The largest private aircraft in the world. The most expensive aircraft: what is the feature of expensive cars

11/25/2019 at 13:05 · VeraschegoLeva. · 7 210

Top 10 most expensive aircraft in the world

Currently, the flight is perceived by people as something ordinary and familiar. What would we do without this invention now? The first aircraft was created by the Russian engineer. In 1882, Alexander Mozhaysky raised his first developed design of the aircraft into the air.

Later, the aircraft was built by two brothers - Wilbur and Orvill Wright. Currently there are a lot of disputes about who actually built the first aircraft. According to many data, the brothers were still the second creators. But they managed to personally manage the vessel rising in the air. This is exactly what he encouraged further to develop aircraft construction worldwide.

Nowadays, many people buy for themselves the most expensive and luxury aircraft. Some are built on their individual order. At the same time, no one thinks about spent millions of dollars to new technologies that provide security and comfort.

10. Boeing 747-8 VIP, $ 150 million

Boeing 747-8 VIP. It was bought by one famous billionaire from Hong Kong. The owner of this model was Joseph Lau. The plane has its own personal exclusive design. He was made specifically on request. The plane has the latest and best technologies that ensure the safety of passengers.

The owner always travels to his aircraft with luxury. On the plane you can see large video visits on the walls, as well as a screw staircase and beautifully decorated vaulted ceilings. Externally, the plane looks pretty usually, but the luxury reigns inside. Presumably, no more than 400 passengers can accommodate in the cabin of such an aircraft. This is only connected with the fact that it has an unusual design.

9. Boeing 747-400, $ 220 million

Owner of the aircraft called Boeing 747-400 The prince al-Valid Bin Talal is considered. The aircraft was made specifically for his order in which he wished to take into account many points.

The plane was bought in 2003. After him decided to remake a little inside. Large bedrooms were made, as well as dining room. It's amazing that the prince wished that his personal plane put the most real throne on which he might seem all guests. Just a plane can fit 14 guests and 15 people personnel.

8. Boeing 747-430, $ 233 million

Aircraft Boeing 747-430 Owns the richest monarch in the world. This person is Sultan Borneo. The owner spent on this plane with interest.

About $ 100 million went to buy this remarkable transport. But after buying in the interior it was decided to make your individual decor. The decor of the aircraft was fully completed from the present, which demanded from the owner of the costs for another 130 million.

On board there is a bedroom, a living room and even a bathroom, each of which is decorated with gold details that were personally thought out with the best designers in the world. The washbasin, located in the bathroom, is completely made of gold. Sultan has 3 more vessels, but it is precisely the largest acquisition of it.

7. E-2D ADVANCED HAWKEY, $ 235 million

Airplane with model name E-2D Advanced Hawkey - Pretty unusual. This is a military aircraft that is used by the naval forces of the United States of America.

This aircraft is great, as a combination of many modern technologies. It has a new developed variant of the radar, as well as satellite communication system. The plane can very easily perform various combat mitigation, as equipped with the latest turbo engines. The electronic scanning system is also built on board. All this helps the vessel calmly maneuver in the air under all weather conditions and at any time of the day.

It is worth noting that a special system has been installed in this model that allows you to manage rockets from the aircraft while being on Earth.

6. P-8A Poseidon, $ 290 million

Airplane model P-8A Poseidon It was built by one famous company. The model was designed for the United States of America's Naval Forces.

The plane was specially equipped with a system of opposition. This model is considered the best among defensive worldwide. On board are torpedoes, bombs, rockets. It is worth noting that this aircraft can work even in unmanned mode. It can explore the situation completely without your participation. But the price for such an aircraft is quite high, but it is worth it. The model is equipped with everything necessary.

5. C-17A GlobeMaster, $ 330 million

Model C-17A GlobeMaster was also created specifically for air force USA. This is one of the biggest aircraft of military troops. The plane was created to fulfill various missions, as well as for the transport of goods, wounded fighters.

Currently, this is not the only plane that has such high characteristics. The aircraft also has on board all the necessary equipment. In stock Now there are about 200 pieces of such wonderful models.

4. Airbus A340-300 CUSTOM, $ 350 million

Plane Airbus A340-300 Custom It was manufactured for a billionaire living in Russia. This man became Alisher Usmanov. Initially, the owner asked to execute the plane to order in honor of his father.

On the this moment This is the largest plane in Russia. It is believed that he even more aircraftwhere the President of the Russian Federation moves itself. This aircraft model is quite expensive, but this is due to its modernization in the interior.

The plane has the newest technology. About 380 passengers can safely be on board. It is very convenient if you plan to transport guests for some important event.

3. F-22 Raptor, $ 350 million

Currently F-22 Raptor It is considered the best military aircraft. It is also considered one of the most expensive. The aircraft has 2 motor. But he is designed for one person. This model is now in service with air force. Due to its high characteristics, the plane is able to perform various tasks.

Unfortunately, production was stopped in 2012. But at that time quite a few batches of this model were released. It is worth noting that this vessel can even shoot down the rockets of enemies, as it can fly on supersonic speed. In most cases, it is not displayed on radar, which makes it indispensable during intelligence.

2. Airbus A380 Super Jumbo, $ 500 million

The largest Airbus A380 Super Jumbo Created with the latest technologies and characteristics. In the cabin of such an aircraft there are comfortable and comfortable chairs, as well as a modern onboard entertainment system.

At the same time, the new model quite economically spends fuel, which is very convenient for long flights. Inside can accommodate about 470 people with staff. But the price for such a luxury is quite high, but it is worth it.

1. B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER, $ 2.2 billion

In the first place on our list of the most expensive aircraft in the world is the model B-2 SPIRIT STEALTH BOMBER. The aircraft is in the ministry at the US Air Force. On board there are all the necessary technologies and equipment.

Such a model was involved in the most difficult and more serious events. It is also known that such an aircraft is equipped with comfortable chairs that can be decomposed by pilots during short sleep.

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12.09.2018 , 08:16 41462

Fly on airplanes, for us it became commonplace. Comfortably and quickly get from point A, to point B. For many, it is just a means of movement. And if you make a plane so that it is not distinguished from a fashionable hotel? Let's see what the most dear airplanes And that they have an interesting on board.

Boeing 747- 8 VIP - 153 million dollars

The owner is a billionaire from Hong Kong Joseph Lau. The plane was modernized and vaulted ceilings, video visits on the walls and a spiral staircase appeared in its cabin. Do not live beautifully! Exclusive design and most modern technologies. This aircraft also has another name "Dreamliner".

Boeing 747-400 CUSTOM - 200 million dollars

Order for Prince al-Valida Bean Talal from Saudi Arabia. Having bought a plane, the prince made a palace from him! The center is located the throne, there are two chic bedrooms and a dining room for 14 people. As servants on board are 11 flight attendants.

Boeing 747-430 CUSTOM - 233 million dollars

Owner - Sultan Brunei with islands Borneo. This plane was bought for 100 million, and invested another 130 million dollars, turned the golden mansion. Pure gold was used for interior decoration. For decorating the living room, bedroom and bathroom, golden parts and Lalique crystals were used, the washbasin was completely made of gold. Sultan has three aircraft - this flying mansion, the biggest.

Airbus A340-300 CUSTOM - 350-500 million dollars

Airbus A340-300 Custom - is the biggest aircraft in Russia and belongs to Alisra Usmanov, russian billionaire. He also has the name "Burkhan". The cost of the aircraft model is 238 million dollars, improved and upgrading the luxurious interior and specificationsThe cost has become within 500 million dollars. This aircraft rises to a height of 11.5 thousand km. The liner initially accommodate 400 passengers, but after processing the board can take no more than 100, but as well! Dear finish, gold elements of the interior, encrusted with gems furniture, even light bulbs with lamps, and those are made of noble metals.

Airbus A380 Custom - $ 500 million

And again, Prince al-Valida Bin Talal from Saudi Arabia. The owner of the largest private aircraft in the world. On board this giant, there is health Center, garage for two cars, room for hawks, stables, bedrooms and bathrooms with shower. In order to place all this in the aircraft I had to remove passenger places.

As we see, airplanes are not just a vehicle. If a person occupies a significant place in the world, he may well afford to buy a plane and make it from him at least a palace, even a five-star hotel.

The plane today is the fastest and most comfortable vehicle. In just a few hours of flight you can cross the ocean and to be in any country of the world.

Among the total mass of standard aircraft, models are knocked out, which are characterized by technical parameters and luxurious equipment. Such aircraft are intended for private use, transportation of world elite and demonstration of military power.

So, the most expensive plane in the world - what is he?

This aircraft refers to the class of business aviation and produced at the factory in the city of Toronto. Its value is $ 57 million. It is able to overcome huge distances without further fueling. For example, you can fly from New York to Tokyo without stopping.

Operated for the transport of rich people and political figures. The cabin has leather seats, part of the furniture is made of natural wood and decorated with gold.

A series of BBJ aircraft refers to passenger airliners, which are designed to transport wealthy people. The cost is $ 79 million. Boeing Business Jets Salon 3 almost three times longer than a regular aircraft, capacity from 25 to 50 people.

In total, 89 such models are operated in the world. It is amazing, but you can buy a luxurious aircraft in a small London store, the truth is allowed only to VIP clients and by appointment.

3. Private Boeing 757

This aircraft costs $ 100 million. And belongs to the well-known business magnate, and today the US president is Donald Trump. At one time, the Trump bought the aircraft from a major entrepreneur, having commissioned the golden paint to write his surname on the airliner. Therefore, seeing the photo of the aircraft with a bright TRUMP inscription, you definitely not be mistaken.

In the cabin of the vessel can be up to 43 people. Inside there is a bedroom with a huge TV, a dining room, a gorgeous bathroom, each chair is decorated with the family's surname coat of arms and easily folded into a comfortable bed.

The cost of this model is $ 150 million. From the inside the plane resembles a real palace - it has several bedrooms, conference rooms, a kitchen and a work area. Naturally, all this is made of exclusive materials and in original design. The owner of the Boeing 747 VIP is a billionaire from Hong Kong.

This aircraft also applies to the largest and long aircraft. It is equipped with four GENERAL ELECTRIC engines and is able to overcome without stopping more than 8,000 nautical miles.

The plane is in the private use of Sultan from Bruna. A few years ago, the vessel was modified and it became much more expensive - $ 233 million.

The bulk of the money is spent on a unique design, precious metals are used in the interior decor, and the washbasin is fully made of gold. There is a few bedrooms in the cabin, a living room and a huge bathroom, everything for the convenience and recreation of the demanding owner.

An elegant intelligence aircraft was designed for the US government, the cost is $ 290 million. Its main task is to search and destroy underwater enemy air transport.

On board are torpedoes, bombs and rockets, also a military aircraft performs various rescue operations. Poseidon is produced since 2012 and today is considered the most reliable defensive aerial aviation in the world.

The model was being developed for the United States, and in 2012 after the release of 190 aircraft was removed from production. Today, the F-22 Raptor is the most perfect military aerial and in the ranking of the value of combat aircraft occupies the very first position - $ 350 million.

The aircraft can fly in all weather conditions, develops the extensively high speed, remains elusive for radar and is able to knock up enemy rockets from a long distance.

Russian entrepreneur Alisher Usmanov clearly does not need money and can afford a plane for more than previous models. Aviation worker, performed on special order Alisher, is estimated at $ 500 million.

The aircraft capacity is 400 passengers, and the Airbus A340-300 itself can rise to a height of more than 11 thousand km. It is noteworthy that the plane is unofficially called "Burkhan" - in honor of Father Usmanova.

Take a look at the photo of the aircraft and appreciate how expensive and chic it looks like. The cost of the model is $ 550 million. It belongs to this miracle aircraft Prince from Saudi Arabia. The cabin can accommodate 1000 passengers. Inside the aircraft there is:

  • bathroom and shower cabins;
  • somewhat bedrooms;
  • restroom;
  • garage for two cars;
  • stable;
  • prince birds;
  • room with wellness services.

How much is the most expensive plane in the world? The cost of a small, but very powerful bomber is $ 2.1 billion. because of high Price The US government was forced to reduce special order, so now in service with US there are only 20 models of B-2 Spirit.

The aircraft is characterized by super protection, equipped with rockets and nuclear bombs, easily reflects attacks of opponents. The aircraft was used during the conflict with Iraq and Afghanistan. Also on rumors in the pilot cabin there is a function for fast sleep.

The plane is an expensive technique, production takes years, there are dozens of companies and thousands of specialists in various fields. Today, aviation firmly entered our life: every person can buy a ticket, come to the airport and go to any point of the planet. Check the price on the flight is very simple, but how much is the plane itself?

Consider the most expensive aviation models among private and military vessels, we learn why the cost of some of them is so great.

Top 10 most expensive aircraft

The development of the aircraft is a complex process that lasts for years. All previous construction processes are laid in the price. The newest military developments are considered the most expensive, which can be paid by units of states in the world. When designing passenger liners, the budget is strictly calculated. Invested money will have to pay off as early as possible.

1. Northrop B-2 Spirit

First place in the list takes a heavy american bomber, the cost of development of which exceeded $ 45 billion dollars. If we consider that 21 copy was produced, then the cost of one unit will be equal to 2.1 billion.

B-2 in the refueling process

It is a superheavy bomber who could remain unnoticed in the air and carry nuclear and stuffing armament. Aerodynamic scheme B-2 - flying wing. In addition to the radio absorbing coating of the housing, the jets of engines are shielded. The development began during the Cold War, the first board was represented by the public in 1988. In the modern period, modernization was held on the basis of Northrop Grumman Corp..

In 2008 near pacific base NATO One of the most expensive aircraft in the world for 2018 was lost in a plane crash.

2. Airbus A380 Super Jumbo

Talk about how much the most expensive private airliner is. He belongs to the nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, Prince Al Valida. The company "Airbus" built this model A380 on a special order. The interior layout was made according to the requirements of the royal family. The cost of the order amounted to $ 488 million without taking into account the installed equipment that is not included in the package.

Characteristics of a private liner according to information of one of the publications

It is noteworthy that a similar model for the airline "Emirites" with the conditions increased comfort sold almost for the same cost. Two-candy liner, inside there are stables for transportation of horses, dining room, parking for cars, bedrooms and bathrooms. Interior decoration in gold color is more like the design of the palace. This is the largest private board in the world.

3. Airbus A340-300

Wide-body "A340-300" is produced for passenger trafficBut sometimes the manufacturer makes exceptions. Private liner belongs to the Russian businessman and the Petsenate Alisher Usmanov. It is not known for sure how much such purchase cost him, but the amount exactly exceeds 350 million.

Personal plane Alisher Usmanova

Usmanov is a rich man, he owns one of the most big Yachts. In the world, a private aircraft for 100 friends and relatives does not surprise anyone. On board is equipped with a working office, a recreation area, a bedroom. The board wears the name of the father of the businessman - "Burkhan" and painted in the colors of chocolate.

4. F-22 Raptor

The US Fighter Military Fighter is produced simultaneously by two large companies: "Boeing" and "Lockheed Martin Corp.". It is considered one of the expensive in the world. When taking into account all the costs of development and release, one "F-22" is estimated at $ 300-350 million. The newspaper "The Washington Post" called the development of unjustified, indicating that the flight of the fighter would cost a military department of $ 44,000. Later, these data were confirmed.

American military equipment is the most expensive in the world

It can cover troops and apply opponent's aviation strikes in all weather conditions. The maximum speed is 2400 km / h.


It was originally developed by the McDonnell Douglas Corporation, but after a merger with "Boeing" the latter officially became the manufacturer. Dear military transport aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 256,350 kg. Supplied both on its own market and on the external. Among buyers military departments of the following countries:

  • Australia;
  • India;
  • Canada;
  • Great Britain.

C-17 in Antarctica

The minimum price is $ 218000000.

6. P-8A Poseidon

Sea plane designed on the basis of P-3 for tracking submarines and their destruction. The design repeats the form of Boeing 737-800ERX. This model is delivered only to the internal market of America, the "Neptune" model is sold abroad, differing from the "Poseidon" form and characteristics.

Patrol Anti-Range Squadron Squadron VP-16

Equipped with ground radar, internal and external pendants of rocket pendants. The cost of one unit of the aircraft equals $ 200 million.

7. Boeing 747-430 CUSTOM

Seventh place in Top-10 occupies a private liner of Sultan Brunei, Hassanal Bolki. Officially registered to the government of the country. The owner feeds a passion for luxurious techniques, has a collection of 600 cars of the Rolls-Royce brand.

It is this liner belongs to Sultan Brunei

How much was the plane in a special configuration, not disclosed. According to preliminary data, it is estimated at $ 2,000,000,000. One of the most expensive private aircraft inside is divided into separate rooms, there is a room, a meeting room.

8. E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

American aircraft equipment is one of the most successful in the world and exactly the most expensive. The E-2D aircraft of a long-range radar detection was supplied for all of his own country and other states: in Japan, France, Israel, Egypt and China. Currently, an upgrade of technology was produced, a modern model in the amount of 24 pieces will be delivered for US military needs.

Unique plane

Military board can easily detect targets within 540 kilometers radius. In 1/2 radius is able to detect the winged rockets of the enemy. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of one aircraft exceeds 150 million.

9. Boeing 747-400 Custom

The personal aircraft of the King of Saudi Arabia Family is striking luxury. Dining room for 14 places, two bedrooms. For the owner equipped a special comfortable chair. The whole interior is made in gold. Shells in toilets from expensive stone, plasma screens and expensive flooring. The price of the aircraft is estimated at $ 156000000.

King Saudi Arabia during a visit to Indonesia

10. Boeing 747- 8 VIP

The exclusive version of the two-candy "Boeing" was produced 11 times for various persons. The most expensive model belongs to an anonymous client. Journalists are confident that this is one of the leaders of the Middle East State.

Interior of an airplane inside

The aircraft salon is trimmed so that the passenger feels comfort in everything: a spacious bedroom, a relaxing room, a working room, a dining area. The plane itself without interior decoration is estimated at $ 150 million. For furniture, the technical capabilities of the client paid clearance separately.

Planes of football players

Highly paid athletes are increasingly acquiring private aircraft and move around them without restrictions. Consider several air liners and tell me how much they cost football players with a world name.

Cristiano Ronaldo (Gulfstream G650)

In 2016, the name of the football player was named international Airport Madeira, but few know that the most expensive plane created for an athlete also belongs to him. This is "Gulfstream G650". In total, over 300 models of business jets for individuals were produced in the world. They are widely used and have proven themselves well. This is a relatively new model, on sale since 2010.

Cristiano sits on board his plane

Order price Cristiano - 66 million dollars.

Wayne Rooney (Dassault Falcon 900LX)

Almost 26 million euros paid a football player from England for the average business jet of French production. The wing span of 19 meters, the length of the aircraft is 20 meters. Comfortable interior, compact, allows you to comfortably spend time on short distances.

Dassault Falcon 900lx

Dassault Falcon is able to take up to 19 passengers and 2 crew members.

Neymar (Embraer Legacy 450)

Embraer sells aircraft this class since 2008. The Brazilian Star, Neymar, could not pass by and acquired a plane for 20 million euros. Fans perceived news with enthusiasm, because the athlete has invested money in the product made in his homeland.

Interior Embraer Legacy 450

Over 40 copies, business jet is certified for flights in day and night. Equipped with two turbofer engines located at the back.

The most expensive places among airlines

When choosing an airline, the passenger thinks not only about cost and security, but also about comfort. Flights to long distance duration 6-11 hours are tedious for sitting position. A number of citizens are ready to overpay, but fly comfortable.

First Class Salon in "Qatari Airlines"

The most comfortable placement conditions are offered today:

  • « Singapore Airlines"Where every first class is fenced from the passage, the chair is very broad, the local chef prepares dishes under the order, and the passenger can sleep in the way or enjoy the individual entertainment system. The price of a flight from Singapore to Sydney to both sides will cost $ 6550.
  • "Emir'eats", about the first class of legends. Bar with expensive wines on board, individual cabins, meals from the first-class chef and the multimedia system of entertainment "ICE". The passenger will be able to take on board 50 kilograms of baggage. For a flight from Dubai to Sydney to both ends, the first class will have to pay $ 8600.
  • "Qatari Airlines" is one of the most reliable and convenient. Qsuite - suites in flight, they are fenced, have atmospheric illumination, here you can work, watch TV, and sit at night to sleep. The cost of the flight of Doha Sydney to both end will cost $ 10,000.


  1. The most expensive aircraft in the world and in the history of aviation is the United States Military Development "Northrop B-2 Spirit". According to journalists, one instance of a heavy bombarder is estimated at $ 2.1 billion. The most expensive private airliner is AIRBUS A380 Super Jumbo, belonging to Prince Saudi Arabia.
  2. To find out how much the most expensive private plane ever acquired a star of football should carefully look at what Cristiano Ronaldo flies. Flights on the personal "Gulfstream G650" can afford only millionaires.
  3. The most expensive first-class flights offers Katari Airlines.

Most recently climb the air on the air, only the most brave, but in the 21st century, the air transport became the most affordable and safe. For several hours you can fly from one point globe Millions of people enjoy this service every day. But most of them travel in ordinary airplanes - with neighbors, narrow seats and bad food.

People who earned in their lives amount with a lot of zeros can provide a comfortable life. It is for them that these winged giants have been created, more like on airplanes. They are created taking into account the latest technologies and have a stylish and expensive atmosphere. In this list, the most expensive private aircraft in the world are collected - that's what it means, "you will not forbid you beautifully"!

10 Embraer Legacy 650

Price: 30 million dollars

This comfortable and bright aircraft belongs to the well-known actor Jackie Chan. It is decorated with golden and red dragons and the logo of the militant hero. He bought this 13-seater plane in 2012, and it was the first exhibit of the Brazilian company Embraer sold to the Chinese market. Legacy 650 - the most expensive aircraft in the collection of Jackie Chan.

9 Boeing Business Jet 2 A.K.A.

Price: 55 million dollars

This huge representative of the Boeing Business series nicknamed a flying hotel. Outside, it looks like a standard jet aircraft of this company, but inside hides a luxurious setting. Here you can find a bedroom, a conference room, a bathroom and a stylish design. Designed business jet for 20-50 people.

8 Gulfstream G650.

Price: from 65 million dollars

This superfluid aircraft is very popular with the rich and famous people. In 2017, forty Gulfstream G650 was sold and as much remained in pre-ordered. Celebrities stand in the waiting list to buy this aircraft, despite the cost. He can accommodate 12 people and overcomes more than 13 thousand km non-stop. Almost at the moment it is the fastest private aircraft.

7 Bombardier Global 7000

Price: 72 million dollars

The owners of this aircraft, first of all, chose the speed and the opportunity to fly without additional gas stations. Bombardier 7000 and 8000 can fly all night without stopping and transporting about 12 people. This model is still in development, the yield is scheduled for 2018. The first flight Bombardier Global 7000 took place in 2016. It has four residential rooms, a living room for six people and huge windows in the cabin.

6 Airbus 319.

Price: 81 million dollars

This model takes the second line in the ranking of the most expensive Airbus aerobus. His unique feature is that each aircraft is created taking into account the wishes of the client, with his design. Each aerobus is unique and great for those who do not like to travel alone. The board of the aircraft can accommodate about 39 people.

5 Boeing 747-8 VIP

Price: 153 million dollars

Looking at the inner interior of this aircraft, it is difficult to imagine that this is a means of movement! Boeing has created a real house and an office for its customers, which is ideal for long flights. At the same time, he is one of the most spacious aerobus in the world - on board it can accommodate about 450 people. It is designed with special for everyone, exclusive design.

4 Boeing 747-400

Price: 220 million dollars

This is fantastic vehicle Created taking into account all modern technologies and can transport more than 600 passengers. The last aircraft was made to order in 2009, since then this model has changed more improved. But you just see how Boeing 747-400 is made to order! There is everything, even the throne in the center of the aircraft!

3 Boeing 747-430

Price: 233 million dollars

This chic Boeing was created by order of the most wealthy monarch around the world - the famous Sultan, who lives on the island of Kalimantan in Malaysia. Initially, he bought this model for $ 100 million and then spent 130 million on interior decoration. This plane is a practically flying mansion with multiple bedrooms, living room and several bathrooms. Which, by the way, is equipped with gold sackers of the highest test!

2 Airbus A340-300

Price: 350 million dollars

This giant aircraft belongs to Alisur Burkhanovich Usmanov, the Russian billionaire of Uzbek origin. The airbus is named Burkhan, in memory of the father of the entrepreneur. In Russia, he is recognized as the most capacious aircraft, even more than a means of movement of the current president. It can accommodate about 370 passengers on its board. Initially, the cost of the aircraft was $ 230 million, but Usmanov reconstructed him for another several hundred million. At the moment, the approximate assessment of its cost reaches $ 500 million.

1 Airbus A380

Price: 500 million dollars

The most expensive aircraft in the world recognized a personal vehicle of the movement of Prince Saudi Arabia. About 1000 people can fit on board, and everything is provided for them! In this model Airbus, owned by the representative of the royal dynasty, there is a stable, wellness center, a garage for two cars. For the reconstruction of the model of the airbus, the prince spent more than $ 500 million.

Most of these private aircraft can give odds to any mansion that is built on Earth! They have everything you need for life and even more!

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