How to go to rest abroad. Where you can relax to relax abroad: Overview of options, recommendations and reviews

The question of where to go to rest in the summer usually does not arise from anyone. The best vacation option in summer is the sea coast! This type of recreation is expensive, so it will not be for everyone to pocket. We will tell you how to relax on the sea for free and on what can be saved during the trip!

How to relax for free: 5 useful options

1. Where to go to rest with the child? You can go for a few days to relatives who live by the sea. Surely you have such a aunt or cousin, which you have not visited for a long time. It is also a good option, where to rest for free with the child, at the same time introduce it with numerous family members.

2. Young people will suit the cachessurfing site. People who are willing to take tourists at home and introduce them to their tongue, culture and traditions are enough in any country. You should register on the site of Kauratsurfers and ask residents of the country or city, where you are heading, about the shelter. Now where to go to rest decide, and not your wallet.

3. How to relax cheap and on what can be saved? It is best not to spend much on housing. There is such a website as a Hospitality Club - hospitality club or guest network, as it is also called. In each country there are wishing to give you their housing in exchange for what you can follow the house, apartment or domestic pets. Now this voluntary exchange program is only developing in our country and gradually gains all those who wish to provide travelers with housing until the hosts are in departure. Sometimes on the site there are just ads of people who are ready for you to provide accommodation and all the benefits of civilization. So why not take advantage of this offer?)

4. Where to go to rest in the summer cheap? IN camping! To do this, you do not even have to buy a tent. Almost all resort cities There are places that offer tourists to stay in a cozy camp with all the necessary amenities. Try searching on the Internet the nearest tent town, where to relax in the summer for free simple, and go there! IN tent towns can be charged mobile phone, There is an equipped kitchen and toilets. So you can relax, and without removing housing.

5. Have you tried to relax hitchhiking? In order not to think about where to go to relax inexpensively, try to combine free holidays through the crawls with a free road. You can drive in the hitchhiker to any part of your country and even abroad if you have a passport. Try to go to such an unforgettable adventure. We advise you to stop truckers on the wagons, they pick up hitchhopping is much more willing.

You see that there are many options where you can relax for free. Choose the one that will like you. Where to go to rest on the sea, and what resort to choose? It is best to choose a country that will be close to you and in which you can seek help to passersby without a dictionary. Do not forget that not in all countries freely enjoy English.

Now you know where to relax on the sea for free. Portal My tips wishes you adrenaline recreation and new discoveries! And if there are still interesting ways, be sure to write them below in the comments)))

Looking a little forward, I want to report that our really inexpensive rest was not just great holidayWe rested with great comfort and got a lot of new impressions!

Read the following articles:

  • Comparison of the budgets of independent recreation and the cost of vouchers at the tour operator

Inexpensive vacation abroad, step by step

How to organize a trip to Croatia without a tour operator

We dreamed in Croatia for a long time, but everyone somehow was postponed to visit this country. But this year we decided to fulfill our long-standing desire, and at the same time change the format of rest.

Previously, we always bought a ticket from the tour operator and were very pleased with the fact that the rest is fully organized. We just had to choose the hotel. This time we independently organized our journey. And not mistaken. The goal was a high-quality vacation for less money. And of course, we drove the thirst for adventure.

How cheaply fly abroad

One of the main costs of expenses is the flight. From Perm at all, it is not so easy to find a direct departure, and for reasonable money ...

Tourists experienced in these issues suggested that the tickets need to be purchased in advance. We were puzzled by the search for tickets back in December (I was looking for tickets at the end of August). As a result, the desired option was found - 31 thousand. rub. There and back on three people !!! This is given the fact that we did a transplant.

How to relax abroad inexpensive? - Plan your holiday for earlier and book tickets, respectively. Tickets One of the most expensive components of foreign holidays, on this article cost you can significantly save if you know secrets booking cheap air tickets.

The most important condition so that inexpensive vacation abroad, it turned out to be successful for you.

Each tourist has its main wishes to rest. Someone dreams of living in luxury hotels. Some of the successful shopping abroad or the presence of youth clubs. For someone important is good animation program For myself and your children. There are also tourists for whom the most important recreation condition is "all inclusive."

When you appeal to the tour operators, then voiced your main criteria for selecting the tour. The same needs to be done when you go travel yourself. It will be necessary to present a list of criteria in this case. This is a very important stage in organizing any rest. And even more so if you decide to relax abroad inexpensively.

If you do not determine the main criterion have a nice rest In your understanding, you will start the search not since and in consequences can be very disappointed in your own inexpensive journey.

For us, the most important and main criterion summer holiday is an nice beach and clean sea. We always first select the coast, and only then look at which hotel from the available on it. Especially for Croatia, this is very critical, since most of the beaches of this country have a not quite standard view. Lack of sand or pebbles, but only concrete slabs, from which itself and are proposed to be immersed in water. Being already in Croatia, we saw many such beaches and realized that they had made the right bet on the first position in the selection criteria for the selection of recreation.

Paying tickets, we started looking for suitable option For accommodation. Our company consisted of five people (I, my husband, 12 year old son and sister of a husband with a 17 year old daughter). The most important condition for us was a good beach. I think we found best Beach In Croatia. The place that is called the Baska water on the Internet. In fact, in the Croatian language of the Basque water. What means - beautiful water. This is a former fishing village, which is now specializing in tourism. The place completely justifies his name. But more on that later.

To understand the logic of the formation of our inexpensive independent rest, we will describe our priorities in a strict sequence

Our priorities inexpensive holiday Abroad

  • not a high cost of a trip;
  • good beach;
  • cozy apartments, we did not expect gorgeous conditions, but they were not ready in the chaolache under the sky;
  • freedom of movement in the country;
  • the presence of new impressions.

The fact that for us was not critical (what we agreed to sacrifice the rest of the rest abroad for us inexpensive)

  • for us, the first line of the beach was not obligatory.
  • we are ready to beat one apartments for two families, subject to individual rooms
  • we have agreed to take care of cooking questions.
  • we were not interested in parties, shopping, animation and all the more "all inclusive"

How to relax abroad inexpensively and good? Decide with priorities - what is the most important criterion for you to rest, and with what you are willing to sacrifice the sake of inexpensive rest ha border.

How cheap to replace good apartment abroad

The beach decided on the beach. Now it was to choose the apartment.

Having shifted Bucking, chose - "Hause Bilic". We watched everything on the Google's map Location of apartments, interior photos and of course the most important thing - tourist reviews. Photos We were impressed - a snow-white room and a chic balcony with a sofa rocking chair. But the most decisive in favor of these apartments were the reviews that we read. Everyone with delight was described not only the apartments themselves, but also welcoming owners.

Two-bedroom apartments, a living room, a fully equipped kitchen, a large balcony overlooking the sea and a bathroom. From August 20 to September 5, the cost of the apartment costs us at 2080 euros. The apartments booked. Under the terms of the armor payment in place.

How to relax in good apartments abroad? - Book apartments for earlier, as a result of our timely solution, we chose the best rooms in these excellent apartments.

How cheap moving on vacation abroad

To freely travel around the country, we took the car for the entire period of stay in Croatia. This transport replaced us, including transfer from the airport to the destination point. Chosured Chevrolet Cruise - a spacious machine, just on five people. The cost of renting the car we cost 840 euros for the entire resting period abroad. Payment upon arrival.
Given the fact that the cost of apartments and renting a car must be divided into two companies we understood that the budget of the trips would be very acceptable.

What risks torn tourists who want to relax abroad inexpensively

But as they say, it was not worthwhile without a spoon. Three weeks before the departure of the Lufthansa airline reported that our flight was canceled and offered us other options. Namely: to fly a day later, fly on the same day with two transplants longer, to fly two days earlier.

The first option was not suitable, because We could lose the reservation and apartments and on the car, the second option seemed too tiring and we decided to fly two days earlier. It was a weekend therefore negotiated to extend the vacation. Because The place of arrival was Dubrovnik - they decided to live out two days there and see his sights.

In this regard, we have an additional cost: apartments - 320 euros. Taxi from the airport to the destination of 40 euros. (Because our car will be waiting for us only in two days, and it would be more expensive to rebound it).

In the next article:

Ticket price - from 13,574 rubles.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in the hostel - from 990 rubles, double room in the hotel - from 1 000 rubles.
  • Food. Cold Lithuanian borsch - 190 rubles, fried potatoes with hunting sausages - 290 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Two tickets to the World Ocean Museum (excursion to the submarine) - 600 rubles, the entrance to the amber museum is 300 rubles for two.

Things to do

  • Go to a concert of organ music in cathedral And reflect on the eternal from the grave of Immanuel Kant.
  • Drive the fish village, climb on the B-413 submarine, and then go to the amber museum. To visit Kaliningrad and not buy amber souvenir or decoration is unthinkable.
  • Explore the Kaliningrad region: in an hour with a small ride from the city there are castles of the Teutonic Order - Insturburg and Shahasen.
  • Stroll one by one of pedestrian routes Curonian Spit - Miracle of Nature, included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. Admire the dunes and fancy curved trees of the dancing forest.

Russia, Karelia

The cost of tickets to Petrozavodsk - from 18,872 rubles.
When to go: from May to September.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in the hostel - from 1,000 rubles, double room in the hotel - from 1,200 rubles.
  • Food. The wicket (Karelian pie) with potatoes - 75 rubles, ear from Trouta - 410 rubles, Ryabinovaya emphasis - 190 rubles for 50 grams.
  • Entertainment. A trip to Ruskaalu - 3,850 rubles for two, a tour of Kizhi - 5,900 rubles for two, an excursion to Valaam from Petrozavodsk - 10,400 rubles.

Things to do

  • There are 60 thousand lakes and 27 thousand rivers. Go to the raftea raftea or kayak on the Kuya River or try to catch a hefty salmon while fishing on the lake Onega. If extreme does not attract, go to the Kiwach waterfall - this is the highest plain waterfall in Europe.
  • You can not go to Karelia and do not visit the Kizhi Reserve, where the real masterpieces of wooden architecture are collected. According to the legend, the Church of the Transfiguration was built by a carpenter Nestor alone with an ax. After the construction, the master threw the ax in the lake so that no one could repeat his masterpiece.
  • Not far from the border with Finland is mountain Park "Ruskeala". Where marble was earlier in an industrial career, now is a lake with marble shores and underwater grots. On the way to Ruskeal, take a look at Takhmini waterfalls.


Ticket price in Tbilisi - from 22,332 rubles.
The entrance mode is visa-free. When to go: from May to July or in September-October.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in the hostel - from 361 rubles, Double Room in the hotel - from 902 rubles.
  • Food. Khachapuri - 135 rubles, a portion of 10 Hincali with beef - 180 rubles, pork kebabs - 270 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Tbilisi excursion - 1,800 rubles for two, two tickets in botanical Garden - 90 rubles, a ride on a cable car to both ends - 90 rubles for two.

Things to do

  • In Tbilisi, be sure to climb on the cable car to the landing fortress, visit the flea market on a dry bridge, Shargyn Street and Botanical Garden.
  • It is worth paying attention not only to the capital, but also the rest of the country's regions. From interesting - ancient city Mtskheta, Mountains and Waterfalls of Svaneti, Military-Georgian road and, of course, Kakheti with her wine.
  • Beach rest go to Batumi, Kobuleti or Sarpi. The beach in Sarpi is considered one of the best in Adjara - the seaside region of Georgia.

Poland, Krakow

The cost of tickets to Krakow - from 34 104 rubles.
Check-out mode: Need a Schengen visa. When to go: on Catholic Christmas or from May to September.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in the hostel - from 1,081 rubles, Double Room The hotel - from 2 153 rubles.
  • Food. Casserole (baguette with stuffing) - from 84 rubles, chicken fillet with mushrooms - from 227 rubles, 0.5 liters of pouring beer - from 118 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Tickets for castles and museums are from 200 rubles for two, a tour of Salt mines in Village - from 2,998 rubles for two.

Things to do

  • Want to see the real Poland - fly to Krakow. Krakow is recognized as one of the most beautiful cities countries. This is the former capital of the state and the place of coronation of Polish monarchs.
  • Catch in Krakow on the old city and Market SquareVisit architectural complex at the Wawel Hill - here and the Royal Castle, and the ancient Cathedral of the Saints Stanislav and Vaclav. In December, be sure to look at the Christmas Fair.
  • In the city of Village, which is not far from Krakow, there are once the largest salt copies in Europe. You will spend on winding corridors past the hydrochloric sculptures and underground lakes. To fully penetrate the atmosphere, you will raise on the surface in a special mining cabin.


The cost of tickets in Tivat - from 28 370 rubles.
The entrance mode is visa-free. When to go: from May to November.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in the hostel - from 1,750 rubles, double room in guest House - from 1,893 rubles.
  • Food. Fried cheese - 419 rubles, pork chops - 482 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Excursion to Ostrog - from 3,490 rubles for two, two tickets to the Dumer park - 419 rubles.

Things to do

  • Per natural beauty Go to national Park "Durmitor". Gorge along the Tara River flowing through the Park territory - the Chernogorsk analogue of the American Big Canyon. This is the deepest canyon in Europe: its depth comes to 1,300 meters. In the "Durmitor" is one of the most high points Montenegro - Mount Bobot Cook (2,523 meters).
  • By connoisseurs of medieval architecture, a straight road to the historical part of Budva, built in the days of the Venetian Republic. Then move to the Orthodox monastery Ostrog, carved in a sheer cliff at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level.
  • About sea Choice for you: or the beaches of the Adriatic Sea, or the Fjord Kotor Bay.


The cost of tickets to Ho Chi Minh City is from 43,922 rubles.
Check-out mode: when traveling less than 15 days no visa is required. When to go: in Hanoi - from September to February, in Nha Trang - from February to August, in Muin - from December to June, in Hoyan - from January to August.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in the hostel - from 664 rubles, the hotel - from 844 rubles.
  • Food. Fo soup - from 98 rubles, rice with seafood - in the region of 170 rubles, fresh juices - from 40 rubles for 0.3 liters.
  • Entertainment. Excursion to Tunnels Kuti - from 2,577 rubles for two, two tickets to Winel park - about 3,900 rubles.

Things to do

  • Want to see the bay created by the dragon? Long ago he plenty to the sea and left the valleys filling in water. Of course, this is a legend. But Halong Bay is the most beautiful view of Vietnam.
  • From Ho Chi-Himin, go on a tour of Kuti tunnels. They were digged by partisans during the Vietnamese War to apply unexpected strikes on American troops. Now underground moves total lengthy Up to 200 kilometers turned into a popular tourist attraction.
  • It would be strange to come in Vietnam solely for the sake of study cultural heritage of this country. Beach holiday - that's what tourists attract. It is worth going to Nha Trang, Muin or Hoian.
  • In Nha Trang, be sure to highlight the day to visit the Amusement Park "Vinel". There leads cable car More than three kilometers long. Winel - Paradise for a budget tourist: for a very moderate amount you can ride the attractions all day, see the dolphins show and go to the only water park on the coast with fresh water. Of the attractions, we especially recommend electrosani: the trolley is carried along a winding track, and you are adjusting the speed of the move yourself.

Sri Lanka

The cost of tickets to Colombo - from 54,034 rubles.
Check-out mode: You can make an electronic visa permission. When to go: from December to April.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. Two places in the hostel - from 673 rubles, double room in the hotel - from 1,263 rubles.
  • Food. The portion of rice with curry - from 75 rubles, pancany and chocolate pancakes - from 90 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Sightseeing tour By Colombo - from 3,095 rubles for two, two tickets to the shelter of elephants - about 1,800 rubles.

Things to do

  • The path to Nirvana lies through the golden triangle: the cities of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruva and Kandy. Here are the largest and most important Buddhist temples and monasteries.
  • Connoisseurs of good tea should go to Nuzara Elia. Look like tea bushes with a dense carpet rip the hills and shimmer the emerald in the sun. Dilmah, Akbar is all from here. Sri Lanka enters the top three largest tea producers in the world.
  • Shelter for elephants in the pinavel - without any exaggerations unique place. It is brought up here and learned the mind-reason will be elected, for one reason or another reasons of the remaining without parents. You can even see how the elephants bathe and eat.


Tunisia tickets - from 33.28 rubles.
Check-out mode: When traveling less than 90 days, the visa is not required. When to go: from March to June or in September-October.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. Double Room - from 2,099 rubles, apartments for two - from 2 239 rubles.
  • Food. Fish soup - 165 rubles, grilled tuna - 470 rubles, a cup of mint tea - 50 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Two tickets to Carthage - about 500 rubles, two-day trip In sugar - approximately 13,000 rubles.

Things to do

  • If you want to touch the antiquity in the literal sense, here you will find what you were looking for. You can start from the capital: in Tunisia (yes, and the country, and the capital - all Tunisia) Visit Medina - old citywhere narrow streets are wangling into a labyrinth, a stone wall.
  • Ruins of Carthage are deservedly popular with the tourists - sometime the largest city on the west coast Mediterranean Sea. Carthage was founded in about 814 to our era. Amphitheater, aqueduct and the terms of Anthony Fii remained from the past luxury.
  • Take a trip to the Sahara - after all, not every day falls a chance to see the most real desert and visit the Berber. By the way, the settlement of the Matmata, where representatives of this nation live, saw anyone who watched the "Star Wars": there it was portrayed the Tathuen Planet.


Casablanc ticket costs - from 31,692 rubles.
Check-out mode: When traveling less than 90 days, the visa is not required. When to go: from May to October.

The cost of one day

  • Housing. The guestroom has a guest house - from 1,400 rubles, a double room in the hotel - from 1,959 rubles.
  • Food. Casserole with eggplants and tomatoes - 430 rubles, Paella with fish - from 276 rubles, a cup of coffee - from 77 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Excursion from Agadir to Marrakesh - approximately 8,100 rubles for two, a trip to Sakhara with local guides - from 10,000 rubles.

Things to do

  • Go to Casablanca in the Bar "At Rica", where the atmosphere of the cult film Michael Kurtis is recreated. Feel Humphrey Bogart and order Bourbon.
  • Lovers beach holidays Road to Tangier. To the west of the city there is the longest beachbag in the country: 47 kilometers of sand along Atlantic Ocean. When we are sent plenty, you can go to sugar - there are such excursions not only in Tunisia.
  • Who said that Africa is not for lovers mountain Ski.? In winter, the weather in the Atlask mountains is well suited for skiing. It is possible to slide on the snow slope in the morning, and in the evening swimming in a warm ocean.
  • If you have an enviable power strength and you are not moving on the sweet speech of speaking sellers, go for souvenirs to the local bazaar. Travel with might and main, here this process is almost more important than the fact of the purchase itself.

USA, New York

Ticket price - from 40,830 rubles.
Check-out mode: need a visa. When to go: from March to October.

The cost of one day

Food and housing in New York is not cheap. But tickets from Moscow are inexpensive for such a long flight, and on the spot you can make a very budget leisure program.

  • Housing. Double Room The hotel - from 3,816 rubles, apartments for two - from 5,331 rubles.
  • Food. Hot dog - 186 rubles, burger with chicken - 354 rubles, chocolate muffin - 154 rubles.
  • Entertainment. Two tickets to the Guggenheim Museum - about 2,800 rubles, two tickets to the zoo - in the region of 2,000 rubles, a visit to a statue of freedom - about 2,100 rubles for two.

Things to do

  • Mandatory program in New York: Broadway and Fifth Avenue, Statue of Liberty, Times Square and Central Park.
  • From local museums and attractions, it is primarily to visit Solomon Guggenheim Museum, Metropolitan Museum, Madame Tussao Museum, Botanical Garden and Zoo. Of course, it is impossible to go around the New York Museum of Contemporary Art, where Matisse, Van Gogh, Picasso and Dali are collected. By the way, on Fridays from 16 to 20 hours the entrance is free, if you are not afraid of long queues.
  • Entertainment in New York is for every taste: concert in the metropolitan-opera, NBA matches or NHL. We go beyond the budget? Views from the Brooklyn Bridge, which captures the Spirit, are absolutely free, as well as the ferry between Manhattan and Stanhe Island.

How to visit all these places at the Tinkoff Bank

Board for economical travelers: Tell a bank card that allows you to save miles for flights. From each purchase on the Internet or regular store, some money will return back.

This is what Cachemk gives the Tinkoff Map All Airlines:

  • 10% When paying the room at the hotel and rent a car. They paid for the night of 10 thousand - a thousand get back.
  • 5% when buying air ticket or train through the website. If you bought tickets for 50 000 rubles, then 2 500 get back.
  • 3% when buying tickets through any other site.
  • 2% will be returned to the account with all other purchases.

Money is returned to the score of Miles, 1 mile is 1 ruble. Miles can pay for the ticket of any airline in the world. At the same time, you can continue to save mile in the airline loyalty program, which you use.

Lifechaker readers bonus

All readers of Lifehaker Tinkoff Bank gives the All Airlines map with the free first year of service. Usually annual card maintenance costs 1,890 rubles. You can read about all the features and advantages of the card.

Make a map, copy miles, travel and open for yourself the world.

On specialized online services

A huge number of services provides the possibilities of such a search. It should be noted that they are quite high: among men and women. The most banal reason why lonely tourists are looking for a fellow traveler - the desire to save. For a single single room, one is forced to overpay to 30%, and to afford the luxury is not everyone can.

Another benefit is the opportunity to relax not in proud loneliness. Most of our compatriots without a company abroad feel uncomfortable, they are embarrassed to walk alone in restaurants or to the beach, not to mention tours. Girls are often looking for the so-called sponsor that will pay the trip. When choosing, try to determine as accurately as possible how comfortable you will be with this person, whether your wishes are concerned about some rules: for example, do not smoke and do not drive anyone. Agree in advance - save yourself from unpleasant surprises.

Through travel agency

Many travel agencies also have a similar service or service on the official website. Knowing where, when and who from customers are going to, the ramore managers will be able to choose to you or according to your preliminary agreement to transfer the contacts to the one who also does not really want to go alone.

Resting together - Threesomes, it is possible to save not only on the room, but also for a taxi, and in some cases - and on food in cafes and restaurants, especially if the "covering" or maintenance is included in the account in the country of residence. So you can find not only a fellow traveler, which will divide the number with you, but also a company that will have fun at the hotel and travel around the country.

Through social network

Often, friends and friends of friends, in addition to photographs, status and video, publish information about what they want to rent-rent an apartment, asking to help find a specialist - designer of interior or good wedding designer. You can accommodate the announcement that you are looking for a vacation company. High probability is that someone is also in the search.

Friends, colleagues familiar

If you do not want to "notify" a wide range, you can ask selectively those who trust. This option can also be effective.

Online Dating

An option for those who are in the search for a satellite not only on vacation, but also with a long-term perspective. Riding a rest with an unfamiliar person is fraught, but, subject to the rules of caution, it is significant. The best people are revealed if they are 24 hours for several days or even weeks together. In a joint trip, it can be seen how tidy the man is active, is active, tempered, is emotionally stable, sociable, interesting. In general, almost everything. If she passed successfully, you did not bother each other, never seriously crumbled, after you can safely go and build much more serious joint plans.

See also: