The population of Ankara for the year is. Ankara - Modern capital of Turkey

Those who are difficult to sleep sitting, night buses are contraindicated. I treat this type of people. Having tried all sorts of postures, I met city of Ankara Dried eyes. As I called from to Ankara, we drove very quickly.

Therefore, we decided that you need to sleep well the next night on the road, and the best option for this is a train. And straight from the bus station went to the railway station to learn how to get to Adapazary (this is on the way to Istanbul), and from where we can get to our friends to the Black Sea.

On the railway station we went to the subway. A comfortable thing must be said, quickly at any end of the city, well, in the one in which it is, as there is only a few branches. The cost of a trip, something about 30r per trip, transplants from the branch of the branch are free. There, by the way, it is categorically impossible to take pictures. As soon as I took the camera to me, either spared the gamers of order, or in the loudspeakers a persistent Turkish speech was distributed.

In the subway, we met a student with a student who knows english. How nice to meet a person talking on a native familiar speech. Himself came up, he himself caused us on the subway. Pleasant people, however, the Turks.

In the railway station of the city of Ankara, as it turned out no one normally speaks English. Even aunt, sitting next to the big inscription "Information". Convergeed from half an hour, we found out which trains are, and bought a place in a sleeping car (analogue of our coupe).

And then went to walk through Ankara, the capital of Turkey, as in any way. The truth is not historical, but because Ataturk said that, they say it is conveniently located. Therefore, this city is unavailable for viewing, ordinary buildings, similar to each other, as in a scoop, only neat and slightly european. In general, Ankara did not impress much.

Although in some areas of the house are not at all modern.

Also the city of Ankara and the capital of round bagels. They are here at every step. 3 pieces for 1 liru (20r), and in the evening and 5-7 pieces per 1 lir. Morning delicious, and evening burners.

At first we looked at the Kodjatepe mosque, and even went inside. The gradation of the building is impressive - the ceilings are high, red carpets are dragged, the chandeliers are awesome. Cool and barefoot on the carpet is nice. There were little people, got into the gap between the namazami.

Then visited the Mausoleum Ataturk. It will be more abruptly than Lenin's Mausoleum - large buildings, guard, several museums dedicated to the leader, and cinema with continuous translation of films. One strange seemed to be a large park area around the mausoleum, closed for visiting. And why does she ask for someone?

During the change of Karaul Mausoleum Ataturk, all tourist and local brethren is going to the crowd around the soldiers grilled from the sun and photographs, photographs.

Before the train managed to run back in old city Ankara, the center of which is located on the mountain inside the fortress. Here there really is a flavor - old houses, narrow streets. The feeling that is not in the capital of Turkey, but in the god forgotten village. Only children there are angry slightly - tried to put in me with the ball, maybe there was no rye?

Inside the old city of Ankara.

Ankara - the capital of Turkey, the city in the center of the country. Located on Anatolian Plateau, in the merger area of \u200b\u200bthe Chubuk and Ankara Rivers, at altitudes 900-950 m above sea level. The population of Ankara is 4.9 million people. In terms of the number of residents, it is inferior only by Ankara is 25,437 square meters. km. Time zone - UTC +3.

Geographical position

Ankara is located in the center of Anatolian Peninsula, separating the Black and Mediterranean Sea into two separate reservoirs. Latitude and longitude of Ankara: 39 ° 52'00 "s. sh. and 32 ° 52'00 "in. d.

The terrain is a middle mountain dry-thermal landscape. The climate is moderately continental and moderately arid. Summer is usually roast and quite long, with large daily temperature amplitudes. Winter moderate and pretty snowy. Autumn significantly warmer spring. In the transition seasons, most of the precipitation falls. Summer is the dry season. In winter, the precipitation is more often falling in the form of snow. The most arid month is August.

Snow lies about 45 days (from 15 to 75). In January average temperature Near zero. And the average annual - only +12.1 ° C. The amount of precipitation is about 400 mm per year, and the number of days with precipitation is 104. Despite subtropical latitude, the heat for 35 ° C is incidentally and not long. Also rare and cooling down minus 15 ° C.

By nature, Ankara climate is similar to the climate of Stavropol, Odessa and the steppe of the Crimean Peninsula. A record low temperature is frost in -32.2 ° C, and the highest of fixed - temperature in +41.2 degrees.

Administrative division

The governing body in Ankara is the city council and mayor. The city consists of 17 municipalities, 422 quarters and 82 settlements.


Ankara is the second (after Istanbul) in importance to the city in Turkey. Enterprises here are concentrated in the so-called industrial zones. Around the entire city there are approximately 53 thousand different industrial facilities that are a place of work for 380 thousand people. The unemployed, located on the labor exchange, about 45,000 people.

A large number of people are involved in the automotive and auto repair industry, a little less - in the sphere of electrical engineering and about 10% - in the manufacture of food products. Turkey traditionally developed grazing of livestock on natural natural pastures.

Metal products, equipment is essential. The bulk of enterprises is small and medium-sized objects.


Ankara is a major railway assembly of the country. Direct railway service is valid to Istanbul, Izmir and many other cities located in different parts of the country. It is also the place of intersection of motorways. From here go bus flights In all directions, in the amount of 161 bus. The main bus station is slightly west - in the city of Kyzila. The international airport is located 30 km north of Ankara.

There are almost 2 thousand buses in the city, as well as suburban trains and even trams. The network of the subway lines is gradually expanding. The construction of the subway began in 1996-1997.


