vertices, and the climbing participants were awarded with an iron cross and a toe with the inscription "Hitler's Peak", since the Nazis planned to rename Elbrus.

Near the snow

Elbrus belongs to the list of "seven vertices", in which, in addition to him, are present highest peaks Six parts of light: Jomolungma in Asia, Akonkagua in South America, Mak-Kinley in North America, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Massif Vison in Antarctica and Punchak Jay in Australia and Oceania.

Very beautiful sky in the mountains of the Caucasus, it is velvet-purple, covered with diamonds of stars blotted and yellow. I want to look infinitely ... and breathe.

Polyana Emmanuel and Elbrus

Highest mountain Europe, the highest volcanic peak of Eurasia and just one of the "7 wonders of Russia" - Meet Elbrus.

The first scientific studies of this vertex began in the XIX century, although the exact height and location were determined only in 1913 after the calculations of Academician Vishnevsky. The first expedition, the purpose of which was to achieve the vertices of this volcano, was organized in 1829. It was several famous scientists at once, for example, the founder of the St. Petersburg Geophysical Laboratory Adolf Kuver, the physicist Emily Lenz, the famous Zoologist Eduard Mejnar.

The expedition was accompanied by a thousand Cossack detachment under the leadership of General Georgy Emmanuel. It was he who became the author of a memorable inscription carved on a rock, at an altitude of 2400m. The general himself preferred to remain at this height and watched the ascent from the camp.

Continuing the rise, the expedition has noticed at an altitude of 3000. Only part of the group, continuing to climb, reached a mark of 4800 m, where it was carved memorial sign and figure 1829. This mark was subsequently discovered during the 1949 Soviet Expedition. Above it, only five people rose, and the saddles reached three - Academician Lenz, Cossack Lysenkov and Kylllar Kabardian. See how Mount Elbrus looks like in the photo - two vertices with an impressive saddle between them. Here and got the most stubborn participants of the expedition.

Further rise was impossible due to the very softening snow. However, the Kabardian, being adapted to the mountain conditions continued to rise and could reach the top. It was he who became the first person who risen to Elbrus. More precisely, one of almost equal (the difference is only 21 m) vertices.

The first one was submitted by both tops, the Balkarian conductor of Achia Sathtaev became. He committed his first ascent when he was over forty. After that, he rose to Elbrus to eight times, and for the last time he did it at the age of twenty one year! Here it is, the famous Caucasian health and longevity. Among other things, Sotayev twice was a conductor for English expeditions to Elbrus.

Where Elbrus is

Caucasus, it is the focus large number Verkhin, whose height stepped far over 3000 meters above sea level. But when the Caucasian Mountains remember, Elbrus pops up in memory first. And as an interesting object for study, and as the highest point of Europe, and as a place of pilgrimage of climbers from around the world. Where Elbrus is located, that is, between Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, there are many peoples, and everyone has a lot about him beautiful legends. There is no consensus and in response to the question of where his current name came from. There are several theories of the origin of the name Elbrus:

  1. From the Iranian word Aitbares - High Mountain.
  2. From the Georgian name of Mount Yalbuz, which in turn comes from the Turkic words "storm" and "ice".
  3. Another theory suggests that the name has developed from the three words of Karachay-Balkar language: EL - settlement; Drive - twist; Us is character. That is, the name can be translated as having a row to send a buran. Apparently, the speech here is not so much about the snowy berans, how much about volcanic eruptions. The folk legends have mention of eruptions.

Elbrus is a giant sleeping volcano

With its 5642 meters, Elbrus Mountain is the fifth in the height of the volcano of the world. He, like most of the like volcanoes, consists of two parts: the base and cone, which was formed during the eruptions. The height of the base in the case of Elbrus is 3,700 meters. Thus, during the eruptions, the mountain rose by almost 2000 meters. The characteristic outlines of the double-headed vertex, which changes its color depending on the light, is visible from almost any corner. Stavropol Territory. Glaciers, which are numbered 23, nourish such large rivers like Kuban and Terek.

In terms of its structure, Elbrus is a typical stratovalcan. It has a well-pronounced conical form. The cone itself is composed of numerous layers of lava, ash and volcanic tuff, in which the entire history of the eruptions is recorded. The founding of Elbrus began to form in neogen when the Caucasian ridge was actively emerged. According to scientists, the eruption of the volcano was reminded by the eruption of Vesuvius, but were much stronger.

It can be judged about his strength at least because his ashes today find almost 100 kilometers from the volcano itself. It is noteworthy that periods of turbulent activity and intensive growth of the cone were replaced by the "hibernation" periods during which the glaciers rated the cone almost completely. According to volcanologists of such cycles in the entire history of the volcano, there were at least ten. The most ancient crater, or rather his remnants, can be observed in the form of rocky Education of Hyu-Tau-Azau on the south-western slope.

Elbrus's stormy activity ended 2500 years ago, although geographers are 16 in. The volcano was considered active and on the maps it was depicted in the form of a fire-haired mountain. The last time the volcano showed his steep temper in the first decades of our era. Interestingly, the active eruption of Elbrus and Kazbek became the main reason for the outcome of Neanderthal from the Caucasus region 40-45 thousand years ago. Currently, vulcanologists are in no hurry to count the volcano to the extinct. It is rather a fading volcano and the likelihood of activation (although very small) still remains. Mountain is also the center of the emergence of minor earthquakes in the region.

Today, the main wealth of these places is numerous sources. Narzanov Valley in the Outow area of \u200b\u200bthe Malki River is the product of a fading volcano. This place will soon have to become a resort, which is neither the number of sources, nor in quality mineral Water. Will not give up to Kislovodsk.

Weather on the slopes more than Surov, and at times comparable to the Arctic. The average temperature of July is only -1.4 s, and even the daily temperature rarely rises above +8 S. precipitation here many, many times more than at the foot of the ridge, but you can see them exclusively in the form of snow. Weather station at a mark of 4250 meters, worked on three years, never recorded a single rain.
Having great importance as the highest point of Europe, Elbrus attracted the attention of German troops during the Second World War.

Hitler wanted to rename the mountain in honor of himself. In local combat actions, the famous "Edelweiss" division was participating, trained in the mountains in the mountains. In August 1942, the soldiers of the Third Reich first captured two intermediate stations, and on August 21, the flag of Nazi Germany flashed over the western peak. The soldiers of the division were laid for a short time - winter and soldiers of the Red Army did their job. Already in February 1943, the Red Flags of the Soviets of the Soviets were already realized over the White Top Mountain.

Historically, the entire infrastructure is located on the south side of the mountain. It was here that was built cable carwhich raises tourists to a height of 3750 meters. The lifting to Elbrus consists of several intermediate points:

  • Cableway;
  • The shelter "barrels" at an altitude of 3750 m (it is from here that the rise is started);
  • Hotels "Shelter eleven" (4200m);
  • Rocks Pastukhov (4700m)
  • EG5300 stations, which was built quite recently. It is located in a saddle between two peaks at an altitude of 5300 meters.

It is the EG5300 station that is the last point of the route on the way to one of the vertices. After it, about 500 meters of lift remains.

The northern slopes are equipped more than modestly. There are only a few huts at an altitude of 3,800 meters, which are more often used by rescuers than climbers. Northern route Used, usually, when lifting on oriental peak. In this case, a reliable reference is the rocks of Lenza, which are stretched at altitudes from 4600 to 5,200 meters.

Phenomenon Elbrus

And finally, several interesting facts about the highest point Russia, and at the same time and all of Europe:

  • Balcarians themselves and today prefer to call the Mingh-Tau Mountain, which in their native language means "mountain of thousands", which emphasizes its exceptional sizes and height.
  • The distance between peaks in a straight line is 1500 meters. But the hiking will have to overcome about 3 km.
  • The next mountain of Europe Mont Blanc is lower than the Caucasian giant almost eight hundred meters. In other words, even climbing the saddle between the peaks, you will already be "above all" in Europe.
  • Despite the relative arrangements and mooring of routes, the rise to Elbrus is unlikely to become a light walk. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, each year on the slopes dies from 15 to 20 people. The rise in the winter months is considered to be suicide. The rated temperature here is easily lowered to -30c, and felt, thanks to strong winds, even lower.
  • Elbrus is not only mentioned in the writings of Herodota ancient Greek historian, but participates in Greek myths. It was here that Zeus decided to peck Prometheus, for his gift to people - fire.

By the way, the habitat of the Greek gods, Mount Olympus, compared with Elbrus, just dwarf is only 2917 meters.

See also: