Monuments on the Karlovy Bridge in Prague. Charles Bridge - the mysterious story of the emergence of the most beautiful bridge of Prague

Charles Bridge, perhaps the most famous and business card of the whole Czech Republic. He is known not only by many lige associated legends and statues of saints, adorning it and able to fulfill desires, but also the fabulous species of the shores of Vltava with towers, churches and palaces, and also by the fact that he is the main pedestrian route between the old town ( Staré město.) and.

The Charles Bridge

A little story and legend of Karlova Bridge

At the beginning of the 12th century, near the venue of the current Charles Bridge, instead of the old wooden in Prague, the first stone bridge was built - YuDitin. He received such a name in honor of the wife of King Vladislav II, which was right. However, in the middle of the 14th century, Yuditin Bridge was destroyed by flood, and only the tower remained from him, which is still decorating Charles Bridge on the Malostran side. At the scene of the destroyed bridge, King Charles IV commanded to build a new bridge, which nowars his name.

There are many legends about the construction of Karlov Bridge, one of the most famous tells about the date of bookmarks of his first stone. It is said that the date and time of the start of construction of Karl IV chose, guided by the Council of Court Astrologues - the bridge tab began in 1357 on the 9th day of 7 months at 5 o'clock 31 minutes. The magic of numbers 1 3 5 7 9 7 5 3 1, equally ready how to right left, and left to right, promised prosperity and well-being.

Another legend is about the young builder of Karlova Bridge, who tried to restore the arch of the bridge demolished by flooding. When after a few unsuccessful trying The upset builder stood alone on the bridge, he saw the devil. The devil suggested his assistance in the restoration of the arch, provided that he would receive the soul of the first held on the renovated bridge. The builder so wanted to successfully finish the work that he agreed on everything, and, of course, he hoped to overcome the devil. After successful completion of the repair of the bridge, he conceived the first on the bridge to put a black rooster on the bridge, because in agreement with the Devil did not specify that the first should be a person. The devil was also a hither and deceit lured on the bridge of the pregnant wife of the builder to hold her husband. The next day, the builder's wife died, giving birth to a dead child. For many years, the shower of the newborn at night was chipped on the bridge from the cold, while once the casual passerby, who hurried at night on the bridge on the other side, having heard someone's sneezing and not even seeing who sneezes, threw on the go: "Be health!". So, thanks to the case, the casting of Karlova bridge was restored forever.

Well, in fact, the bridge, which is one of the main attractions of Prague, is built under the leadership of Architect Peter Perelirja, who also worked on in. The construction of Karlova Bridge continued for about 50 years, and was completed at the very beginning of the 15th century. This is a majestic building that stands at 16 powerful arches, lined with sandstone, more than half a kilometer in length and about 10 meters wide, for several centuries was the only means of communication between the main areas of Prague.

Held here knight tournaments, fairs and courts passed; There were also executions - unscrupulous artisans and merchants lowered in a large wicker iron crate with a bridge in Vltava water; The royal coronation processions in Prague Castle also took place on Karlov Bridge.

Charles bridge had not only a public, but also military-strategic importance for Prague: at the end of the bloody thirty-year-old war, the Swedes were stopped on the Karlovy Bridge, and in the mid-18th century, Prussians were also broken here.

The work of the Adolf brothers and Karl Libsher "Battle of students with Swedes on the Karlovy Bridge in 1648"

Towers Karlov Brosta

Located on the eastern side of the bridge, the Old Town Tower is one of the characters of medieval Prague, is at the same time one of the most beautiful gothic constructions of Europe. Its construction began simultaneously with the Karlovy Bridge. The rich decor of the facade of the tower facing, indicates that the tower was not only part of medieval urban fortifications, but also a triumphal arch on "".

Old Town Tower

Centuries The Old Town Tower was a participant and witness czech history, Including its sad pages: 10 years old on the gallery of her roofs were kept in metal grids of the head of 12 executed participants of the estate uprising. In memory of them, you already probably saw on the pavement at the Old Town Hall.

If you want to admire the panorama of Karlov Bridge and fabulous species of Prague - raise at 47 meters of 138 steps to the viewing platform of the Old Tower.

View from the bridge tower

Two bridge towers located on the western side of Karlov Bridge were built at different times, but are interconnected by a wall with a gate and are strengthent structures, therefore almost not decorated. The lower and powerful tower remained from Yudetin the bridge, initially it was Romance, but at the end of the 16th century it was rebuilt in the Renaissance style. The higher tower was laid in the second half of the 15th century, and according to the architects plan, she had to remind the Old Tower of the Bridge Tower, but it was never decorated accordingly.

Malostran bridge towers

At a higher small tower at an altitude of 40 meters, an observation deck is also open. Having risen to her, you can again enjoy the wonderful kinds of beauty Prague.

You can read more about Bridge Towers Karlov Bridge.

Statues of Karlov Brosta

Initially, Charles Bridge was not decorated with statues. Most of the thirty sculptures adorn the bridge balustrade in our time, were installed at the beginning of the 18th century during the baroque period. The authors of the sculptures were the best masters of that time: Matyash Bernard Brown, Yang Herpich, Jan Brockof and his sons. Most statues have now replaced copies, since mostly statues were created from sandstone and eventually suffered from time to open sky, and some of them were even washed away by the waters of Vltava during frequent floods. The original statues of Karlov Bridge can be seen in the lapidarium of the National Museum of Prague.

Statue of St. Yana Nepomots

The most popular statue of tourists, of course, is the statue of St. Yana Nepomotsky - especially revered in Prague St. and patron of the Czech Republic, created by Jan Brocca. The place for the statue is chosen notunder: according to one of the legends here at the end of the 14th century on the orders of King Waclav IV, Yang Nomeberksky was tortured and reset in the bag in the river. He was the confessor of the queen and refused to give the king, suspecting a marital treason, secretly confession than and deserved the anger of the sovereign. The reason for the popularity of this statue in tourists is another legend of Karlova Bridge, which promises the fulfillment of the desire, if, guessing it, first touch the right part of the relief on the pedestrian statue, and then to the left. Reliefs are already glitteried by thousands of hands, so you can easily learn this statue among all the others. Just in case, the statue of St. Yana Nonoober - the eighth right, if you go aside

One of the iconic attractions of Prague is, of course Charles Bridge. Go from one shore to another on the bridge, whose length is 520 meters, and the story begins in 1380, every tourist seeks, regardless of the age and time of staying in the capital.

How to get

Directly near Karlova Bridge are three tram stops:

  • Karlovy Lázně - 2, 17, 18, 93 tram. (, right shore)
  • Staroměstská - 2, 17, 18, 93 tram. (, right shore)
  • Malostranské náměstí - 1, 12, 15, 20, 22, 25, 97 tram. ( , left Coast)

Also in the historic region of Prague can be reached by. Staroměstská Metro Station (branch a) on one side of the river, and Malostranská metro station (branch A) on the other side.

Why on Karlov bridge so many tourists?

First, because Charles Bridge is a kind of pedestrian crossing between the two legendary areas of Prague - and, where are the largest Prague attractions.

Secondly, there are powerful sculptures that are interested in tourists on the Karlovy Bridge today. Each sculpture has its own history and closely intertwined with the history of the bridge and the country.

Thirdly, the bridge held events that are important both for the history of the Czech Republic and for world history, which is undoubtedly attracting tourists to walk along Karlov Bridge, which began to be operated since 1380!

The oldest bridge tower is considered one of the most beautiful medieval buildings in Europe. Be sure to rise to it, the magic landscape on the bridge and Prague opens.

If you go to the bridge with the Western (right) side, pay attention to the ones were built at different times. The low tower was built after 1591 in the Renaissance style, and in 1464, when the country of Rules King Jiří, the second tower was laid. If you compare these two towers and the Old Tower, you can compare their style similarity. Perhaps, rather the Old Town Tower served as an example - a template for the construction of two Western towers.

Until the time when the bridge began to decorate sculptures, three bridge towers were the only decoration it.

Video from Karlova Bridge

Playlist contains video taken in different years. The list has a video with a walk from one to the other side of the bridge, you can already preliminarily plunge into this particular atmosphere.

Virtual Walk

Thanks to modern technologies, you are invited to make a virtual morning walk and at the main attraction of Prague.

How Karlov Bridge appeared

At the place of the current bridge, once a long time ago in the second century of the second millennium (1172 years), was built and commissioned YuDitin Most.. The bridge was named after the Queen of Turing, Vladislav's wife II. This bridge caught King Charles IV, but then an acute need for its modernization was arisen due to the growth of trade, construction and public need. After the flood of 1342, YuDitin Bridge was almost completely destroyed, which resulted in the construction of a more improved structure. There are many legends about the bridge, some of them we collected in.

The name of Karlova bridge is associated with the Czech king Karlles IV, who not only oversaw all the construction, but the first one laid the first stone structure. This historical event occurred July 9, 1357, at 5:31 am in Starošeki.

Since in those days trusted astrological forecasts, this date was chosen for no accident, because the numbers participating both in the date and in time are a number of odd numbers, namely: 1-3-5-7-9-7-5 -3-1.

Sculptures of Karlova Brosta


    Madonna with Saint Bernard - Madona A SV. Bernard

    The sculptural composition is images of Madonna - Mother of Christ, as well as Bernard Clervosoy - the founder of the monastic Order of the Cistercians, whose task was to cultivate the Virgin Mary. Here, Saint Bernard adhesions before Madonna. Near the angel, holding a headdress and a hive, symbolizing the gift of eloquence.

    To the left of Mary, depicted the appearance of Jesus with the attributes of his cruel execution.

    Madonna with Holy Dominica and the Holy Foma Akvinsky - Madona, SV. Dominik a SV. Tomáš Akvinský.

    All sculptural groups of Karlov Bridge in Prague were erected during the reign of the Austrian Dynasty of the Habsburgs, which, relying on Catholicism, tried to subjugate the people and suppress them dangerous independent gousitsky sentiment. Therefore, the sculptures of the bridge are subordinate to one common idea - to glorify the Catholic faith.
    Sculpture "Madonna with St. Dominica and St. Aquinsky's Foma "is a bright Baroque style specifier. Made by Mateem Wezlav Yokel in 1707, she depicts Mary's Mary's composition as a central figure with a small Jesus, soaring over the globe, and symbolizes how many widespread of Catholicism.

    Madonna transmits prayer rosary to his faithful missionary - the Holy Dominic, who, being a representative of the rich Spanish nobleman, refused to be worldly goods and founded a religious order called him name. Already in his youth, this priest was distinguished by compassion and kindness to people, readiness to help in need. I wonder what exactly St. Dominic is considered the author of the Rosary - Catholic prayer using a rosary. The dog at his feet with a torch in the teeth illustrates the Emblem of the Order (Domini Canes in Latin - "Dogs of the Lord").

    The third figure of sculpture - Thomas Akvinsky with a book in his hand, a famous theologian, a philosopher and educator, was also a representative of the Dominican Order and found five evidence of the existence of God, which to this day the Catholic Church is based on.

    Crucifixion of Christ - Kalvárie, SV. Kříž.

    The sculpture of Christ, crucified on the cross, as well as the images of the Virgin Mary and John the Theologian, were erected on the Karlovy Bridge gradually. In total, the process took 50 years, from 1657 to 1707 years. In the center of the composition is located directly Jesus on the cross, on the left - Virgin Mary, right - John theologian. Looking at the cross, you can see the inscription laid out in the form of an arc, which tells about the Holy Savior, the Lord. The letters are made of gold, the money for which, was withdrawn as a fine with the Jew. The rest of the sculptural composition was paid by the Baron Karotel Adam from Rzichan. His coat of arms can be observed at the base of the monument. On the stand of the cross, you can read in different languages, the translation of the "golden" inscription.

    Holy Anna - SV. Anna.

    Statue of St. Anne, the Mother of the Virgin - the masterpiece of the sculptor Mateya Vaclav Yaquel, created in 1709. Hetman-chamber of the Old Town, Aristocrat Rudolf Lisovsky donated their funds for the construction of the statue. The original sculpture is stored in Gorlice - one of the underground halls of the Museum-Museum of Vyšehd, located in the historic district of Prague. The reproduction of the statue was made by Czech sculptors to Adamets and Martin's jackets and mounted on its previous place on the Karlovy Bridge in 1999.

    The central place in the composition of the sculpture is occupied by the mother of the Virgin Mary - Saint Anna. In his hands, the holy sits baby Jesus, holding a globe and crucifix. Young Maria looks at his mother with endless love and stretches her a small rose bouquet. The plot of the composition of the statue of St. Anne, the Mother of the Virgin and the Virgin Mary on Karlov means the unity of the baby Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary and St. Anne. This circumstance gave rise to many disputes around the sculpture, because such a plot contradicts the main canons of the Catholic Church.

    Holy Anna is worshiped as a patronage of mothers, married life, babies and widows, because Catholics from all over Europe come to Prague to ask the holy of healthy offspring and happy marriage.

    Cyril and Methodius - SV. Cyril A Metoděj.

    Kirill and Methodius - the only statue set at the expense of the state, the newest on Karlovy Bridge. She was ordered in 1928 to the anniversary of the republic. Karl Dvorakov is the author of the statue depicting two famous people, missionaries that brought people the light of Christianity and creating a unique writing - Cyrillic.

    The statue's place earlier was occupied by the sculpture of 1711, depicting Ferdinand Brocca in St. Ignatius from Loyle. It was washed with flooding in 1890. Now this statue can be admired in Prague Lapidaria.

    The sculpture, personifying Slavic enlighteners, is one of the three dozen saints sculptures located on the Karlovy Bridge.

    In 862, the Moravian Prince Rostislav sent ambassadors to Constantinople with the following request: "Despite the fact that our people Christian faith confesses, we do not have teachers who can explain faith in our native language. Send us teachers of such. " After that, the holy monks were sent to Moravia. Thanks to Kirill and Methodius Slavs studied reading, writing, asams of others known at the time and began to conduct church ministry in Slavic.

    John Baptist - SV. Jan Křtitel

    The sculpture of John the Baptist was created in 1857 by Master Josef Max, the funds for this project allocated Ya.N. Germerich. At the site of St. John the Baptist, the sculpture was previously stood, which portrayed the baptism of the author Mikhala Yana Joseph Brockoff. But, unfortunately, in 1848, the sculptures were strongly injured, and they had to be removed from the bridge to the Museum - Lapidarium Nm.

    Sculpture depicts St. John the Baptist, to whom Christ himself came to baptism in the holy waters of Jordan. According to the legend, it was John that the Lord himself opened this origin of Christ's Son. Also in legend it is said that John the God himself baptized, after which John began to actively promote baptism around the world. Sculpture is an image of John with a cross in hand and bowl for baptism. The hand of John the Baptist is gracious indicates that the Lord himself ordered to take Christianity. The gesture of the hand talks about the blessing to anyone who passes by.

    To date, the sculpture of St. John the Baptist is almost in the very center of Karlova Bridge, every day, hundreds of tourists come here to admire the creation of Joseph Max!

    Norbert, Sigismund and Vaclav - SV. Norbert, Václav A Zikmund

    In the first embodiment created by Jan Brokoff in 1708, Saint Norbert was depicted with Holy Andrian and Jacob. In 1764, the trembling figures were replaced by the work of the Platin, where angels stood next to Norbert. The sculptural group, which can be seen now, created in 1853. Joseph Max in neo-style style.

    Saint Norbert was born around 1080 and a sharp change in his life was made by one case, - frightened the thunder, his horse suffered, and Norbert could not miraculously died and perceived it as a sign over. He began to lead a pious lifestyle, and sacrificed part of his condition for the creation of the abbey. Later, already being a priest, as a result of the conflict with other canoniki, he aroused off the authority and went to Rome, where Papa Gelasi II, authorized him to be a worshiper preacher. In 1120, Norber founded the order of the premontrants.

    Saint Vaclav, Czech Prince, ruled from 924 to 935, built in Prague Church named after St. Vita. He enjoyed a huge love and honor of his people, after death was canonized.

    Holy Sigismund was the King of Burgundy, published a core of the fundamental laws and patronized by the Orthodox clergy. In 522, according to the second wife, he had killed his native son in the attack of rage. Having come across a crime, the king went to the monastery of Mauritius, where he helped the poor and suffering, sacrificing part of his condition. Later, as a result of the war, he was defeated for his kingdom, he was hiding for a long time in the monastery under the guise of a simple monk, but was discovered, transported with his family to Orleans and executed.

    Saint Yang Nonooksky - SV. Jan Nepomucký.

    Many know about the Holy Yana Nepomuntsky, because there are not few legends around his death. The mysterious circumstances of death attached sculpture a special popularity, as well as believes in fulfillment of desires. On the pedestal of sculptures you can see bronze images. Here you will see the confession of the queen, as well as the image of the execution of St. Yana Nepomotsky. It is always from this sculpture that you can always see tourists rubbering bronze images, in the hope of fulfilling cherished desires.

    Anthony Padowan - SV. Antonín Paduánský.

    St. Anthony Paduna - Creation created by Jan Mayer, which is one of his first works. Installed a statue in 1707 g for the means of the highest Burggraph of Prague K. M. Vittauer. Stamp will be ninthly among the sculptures of the bridge and there is a sculpture on the right side of the royal road.

    The robe of the saint is represented in the form of a rose of the Order of Franciscans, in his right hand, a metal lily is visible. The decorative lantern with a light is another attribute of the saint. The work of Mayer is a baroque epoch and is considered quite successful due to incredibly natural gestures, elegantly worked out of the falling waves of robes.

    St. Anthony Paduna was born in 1195, he was brought up in an ordinary school at the church, among the firsts he entered the Order of St. Augustine. The missionary service in Morocco, and having heard that St. Francis is still alive, decided to find the creator of the Order of Franciscans. The search was crowned with success and the meeting took place, Anthony was commissioned to read the sermons. As a result, St. Francis is under a strong impression of the oratoric abilities of the young man, provided him with confidence and urged the entrepreneurial activity of the Order. Anthony quickly became the best student and trustee of St. Francis. St. Anthony Paduna - Patron of Portugal, died in 1231, and a year later, he was canonized.

    People pray to the face of the saint and ask for assistance, in gaining once lost things. The women suffering from infertility in the hope that the miracle occurs.

    Juda-Faddia with a bubina - SV. Juda Tadeáš.

    Holy Judas Faddea, depicted on this sculpture, is revered as one of the first twelve apostles. According to some versions of the church legend, he was the son of Joseph-carpenter from the first marriage and, therefore, a consolidated brother of Jesus himself, although modern researchers distinguish between the "brother of the Lord, Juda" and the Apostle Jude. St. Juda is attributed to one of the messages of the New Testament, he himself is known for preaching activities in the territory of Malaya Asia, Mesopotamia, Persia and Armenia. He accepted martyrdom from the hands of pagans. Since St. Juda, many insufficiently educated believers confused with Juda-Idariot, who betrayed Christ, his worship was never very widespread. For the same reason, it is considered in the Catholic tradition as a patron of people who came to a heavy and hopeless position, undeservedly forgotten and fell into disgrace suffering from universal misunderstanding. Detailed circumstances of the martyrdom of Juda Fadddey are unknown and vary in different sources. According to one of the versions, more common in Catholicism, he was packed by clubs. It is obvious that this is the legend and served as a source of inspiration for the sculpture - the Saint is depicted, resting at the Tubin, in his hand there is a gospel.

    Blessed Augustine, Topching Heretic Books - SV. Augustin.

    The famous Karlovy Bridge decorates a large number of wonderful sculptures of the baroque period. And of course, their entire topics of only religious nature.
    The sculpture of Blessed Augustine was built in 1678, the master was famous at the time, sculptor - John Frederick Kohl.

    Blessed Augustine was born in 354 on November 13 in Africa, in a small town - Tagastte. He was a wonderful scientist, bishop of the hypon, philosopher, Christian theologian, preacher and an outstanding politician. He became the founder - Augustinism, and the father of the Christian church. Holy Augustine for his entire contribution to the development of religion was ranked in the saints.

    He wrote a large number of books "Book of Genesis", as well as world-famous moral treatises, "Confession", "On Grad God", which he dedicated to the fight against Manicheev and Hergeles.

    Also, Blessed Augustine did a lot for people, about his kindness went legends, he helped absolutely everyone. Blessed Augustine taught God's Word at the Church.
    Sculpture depicts Blessed Augustine with a Golden Key, which is on the joy of many tourists, fighters of heretical books.
    This sculpture inspires, it simply blows the martial spirit and will to fight.

    Kaetan - SV. Kajetán.

    St. Caethane is the second on the sculptural composition of Ferdinand Brockoff, it was created in 1709 and at the same time the twelfth participation was established on the right side of Karlov bridge.

    Creation symbolically marks the Holy Trinity. The work of the master is devoted to St. Caethane - a defender of people from the fierce plague. Wrapped in clouds of stone Obelisk, having three faces, is located behind the saint and very similar to a plague post, in local traditions, which means gratitude to the heavenly patrons for the expulsion of the disease. Little angels are circling over the obelisk and a massive, fiery heart is held at the top point attached to its upper point. In the hands of St. Caetan is open the gospel from Matvey with the Scripture of God.

    Caethrange was born in italian city Vincenza. In 1505, he received a degree of a doctor on legal affairs and became the secretary of Pope Julia Second. Eleven years later, Catherine accepted the San Priest and worked for the benefit of reforms held by the highest church leadership of Rome. Together with the group of priests, he became the founder of the Roman Congregation of regular clerics, their main goal was the spiritual and religious formation of ordinary people. In 1519, he returns to the city of childhood and joins the Brotherhood of St. Jerome, whose main task was to assist the patient and the poor. At the sunset of life, Caethan had activities to save lost souls and, as stated in the chronicle, was endowed with a miracle to work. He died in 1547.

    To the face of Saints Caetan was counted in 1671. His relics are in the church of St. Paul in the city of Naples. St. Caethane - Bavaria's cartridge, is the main patron at childbirth, the Savior from the plague and hunger.

    Philip Benia - SV. Filip Benicius.

    The only bright sculpture of Karlova Bridge depicts St. Filippe Benia - the founder and general of the Order of the servit. Services are a religious monastic order, founded in 1280 for chanting the acts of the Virgin Mary.

    The statue of the general was designed by the Austrian sculptor Mikhal Mandl in 1714. In the museum of the city of Salzburg, there is a clay sculptural model, it is on her after the death of Mandla and a statue was made. A white Austrian marble was used in the work, sculpture in Austria, and subsequently transported to Prague.

    Funds for production were highlighted by the Prague Order of the servants at the church of St. Mikhala.

    The Saint Philip is dressed in traditional white clothes for the Order, in his left hand he holds a branch of lily, a cross and a book, his feet should be tiara, symbolizing rejected Pope Pope. In November 1268, after the death of the current Pope of the Roman Clement, IV, Benia turned out to be the most appropriate applicant for Pontifice. One of the legends says that Philip was a very modest person, frightened and hid in the cave until the new dad was elected. The inscription on the pedestal of sculpture confirms this assumption: "The fifth general of the Order of the servants of the Holy Philip Benias love God for modesty."

    Sculpture of St. Vita - SV. Vít.

    The sculpture of St. Vita, created by Ferdinand Maximilian Brockoff in 1714. The holy in the clothes of the city dweller of Rome and the medieval headdress is located on the pedestal of stones on which the lions depicted by non-ferocious and bloodthirsty predators are placed, but experiencing sympathy for their prisoner and as if protecting it.

    Like all the martyrs of the Christian faith, the Holy Vit in the adolescence of the whole soul accepted Christianity. His father Sicily Sicily and Gentham gave a boy to teach the mentor who confessed Christ. The emperors Diocletian and Maximian chased carriers of the teachings of Christianity, his teacher was killed in the eyes of Vita, this event only strengthened his faith and the desire to draw fellow citizens to the mercy and love of Christ.

    The legend of the Saint Vite says that Diocletian's emperor from the soul of Emperor Diocletian Beams refused to pray to the Roman gods, for which he was placed in a cage to fierce lions. Beasts did not touch the saint, then he was thrown into the boiler with boiling oil.

    Saint Vit patronizes Czech lands from the time of the Board of St. Prince Vaclav, who received a gift from Henrich Chilyov, a part of the sacred relics of the saint. Saint Vit protects against lightning strikes, the bites of poisonous snakes, he is a patron of actors, is able to heal patients with epilepsy, and everyone who is obsessed with demons.

    This is the seventh sculpture, made under the signature of the sculptural workshop of the Brockoff for Karlov Bridge on the order of the Visegrad Capitul.

    St. Cosma, Damian and Savior - SV. Kosma A Damián Se Salvátorem

    A sculptural group of three statues was performed by Oldrhich Meier in a baroque style in 1709. It is ordered and installed on funds allocated by the medical faculty of Karlov University.

    Holy Cosma and Damian are known as patrons of patients and doctors, healers and the wonderworkers. For now managed to establish only a few facts about their lives: they were born in the second half of the third century on the territory modern TurkeyAnd the medical education received in Syria. Pupmic Pieces Poor Discharged their nickname "Bessenki". During the persecution of Christians, the brothers were captured for preaching and spreading this religion, subjected to torture and, in the end, beheaded.

    The composition of the sculpture is built in such a way that the brothers stand on both sides of the Savior. Each of the figures is located on a separate pedestal, and it may initially seem that the sculpture does not look like a single whole and each statue is individual. Cosma and Damian - Gemini Brothers, so it is not known how it was found that the Kosma is on the right, and Damian is the one that stands on the left. They are dressed in university mantles, keep martyrdom and medical mortars with inscriptions: "This is a cure for life" and "This is how the art of healing originated." The Savior is located in the center, he relies on the cross, the inscription on which it says literally the following: "There is our salvation in this cross."

    Borodacha Head - Bradáč

    According to the folk legends, this small bas-relief is depicting the most sculptor who built YuDitin Bridge, the first of the stone bridges deployed through Vltava. According to the legend, it was a man with a huge beard, and he came from Italy, where at that time (twelfth century) just experienced the flourishing art of architecture. Historical testimonies partly confirm the legend, specifying only that the sculptor was invited at the initiative of the Bishop of Prague, and did not come by itself, as in the folk version of the legend. After completing the work, the master allegedly outstretched his own portrait on one of the stone blocks at the base of the bridge. Located this bridge was at that very place where Karlov is located today, and the workers have retained a stone with a sculptor head, by typing it in a pylon of a new bridge. Sculpture depicting Bearded For many years served the townspeople of Prague as a mark to determine the water level, the spirit of the sculptor, inhabiting the head, served as a good keeper deity. As they say, if the water comes to the mouth of the bas-relief, the river spilled already to the street level of the old place, and if the water hid a beard with his head, then through central Square Soon you have to swim by boat.

    Holy Ivo in the femis society - SV. Ivo.

    Opens Karlov "Gallery" The sculptural group "Holy Ivo in the Society of Femids" - the creation of the hands of the talented sculptor of the Czech Republic Matias Brown.
    The sculpture of the song is depicting a court on which Hagia Ivo with Femida, the goddess of justice solve the dispute between the son and mother. In the center, closed in the mantle and with the laws in his hands, is the Ivo Breton family from Kermantegen, the Holy Catholic Church, who lived in the 13th century. When life, Ivo, who received a good legal education, performed the duties of the church judge. He paid special attention to the protection of ordinary poor people, for which he was often called the "Poor Lawyer". In addition, he organized orphanages, hospitals for poor people, shelters for homeless. After death, this outstanding lawyer was counted for the face of the Catholic saints and is considered a patron of widows, orphans and poor.

    The harsh gaze of Holy Ivo turned to mother and son, who could not find reconciliation among themselves. Next to the judge of the goddess of the Femid, as the incarnation of justice and fair reward that appeared before the court. In the eyes of the goddess bandage - the symbol of the judge's impartiality.
    The work of Brown "Holy Ivo in Society of Femids" was created by a master in 1711 by order of Karlov of the University, the oldest and chief educational institution of the Czech Republic, as a tribute to a fair judge and a virtuous person. Currently, a copy created in 1908 by the sculptor Frantiska Gergelege is being exhibited on the bridge. Those interested in the original is worth visiting the Lapidarium of the National Museum of the Czech Republic, where the sculpture is moved to storage.

    Barbara, Margarita and Elizabeth - SV. Barbora, Markéta A Alžběta

    The sculpture "Varvara, Margarita and Elizabeth" refers to the second group of the statues of the south side of Karlov Bridge. The sculptural group dates back to 1707, the master of its manufacture is Ferdinand Maximilian Brockoff (Signature of the Senior Brockoff, Ferdinand's father is at the foot of the central sculpture).

    On the sculptural composition

    The image of three saints patrons is captured in this sculpture. Holy Varvara - patroness of miners and miners, people related to mineral mining; Holy Elizabeth is a protector of patients and poor, patroness bakery; Holy Margarita was considered a helper at childbirth to the future mothers and patronized yields.

    The image of Elizabeth coincides with the princess of the Hungarian Dynasty of the Arpadov. It was a generous woman who helped the poor and the poor, which are depicted on the sculpture, lifting the eyes with plenty of their benefactor.

    The Great Martyr Margarita Antioch for the worship of Jesus Christ was expelled from the house and became a messenger stranger. According to the legend, the Roman prefect, seeing the nobility of origin in it, took her under his guardianship and protection, but when Margarita refused such patronage, after cruel torture killed her.

    Barbara, after the accusations in the enthusiasm of the Christian religion was beheaded, and the initiator of the court of his daughter was his father. And Barbara and Margarita are depicted on sculpture with the wins of martyrs on the head.

    Pieta - Pieta (Oplakávání Krista)

    One of the most famous sculptures of Karlov Bridge is a pidish. This sculptural composition depicts the dead Jesus Christ, already filmed from the cross. Above the body of the Savior in prayer, the Mother of God and Maria Magdalene (the repentant of the harlot, who followed Jesus after healing him from seven demons) was bent. Behind the confused women, the head of John Evangelist (or theologians - the author of the fourth gospel and one of the favorite disciples of Christ).

    The sculpture under consideration has its own history. Very long ago, the place of this unique composition occupied a crucifixion of simple wood. If you believe the legends, here, on the Karlovy bridge, there were executions of sinners and artisans, "they were shook in the crates and lowered into the water. Because of the floods that occurred in 1496, the pylon under the crucifix collapsed and the crucifix was cleaned with water.

    The first pinge was made back in 1695 by a Yan Brokof. In 1848, his work fell under the shelling and suffered greatly, after which, in 1859 it was transferred to the monastery, where he is still in this day. Modern Pieta made Emanuel Max in 1858 for money collected on donations and from the treasury of the city.

    Holy Joseph and little Jesus - SV. Josef s ježíšem.

    If you go to Karlov Bridge from the Old Tower to Malostran, then on the south side of the bridge you can see a sculpture depicting the righteous Joseph of the wrap. In his left hand he has Lily, and right he supports the little Jesus Christ, a blessing city. The inscription on a high pedestal reports that the sculpture is put on the funds of Josif Bergman and is devoted to the long memory to the residents of Prague and merchants.

    The righteous Joseph was the keeper of the Virgin of the Virgin Mary and the adoptive father of Jesus Christ. By profession, he was a carpenter, so I am depicted standing on a log. And therefore, everyone whose profession is related to the treatment of wood, woodpeakers, carpenters, carpenters, elected him as their patron. Customs officers joined them, and King Ferdinand LLL his decree "appointed" by his patron of Czech lands. Lily in the hand of St. Joseph - the symbol of the Virgin Mary, denotes purity and impossible.

    The first sculpture of St. Joseph, carved from sandstone by Yan Brockoff, was installed in 1706. But during the uprising of 1848, she strongly suffered from the shelling of the Austrian artillery. The current statue was made by the Czech sculptor Joseph Max also from sandstone and installed in place damaged in 1854. And the work of Yana Brockoff took its place in the Lapidarium of the National Museum of Prague to exhibit.

    Francis Xaveri - SV. František Xaverský.

    Francis himself Xaveri, and the composition itself is worthy of writing about them separately.

    So who was, a man with a cross, immortalized in a stone and put on a pedestal, supported by the Negro, Samurai and Tatarin? Francisco Xaveri - this is the second person in the Order of Jesuits, whose members from 16 century. Actively participated in almost all, both religious and political events on all continents. So, Francis Xavury or the Indian Apostle, as contemporaries called him, was one of those missionaries, thanks to which the Catholic Church today has a flock in the most remote corners of Asia and Africa. He managed to turn into Christianity more than a million pagans. In 1711, the Faculty of Philology and Philosophy of Karlov University ordered the Statue of St. Ferdinand Brockoff. However, before this day, the original sculpture composition did not reach, as it was absorbed by the water of the authorities during the catastrophic flooding of 1890. A copy of the statue was made by Vinnez to Rumigom and watered on the bridge only 23 years later.

    By the way, except for the saint, figures, symbolizing the peoples facing Christianity, the Asian ruler, leaning in front of the cross, and a boy feeding water in the sink to baptism, in the composition there is another figure. According to some specialists, the sculpture of a man standing next to Francis Xavury is a self-portrait of a sculptor of Brockoff.

    Christopher with an infant Jesus on the shoulders - SV. Kryštof.

    This statue was created at Burgomistra V.Vanka, the sculptor Emanuel Max and was established in 1857. Previously, there was a guard booth on the spot of this sculpture, but in 1784 this part of the bridge was designed by water and the booth was washed away. All five guards that have died there. After that, the movement on the bridge was limited, and the post was not restored. It was decided to establish a sculpture, which shows the Holy Christopher, carrying a little Jesus on his shoulders. This saint patron of navigators, travelers and the wanderings. According to legend, before baptism, the saint wore the name of the forthrium. He was a giant with his head of PSA, which he raised from God, because he was very beautiful, but did not want to succumb to temptation. Once, the Lord asked him to transfer pilgrims to the opposite bank of the river, among them was Jesus. Putting Christ on the shoulders, he went across the river, and with every minute he became more difficult, the flow was stormy, and under the weight of Noshi, in the middle of the river, he left his head under the water. But the unknown strength led Offerus and they moved to the other side. Putting a boy to Earth, he said: "It seemed to me that I was not a child, but the whole world, on your shoulders. " Jesus replied: "Not surprising, because you are not only a whole world, but also who created it, because I am the king of Heaven - Jesus Christ." This was the baptism of the Giant, and the Jesus narek him, which means "carrying Christ." This is such a beautiful and symbolic legend, the basis for the creation of this beautiful sculpture.

    Francisco Borgia - SV. František Borgiáš.

    The author of the wonderful sculpture was a good master Ferdinand Maximilian Brockoff. The sculpture was created in 1719. On the sculpture of Saint Francisco Borgia is depicted between two angels in the robe of the priest. Both angel holds holy images in the hands, the first is the image of Our Lady, the second image of the holy gifts.
    Saint Francisco Borgia was born on October 28, 1510, in Rome. He was the Catholic Holy and Trematic General of the Society of Jesus.

    In 1551, completing theological education, he accepted ordination. After he was elected the Third General in 1565. This day he often called the day of his crucifixion, and in his prayers he asked the Lord to take him or take his position from him. Francisco Borgegia made a significant contribution to the development of religion, this is not to mention his good deeds that legends have been going on and help large quantity of people. He never refused to help anyone.

    Francisco Bodzhi died in 1572 on September 30. He was at the request of the Pope Clement X canonized in 1671. Many saints, they talk about him as one of the successful and best generals of the Order of Jesuit.

    The sculpture is incredibly beautiful and exciting, it is filled with good and greatness.

    Holy Lyudmila with Little Wenceslas - SV. Ludmila S Malým Václavem

    In February 1784, during flooding in Vltav, the sculptural composition of the work of the Italian master Ottavio Bridge, depicting St. Vaclav, accompanied by guardian angels, was collected. In the same year, her place was taken by the sculpture of the Czech Princess, the first saint-martyr Lyudmila with the little grandson of Vaclav's hands of the sculptor Matias Bernard Brown. It was completed at about 1730 and was originally intended for the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary, which was in Prague Grad.

    Lyudmila devoted to the upbringing of the grandson and preaching of Christianity, this was reflected in the plot of the sculptural composition. In the center, the majestic statue of the Czech princess rises, to the right of it, the young Vaclav is, on his head, the crown is the testimony of the future stay on the throne, and the Little Guardian Angel is located on the left. In his left hand, the holy firmly compresses the bedspread, which subsequently, according to legend, and will be strangled, and the right indicates one of the Bible Psalms, which small Wenceslas must be read. The pedestal of sculpture decorates the bas-relief, reflecting the moment of killing of Prince Vaclav in the castle of Old Boleslav.

    Francis Assisi - SV. František Serafinský.

    A sculptural group of three figures led by the Italian monk and a preacher Francis of Assisi was made by Emmanuel Max in 1855 and was established for the funds of the President of the Royal Scientific Society of the Czech Republic, Count Franz Kolovrat-Liebsteinsky.

    Saint Francis is considered the patron saint of Italy, "the most attractive of the saints" and the founder of the Franciscan Order. Francis is closed in a monastic robe with a hood, stigmatics are clearly noticeable on his palms and breasts - bleeding ulcers that open on the body in those places where the wounds of the crucified Jesus Christ were located. Their appearance is usually preceded by the state of divine ecstasy, in which the saint is immersed at the moment of reading the prayer.

    The pedestal with the statue of Saint put forward a little ahead, behind his back - heded, the figure accompany two guardian angels. One of them tightly presses both hands a huge book - the Bible.

    The pedestal itself was made in a baroque style and was crowned with the inscription: "Saint Francis Assisky in gratitude for the wonderful salvation of Emperor Franz Joseph in February 1853."

    Saints Vincent Ferrer and Prokokiy Sazavsky - SV. Vincenc Ferrerský a SV. Prokop.

    This sculpture group was installed in 1712 and belongs to the cutter Ferdinand Maximmilian Brocca, one of the great masters of Czech Baroque. The sculpture is considered one of the most dramatic on the overall composition, two saints are depicted here - St. Vincent Ferrer and PRP. Prokoki Sazavsky, who plunge the demons of Semes and turn their legs. The bas-relief on the supporting composition of the pedestal depicts the Turk, Judea and Black, which are also symbolically under the fifth of the saints.

    The plot of the composition is clearly designed to depict the merits of the mentioned saints in the processing of pagans into the true faith, as well as their successes in the spiritual struggle. But even when a broken acquaintance with the lives of St.Vinsen and PRP. Prokopia, there is some surprise, because there are little of them, except for the neighborhood in this sculptural group. Vincent Ferrer was Spanish Dominican, preached by Qatars and especially read in the Catholic tradition, while the proof Sazavsky - one of the most famous Czech national saints, ratified for worship in Slavic languages \u200b\u200band is equally revered both in Catholicism and in Orthodoxy. Most likely, there is some kind of riddle associated with the Prague church and national policies of the 18th century.

    Brunchvik - Bruncvík.

    I have a friend in Prague, a stone knight ... He stands on the bridge and wakes the river .... He is about five hundred years and he is very young: a stone boy. (M.TSvetaeva 1923)

    These lines of world-famous Russian poets are devoted to the sculpture towering on a high pedestal for the railings of Karlov Bridge. The sculpture was performed in 1884 in the workshop of the Czech sculptor Ludwig Shimek and was installed on the funds collected by Prazhanes. The old statue that stood at this place was strongly injured during the thirty-year war under the siege of Prague with Swedish army, its fragments and now can be seen in the branch of the National Museum.

    The figure is the figure of a lonely knight, dressed in the armor of the XVI century, in his right hand, the legendary magic sword, in the left - shield with the image of the coat of arms of the old place, at his feet - the Lion is a devoted servant and a faithful friend who, after the death of Bruntsvik, died on his grave after the death .

    Prague young man Bruntsvik for legend went to wander to find a lion for his coat of arms. During the trip, he not only saved the life of Lion, but also gained a magic sword, which his head his head his head. There is no accurate answer that it became with this sword. Some argue that this sword is allegedly closed at the base of Karlova Bridge, others - that Bruntsvik threw it in Vltava. Everyone converge only in one thing: when the Czech people need help, the sword will appear and protect the city.
    Existed whether Bruntsvik really?! Perhaps this is one of those numerous beautiful legends that the old prague washed.

    Nikolai Tolentinsky - SV. Mikuláš Tolentinský.

    Since 1708, Charles Bridge from the "Wild River" Bridge defeats Saint Nikolai Tolentinsky. Sculptor Yang Kohl portrayed the saint in the traditional attire of the Augustinian monk with Lily in one hand and a book to another. A bowl with bread, capable of healing patients and save an angel from misfortunes.

    The canonical attribute is evidence of the lifetime feat of the saint joining the Order of Augustine at an early age. Diligence in the study of theology and renunciation of the world led to the quick priests.

    Once the angels called him in Tolto, where he lived to the end of his life, preaching right on the streets calling to stop civil War. When a particularly strict post brought a devotee to a serious illness, he saw the Virgin Mary and St. Augustine. They taught him to create bread with an autumn cross, and eat. It cured the priest. With this bread, he resurrected the dead, and treated hopelessly sick.

    The sculpture of Nikolay Tolentinsky was created by order of the ordinary of the monks of St. Augustine. The sculpture was made in the workshop of Jerome Kolya from the tree, after some time with the approval of the Order The younger son of Jeronim Yang kneading the image in the stone. The sculpture was installed on the bridge in the place, offering the place of acquiring the icons of the Virgin Mary, opposite the Figure of St. Augustine. In 1969, the statue was replaced by a copy by placing the original in the Visegrad Lapidarium Gorlin.

    Vision of St. Luitgard - SV. Luitgarda Neboli Sen SV. Luitgardy.

    One of the most valuable sculptural compositions presented on the Karlovy Bridge is the sculptural group "Vision of Saint Luitgard", created in 1710 by the 26-year-old Czech sculptor Matias Bernard Brown.

    Sculpture visually draws us a legend about the death-seeming vision of Luitgard, the nuns of the Cisryaian Order. In a dream, Jesus Christ appeared to her, crucified on the cross. He leaned over the blind nun so that she could heal his wound with his kiss. The legend tells that after that the nun and Jesus exchanged hearts. Angels are frolic on the sculpture around Jesus and Luitgard, which speaks of the blissful character of her vision. Jesus himself came after her, came not only to announce her soon, but also for healing; She was joying people, but her life and service on Earth were over. Of course, it is just a legend, which is full of Prague, but the life of the nun was really legendary.

    Luitgard was born in Belgium in 1182, a twelve-year-old girl was given to the Benedctic Monastery of St. Catherine, and at the age of twenty three, being already a nun, she became the pricing community. To the Order of the Cisteriants, known for its strict orders, Luitgard joined in 1208. By this time, many people have already knew about her gift of prophecy and healing. The last eleven years of life, being already blind, she did not stop meeting people and help them. Holy Luudgard died in 1246. In ledge, which came to us through the century, it says that before the death of Luitgard there was a vision in which Jesus Christ came to her to tell her about her death. This vision and was embodied in the sculpture with the hands of Master Brown. Finanted the creation of a sculpture of an abbot of one of the cycersian monasteries.

    After the death of Luitgard was counted to the face of blissful. Over the centuries and until today, it is revered in the Roman Catholic Church and is a patroness of people with limited features, as well as it is believed that she protects the mother and child during childbirth. The memory of Saint Luudgard is immortalized not only in stone, but also in other works of art.

    Currently, given the historical and cultural value of the sculptural composition "Vision of the Saint Luitgard", in order to its safety, the original is replaced by a copy made by 1995 by Ya. Novak and B. Cancer. The work of Matias Brown's hands is stored today in Prague in Lapidarium - Museum of stone sculptures.

    Adalbert Prague - SV. Vojtěch.

    Czech sculptor Mikhail Brockof in 1709 finished another sculpture for Karlov Bridge, it was depicted in Saint Adalbert Saint Adalbert (Loeth) Prague.

    The National Saint is depicted in the closures of the Archbishop with the Gospel and the Staff Symbol. The second after St. Vaclav, the patron saint of the Czech land of Holy Logue, the Mobilical zeal acquired to the Czech Republic Catholic Church. He took martyrdom from the hands of Varvarov, being in a mission campaign to Prague.

    Loeti was born painful. His parents in the desire to heal the baby put it on the altar of St. Mary, and a miracle of cure happened. In gratitude for salvation, he was determined by the ministry of the Church and the Holy Roman throne. Name Loeth means literally "crowd consolation".

    Prazanes were sent several times Adalbert, demanding too strict adherence to church canons. Criting to mercy, preaching humility, he was brutally killed. The creation of male monasteries and monastic orders in the Czech Republic is considered a special merit of Saint.

    In the mortal moment, the brawling ropes are unleashed, the body acquired the shape of the cross and the radiance proceeded from it. The body dismembered by barbarians has grown miraculously. To redeem the body, it was decided to pay gold for its weight. But it turned out to be weightless, and was transferred without redemption. That was the last return of the holy in the hometown.

    The sculpture of St. Adalbert ordered by a member of the board of the old town of Prague Marcus Joanelli, whose coat of arms is placed on the pedestal of sculpture. It was performed in the family workshop of Brockof, father and son, now a copy is installed on the bridge, the original is placed in the Vyragerad Lapidarium Gorlitsy.

    St. John de Mata, St. Felix De Valua and John Czech - SV. Jan Z Mathy, Felix Z Valois A Ivan

    At the same time, the most popular, large-sized and frightening sculptural group of Karlova Bridge, the work of the Czech sculptor Ferdinand Maximilian Brokofa was performed in 1714 by order of a rich aristocrat, Count Ya. Tuna.

    The composition depicts the wildlife of John Czech, accompanied by the French saints John de Mata and Felix De Valua, which in 1199 founded the Catholic monastic Order of Trinitaria, which allowed to buy prisoners from the Inovers.

    The pedestal of the sculpture is made in the form of a cave, where the grille in the dark captive Christians pray for mercy. The prisoner flag of the Turk, which personifies the collective image of all Muslims and a dog. Above the lattice hangs the map with an angel image. Saint Felix is \u200b\u200bholding a kartush with one hand, and the other serves the liberated prisoner.

    Behind the saint, on the rock, sits, stopping the knee, the deserter John Czech, in his hands the Golden Cross, he silently watches what is happening. Relocation side of him rises the figure of St. Ionna de Mata, holding shackles, at the feet of the French saint pounding the magic deer, with a golden cross between the horns. According to the legend, it was the image of this animal who pushed the saints to establish the Order.

    St. Vaclav - SV. Václav

    The statue of St. Vaclav I - the most revered by Czechs of the Prince, the patron saint of Czech lands and Prague, was established in 1858 by the handle of the sculptor Josef Camille Boem on the sketches of the artist Y. Führing. An order for this sculpture was obtained by y. From the Prague society of the blind, founded in Prague in 1832. A year earlier, the society celebrated its 25th anniversary, about this event and testifies to the inscription engraved at the pedestal: "In memory of the celebration of the 25-year anniversary of the founding of the society of the blind children held in Prague on October 4, 1857."

    The Grand Duke stands, leaning on the left foot, the right leg bent in the knee and a little rejected to the side. On his right hand hangs a shield depicting the coat of arms with an eagle emblem and she, he seems to "embraces" the banner. Vaclav is closed in princely clothes, his head is crowned with a crown. The neck of the prince stretched, the chin asked a little up, the eyes are closed, the hands are folded in front of them, he makes a prayer, pressing his palms tightly to each other. Pose issues in Prince adherent to Christianity, his grandmother Holy Lyudmila raised him in the village of this religion and instilled his love for her. Her sculpture is also on the Karlovy Bridge.

Most sculptures are the result of labor of the best sculptors of Matyash Bernard Brown and Jan Brockoff, as well as their sons of Mikhail and Yana with the participation of Ferdinand Maximilian.

Charles Bridge - a work of art, where every sculpture tells the story.

Do not forget to make a wish on a hiding bridge, and it will surely come true!

Also pay attention to the neo-neutic ladder, which is part of architectural complex Bridge. The current staircase leading from the bridge to Campa Island was built in 1844 and successfully replaces the wooden predecessor.

In addition to sculptures, you can see musicians, artists, souvenir traders who entertain and earn money on the most legendary Bridge of Europe - Karlovy Bridge!

Charles Bridge is located in the Czech Republic, its capital - the city of Prague. In total, the 18th bridges, the most ancient, beautiful and, undoubtedly romantic is Karluv Most.

Charles Bridge - gigantic pride, one of the symbols of the city and the most visited attraction of Prague. It like a magnet attracts thousands of tourists. That is why there are many people on the bridge at any time of the year, walk through the bridge, and it is not possible to enjoy his charm, because except heads, ahead and behind the coming, nothing can be seen, not to mention to make beautiful photos. They say to see all Charles Bridge, you need to come at night, up to eight o'clock in the morning.

View of Charles Bridge from the side

On the bridge, street musicians entertain honest people, hoping, of course, for good reward. And from the tents with different souvenirs from morning to evening there is lively trade.

Charles Bridge, for 600 years already connects two historical shores of the Vltava River / VLTAVA, Old Time and Malu country. From the bridge, there are amazing beauty views of both shores of the Vltava River, and along the river there, and then the pleasure boats are saved.

Especially beautiful view from the bridge opens to the historic area of \u200b\u200bMala Country

On the most ancient medieval bridge of Prague, each stone has their own story. The date bookmark of the first stone of Karlova Bridge Emperor of the Roman Empire and the King of Czech Karl iv chose the Council of court astrolories. The solemn ceremony on this occasion took place in 1357 on the 9th day of 7 months at 5 o'clock 31 minutes. Thus, the moment of the base of the bridge is a palindrome. If you look at the bookmark date, it will be equally read in both directions, both from left to right and right to left.

Once on the site of Karlov Bridge was located old Most Judites demolished by flooding in 1342. However, one of the towers of the bridge is still preserved, it can be seen on the side of a small country to this day. In general, the towers are decorated with Karlov Bridge on both sides, but their main purpose is not a beauty at all, but to serve as a bridge.

From the side of the small country there are two towers, wearing the name of Malostran bridge towers. One of the towers is lower and powerful, and the second is higher and built at a later time. Later, the gates were built between the towers, and now you can see the arched passage in the center of the towers.

On the other side of the bridge, you can see the third and last tower - the Old Town. The name happened from the part of the city in which the tower is located - old space. On the top floor of the tower there is an observation deck, for which in 90 kroons you can climb and enjoy the views of Karlova Bridge, the River Vltava and both shores of the old town of Prague.

On the Old Town Tower, from the side of the Old Town, you can see several sculptures, one of which depicts St. Vita - the patron of the bridge.

The bridge itself decorate the 30 statues of the saints. Most of these sculptures were established between 1708 and 1714, over the creation of which the best sculptors of that era worked. True originals are now removed from the bridge and are demonstrated by the public at the National Museum of Prague. And their place was taken by copies made in the second half of the 19th century by famous masters. But all this does not make the sculpture of the bridge less attractive.

The most ancient, distinguished against the background of other sculptures, and immediately striking is the bronze crucifixion of the "Calvary" of the Hilger's work, heterogeneous in style and origin. The modern bronze gold-plated cross was cast in 1629, and two sculptures on both sides of the Cross, the Virgin and John Outsees from sandstone by Emanuel Max in 1861. Inscriptions on sculpture and marble pedestal are also built at different times.

Charles Bridge performs desire?!

Here it is, the main topic for which we have decided to write this article.

Charles Bridge overlook numerous secrets and legends. The most popular of which is a favorable energy of the bridge, performing desires. On the Karlovy Bridge there are several places where you can make a desire - dogs, saints, crosses, all of them you will easily find, they are grazing to shine.

We, who do not believe in all of these miraculous places of fulfillment of desires (here, do it, there, be bored there, they donate them by, not paying attention. However, one place has been hooked with something, it is even difficult to say than, rather it was an inner voice. Near him we stopped.

Small interesting sculpture - Bas-relief in Nepomock. From this place on the legend, the Czech Catholic Holy, Priest and Martyr Yana Nepomotsky was reset.

According to the "rules", you need to put the right hand on the cross, and the fingers of the left hand will twice to lose the non-smoking and the stars over his head, while putting the left leg on the nail that below on a paving. In such a position to make a desire. We naturally did not do that, just came up and the desires of the wishes were rubbed ... The desire for my long-term, so I can't say anything, but the whole chip is that literally a few days after the specified desire it began to execute and the effect lasts until now.

Charles Bridge was not always Karlov

Charles Bridge was not the first bridge connecting Prague degrees and the old town. His predecessor became Judithin Bridge, which was almost completely destroyed by flooding 1342 years. By the way, the elements of one arch of this bridge are still stored in the center of Prague (in the basement of the church of the Order of the Crusader with the Red Star) and are included in the Exposition of the Karlov Bridge Museum.

Fragment of the Judithin Bridge, the Exposition of the Karlov Bridge Museum in Prague.

The flowering of construction and trade in the Czech Republic demanded the construction of a new, strong bridge.The development of the project King Karl IV instructed the architect Peter Perelay, who already confirmed his talent when creating the Cathedral of St. Vita. The date of the start of construction has long calculated court astrologers. As a result, they turned out a combination of numbers "1357-9-7-5-31". Therefore, construction decided to start on July 9, 1357 at 5:31 am. The bridge continued to build up to 1402 years. Thanks to him, Prague raised his prestige and became a significant stop in European trade routes.

In the people, the bridge has long called the "stone" and "Prague". Only in 1870, a new name was entrenched with the easy filming of the writer Josef Rudla.

View of Charles Bridge, photo

Single bridge with milk, cottage cheese, wine and eggs

The popular legend says that Charles Bridge turned out so strong because eggs, wine and milk added into the connecting stones. In Prague, these products were little, therefore they collected them throughout the Czech kingdom. A lot of funny legends are connected with this collection. For example, residents of Vellar were so afraid that the eggs break on the road that they decided to pre-cook them. And the inhabitants of the city were hospitably sent not only milk, but even cheese and cottage cheese. So Charles Bridge became the only bridge in the world, in the construction of which were used stones, eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese and wine.

Moss found on the Karlovy Bridge.

New Riddles Karlova Bridge

Charles Bridge continues to surprise people and now. For example, a new mystery has recently opened: when the scuba whales explored the ninth base of the bridge under water, they found a new layer between the millstones and the basis of the gravel. It consisted of a compressed moss that does not grow under water. Nakhodka confirmed that in the XIV century, this moss was collected in the fir forest and specifically laid between gravel and millstones. Perhaps moss served in order to distribute the weight of the bridge. He also could be used as a padding mass for filling the cracks or insert into the bridge in magical purposes.

Charles Bridge is destroyed by flooding 1890,

Destruction of Karlov Brosta

In the original form, Charles Bridge was preserved only until 1648, when Swedes came to Prague. The bridge was the line of defense of the city, so it was partially destroyed in battles. The next catastrophic destruction occurred at the flood of 1890. It was a terrible catastrophe that deeply affected the hearts Prazhan. The Master of the Master from Budapest was restored, although many Czechs considered outrageous that the construction was commissioned to foreigners. Their indignation ignored, and the bridge was in a short time restored. In the twentieth century (1966-75) Karlov Bridge passed another major overhaul.

Charles Bridge: Interesting Facts

1. Of all 30 sculptures on the Karlovy bridge, only the statue of Yana Nepomotsky is poured out of bronze, and the statue of St. Philip Benitius is made of marble. The rest of the sculptures were made of stone.

Statue of St. Yana Neumber, Charles Bridge in Prague.

2. The statue of St. Yana Neumber (from 1683) is longer on the bridge. It is located between 9 and 10 supports. According to the legend, Yana was dropped from the bridge because he was appointed against the will of the King of Waclav IV or refused to reveal the secret to the confession of his wife. In place, where they dropped the saint, strengthened the board with a metal cross and five stars. It can be seen on the right side of the bridge in 8 supports on the railing.

3. Why does Yang Nepomuntsky always portrayed with five stars? This is also explained by the legend. When it was drowned in the river, five stars appeared above the water. Their reflection helped to find the body.

The place where they dropped from the bridge of St. Yana Neumber. Charles Bridge in Prague

4. At the end of the XIX century, a tram harvested by horses went along Karlov Bridge. Prazane called his horse. The horse was very popular in the Czech Republic. In 1883, in Prague, the tram trail was solemnly opened, which led from National Theater to the Crusader Square and through Charles Bridge to Malostran Square. These were the first tram tracks in the history of the Czech Republic. By the twentieth century, the jump was replaced by an electric tram. In 1908, the tram movement on Karlov Bridge was finally banned from concerns that heavy trams would destroy it. Machines traveled through the bridge until 1965.

Charles Bridge, Konka. Photo

5. One of the believers says that if you touch your hand to any sculpture on the Karlovy Bridge and make a desire, it will come true. If the lovers commend the desire and kiss on the bridge, it will also be fulfilled.

Charles Bridge, kiss. Photo

The Charles Bridge - One of the most romantic places in the world. Business card Prague. He fully is considered a masterpiece of medieval architecture and the oldest metropolitan bridge, which is guarded by the Gothic Tower Gate on both sides.

The history of the emergence of Karlova Bridge

In ancient times at the site of the bridge there was a transition aroused using linked logs. In x century is mentioned wooden bridgeBut its existence has always threatened flooding, and therefore Vladislav II (1140-1172) ordered to build a new one, a stone bridge. The first stone bridge in 500 meters long at the time was the longest in Europe. He got the name of YuDititin Bridge in honor of the wife of the Czech ruler. YuDitin Bridge was destroyed by the strongest flooding in 1342, but his fragments preserved from the old city can be seen today at the Karlov Bridge Museum.

This catastrophe was destructive for Prague Trade, and because Karl IV decided to build a new bridge, more durable, tall and gorgeous. The construction of the bridge was decided to entrust the 23-year architect Peter Perellej, already brightly showed his talent, which was the result of the Cathedral of St. Vita. Court astrologers have long calculated and calculated the most favorable dates for this event. The result was the day July 9, 1357 at 05.31 in the morning. It was this moment that was favorable, because when he complied with the mirror law of numbers: they could be built with a pyramid, whose vertex would be a number "9", - Sandstone was used as a building material for the bridge. Charles bridge, 516 meters long and 9.5 meters wide, standing on 16 mighty support beams, connects Old city And the small side, crossing the Vltava above the island of Camp, which is separated from the shore of the River River.

Tradition says: In order for the solution that connects the stones was stronger, it was decided to add eggs, milk and wine into it. In Prague, these products lacked, and therefore was given the order to collect them from all over the Czech kingdom. "And extinguished from all ends in Prague, food caravans. And a solution was seen on wine, milk and eggs." The inhabitants of Velvar were worried that the eggs break on the road and welded them. And the caring population of the town of coming except milk sent cottage cheese and cheese. Long laughed all the Prague over these eccentrics. But Karlov Bridge still stands in Prague. The only one of all the bridges of the world, which is built out of stone, eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese and wines.

In 1974, the bridge was declared pedestrian. And before that, until 1905, they rode popular in the commes - trams, harvested by horses, then, electric trams (until 1908) and cars.

The last general reconstruction of the bridge was carried out in 2009-2010. Masonry, using traditional technologies, replaced old worn and weathered blocks to new ones.

Statues of Karlov Brosta

In the XVII century, Charles bridge began to decorate the statues: the number of sculptures and sculptural groups with images of saints gradually reached 30. All statues in the baroque style were installed on the bridge from 1683 to 1714. Only from 1706 to 1714 the bridge was decorated with 26 sculptures. The last statues - Saints Cyril and Methodius - were delivered in 1928. Sculptures destroyed by floods or destroyed by bad weather were replaced by copies of the work of modern masters, and the originals were decided to move to the Lapidarium of the National Museum.

Charles Bridge and Holy Yang Nonoober

Walking around the Karlovy Bridge, you will certainly see the crowd from one of the statues. People one suitable and concern the details of the statue, makes a desire. Controversial, to which it is necessary to touch that the desire is fulfilled. It is only known that in this place, on March 20, 1393, was reset to the Vltava River Vicar Jan Nomobletsky, according to one of the legends, paid life for not

revealed the secret of the confession of Waclav Jofi's wife. According to the legend, the body of the saint was found thanks to five shining stars in the river. On the right side of the bridge before 8 support on the railing, in a place where the vicar was dropped into the river, a board with a metal cross and five stars were reinforced. The Statue of Yana Nepomotsky stands on the bridge longer than everyone else - from 1683, located between 9 and 10 supports. In 1729, Jan Nomobleksky was recognized as the holy and his statues began to appear at bridges throughout Europe. He became the patron saint of confessors, mills, sprayers, boatmen and bridges.

Old Town Tower

Old Town Tower - One of the most interesting Prague monuments, to which it is worth noticeing more closely. This tower, which is considered the most beautiful Gothic gates in Europe, simultaneously with the Karlovy Bridge, in 1357-1399, built Peter Perellezh personally. In addition, it was built not on earth, like the rest of the Prague defensive fortifications, and right on the bridge over the water.

Eastern, Old Tower, the side of the tower is decorated with gothic sculptures from the workshop of the Parlery, partly - his work. Unfortunately, this is the only part of the tower where original decorations are preserved - the rest suffered from Swedish shells in 1648. The Lower Yarus is located the statues of Charla IV and Waclav IV, sitting in the thrones, and between them, over the model of the bridge, is the figure of St. Vita. When the tower was built, Karl IV was already an elderly man, and his son was preparing for the elder on the throne, so the elderly emperor was depicted with the ledged head, which is symbolically compared with sunset. The statues are placed the coat of arms of ten lands, which owned the Luxembourg dynasty (both king belong to it). Also on the east side of the tower, on the highest tier, you can see the sculptures of Saints Loetha and Sigmund (Sigismund).

All these statues suffered from the time that in the 1970s they were replaced by copies from concrete. But it turned out that this material is even less hardy than sandstone, so it was decided to hoist to the place of concrete figures squeezed out of stone. They were established in November 2006 with the help of medieval technology - a wooden winch, driven by exceptionally human strength.

The passage of travel through the tower is decorated with silicon arches - exactly the same as in the Cathedral of St. Vita. A medieval painting has been preserved between them. Among her plots prevailing the image of a moonfree in a wreath of a blue towel rolled into the harness. This symbol is found in architecture and books in connection with Wenceslas IV (1378-1419). According to the legend, the king, as a result of the intrigue sharpened in the building of the Old Town Hall, saved during his campaign to the bathhouse of Zuzanan: she helped the prisoner to escape through the window and crossed the boat to the Malostranian shore. The king subsequently deliberate the charge of a number of awards and privileges, including the coat of arms with a moonfield, which then began to use the shop of the Motornikov. By the way, the image of the Zuzana itself can also be found on the fare below the Old Tower.

Be sure to climb the stairs to the viewing platform on the top of the Tower: although it will have to overcome 138 steps for this, you will be rewarded by view of the bridge, Prague degrees and roofs of the old city. By the way, being upstairs, you can notice on the north side, under the roof, two, at first glance, meaningless inscriptions in Latin. They are really not

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