Tourist places in the Altai Territory. Photo and description of the most beautiful places of Altai Territory

Sights of the edge is very diverse. They include both natural objects and historical and cultural. Many wealth pays the Altai Territory. Sights of the edge can be described for a very long time. We introduce the reader with the main of them.

Waterfalls of the River Navoka

The largest rivers of Russia does not include the bus river. This is just an influx of Anuu, which flows, in turn, in Ob. Nevertheless, tires are one of the most popular tourist objects in the Altai Territory. The fact is that on this river are located beautiful waterfalls. More than 120 meters is total length seven waterfalls. The height of the giraffe, the largest of them (it is also called large busbars) - 70 m. 10-15 m reaches the height of small waterfalls.

The river of tourist bus attracts not only with its picturesque view, but also rich fauna. Extremely rare species of birds and animals are presented on the territory of the reserve - two-color leather, cabgaru, wild maral, sapsan.

On the shore of this river there are several campgrounds. The place is attracted by tourists, in addition to the waterfalls, the fact that it is not far from which was found by archaeologists of more than 20 cultural layers belonging to various epochs. It was established, in particular, that the parking of Neanderthals was located here about 280 thousand years ago.

Taldinsky, or Tavdinsky caves

Amazing the beauty of the Altai Territory. Sights of the region created by nature itself attract many tourists here. Taldin caves are one of the most interesting for visiting places. They are a group consisting of water washed over 30 caves. For 5 km on the border of the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai, the rocks stretched out, in which this complex is located. The most popular from the caves is Bolshaya Tavdinskaya. More than 20 m is the height difference in it. For tourists there are several routes of different complexity. Another monument of nature, Karst Arch, is located near the Tavdinsky caves. It reaches 5 m in height, and in width - 13.

Archaeological finds

These caves are local significance monument that the Altai Territory is so rich. Attractions of the edge attract here not only tourists, but also archaeologists. Archaeological expeditions conducted here have shown that there were parkings of ancient people at this place. For example, fishing gear, ceramic fragments were found. The legends of the treasure hidden in the local caves, belonging to Admiral A. Kolchak, much less reliable. A lot of those who wish to find it appeared in the second half of the 20th century, but still nothing is known about the result of their attempts.

Reserve "Swan"

Natural attractions of the Altai Territory are unique and diverse. We will tell another one of them. In September 1973, the reserve "Swan" was formed in the Altai Territory. Seven years earlier flew to the lake, located at the village of Derzhaina, on the wintering of a flock of swans. It happened for the first time since the beginning of the 20th century. Soon, it was decided to create a reserve, which includes a lake, as well as a territory adjacent to him. Under the protection of the state, there are 38 thousand hectares where landmarks of the Altai Territory are accommodated as the Katun River section, several lakes, about 70 islands, as well as snakes and Talitskaya. In 1999, he was finally approved, after the appointed experimental period, the status of the "reserve". Here inhabit, except swans, and other birds: Gogol, Krakawa, Tewer, and also made to the regional Red Book of Big Crochal. Animal world also represent deer, roebles, otters, minks, red foxes. The observation deck was built on a lake for watching birds. It is 10 m above the water. This distance allows not to scare swans and provides the opportunity to tourists to watch them in vivo.


Belokurich is a balneological resort that has federal significance. This located is located at an altitude of about 240-250 m above sea level. He is at the foot of the Mount Church. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the healing properties of local mineral sources. Today, tour operators often mention Belokurich when they describe the attractions of the Altai Territory to clients.

Here in the 1920s were built an ambulatory, an administrative building, a solarium, a dining room. The first visitors could correct their health in the waterproof baths, as well as swim in local thermal sources. Altai air itself is useful, because in it the same concentration of light aeroions - one of the most important therapeutic components, as well as in the well-known resorts of Europe.

In Belokurich during the Great Patriotic War Evacucked was the famous children's in the territory of this resort today there are numerous recreation centers, pretimators, sanatoriums. Skiing actively develops in the city. Today, 3 slopes of different complexity are equipped for descents. Also in Belokurikh, meetings of the defenders of the surrounding world and nature, as well as Siberian Davos, the International Economic Conference.

Village Srozkka

Not only with nature, but also with the culture of our country, the sights of the Altai Territory are connected. The village of Surekka is one of the oldest settlements on its territory. It received all-Russian fame thanks to Vasily Shukshin, his native.

The communes are first mentioned in 1753 in the report of Colonel de Harriga. By 1811 more detailed information about him. During the census, or revision conducted at that time, it was witnessed that 19 families live in this village. The first church was built on donations local residents In 1910.

Tourists come to the commune today in order to learn about the life of Shukshina. The Memorial Museum-Reserve of this writer has been working in the village. It consists of the focus of the Writer's exhibition mother, as well as at home, in which Vasily Shukshin himself was held. On Mount Picket annually, Shukshinsky readings are held, which collect writers, musicians, artists from all over the country.

Village Altai

Altai (Altai Territory) also uses some popularity. Attractions of this place today are few, however, the tourist and recreational sector in this village has been actively developing in recent years. Here is, in particular, the SEZ on the shore r. Kamenka, not far from the village of Altai, there is a very picturesque area, called "Picks". It is located on the pruring terrace with swung rocks and is one of the most favorite places to rest guests of the village and local residents.

Pokrovsky Cathedral

In the autumn of 1898, Pokrovsky was laid cathedral. After 6 years, the first service passed in it. Part of the city of Barnaul, in which this cathedral is located, was considered the poorest. She was inhabited by workers, artisans, gentlemen, peasants. Especially surprisingly, the temple was erected on their donations.

The Pokrovsky Cathedral replaced the old wooden church acted since 1863. Byzantine, or pseudorussky, style was chosen for a new building. Religious frescoes, the plots of which are based on the plots of paintings by N. Kramsky, V. Vasnetsov, M. Nesterov, prevail in the design of this made from the Red Brick of the Cathedral.

The Pokrovsky Cathedral since 1917, worried hard times - he was fired, demolished the cross on the dome, destroyed the bell tower. In the temple in 1943, restoration work began. He stayed for a long time the only acting temple in the city. In the Pokrovsky Cathedral is currently worship. The restoration of his wall paintings was carried out in 2011.

Trading House Polyakova (Red Store)

In Barnaul there are many attractions of the Altai Territory. The photo next, which we will tell, are presented below.

This is Polyakova Trading House, built in 1913. This building occupies today "Red". It belongs to the merchant development period of the city of Barnaul and reflects all the architectural features inherent in the time. An eclectic style double-story building has a P-shaped layout.

Red brick was used for facade cladding. This was the basis for the name of the trading house, spread in the people. Traditional elements of Russian style were chosen for building a building: Openwork forged decorations, folk ornaments made of bricks.

In Barnaul in 1917 there was a strong fire. During it, many attractions of the Altai and Altai Territory were destroyed, located in this city: not only wooden, but also brick and stone buildings. However, the merchant Polyakov was able to save this trading house. The local legend says that the felt moistened in the water was ordered to fold the wall of the worker. On the first floor of the building in Soviet times, the Department Store of the Narcarga of the USSR was located.

Autogon Museum. Y. Kidkhan

Interesting historical and cultural attractions of the Altai Territory offers tourists city of Barnaul. One of the most unusual museums in Russia is here. He is dedicated to motorists. However, as exhibits here are not taught not an old or dear cars. His main "heroes" are those subjects that are related to the abduction of cars.

This museum was created on the basis of the local rescue service. The first items were obtained from the archive of urban services. Representatives of the rule of law transferred the door to the collection during chase the door, "linden" car plate numbers and driver's license. Citizens themselves have made no less contribution. Barnaulians with a museum shared folk remedies against the hijacking, as well as other inventions. In the fund of this museum today is more than 150 exhibits.

Attractions of the Altai Territory do not end. We listed only some of them. You can get acquainted with this amazing place for a very long time. Everyone can find something interesting for themselves, studying the sights Altai District, Altai Territory.

Altai translates from Mongolian as "Golden" and is a real paradise for travelers. Its biosphere reserves and parks are included in the Heritage of UNESCO, and the abundance of natural attractions and magnificent landscapes attracts tourists from all over the world. Even the very nice pictures Do not transmit all the charm of these places.

It is famous for the edge and "Power places", in which shamans spend their rituals. These sacred objects have a mystical impact on a person, causing a tide of emotions, a change in the perception of the world, revealing creative and even extrasensory abilities.

Mount Beluha (Uch-Sommer)

Uch-sumer or three-headed sacred mountain - highest point Mountain AltaiThe crowded Katun ridge reaches 4509 meters in a height. It is always covered with snow and is a challenge of many glaciers, from which mountain rivers take their beginning. Tectonic instability of the array is manifested by weak earthquakes, which often arises collapse and avalanches.

For lovers mysterious mountain It is one of the most powerful sacred places - equid to the world's oceans, it personifies the energy center of the planet. White vibration waves contribute to the spiritual and physical cleansing of a person, get rid of diseases.

Pass karatyrek

Translated from Altai means "Black Heart", as closer to its top, vegetation ends and climbing occurs on black stones. From a mountain pass, Mount Beluha, Katunsky Ridge, Valley of the Akkem River is clearly visible.

The height of the pass is 3060 meters, the rise is available even to people without the experience of mountain trips, but possessing endurance and capable of coming to many hours (up to 2 days) overcoming other obstacles.

When climbing, the climbs are replaced by plate oils from which truly magical views of the surroundings are open.


One of the most interesting speleological places in the Mountain Altai is the Tavdin caves, called so because of the village of Tavda, once located nearby. Caves, which are over 30, are located in the sheer rocks and cliffs, some of them are interconnected. In connection with the tourist popularity of this place, many caves are equipped with lighting and wooden steps before entering.

The most visited is a large Tavdinskaya cave or maiden tears, with a spacious main gallery and a drop from the lower entrance to the top of 23 meters.

Near the caves there is a unique Tavdinsky karst arch (or the arch of desires) - the residue of the tunnel variety with the wide opening width to 13, and the height is up to 5 meters.

Plateau (plateau) ukock

Located in the extreme south of Altai, at the junction of Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. The plateau is located at an altitude of 2-2.5 thousand meters and is framed by the mountains, the highest of which is Kuyten Uoul - reaches 4374 meters.

Mongolian and Chinese Buddhists, as well as altai-pagans, consider this place sacred. Local people call the pastures of the "end of all" - the end of the heavenly arch.

With archaeological excavations, there were many burials of various periods, the most incredible of which is considered the Altai princess - the mummy of a young woman allegedly an aristocratic genus.

Valley of seven lakes

This picturesque place is located in the Ust-Koksinsky district of Gorny Altai, not far from Lake Akkem.

Climbing the valley at a height of 2.5 thousand meters takes up to 1 week and consists of three steps, with a lift to which rocky landscapes are opening, mountain meadows with magnificent vegetation, noisy waterfalls and a calm smooth lake.

The color and temperature of the water in the lakes are different - in the warm black lake can be melted to leg and even swim, turquoise-azure lakes are very deep and cold, they feed them with a stream from the glacier, and the shores of the lake brides are decorated with white fluffy flowers.

Valley of the Yarla (Valley of Edelweissis)

It is located at an altitude of about 2 thousand meters, not far from the Beluha Mountain, and the Valley of Edelweisses is also called - these gentle flowers grow in abundance.

The place is surrounded by rocks that tourists dubbed blue - they are bizarrely shimmer with shades of blue, blue, gray, purple, pink color. The ridge at the top of the crown resembles a woman's profile, for which the name of the mother of the world was called.

In the center of the valley there is a smooth stone of wisdom, the local claims that he is constantly growing, speaking out of the ground for several centimeters every year. Passing on the stone, you can charge its energy and find a solution to important issues. The valley of the crown is a sacred place and is the object of pilgrimage of mediums and esoteric.

Akkese lake

Translated from the Altai Ak-Who means "white water" - due to the suspension of solid rocks of its water, they purchased a muddy gray-white color. The lake length is 1350 meters, the width is 610 meters. It lies at the foot of the northern slope of the Mount of Belukha and is saturated with the waters of the Akkeke glacier, so even in the summer remains cold.

Fish in the lake is not found, and the locals call his waters dead. In addition to exciting mountain species, opening from this place, and several beautiful natural objects nearby, Lake Akkem attracts tourists with its energy - it is believed that it is positive effect on human health.

Large Kucheral Lake

It is located at an altitude of 1790 meters above sea level and is one of the largest water bodies of glacial origin with a length of about 5 kilometers and a width of up to 900 meters.

With Altai, the name of the lake is translated as Solonchak. Its calm waters have a dairy-turquoise color and are perfectly harmonized with steep rocky rocks covered with cedar and deciduous forest and supporting the lake from two sides.

Local residents emphasize this reservoir of mystical strength and believe that the water in it is "live", and in it inhabits the spirit of the owner of the lake Kohl-Eezi, frightening people by the bullish roar.

Teletskoy lake

Located in the northeast Altai Gor., in the Turochak and Ulagan regions of the Republic of Altai. The lake is located at an altitude of 434 meters above sea level, its length is 77.8 kilometers, the width is up to 5.2 kilometers, the maximum depth is 325 meters. It is the second largest fresh water storage in Russia, which is characterized by extraordinary cleanliness and transparency.

Local peoples call this reservoir Altyn-Kohl, that is, the Golden Lake. From all sides he is surrounded by the ridges, with the sheer cliffs of which numerous waterfalls fall, the shores are opening with picturesque grots, sandy and pebble beaches.

Shavlin lakes

This group of high mountain lakes in the Kosh-Agach district of the Republic of Altai is located during the Shavly River in the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Chuji Range and is considered one of the most beautiful places of the Altai Mountain Altai.

From the middle of the Lower Shavlin Lake, a breathtaking view of the three snow-covered mountain peaks is a beautiful, a fairy tale and a dream. In weakly clear weather, these peaks are completely reflected in the bright turquoise water of the middle lake, on the shore of which the stone city is located - the place of concentration of the sculptures of spirits, managers, and at home and altars for them, isolated from stone. Past of this city, the trail rises and leads to the upper lake.

River Katun.

Translated from Altai means "woman", "Mistress", and is the main water artery of the Altai Altai. Katun takes the beginning of the Gleebora glacier on the southern slope of the White Mountain, and after 688 kilometers merged with the river Bay, forming Ob - one of the largest rivers in Siberia.

Within the river, all types of Altai landscapes are presented - sheer cliffs, gorges, hills, waterfalls, thresholds, diverse vegetation and animal world. On the banks of Katun are settlements, tour bazes, health resorts. The river and its tributaries are suitable for alloys. The powerful energy of this mountain river makes it a place to help people achieve goals.

Island Patmos

Located on the Katun River, in the outskirts of the village of Chel. Local referred to him by the island of Makaria - in honor of the saints of Makaria Glukhareva, the discoverer of the Chealky Missionary Mill, and Makariya Nevsky, who lived in the mill of 15 years.

Here is the Temple of John the Bogoslev (currently - the Women's Monastery), famous for its wonders - on one of the Mother of God, who was going to restore, on their own paint, the other icon will peacefully and know how to hear the desires of people, helping them to execute.

This small one stone Island It is surrounded by the blue waters of the river, you can only get to it on the suspended bridge withsting no more than 6 people at the same time. The location is the center of tourism, local newlyweds for wedding come here.

Kamyshny Waterfall

Located in the Shebalinsky district of the Altai Republic, the Kamyshl River, not far from the place where she flows into Katun. Falling from a height of 12 meters, water hits the rock and crumbles on a set of splashes that transfuse with all the colors of the rainbow.

The easiest, beauty and legends of this two-stage waterfall make it a popular excursion object. Since 1996, he has the status of a nature monument.

Farming of 2014 destroyed the suspended bridge over the Katun River, and now you can get to the waterfall, overcoming the Katun on a ferry or a motor boat, or passing along the mountain trail to the River Kamysh.

Big Chulchin Falls (Pipha)

It is a cascade waterfall on the Chulcha River in the Ulagansky district of the Altai Republic. Locals call him wishes - "flying" or "impregnable", getting to it is very difficult.

The drop in water does not happen from the sheer, but from a steep ledge and is about 160 meters, so that the waterfall is the largest in the region.

Pipha is a young enough natural objectFormed 150-200 years ago as a result of earthquake and rock waste. Usually, the calm Chulcha river in this place overcomes huge obstacles, its water begins to brighten and foam, and the roar of the waterfall is heard far around.

Kurai steppe

It is a large, width of 20 kilometers, an interhortonian basin in the south-east of the Republic of Altai. It is located in the Valley of the Schu River at an altitude of 1500-1600 meters above sea level, between the Kurayi and North Chui ridges.

In addition to the picturesque mountain landscapes, this place attracts a large number of archaeological monuments - numerous mounds, stone babami With Rounic inscriptions and drawings, ancient irrigation systems.

Looking at the Kurayaya Steppe from a high height, you can see a giant ripple of flow - relief signs up to 20 meters high, formed with floods of glacial and sobdropic lakes about 15 thousand years ago.

The tract of Kalbak-Tash (ancient petroglyphs)

Located on the right bank of the Chuya River, at the 723rd kilometer of the Chui tract, between the villages of Iodro and Inya. With the Altai Kalbak-Tash translates as a "flat hanging stone" - the rocky rock hangs right above the road. The complex includes about 5 thousand shark drawings Different eras, the most ancient of which belong to the late Neolithic (the end of the V-IV millennium BC).

An image of animals, people, scenes of hunting, as well as 30 lines of unique ruunic inscriptions are knocked out on the plates. It is believed that this place was sacred for the peoples living here at different times. Some petroglyph signs indicate that it was used as a temple and as a observatory.

Denisova Cave

Located in the Soloneshensky district of the Altai Territory, at an altitude of 28 meters from the Anui River and 670 meters above sea level. Local call her ayu-tash - "Bear Stone". This horizontal type cave has a wide entrance, a length of 110 meters and an area of \u200b\u200b240 square meters. Due to the large size and close location to the water, many millennia it was a reliable shelter for people and animals.

The cave has a huge archaeological value - the remains of plants, animals and people of various eras, tools, weapons, utensils and decorations were found here. Thanks to these finds, for the first time, it was possible to establish an accurate sequence of the change of ancient cultures, and also to define the "Denisovsky man" - a separate form that differs from Neanderthals and modern people.

Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

This Orthodox Church, consecrated in 2009, is located in the village of Sroatkaya Biysky district and is considered the most beautiful in Siberia. It was erected on the site of the Church of the Trinity of the Library, destroyed in the 60s of the last century.

According to the architect, the new building must appear to repeat the forms old churchAlthough it was not a tree as a material, but a brick. In 1929, the writer, scenario, film director and actor Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, baptized at this place, and the opening of the church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine was timed to his anniversary.

Altai Krai is rich natural beauty. Every year, crowds of tourists seek in these edges. Mountains, air, clean rivers and lakes are true wealth. Many come here to correct their health surrounded by picturesque nature. Fitotherapy, bathing in fresh and salty springs, routes through taiga forests and Highlands are only part of the wellness activities that this region can offer its guests.

Mysterious Altai

The sights of the Altai Territory can be divided into several categories. The first and main components are natural monuments, and cultural institutions can be attributed to the second, the third will be architecture monuments. The main of all categories will be presented in this article.

Excursions in the Altai Territory are most often starting with traveling to the lakes. You can visit a white or moss lake. Many tourists recommend to visit the Tigirinsky Reserve and look at Denisov Cave. After inspection of lowlands, you can climb on top majestic mountains: Charming, church or seven-seater. Meet the sunset on the mountain peak - a special pleasure. Nature monuments of the Altai Territory are numerous. As part of this article, you can only describe some of them.

Island Iconnikov

Of particular interest for tourists represent the rivers of the Altai Territory. Some of them are located near historical and cultural monumentsThat in general creates a single sightseeing complex. One of these complexes is the island of iconnikov. It is located on the merger of Bii and Katun - the main water arteries of the Altai Territory. This attraction is popular not only among tourists, but also at the locals.

Blue Lakes

Natural attractions of the Altai Territory are represented by various reservoirs that are unusual origin. Blue lakes, for example, formed more than 25 thousand years ago. They are on the left bank of the Katun River 4 km from the village of Askat. The name of your lake was obtained thanks to the shade of water. In sunny weather, it is an incredibly beautiful azure color. Among the locals there are belief that this water is able to treat eye diseases. But this attraction of the Altai Territory can not be selected. When Katun breaks, the lakes disappear, then appear again when the water goes away.

In winter, the lake does not freeze. Even when it is very cold, the water temperature does not fall below 9 degrees. The fact is that the stems are beyond the bottom, but not hot, but ice. The lakes do not freeze because the number and power of the fighting underwater springs is incredibly large. Blue lakes can be seen only in winter or autumn. The rest of the time they are hidden by the watered waters of Katuni. Holy Residents also allocate the attractions of the Altai Territory.

Temple on the island Patmos

Near the village of Chelal, on the island of Patmos, a small church is towers. The temple is a copy of the ancient monastery of John the Bogoslov. This is the first Orthodox Church in a cheaper with an unusual history. The island itself is also of interest. Patmos means " holy place". Legends and legends go about him. According to himself famous legend, John saw two temples, soaring over the water stroke: one - over Mediterranean Seaand the other - in the opposite end of the Earth. Interestingly, both islands are called Patmos.

In this amazing place there are always some miracles. One of them is self-renewal of the ancient icon of God's Mother. She was brought to the temple in a terrible state, the face was almost no visible. The monks wanted to renovate it, but while they put an icon in the skete. And she began to restore itself. Lik acquired clear features, colors began to appear. It seemed that someone re-drawing an icon. In the temple there is another amazing shrine - the "Lord Almighty" icon. On the image regular servants of the temple notice the moisture droplets. Priests say that this icon is also able to hear. People turn to the image with their requests.

In the temple there is another miracle created by hand - Biles. These are the progenitors of church bells. When they hit them, everyone will envelop the unearthly sound vibrations. Tourists love this place very much. It can be reached on the suspended bridge over the raging Katun. The transition itself already causes a storm of emotions.

The natural sights of the Altai Territory are striking with their beauty, but it is not always possible to see them. If you arrived on vacation with kids, then the hike in the zoo should prefer excursions to the lake or to the reserve.

To visit the brothers to our smaller

Barnaul Zoo is the most real attraction of the city. Here you can see not only on rare animals, but also to participate in all sorts of events that the administration holds for children and adults. The territory of the Barnaul Zoo is very original. Walkways paved with tiles, comfortable benches, flower beds, figures fabulous characters - All this creates the atmosphere of comfort and security.

The zoo administration pays a lot of attention of educational activities. There are lessons of biology and zoology on the territory. You can also visit cognitive excursions and participate in a quiz with prizes.

Barnaul is a city not only with picturesque nature, but also with unusual architectural buildings.

This building is symbolic for the city. It was built in the days of Stalin. But at the same time the building is a modern landmark. Finally, the house was completed in 1956, but construction work began much earlier. The building is sustained in classicism style. On the first floor from the very discovery is a gastronome, which immediately gained popularity. But everyone could live in the building. Preference was given to military, scientists, honorary citizens, war veterans and party members. In some apartments, the descendants of the first tenants still live.

Attracts the spire to this building. Together with him the height of the building - 46 m. \u200b\u200bIn Barnaul, this construction for a long time was considered the highest. On the tower with the spire there were hours that showed the most exact time. Today, the mechanism requires repair, to which serious investments are needed. Another distinguishing feature of the building is a weather vane, today it also does not work. Its replacement costs about a million rubles. The city administration does not leave attempts to collect funds, but until it brought the result. The facade of the house is regularly restored, the yard territory is carefully cleaned. This attraction is depicted on all Barnaul Avenue and postcards.

Cultural program

Art connoisseurs will appreciate the theaters of the Altai Territory. Most of them are in Barnaul. Forest reviews received the Altai Theater of Children and Youth. Many argue that in their repertoire he is superior to even the Barnaul Regional Theater of Drama. Classic works are put here. For many years, the dramatic theater in the city of Biysk has been pleased with the perfect productions. Barnaul also has a dolls theater.

Altai Territory - a great place to a variety of holidays. Here you can enjoy the picturesque nature, to visit interesting places, admire the cultural monuments, spiritually evicted and even touch the beautiful.

White lake can be seen in the Couroic Area of \u200b\u200bthe Altai Territory, where it is located in the Kolyvan Range Both of about 530 meters above sea level. The maximum depth of the lake is about 8 meters. The lake enters the pool of the Lochevki River, which is one of the tributaries of the Charysh River. Not far from the lake is the mountain of Sinauha, which is the highest point of the Kolyvan Range. Also close to the lake is the village of March 8.

In the lake there are plenty of fish, which makes it a welcome place for fishermen. Mershi, perch, Goleans are inhabited here, there are roach, pikes, lines, and crayfish. The shores of the lake are covered with various shrubs: a car, honeysuckle, viburnum, rosehip. In the center of the lake there is an island from granite rocks. According to legend, on this island in the XVIII century, the secret workshops of the famous entrepreneur Akinfia Demidov, which minted coins from gold and silver in them.

The lake with a stony bottom and warm clean water is suitable for swimming. Relax in these picturesque places Tourists from all over Russia are striving with a mild climate. For the convenience of resting on the shore of the lake, there is a base of "rock", working round year. White Lake is recognized natural Monument state importance.

Coordinates: 51.81477000,80.35831900

Blue Lake

Unusually pictorial Blue Lake Located in the Altai Republic. The blue lake is located on the slope of another natural reservoir - Lake Kucheral. Lakes are connected by a stream. The blue lake is relatively small, the length of it is slightly more than a kilometer, and the width is only 270 meters. The origin of the lake is associated with the melting of the glacier many centuries ago. The beautiful pure blue church of the lake, which reflects the sky, apparently and played the role in the name of the reservoir. Over the sea level, the lake is located at an altitude of 2300 meters.

Around the lake elegant landscapes, you can just walk and admire this beauty. Everywhere alpine meadows With disintegration and fragrant flowers. Rise to the lake, perhaps on water, beautiful snow leopards. And the Siberian Mountain Goats can also look.

Coordinates: 49.85798800,86.45408000

And what sights of Altai did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Seminist Pass

Seminary pass is the highest point of the Chui tract, the height of which reaches 1894 meters. Pass is the symbolic border of the Northern and Central Altai, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200babout 20 square kilometers.

You can climb the pass, overcoming 9 kilometers of walking, and go down - 11 kilometers. At the top of the pass, a stele was exalted, established in 1956 in honor of the 200th anniversary of the entry of the Altai people into Russia. From the top you can also enjoy views of the mountains of Sarlyc and Tyayyat.

The flora of the pass is represented by a dwarf birch, a cedar squabble, geranium of white color, candy, anemone Altai, a stigmite, caustic, with cold, heel, alpine, curtain, flooded moss and other plants. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe pass, there are places for collecting cedar walnut.

Animals are inhabited on the pass, especially interesting for hunters: bears, lynx, squirrels, pleahari, etc. Many birds inhabiting here are listed in the Red Book.

Coordinates: 51.04571100,85.60375200

The lake with the beautiful name of the Mirror is located in the Shipunsky district of the Altai Territory. It is located surrounded by a unique Barnaul belt boron. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 18.54 square kilometers, the maximum depth is about 8 meters. A distinctive feature of the lake is crystal clear water. It offers many fish, mainly karasi and carps.

About 20 percent of the coastal-aqueous plants of the lake are reeds and cane. On the surface of the lake you can also see such many years of aquatic plants as RDESTS. The fauna of the lake is represented by mollusks of low-prolonged species, mosquitoes calls, plate's clouds, booplap races. For the lake characteristic a large number of A variety of zooplankton and phytoplankton. Fishing lovers have the opportunity to please themselves with paid fishing on this lake.

Lake Mirror is a natural monument of Altai. Fresh air with srocery boron flavors, pure lake water and magnificent landscapes attract numerous tourists here.

Coordinates: 52.52524400,81.86704800

Katun Reserve

Katun Reserve is considered one of the youngest in the taiga. It was opened in 1991, but studies were carried out much earlier, at the beginning of the 20th century. Flora and fauna for a long time studied scientist P.P. Sushkin. Characteristic feature Katunsky Reserve is that it is at a decent distance from settlements republic. The nearest villages are located 100 kilometers.

The reserve is famous for its huge amount of alpine lakes. There are over 130 reservoirs, which are sissed by exotic fish and are filled with various types of algae. except them Altai Reserve It is famous for its rare birds and animals. You will no longer find a snow leopard, maral, black griff, sable, sapsana and many others.

No less beautiful than lakes in the Altai Territory Glaciers and Snowballs. There are many of them in the territory. The glaciation occupy most of the protected zone.

Coordinates: 49.63333300,86.10000000

Kulundy Lake

Kulundy Lake is located in the Kulundy Plain, in the Altai Territory, at an altitude of 98 meters above sea level. It is considered to be large lake Altai Territory, its diameter is about 35 meters. The average depth of this weakly salted lake is 2.5 - 3 meters, the maximum is about 5 meters. Rivers and Kulunda rivers flow into the lake.

In the summer of a shallow water, the lake is heated to 26 degrees Celsius. The water of the lake is rich in various salts, health careful. The bottom of the lake is sandy, but there are sections with therapeutic sludge mud formed by the races of the appearance of Artemy Salina.

The lake is included in the two reserves: Sutesky and Blagoveshchensky. On the lake itself and in its surroundings there are various animals and birds, including rare, endangered species listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory and in the Red Book of Russia: Big Tushkanchik, Steppe Kestrak, Poobaan, and so on. During seasonal flights on the lake, many waterfowl in the lake be resting.

Lake Kulundinskoe is a good place to relax. Here you can admire the steppe landscapes, sand beaches, shallow water and warm water with medicinal properties create all the conditions for a pleasant and useful bathing. The lake and fishermen will delight, pikes and perch are inhabited. In the vicinity of the lake there is a village Zamenka, as well as a sanatorium and hotels.

Coordinates: 52.96966200,79.49874600

Bitter Lake

Lake Gorky is located in the Yegoryevsky district of the Altai Territory. The Lake of 4180 hectares is famous for its unique slim mud and medicinal alkaline waters. On the shore of the lake since 1918 there is a Lebiazhye sanatorium, specializing in the use of water and healing mud from the lake in therapeutic purposes. Connected by a narrow coach with a nearby bitter-trap lake.

The lake is surrounded by a unique belt pine forest. The shores of the lake covers clean fine sand, water in summer is well warmed, which creates excellent conditions for swimming. Amateurs calm holiday In the fresh air can accommodate a tent in a pine forest. These places are characterized by a large number of diverse mushrooms and berries. The combination of mild climate, purely useful air and healing lake water create optimal conditions for beautiful rest and recovery. The lake is a natural monument of regional scale.

Coordinates: 51.68496200,80.76454000

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Kamyshny Waterfall

Kamyshny Waterfall is based on the left tributary of the Katun River - on the river Kamyshl. Since 1996, the waterfall has been awarded the status of the nature of the nature of the Altai Republic. Exactly this popular place Among the tourists, which is located in the lower reaches of Katuni.

The waterfall consists of two cascades of a total height of 12 meters. The waterfall leads the path from the pedestrian suspension bridge through Katun - from the tourist complex "Tsarist hunting", one and a half kilometers downstream. The waterfall is low, but it looks very impressive when the water falls and is beautifully broken down at the foot of the rock with splashes of all the colors of the rainbow. In winter, the waterfall is covered with ice crust. The vicinity of the waterfall consists of limestone, quartzites, crystalline slates, porphyrices.

In 1940, the Kamyshoz Milk Mill was built on the river Kamyshoz from the nearby village, which during the war was turned into a sawmill. Now you can see logs with metal jackets - rapted mills of mills.

Coordinates: 51.67425800,85.74142500

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