The number of residents of the city is increasing from year to year. This growth is very rapid. So, in 1927 only 74553 people lived here, but by the 2008 population of Ankara reached four million, and in 2011 approached five million. In 2015, it accounted for 5 million 270 thousand 575 people. The most numerous generation, which is now 25-29 years old.

The density of the Ankara population is 3451 people / km of square.

However, it is unequal in different areas. In general, Ankara is a city of contrasts. The main streets have luxurious high-rise buildings and hotels, as well as cafes and restaurants, embassies and administrative buildings. And closer to urban in the morning, the traditional life of workers and peasants - historical inhabitants of Ankara.

Attractions Ankara

In Ankara there is a large number of mosques. Especially attracts tourists an ancient mosque Khadzhibira, built back in the 15th century. Also tourists attract the Mausoleum Ataturk. This is a major building with columns, which is associated with the proclamation of Turkey independence. Also represent the interest ancient Temple Augustine and Roma, and the Roman baths can also be found in the city. And the highest attraction of this city is the Atakule observation tower, 125 m height, which is visible from any part of the city.

Museums Ankara

In Ankara, there is a large number of diverse museums. The most interest among tourists is the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, the exposition of which is located in ancient buildings. Also to see such museums as the Museum of Fine Arts, the Ethnographic Museum, the Museum of Independence, the Museum of Science and Technology, the Museum of Industry and the Museum of Farviews.

What dishes can be enjoyed in Ankara

There is no restaurant deficiency in the city. Here their huge amount, and everyone can find something to taste. First of all, tourists are interested, of course, local Turkish cuisine. It is an unusual combination of ingredients and spices. The most common dish is the Kebab Turkish kebab. In addition, in any Turkish restaurant or diner, you can order "Pilyav", which is a pilaf based on meat and wheat cereals. Among the dishes are also "dolma" (the analog of the cabbage rolls, but with grape leaves), manta, lamb meatballs.

As a side dish, lentils are based on lentils, stewed beans, stew from vegetables, eggplant caviar, eggplant, puree and spice rice. Soups are also diverse. They can be based on beans, lentils, rice, meat, beets. Seafood uses.

Mandatory attribute turkish cuisine is bread. It is preferred only in fresh form. Desserts resemble the Central Asian: Halva, Cuccates, Lukums, as well as common: marmalade, puddings, etc.

Drinks use juices, coffee, mineral waterCold herbal teas. Alcohol also has: local wine, vodka, beer. Nevertheless, the massive drinking of alcoholic beverages in the wrong place here is not welcome and is even prohibited by law.


Ankara has hotels of various quality. Practically in any of them there is free food, gyms, bars. Also almost everywhere you can find restaurants, swimming pools, discos and playgrounds. Price for living moderate.

Leisure in Ankara

The absence of the sea can be compensated by a visit to the huge water park Water City. There are many pools, attractions, waterfalls and water Gorons. A lot of sports facilities are built around the city. The most famous tennis club. There is also an equestrian club, a fitness club, a riding school, a restaurant and a sauna.

And for night fun lovers there are nightclubs. The most exotic Bull Bar, which is made in the style of primitive world.

Festivals and holidays are often held. The festival of souvenirs is particularly interesting, which turns the city in the likeness of a huge fair.

Shopping centers

Ankara is famous for large shopping centers. There are several tens of them, and everyone has known abroad. One of them even acquired the status of the best shopping center in Europe in 2003. An interesting center is the "Castle of Ankara", where there are trading points of local family firms. There is also an eastern bazaar, bakery, many traditional shops. Very many Turkish markets, where you can buy products for every taste.

Local souvenirs are sold almost everywhere. These are outfits for dancing, hookahs, chess, vases, tubets, shoes, carpets, copper products.

Connection quality

Turkey is known for well-developed mobile and stationary bond. Everywhere in the city has telephone booths. The phones are in all post offices. Mobile communication is available anywhere in the country and has excellent reception quality. Roaming in Turkey is quite expensive, but when buying a local SIM card price will be quite acceptable. Also well established the security of the Internet. You can enter the network from numerous Internet cafes and most restaurants and hotels.


Thus, Ankara - modern city with ancient traditions. It is open for tourists. For a full holiday, there is all the necessary infrastructure. There is not enough beaches. The most developed segment in Ankara is trade. There are numerous European level shopping centers, and traditional shops. There is a large selection of different restaurants.

The population of Ankara is rapidly increasing. The city is a major transport and industrial center that, apparently, contributes to the resettlement of local residents. The subway develops rapidly. Ankara is highlighted in a large number of mosques and museums. In the city there are many good hotels, stable mobile connection And a large number of places with Internet access.

We hope that the Ankara description given in this article will allow the reader to better figure out the features of this city.



the capital of Turkey. Founded in VII in. BC e. called Ankira, cf. Greek. Ankyra latin. Aksoga turkish. Lenger "anchor" and "Stop, Parking" (The term Lyangar and its phonetic options are often found in the names Center. Asia and the Middle East) - It is believed that the city originated where the Celt was stopped, the Galatian tribe. The name for a long time was used in the form of Angora, from which the surviving Russian concepts were formed: Angora goats, cats, angora wool, etc. after transfer in 1923 g. The city of the capital of the State officially enshrines sovr. Ankara form (Ankara) .

Geographical names of the world: toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001.


(Ankara.), until 1930 Angora , capital Turkey, on the Anatolian Plateau. , merging the Ankara Rivers and Chubuk. 3203 thousand inhabitants (2002). Second population and econ. Value city country. Founded in the VII century. BC e. As Ansira, Frigian King Midas. IN antique period - The capital of Galatia, in Roman was a large independent city. In IV-V centuries. Submitted to the invasions of Persians and Arabs. In 1073, he was captured by Turks-Seljuki, as part of the Ottoman Empire from 1354. The value of A. increased as a result of nat. movements after the First World War. In 1919, Kemal Ataturk was a bet here, since 1923 the capital of the Turkish Republic. Here are the Great Nats. Meeting (Majlis), Government and Head of State. Pr-in machines and others. Prom. equipment, radio electronics, plywood, concrete products, carpets; polygraph. Prom-st. In the city and its surroundings - the Prospect of the Military Prom. Consists of two parts separated by railway. Sowing. h. - Old (here is the main archite. Monuments), southern. - New (building XX century). Attractions: Phoenician necropolis (V century BC), monuments of the Roman and Byzantine epoch (including the Temple of August, II century. BC, Terms, Column of Justinian), Mosque XII-XVI centuries. Museums: Anatolian civilizations, archaeol. (among the exhibits - Sarcophague Alexander Macedonsky), ethnographic, independence and the Turkish Republic; Mausoleum Ataturk (1958). Three un-ta: Ankar, Middle Affairs Technology. And Hajittepe.

Dictionary modern geographical names. - Ekaterinburg: y-factor. Under the general edited by Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


the capital of the Turkish Republic and the administrative center of the province of the same name. The second largest city and the important political and economic center of the country. The occupied area in the official city borders - 2.5 thousand square meters. km.
Geography and natural conditions.Located on Anatolian Plateau, the confluence of the Ankara Rivers (Engori) and the Chubuk, at an altitude of approx. 830-850 m. Above sea level. The city spread over the steppe and mountainous hill on the left bank of the Ankara River. Ankara district is one of the most arid in Turkey. Surrounded by lowland and monotonous steppe landscape. The climate is sharply continental, with cold and snowy winter and hot dry summer. In January, the average temperature in the afternoon + 1 ° C, at night -6 ° C; In July-August from + 12 ° C at night to + 27-28 ° F. Rains are in the spring and autumn seasons.
Control.City authorities are subject to the provincial administration led by the government governor. The city is managed by the elected city council and the responsible mayor. Big Ankara is divided into 17 municipalities, 422 quarters (Mahalla) and 82 villages with their own self-government bodies.
History.The area of \u200b\u200bmodern Ankara was a hearth of the oldest cultures of civilizations, starting with the era of Neolithic. Not far from the current capital were excavated traces of settlements of the Neolithic period (Etiakus), the Copper-Stone Age (Karazan), the Bronze Age (Achlatybel, Yumurttepe, Bitik), the epochs of Hittites (Goryuk, Gavurgale), the remains of the Frigian capital Gordion, the fortress of the Galatov (Karalar) et al. The territory of Central Anatolia was part of the Hett Power (2 thousand BC), Frigian and Lidia Kingdoms (1 thousand BC) and the Persian Power. At this time, there was a small settlement or town on the territory of Ankara, and already OK. 1200 BC - Strengthening in which local residents found asylum. The settlement was at the intersection of important roads and trade routes. In 333 BC It remained for a while Alexander the Great. After the collapse of the Empire created by him, Central Anatolia went to one of his commander - Antigonus, but he died at 301 BC. In the course of the continued struggle for power between the heirs of Alexander.
In 278 BC The central part of Malaya Asia was captured by the Celtic tribe of Galat invading Europe, which turned Ankara to the center of the state created by him. Believes that ancient name Cities - Ankira ("Anchor"). Galats led fierce struggle with the neighboring Pergamian kingdom, to the aid of which Rome came. In 183 BC Galatia fell under the control of Pergamum, and in 166 BC. - under the influence of the Roman Empire. The formal independence she kept up to 25 BC, when the emperor Augustus turned it into the Roman province with the center in Ankire, which received the status of the city policy. From time to time it was spent by the Roman emperors. From the period of Roman rule in Ankara, the temple of August, their, built under the emperor Karakalle, the remains of the Roman theater and the column of the emperor Julian apostatewho visited the city during his campaign against the Persians. At the beginning of AD In Galatia, the spread of Christianity (according to legend, apostle Pavlom), and in 4th century. Ankira was already one of the centers of Christianity in Malaya Asia.
The city retained military and strategic importance and as part of the East Roman or Byzantine Empire (4-11th century), although in 5 c. Subjected to attacks of Persians, and from 6 c. - Arabs. For defense from raids from the east, the outer walls of the Ankar Fortress were built. Byzantine power in the region ended in 1071, when Anatoly took possession of the Sultan Sultan Alpslan. In 1073 he joined Ankara, or how she began to call Selzhuki Turks, Engurian, to their possessions. Under the Seljuk Governor of the city of Kizilbee in 1222, the oldest urban bridge Accoper was built. The city was also known as Angora and was famous for the fact that the famous Angora wool was traveled through it. see also Seljuki.
After the collapse of the Sultanate of the Seljuk Turkings, the city in 1356 captured Orhahan I, the second Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. However, in 1402, the troops of the Central Asian ruler of Timur invaded the Maly Asia. In the course of the decisive battle under Ankara, Sultan Bayazid I was crushed. Only in 1413, the Ottoman Empire was recreated, and the city now firmly entered its composition.
Becoming the center of Ankar Pashalyka, Ankara turned into one of the largest trading centers and crafts in the East. It was especially famous for the production of cloth fabrics. From 1864 Ankara - the center of the same name Vilayet. However, in the 19th century. The value of the city became gradually falling, despite the construction of the 19893 Anatolian railwaywho connected it with the capital - Istanbul (Constantinople). At the beginning of the 20th century He lost once a leading role in trading, came to the decline of crafts, and Ankara became a small stubby settlement.
The situation has changed after the First World War, in which the Ottoman Empire suffered defeat. In 1919, the leader of the Turkish National Movement of Kemal Ataturk, assessing the strategic position of Ankara in the center of Malaya Asia, moved his residence to the city. In April 1920, the Turkish parliament was gathered in Ankara - the Great National Assembly, which announced the non-recognition of the enviated the conditions of the peace treaty with the winners of the winners. The offensive of the Greek troops on the city was in the summer of 1921 reflected. In October 1923, Turkey was proclaimed by the Republic, and Ankara became her capital.
President Ataturk began a large-scale modernization of the country. The new policy was reflected on the appearance of the Turkish capital. Experts from Europe were invited to its development and planning. South of the old settlement was built new town European type. In February 1924, an Ankara municipality was officially established.
In its economy, small and craft enterprises initially prevailed, most of which recycled agricultural products.
By 1930, the authorities were built in Ankara modern factories and plants (the first steel in 1925-1926, the brewing factory, cement and powder plants, then metallurgical and weapons, etc.), new homes. The population grew rapidly: in 1920, 30 thousand inhabitants lived in it, in 1927-75 thousand, and by 1940 - 155 thousand people.
Intensive construction continued after World War II, when the Turkish capital basically acquired a modern appearance. The city's economy grew rapidly: construction firms, trade, banking and insurance companies were also accommodated. The population of Ankara, which was in 1950 almost 290 thousand, increased by 1960 to 646 thousand, and in 1980 reached 2.8 million.
In 1984, a law on municipalities was adopted large cities. However, with rigidly centralized systemintroduced by Atatürk, the city authorities depended entirely on the government and received funding from the state budget. In the conditions of the liberalization of the economy in the 1980s, the share of funds allocated from the budget for local self-government increased from 0.05% to 4%, and local authorities received wider opportunities in the organization of the necessary system of services. Under the direction of the mayor of Mustafa Melik Gökchek, who heads the city government for almost 20 years, a number of town-planning projects and plans for improving the infrastructure of the capital was carried out. Significant development received a private sector of the economy: his share in the industry of the city rose from 20% in 1960 to 85% at the moment.
Population.5153 thousand inhabitants lived in Ankara in 2005. The main mass of the Turks, there are also Kurds, Arabs, etc. In religious terms, 99% of the population professes Islam, but Turkey is officially considered a secular country.
Economy.Ankara - the second most important and potential of the Turkish Economic Center (after Istanbul). Its development is determined by the convenient position on the transport paths, the presence of a significant number of civil servants and students, industrial facilities, banks and trading companies. The proximity of the city to the metallurgical database in the mash, coal developmental developments in Zonguldak and major sources of agricultural raw materials were developed in it and suburbs of the manufacturing industry. In order to overcome the chaotic placement of industrial facilities in the city, in 1990 the first industrial zone was organized, in which up to 80% of the Ankara industry focused. There are industrial zones "Ostim" and "Ivdik", where they are concentrated mainly by the middle and small enterprises. Work has begun on the creation of 2.3 and 5 industrial zones in the area of \u200b\u200bBig Ankara. In the Industrial Chamber of Ankara registered about 3000 enterprises. In total, there are about 53 thousand industrial facilities on which the St. 380 thousand people, of which 19% - in the automotive and auto repair industry, 14% - in the electrical industry and 10% in the food industry. 45 thousand people were officially unemployed.
Small and medium enterprises and firms are dominated in the Turkish capital. From factories and factories with the number of employed more than 25 are the most numerous engaged in the production of metal products and equipment, as well as mechanical engineering. They constitute up to 40% of all industrial enterprises of the capital and its surroundings. Military plants play a large role in this industry, first of all, organized within the framework of the joint Turkish-Amerkan aerospace project, as well as such large companies as the military-industrial "FMS-Nurole", an electric engineering "Arepsan", electric "Baris" , "Rocestal", "Marconi" and others.
In the food industry, small firms with 10-14 employees are distributed. There are companies for the production of sugar, dairy and meat products, colors, cement enterprises, a factory for the manufacture of trucks. In Ankara there are also enterprises for the manufacture of clothing, medical preparations and equipment, etc. Textile and furniture industry develops rapidly.
Ankara - the second most important financial and credit center of Turkey after Istanbul. In 2002, OK worked in the capital. 600 branches of 3 state and 30 private banks. The city also plays a significant role in national trade.
Transport.Being in the center of the country, Ankara is connected by direct railway communications with the most important turkish cities - Istanbul, Izmir, Balikesir (in the West), Sparky and Burduur (in the South-West), Zonguldak (in the north), Adaman (in the south), Diyarbakır (in the East). It is at the intersection of important highways. Intercity buses go to various areas of Turkey, and through them - and abroad. International automobile report through Ankara is carried out by 3.3 thousand highways of St. 100 companies and 161 bus 110 firms. The main bus station hosting 100 buses is located in Kyzilaye to the west of Ankara and is associated with a bus service with the city center. 30 km. north of the capital - international Airport Esenboga also serves flights inside Turkey.
The message within the city and with its surroundings is provided by 1.9 thousand bus, trams (length of lines - 272 km.), 176 local and suburban trains. In 1996-1997 two metro lines were commissioned total length 23.4 km. Until the end of 2005, it is planned to start the work of two more lines of 34 km long. There are construction of three other lines.
Planning and architecture.Ankara consists of two parts, separated by rail, and suburbs. To the north of the road there is an old Ankara (ulus), in many respects preserving the features of an old Muslim layout. She focused around the citadel - a fortress surrounded by two rings of fortified walls with towers. Stones for their facilities were taken from the ruins of ancient ancient buildings. The inner walls are built in 6 V. The external surrounding the old town was erected in 9th century. Inside the citadel are preserved at home ascending to 17 V.
In the old Ankara, narrow street curves are preserved, crowded bazaars, vintage crafts and small houses. The area was restored, and now traditional shops, cafes and restaurants are open. Many mosques. One of them, Aladdin's mosque near the southern gate of the citadel, is considered a masterpiece of the Seljuk architecture, although restored to the Ottoman era. The oldest Khadzhibira mosque (15 century) is connected by a common wall with the Roman Temple of August. Other Ancient Roman facilities are preserved in the old town. At the site of the Roman temple, Arslanhanhan Mosque with minarets laid out with blue tiles was built. It is located behind the southern gate of the Citadel. Near the fortress there is a famous museum of Anatolian civilizations with a restored part of an ancient bazaar.
South, new part Ankara (Yenishehir) arose after the transfer of the capital here and rebuilt mainly in the second half of the 20th century. There are many boulevards and parks in it, government agencies, mansions and embassies, hotels, theaters and large stores. Around the Square Square South of the railway is the central and most fashionable quarter of the new city. It also contains the Park Guven with the famous Memorial (1935). In the quarter, Maltepe on a hill in 1953 was erected by the Mausoleum Ataturk "Anytokabir", built in the style of ancient Anatolian architecture. Near the Mausoleum is also the Ataturk Museum.
From the north to south, from the Old Town to the Presidential Palace, Ankara crosses a wide prospectus - Ataturk Boulevard with a bronze monument to the founder of the Turkish Republic (1928). It is located on the square of the ulus, not far from the building, where the Great National Assembly was gathered for the first time (currently a museum).
In the South Quarter, the Changaya rises the symbol of modern Ankara - Telbashnya Atakule (125 m.). Her foot is located a shopping and business center. From the tower opens beautiful view On Ankara.
In the 1970s, the Turkish capital began to expand in the western direction. Along the Western Highway, the Eskisehir rose modern suburbs and quarters.
Education and science.Ankara has a network of primary, medium, lyceum and professional schools, many leading educational and scientific institutions are posted, including the University of Ankar (Multidisciplinary), Modendic Technical University, Hazjettepe Medical University (prepares a wide profile and medium medical personnel, engineers and technologists of medical equipment and sanitary-epidemiological services), Gazi Pedagogical University, University Bilkent, etc.
Research centers are concentrated in universities. Ankar University features a number of permanent research institutes, mainly to study the problems of literature, literary studies, art history, philosophy, psychology, history (Institute of History of the Turkish Revolution, Institute of Social Research). The University of Hajattepe includes institutions and medical diagnostic centers, including experimental and forensic medicine, physiology, embryology, pediatrics, nuclear physics and chemistry, surgery, anesthesiology, oncology, psychiatry, clinical pathology, pharmacology. The Ankar Research Center is also working, entering the Nuclear Research Society of Turkey, Society for Culture, Linguistics and History, Government Center for Hydraulics, etc.
Medicine.Therapeutic institutions were placed extremely unevenly, about a quarter of hospitals and the clinic is located in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir. Among hospitals are dominated by a general type care. In the Turkish capital work approx. 900 pharmacies. Thanks to the presence of specialists, therapeutic and research base, the University of Hadgettepe prepares medical staff of the highest qualifications. There are also clinical laboratories and scientific and diagnostic centers.
Culture.In Ankara there are several dozen museums. The most famous of them is the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, in which the frescoes from the Neolithic city of Chatal-Hyuk, Hittte sculptures, household items Hettov, Frigi residents, Assyrians and Urtres, finds from Gordion, and others. Among them are products of gold, silver and bronze, A unique collection of coins. In the ethnographic museum (1930), samples of Turkish art were collected, starting with the era of the Seljuk and to the present. The museum was created on the remnants of the Frigian capital Gordion. Newest Story Turkey is devoted to the exposition of the Mausoleum "Anytokabir", the war museums for independence (the first building of the Parliament), the republic (the second building of the Parliament), the Republican Revolution, the headquarters of the Turkish army in 1920-1922, several Museum-Museums ataturk. From specialized museums should be noted the Museum of Painting and Sculpture, Industrial, Railway, Natural History, Meteorological Service, Education, Toys, Aerospace, military cartography, sports, postage stamps, university museums, memorial museums, etc.
In the Turkish capital placed rich National Library. Libraries are universities and museums. In total, Ankara and provinces have 43 public, mobile and children's libraries, 418 publishers, 32 cinema, 8 state (including large, small and chamber) and 21 private theater, a well-known philharmonic orchestra, ballet, dance, opera and artistic groups.
Media.In Ankara, the Turkish newspapers "Jumhuriet", "Milliet", "Cheurriet", "Radikal", "Gazeta Ankara", "Günesh", and others, "Daily News" (in English), employ ankara news agency ( Anca). Broadcast radio stations and 13 television channels.
Sport.In the Turkish capital, football (the oldest club "Ancaragajuju"), wrestling, volleyball (club "Ermanbank"), skiing, water sports (Sakarya pools, Kyzylirmak). The largest stadium in Ankara - "May 19".
Tourism.Ankara is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists from other areas of Turkey and from abroad. In 2002, only through an international airport to the city of Ok. 500 thousand citizens of Turkey and St. 210 thousand foreigners. The interests of the historians of Ankara, Ruins of Gordion, numerous museums of the city are of interest to visitors. In 2001, only Gordion and Roman terms examined 52 thousand people. In both Ankara, there are 250 hotels and other premises for accommodation for guests designed for 22 thousand people, 2045 places for food and recreation by 109 thousand people.
Internet Resources: Ankara Province Administration site -
Ankara Municipality site -
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Ankara (previously called Angora) - the capital of Turkey and the administrative center of Ile Ankara, is located at an altitude of 850 m above sea level on the edge of the forest Anatolian Plateau. Her population is about 3.2 million people.
Ankara is a very ancient city. It was founded in the VII century BC. e. Probably the fortress served as a shelter during the time of the Hittites. Once the city was the center of the Roman province of Galatia and was called the Andes. Before the final conquest, Osmans, he passed to the Byzantines, then to the Arabs, Crusaders, Seljuks or Mongols. After the conquest of Ottomans in 1414, Ankara remained a minor provincial city, while in 1893, the Anatolian Railway built by the Germans built by the Germans, while taking the city with Istanbul.
During the period of the liberation struggle of the Turks here, while Sultan, a new National Assembly of Turkey focused. With the proclamation of the republic in 1923, the provincial town, which counted only 25 thousand inhabitants, became the capital of the new state.
The city performs mainly administrative functions. In addition to residential neighborhoods and government agencies in Ankara are mechanical engineering, food, wool, cement, carpet, leather, woodworking industries. The city is shopping center Region where Angora wool is produced and various fruits are grown.
Old Quarter Built around Ruins ancient Fortress, It is a close interlacing of narrow climbing streets with knitted houses pressed. On wide boulevards of a spacious, well-planned new city, the project of which was approved in 1928, there are libraries, museums, embassies, government buildings, luxury shops and hotels.
The most interesting object of Ankara is the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. This wonderful museum is located in the covered market of the XV century and keeps the rich collection of finds, mainly the Hittte period. In the ethnographic museum you can familiarize yourself with the exposition of carpets, national costumes, textiles, faience and musical instruments.
Of architectural monuments The most interesting is the Citadel, the Hadji-Bayram Mosque (XV century) and the famous Roman baths. Consistently attracts attention to the majestic structure, erected in the Maltepe quarter. This is an Ataturk Mausoleum. He keeps the sarcophagus of the founder of the State Mustafa Kemal. Every hour here is a shift of Karaul.
There are several universities in Ankara.

Encyclopedia: Cities and Countries. 2008 .


Ankara (Ankara) - the capital of Turkey (cm. Turkey), It is located at an altitude of 850 m above sea level on the edge of the forest Anatolian Plateau. The population is more than 4 million people. Ankara - Minor City of Malaya Asia. Probably, her fortress served as a shelter in the time of Hittites. Once the city was the center of the Roman province of Galatia and was called Ankira. Before the final conquest, Osmans, he passed to the Byzantines, Arabs, Crusaders, Seljuz and Mongols. After the conquest of Ottomans in 1414, Ankara remained a minor provincial city, until the Anatolian Railway was opened in 1893, taking the city of Istanbul Ohm.
During the period of the liberation struggle of the Turks here, while Sultan, a new National Assembly of Turkey focused. With the proclamation of the republic in 1923, the provincial town, which counted only 25 thousand inhabitants, became the capital of the new state. Currently, Ankara is the second largest in magnitude after Istanbul, the city of Turkey, the tourist importance of Ankara is primarily connected with the fact that tourists come here, who are sent to Cappadocy, however, there are many very interesting monuments in the city.
The main street Ankara - Ataturk Boulevard, crossing the Quarter of Ulus (Ulus), leading to the Old Town. In the south, Ataturk Boulevard passes through the Quarter of Embassies and fashionable hotels, among whom rises presidential palace. From the architectural monuments of Ankara, the Citadel, the Khaji Bayrama mosque and the famous Roman baths. Citadel (Hisar) - a double ring of walls, surrounding the Old Town and Ak-Kale (AK Kale) - "White Fortress". The walls of the citadel were built in the 9th century, the main gate - Papisi Parmack (Parmac). Under the Citadel, you can see the "Lion Mosque" (Arslanhanhane, Arslanhane) (1290-1291), as well as the Achielvan Mosque (Achielvan) of the 14th century and Eni Jami (Yeni Camii) of the 17th century. The "lion mosque" received its name because of the statue adorning the courtyard of this Seljuk mosque of the 13th century. In the interior of the mosque, a carved wooden ceiling and Mihrab decorated with blue faience.
The Haci Bayram Mosque is 500 m to the north-west of the Citadel, in the Ulus Meydani district, the ruins of the temple of Augustus are located there. The mosque was built in the XV century. Before the mosque, the tomb of Haji Bayram led, the founder of the Order of Dervish-Bayramiev. On the preserved walls of the temple of Augustus, the text of the will of Augustus and the list of his acts, known as "Res Gestae Divi August", was cut out of the "RES GESTAE DIVI AUGUST". South of the temple is a column of Juliana (362). Roman terms or baths (Roma Hamamlari) were built in the III century during the reign of Emperor Karakalla in honor of the god Asclepia. Currently, the pool and the foundation of the facilities are restored.
The majestic building, erected in Maltepe (Maltepe), is attracted invariably to tourists, - Ataturk's Mausoleum. He keeps the sarcophages of the founder of the state of Mustafa Kemal and the Second President of the Turkish Republic of Ismet Inen. Every hour here is a shift of Karaul. The Mausoleum Museum presents personal belongings of the President Ataturk, photos, gifts, as well as his collection of cars.
Kocatepe Mosque, the largest in Ankara, was built in 1987 near Kizilay Square (Kizilay). The temple is made according to the sultan mosques of Sinana, tea and one of the largest supermarkets are placed in its underground rooms. Most interesting museum Ankara - Anatolian Civilizations Museum (Anadolu Medeniyetleri Muzesi). This wonderful museum is located in the covered market of the XV century and keeps the rich collection of finds, mainly the Hittte period. The most interesting finds from Jalokuka, dated 6,500 - 5,700 gg. BC. The exposition presents a reconstructed dwelling with Wall paintings, as well as tools of agriculture and women's figurines from burned clay. The central part of the museum is dedicated to the hitt sculpture.
In the Ethnographic Museum (Etnografya Muzesi), you can familiarize yourself with the exposition of carpets, national costumes, textiles, faience and musical instruments. Many museum exhibits were found during excavations on the hills of Calta-Hyuk (Stone Age) and Aladja Hyuk (Bronze Age). The Museum of War of Independence (Kurtulus Savasi Muzesi) tells about the history of the formation of the Turkish Republic.
In Ankara, about 14 large hotels of different class, as well as cozy camping "Susuzki Mokami" 20 km from the city. Personal walking places in Ankara - Ulus Square (Ulus) in the Old Town and Kyzilay Square in a new city with many small restaurants, as well as Ataturk Bulvari Boulevard.

23 km from Ankara is located ski resort Elmadag (Elmadag), located at an altitude of 1500 - 1800 m. 86 km from the city, at an altitude of about 975 m above sea level, there are thermal sources of Kizyljahamam (Kizilcahamam). The water temperature of the springs is 37 - 47 o C, the water contains soda, calcium, magnesium, chlorine.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .


The transfer of the capital from Istanbul to Ankara is directly connected with the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War and the revolutionary movement arising from this in its territory.

On October 30, 1918, the Mudrosorous truce between Turkey and representatives of the Entente was signed on board the English cruiser "Agamemenon". According to his conditions, Bosphorus and Dardalandell are transmitted under its control. At the same time, the British Admiral Somerset GU - Kaltorp said that the Governments of the Entente do not have the intention of eliminating the Ottoman government or putting it under their military control "by the occupation of Constantinople". At the same time, the Allies sent to Sultan Mehmond VI secret message, which promised that only the Army of France and the UK would participate in the occupation of the sheds zone. As a symbol of sovereignty there was allowed to leave a small number of Ottoman troops. In mid-November 1918, French and British parts entered Istanbul. The city has established the Military Administration of the Entente.

Following this, a planned disarmament of the Ottoman army began. In May 1919, Greek troops landed in Anatolian Izmir. This caused the rise of the national revolutionary movement. He was headed by General Mustafa Kemal, who did not recognize the surrender of Turkey. For this, the Sultan Government issued a warrant for his arrest and sentenced to the death penalty in absentia. Kemal organized the resistance to the Greeks throughout Anatolia. Under his leadership in Sivas and Erzurum, the Congresses of the National Bourgeoisie were held.

On December 27, 1919, Mustafa Kemal arrived in Ankara. There he was solemnly met by the inhabitants. Kemal chose this city for his headquarters - apartments, as he was connected by the railway with Istanbul and at the same time was beyond the reach of the Armies of the Entente. In the spring of 1920, the Great National Assembly of Turkey was gathered in Ankara. It elected Kemal Head of Government. Under his leadership, Turkish troops expelled the Greek army from Anatolia. The National Assembly has abolished the Sultanate and Califat. Mehmed VI was forced to leave Turkey on board the British warship. Annta, recognizing his defeat, concluded with Turkey a Lausanne Mirny treaty, under the conditions of which the British and French troops left Istanbul. But the capital's metropolitan functions did not return.

October 13, 1923 was announced the transfer of the capital to Ankara. This was done with the purpose of distance from Istanbul, symbolizing the Sultan authority and everything connected with it. In addition, there were still many people associated with the old regime. Another goal of the transfer of the capital was the beginning of an effective fight against corruption, which was a big problem of the Ottoman Empire.

Ankara at that time was a rather provincial city. The newspaper "The Times" in December 1923 wrote: "Even the most chauvinistically tuned Turks recognize the inconvenience of life in the capital, where half-life of shimmering light bulbs are public lighting, where there are almost no water in the houses current from the crane where the donkey or horse is tied The lattice of a small house, which serves as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The city where the open waste ditches run in the middle of the street where modern fine arts Limited by the consumption of bad cancer - anise vodka and the game of the brass orchestra, where the parliament meets in the house, no longer than the place for playing cricket. "

Over time, Ankara's position as the center of the country has strengthened due to the construction of railways in radial directions. The city has become an important political and commercial center of Turkey.


Who of our compatriots do not know about beautiful country with wonderful beaches warm sea, comfortable hotels of high-class, good-natured local population and beautiful scenery. We are talking about Turkey - a magnificent country combining the best thing for have a nice rest, and with all this available for most of our fellow citizens. A large number of not only Russians and citizens of the former CIS, but also the inhabitants of other states choose this country as a place for vacation and New Year holidays.

People come here not only to relax in a hot climate, but also to meet a story ancient City, see various monuments and architecture of ancient buildings, as well as try Turkish cuisine in best restaurants Islamic state.

History of Turkish collins

Ankara is definitely one of oldest cities Malaya Asia, which has a story of several thousand years. There is evidence that in 1200 BC. BC. Local residents have been hidden from attacks in the Fortress of Hoody.

Previously, this city was known under the Greek name of Ankira, that with Greek means anchor. This name was not in vain, because the city associated trading paths between Europe and Asia, being at the crossroads of roads. That is why in the days of the Roman Empire Ankara was a developing shopping and political center.

As a result of the military clashes of Ankara, several times passed into the power of other peoples. Here were alternately the Celts, Byzantines, Selzhuki, Crusaders, Arabs and Ottomans.

In the XIX century, during the Ottoman Empire, Ankara significantly loses its value and goes into the status of a provincial town. But in 1893, everything starts to change when the construction of the railway from Istanbul is ends to Ankara.

Another important event in the history of the city was the holding of the National Assembly of Turkey in 1920, which formed a new government. And since 1923, Ankara became the capital of the Turkish Republic. From now on, the new capital has suffered many transformations.

Attractions Ankara

With such a rich thoughtless history of Ankara, there was a considerable number of fascinating attractions, interesting places and exciting legends that can boast and sweeten the curiosity of even the most sophisticated tourists.

Only the number of museums makes thinking about the historical significance of the city. Here they are about eighty!

It is believed that this museum is one of the richest in the world, because thousands of exhibits that tell about the culture and history of all peoples who lived in the territory from the ancient times of Paleolithic are collected here. This chief historical Museum The Turkish Republic is the third on archaeological significance in the world after the Louvre and the British Museum.

The exhibition is open daily from 8:30 to 17:30 local time. Cost input ticket It is 15 lir, it is about 351 rubles.

Ethnographical museum

In the exposition of this museum, exhibits are collected from different parts of Turkey, talking about everyday life, craft and folk traditions of the Turks.

You can get here on any day, except Monday, from 8:30 to 17:30. The ticket costs 5 Turkish lies, or about 115 rubles.

Mausoleum Ataturk

Mausoleum will tell you about the life of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the first president of Turkey, which significantly changed the life of all the Turks for the better. Immediately on site lovely Park With trees and flowers brought from different parts of the planet. But the most remarkable is that it is possible to see the amazing spectacle of the Karaul change, which happens every two hours.

Works mausoleum from Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00. The entrance is absolutely free for all visitors.

Some areas of Ankara themselves are attractions, and they must be visited by every tourist. One of these places is a ulus, or "Old city"Here there is a lot of historical and architectural objects.


A huge stone complex with another name is the Hisar fortress. In the times of the Roman Empire, he served for defensive purposes. The inner wall of the fortress is built in the VI century, and the external - in IX.

Minaret Belkis

Or a column of Julian, which is established in the IV century in honor of visiting Ankara Roman emperor. He has a height of more than 15 meters and decorated with stone threads.

Roman baths

This attraction went from the Roman Empire. Here in the III century, a huge building was erected, dedicated to Asclepia - the ancient Greek god of healing.

Although today there are alone ruins, many people come here to see this architectural monument.

Roman baths can be visited daily from 8:30 to 18:30. The cost of the ticket is 5 lire, or 115 rubles.

Mosque Kodjatepe

Ankara is a city of mosques, according to some calculations here they are more than two and a half thousand!

The largest size and meaningful Ankara Mosque. It is built in oriental classic style with four minarets. Many are called Kodjatepe to the main attraction of the capital.

Hadji Bayram Mosque

The oldest preserved Ankara Mosque, which was built in the XV century in honor of Haji Bayram Vali, the founder of the Order of Byira.

Excursions Ankara

In such a city as an arcor with many interesting places for visitors, you can make plenty of local guides. That they are actually doing.

Average sightseeing tour In the city, covering the main attractions, with a Russian-speaking guide will cost about 17 thousand rubles for a group of up to 10 people (the cost of entrance tickets is not taken into account).

Other entertainment

For purchases and different kinds of souvenirs, tourists visiting Ankara are straightforwards to Salman. There are many shops and shops with clothing and decorations. Local residents They also call it "Copper Street" thanks large quantity Sale copper products on this street.

Water Park Water City is the biggest in its own way in the entire Turkish republic is in Ankara. There is a huge pool, six adults and eleven children's slides, jacuzzi, golf and tennis courts, as well as much more.

In the capital of Turkey there are quite a few excellent clubs, the best of which is: Locus Solus, Bull Bar, Aura, Hayal Eskisehir, Laila.

To try local acute Turkish cuisine you will not have to look for a good place for a long time. Here are a lot of them, and they are all at a high level. Here is a list of the most popular establishments: Korfez Lokanta, Akman et Lokantasl, Pasa Konagi, Mangal, Wine House.

Hotels Prices

Ankara, gives more than 200 places to accommodate, which will be able to meet the needs of any tourist depending on the goals, desire and financial position.

Most cheap option - This is a hostel with an average cost of 700 rubles per night. The average cost single standard

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