English locks (with ghosts, of course). United Kingdom: The most famous places with ghosts Castles with ghosts in the UK

In England, ghosts are particularly trembling, they are proud and consider national heritage. Only in England you can meet road signs "Caution ghost!". More than half of the country's inhabitants believe in their existence, and each seventh claims that he saw the ghost personally. Ghosts are part of the culture of this amazing country, the inhabitants of which are very careful in their traditions and culture.


Only in England there are such absolutely unusual organizations as "ghost hunters", or for example, the "Claims Club", as well as a spiritual society with their traditions, at the head of which at different times were such famous peopleAs Conan Doyle and Stanley Baldwin, who has become aged prime minister. On Helowin in England, an international hallery of ghost hunters is held in England, and in May in the Abbey of Bisch (Bikinghamshire County) passes the festival of ghosts.

Sold lock with ghost

There are even specialized real estate offices that are engaged in selling real estate with ghosts. And relate to this very seriously: before the sale carefully collect evidence of the ghost existence, searching in archives is being conducted, the pedigree former owners are being studied, witness's evidence are collected ..... and only after collecting evidence, real estate is set for sale. For example, in one English newspaper this announcement was posted:

The castle of the XVI century is sold in a quiet area of \u200b\u200bSussek county together with furniture and ghost, which does not harm anyone. We guarantee that it does not leave the castle and in the case of its possible restructuring.

Ghosts live in vintage castles

The most favorite habitat of ghosts is vintage castles.

IN Windsor Castle Often see the ghosts of King Henry VIII, the crazy king of George III, who likes to frighten with his own kind of members of the royal family. Princess Margaret, as claimed, often met the ghosts of the King Charles I and Queen Elizabeth I. In general, members of the royal family to their "family gloys" are accustomed to and treat quite favorably, but Princess Diana at one time, seeing ghost in the castle, suffered a real nervous shock. Also in the halls of the castle you can meet the ghost of the Duke Bakingham. It is said that the court austrologist called the ghost of the Duke at the request of his son, but then I forgot to bring it back.

IN castle Hampton The ghost of King Henry VIII is also often found, as well as the ghosts of his killed wives. But most often the ghosts of the second wife of Heinrich VIII Anna Boleyn and the fourth wife Catherine Howard appear here. According to the testimony of some eyewitnesses, when Anna Bolein's execution day coincides with a full moon, its image disappears from the portrait, and in the castle you can hear the muffled cries and a wedding.

But the most "favorite" place of ghosts - Tower . This castle was a royal residence and prison. That is why there are especially many ghosts here. The oldest ghost of Tower is the ghost of the Archbishop of the Canterbury Thomas Beketa, killed by the orders of King Heinrich II. Here, the ghost of Anna Boleyn is often seen, which keeps his head under his arm. The most terrible ghost of Tower is considered to be the ghost of Margaret Paul, Countess Salisbury, who was executed by order of Heinrich VIII in 1541 only for being the last representative of the former royal dynasty of plantagenets. But most of all the ghosts, which were called "Little Princes". These are the ghosts of the 12-year-old King Edward V and his 9-year-old Brother Richard, the Duke of York, the sons of the king Edward IV, who after the death of their father strangled on the orders of their uncle Richard, the Duke of Glouced. And all so that the Duke can crown himself under the name of Richard III.

It is possible to believe in all this, it is difficult to say, because there is still no clear evidence of the existence of ghosts, but no evidence of the opposite one. Stainless castles with ghosts Especially popular among tourists and interest in them is constantly growing.

"My house is my fortress" - the favorite saying of the British. And if love reigns in the house, then no ghosts are terrible.

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Found an interesting topic, just for night time :)
According to statistics, in the number of officially registered cases of observations of ghosts British Islands deservedly in the first place: they met with 147 vacation, which confirm the testimony of witnesses worthy of trust, and police protocols. In second place - Spain (99), hereinafter - France (48) and Belgium (32). The smallest chances of seeing the ghost have now the Scandinavians - in three countries Only 14 stories recognized by truthful, and only single cases in Eastern Europe are described.

Residents of the United Kingdom willingly believe in the existence of ghosts, which is quite reasonable: in the state of the state a huge number of old castles, the silent walls of which will remember the events of the past - multi-day siege, bloody battles, court intrigues and cunning treason. Of course, the energy in such places is excellent, although it is not always positive, which does not prevent enterprising British at all to open five-story hotels in the castles with ghosts.

Of all the British, representatives of the Scottish nation are experiencing the greatest craving for paranormal. In the country where the checkered skirt on a man does not cause unhealthy interest around others, there is a huge amount of excursions on castles with otherworldly forces.

For example, Urhart Castle is famous for the ghost, which is clich by water Kelly.

Currently, the Urhart castle remained only romantic ruins on the shore of the world-famous Loch Ness. In the ancient century, it was a very important fortification object on the way to Heilyands. Surrounded by three sides by water expanses, he stands on top of the rock and amazing the imagination of visitors to its greatness.
No one knows if the Loknes monster actually exists, but the opportunity to see it when visiting the castle Urhart attracts many tourists here.

And when the conversation is about Paranormal and the United Kingdom, it is impossible not to mention the Lochnesian monster, which, by the way, is the most popular representative of Scotland according to the results of a sociological survey conducted among 2000 people. The monster went around Robert Burns and Sean Connery, who took the second and third places, respectively. So popular Lake Loche Ness and his mythical inhabitant that the webcam is installed on the shore: people from around the world every day in Hope look at the screen - will Nesssey appear?

In the capital of Scotland - Edinburgh - every year in mid-May is the festival of the ghosts of the Mary King's Close, which is named after the underground chain of the streets, where among the gloomy ruins of houses and candy soul sounds are invited to take a walk from the festival participants. Hidden under Earth around 200 years ago, the street, of course, is not the only sight of ghosts: For 10 days, the public will be able to learn about paranormal phenomena, while participating in experiments that are held in places of the largest ghost accumulation. As well as meet with spirits, listen to stories about the terrible events of the past and chat with mediums. The most brave will be offered for a whole night to descend into the uncharted dungeon.

British Abbey Bisch, located in the county of Buckinghamshire, also nicely to his festival of ghosts. The Internet is very popular about the fact that the abbey belonging to the past Royal dynasties mentioned in the book of the Judgment Day, and this, by the way, is pure truth. Such a book, indeed, exists, but "Domesday Book, or the Book of the Judgment Day, is not so terrible, or the Book of the Judgment Day, this is just a cadastral book - Land inventory of England, produced by Wilhelm Conqueror in 1085. And it is not connected with the otherworldly forces and the end of the world.

The festival in Bisch is held annually in May and lasts only a few hours: from seven pm to midnight. The feature of the event is the hunt for ghosts in the most mysterious bodies of abbey. Also wishing will be able to acquire different anomalous items at a special fair. The most visited place of abbey is a well, which leads a secret move where people see strange flickering lights. The most famous ghost of Abbey - Lady Hobby, mourning his son for several centuries.

In Britain, the ghosts are looking for even the National Heritage Foundation (in addition to its main activity). In 2007, on the eve of Halloween, he called the top ten famous castles With ghosts. The rating is based on the book Researcher Tire Evans "Ghosts: mysterious stories National Heritage. " On the pages of the book, the author insists on the existence of ghosts in 230 English castles and mansions that can be visited by buying entrance ticket. Here is a top leaf of famous locks and their no less famous disembodied tenants.

Lock Blickling Hall., Norfolk county. It ranks first in the "ghostly" rating. There is a ghost of Queen Anna Bolein, the second wife of King Henry VIII, who was beheaded on May 19, 1536 on suspicion of married and state treason. The ghost of the awesome queen is often seen sitting in one of the bedrooms, while the severed head rests peacefully on her knees. Sometimes the queen is grayly walking around the rooms of the castle; In this case, the head of the unfortunate holds in his hands. Two more "tenants" dwell in the castle: the spirit of good-natured comrades from Heinrich IV - Knight John Fastolf, whom the great Shakespeare entered several of his plays ("Windsor Kumushki", "Heinrich IV", "Heinrich V") as a falsefield, and a ghost of arrogant Sir Henry Hobart, killed on a duel in 1698. Some eyewitnesses argue that at midnight before the full moon, all three ghosts gather in a large lobby in front of the old fireplace and drink traditional English tea with buns and butter.

Lock Duntster Castle, County Somerset. "Man in green" freely walks on the rooms of the castle, passes through the walls, refuses in the museum shop.

Lock QUARRY Bank MILL., Countchairshire. The castle is simply teeming by ghosts. With its construction, a brigade of builders died, so the whole team remained in the castle. From these spirits, it is not worth waiting for a noble walker in the air and without sobbing, their jokes of the coarse and ignorant, and in particularly stormy nights the castle will be dealt with Rugan and the sounds of the invisible porushki are heard.

Lock NEWTON HOUSE., County Carmarthenshire. In the XVIII century, the Lady Eleonor Cavendish was strangled here as one of his admirers. Since then, its ghost settled in the castle. With the appearance of this lady, a person begins the attack of a suffocation, someone's invisible hands squeeze his throat all stronger and stronger.

Lock Gibside Hall., County Tyne and Uir. In the castle, the "accidental countess" lives, at night, her muffled sobbing. For whom she was in life, why is crying and why became a ghost, no one knows.

Lock Lyme Park., Cheshire county. At night, the captured guest may accidentally come across a ghostly funeral procession with quiet clock music. The procession slowly marches through the castle park in compliance with all the rules of the ceremony.

Lock Lanhydrock, County Cornwall. The rooms are wandering the ghost gentleman of the middle-aged. In the archives of the castle, information is stored that during the first Civil War The royalists hung on the gate of the castle to anyone who is not famous for a man who, according to the description, is surprisingly similar to the ghostly seized here.

Lock Hughendenmanor., Buckinghamshire county. Ghost Politics and writer Benjamin Dizraeli, Lord Bikonsfield, sometimes welcomes guests on parade stairs. In the pettice he always sticks out a snow-white snowdrop. April 19 - the day of the death of Lord - marks in England as the "Snowdrop Day" (the snowdrock's day was his favorite flower).

Lock Powis Castle, Poua County. In the dusk corridors and transitions of the Palace, visitors often see the "lady in black", feel the touch of her cold hands.

Lock BELTON HOUSE., Lincolnshire county. The mysterious "gentleman in black" is majestically walking near the bedroom of the queen, having mastered the ancient Scottish song.

Plalls - Anomalous place, village in the south-east of England, also known as the "Dressup Dress of Dress." Even in England, famous for his best practices, is dramatically allocated by the "high density of the ghostly population". Skeptics believe that the population of the village is simply covered by the "ghost", but the clarification is very often appeared before random travel people, therefore there is also a half-way remark that the local air itself adversely affects the organs of vision. One way or another, but one list of "attractions" of the village can cause fear and surprise. On the eastern outskirts of the village live: bringing the killed robber in Frait Corner ("Chernomon of Fear"); harmful by the fourth ghostly coach; The image burned once in the mysterious circumstances of gypsies, smoking the tube on the bridge; "The Black Ghost of Melnik", which is in front of a thunderstorm at the house of Pinnok. In the north, Plalls have repeatedly observed: bringing a colonel hanging in the forest in the forest; Bringing the school teacher, hanging on the road Dicky Lane Lane; "Woman in white from the Derring family", appearing in the library near the central estate estate in 1952; Bringing in the form of a woman in a luxurious dress with a red rose in his hands (in the XII century, the same dressed Lady Dering buried here in the church of Saint-Nicholas in the seven lead cages of different magnitudes inserted alone in the other). In the center and in the south also allegedly live: "Ghostly monk" at the House of Greystonz; "Woman from Rosecourt", which onceed by himself, drinking juice from poisonous berries; "Bringing a screaming person" on a clay career at the place where once a collapsed clay wall buried under him a working brick plant. However, there is no unanimity among the residents of Plalls themselves in disputes about the origin of one or another lead.

But ghosts can be found not only at festivals and in old castles. On the eve of Halloween, the British company, producing road-building materials, conducted a survey among drivers, based on the results of which it turned out that 45% of the surveyed motorists saw ghosts when they were driving. On the basis of the survey, a list of the most "populated" ghosts was drawn up.

In the first place was the extended M6 motorway connecting the central and north-western part of England, on which you can meet the Roman legionnaires moving by strict columns, the ghost of the deceased woman, as well as a phantom truck, which is sweeping along the roadway, then boil over the road. In second place, the Scottish road A9, on which the rider of the Victorian era is found and the coach harnessed by Horses is accompanied by Laces.

On the roads with a bad reputation, by the way, the unique signs of "carefully, ghosts", calling drivers to be attentive. It is worth noting that such signs are found in England not only on the motorways: they can be seen in one of the numerous parks of London, where are the ghosts of children, or a Tingagel Castle in County Cornwall, where the ghost of a woman wanders.

Hunting for ghosts in the UK is a matter of honorable and highly paid. It is investigated both the phenomenon of the existence of ghosts and the causes of each individual case. English scientists analyzed many data.

In most cases, the ghosts become villains, as well as their victims. Ghosts love spacious and darkened rooms. In this sense, the locks are suitable for them perfect: they have a place to ride and produce chains, terribly improve or froze high under the ceiling of the front room.

Here is a short program for those who wish to become mocking Casper (please do not accept the guide to action!):
1. Born in England, in the family of aristocrats (about 80% of ghosts have noble origin).
2. Stay in the castle (70% of cases).
3. Make the atrocity (here the variants are a great set) and not repent.
4. Become a victim of the villain (there are also many options) and not forgive the offender.

In Britain, ghosts are looking for even fund
"National Heritage" (besides
its main activity). IN 2007
year, on the eve of Halloween, he called
dozen most famous locks
With ghosts. Ranking is based on
book Researcher Shin Evans
"Ghosts: Mysterious Stories
national Heritage. " On the
book pages The author insists
on the existence of ghosts in 230
English castles and mansions,
which can be visited by buying
entrance ticket. Here is the top list
famous locks and their no less
famous disembodied tenants.

Blickling Hall Castle, Norfolk County.

He ranks first in the "Ghost"
Rating. The ghost appears here
Queen Anna Boleyn, second wife
King Heinrich VIII, which was
beheaded on May 19, 1536
suspicion of married and
State treason.
The ghost of the unfulfilled queen often
see sitting in one of the bedrooms,
At the same time, the severed head is peaceful
Runs her knees. Sometimes
the queen is grayly strolled by
lock rooms; in this case
the head of the unhappy holds in his hands.
Two more "tenants" live in the castle:
Spirit of good-natured comrades from Heinrich IV
- Knight John Fastolf, whom
great Shakespeare entered immediately in
several of their plays ("Windsor
Kumushki, "Heinrich IV", "Heinrich V")
as a falsefield and ghost arrogant
Sir Henry Hobart killed on a duel
In 1698.
Some eyewitnesses argue that
midnight before full moon all three
ghosts are going to the Big Hall
in front of the old fireplace and drink traditional
English tea with buns and creamy

Dunster Castle Castle, County Somerset.

"Man in green" free
walks around the rooms of the castle,
passes through the walls, says
In the museum shop.

QUARRY BANK MILL Castle, Cheshire County.

The castle is simply teeming by ghosts. With it
Builders' team died
So all the team they remained in
Castle. From these spirits should not be expected
noble saving in the air and
crazy sobs, their grude jokes and
ignorant, and in particularly stormy
nights on the castle spread Rugan and
the sounds of the invisible porushki are heard.

NEWTON HOUSE Castle, County Carmarthenshire.

In the XVIII century, here was strangled in one
from your admirers lady Eleanor
Cavendish. Since then, in the castle settled
Her ghost. When this lady appears
man begins the attack of suffocation,
someone invisible hands squeeze his throat
Strong and stronger ...

Gibside Hall Castle, Tyne and Wir County.

In the castle dwells "Causeless Countess"
, at night, on the bullion
her muffled sobs. Who was she
in life, why is crying and why
The ghost, no one knows.

Lyme Park Castle, Cheshire County.

At night, the captive guest may chance
come across the ghostly funeral
Procession with quiet clock music.
The procession slowly marches through
castle Park in compliance with all
rules of the ceremony.

Lanhydrock castle, County Cornwall.

Ghost Gentleman wanders around the rooms
middle-aged. In the archives of the castle is stored
information about that during the first
Civil war royalists hanged on
the gate of the castle is not a famous man,
which in description is surprisingly similar to
sold down the ghost here.

Hughenden Manor Castle, Buckinghamshire County.

Ghost Politics and Writer Benjamin
Dizraeli, Lord Bisconsfield, sometimes
Meets guests on the front staircase.
In the pettice he always sticks out
Snow white snowdrop. April 19 -
Lord's death - celebrated in
England as "Snowdrop Day"
(during the lifetime, the snowdrop was his beloved

Powis Castle Castle, Puez County.

In the dusk corridors and the transitions of the palace
visitors often see "Lady in Black",
feel the touch of her cold hands.

Belton House Castle, Lincolnshire County.

Mysterious "Gentleman in Black"
majestically walks near the bedroom
Queen, wasting ancient
Scottish song.

Right holder illustration English Heritage TRUST / PA Image Caption.

Bolsher's castle in Derbyshire, where, as they say, the ghost of a boy appears, who unnoticed guests for his arms, is recognized as the most terrible in England. This verdict castle built over the ancient burials was carried out by the employees of the English Heritage - a non-state fund for historical buildings and monuments of England .

The survey was attended by 1,800 English Heritage Employees, which were evaluated historical placeswhere they work, by the degree of terriety.

The Bolsher Castle employees listed different horrors taking place in it, including strange steps, clapping unfortunately doors, muted votes and even screams, inexplicable lights and in general the sensation of gravestone.

Bolsher was built in the XII century and since then in different centuries belonged to various noble genus England, while in 1883 he did not become uninhabited, and in 1945 his formal owner of the 7th graf Portland did not transfer the castle to the state of the state.

The castle is included in the list of essential monuments of antiquity and architecture of state importance.

Right holder illustration Image Caption. Cenilluert Castle in Warwickshire

The 900-year-old Cenilluert Castle in Warwickshire is named the second considerable historical building in England. Here, employees meet ghosts, and the ancient cradle swings in itself, and it smells like a tobacco smoke.

  • Dracula Castle closed for tourists due to bears
Right holder illustration Andrew Maybury / English Heritage TRUST / PA Image Caption.

Karisbruk's castle on White Island, famous primarily by the fact that in 1647-1648 it contained a lowered King of Charles I, also inhabited by horror by ghosts. It is believed that ghosts here wanders a lot, including girls, drowned in a local deep well.

The staff complains that the remote children's laughter is often heard in the building.

Right holder illustration Nigel Wallace-Iles / English Heritage TRUST / PA Image Caption.

"Our seats are impregnated with history, from bloody battles to dark cases," says Lucy Hutchings from English Heritage. "Our castles and palaces can be crazy, and some of our employees saw and heard what the explanation was not explained."

Right holder illustration English Heritage TRUST / PA Image Caption. Is it not terrible? House Charles Darwin in Kent is the most young in the list of ghosts. He also hurts horror

10 Creeted England

  • Cenilluert Castle in Warwickshire
  • Caenwall Castle in Cornwall
  • Whitby Abbey in North Yorkshire
  • Castle Biston and Woodland Park in Cheshire
  • Castle Duvr in Kent
  • House of Charles Darwin in Kent
  • Clifford Tower in North Yorkshire
  • Frameding Castle, Suffolk

This place is almost not England, but not yet Scotland. Because of its border location in the old days, armed clashes and conflicts were constantly arising here, because they built a large castle, as a stronghold and support, where they could relax the tired sentiers.

Over time, closer to the thirteenth century, on the site of the guard post, in essence - the lonely tower, among the shady groves, the present construction began. Then the Calling Castle acquired new owners, notable gentlemen, by the surname Gray.

In the history of the castle, which stands to this day, several kings stayed in it, but he is not famous at all. Of course, here the most real ghosts live. Where are they, if not in an old English castle?

Gray, the first owner, was not the best kinderman on earth. He was cruel, merganly and Zhaden. He tormented, tortured enemies falling into his paws, and sometimes, even sideways of looked acquaintances or neighbors. In general, the type was extremely negative.

Yes, and the subsequent owner of the castle, one way or another related to the warmth of some kind of relationship, were one more disgusting. All of them, as the selection were greedy and evil. Although, there may be some exceptions, but it is not interesting to tell about it.

However, time was going, and the need to fight, defending their frontiers, disappeared by itself, and the hosts became "extorted" the territory. Around the Chillingham broke a luxury garden, put trees and flowers. The castle acquired brilliance and glory of one of the most secular seats of modernity.

The twentieth century for the castle was a turning point, at the very beginning of his castle, having lost the last owner, began to slowly collapse. In the times of the Great Patriotic War, there were a hospital there, and the garden was charged and burned in the furnaces, trying to warm the churricane wounded heroes.

After the war, the castle finally came into decay, the ceiling collapsed him, and only the ubiquitous English pigeons were inhabited inside. And, of course, a couple of real ghosts, attracted to the castle again the close attention of the public.

At the beginning of the eighties, the castle bought Sir Hamphrey, the husband of the last of the genus of Gray. He spent a huge fortune to give him shine and beauty and organized a museum in Chillingham, recreated the situation and the spirit of various eras.

And at night, the dark corridors are roaming not the biased souls of people who have tortured by tyrants. Chilling this time The most "prolific" in the ghost of the castle of England. The ghost of a small boy wanders, alively closed in the wall, along with his father, the executioner sometimes returns to the torture room of the basement, abandoned by him several hundred years ago, and Lady Mary Berkeley suffers from her husband who left her husband, leaving the paintings in one of the rooms.

But the most terrible place The castle is a dungeon, no windows and doors. You can get there only through a narrow Laz in the wall. In this dwarf, a huge number of machines of human bodies with broken hands and legs were discovered.

To date, in the castle of the museum, and anyone who wishes it can visit him. Visit is open, starting with the Easter week and until October. Every day, except Saturday, when a variety of cleaning and prevention work is carried out.

See also: