Marinka on a wild beach in India. The best beaches of India - not in Goa

The beaches of the South Goa are rightfully considered the best beaches of the state. Compared to, then the South Beach beaches are much smaller than the people, they are mainly choosing families with children and people aged.

There are practically no such part of such parties on the Arabball on the Southana beaches: after 11 o'clock in the evening everything closes here.

The rescuers on all the beaches of the southern Goa are on duty. During the strong waves, they drive on the beaches on the jeeps and follow the fact that the travelers do not come further than the belt. In addition to the waves, there is another danger in the sea - reverse currents, so do not listen to the rescuers and swim far into the sea is not worth it.

Almost on all the beaches of the south Goa white and very small, like flour, sand, creaking under his feet like snow. Because of this small sand, the beach strip is very dense and can easily ride a bike (it can be rented at the entrance to the beach) and even the car (but this is allowed only to rescuers).

Beltsao Beach, Kansaulim, Acrossim, Ustor, Majord, Betalbatim, Kolva, Sernabatim, Benaulim, Varka, Cavelosssim, Mobor, Bethul - This is one solid 27-kilometer sandy strip, the beaches are moving one to another, there are deserted sections without sun beds between the beaches Shekov: Here you can sunbathe on your towels, if you want silence and tranquility.

According to our observations, in the first half of the day the sea in South Goa is more relaxed, there is practically no wind. After lunch, waves appear and it begins as strong wind that he blows up umbrellas.

What are the best southern Goa beaches? In my article we will tell about each of them in detail and note all the beaches on the map.


Acrossim Beach is a smooth continuation of Kansaulima. Why cansaulim and arossime beaches are called differently - it is not clear: the village of these beaches one. There are no differences in the beaches: the same littleness, fishing boats, there are several sheks on the beach.


Compared with previous beaches, the uctor of Beach is quite lively. There are many hotels here, including several hotels where batch tourists lead. Nevertheless, the beach is pretty not crowded and calm. There is a variety of cafes and beach beds on the beach. The beach strip is wide, sand is light and small.


The continuation of the beach is a helmer, there is no difference between the beaches. Geographically, in the area of \u200b\u200bMazzhord settlement, the beaches of the Ustor, Majord, Betalbatim and Kolva. But the last flavor became more popular with tourists, rather than Majord, so Majorba Beach today is a few. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of sheks on the beach, and in the village - the lips (including 5-star). Sand, like on all this 30-kilometer zone, light, fine and creaky, like snow.


Betalbatim is a very tiny village. There is no such developed infrastructure, as in Colve or in Majord, but before these villages adjacent to the Betalbatima can be reached in just 20 minutes on the beach. Instead of palm trees, the coast of Betalbatim decorate pine trees.

They write that it is from this beach that you can sometimes watch dolphins that boil quite close to the shore, but we never seen them. Local fishermen can offer wishing sea walks Along the coast to the habitats of dolphins.

There are several beach sheks on Betalbatim Beach, in the rest he is quite deserted. Suitable for a calm, measured rest. The northern part of Betalbatim has its own name - Sunset Beach.


Only we

In the morning there are no people at cooking at all, but people appear to the sunset here (mostly Indians) and even one beach attraction - parachute was noticed.

The rest of the beach of Varka:


CavelosSim Beach is the most prestigious beach of South Goa. According to its lively and infrastructure, he reminds the flavor, but compared to it there is more and more fashionable. At Cavelyossim there is even his own shopping center.

The beach has a large hotel area, hotels in most expensive.

Here are many famous five-star hotels. For example, Leela Goa Beach Resort, in which Putin lived during the BRICS Congress in South Goa. BRICS itself was held in the same 5-star Benaulima - Taj Exotica. In addition to these, in Benaulim, the World Wide Networks Radisson Blue and Holiday Inn..

The village also has its own Catholic Church of Holy Cross Church.

The central part of the beach of CavelosSim is very crowded, from the most tourists most russian-speaking touristswho came by batch tours. Unlike the flavor, there are no rest of Indians on Cavelossim.

Cavelossim is rather long beach - about 10 km. Instead of palm trees, coniferous trees grow on the beach.

In the central part there are many beach cafes, mainly with Russian signs and menus. Each cafe has a beach shower and toilet.

There is a very wide list of beach entertainment, prices for them:

If you move away from the central part to the left or right, you can get on the deserted sections of the beach, without sun beds and sheks.

Rest photos of the beach Cavelosssim:


Mobor Beach is the continuation of the beach of Cavelyossim, in fact, it is just the southernmost part of it. If in the village of CavelosSim, those who want a quiet measured rest without parties rest, then in the village of Mobor, those who want to be fun and part nightlife.

In Mobor there is a Party Zone Club in Holiday Inn Resort: It is believed that the best discos of South Goa is held here.

The beach itself is the same as in Kaveossima: a snow-white fine sand, palm trees. On this beach is the mouth of the River Sol: River envelopes the entire Beach Mobor and flows into the sea. The beach is also distinguished by picturesque lakes with lotus.

Here, as well as at Cavelosxim, the breathing is offered a lot of entertainment: sea walks, slaves, parasiling, cycling, etc.


Natural continuation of Mobor Beach. The last beach of a 27-kilometer beach strip, starting immediately behind the airport. Known by his fishing port, in which their boats and trawlers are called. Fisherman village, which consists mainly of small huts of fishermen and their families.

There are few hotels in Betula, the most famous of them is Bamboo House Goa: a short-lived Blue Whale restaurant offers the widest choice of their dishes caught immediately seafood.

The beach is very little and picturesque.

View Point and Church of Holy Cross Chapel-Baradi

On the way from Cavelossim to the next Kolow Beach, we are very advised to call the Baradi church, which is near the village of Betul. The cross at the chapel is considered a miraculous and healing from diseases.

Hence the very open beautiful view At the plantation palm and flowing in the sea Sal River.

Other photos of s observation deck At the Baradi Church:

Chapel Baradi on the map:


12 km from a crowded Cavelossim is a wild beach by Canguiniy Beach. Small. incredible scenic beach, hidden from foreign eyes with rocks, swirling greens. Bathing on the beach is difficult because of a large number of stones protruding from the sea.

There is no tourist infrastructure on this beach: there are no sheks, merchants, beach shops. Housing can be found only in the village of Canguin, located 1 km from the beach: But it will be only a room in a private house, as there are no hotels here either.

Most often here come simply for 1 day those who wish to be on a wild deserted beach without people and civilization.


Definitely, the most paradise beach of all Goa. Located between CavelosSim and Agonda, but it is surrounded by cliffs from all sides, because of what you can get to it only by the only road of terrible quality. Available Beach only in, 6 months a year. During the rains of the rains, this broken road is blocked and driving to the beach is simply impossible.

There is no infrastructure, except for the only cafe at the beach inlet.

Of the hotels here are solely bungalow huts, there are quite a lot of them. Room prices begin with 3000 rupees per night. We especially attracted here such houses on the mountain:

Cola Beach consists of three parts: the first is the most "crowded" (although calling a crowded beach with a couple of dozens people, of course, is wrong), it is limited to boulders from both sides, which can be easily overcome. Sand on the first part of the cola of an unusual black color, and the grains themselves are large.

On the second part of the beach of houses smaller, and the people on the beach just a couple of people. Sand here is a large, mostly dark yellow with small blackfront sites. Limited to the second piece of Cola Beach also with huge boulders.

The third part of the beach is the most empty. There are two hotels here, which are offered unusual view accommodation - tents.

  • Hotel Cola Beach Sunset Bay. Cost 1 night in the tent 6500 rupees For double accommodation.
  • Hotel Cola Beach Exclusive Tented Resort. Cost 1 night in the tent 5700 rupees For double accommodation.

Before the tents, there are sun beds, but there were no people noticed.

There is already a completely yellow major sand, there are no black sand.

this piece of the beach is so desert that you can try the famous beach Goyan yoga (if you are having to do it on a crowd of a crowd, for example):

The Kola Beach ends with a palm trees, when looking at which the song of Andrei Mironova is immediately remembered "All covered with greens, absolutely all, is the island of bad luck in the ocean ..."

We are insanely liked the Beach Cola. Although, swimming in the waves here is unsafe due to boulders, which stick out of the water throughout the beach. Nevertheless, if we draw a rating of the best beaches of the South Goa, then Cola is definitely heading this list.

Other photos of Kola Beach Beach:


The village of Agona is very lively, along the coast there is a long beach street with a lot of shops and cafes, with which you can go to the beach anywhere.

The whole beach of Agonda is a wide sand strip and many of the most diverse beach houses. The length of the beach is about 2.5 km away.

Of the holidays here more than Indians and Europeans, the Russians are quite a bit, unlike the Karva, Benaulima, Cavelossim and Palolam. A quiet and calm beach, but it is impossible to call him little ones.

In addition to many cozy hotels, on the beach is and a large number of Restaurants.

Sand on Agonda is pretty small, dark yellow, with an admixture of ferrous sand.

In the southern part of the beach there are huge picturesque boulders protruding from the sea.

The beach is ends with a mountain afternoon in the sea.

Other photos of Agonda Beach:


Butterfly Beach is an infomatured, wild beach of southern Goa. The duration of the beach is only about 100 meters, there is absolutely nothing and anyone (with the exception of the same as you, possible tourists who sailed here on the boat).

It is believed that you can get there only by sea, with the beaches of Agonda or Palis (the cost of renting a boat from 800 to 1100 rupees in both directions). You can also rent a kayak (there is such a service on the beach), it will have to rigget for about 40 minutes (2.5 km around the sea).

In fact, there is an opportunity to get to the beach of Butterfly and on the ground, but it is a very bad road, places just a pile of stones. In the rainy season of this road and not at all, it is flooded. To overcome the bike is quite dangerous on the bike, and it is impossible for the car at all, safer everything on foot.


- Paradise beach with famous palm trees stretching to the water. But he is not at all similar to the one he is called in guidebooks. Today, Palis is very developed by infrastructure and a rather crowded beach.

There is a beach in a quiet bay, thanks to which he is protected from wind and waves.

Throughout the beach, there are a wide variety of houses, a distinctive feature of which is that all of them are built on piles (unlike the houses of Agonda). Also throughout the beach there are numerous beach cafes - Sheki.

Snow-white crispy sand, a calm blue sea, the paradise beach bungalows "on the legs" - that's what the palwall means.

The southern part of the beach is the most crowded and noisy, the sandy band is quite narrow here. In the northern part, on the contrary, less than people and a very wide sandy strip.

Southern Palolam: Narrow Sandband, Addict to Shek

Wide beach of the northern part of Palolam

If you are lucky, it will be possible to watch dolphins living near the beach.

Numerous entertainment is presented on Pallam Beach: parasiling, sea walks, water skiing. It also has the opportunity to rent a kayak, cost 1 hour - 200 rupees.

The rest of the photos of the beach paliv:


A distant beach of South Goa, located with a small horseshoe bay. Suitable for a quiet secluded rest. The beach is very picturesque: gold soft sand and black boulders on the beach strip and in the water.

On the beach there are several beach cafes and small bungalow houses. Here is a fairly famous eco-complex Bhakti Cutiir, in which you can rent a house made exclusively from eco-friendly local materials, and in which you will be offered organic food.

You can also settle in a more solid hotel in the village, located near the beach.

The Colomb Beach has its own attraction - a rock with the name of the drum of Pandavov (the heroes of the Indian legends, brothers-warriors). It is believed that if you throw a stone into the rock and get into a certain place, you can hear the sound of the drum.

You can walk to the Beach Kolomb you can walk from the neighboring beach of Pallemba (from him you can get on the boat). You can also take a bus that goes from Palis.


Patna Beach is an improved version of Palolam. Here is the same paradise beach with gold sand and good infrastructure, but at times less people. Because of its location in a small bay, there are no big waves on a pitne, so often this beach choose families with children.

The length of the beach is about 1 km. On both sides, in bulk ends with rocky capes. From the trees on a pitne can be found both palm trees and pine.

Along the beach there is a small street where there are various shops with clothing, souvenirs, fruit. There are many beach cafes on the beach.

Not far from the beach is the Canacon - the main city of this region. There are shops, ATMs and other benefits of civilization.

On the beach there are beach houses-bungalow. Also, quite a few hotels are available in Kanacon.

In the northern part of the beach there is a healing center of harmonic, which offers a wide variety of wellness treatments and practices (including yoga and rail).

Rajbag (Raj Baga)

Malbitual and picturesque beach with a length of about 1 km. All territory behind the beach occupies a huge luxury hotel The Lalit Golf & Spa Resort Goa, so mainly in Rajbag rest his guests. Other hotels and in general there are no housing on Rajbag.

Five Star Hotel Lalit on Rajbag Beach

On Rajbaga there is only 1 beach cafe, there are no merchants.

You can get to Rajbag on foot from a neighboring beach Patna (not on the shore), or on Kayak, rented on Palolem (but it will be quite difficult to swim).

In the southern end of the beach in the sea, there is a fairly full-water River Talpon, which separates Rajbag Beach from the next Talpon beach.


Quiet, secluded, paradise beach, thanks to its long-range location. There are practically no people here, in some hours you will be the only visitors to this shore.

Despite its desert, there are still several beach cafes on Talpon low prices.

On the shore you can shoot a hut, there are also some housing in the village near the beach.

Galdzhibaga (skipping beach)

Galdzhibag Beach is considered to be a secret beach of South Goa. Indeed, someone knows about him. A few kilometers of pure sand, pine grove instead of palm trees and no sun beds on the beach.

Galdzhibag is famous among the regulars of Goa as one of the few places in Goa, where you can eat the freshest oysters cheaply. We took a portion of fresh oysters with Lime 200 for 200 rupees for a portion of 7 oysters.

The desertless and paradise beach, very similar to our beloved beach Paradise, which is located in Maharashtra, near the beach of Arambol Northern Goa. In a pine grove, which begins after sand, there are several cafes in which fresh seafood is prepared. The rest of the infrastructure on the beach is absent.

Also, Galdzhibag is known and the fact that the beach is in this beach there is a turtle nursery. It is said that some turtles lay eggs right on the sand, but during the day they are not selected ashore, only at night.


it last beach Southern Goa, immediately followed by another Indian state - carnataka. The Beach field is a gray-shaped sand strip about 700 meters long. Along the sand strip, palm trees are growing in front of pine trees. On both sides, the beach is fenced by green in the sea by capes.

The beach is completely deserted, few people and rarely get to the far beach goa. Local fishermen live here, but there are several beach cafes. Also, for those who want to spend a longer time on a paradise seven-free beach, there are several bamboo huts on the beach, which can be removed in just 200 rupees per night.

You can get to the field on the atcus, which goes from Margao or Panji (will have to go about 1.5 km from the route rice fields), as well as on Motoriksha, taxi, rented bike or leased boat (it will be necessary to agree with the owner of the boat when you need to take back).

Goa is famous all over the world with its sandy beaches with golden sand. Beaches in India Municipal, so they can visit without restrictions both tourists and locals - merchants, masseurs, fishermen. Most hotels are close to the beach, with direct access to the beach or a short drive from it. The names of the beaches mainly come from nearby villages.

GOA visiting season - From October to April. The best time visits from November to March. The air temperature holds about +30 degrees Celsius, the water temperature is about +27. Since May, the rainy season begins, which ends in September. In the rainy season, the sea is cleaned, puts on the surface of the dirt, so it is impossible to bathe. Many hotels on the rainy season are closed.
Officially swim in the sea is not recommended, which is the information in every hotel. Unlike other resorts in the sea, there are no baying bathing areas, as well as there are no tips on the beaches. In March - April in the sea big waveswhich can be dangerous for experienced swimmers.

Diving in Goa Not so common, like on Andaman Islands, Sri Lanka or Maldives. The seabed is sandy, for better visibility when dives, you need to sail away from the shore on the boat. Visibility from 5 to 20 m. In the waters of the Arabian Sea, there are various representatives of the sea fauna: tuna, barracuda, sea bass, lobsters, Caracatians and others. Diving will be interesting primarily for newcomers.

First of all, rest in Goa will be interested in people who dreamed of exotic and freedom. Unlike other famous beach resorts The world, in Goa you can move freely and with pleasure. In each village you can rent a motorcycle and ride in independent excursions.

On the beaches there are many restaurants, bars. In which you can try the most delicious dishes from the area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Near the bars on the beaches in the daytime are sun beds, umbrellas and tables. And in the evening during the sunset, the hosts of coastal restaurants arrange tables, chairs and candles for the romantic mood of visitors.

Beaches Kerala

Kerala coastline It is a high cape - cliff - rocky places, seeded with palm trees. Narrow stripes or semicircles of sandy beaches are selected by the sea at the foot of the cliff.

Cerala visits season - round year , depending on the goals of the trip. For treatment in Ayurvedic centers - season year-round, the best time for treatment is in the rainy season. Since May, the rainy season begins, which ends by September, but swimming already start in August. The best time for swimming is November - December. Since the end of February, the Indonesian flow with very strong waves comes. Officially swim in the sea is not recommended, which is the information in every hotel. Unlike other resorts, in the sea there are no baykov bathing, as well as there are no taps on the beaches.

Rest in Kerala

First of all, Kerala is a center. It was there that originated and flourishes one of the most ancient sciences of human civilization.
Our company offers a wide range of a variety of Kerala beaches.

Kerala is considered the most ecologically pure and rich state of India. Kerala can be visited in.

India: Nearest Tours

If your goal is on vacation - cloudless and high-quality beach rest On the picturesque coast somewhere in Asia, then pay attention to the best beaches of India, which are located in the main resort coastal states of the country. Some come here in search of noisy parties on the beach, others - to soak on a snow-white sand and swim in crystal clear water, and the third and at all prefer to relax calmly and quietly, only with their family with minimal contacts with others. Whatever requests were near holidaymakers, India can satisfy them all. For example, you already have exactly heard that on the beach palwall is organized beautiful rest In a calm atmosphere, while on the coasts of the Bag and Calangut there is no place for silence and tranquility, here life is boil and splash through the edge, and there is no account number of entertainment. Lakshavipic Islands is a paradise for rest and romance away from the noise of urban life. And how many small and untouched civilization sites are not to count!

Goa State Beaches

All the beaches of this state are separated geographically to the North and South Coast. South Goa is more suitable for quiet and calm holidayWhile North Goa is a place to entertain youth and people with an active life position, seeking to entertainment and a fun life.

Goa denies the separation of beaches on private and government, so here everyone can come to an absolutely any beach area of \u200b\u200bthe country and stay for recreation. Even if you stopped in a single hotel, and the beach you liked completely in another, no obstacles for his visit you will not have.

South Goa

Most of the beach areas of this part of India are almost identical to each other: hotels of category 3 - 5 stars, landmark for a calm family holiday, a large number of vacationers with children, etc. The most popular beaches of this part of the Indian coast on Goa are:

  1. Varka - Like tourists for fascinating views around, calm atmosphere, 10-kilometer beach with small white sand, as well as for good equipment and infrastructure. Cooking has not yet reached the peak of popularity, but every year meets an increasing number of tourists. In addition to the beach holiday and swimming here you can ride boats, visit several maritime excursions or watch dolphins that are found quite often here. Along the sand line there are several restaurants, where for a completely moderate amount you can enjoy delicious to taste with fish dishes. There are also hotels, cafes and other socially significant objects.
  2. Cavelosim is part of the coast Indian Ocean In the state of Goa (southern it territory). The sandy line is beautifully framed by tropical plants, palm trees and flowers. This beach is very popular among Europeans, especially mature and elderly, the financial position of which is no doubt and does not require counting every spent cent. Prices are slightly higher here than in neighboring resorts, and the rest is calm and measured. Gunned and calm entrance to the sea makes comfortable accommodation with young children.
  3. Urda - unique in his appearance Beach: Local river flows right along the ocean, which, pressing, separates the sandy segments of the core coastline. Sand here is soft, silky, snow-white and very clean and pleasant to the touch. The water is calm, and the shore is finely, which makes swimming safe even for beginner swimmers and young children.
  4. Majorda is an excellent place to unity with nature and rest surrounded by palm groves. The beach attracts quite wealthy citizens: hotels of famous networks, numerous restaurants, bars and high-level entertainment and class. Majord is known for the fact that it was here that Jesuits opened the best palm juice in the state of Goa, which was subsequently used for the break of bread. You can even come to the major if you did not book a room here, as a variety of transportation daily for a day during the day: buses, taxis, rental cars, etc. Most Popular Entertainment: Tennis and Beach Volleyball, as well as a variety of water sports.
  5. The flavor is one of the oldest beaches and resorts of Goa. The endless flow of tourists and vacationers is constantly going here. The situation on the beach is romantic and possessing its colors: numerous fishermen boats, occurring along the coast, tables and bars right on the sand strip, tourists and local residents In bright, colorful outfits, as well as those who bathe and sunbathe, not paying attention to what is happening around. The central part of the beach in the midst of the season may seem a crowded and not interesting, but if you move a little to the side, the sand will be flawlessly clean with someone encountered seashells. Of all the resorts of South Goa, this beach is perhaps the most lively and favorite European youth.
  6. Cola is considered a single beach, but in reality consists of two parts: a small cola and just a cola, each of which framed one of the neighboring bays. This beach is very mysterious and mysterious due to the fact that the beaches are non-Ukrain and are practically hidden in dense thickets of evergreen vegetation. The water in this zone is very clean, but be careful: the bottom here is not homogeneous, sharply alternate shallow water and cliffs, and also there are stony sharp sites. With children, it is not recommended to rest here. Also, you should not ride those who are badly floating or not confident. By the way, on the shore is very often there are huge stones in large quantities.
  7. Agonda is recognized by vacationers who often come to relax in India, one of the best beaches. If you are tired of the bustle of life, you want to shake and plunge into the state of rest and peace, then the agond fits you best. The three-kilometer beach of Agonda is isolated from the rest of the world and is located in dense thickets of tropical nature. On the beach of Agonda, you should not look for fashionable hotels, large stores, expensive restaurants and souvenir shops, but the one who comes here does not need it at all. Any interesting entertainment And the active nightlife on the beach of Agonda is not: the main pastime consists of bathing, sunbathing, volleyball, tennis, diving and just moving games in water.
  8. Palis - almost the most southern beach area in Goa. Among the advantages of this beach there is a well-developed infrastructure for budget recreation, many good and inexpensive places for lunch, a large number of young people (mainly from Europe), as well as good shopping opportunities. Negative moments that tourists are very often mentioned, the complete lack of night entertainment is considered a narrow beach strip with lots of boats and people. If you do not look for a place to privacy, prefer budget holidaysBut at the same time do not cram the night entertainment, then Pallem is your paradise.

North Goa

North coast is a place for active rest Youth, while not counting on large cash costs. There are practically no expensive respectable hotels, fashionable restaurants and places designed for the rich. Among the most popular beaches can be allocated:

  1. Arabol or in another Harmal is the northernmost beach area. Here it is very often possible to meet representatives of a variety of informal groups, friki, hippies and other interesting personalities. This is exactly what the resort is attractive, especially for those who refer to one or another informal grouping. Arabol pretty picturesque place: From the side of the sushi along the sand densely threw palm trees, and in water a lot of rock formations. In the peak season along the beach wooden houses are built on stilts. The Arabol is suitable for recreation with children, as the sand is very soft and silky, the bottom of the hollow and smooth.
  2. Calangut and Baga are the names that immediately come to mind when tourists ask about the best beaches of Goa. Most packeting and bug comes to Kalangut and Baga, both from our country and from Europe. Also, there are a lot of tourists from the central part of India. Calangute, like Baga, offers comfortable accommodation for almost any tourist: Most hotels are presented in category 2 and 3 stars, but there are also more expensive hotels. The infrastructure of the beaches of Calangute and the Bug is developed quite high: a large number of bars, restaurants, a variety of convenience on the sandy line, as well as active nightlife. In addition, the bug boasts budget prices for food, goods in stores and accommodation, which cannot be said about the southern part of the state.
  3. Anjuna is a rather colorful place: youth arrives here with almost all countries of the world in search of active nightlife and dancing until the morning, as well as to participate in the famous world of "Goa Trans Pati". It is not necessary to look for secluded places and silence, and you should not go here with kids. Those who love calm and silence, do not seek comfort in Anjuna. The beach can not be called picturesque, as well as ranging to the best on Goa. When the low tide comes, it is very often on the sandy part of the sushi you can see the sharp parts of the volcanic rocks, but the overwhelming mass of holidaymakers come here at all for the beach holiday and swimming in the sea, so such a "trifle" is not very good quality The beach and water will not feel particularly sad.
  4. Mordima - the beach is the most popular among Russian tourists. Located in B. calm place Among thick vegetation. Local calls this beach "Moscow Beach", as it is almost impossible to meet tourists from other countries here. What is noteworthy, so that prices for accommodation and services are somewhat higher than on other resorts of the North.
  5. Ashwem is a beautiful beach with snow-white sand and crystal clear water. At Ashveim is a very developed infrastructure, a large number of restaurants, hotels and bars of different price categories. Russian tourists are not so much here as on Mordzhim, but still they are enough, but here are the price of an order lower and more affordable.

Beaches Kerala

The most famous beach areas of another popular state of tourism - Kerala are considered to be Kovalam, Capad, Alappuja and some others. Lovers of calm and measured recreation prefer the beaches of Varkala and Marari.

Kovalas are one of the most famous and sought-after beaches of the Indian state. This resort can be divided into three separate beaches: Havakh, Lighthouse and Samundra. The most popular among young people is exactly the South Lighthouse. There are also the best Ayurvedic hotels and centers. The base of local fishermen is located on Havaha, and the Samundra is the least oblivious and visited beach.

Marari is the most secluded beach area. Here you will meet the gentle sea, dense palm tremors, snow-white sand and excellent landscapes around. Marari is pretty new and interesting hotel, performed in the style of local settlements.

Varkala is the place of pilgrimage of religious properties, as well as a very popular Indian resort. All this thanks to numerous mineral sourcesthat beat on the surface throughout the beach area. The main attraction is the temple that was built more than 2,000 years ago.

Cappad is not only nice beach, but also a historically significant place for India, since it was here that Vasco de Gamma landed. In honor of this significant historical event on the beach there is a column, which has been photographed by all tourists. The beach is not very crowded, quiet, calm, with a good sandy zone.

Alappuja is the most remarkable place in Kerala for relaxation and reunification with wildlife. The beach is pretty picturesque, with dense palm thickets. Here is the popular to visit entertainment Center "Vijay Beach".

Beaches Lakshavipsky Islands

The beaches of Lakshavipsky Islands are considered truly a paradise, even despite the fact that not all islands are open to visiting tourists. Here come to relax from the noise of cities, to retire with nature and think about your life. The beaches of the islands are ideal for such a holiday. If you want to rest without feeling no constraint and discomfort in terms of civilization, then go to the banm. Here the beaches have a developed infrastructure, and each will evaluate hotels along the coastline. If you are looking for romance and silence, choose more quiet beaches in small islands.

India is a country of miracles. There are so many historical attractions that sometimes eyes run away from the manifold. But that's not all. India is famous for its numerous beaches that are recognized as the best in the world. Get acquainted with some of them.

Beach Kalangut

The beach stretches for many 7 kilometers of coastline filled with hotels, restaurants and shops. Colorites add numerous Indians who often come here to pass the time and walk vacation. The beach of Kalangute and the nearby territory are strongly highlighted by its unusual landscape. On the one hand, the Church of St. Alex is located, and on the other hand you can see huge fields, covered by the greenery of plants.

The most important attraction of the beach was the Kerkar Museum of Art, where the works of local painters are constantly being exposed. Each week, there are evenings of national dances, songs that must be visited.

For amateurs of active pastime, rest on the calangut will seem boring and uninteresting.

Among all public institutions, only three will come to party members. That is why the beach is designed for quiet, family holiday On the lap of nature. If you approach these parameters, then collect things and come to India.

Kerim Beach

This is the most distant place in the state of Goa, located at the mouth of the River Terekol. The beach is recognized as the best place for tourism away from bustle and other people. Tourists come here to enjoy unusual sunsets and retire from curious eyes.

Located on the beach in the south of Goa. As many as 2 kilometers of pure white sand stretch from north to south.

Kerim is distinguished by an extraordinary silence. What is surprising, no single sound comes from the nearest station.

The plant's floral world is also unusual, because in addition to banal palm trees, coniferous plants can be found on the coast. In more often, this forest was hidden Tempel, which the local population considers the national home of culture. Tourists can easily settle in the hotel, but for complete involvement in the environment, it is best to remove the bungalow directly on the coast or room in a hostel, located on the shore. You can eat in a restaurant located nearby. Come on Kerim stands in February. At this time there is no strong heat here, and the rest promises to be comfortable and saturated.

Beach Kandolim.

The beach is located a few kilometers from Panji. Its large part is covered with a soft light sand. Kandolim is a cluster of almost all kinds water sports. Anyone can do diving, swimming with a mask and so on.

On the territory of Donna Florina Beach Resort. You can always see representatives of different religious teachings and religions. Right near the shore, numerous restaurants, cafes and bars work around the clock, where holidaymakers are not only eating, but also often celebrate memorable dates along with live music and singing. In some distance from the bathing area there are shops and hotel complexes.

You can get to the beach on public transportwhich regularly walks within walking distance from the bathing area.

Beach in Andun.

The beach of Anjuna is not so much bathing area, how many stripes from cafe, nightclubs, bars and restaurants. Almost all of its territory is constantly playing music, and there are very unusual characters.

The beach was famous for the whole world with the grandiose "full moon parties" and clubs, for example, "Dolce Vita". Anjuna is the capital of trance festivals. A special atmosphere, energy and freedom always reigns here.

In addition to night parties, the beach is known for its baza carrier, where a real color carnival is organized among the week. Masters come here from all over India to sell numerous handmade items: baubles, jewelry, cassettes with a festival entry, clothes. You can tell a long time about the bazaar, it will be easier to indicate what merchants cannot offer, even this will be problematic. And finally, they advise to jump in the Bar Shore, from where the tourists love to meet the beautiful sunsets.

Beach Pallem

Exactly this popular place In Goa, located in the south. He is of particular interest among holidaymakers. It is understandable, because Palis is paradise among the tropics. If you can not imagine it, remember the postcards of beaches with snow-white sand and transparent sea. This is how this beach looks like.

There are no hotels and other infrastructure here, it is simply not needed. Palol is a secluded, a varnish-pure place with a warm atmosphere. If you love silence and rest, it is definitely worth come here. You can settle in a small bungalow near the coast.

Despite its popularity, Palill is very small, he extended only a couple of kilometers of coastline and completely deprived of people. Such an environment could not pass without a trace for the environment, there's even a quiet and unusually clean sea. Sometimes, lying on the beach, you will see Dolphins. Surprise should not be wondering, as they are frequent guests of the beach and not completely afraid of people.

If you get tired of sunbathing all day, you can do diving or go to the sea trip.

Summing up, we can say that Pallem is suitable for a calm, lazy rest, and nature and the warm sea will make it even better.

Arrosim Beach

This amazing place is located 12 kilometers from Margao. The beach is famous for its white sand, numerous palm trees scattered throughout and boats of local fishermen. From the infrastructure it is worth highlighting several small stores. However, despite the absence of civilization, all the conditions for good and high-quality rest are created on the beach.

In the south Arrosima is located worldwide famous hotel Luxury Park Hyatt. The largest pool in India is in its property. Also on the territory of the complex there is your own kid `s camp And a huge spa.

Hotel Heritage Village Club is from the opposite side, but it does not have such a scope and luxury, but also popular with holidaymakers. If there are not enough funds, you can remove the bungalow or room in Guesthouse.

Beach Galdzhibaga

Galdzhibaga Beach is considered the most remote the resort of Goa. He received its name from the same river flowing near the beach. Galkibaga is a paradise corner, which is not so easy to find, but after getting here one day, tourists fall in love and simply cannot spend vacation elsewhere.

The beach extended only 1 kilometer bordering the Arabian Sea.

Because of its location between the two rivers, the Galdzhibag is difficult to access and from this is almost deprived of the rest.

Beach Arambol

There is an Arabol in the town of the same name in North Goa. The coast of the Arabian Sea has been considered for many years to be a favorite holiday destination for numerous tourists. It would still, because a wide beach, covered with clean sand, and transparent water simply can not fail to love all the rest.

Freshwater lake with a hot source adds flavor to this place.

In the afternoon, tourists are resting by the water, and in the evening they go to nightpoints. In addition to them, mass meditations are often held on the shore.

Beach Patna

In the south of Goa, the beach is amazing beauty. This is an ideal place to relax, as there is no wind and waves at all. In all goa there is no more secluded and closed beach than a sweat. Therefore, he is famous for its desert and practically lack of people. It can be safely argued that this place is absolutely accurate for resting the whole family. Right on the shores are set bungalows, indoor straw. Any tourist can settle in them, because they are surrendered for nothing.

There are many small cozy restaurants in the beach in the beach, where you can eat for little money.

There is no entertainment on a pitne at all, so this place is suitable for people of mature age.

In any case, if you like comfort and comfort, then the beach is a fuss to you impress you.

Beach Cavelyossim.

If you choose clean, then CavelosSim Beach will take the first place in the ranking. It is located near Benaulim in South Goa. The purest white sand surrounded by the Black Mountains is attracted annually thousands of vacationers. All types of water sports and numerous entertainment are developed on the beach.

On the nearest market, located next to CavelosSim, you can buy national figures and souvenirs. They come to the beach only for the sake of aesthetic pleasure and good even sunburn.

Beach Colombo.

It is small sand beach In the south of Goa. From all others, it is distinguished by really tiny sizes and lack of people. Even during tourist season There are very few vacationers here.

Colombo in the form very much resembles a horseshoe, surrounded by rocks and huge stones. Such a rocky landscape attaches an unusual beach. Separately, it is worth noting the Mountain of the Pandava drum. If you throw a small pebble into it, then a sound appears during the knock, strongly resembling a knock of chopsticks about the drum.

On this, the entire uniqueness of the sterber ends. As well as everywhere, on the beach there are restaurants of National Indian cuisine and bungalows, where you can stay for a minimum fee.

Beach Agonda

This is a small beach located in the south of Goa. Despite the proximity to the track, he is considered one of the most cozy in all of India. Tourists come here, dreaming of finding himself in a quiet place, where nothing prevents plunge into rest.

Along the beach, palm trees are growing, among which are small bungalows. In this place, there are absolutely no stores, but it is for the better. Romantic nature can right on the beach install a tent and sleep under open sky surrounded by stars.

Beach Kolva.

This is one of the oldest. tourist places In Goa. The beach is located 10 kilometers from Margao. The flavion is very popular among fishermen. That is why there are so many fishing huts. During the celebrations, the entire population of Margao is going on the beach to hide from summer heat.

Beach Kolva is not only the best place For a beach holiday, but also a district of the party.

Beach Cola

Located beach in the Kankona district in Goa. Because of its remoteness, it is often called a paradise. Sand here has an unusual reddish shade, which creates a strange combination along with green palm trees. Compared to other beaches, the cola is much cleaner. It is connected with full delicacy.

Beach Cola can be considered a wild place. He is perfect not suitable for recreation with childrenSince the descent into the sea is very cool. And adults should be careful, since among the sand you can stumble on sharp stones. It is best to come here in October, when the drought season begins in India.

It's not difficult to find a cola, as it is located exactly in the middle between the beaches of Agonda and Palis.

Beach Wingguini

The beach was famous for the whole world with its waters of turquoise. Because of the natural waxes, it is absolutely deprived of the waves. Wareniye yellow sand. So, taking into account all the features, this place is ideal for recreation with minors. There are always a lot of tourists here, but a huge extent with interest compensates for this nuance. That is why Vinguina is appreciated not only by the people of the older generation, but also young people.

Any tourist can be on the beach to make a volleyball or water sports, the benefit of instructors here is a lot. Among other things, Vinguina is famous for its kitchen. On the shore there are several cafes where national seafood dishes are served.

Tirakol Beach

This is a place where it is almost impossible to find vacationers and street merchants. And all because it is considered one of the most deserted places In Goa, and in the whole country. Covered Tirakol with small shells, and the forted of the same name is located close to the hotel, refitted to the hotel.

If you are tired of the city and you want to just relax, then Tiracol Beach will fulfill all your desires.

Stretching 100 km along western coast India, Goa attracts beach relaxing lovers from around the world. Reviews are sistering with impressions from people with different prosperity, needs and worldview. Best beaches Goa scattered along the coastline from north to south. Someone attracts snow-white sand, and other serenities and security guarantees are important for family holidays. Third are looking for informal entertainment or comprehensive service.

The best beaches in north goa

IN north Goa All beaches are different. Each has its own features and raisins. Therefore, travelers are rarely delayed on some one. Reviews recommend seeing everyone and choose for yourself the best on which it will be fine and comfortable.

The best beaches North Goa are at the same time both the most popular among tourists:

  1. Arabol. One of the most remote beaches. According to the reviews of the Tusovka of Informals, adherents of various spiritual practices and just creative personalities. People often live on an ongoing basis. All unites the joint ritual of Sunset - sunset. The beach is wide and in the evenings crowded.
  2. Kalangut - a motley anthill. In the season on the beach is noisy and fun. Located close to other resorts. It boasts the stepping availability of markets, shops and a full range of services for batch tourists.
  3. Bug. Picturesque sandy shore with a river of the same name, flowing into the ocean. According to reviews, the tourism industry has recently been gaining momentum. There is a Sabbath in the village night market In miniature and very active evening life.
  4. KandolimPerhaps not the most convenient: the descent into the ocean is quite steep. However, in the North Goa in Kandolim, you can relax at least respectable than in the southern resorts.
  5. Anjuna, on reviews, not even a beach, but focus cultural life Thanks to numerous noisy parties and entertainment. Every Wednesday of Anjuna is filled with noise and paints - the flea market opens, the present event in Andun.
  6. Vagator. The epicenter of goa-trance. His atmosphere reigns on his sands. In the afternoon, in the afternoon, in the evening - unforgettable and very unusual. Near the picturesque Fort Chapora.
  7. Morns. A small beach separated from the village of Palma, pleasant establishments for tourists, a calm atmosphere and great chance Make a Russian speech. In addition to compatriots, sea turtles are a lively landmark.
  8. Mandrem. The focus of peace and comfort between the arabable and the ashwema. Good hotels, White Sand Coastline and beautiful views with tropical exotic.
  9. Ashwem. The flowing sand, the absence of rocks, impressive boulders of volcanic stones and calm.

The best beaches of South Goa

When comparing recreation in the South and North Goa, the differences are obtained significant. Reviews It is said that there are the best beaches, suitable for respectable relaxing relaxation with a bourgeoisatics. Pure, beautiful and good. More expensive than in the north, but more predictable public and almost no informal entertainment.

The best beaches southern Goa Actively injected by people in November. These are predominantly batch tourists, thirsting for traditional entertainment and recreation. The best of all on southern coast Considered:

  1. Cooking. Comfortable hotels, sand almost white and comfortable descent in the Arabian Waves. The beach breathes rest and tropical exotic. Ayurvedic procedures and massages replace resting all other entertainment.
  2. CavelosSim. A small town, within which you can find everything you need comfortable holiday. Respectable Europeans relaxed in Cavelyossim on reviews. Of the features - the opportunity to see Dolphins is not far from the coast.
  3. User On the coast mainly hotels. Clean, picturesque, good little beach. There is a spa, a little cafes and a selection of beach sports: parasailing, volleyball, boats and water bikes.
  4. Majord. A small exotic village with the embodiment of all tourist desires: white sand and a sense of renunciation from civilization problems. Palm trees, cozy restaurants, own attractions and a great choice of water entertainment.
  5. Flavor. According to reviews, architectural eclectics The villages on the south coast attracts tourists here, including Indian. All the joys of nightlife and excellent beach vacation are available.
  6. Cola. Picturesque straw bungalows, well-equipped and comfortable inside, fresh lake near the coastline and exotic beauty of tropical palm trees everywhere. Here it is good and pacificed as anywhere in Goa.
  7. Agonda. You can dine or dine well in the romantic setting - there is a choice of sheks and cafes. White sand, thickets of palm trees and bungalows among them. By level of convenience, the Kola Beach is inferior, but also a very good beach holiday without crowded parties.
  8. Palis. Water species Sports, excursions, fishing and even Dolphins are not far from the shore. According to reviews, gradually becomes crowded and noisy, thanks to numerous hotels in different levels of star. On the beach a good choice Shek and cafe.
  9. Don Paula. Oveded Romantic Fler. According to the legend, the daughter of the governor crashed on the causta of Dona Paula. Therefore, it is called. Besides beautiful legend Here is a good infrastructure.

See also: