Self-journey in Goa. Preparation for self-journey to India in Goa

Goa offers for tourists quite diverse rest, and housing prices, excursions, food make it possible to go to this paradise of India to this paradise. Favorable weather, long tourist season, always warm sea, interesting sights make a trip to Goa Savar simple and exciting for most tourists.

Visa on Goa

Having gathered to rest on Goa Dickarem, for tourists from Russia, a visa will be required. Goa is one of the states of India, the required visa must be framed in the Indian Visa Center of Moscow or St. Petersburg. If you live far from Moscow, the visa can be framed over the Internet. The electronic visa is provided after filling in the questionnaire and pay 60 dollars. The finished visa comes to email. The visa must be printed and an employee of the migration service is charged when passport control in the airport of Goa.

Flight to Goa

How much will take the flight depends on whether you fly direct flight or with a transplant. Flew from Moscow to rest in Goa on average maybe twice a week. Flight time 7 hours. Many prefer to get to Goa with a transfer to New Delhi. From the capital of India on Goa daily can fly more than dozen flights. Flight time from Delhi to Goa 2.5 hours. It is more convenient to fly from Moscow to Goa in October, November, December, January and February, at this time of the flights most.

Being in Goa, it is possible to fly in India anywhere in less than a hundred dollars. Sometimes you fly to one of the neighboring states cheaper than to go. Even if you plan to fly only one way, a ticket can do only 10 dollars. If you decide to fly on stock, do not forget to check how many baggage can be taken and is not provided for it a separate board.

Weather on Goa

Tourist season It takes place on Goa in October, November, December, January and February. During these months, dry weather is installed, rains that could spoil the journey, almost no. In November, December, January and February are also celebrated the greatest number Sunny days.

The time when the wet season comes - from May to September. In June-July, the weather worsens, the amount of rain increases. However, the rains season does not mean that the journey in India is not possible during this period. The sediments fall daily, but most rains are not protracted. The sea is elected equally both in the rainy season and in November, December, January and February. average temperature Water is 30 - 35 degrees.

Housing on Goa

Housing for Goa in October, November, December, January and February it is easy to remove in place, but in new Year holidays About housing is better to take care in advance because of the great influx of tourists. You can even rent housing even on the shore, from 3 - 4 dollars per room. In the rainy season, the weather is worsening, housing prices fall. Also, housing prices will be lower if you decide to remove it for a long time.

Attractions Goa

It is difficult to say exactly how much on Goa churches, but these are the main attractions of the state. You can get to most of them by bus, go on a moped, rental prices from 3 - 4 dollars depends on how many days you want to rent it, or buy excursions and ride with a local turbule. Attractions that are mandatory part of any excursion:

  • Basilica bom Jesus. It is easiest to get to her easier from Panja, here you can look at the most richly removed basilica of India.
  • What place is to attend all the excursions to the old Goa - this is the Cathedral of St. Catherine.
  • The Church of St. Francis of Assisi - the next place where all excursions are sent to the old Goa.
  • The Church of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception is a place where tourists are trying to go, who decided to relax on Goa to look at the second largest bell of the world.
  • What another place is attracted by numerous excursions and it is really worth looking at him - this is the Cathedral of St. Caetan, a copy of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome.

Other Attractions Goa - Museums, exhibition halls and libraries. The entrance to them is usually worth not more than a dollar. To visit them it is worth going to Panja or Vasco da Gamma. If the museum excursions you decide to organize yourself, then getting from the museum to the museum best of all motors. It is possible to go to any of the cities by train or bus.

Beaches Goa

For most tourists, Goa beaches are also the sights of the state. Beaches, a trip where the savage will be most interesting:

  • Pallem is a beach where to go to buy the best local food. You can get through Margao. Picturesque nature, azure sea, but prices, by the standards of Goa, high.
  • Mordima - here you can find the food of Russian cuisine, getting easier from Mapus. Prices are somewhat overestimated. The sea is fine enough.
  • Calangute - here you can buy souvenirs, but remember that in initially you will always be called prices higher than it really is.
  • Kandolim is a place where you can buy fresh seafood in fishermen.


No matter how much souvenirs were asked for souvenirs - always tramble. To buy and bring from Goa Alone Most of the tourists are trying:

  • Copper products.
  • Handmade products from bamboo, clay, coconut, sea shells. Bring some fragile products to be able to be a difficult task.
  • Carved furniture, but remember that it will also be not easy to bring it.
  • Cotton yarn and lace.

Buying anything on Goa, find out how much it is possible to carry across the border and how many kilograms allows you to bring your airline. Remember that you will not be able to take out food, fruits, animals and artifacts.


Special attention deserves surfing, because many tourists decide to fly to rest on Goa for him. Surfing best in November, December, January and February. The most suitable for surfing the sea can be noted on the beaches of Arabol and Asvent in North Goa. We also have the weather in November, December, January and February contribute to the sea of \u200b\u200bkite surfing. As for diving, it is impossible to do it in the rainy season when the weather is restricted, and the sea of \u200b\u200bthe shore is muddy.


To stay by the savage, do not forget to bring a first-aid kit. Of course, it is possible to buy medicines in India, but Indian medicines may have other names, you will need time on their search. Here are the drugs worth buying and bringing with you on a journey of a savage:

  • an antibiotic of a wide range of action;
  • spasmolitic, painful;
  • imodium, laxative, activated carbon;
  • antihistamine;
  • means for processing open wounds;
  • bandage, wool, leukoplasty.

In addition, think about what specific medications you need how much it may be necessary. Try to bring them yourself or find out the doctor that international names are the necessary medicines.

Many people are sent independently and for this it is not necessary to use the services of tourist agents. The whole process will consist of 4 main items that you yourself can easily perform.

Indian visa

If you decide to go on Goa yourself, then the first Indian visa will have to take care of. If you are citizens of Russia or Ukraine, then in the consulate of India, semi-annual visas are now issued, according to which you may easily live in 6 months. Citizens of Belarus issues Indian visas for 1 month.

To use your visa as much as possible, it is worth planning your own on Goa at the beginning of November, when the tourist season and favorable climatic conditions begins. Up until the end of April, you can enjoy the excellent resort atmosphere.

It will be necessary through the Consulate website to fill out a questionnaire for a visa in English. The consulate will need to provide copies of booked air tickets to both ends and hotel reservation. In the near future, it is planned to facilitate tourists to design a visa to India and will be able to receive a visa on arrival at the airport.

For registration of a visa to India will need to be in both ends. If you buy direct flights to Goa, it will be the most expensive option. The cheapest tickets will be before Delhi, where you will need to make a transfer to the plane of local airlines and fly to Goa. Such a way is less comfortable, however, for budget travelers is more acceptable. You can also buy tickets to Mumbai, where buy tickets to Goa. From Dabolim Airport to your hotel at Goa at a taxi.

Optionally on Goa for the entire planned period of residence. It will be enough for a couple of days to relax from the road. Next you can find yourself a cozy house near the sea. You can also remove part of the house at a price of $ 7 per day, which is naturally cheaper than living in the hotel.

Be sure to be at home, buy yourself a tourist insurance for a trip to India for the period of all your travel. It costs a little, but in the case of what, she will cover your expenses. Especially if you plan to rent a motorbike, without insurance you will not hurt. The accident on Goa with the participation of Russians you will watch daily, and pay from your pocket treatment in Indian hospitals on the pocket only very rich people. Keep in mind that the standard insurance, which is issued in travel agencies to travel to Goa, does not reimburse expenses in the event of an accident and exercise by extreme sports. When contacting the insurance company, immediately explain what kind of insurance you need and what you plan to do on Goa.

Feed on Goa is best in beach cafes and restaurants, as they prepare tasty there, and prices are quite acceptable. Supermarkets with a huge choice of food here are not, and it doesn't want to cook for yourself.

Movement on Goa

The most popular type of transport on Goa is a motorbike. It can be found both to rent and hire a taxi driver on a moped or motorcycle. Movement on the roads does not occur by the rules, so for foreigners there is a high probability to get into an accident, especially if they have no big driving experience.

Goa - very popular place Rest of the British and Russians. Many people who can work remotely leaving here on the "wintering". Hot climate, warm sea, fruits and seafood, yoga classes - all this helps to distract from the bustle and look at the world in a new way. The tourist season begins and ends in May, with the onset of the rainy season.

It should be borne in mind that for a trip to Goa, Russian citizens need a visa. Usually, no problems arise with the receipt of a visa. You need to fill out a questionnaire, provide two color photos, copies of the Russian passport and passports, copies of airline tickets and reservation at the hotel.
Small trick: If you plan to look for accommodation in place, you can book a hotel with the possibility of free cancellation on "", and after receiving a visa to cancel it.

The air ticket can be viewed on the sites aggregators, where the offers of different airlines are collected. Sometimes you can find a finished tour of the ticket ticket - it's even easier, because in this case you can leave some of the things in the hotel and travel light.

Insurance. Be sure to issue it, preferably in a large reliable insurance company. Insurance will cost you about 30-40 rubles in one day. Carefully read what is not included in the concept of "insured event".

With the placement, everything is very simple - just walk along the street, and you will see a lot of signs with the inscription "Room for Rent". In North Goa, this is mostly mini-hotels, on South - Bungalow. In addition, any taxi driver will gladly tell you where it is possible and takes there.

Movement. Here is a left-sided movement. On the North Goa there are a lot of motorcycles, and few observes the rules, so it is extremely recommended to rent a transport, it can be dangerous. It is better to move on taxi. Of course, with taxi drivers, too, you need to bargain.

Indians are a very soulful people. "White man" for them - as a new one with another planet. Therefore, do not be surprised that they will literally show your finger and take pictures with you, especially this fate awaits people with light skin and hair. Well, of course, every day will be accompanied by taxi offers, massage, and every passerby will not be lazy to tell you "Hellow". This is especially true of North Goa.

North Goa Differs in crowded beaches and nightlife. The most famous beaches are here - Bug, Calangute, Ashwem, Anjuna, Aguada.

South Goa.
Here are the very beautiful beaches And the most expensive hotels are located. Here calmly, and everything has to contemplation and rest from civilization. The most favorite beach of Europeans - Palis. Clear sea and palm forest on the shore hung tourists. Here are small bungalows, so, falling asleep, you can hear the noise of the sea.

It is best to visit several beaches during a trip, so you will make a complete picture of this state.

Yes, we thought for a long time and decided for a long time, and finally decided on the place. However, as it turned out later, we practically did not know anything not only about the country, but also about the rest in it, which, however, did not stop us - there is also an Internet where you can find out everything about the estimated tour of the trip so that there are no unforeseen surprises on arrival.

India is an amazing country, but practically not known to us. All that we heard about it are beautiful outfits, dances and songs on any occasion, spices and yoga. Therefore, I had to collect and explore the mass of the information, which until now we had little interesting. About India and about Goa in particular, you can read thousands of books and still do not understand anything, you can visit thousands of forums and sites and make an erroneous opinion, but it's easier to just go and see yourself. However, before you get to India will have to overcome many obstacles complicating life. To begin with, we just watched the world map: all india, not excluding gOA Located in the northern hemisphere, which says that summer in Russia and the summer in India comes at one time, only the conditions differ greatly. High season in Goa from December to March, many come earlier, as prices in December-January are too biting, reaching sometimes until the absurd (under new Year The price of the bike was pulled up to 1200 rupees per day). For this reason, the mass of wintering people lives from October to April, but in October in Goa there is still silent after the rainy season (Monsuna), and in April already too hot in front of him.

From Moscow to Dabolima (airport in Goa) more than 5000 km and, though, such a distance is theoretically can be overcome on land, it is extremely difficult to do this, although experiments are happening similar to the story. However, this is an option for those who love to travel very much and really does not like aircraft. I did not study the area of \u200b\u200bthe land trip to India, so we will return to the aircraft.

What you need to do long before the trip to Goa

  • Duration of the trip and type of visa to India. It is important to be determined with the trip period, because it depends on it. What kind of visa to India is worth drawing up: an electronic for a month, one-time on three, and maybe you need multivisa for 6 months. , not at all difficult and most economical
  • Route in Goa. The easiest way to get to Goa is to take a ticket to Dabolima, but it is not the most economical, while the routine is horror, although personally we are for the first visit to India. By the word of the affiliation to Delhi, and there, there is a train on the train, you can save about 25% on tickets, besides, in Delhi fly direct flights from many cities. In addition, you can use the airport in Mumbai and come to Goa on the train. The last two options will allow you to see not tourist India, and if you decide on buses, the dive will be complete, but we did not take risks, especially for the trip just a month.
  • Buying a cheap ticket to goa. With a greater desire, efforts and droplets of luck, especially in cases of timely planning of the trip - here to help and price a ticket in both ends of about $ 250-300 per person. By the way, you can still take advantage of charters and hot vouchers, the last price of the Cheap Flight will also offer a transfer to the hotel along with accommodation in it.
  • Booking housing in Goa. Here, the easiest solution will take advantage of any: the Agoda, Booking and or use the form at the bottom of the article (so also thank you. Accommodation, and much cheaper. For example, the cheapest room at our time cost on Bukin 700 rupees (I do not take into account Koyomesto in the community number), while in Aromball we settled in a two-room for 400 rupees, from April throwing the price almost to 200 from April
  • Tourist insurance in India. I haven't revealed insurance yet, but I think they are in the near future, because I already have a lot of materials and life instructive situations. In general, to take or not take while deciding for yourself, but the stake decided, do not extend, buying a piece of thousands of paper. Choose reliable and proven companies. Something found on me, and I am in fear before the refusal to receive a visa to India and the loss of tickets and all sortsmagors issued insurance for three days. She has included protection from not departure, and luggage loss and other factors dependent on me, including various injuries until my settlement in Goa. Running forward will say that even though she was not useful, but the soul warmed himself.
  • Study of forums and accession to thematic communities. Forums, such as Vintsky Forum, will leave at your discretion, as far as they can trust themselves, they write ordinary people there. But joining the communities, first of all in Facebook, is an extremely useful effect. You still do not have an account in the FB? If you like to travel, I advise you to start, it will help save on trips, according to statistics it is there really a truly lively audience, placing not only useful information, but also favorable local offers. Of course, I joined the most popular among Russian-speaking people in Goa. So I was able to navigate at prices and partially plunge into the life of this amazing place, as well as make a small memo on holiday in Goa.
  • Finally copy money on vacation. I somehow wrote, take the average travel budget (for a month without a road, excursions and will be about $ 400 in Goa in 2016, the rest is as shrugging), throw 50%, and leave the NH to the return ticket

On this, perhaps, you can finish a list of cases performed in advance. Everything else should be done immediately before the trip.

Not long before the trip to India

Of course, I did not write about such obvious things as designing bank cards, buying tourist equipment: backpacks, suitcases or as you like to relax, and print copies of documents and photos. This minimum is always necessary, since you like to travel soon. And now I will proceed to really necessary actions:

  • Registration of a visa to India. About, my spouse has already prepared an article. Therefore, I will not stop at this step too detailed. The main thing is that the visa in India received in the visa center itself begins to act since its receipt, and not from the moment of entry into the country, so it is impossible to arrange it too in advance, at the same time there is always a chance of tightening the design process, so the best time on My look two weeks before the trip. And for the visa online for 30 days (which will receive by arrival) gives a certain time corridor (approximately 30 days) in which you should enter the country and from the moment of entry it will start your action.
  • If you want to make or make a good deed. In the group Goa Piple, there is always a lot of people who want something from a distant homeland, not free of charge, at least for plus to karma. We brought Russian delicacies to friends, and they sheltered us. Vivid to India, we will not earn a lot (with the exception of professional activities), but you can get a lot of kind words and tips.
  • Buying products to India. A couple of days before the departure, you can buy rare products: buckwheat, sausage, herring, caviar, cigarettes - in short, the fact that you will be hard on a foreign land. You can take boldly and much, just not to deteriorate, because in India the suitcases as the rules are carrying without things. By the way, if you fly with a lourogenant, then I can also buy food into the salon, of course, not a boiled chicken with a egg, but a piece of fried meat or just sandwiches can be absorbed.
  • Buying currency. In fact, with a modern unstable course, it may not be difficult and not worth it. Cash dollars and euros are good and can always be changed in Asia, and in some countries the dead presidents are the second currency. However, it is always worth remembering about. By the way, in Goa there are banks outstanding rupees without a commission, and with fairly loyal to customers banks (I have one of the cards of Tinkoff Black) here it is more profitable to shoot. For example, 100 bucks purchased for 7080 rubles, I replaced 6700 rupees here, receiving a course of 0.94. After a couple of days, removing 10,000 rupees from the card, I paid 10246 rubles received a much more favorable course 0.98
  • Shuttle service to the place of residence in Goa.Here we were safely missed, fortunately we were lucky on the plane, total taxis came twice cheaper (the total taxi cost of 1500 rupees). Although I was lying, we wanted to get from the airport with several buses with our own way, but we were still lucky with the meeting of Iskander. On the road always.
  • Tourist first aid kit on the road. It makes sense to take care of his health in advance and buy a minimum set of inexpensive drugs. - This is what should be at hand and it does not matter that India is famous for its medicines. Sometimes alone herbs are not enough, and domestic chemistry comes to the rescue. And already peroxide and iodine - integral satellites of any tourist

Here, perhaps, all the preparation, in the idea of \u200b\u200beverything about everything you need a couple of days, so it's better not to be lazy. For convenience and simplicity, I have prepared a few more articles of the Soviets:

  • - What to take with you on the trip
  • - Highlights of rest that better know in advance

Once in Goa, I can say with confidence, so you can safely take a step towards one of the most ancient cultures of the world.

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