Name Sakhalin. East Peninsula South Sakhalin

Sakhalin Island from Satellite

Sakhalin was not always separated from the mainland. At the dawn of civilization, the water level in the world ocean has steadily reduced, as a result of which the so-called "bridges" arose in the Strait. Presumably, it was on them here and moved the first people (about 300 thousand years ago). In the era of the Middle Ages, the main inhabitants of Sakhalin became Nivhi and Ains - small peoples that constantly migrated between the island and the Asian part of the mainland. Later, they were added to the tunga-speaking tribes. The name "Sakhalin" appeared due to the geographical error. Upon instead, the Manchurian name of the Amur River - Sakhallyan-Ulla - was correlated from the territory of the island. By the way, the literal translation of the word is the rocks of the Black River.

Approximately the 50s of the XIX century, the Sakhalin island ran China. At the same time, officially territory did not belong to the Middle Kingdom. In 1855, the Government of Japan and Russia concluded the Simedian Agreement, according to which both states were declared Sakhalin with joint ownership. However, after 20 years, Russia joined the island to himself, paying for him with Japan with northern smokers. However, the joy of extension of possessions was short. After losing in the Russian-Japanese campaign, the southern part of the island has again moved to the country ascending sun. It was finally solved by the fate of Sakhalin succeeded only after World War II, when Russia fully returned to himself, and with him the previously lost smokers.

Economy and population

Sakhalin lives a little less than 500 thousand people, about 200 thousand of whom are residents of the regional center, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The overwhelming number of the population is Russian, although Koreans and immunos from the former Union republics can be found among local inhabitants. But representatives of indigenous peoples here is extremely small: only 1% of the total number.

The regional economy is uneven, because of what the standard of living of the population in different parts of Sakhalin is different. For example, the northern part of the island, including Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, exists by oil production, while remote and western areas in which production stopped at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, are in the literal sense to deal with existence. Ultimately, unemployment and a low standard of living led to the fact that most of the residents of Sakhalin periphery were sent to poachers. Illegal shooting of wild animals, the extraction of red caviar by barbaric methods slowly, but correctly applied irreparable damage to the nature of the Great Island ...

Climate and Nature

Going on a journey through Sakhalin, it is better to prepare for weather surprises in advance. Since the climate of the island is moderately-flip, the weather here is not distinguished by stability. Local snowy and frosty winters actively "help" atmospheric vortices, bringing with them strong browns. Spring here is protracted and cold, but summer is relatively warm, but short and often rainy. Another weather Sakhalin problem is frequent and unpredictable cyclones, bringing devastating typhoon and floods.

Sakhalin is an island with a unique ecosystem that has formed in certain isolation. The relief of the terrain is formed by small mountains, lowlands and to a lesser extent by lowland plains, while 2/3 of the territory occupies a taiga. By the way, there is no shortage of fresh water on Sakhalin: 17 rivers and over 16 thousand lakes with an excess provide a lifeful moisture animal and vegetable world Islands. Despite the fact that Flora and Fauna Sakhalin are somewhat poorer compared to the mainland or the nearest Japanese Island of Hokkaido, he has something to surprise lovers of wildlife. About 136 animal species and almost 133 species of local plants are listed in the Red Book. In addition, here you can meet endemic (growing or inhabiting only in a particular place) representatives of the animal and plant world.

A truly paradise Sakhalin became fishing and hunting for fans. Abundance of fish and game in local forests and water bodies are difficult to describe in words. Rich Sakhalin Taiga and Berry Mushrooms. To collect a delicious "tribute", it is not necessary to delve into impassable debris. Landberry, blueberry, cranberry, Krasnican Here you can find hardly under each bush. However, to go to another edge of the country exclusively for the gifts of the forest is not entirely reasonable, especially since the natural wealth of the island is not limited to berries and fish places. There are also thermal sources here, swimming in which can be eliminated from chronic diseases, and fabulous, filled with stalactitic crystals, caves, and places of parking an ancient person. True, it is worth noting that most of the local entertainment is suitable for those who are easy to rise and are ready to show at least minimal physical activity. Rafting, windsurfing, riding on alpine skiing and snowboarding, kayaking, mountaineering and paragliding, descent to mountain caves and unforgettable cycling rugs - this is not a complete list of events that Sakhalin is ready to offer supporters of a moving lifestyle.

Sakhalin sights

The main and most valuable landmark of Sakhalin is his wonderful nature. It is customary to ride not for high-quality European service and glossy attractions, but for the delightful atmosphere of complete unity with nature, active recreation and a stunning feeling of complete freedom.


The most convenient and correct acquaintance option with wildlife Sakhalin Islands - local reserves, the most interesting of which is the State Natural Reserve "East". You can get here only by special permission issued by the Department of Forests, but the skilkitis with the passage with interest pays off with impressions from the visit. It is here that it is possible to meet such a rare phenomenon for the island, like a dark taiga, look at the spawning of hump, Keta and Kizhuh and take a picture of holidaymakers on the coastal cliffs clumsy silence. To get acquainted with the Sakhalin Dicks and the North Deer, it is better to go to the "Nogliksky" reserve. On the autumn, deer runs are held here, so if your visit to the island coincided with the autumn season, do not miss the opportunity to visit this unusual event. Well, to watch the bird "bazaars" the most interesting in the reserve "Poronia", which took the eastern part of Sakhalin and the Peninsula of Patience.


Infernal velves, filled with a spray in all directions of Loo, is not about Sakhalin volcanoes. Here, the crater is sprayed ... mixed with water ground. Pugachevsky and South Sakhalin mud volcanoes even look nontrivial. The correct circumference, deprived of vegetation and littered with miniature "pores" of craters, remind space landscapes From a fantastic blockbuster. By the way, the last major release from the South Sakhalin volcano occurred in 2011, as a result of which a new mud field was formed in its surrounding area.

Thermal sources

Sakhalin Nature not only pleases the eye, but also heals the body. If you are on the island, be sure to swim in Sinegore mineral SourcesBecause water with such a unique composition is found only on Sakhalin and Adler. Today, 4 mineral wells, water from which is used to drink, as well as the treatment of diseases of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, works in Sinegorskoye deposit.

In the northeast of Sakhalin Island, in Nicklik district there is one more unusual place - Daginsky thermal springs, representing funnel-shaped recesses in or soil. Healing water with high alkali content, as well as silicic acid and temperature reducing to +40 ... + 45 ° C, helps in the treatment of infertility and diseases of the joints. Once on the adjacent territory there was a hydroelectrician, but then the place gradually came to be launched. Today about the past glory natural resort Reminds only a modest dress for dressing. However, less healing sources from this did not become, and the place is still in the same place both at the local population and tourists.


One of the largest Lakes Islands Sakhalin is Tunaycha. Located in the vicinity of the village of Okhotsk, this beautiful reservoir is famous for the fact that about 29 species of fish live in it. In addition, it is in Tunaych who comes to spawning Sakhalin Salmon. Officially industrial fishing here is prohibited here, however, from August to September, lovers are allowed to sit on the shores of the lake with the fishing rod.

By those who like more secluded places, it is worth ordering a tour to the South Moving Range, where the fabulous lakes of Mount Spamberg were lost on a picturesque plateau. 18 purebred water bodies that have appeared as a result of rock ribs have their own, partially isolated ecosystem. The plateau is also known for the fact that numerous springs and waterfalls are taken from here Sakhalin region. Here you can find the main waterfall of the island - Shuisky.


Sakhalin is one of the most successful places for beginner speleologists. Acquaintance with local caves worth starting from Wild Mountain. Fantastic multi-level dungeons, decorated with bizarre underground formations, provides here. Tangled network of wells, underground strokes And the halls of Wilde are assigned an average level of complexity of passage, so during Speleotur, it is hardly necessary to compose to the order and monotony of the excursion. No less impressions will bring a trip to the cave of "bear tragedies". The gloomy stone hall, which became a peculiar cemetery of bearish remains, cut into memory for a long time. Once during archaeological excavations, the objects of an ancient cult were found here, as well as the tools of labor of the first people.

43 km from Sakhalin, in the Tatar Strait, is the island of Moneron. Today, these lands are empty, although the first settlers were appeared here in the first millennium BC. For some time, the island belonged to the Japanese, who seriously worsened his ecology, destroying most of the coniferous forests. A reminder of this epoch is a lighthouse that remains here in memory of Japanese colonization. Today, Moneron has status natural Park And actively visited by travelers. About 37 types of plants listed in the Red Book grows on the island, however, among the tourists, Merron is more famous as a place of bird "bazaars", as well as fantastic silence and nerves.

Hunters and fishermen

At the disposal of tourists who come to Sakhalin sit with the fishing rod and shoot the local game, several recreation databases at once. As a rule, it is a hotel-type houses located in particularly picturesque and at the same time hard-to-reach places of the island. Before them often falls on the special equipment, but for real adventurers - this is not an obstacle. "Upper", "Mighty", "Lower" - each of the bases offers similar range of services, among which fishing, hunting, Russian bath and other "brutal" pleasures. You can also deal with hunting trophies in special farms. For example, the hunting female economy "Geay" in the village. Nogliki offers its guests to "go" to the bear or elk. There is a 50 km from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where anyone can shoot on hares and ducks, as well as try to catch Ketu, a pinkish or a timman.


On the outskirts of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the main ski route of the island is located - the tourist complex "Mountain Air". You can relax here with the whole family and at any time of the year, however, the maximum number of guests the base is collecting in the winter months. Skiing, snowboarding, tubing - for each sport here there is a view of equipped tracks total length About 10 km. The complex has a sports equipment rental, in addition, all the slopes of the turbase are equipped with intellectuals. In summer, it is customary to come here to fly on a paraglider or rent a bike for walking around the surrounding area.

Odniesel Frog on Sakhalin Island

Mineral sources, volcanoes, ski slopes - all this is definitely interesting, but not quite original. If you are from those who crave unusual sights, welcome to Krasnogorsk tees forest. Such a green array, entirely consisting of councils, there is no other corner of the planet. You can get a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive and as much spectacular photos on the island of the coal, which is the biggest fantastic of marine mammals. Lovers of abnormal places, received by mystical legends, should look into the rest of the frog. Well, it is possible to taste the delicious gifts of Sakhalin nature on the Assumption cranberries. An extensive brazed space, completely covered with a berry carpet, will still be in dreams for a long time.


Despite the fact that Sakhalin is considered to be the edge of natural tourism, some cultural entertainment here are also available. Painting connoisseurs will be interested to visit the exposition of the Art Museum, which is located on Lenin Street in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. You can get acquainted with the story, as well as Flora and the Fauna Islands in the local lore museum located in a colorful Japanese house on the Communist Prospect. If you arrived with children, be sure to highlight the time to visit the zoobotanic park, where you can see rare and endangered views of local animals. An interesting and informative tour offers its guests and the Museum of History of the Sakhalin Railway, which contains the rarest samples of railway equipment.

How to get

You can get to Sakhalin relatively and comfortably by plane. The Russian company "Aeroflot" carries out several direct flights from Moscow to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The standard flight usually takes from 8 to 9 hours. Option for those who are not looking for easy paths - ferry crossing Vanino Holmsk. To get to the port of Vanino (Khabarovsk Territory), you need to buy a train ticket in advance along the route: Moscow-Khabarovsk or Moscow-Vladivostok (the trip lasts from 5 to 6 days). Get from railway Station Khabarovsk to Vanino is better for a taxi. The final journey stage is a landing on a ferry and a 14-hour swimming through the Strait of Tatar.

And 141 ° and 145 ° Eastern longitude. The island stretched from north to south for 850 km. The width of the island is the maximum of 183 kilometers, and minimally 24 km.

The nearest distance from the island to the mainland is located near the mouth, between the capes of Lazarev and Tomb. Here between the lands of 7 km. The southern end of Sakhalin departs from the bank of the mainland at a distance of about 300 km. If you count by parallels. The smallest width of the lapse of the strait separating Sakhalin from Jeso is about 40 km. Between the Sakhalin and the mainland is, the continuation of which is, which received in its most narrow part, near the mouth of the Amur River, the name of the Nevsky Strait. The width of the Strait coincides with its depth. From Cape to Cape Mary depths so insignificant that three famous navigators: Laperuz, and Bruton tried to penetrate this strait from in. They came to the conclusion that Sakhalin - Peninsula. Subsequently, Farvater was found by Nevelsky, but it turned out to be passed only for ships with precipitate no deeper than 23 feet (1 foot \u003d 30.5 cm.). South of Cape Lazarev, the depths are rapidly increasing.

Water north-warmeter than in Okhotsk. Which in its properties is approaching the polar seas. The main cause is low Sea Okhotsk It is the masses of ice that originated in the Giuginsk and Pajin's lips. Ice almost round summer hold from the northern end of Sakhalin. These ice, the rapid Sakhalin flow, washing the northern part of the island and the northern half of his eastern shore, are recorded to lard of medium Sakhalin. The effect of low temperatures of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea does not apply to the North-Japanese Sea, as Sakhalin prevents this. In addition, the flow from the Amur blocks the access to ice from the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk to Tatar and Laperzov, the strait. Through these, only the surface layers of both seas are connected, it does not contribute to the cooling of the Japanese sea for another reason that the warm Japanese is suitable for it. One flow branch wraps into the Okhotsk Sea, and the other, rises along the western shore of Sakhalin and has a beneficial effect on this part of the island.

The physical properties of the seas, wash Sakhalin, determine the difference in climates of different parts of the island. Its northern part, coming close to the mainland, is under its influence in climatic terms. Strong cooling during the winter, when the strait of Nevelsky freezes completely, determines the strong northern and north-west winds on the Sakhalin.

Under the influence of winter winds in the northern part of the island is distinguished by continental severity. Frozening mercury here is an ordinary phenomenon. In the summer in the northern part of the island prevailing from the Cold Okhotsk Sea, which strongly lower the summer temperature. Thus, in climatic terms, the northern and medium Sakhalin is delivered to unprofitable conditions: these parts of the island have harsh continental winter and cold summer seaside. Winter in the northern part average temperature Approaches the coast of the coast in or southern the island. Summer is like a summer shore, although the north end of Sakhalin is approximately on the latitude of Simbirsk. At the mouth of the you, on the eastern shore of the island and in Dou, almost on the breadth of Saratov, is found. The further south from the Due, the climate becomes softer. He acquires maritime character. The difference in the climate of the Western coast of the island and the opposite coast of the mainland is increasing. The difference in the fact that winter cold on Sakhalin is less significant than on the corresponding latitude of the coast of Eastern Siberia. The winter and summer of the southern part of the island are reminded at the average temperature of the same seasons of the Arkhangelsk and Olonetsk regions. Despite the fact that the South End of Sakhalin is on the latitude of Odessa and Astrakhan. In addition to the low temperature of winter and summer, Sakhalin is still different in the way that spring is much colder than autumn. It happens even inside the island, but especially in his south.

Despite the insignificant width of Sakhalin, there is a big difference in the climate of his eastern and Western shores. This is precisely the various influence of the seas, washing the island. On the eastern shore, washed cold, where even in June there are floating ice, on the latitude of the mouth of the river, the climate is much severe. Winter and summer here is colder than on the corresponding latitude of the West Bank. This is because the influence of the Cold Okhotsk Sea, due to the mountainous nature of the island and the meridional arrangement of the ridges, delaying wind, is not transferred to the West Bank.

Sakhalin Island (photo Vladislav Petrushko)

Throughout Sakhalin, much significantly. Winter is distinguished by the abundance of snow, and the summer is frequent rain. Thickness reaches up to two meters. In Kusunna, over the course of the year, it is observed up to 150 inascy days, of which 60 rainy and 90 snowy. In the summer, they are more on Eastern than in the West Bank. The surface of the Sakhalin is almost completely high, and only between the ridges are located lowlands, according to which it is pretty large rivers. The West Bank from the southern tip of Cape Cralon consists of almost a solid stone wall. It snaps up to 100, 200 feet. There is no significant bay here, there is no islands. An exception is the island of Monneron, lying near the southern end of Sakhalin. Such a western coast remains to Cape Wanda, which is opposite the Bay of De-Castries. North of this Cape stretches a flat sandy shore, stretching along the entire Amur Limana. In the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, next to the northern tip of Sakhalin, the coast becomes the mountainous again. On the eastern shore there is a similar change of steep and flat banks. This is observed approximately in the same latitudes. There are two bays here: Nyjsky and patience bay.

In those places where the shore is lowered, there are a lot of lakes separated from the sea by low cumshots and connected to it by ducts. These ducts, as well as the mouth of large rivers, are the only places where small ships can move to the shore.

With Japanese, this area is translated as the "earth of the mouth of the mouth", the Manchurian calls her "Sakhahalyan-Ulla". Initially, Sakhalin was determined on the maps in the form of a peninsula, but subsequent expeditions led many evidence in favor of the opinion that Sakhalin is still the island.

Survaya lands of Sakhalin are located east of the Asian coast. The island is the largest in Russian Federation and accounts for a neighbor Kuril Islands. The traveler who visited these places remains long for a deep impression. Nature monuments are the main treasure of the island.

Description and location of the island

The cold water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is washed by the territory of Sakhalin, warm water is taken from the Japanese and Pacific Ocean. Treason, Laperose and Soviet are the only border with the state of Japan. The distance from Sakhalin to the mainland is completely occupied by water.

Sakhalin Square - 87 thousand square kilometers. This figure includes the islands of the seal, ears, monaon, Kuril Ridge with the Kuril archipelago.

From the extreme southern point of the island to the North there are 950 km. The entire Sakhalin Square is similar to scaly fish (from the height of the ISS flight), where scales are a lot of rivers and lakes scattered through the territory of the island.

Sakhalin and mainland separates. The Strait has two capes, the width between which is about seven kilometers. For the most part, the coast is smooth with the numerous mouths of the rivers that fall into the sea.


The historical Islated Help begins with the era of the early Paleolithic, it is about three hundred thousand years ago.

Today, more than 10 thousand kilometers share Sakhalin Square with the Russian capital. The plane flies seven time zones before it turns out at the airport the largest city - South Sakhalinsk.

Russian travelers in the 17th century often became pioneers, opening new lands their huge country. In the 50s of the 19th century, the expedition under the leadership of Nevelsky finally proved the Japanese theory that Sakhalin is an island education. At the same time, the island was populated by peasants, and became the border point of Russia and Japan, so military posts were placed throughout the territory. The next 30 years have turned this place in the colony, where we sent exile.

Great impact on the study of the Sakhalin Land made contracts between Russia and Japan. For ninety years, the Russian-Japanese border was modified four times. Due to armed intervention by the Japanese in 1920, the entire Sakhalin Square turned out to be occupied. The troops were removed only in 1925, and after seven years, the island came to the region of the Far East, as the Sakhalin region.

Nomochemny from one country to the other, the smoke after the Second World War finally returned to the Soviet Union. The modern border of the region was formed in 1947.

The city of Sakhalin is considered to be the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, which was formed by immigrants at the end of the 19th century.

Tourism on Sakhalin

Geography of Sakhalin I. Kuril Islands - The storehouse of the Far East. Until now, the development of island sights. The development of tourism, according to the authorities, should lead to the regional economy on qualitatively new level development. There are about 60 tour companies on the island, and a majority of tourists represent people from neighboring Japan. They are attracted to a variety of not only natural, but also historical monuments. The island authorities also follow and for the Japanese heritage remaining since the occupation times.

IN last years Sakhalin actively began to develop ecotourism. But taking into account the fact that the Japanese are more focused on the comfortable conditions of stay, then travel companies are limited to away excursions, and hotels and hotels are increasingly improving the services and services provided. Almost all hotels have a menu with eastern dishes (including Japanese).

The program of turbo on Peak Chekhov is being implemented. Territories are increasingly landscaped, including the construction of a tourist complex in the village of Hot keys and Aquamarine Tourbases. The project is prepared on the construction of complexes next to thermomineral sources.

Of the attractions you can allocate: an incredible beauty of the bird lake; Partially destroyed damn bridge; The largest waterfall on the island of Kunashir - bird; existing volcanoes Kuril - head, toy; Lighthouse at Cape Aniva; covered by white cliffs by the shore of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk; Picturesque lake Tunaych; The treasury of the nature of the Kuril Islands is the island of ITUURUP; Northern hot springs of the island; Education on the rocks about. Kunashir - Cape Stolly; The southern point of the island - Cape Krylon; most beautiful waterfall In Russian Territory - Ilya Muromets.

Population of Sakhalin

There are about 500 thousand multinational alone, the population consists of Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Koreans, Mordovtsev, Tatars, as well as from indigenous people.

Includes several nations: Nivhi, Tonchi, Evenks, Aina, Nanice, Ust. These are those inhabitants of the local land that lived on them before establishing modern borders. Indigenous peoples, unfortunately, very small. However, they are still engaged in the development of their national economy and lead the national life.


Diversity among the flora and fauna of Sakhalin is not observed. Compared to the Japanese Islands, the territory of the Sakhalin region is quite poor in the number of representatives of the plant and animal world.

Study Flor Island began F. Schmidt in the middle of the 19th century. On the this moment Sakhalin has about 1500 species of plants having vessels for water, dissolved mineral salts and other organic elements (vascular).

About seventy percent of Sakhalin is occupied by forests, despite the ecological problem of cutting down the forest and annual fires, the north of the island is still busy coniferous trees. This territory is considered a darkening taiga. New trees grow very slowly due to lack of sunlight. In order for the young tree to get a good dose of the Sun, he has to wait for some of the old representatives of the forest and bring lumen in the dark taiga veleau.

There are, of course, the light-ohvary forests, but their representatives are mostly larchs who are not very common on the island. Why is this happening? Special soil is to blame for everything, under which clay layers are located. They do not let the water and, accordingly, do not give trees well develop and grow. And a completely small part of the forest massif occupy deciduous forests.

Sakhalin forests are rich in a richness, which forms serious thickets and wetlands. From berries there is a blueberry, cranberry, and the marshberry grows on the swamps. Large quantities are perennial grass and shrubs.


Allows you to live on the island of forty four types of mammals. Here are common bears, reindeer, otters, wolverines, raccoon dogs and a large number of rodents, about 370 different types of birds, of which 10 predators.

During the period of mastering the island, a large number of flora and fauna were destroyed, therefore a sufficiently long list of disappearing animals and Sakhalin plants was introduced into the Red Book.


Sakhalin industry develops a fairly rapid pace, it included oil-producing and gas-producing, coal, fishing and energy sectors. Of course, the advantage of many years remains oil and gas production. Thanks to the development of Sakhalin scientists, Russia entered the list of leading countries in the export of liquefied natural gas. Sakhalin provides gas Japan, Thailand, Korea, Mexico and China.

The development of the shelf deposits gave the opportunity to improve the condition of the roads, residential premises and so on. For continuous growth of the district's economy, work is underway to attract continuous investment in existing projects.

Climate Sakhalin

The climatic conditions of the island are moderate monsoons, due to the rest of the proximity to the water. Winter here is quite snowy and long, and the summer is cold. For example, the January weather has a strong northern winds And frost. Quite often you can get into the snow buran. Snow avalanches are often here, sometimes winter wind reaches an incredible speed of hurricane power. In winter, the temperature drops to -40 degrees, and with the amendment to the wind and the lower.

Summer on Sakhalin Short - from mid-June to early September with a temperature of from 10 to 19 degrees above zero. It rainfast enough, the quiet ocean brings high humidity.

In the southwest, the warmth of the Japanese Sea flows, and the east coast is washes the Okhotsk Sea with a cold flow. By the way, it is the Okhotsk Sea that does Sakhalin on cold spring weather. Snow usually does not come off until May. But there were also record temperature maxima in +35 degrees. In general, every season here comes with a three-week delay. Therefore, in August, the warmest days, and in February - the coldest.

Summer season brings floods to the island. In the 80s, Sakhalin suffered from a powerful typhoon. He left more than four thousand people without housing. And in 1970, Typhoon poured over a few hours more of the monthly rate of precipitation. Typhoon of the fifteen years ago brought the gathering of the beds and landslides. Typically, such weather conditions come from the Pacific Ocean.

Geography and geology

The geographical relief of Sakhalin Island is determined by the Mountain and Low Height Mountains, as well as plain areas. West Sakhalin and East Sakhalin mountain systems are located in the south and in the center of the island. North is represented by hilly plain. The coast is isolated by four peninsular points and two large bays.

The relief of the island consists of eleven regions: Schmidt Peninsula is the ground with a steep rocky shore and mountainous terrain; The plain of northern Sakhalin is a territorial area with hills and many river networks, it is here that the main fields of oil and gas are located; Mountains of the western part of Sakhalin; The lowland Tim-Poronian - is located in the center of the island, its main part of the burst; Susunay's lowland - is located in the south and most populated by people; The eponymous Ridge - Susunay, which includes famous peaks Chekhov and Pushkinsky; Mountains of Eastern Sakhalin with the highest point - the mountain of the Lopatina; Peninsula patience with its lowland; Plateau Korsakovskoe; Muravyvskaya lowland, consisting of numerous lakes, popular among local residents; Tonino Anivansky Ridge, famous for the Mount of Kruzenshtern and its sediments of the Jurassic period.


First place among natural resources Sakhalin Islands occupy biological, moreover, this niche launches the edge in first place in the Russian Federation. The island is rich in hydrocarbon reserves and coal deposits. In addition, a large amount of wood, gold, mercury, platinum, chromium, germany and talc is mined on Sakhalin.

How to get to the mainland?

The distance from Sakhalin to the mainland of Russia can be overcome in several ways: by airplane (for example, from the nearest city of Khabarovsk), ferry from Vanino, and for extremals in winter it is possible to overcome the water part on foot along the frozen ice.

It is considered the most narrow place between the mainland and the island, its width is about seven kilometers.

However, the island has interesting story Frozen construction of the railway started at Stalin. Moreover, the trains were to be held on special tunnels through the already mentioned Cape Nevelsky and Cape Lazarev. The construction of railway tracks was engaged in the convicted prisons of the Gulag. Works went rapidly, but the death of the leader completely stopped the project. Many prisoners were amnestied.

Surprisingly, no bridge was built in all past years. Therefore, modern developments begin with the intentions of the construction of bridge transitions. Moreover, Russia intends to connect Sakhalin with Japanese for more fruitful cooperation between the regions.

Sakhalin - Self large Island Russia, resting among the waters of the Okhotsk and the Japanese seas.

There was confusion with the name of the island. The Japanese called him Carafato, reproducing on their own name, this island with its indigenous population - Aina. But Toponym Sakhalin appeared as a result of the mistake of unlucky cartographers. Since the time of travel, Laperus believed that Sakhalin was peninsula.

In the middle of the 19th century, the Captain of the Baikal vessel G. Nevelsky was able to bypass around Sakhalin. Naturally, it became necessary to make changes to the existing geographic MapsWhat made cartographers. They diligently crisen the forms of the island and indicated its coordinates. And then - whether the cartographer was busy and rearmed a student, whether he had glasses with smaller diopters than, but what happened. Cartographers mistakenly accepted the autochthon name of the Amur River - Sakhalain Ulla, indicated in the former map, for the name of the new island. So Sakhalin became Sakhalin. The name has taken place, and now even the conservative Japanese begin to forget the former toponym "Carafuto".

Interesting! By the way, Sakhalin opened many times. The expedition of Poyarkov, Kruzhenstern, Tail, Davydova and Laperose went to him. All expeditions were looking for and found something their own. Lapetruz, for example, was looking for evidence of the existence of legendary tartarium. Because he found the strait he called Tartar. Subsequently, Tartarsky turned into Tatar. This can be misleading an unprepared tourist, so it is worth clarifying that the Tatars for the history of the island have no relationship.

Climate and weather on Sakhalin

Climate on Sakhalin is a cool, determined by many geographical factors. Winter snowy and protracted, imperceptibly turning into not very hot summer - excellent conditions for ski and valuable fish varieties. And those and others on Sakhalin a great set.

When it is better to go to Sakhalin

The tourist industry Sakhalin is a rare indicator for our country that it is possible to work and not exclusively on the use of natural gifts. It has a reason. The overwhelming mass of tourists on Sakhalin is the Japanese, which are difficult to attract uncomplicated Soviet living conditions. The Japanese require good cuisine and high-quality service. Because for Sakhalin, the norm is the norm comfortable hotels and a developed restaurant business. In addition to Sakhalin, by attracting Japanese investors, the following objects of tourist infrastructure are already created and still created:

  1. Tourist complex "Hot keys".
  2. Tourist base "Aquamarine".
  3. Historical Center With Japanese ancient temple "Karafuto Dzinzya."
  4. In the construction stage there is a massive tourist complex "Sakhalin City Center", capable of attracting tourists from all over the earth in the future.

With all the variety of modern infrastructure facilities, the possibility of loved by many ecotourism with elements of survival is preserved.

Sakhalin, of course, is not a museum center, but still provides tourists the opportunity to see something unusual, namely the South Sakhalin Museum of Railway Technology. Taking into account the fact that many adult boys and girls of all nationalities retain the love of toys like " railway"The museum does not have a shortage of visitors.

Ecotourism and wellness tourism

For lovers of ecotourism and hot healing sources, Sakhalin Island is a real find. And nature monuments, and thermal waters here are in excess.

Natural attractions

  1. Seal Island is a protected area that can be accessed within the framework of the excursion. On the island there is a world famous fanwings of the sea cats. By the number of vacationers there, the island has no analogues. It is comparable only to the Commander Islands. Real Paradise for Zoologists, Zooofotographers and Ecotourists.
  2. Sakhalin amber deposits - Starodubsky and seashest beaches. Amber Here you can collect like berries. By the way, Sakhalin amber is really a berry, cherry shade.
  3. Nitaish waterfall, which is of particular interest in the spawning period of salmon.
  4. Stone idols of Cape Stucabis carved from the rocks of volcanic origin by nature itself. Here, Cape, an ideal place for fishing, where lucky fishermen caught the hefty Amur Citions. Depending on the season, you can watch the nesting of Japanese cormorants and mating thick silence. Also, the cape of the puddle is highly appreciated by esoterics, Buddhists and Hunters for the Elusive Shambal. They say the contemplation of sculptures and two winding waterfalls immerses them in Nirvana.
  5. Cape Laman is a real gift for ornithologists and love geologists. There are rare whitening Orlans, and the mountains of volcanic origin give to the samples of quartz and calcite samples.

How to get to thermal sources

There are many of them on the Sakhalin, and in all you can swim and get to it.

Popular can be attributed to:

Sinegore hot springsEmitting water cubes with a complex chemical composition and a high content of arsenic. The type of Sinegorean water belongs to the rare in the world and treats major cellular metabolic disorders and the effects of radiation sickness. There is Sineginsk 20 km from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,

Balneological wellness centers They treat the mud of the Tatar (Tartar) Strait, namely the mouth of the river therapeutic and lake "Changeable". Dirt of these natural healthcares saves people with severe skin diseases and difficult skin ulcers. Mud procedures are carried out in:

  • South Sakhalin Sanatorium "Aralia" (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, st. Komsomolskaya 371).
  • Sanatorium "Pitain" (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, ul. Mountain 1).
  • Sanatorium "Seagull" and "Sakhalin". Located 20 km from South Sakhalinsk, Sinegorical thermal sources.

Daginsky hot water Help with arthritis, arthrosis and other troubles that are converted to the musculoskeletal system of humans and swans. In any case, the swans elected Dagin thermal springs to the place of habitat and do not complain about diseases.

Hot keys - the village with the same thermal sources. Getting easy. From Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to nogliki, and then 30 km by signs to keys. The road is not Japanese quality, primer, but the Japanese go through it. Probably, they sometimes want exotic. You can stay in the keys themselves. And it is possible - in the nogliki and ride the keys to the procedures. Most acts exactly because after a ten-minute procedure in hot waters to do in the keys decisively nothing, except to wander tent camp And play Baer Grill. In the nogliki, the conditions are much more comfortable. There is a small hotel. The cost of the room has exceeded 2000 rubles per day. In the private sector, a little cheaper - 1200 rubles per person per day.

The equipment of hot springs in the keys themselves varies. There are well-equipped, with clean sun beds and neat walls. There are both launched and wild. The best belongs to the houses-cordon "Dagi". The cost of one procedure is 100 rubles. Wild sources are not equipped at all or equipped from hand badly. Old walls, holes covered with cellophane on scotch, sliding sun beds and flowing roof. But for each type of source are their fans.

Sakhalin for skiing

International ratings ski resorts Do not bypass Sakhalin. The pride of the domestic tourist business Sakhalin is far from Outsiders. Thanks to climatic conditions, the mountain snow cover of Sakhalin keeps up to 6 months a year, and thanks to Japanese investment, places are equipped ski descent and tourist bases.

An interesting feature of Sakhalin ski tourism is the ability to combine pleasant with useful. If we say exaggerated, then descending from the mountain, you can get to the geothermal source and take a wellness bath.

The tourist complex "Mountain Air" is located in the center of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, on the Square of Victory, on the slope of the Mountain "Bolshevik". The complex has been working since the beginning of December to mid-May.

Important! To ski on the slopes of the complex, you should purchase either a subscription for a week at costs of 8,000 rubles, or a one-day SKI-PASS worth 1,200 rubles. Catania is allowed from 9 am to 9 pm, day off - Monday.

In total, in the complex there are 14 triggers, there is a ski rental good quality and snowboards. On the territory there are funicular, storage cameras, lounges for recreation, ski jumps, children's room.

With the "Mountain Air" complex there are hotels with different levels of amenities and a service provided. He heads the "Imperial Palace" rating. The name is somewhat loud, but the hotel itself is quite good. It is approximately equal to him by the rating "Mitos" and "Santa Risot". There are hotels in the simplest and, accordingly, cheaper, with his relatives to each post-Soviet person names - "Rubin" and "Gagarin". You can eat in several cafes in the complex and in hotel restaurants.

Food and nutrition

You can taste on Sakhalin everything that the soul will wish. Deliveries of food on island stable and abundant. Due to the large number of Japanese and chinese touristsWith its own gastronomic preferences, in South Sakhalinsk, many restaurants and cafes of Japanese and Chinese cuisines. Due to the geographical proximity of these countries, restaurant cooks have the opportunity to pass internship in Tokyo or Beijing restaurants, and the abundance of fish resources excludes the very concept of application in the manufacture of sushi some salt herring or mayonnaise. Therefore, sushi in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is really sushi, and not rice squares on the recipe for village vod. The same can be said about dishes on Chinese recipes.

Each South Sakhalin café has Korean dishes. It is so firmly and has long been thrown in Sakhalin life, which is a real culinary culture.

Interesting! A separate story about a five-minute caravan, which has long been a serving card of Sakhalin. On the season of catching Kets or Gorbushi, the Sakhalin market explodes the abundance of caviar. Having gutting the pump, the Sakhalin was washed with caviar, rolled on the marlay and dip in a strong hydrochloric solution. Then in the same marle give a solution to drain from caviar. Five-minute ready. You can sit at the table and eat spoons. Tasty and healthy. But in most cases - expensive.

On Sakhalin, sin is not fish. Keta, Gorbowa, Kizhuhu, Koryushka, Trepang, Haltus, Octopus - this is not a complete list of Sakhalin fish abundance.

By the fall, Sakhalin comes in the course of catching crabs, and the markets are filled with huge hanging claws from the shelves.

Sea scallops are another Sakhalin delicacy, which is mined by a handicraft, wandering through the sea shallow water and groping their scallops. To fully enjoy their taste, it is better to eat them immediately on the shore, throwing scallops on the hot corners of the fire. The sash will open immediately, and inside the piece of white-rose meat, which should be eaten with heat with heat.

Sakhalin for active tourists

The Kuril Islands is an integral part of the Sakhalin region, and therefore, the clips on the smokers are among the services provided by travel agencies as part of a trip to Sakhalin. Helicopter journey over smoking is among the most expensive tours. Not inferior in the cost and flight to the grief of Spambamg, to the absolutely wild and secluded area at the lake top.

Slightly cheaper the possibility of group or individual hunting for bears, fur animals or deer.

By about inexpensive tours Mushrooms and berries can be attributed to fishing or diving.

The Travel Agency "Imperial Tour" organizes for travelers a trip on all-terrain vessels and cars in places, far from popular tourist trails.

A recreation device of corporate clients is engaged in the Travel Agency "Mogychi". Professional scanners, who will accompany travelers in Hirano island, become conductors of tourists. Tourists will be taught to catch a pinkish, prepare caviar-five-minute, get fire, bake on coals and make many other exciting things in the Discovery Channel Spirit. True, according to Russian custom, guests will not only be hungry, but even lose the slightest opportunity to lose weight. Throughout the trip, tourists will receive first-class fresh food from fish and seafood. In the breaks between the food, travelers will be able to admire the rookers of the nerve and the flights of cormorants. Still, wild rest with survival in Russian is very satisfying and tasty.


Physico theorists and just enthusiasts of this case say that time travel is possible. Some refer to Tesla, some conduct experiments with speed and particles, however, success and victory relations are not yet heard. Apparently, because of this, the favorite argument of temporarys is to move into the past when traveling from west to east. It is enough to take a plane in the right time for example in St. Petersburg and fly to Sakhalin. A few hours later, the tourist will fall in yesterday. And returning back in the same way, falls in tomorrow. During the experiment, the traveler in time can very well relax on numerous tourist bases of Sakhalin, swim in hot springs, catch fish and wander through the Museum of the Railway.

Europeans opened Sakhalin in the XVII century. The first on the island in 1640 were the Cossacks under the leadership of Ataman and the landlord of Ivan Moskvin. Three years later, the expedition of the Dutch Marithel Martin de Frise went there. However, Fris became mistakenly considered Sakhalin by the peninsula connected to Hokkaido. Disputes about whether he is connected with the mainland or other islands, continued until the middle of the XIX century. In 1849, Admiral Gennady Nevelskoy passed on the war ship "Baikal" the strait between the island and the mainland. Sakhalin was marked on maps as an island, and the shed later gave the name of Nevelsky.

In 1869, they began to refer to those who were sentenced to Katorga - most often lifelong. Initially, prisons were built for them only in the northern part of the island, but then the settlements appeared in the south. Gradually, the convicts became the main part of the Sakhalin population.

At the end of the XIX century, Anton Chekhov came to the island. He got acquainted with the life of a cortex, wrote down the petitions and memories of Sakhalin, held a census of the population. Later, the writer published the artistic and publicistic book "Sakhalin Island", in which the local nature described in detail, the lifestyle of indigenous people and exiles, included here fragments of documents, statistical data, records of scientists and travelers who were on the island before. This book deals with a whole museum in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: its exposition includes exhibits related to the life and creativity of Chekhov (including his personal belongings). The name of the writer is called several settlements Sakhalin region. Monuments Chekhov are installed in several cities of the island, and in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, a literary and art museum of the book A.P. Chekhov "Sakhalin Island".

The indigenous population of Sakhalin is Nivhi and Aina. However, today they make up less than 1% of all the inhabitants of the island. In addition to Russians, Koreans, Ukrainians, Tatars live in the Sakhalin region.

Historical and cultural monuments of Sakhalin

Sakhalin passed several times from Russia to Japan and back, and many monuments of Japanese culture were preserved on the territory of the island. One of them is the building of the Museum in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. It is built in a traditional Japanese style in 1937. The modern exposition of the museum includes more than 170 thousand exhibits: their number includes samples of flora and fauna, household items of indigenous people, historical documents, ancient weapon.

Another monument of Japanese architecture is a ritual gate of Toria from white marble near the village of Seasors. Previously, the temple of Tomariore Zinzia was located, but he was not preserved to this day.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Japanese built on the island railway line South Sakhalinsk - Polyakovo. Nowadays, it is not used for appointment and became a historical monument. From the Chert Bridge - the highest in the Sakhalin region - opens beautiful view At the neighborhood of the railway.

Nature island

Flora and Fauna Sakhalin Poor than on the mainland, however, dense forests grow here and animals and plants are found in the Red Book. In addition, scientists recorded a phenomenon characteristic only for this region: herbaceous plants on Sakhalin often grow up to gigantic sizes. Nettle, buckwheat, bear cudders and other herbs can reach 3-5 meters in height.

On Lake Tunaych, different types of birds nest, and in the seal island near Sakhalin there is a large fan of seals and huge bird bazaars. In the vicinity of the highest point of the island - Mountain Wilde - are karst caves. From the top mountain Ridge Zhance overlooks the picturesque surroundings. At Cape the Giant can be seen natural arches, grottoes and pillars that occurred under the influence of wind and salted sea water. Sakhalin is a valid mud volcano, as well as mineral and thermal sources.

See also: