What is the most dangerous volcano on the planet. The largest and most dangerous acting volcanoes of the world

Volcanic activity is present on earth from the first steps of its formation as a planet. As soon as the first earth bark appeared, volcanoes arose, which made a huge contribution to its further formation and evolution. Gases allocated by volcanoes were formed the first earthly atmosphere, breeds were interposed in magmatic foci, forming various compounds that became necessary in the future, including for the formation of life. Despite the fact that the current period of the development of the planet is considered tectonically stable, volcanoes are still present, and most of them are periodically erupted.

What are the biggest volcanoes on the planet? It turns out that the largest of them is considered to this moment extinct. It is Okhos del Salado, which is located in Andes, in border area between Chile and Argentina. At an altitude of 6893 meters, he did not erupt once for an affordable review of the history of mankind, which makes it possible to draw conclusions that it has long been dead. Let's leave it aside and proceed to the study of the current volcanoes.

Sangai - 5230 meters

Sangai volcano is located in the Andes, in their Equatorial region, on the east side. It has three crater immediately, and refers to the type of stratovulkanov. According to the versions of scientists, this object began to form about 14 thousand years ago, and there are little known about its eruptions on the prehistoric period. The first actually fixed by people eruption fire Mountain falls for 1628 year. In recent century, its activity has increased, the last eruption was recorded for 2007.


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Popochetetet, 5455 meters

Volcano - Popochettel

A similar name may seem strange, however, it sounds like a "hill from which the smoke comes from the local adverb. This stratovan is located on the territory of Mexico, close to the other - Istaxioatil, which has long been the ground. The last eruption was recorded in 2011, so that the popochette is considered not at all without reason. Moreover, it can be considered quite dangerous for people, since the 20 millionth city of Mexico is not far from him.

Elbrus, 5642 meters

The highest peak of Russia, Elbrus with its two vertices, also includes the category of stratovulkanov, and is located in the Caucasian Mountains. This mountain is worthy of special consideration, not only by virtue of its Russian "citizenship", but also because of its unpredictability.

On the one hand, the last ellity of Elbrus dated is approximately 50th AD. You might think that it has long been dead and can no longer be considered valid. But such conclusions are deceptive. The volcano is potentially active, and long periods of the lull were relevant to him and in the past. So, initially he could not show signs of life for 50 thousand years in a row, then these periods began to decline to 3-1.5 thousand years. The most recent traces of the last eruptions are dated to a period of 6, then at 3, and 1.8 thousand years ago. Therefore, the awakening of Elbrus may well happen today.

Interesting fact: Elbrus eruptions are so powerful that traces of its activity are found even on the banks of the Volga on the space between Astrakhan and Akhtubinsky, where the fossil layer of Elbrus ash with a thickness of 70 cm is found!

El Misty, 5822 meters

Volcano - El Misty

This vertex is located in South Americabelongs to the Peruvian territory. This is another active and rather dangerous volcano, near which the millionth city of Arequip has grown. Volcanic materials emitted during an erase of El Misty have white. Many buildings in the city have been created precisely of them because of their greatest availability, because the city is sometimes called white.


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Kilimanjaro, 5895 meters

Volcano - Kilimanjaro

Africa is very calm in the tectonic plane place. But major and active volcanoes here are here - the largest of them is Kilimanjaro, which is also recognized as the highest mountain of Africa. This volcano also causes certain concerns to the possibility of eruption in the coming years, since for 2003 the researchers discovered the fact of finding liquid lava 400 meters from the main vertex.

Kotopakh, 5911 meters

Volcano - Kotopakhi

The South American Volcano Kotopakh is located in Cordillera in Ecuador. The crater is gigid a huge, with a depth of 450 meters it has 550 meters sizes. He is erupted quite often - so, since 1738 people celebrated about 50 such cases. But for the last time the paw made from it in 1940, and since then the activity has not yet been detected.

San Pedro - 6145 meters

Volcano - San Pedro and Serious Pari

San Pedro is located in Chile, it is located at the border with the desert Atacama, and is a stratululkan. Not far from it there is another volcano, smaller in size, gray-parley. San Pedro amazingly stands out from mountain Massiva Andes, Rube, is a very big saddle. The last manifestation of the activity of this peak is dated 1960.

Has-del Salado is the highest volcano on the planet. It is located in Chilean Andes in South America, on the border of Argentina and Chile, but it refers to the Argentine territory. Its height reaches 6893 meters. This is the second highest top of the South American continent. Not far from the volcano runs the desert Atakama. The volcano did not erupt for all the time watching him and is considered extinct.

In Western Cordillera, the Andes are the highest in the world from the acting volcanoes Liulyleillo. Absolute height It is equal to 6739 meters. The top of the volcano is covered with ice. The snowy line of the Western Slope Lewlyillo has the highest position on Earth - more than 6.5 thousand meters. In 1877, the last volcano eruption occurred. IN this time It is in solidarity.

In Chile, on the edge of the Atakam desert, there is a valid volcano San Pedro. Its height is 6145 meters, in form - stratovolkan. It is located in the Anthofagasta region El Loa province and is adjacent to the Serot Pari volcano. From the Mountain Ridges of the Central And Pedro, San Pedro separates a huge saddle. The last eruption of the volcano was recorded on December 2, 1960.

Kotopakh is the highest active Ecuador volcano (5911 meters) and the second highest top of the country. It is located in Cordillera Oriental in South America. The volcano is included in the list of the highest active volcanoes of the Earth. It has a huge crater with dimensions of 550x800 meters, and the depth is 450 meters. Kotopakh everacted about 50 times since 1738. The last eruption dates back to 1940.

In the northeast of Tanzania, towering over the plateau of Masai, there is an active volcano Kilimanjaro. It reaches 5895 meters and is considered the highest point of Africa. Exploring Kilimanjaro, in 2003, scientists found that only 400 meters remove the molten Lava from the edge of the Kybo Crater - the main vertex of the volcano. There are concerns that a major eruption is approaching.

Stratovulican El Misty is located in the territory of Peru in South America. Its height is 5822 meters. In winter, the top of the volcano is covered with snow. At 17 kilometers, west of El Misty is located the city of Arequipa with a million population. Most of the buildings in it are built from the deposits of the pyroclastic flows of the volcano, thanks to which Arequipa is also called the "white city."

Samoa high vertex Mexico is Orizaba. Her second name is Sitlaltetet, which is translated as "Star Mountain". It is the third in the list of the highest points North America. Its peak is located at an altitude of 5636 meters, and its exceeding is 4922 meters. In the period from 1537 to 1687, there were 7 asian eruptions, but at present the volcano is considered sleeping.

Elbrus is in the north Caucasian Gor. And is the highest point of Russia. Stratovulican is a saddled cone with two vertices located at a distance of 3000 meters from each other. The heights of the Western and Eastern Peaks - 5642 and 5621 meters, respectively. The saddle separating the vertices is 5300 meters in height. The last eruption date is approximately 50 years of our era.

Over the Mexican Highlands, the acting volcano Popochetet is towers. His name in the Naiathl language means a "smoking hill". This is the second height of stratov toll in Mexico, its top reaches 5455 meters. Not far from it is the extinct volcano Istaxioatl. Last time, Popochettel was erupted in 2011. The north-west of the volcano is the city of Mexico City with a 20 millionth population.

Closes a list of the highest volcanoes "Sangai". The acting volcano Sangai is located in Ecuador, on the eastern side of the equatorial Andes. Its height is 5230 meters. This stratovolo has three crater. According to scientists, Sangai formed approximately 14,000 years ago. In 1628, the eruption was recorded for the first time. Starting from 1934, the volcano was actively erupted, the last time - in 2007.

10 largest and dangerous volcanoes on Earth.

Volcano is a geological formation that has arisen due to the movement of tectonic plates, their stalking and formation of faults. As a result of collisions of tectonic plates, faults are formed, and the magma goes to the surface of the Earth. As a rule, volcanoes - represent a mountain from themselves, in the tip of which is a crater, which is the location of the lava.

Volcanoes are divided into:

- existing;
- Sleeping;
- extinct;

The existing volcanoes include those that were erupted in the nearest historical perspective (about 12,000 years)
Sleeping volcanoes call volcanoes that were not erupted in the nearest historical perspective, but their eruption is practically possible.
TO extinct volcanoes These that have not been erused in the nearest historical perspective, but the peak has a crater form, but such volcanoes have an eruption unlikely.

List of 10 most dangerous planet volcanoes:

1. (Hawaiian Islands, USA)

Located in Hawaii Islands, it is one of the five volcanoes that make up Hawaii Islands. This is the largest volcano in the world in terms of volume. It contains in itself more than 32 cubic kilometers of magma.
The volcano formed about 700,000 years ago.
The last volcano eruption occurred in March 1984, and it lasted more than 24 days, making tremendous damage to people and surroundings.

2. Volcano Tala (Philippines)

The volcano is located on Luzon Island, belonging to the Philippine Islands. The volcanic crater towers 350 meters above the surface of the lake Tala and is located almost in the center of the lake.

The peculiarity of this volcano is that it is in the crater of a very old extinct mega volcano, now this crater is filled with lake water.
In 1911, the strongest eruption of this volcano occurred - then 1335 people died, for 10 minutes all the living around the volcano died at a distance of 10 km.
The last eruption of this volcano was observed in 1965, which led to 200 human victims.

3. Volcano Merapi (Yava Island)

The name of the volcano literally - the fire of fire. The volcano systematically erupts over the past 10,000 years. The volcano is located near the city of Jokyakarta, Indonesia, the population of the city is several thousand people.
It was the most valid volcano among 130 Vulcans of Indonesia. It was believed that the eruption of this volcano led to the decline of the Hindu kingdom of Mataram. The feature and horror of this volcano is the rate of propagation of magma, which is more than 150 km / h. The last eruption of the volcano occurred in 2006 and took 130 lives, made the homeless more than 300,000 people.

4. Vulcan Santa Maria (Guatemala)

This is one of the most active volcanoes of the 20th century.
It is located at a distance of 130 kilometers from the city of Guatemala, and is located in the Pacific T.N. Ring of fire. Crater in Santa Maria was formed after his eruption in 1902. Then about 6,000 people died. The last eruption occurred in March 2011.

5. Volcano Wywow (Papua - New Guinea)

Willow, located in the New Guinea region, began to erupt from the beginning of the XVIII century. Since then, the eruptions have been fixed 22 times.
In 1980, the largest volcanic eruption occurred. The abandoned ashes covered the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20 square kilometers.
Now this volcano is the highest peak in the region.
The last volcano eruption occurred in the year 2010.

6. Volcano Galeras (Colombia)

Volcano Galeras is located near the border of Ecuador in Colombia. One of the most acting volcanoes in Colombia was systematically erupted over the past 1000 years.
The first documented eruption of the volcano occurred in 1580. This volcano is considered the most dangerous due to his sudden eruptions. Along the east slope of the volcano is the city of Paphos (Pasto). Paphos - place of residence for 450,000 people.
In 1993, six seismologists and three tourists were killed during the volcanic eruptions.
Since then, the volcanic eruption occurred every year, carrying out thousands of lives and making many people homeless. The last volcano eruption occurred in January 2010.

7. Volcano Sakuradny (Japan)

Until 1914 this volcanic mountain It was located on a separate island in close proximity to Kyushu. After eruption of the volcano in 1914, the Lava flow connected the mountain with the Peninsula RAM (Japan). The volcano called the Vesuvius of the East.
It serves as a threat to 700,000 people of Kagoshima.
From year to 1955, eruptions occur every year.
The government even built refugee camp for people of Kagosima so that they can find shelter during volcanic eruptions.
The last eruption of the volcano occurred on August 18, 2013.

8. Nyragongo (DR Congo)

This is one of the most active, existing volcanoes in the African region. The volcano is located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Observation of the volcano is carried out from 1882. Since the start of observations, 34 eruptions were recorded.
Crater in the mountain serves as a magma fluid holder. In 1977, a major eruption occurred, the neighboring villages were burned by the streams of hot lava. The average flow rate of the lava was 60 kilometers per hour. Hundreds of man died. A recent eruption occurred in 2002, as a result, 120,000 people became homeless.

This volcano is a caldera, - the formation of a pronounced rounded form with a smooth bottom.
Volcano is located in yellow National Park U.S.A.
This volcano did not erupt for 640,000 years.
The question arises: how can he be an active volcano?
There are assertions that 640,000 years ago, this super volcano is erupted.
This eruption has changed the relief and covered half the US as ashes.
According to different estimates, the volcano eruption cycle is 700,000 - 600,000 years. Scientists expect an eruption of this volcano at any time.
This volcano can destroy life on earth.

Located on the south side of the Indonesian Island Java, the famous and enough young volcano Merapy is one of the largest and most powerful worldwide. Merapy is the most active acting volcano in Indonesia. It is located near the city of Jokyakarta. The height of the volcano is 2914 meters.

The name is translated as "Mount Fire". Merapy is the youngest in the group of volcanoes in the south of Java. It is located in the subduction area, where the Australian stove is immersed under the Eurasian Plate. This is one of the at least 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, part of the volcano is located in the southeastern part of the Pacific Fiery Ring - on the line of fault, extending from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia.

Major eruptions of the Merapy Volcano are observed on average every 7 years, small - about twice a year, and smoke volcano almost every day. In 1006, the Yavansko-Indian kingdom of Matami was destroyed as a result of the eruption. One of the most destructive eruptions was recorded in 1673, when several cities were destroyed and many villages at the foot of the volcano. In the XIX century, 9 eruptions were recorded, in the first half of the XX century - 13.

A large eruption of merapy took place in 1906. It was characterized by the destruction of the cone of the volcano itself. An explosion that violated the integrity of the shell was heard hundreds of kilometers. In 1930, about 1,300 people died during the eruption. When eruption in 1974, two villages were destroyed, and in 1975, a large village and five bridges were killed, 29 people died.

In 2010, 350,000 people were evacuated when the Merapy eruption was evacuated, but some were returned - as a result, 353 people were killed in a pyroclastic flow.

On the surface of the Earth there is not one hundred volcanoes. Among them are the most high volcanoes, the most powerful volcanoes, the most large volcanoes. And one unites them - everyone rises to dozens and hundreds of meters and scares with their power: it is possible that the volcano will start producing couples and ash.

Where is the most active volcanoes

Volcanoes are geological formations that appear in the earth's crust over cracks. And it is through them that the ashes, lava, loose breeds, water vapors and gases break throughto the surface.

The volcano is referred to as active if he showed signs of activity (for example, threw gas and steam) into the historical time for man.

Most a large number of The existing volcanoes are located on the territory of the Malay Archipelago. He is the largest on the planet, is between the continents of Australia and Asia. And in Russia, the major accumulation of volcanoes is in Kamchatka and Kuril Islands. About 60 volcanoes are erupted in this part. But there are data on 627 volcanoes who have submitted signs of life in the last 10 thousand years.

The biggest volcano

One of the largest volcanoes of the world is called Mauna Loa. With Hawaiian, it is literally translated as "Long Mountain". The volcano occupies most of the island of Hawaii and is considered almost the most active in the world. Mauna Lowe everaged exactly 33 times since the first fixation in 1843. The last time the volcano "came to life" in 1984. Then approximately 30 thousand acres of land was covered with lava, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe island itself increased by 180 hectares. Mauna Low towers at 4169 meters above sea level. But if you measure the height of the volcano from the bottom, then the figure will be twice as much - 9 thousand meters. It's even higher than famous mountain Everest.

Hawaiian - not only the biggest and most powerful volcano, it is also the most massive. Its volume from the base and to the top is 75 thousand cubic kilometers. By the way, there are many legends around Mauna Low. According to one of them, the lady of the Volcanoes Pele expelled the oldest sister from the house, which was the goddess of water and the sea. When Pele tried to build his own home, her sister sent the waves to destroy it. As a result, Pele settled on the island and made himself a house called Mauna Low, he was so massive that the waves could not overlook it.

The highest acting volcano

Some call the highest volcano volcano. It is located in Chilean-Argentinean Andes. Height is equal to 6 thousand 723 meters. Eruption itself big Volcano The last time was recorded in 1877.

However, in the question of what the highest volcano of the world from among the numbers, the opinions of scientists disagree. Some believe that the highest is Kotopakh. It is located in South American Andes, in Ecuador. Its height is less than the previous one, only 5 thousand 897 meters. But the last major eruption was recorded in 1942. Kotophai can rightly be called the most beautiful on Ecuador. This is due to the rustling of greenery at the foot and elegant crater. However, the picture is deceptive. Kotopakh, like a number of others - the most dangerous volcanoes. On Ecuador, starting from 1742, 10 rather large eruptions were recorded, which destroyed the city of Latakung (it lies very close to the Kotopakh).

The most famous volcanoes

However, all of the above volcanoes are unlikely to be known to the general public. The most famous in the world - Vesuviy volcanoes, Fujiima or, for example, Etna.

Vesuvius is located in the south of Italy near Naples and is valid. True, the volcano is not very large, its height is only 1281 meters. Vesuviy is one of the three acting volcanoes in the country. And one of the most dangerous in the world. To date, mankind is known more than 80 eruptions, and the most famous occurred 2 millennium back - in 79. It was then that the cities of Pompeii, Staby, Herkulanum were destroyed. The last eruption was recorded in 1944, Lava destroyed the cities of mass and San Sebastiano.

The highest volcano of Africa and in general the most high Point Continent - Kilimanjaro. Volcano is located on the territory of Tanzania 300 kilometers south of the equator. One of the peaks of Kilimanjaro - Cybo - reaches 5895 meters. Peak Wuora - the highest point of the volcano. Scientists suggest that the age of Kilimanjaro is more than a million years. And that is the most amazing, even though the volcano is located almost at the equator, many glaciers accumulated on his slopes.

The largest volcanoes can be seen in Asia. Famous Fuja is located on the Japanese island Honsu, which is 150 kilometers from Tokyo. The volcano has almost perfect conical outlines and ancient times is the object of cult local residents. The height of the mountain is 3776 meters. Now the volcano is weakly active, the last time experts fixed the eruption in 1707.

The strongest volcanic eruption

But the most strong eruption of the volcano in history was 1883. May 20 began to show the activity of Krakatau. It was on this day that the residents of the capital of Indonesia began to hear the first risks: people began to feel shaking from a volcano, which is in 50 kilometers from the capital. Such phenomena lasted three months, the volcano sank, it was activated. The layers of floating pumice accumulated on the surface.

On August 27, the same year there was a strong eruption of a volcano that has ever seen a person. Gul was heard even 5 thousand kilometers from the epicenter. The ash rose to a height of up to 30 kilometers. The volcanic building scattered into a huge territory, within a radius of up to 500 kilometers. The gas-ash-pole rumped up 70 kilometers, that is, he rose in the mesosphere. The ash covered more than 4 million square kilometers and took, a total of 18 cubic kilometers. The power of the explosion was rated in 6 points. According to experts, it is 200 thousand times the explosion force that destroyed Hiroshima.

As a result of the eruption, about 300 villages and cities of Indonesia were erased from the face of the earth. The result: 37 thousand dead, the main part of people was overwhelmed with tsunami with a height of about 30 meters.

The highest volcano of the world

The highest volcano in the world from Spanish is translated as "salted eyes." Has-del Salado is located on the border of Argentina and Chile, and towers at 6891 meters. A record peak is located in Chilean territory.

Volcano is called inaccessible. All because no eruption case was recorded for the history of mankind. However, sometimes Okhos del Salado reminds itself. For example, in 1993, the emission of water vapor and sulfur was selected.

By the way, as we managed to find out the editorial site, some geographers have already retracted the volcano to the acting. Thus, by shifting from the first place of the list of the highest acting volcanoes Lulylyalyako. However, on this occasion, the disputes did not subside.

Also interesting is the fact that the highest mountain of Russia Elbrus is also a volcano.
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