Best restaurants in Badalon, Spain. Badalona - the oldest city of Catalonia Badalon Spain

The picturesque Catalan city of Badalon spread over eastern coast Spain. This is industrial I. tourist centre With rich infrastructure, a variety of entertainment complexes, cinemas, kicks and restaurants of which make rest in saturated and enjoyable. In 1991, the Olympic Pavilion was built in Badalon, where sports tournaments are now held.

A bit of history

It is believed that the city originated from the small Roman settlement of Baetulo formed by 2 V. BC. At a low hill near the Besos River. The Romans grown grapes and made wine, built protective structures. By the beginning of our era, 15 thousand people lived in the city.

Modern residents are very proud of their Romanesque origin, and all their forces contribute to the preservation of the ancient Roman monuments of architecture and sculpture.

Attractions Badalonia

Everyone who dreams is a romantic atmosphere of the Middle Ages, be sure to visit the monastery of San Jeroni de la Mutra. In this monastery, erected in the 13th century, they loved to stop the Spanish kings, they found a shelter after returning from America and the famous traveler Christopher Columbus.

Interesting Ruins of the Romanesque city, among which Roman baths, fragments of wall paintings, colorful mosaic. You can admire the residues of ancient sculptures, among which the once beautiful, washed out of white marble, the statuette of Venus Badalonskaya.

Those who closer modern cultural trends will probably like the Rambla Street (La Rambla). Here, surrounded by flowers and palm trees, are located best hotels, Shops and restaurants. And lovers, incorrigible romance and all those who are young soul, must certainly enjoy the beautiful panorama opening from the Pont del Petroli pier.

Other attractions include Badalonians worth visiting her picturesque parks: De Can Solei, De Ca L'Arnus and Del Turo d'En C'aritg. Restoration of mental harmony in these wonderful places you are guaranteed.

Useful information for tourists

  • In Badalon, two official languages: Catalan and Spanish, however most residents also know English, French, German and Italian.
  • Pay more profitable in euros. Exchange currency is better in banks, but they work only in the first half of the day. In some banks, the Commission for services can reach 10%.
  • In Badalon, there is no airport, but it is in Barcelona, \u200b\u200byou can get there in 15 minutes.
  • Railway and bus transport works around the clock. For tourists with a modest budget also go trolley buses and metro.
  • The climate in this city is soft: in winter the temperature is 10 °, and in the summer (in July - August) - 25 °. The most precipitation falls in October.
Most Badalon Beaches please visit tourists good conditions: The presence of shower cabins, the presence of pedestrian and cycling paths, a wide choice of entertainment. Total in the city of nine beach zones, while one of them is La Mora, nudist.

Festivals and holidays

As in many other cities of Spain, local residents Very love holidays. In whatever month of the year you did not come, here your life will freeze the most bright colors.
  1. Night of St. Anastasia (Patron Badalone). On the night of May 11, residents of the city solemnly burn the scarecrow the devil, which symbolizes not only the victory of the light of the light over the forces of darkness, but also purification from sins. Such universal indulgence is completed by the launch of fireworks.
  2. The arrival of the Virgin Mary, celebrated on August 15. This is a bright sight, filled with sparkling fireworks, a huge number of people disguised in special costumes for this festival, impressive procession of giants and devils.
  3. Filmets. This short films festival is held in November.
  4. Miscellaneous holidays: Mysteries, Independence Day of Catalonia, Carnival, etc.
High culture lovers worth visiting the Surrilla Theater. And the most young tourists will undoubtedly bring the circus monthly monthly to Badalon.

Once in the network of this city-dream, you still want to return here. And Returning, once again plunge into the world of bright impressions, beautiful species and wonderful mood.

Cities in Spain -

Badalona (Badalona) is a city in East Catalonia, 10 km from the capital of Catalonia - Barcelona. Badalon is located on the left bank of the River Bezos and on Mediterranean coast, surrounded mountain Massiva Sierra de la Marina. With the capital of Catalonia Badalon, not only strong economic and cultural connections are combined, but also a remarkably developed transport network: a branch of Barcelona subway was held here, there are many bus routes.

Modern Badalon - economically thriving city, popular resort With a soft Mediterranean climate. There are many beaches in the city that stretched along the coastline for six kilometers. The center of the resort life of Badalonians is her main street, Rambla (La Rambla) - the most beautiful, seated with palm trees and flowers, street, along which stores, hotels, cafes and restaurants lined up.

The beautiful panorama of the city and the beaches line is revealed with one of the main attractions of Badalonians - Pont del Petroli Pier. Once she belonged to the oil-producing company, and was used to receive vessels with oil. Later, when a popular recreation area was formed around, the marina lost its former importance, becoming only a tourist object.

Badalon, like many other cities of Catalonia, originates from the Little Roman settlement, which was called Baetulo. This city was engaged in the supply of wine in fact in all cities located in the West of the Roman Empire, but over time the city increased, and by the beginning of the first century, our era, the number of its population was about 15 thousand people.

To date, many monuments of Roman culture have been preserved in the city, including Roman baths, a house standing on Llado Street, a water supply on Pujol Street and the remains of the ancient Wall of Hort De Les Monges, as well as many examples of wall painting, mosaic and sculptures. The most famous is the relatively small bronze plate Tabula Hospitalis, on which there is an inscription and its origin is possible to attribute approximately 90 years of our era, of course a small sculpture of Venus de Badalona, \u200b\u200bmade of marble. All this suggests that the city of Badalon in the distant past referred to rich and prosperous cities located on the territory of the Roman Empire.

And the pearl of medieval architecture Badalonians is the Monastery of San Jeroni de La Murtra (Monastery of Sant Jeroni De La Murtra) of the 13th century - a place where the Kings of Spain were often extended, and Christopher Columbus stopped after her first journey to America. Many tourists will be very interesting to visit the temples of the city, for example, the Church of St. Joseph (1860 g) and the Church of Santa Maria (18th century).

Badalona is a very green city. There are many parks, green areas of recreation. Some of them, like, for example, Park de Can Solei, were laid back in the sixteenth century as part of private possessions. Others, like Park de Ca L'Arnus, with swimming pool, lawns, gardens, palm trees, planeans, eucalyptus, bamboo and cypress, romantic caves, lakes and islands have once belonged to the royal family. A Park Del Turo d'En Caritg, the beginning of which was laid in 1990, today is a beautiful forest area, spreading on the slopes of the mountain. Along with palm trees, pines, oaks, elms, ash and numerous flowers and shrubs grow here.

On the hottest month, August, the 15th of the Badalone celebrates the arrival of the Virgin Mary (Mare De Déu d'Agost), which turns the whole life of the city with legs. He is the biggest holiday in the year and the preparation for it is carried out very solid. But, perhaps, the most spectacular are the May holidays: on the day of St. Anastasia (May 11), patroness Badalonians, different festive events held throughout the city. And on the night in front of him, the feast of the demon (El Dimoni de Badalona or Cremada del Dimoni), ending with fireworks and burning a huge demon on one of the beaches. The celebration is involved in the entire city, as well as schoolchildren make themselves small demons, which after put at the base of the main figure so that they burn together.

Roman origin The Spanish city of Badalon with the population of 210 thousand people is located on the east coast of Spain. He enters the province of Barcelona autonomous community Catalonia.

Remains of Roman civilization in the city

The modern Spanish city is famous for the rich centuries-old history, which begins its report from the II century to our era. Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since the foundation, the remnants of the Roman civilization cause pride in local residents and admiration for tourists. Interesting fact It is the fact that in Badalon you can find vintage roman baths, delicious beauty. House on Llado Street, half the ancient Wall of Hort De Les Monges and other equally attractive Roman sights.

Badalona - Industrial Center of Spain

To date, the city is considered to be the industrial center of Spain, because it is here that the textile, chemical, metallurgical, leather and food industry is widely developed. On the lands, Badalonians grow all sorts of cereals and fruits, which contributes to the high level of export trade.

City of bright festivals

Badalon is an industrial and popular tourist center in one person. Small bay and strip sandy beaches Every year attracts holidaymakers from different countries. A number of festivals that pass in May is highlighted by festive marchs, rich events and funny noisy companies from morning to late night. Get one of these national holidaysFor example, at the festival of St. Anastasio, you can consider great luck.

Badalona, \u200b\u200blike the tourist city of Spain

The Mediterranean climate is characteristic of Badalonians, it is famous for soft dry in winter, where the temperature is lowered only to +10 degrees, and warm, but wet summer with not very hot weather up +25. Therefore, tourists can enjoy beautiful holiday At any time of the year, every rest will find entertainment to taste. In large shopping centers You can not only purchase all the necessary products and souvenirs for a gift close, but also a great time. Cinemas, paintings, restaurants, children's entertainment centers, Fitness clubs are all that is needed for a beautiful rich holiday. In addition to entertainment and walks on historical attractions with remnants of Roman civilization, tourists can visit the chic churches of the city. For example, such is the church of St. Joseph, which was erected in 1860 in the very center of the city. The Church of Santa Maria was built before, in the middle of the 18th century.

Badalona is considered to be a great place for permanent residence, because locals, thanks to a well-developed industrial farm, almost never remain without work. In addition, Badalon, as a sea resort, annually attracts tourists with its mild climate and a mass of healthy entertainment for every taste.

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