Safari Park Selwo Aventura, Spain - the most interesting entertainment! The interesting Spanish resort of Safari Park Dénia.

General description Safari Aitana Park on Costa Blanca in Spain

Despite the fact that in Benidorm there is a beautiful natural zoo of Terra Natura with a large number of animal species, not less, and most likely, the already popular is located at a distance of 40 km to the west, among the revolts of the Mountain of the same name (Aytan, 1558 m - highest top Costa Blanca) safari Park Aytana, Daily attracting many visitors. What is the reason for this attractiveness?

In the safari Park, most animals do not even have avoices - they are freely walking and graze in an extensive territory. At the same time, access to this extensive part of the park is allowed on its own car. Having rummaged after a winding road with a length of 7 km, you can meet the bison and buffaloes, donkeys and ponies, giraffes and ostriches. Moreover, which is undoubtedly the main goat, it is allowed to leave the car, approach the animals - many of them are not from fearful, especially pony and lias that are trying to actively meet visitors:

And if people are not enough, they communicate with cars:

Behind the elephants can be observed on the water and the adoption of the soul:

True, the predators will not be able to approach the predators - they are in specially fenced large enclosures, drive up to the cerebral gate, the special employee opens them and warns that neither the windows or doors do not open. At first glance, the lions and tigers seemed like something sleepy:

Perhaps just waited for anyone to stick the handle from the car?

Practical information about the park Safari Aytan

How to get to the park

If you relax on the coast of the Costa Blanca, then the road to Aytana lies through Benidorm or neighboring Viyakhoos ( Villajoyosa.). If you go from the south, you turn in Viyajoos with N332. Left to CV 770. in the direction ORXETA., Sella. According to this road, you need to drive about 25 km and then not to skip the turn left on CV785., here will be yellow arrow pointer Safari Aitana.. A couple more kilometers - and you are already at the gate of the park. It is convenient to use the same route if you follow from Benidorm, or to go towards Finemrath ( Finestrat.) by CV758.which after this town will lead to all the same CV770..

If you are traveling from the north of the Costa Blanca (Altea, Calpe, Habay), you can choose as the above-described route through the Wihaioos, and roll with N332. To the right a little earlier, in Altea, on the road CV 755. The path of this leading in the Museum-Museum of Guadalest is described in detail. Moving Guadalest (here you can stay, spending 2-3 hours to inspect this interesting place), Moving on CV70 in the direction of Benasau. 19 km, not entering this town, turn left to all the same road CV770. on the Alcoleja.. After 8 with a small kilometers, turn right on CV785. By arrow on Safari Aitana. And then as described above.

Mode of operation, entrance tickets to ITAN Park

Safari Park Aytana opens at 11.00, closed in the winter at 18.00, in the summer - at 19.00. It should also be borne in mind that from 14.00 to 15.00 the entrance to most of the park is closed. In general, nothing terrible, you can spend this time to inspect the monkeys living in the envelope, birds and snakes, children - to visit the playground or to arrange a picnic on a picnic court.

A few kilometers from the most interesting and most impressive amusement park of the southern part of Spain - safari Park Selwo Aventurawhich is necessary to visit if you plan your own.
Located on the territory of more than 100 hectares, the Safari Park is an open zoo, where animals live in natural habitats. I would like to note that the park is one network with the Selwo Marina Dolphinarium and the Telerifico cable car located in Benalmadena, so by purchasing one ticket to attend all three places, you can save significantly.

Safari Park Salvo Aventura - Prices

Here we give prices for visiting only Safari Park (At the time of writing the article): an adult ticket (from 10 years old) costs 24.50 euros per person, children's (from 3 to 9 years old) - 17 euros. If you order tickets on the Internet, then the discount is 1 euro for each ticket. It is possible to purchase one ticket for a family, depending on the number of children, what will come out a little cheaper than if you bought every ticket separately.

Safari Park is open mainly in the summer, the winter park is closed and starts working at about the beginning of March. In any case, planning your holiday on southern coast Spain, it is better to clarify the time of work in advance and the time of work, and prices, and perhaps and book tickets in advance to guarantee the pleasure of visiting the park. All this can be done on the Safari Park website:
Small Note: Even if you are not used to yourself to book tickets and prefer to buy all excursions and tickets from the guide, then in this case, it is better to do it all the same and get a guaranteed discount on visiting all three places!

Safari Park - how to get there

A trip to Safari Park must be planned for a whole day, since two or three hours for studying it will not be enough for you. A big minus in its location: to get to the safari park will not be very simple if you stopped not in Marbella and not in Estepone. So, the park runs a free bus on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but the route and arrival time must be clarified in advance from a guide or by phone on the site. On this bus you will be guaranteed free to the park from Marbella. But keep in mind that the places in the bus must be booked in advance, otherwise the driver will not let you.

If you do not get to the park from the park, you do not get to the park most convenient for a taxi, since the flight bus, running between cities along the coast, does not attend the park, and you will have to go a decent distance on foot in the mountain that in the heat, and even And with children, completely uncomfortable.

In principle, at the most extreme case, if you do not want to spend time and strength on the road to the safari park in one day, and you want to go there, you can book a hotel at the park and stay there for a few days. But this option is good for those who travel on their own by car, and of course, if your children are not quite small, as civilization will be available only a few kilometers in the city of Estepona.

Selwo Aventura - Animals and Entertainment

Well, now let's see why we told so long about how to get to the park. After reading how to get to the park, and seeing decent prices for entry ticketsYou already, for sure, began to wonder if it is worth it, in general, go there!
Calm! Going to Safari - Park, you will definitely spend your day along with children. In the park, more than two thousand animals are collected from several continents, and they do not live in the cells, as in the usual zoo, and freely walking along the park in the zones allotted. By the way about the safety of your children: all zones are reliably fenced with grids, but do not lose vigilance to avoid unnecessary injuries, since the terrain is very mountainous.

Park is divided by three large zoneswho rise to the top of the mountain (by the way, from the mountain in good weather You can see the coast of Africa!). Between sectors you can move both on foot and on open jeep-trucks, which regularly come to marked on the map stops.

We will immediately strictly represent these jeep trucksSo that you have no surprises upon arrival at Safari Park. You will ride on high trucks by the type of KamAZ with an open top. In the body there are wooden benches with handrails to hold. And it is necessary to keep hard, since the path passes first high up the narrow winding road, and then descends back very much down to the beginning of the park. So watch your children continuously during the trip!

In general, we recommend that you build your trip through the park so that to the top to get to the jeep, and down if the strength remains and if possible with your kids, go on foot. But if you are with a carriage, then down, too, it is better to descend on the jeeps, because between the zones of the transitions will be in the form of suspended bridges, for which the child will bear and the stroller will be problematic!

The first sector in which you get, passing ticket control, is Natura Porto.. Flora and fauna of this sector are represented by animals and vegetation of a tropical and subtropical climate. Such vegetation is just located near the Great Lake in Africa. Here you will meet with shock chepads, gazelles, unusual red pandas, Cayman, Flamingo, various monkeys and small surcoat.

In 2012, a new site was opened on the territory of this zone - " land Gien.", Which are a symbol of African alternality. Immediately there is a peculiar rainforest, where you can find a special kind of lemurs living only in Madagascar.

For the smallest visitors to the park, it is here that contact mini zoowhere you can stroke such animals like sheep, rabbits, piglets. The delight of the kids there is no limit, well, and parents need to have a big stock of wet napkins!
Next to the contact zoo there is an entrance to a small farm with dwarf goats, do not miss it in any way! I will like it yourself, and your children.

Older children, as well as, in principle, adults can entertain, jumping on Liane through the lake, which is a reduced copy of the Great Lake, located in Africa. To participate in this attraction, your weight should not exceed 90 kg. In the same sector there is a souvenir shop and snack bar.

From the sector of Natura Portico, you can get into a small zone - canyon birds with many rare bird species South Africawhich connects the upper and lower parts of the park.

Next, you move to the territory where the lynx lives. Some species that live in the park are threatened with disappearance in a natural habitat. Here your kids will be delighted, seeing the extracurriction of the special breed - small clawing otters. Cute reliced \u200b\u200bomens with pleasure will take away from you as a gift a good dozen of the liver, who will immediately eat on joy to your children.

The most impressive park sector is Central Village. To the right of the canyon of birds you will find a very picturesque part of the largest mammals of South Africa. Non-robust rhinos, high giraffes, thick hippos - that's who will meet you in this part of the sector. The same territory of shelted and mammals less than weighing 400 kg: zebras, antelopes, some species of which are no longer represented in Africa due to their destruction.

Not far from this part there is a family of elephants. Their head of the family, Elephant Canvar, is known for the whole world by the fact that he is the only Asian elephant, born and grew up in his homeland, and in this safari park. He was born in approximately July 2008. This type of elephants is subject to the threat of destruction in vivo.

The central village is a peculiar middle of the safari park. Just here you can watch the family of Lviv - the leaders of animals of African savannas. A huge aviary is fenced with glass walls, animals can be considered from different sides. Here is the cave with bats, terrarium and platform with eagles, where, as in Benalmaden, the eagles show are held. A little to the side is the territory of the camels, where you can even ride them.

In the Central Village sector there is a small self-catering restaurant, called El Mirador de Africa. Practically restaurant is on one of the most high points above sea level off magnificent views on the coast.
But, unfortunately, in this restaurant you will find a lot of disappointment in the form of absolutely tasteless food and large prices. If older children can still pick up a more or less edible dish, then the kids feed here very hard. It is very disappointing that the quality of food here leaves much to be desired, since after such a rich day after all I want to fully dine, and not interrupt sandwiches from snack bars, which are found along the way in other sectors.

Road back It can be overcome both on jeeps departing from a stop near the restaurant and on foot, if the forces remain. Please note that the whole road is winding and mountainous as lifts on the machines and descents on foot! A part of the descent walks, as we have already spoken, on suspended bridges. If you have strong nerves, you can stand in the middle of the bridge and admire the animals below, which you have seen from the Safari jeep window. If such an extreme does not choose you, it is better to go back the same way as here.

Located about 70 km from Alicante, in the mountainous area, at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. This is a fairly large area, divided into 2 main parts: one of them passes on his car (a common path of about 7 km), the other, significantly smaller, is visited by on foot.

A lot of animals live in the park, most of them are relatively safe herbivores - without any cells and enclosures: you can not only drive around, but also get out of the car and get closer. Of course, there are zones where, for safety reasons, it is impossible to go out of the car (for example, the territories of predators - lions and tigers), there even the windows in the car must be closed.

On this territory we are going about 2.5 hours, with numerous stops from different animals and output from the car where it is permitted.

Most interesting to visit the park with Park employeeHe leads a carbon car in the park at 11.00 and at 15.00, as well as feed animals, so they all run down closer.

IN pedestrian zone There are mainly small animals and young - raccoons, ferrets, parrots, monkeys ... You can touch the best and see how young animals are played without a cage (there were crucible, and imprisoned - it depends on who was born and grown enough).

On the territory of the park there is a playground and a picnic area, good restaurant; Parking is free.

Cost and conditions

  • Number of people, up: 8
  • Duration, hours: 6-7
  • Excursion is carried out with a minimum of 4 participants. Excursions in high season (May-September) - usually "national teams". In the low season (October-April) - individual.

Included in the price:

  • Travel, paid routes, paid parking, driver / guide work.

The price does not include entrance tickets to Park:

  • Adult - 22 euros,
  • children from 4 to 10 years - 18 euros,
  • up to 3 years inclusive - free.


  • you can combine with a guide "Guadlesta Day", while the price increases by 15 euros per person. The duration in this case is 10-12 hours.
  • usually the excursion passes without lunch. If for you for a long time, take a snack with you. You can add lunch - in the park there is a simple good restaurant, "Menu of the Day" - about 15 euros. In this case, the total cost of a trip (for all participants together) increases by 20 euros. Dinner for yourself you pay for yourself. The option is only available in agreement with the guide (or in advance when submitting an application).
  • the road to the place is partly serpentine (about half an hour). Must, but may indicate. Who is susceptible to the seaside disease, bow to the means against it. In Spanish pharmacies, such a tool is called Biodramina, there is for children and adults.
  • the park is located at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level, that is, not in summer there is usually noticeably cooler than by the sea, take some sweatshirts or jackets. If it is in summer, it will be hot there, so do not forget the hats and water.
  • excursion to your transport: 80 euros, with lunch: 90 euros. When combining a guy Guadalest, the cost of a trip on your car is 150 euros
  • on average, the time of the excursion - from 9:30 to 15 hours
  • departure is possible from Alicante, El Campelo, Benidorm or Villa Hoyos.

Safari Aitana Safari Park. Benidorm. Costa Blanca.

An excellent way to get a lot of positive impressions is to go to the real safari park. It is 33 km from Benidorm, the Spanish resort of entertainment. Safari is located at a distance of 20 km from Alicante along the mountain serpentine.

Tigers and elephants, lions and giraffes, hippos and zebras live in the park. We purchase bread in advance, because it will be possible to feed the giraffes, though these animals are glad to eat a treat, do not allow themselves to stroke (.

Safari Aytana

You can travel around the park and walk, but it is dangerous in places where predators are. In the park, one-band road, all on cars move, slowing down near animals. Remember that animals are wild, and can be careless to mild or take the teeth treat.

On the territory to touch animals and feed is prohibited, but visitors are packed by hand to gullible lamas, deer, and donks. Animals and hide the face in the open windows of the machine, hoping to treat a piece of apple.

Giraffe and Lama require treats)))))

For visitors to Safari Aitan is divided into two territories. One park in which animals are freely moving through the territory, visitors pass in their own cars. The second park is bypass, it is small.

In places where panthers live, tigers and lions stretched the grid, but just in case the car window needs to be kept closed. You can go to the elephant, they walk accompanied by an employee of the park. A walk through Safari Park leads to huge delight and children and adults, and magnificent photos taken on the background and next to animals remain in memory. On the territory there is a restaurant where you can reinforce forces, before visiting the second park, in which monkeys and birds live.
A ticket for an adult costs 17 euros, but if you go to the official site of Safari Aitana, and buy a ticket there, you can save 10%.

Guadelest Alicante

Returning back, you can call in Guadalest, a mountain village that is located in picturesque place Over the reservoir. In the village there are many souvenir benches, and a store selling inexpensive leather articles. There are many museums in the village.

Guadelest Alicante

For example, one-Museo de Tortura Y Pena Capital, the Museum of Torture, telling about the criminal law and the system of sentences of the XII-XVII centuries. I think the museum is established in memory of the period of the Inquisition, formerly in the course of Spain. There is a fortress in the village, the cost of visiting which is within 3.5 - 1.5EVRO depending on age. Parking also will also have to pay about 2 euros.

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