The hotel in which King Saudi Arabia lived. Saudi King made cash desk Moscow luxury hotels

Meet the keeper of two Islamic shrines, as often called the Kings of Saudi Arabia, on the one hand, easily, and on the other, difficult. Easy, because they always bring with them everything you need, including servants, but difficult, as Saudi monarchs are not only one of the richest people of the planet, but also the most demanding. Moreover, even not so much due to its exclusiveness and wealth, as by virtue of old age (Salman 81 years) and weak health.

It did not excel from this the first visit of the Saudi Monarch to Russia. By tradition, it can be said that Salman Ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud brought with him a two-day retinue and everything necessary for a four-day visit, ranging from carpets with furniture and ending with servants who know the habits and tastes of their own lord and replace individual hotel staff. Salman settled in a pair of hundreds of meters from the Kremlin, in the hotel Four Seasons. Hotel Moscow, more famous Muscovites as the Moscow Hotel (demolished and built in the past decade).

The hotel was closed for four days for other visitors, including even those who live there all the time. Saudits also removed all 334 rooms in the nearby Ritz Carlton for 14 million rubles a day, booked rooms in the neighboring "national" and in Mariotte.

Fans of statistics were calculated that only accommodation in Moscow would cost Er-Riyadium at least 250 million rubles. For the Saudi monarch, this is quite a bit. If only because his summer rest In the Moroccan Tierne, this year cost it $ 100 million.

In addition to furniture and carpets, King Salman brought to Moscow and a special gilded escalator, with whom he travels through the light. The same, in whose work, at Wednesday at the airport "Vnukovo 2" there was some faction. The escalator stopped halfway, so the monarch had to descend what was called by his move. Naturally, Salman is moving around Moscow on his cars. On a fleet who arrived in the capital of Russia from Saudi Arabia, you can find out all the brands of the most expensive and luxurious limousines.

The king with a retainer exclusively by Saudi products. Every day, a special aircraft brings 800 kilograms of food and beverages from Er-Riyadh.

The exact number of Saudi aircraft, which arrived on October 4 to Moscow, is difficult to call. Obviously, there are many of them. It is known, for example, that in March, King Salman flew with an official visit to Japan on 10 airliners, which brought almost half a thousand tons of baggage.

With regard to foreign trips, Salman is no different from its predecessors. King Fahd (1982-2005), for example, loved to relax in Spanish Marbella. The number of his suits reached sometimes two or three thousand people. In 2002, he flew to the sea resort on 7 aircraft: the royal retinue traveled by the number of four hundred people, and the two others were transported exclusively food, armored limousines and luggage. On average, the King Fahd left for the summer season in Marbella about $ 100 million. However, in 2002, he set a record and left the Spaniards for almost a billion.

This time, the Saudis will not have time to survive in Moscow for such an amount, but it is already clear that the Russian side decently earned at the arrival of the king, even regardless of business contracts, which are discussed during the visit.

For the king of Saudi Arabia.

During the visit, the delegation of the King of Saudi Arabia will live next to the Red Square. Already today to rent a room in Nationalale, Four Seasons or St. Regis will not work: in one of the hotels, journalists told about full loading, which, according to employees, it happens extremely rare. Booking will open again after October 8.
Some hotels had to cancel the planned weddings and banquets; The main task is now to enhance the protection: you can only get into the building after presenting a guest card.

Sergey Kolesnikov, Vice-President of the Federation of Restaurants and Hoteliers, told Kommersant FM, which is normal practice:
"These events do not pass spontaneously, regardless of who comes: Saudi Arabia, USA, President of the Russian Federation or high-ranking officials. The representative of the special services is selected not just a hotel, but concrete numbers, it happens in a week or two. After an advanced group, there are special regime events per day before arrival: the number is checked once again so that there is no misunderstanding. "

Special attention The organizers of the visit paid to the convenience of guests. The King of Saudi Arabia is known for his womb: In his March trip to Indonesia, he took about 500 tons of baggage, two Mercedes-Benz S600 car and even two electrical elevators; Apparently, in Moscow, Saudis came not to snow. Especially for the delegation of hotels change the number of rooms: the usual European furniture is sent to the warehouse, and instead they spread carpets brought from Er-Riyada; In addition, from the hotels menu will exclude pork dishes.

This is not everything that hotels can go for customers, noted by the QuinteSentially Russia Club Marketing Club Director Kirill Ryabkov:
"I worked at the hotel Hyatt, where Madonna lived, and we did a separate room where she was engaged in yoga. The room was supposed to be connected to its presidential number, it was a prerequisite. One Australian pop star, demanded that there, where she passes, there was a certain smell of lilies. "

In the delegation of Salman Al Saud, a thousand people, and with the placement by him, apparently, lucky. Although it happened that wealthy guests have redeemed the best rooms at guests - about this case, Kommersant FM told the owner of the hotel "Gelvetia" in St. Petersburg Unice Teymurkhanla:
"The delegation seems to be from the Emirates, only the presidential number arranged: it was sold to someone from russian oligarchsAnd representatives of Arab Sheikh reached the Russian with a request to give this room. He categorically refused, trading began, and in the end, when it had already reached astronomical digits, the wife of the oligarch did not stand it, saying: "You do not want, and I want to catch this difference in France."

Prices in the best rooms Four Seasons with an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters. m. Start from 1 million rubles. per day, but for the delegation it is not a problem: especially, according to some data, saudi Prince Al-Valida, King's nephew, owns the share of this hotel chain.

Interlocutors "Kommersant FM" say that special conditionsIn which the King of Saudi Arabia will live, it is impossible to be called a priest: this, according to experts of the hotel business, the guarantee of their complete security.

Trouble began on arrival. King Saudi Arabia Salman Ben Abdel Aziz Al Saud, who arrived in Moscow with a state visit, when leaving the aircraft in the metropolitan aircraft "Vnukovo" found a breakdown of his route escalator.

The golden trapp escalator recently accompanies Saudi monarch during his official visits. So, March 1, 2017. Indonesian observers were given a separate attention of this detail. They noted in the King's retinue 1000 accompanying, and his weight baggage was estimated at 500 tons. Two weeks later, reporting the luxurious trip of Saudi King to Japan, RT TV channel noted that the monarch's visit serve two gold escalators, 10 aircraft, 500 limousines. To accommodate the Royal Sweets in Japan, 1,200 luxury hotel rooms were prepared.

Moscow, 3 Oct - RIA Novosti. During the visit to Moscow, the King of Saudi Arabia, his retinue will take all the available rooms of five star hotels around the Kremlin and Red Square, including one of the hotels - fully told RIA Novosti representatives of hotels.

According to a source close to the visiting organizers, in many rooms, the situation will change to more familiar to guests, in oriental style. Moreover, for several senior members of the delegation, their favorite carpets will be brought from Saudi Arabia.

Already now in the area of \u200b\u200bManezhnaya Square, Lubyanka and Kuznetsky Bridge there are no free places in five star hotels. RIA correspondent visited several hotels, including Four Seasons, St. Regis, "National" - those in which a delegation from Saudi Arabia will stop. "Most. early booking Available from October 6, "RIA Novosti reported at the reception of one of the hotels.

In total, the delegation of Saudites will have about a thousand people, RIA Novosti said the source. Most of the delegation will be resettled in hotels in close proximity to the Kremlin.

One of these hotels numbering about 200 numbers will be done completely.

Already, on the date of the visit of the King in the hotel it is impossible to remove the number for any money. In the RIA Novosti booking department, they explained that the situation of the complete absence of numbers is rare, and it is connected with the "race large groups"Now all the numbers are sold out until October 8, the reservation department was offered to go to later dates.

The cost of the double room in the hotel starts from 41 thousand rubles per night. The room overlooking the Manege Square costs 59 thousand, overlooking the Kremlin and the Alexander Garden - 137 thousand. The most expensive and spacious rooms (about 500 square meters) cost about a million rubles per day (the price depends on the season and hotel loading). They are considered the most expensive hotel rooms in Russia.

"The hotel is completely removed by the accompanying persons of the king," said one of the hotel representatives by RIA Novosti. The hotel's leadership had to cancel several events for these days - private banquets and weddings were scheduled. In addition, pork dishes were excluded from the hotel's menu.

Now at the entrance to the hotel and around it is strengthened by security, the hotel is allowed only to present a guest card.

In addition, a source close to the organizers of the visit said that in some rooms the stop will be replaced with European to the eastern, and Saudi delegation brings with them their own carpets and furniture.

Michal Smez, the general manager of one of the hotels in the Asian region, told RIA Novosti that the replacement of furniture in rooms or even plumbing was a common practice for wealthy guests, especially from the Middle East. "They are more convenient to carpets and low tips. If necessary, we change the furniture at your own expense. Old furniture goes to the warehouse, and instead we put new furniture in oriental style. After leaving the high guests" Eastern "furniture, of course, no one throws away - She is also sent to the warehouse before the arrival of new guests, "said Smez.

Also in Moscow, posters appeared with a greeting from the "Russian-Saudi Investment Fund" Address "of the Keeper of the two Islamic shrine, His Majesty King Saudi Arabia Salmana Ben Abdel Aziza Ace Saud." A poster is made in Russian and Arabic and decorated with a portrait of a king.

Earlier, Assistant President Yuri Ushakov said that the visit of King Saudi Arabia Salman Ben Abdel Aziz Al Saud to Moscow will take place on October 5. The source of RIA Novosti reported that the king would visit Moscow on October 4-7. According to him, the meeting of Salman Ben Abdel Aziz Al Saud with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, a package of documents is being prepared for signing.

Before the meeting of the President of the Russian Federation and the King of Saudi Arabia, the Russian-Saudi Investment Forum will be held on October 5, the head of the Russian Fund of Direct Investments (RFI) Kirill Dmitriev said to journalists. In addition, the week of Saudi culture is held all week in Moscow.

According to the press, on the eve of the King's visit to Indonesia in March of this year, 459 tons of various techniques were delivered to Jakarta from Saudi Arabia, including two Mercedes of the S600 brand and two electrical elevators. Saudi delegation There have been 800 people, including 10 ministers and 25 princes. To deliver people and cargo in Jakarta, 27 flights were made.

In five-star hotels in the center of Moscow, numbers almost ended: the best hotel rooms ranked King Saudi Arabia's retinue, RIA Novosti agency reported. He must arrive in the capital with an official visit on Thursday. Together with Salman Al Saud, a delegation consisting of a thousand people will come to Russia, the source of the agency reported. As the hotelians will meet high guests, Jan Lubnina disassembled.

During the visit, the delegation of the King of Saudi Arabia will live next to the Red Square. Already today to rent a room in Nationalale, Four Seasons or St. Regis will not work: in one of the hotels, journalists told about full loading, which, according to employees, it happens extremely rare. Booking will open again after October 8.

Some hotels had to cancel the planned weddings and banquets; The main task is now to enhance the protection: you can only get into the building after presenting a guest card. Sergey Kolesnikov, Vice-President of the Federation of Restaurants and Hoteliers, told Kommersant FM, which is normal practice:

"These events do not pass spontaneously, regardless of who comes: Saudi Arabia, USA, President of the Russian Federation or high-ranking officials. The representative of the special services is selected not just a hotel, but concrete numbers, it happens in a week or two. After an advanced group, there are special regime events per day before arrival: the number is checked once again so that there is no misunderstanding. "

Special attention The organizers of the visit paid to the convenience of guests. The King of Saudi Arabia is known for his womb: In his March trip to Indonesia, he took about 500 tons of baggage, two Mercedes-Benz S600 car and even two electrical elevators; Apparently, in Moscow, Saudis came not to snow. Especially for the delegation of hotels change the number of rooms: the usual European furniture is sent to the warehouse, and instead they spread carpets brought from Er-Riyada; In addition, from the hotels menu will exclude pork dishes. This is not everything that hotels can go for customers, noted by the QuinteSentially Russia Club Marketing Club Director Kirill Ryabkov:

"I worked at the hotel Hyatt, where Madonna lived, and we did a separate room where she was engaged in yoga. The room was supposed to be connected to its presidential number, it was a prerequisite. One Australian pop star, demanded that there, where she passes, there was a certain smell of lilies. "

In the delegation of Salman Al Saud, a thousand people, and with the placement by him, apparently, lucky. Although it happened that wealthy guests have redeemed the best rooms at guests - about this case, Kommersant FM told the owner of the hotel "Gelvetia" in St. Petersburg Unice Teymurkhanla:

"The delegation seems to be from the Emirates, only the presidential number satisfied: it was sold to someone from the Russian oligarchs, and representatives of Arab Sheikh reached the Russians with a request to give this number. He categorically refused, trading began, and in the end, when it had already reached astronomical digits, the wife of the oligarch did not stand it, saying: "You do not want, and I want to catch this difference in France."

Prices in the best rooms Four Seasons with an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters. m. Start from 1 million rubles. per day, but for the delegation it is not a problem: especially, according to some data, Saudi prince Al-Valida, the nephew of the king, owns the proportion of this hotel chain.

The interlocutors "Kommersant FM" say that the special conditions in which the King of Saudi Arabia will not be called, it is impossible to be called a priest: this is, according to experts of the hotel business, the guarantee of their full security.

For the king of Saudi Arabia.

During the visit, the delegation of the King of Saudi Arabia will live next to the Red Square. Already today to rent a room in Nationalale, Four Seasons or St. Regis will not work: in one of the hotels, journalists told about full loading, which, according to employees, it happens extremely rare. Booking will open again after October 8.
Some hotels had to cancel the planned weddings and banquets; The main task is now to enhance the protection: you can only get into the building after presenting a guest card.

Sergey Kolesnikov, Vice-President of the Federation of Restaurants and Hoteliers, told Kommersant FM, which is normal practice:
"These events do not pass spontaneously, regardless of who comes: Saudi Arabia, USA, President of the Russian Federation or high-ranking officials. The representative of the special services is selected not just a hotel, but concrete numbers, it happens in a week or two. After an advanced group, there are special regime events per day before arrival: the number is checked once again so that there is no misunderstanding. "

Special attention The organizers of the visit paid to the convenience of guests. The King of Saudi Arabia is known for his womb: In his March trip to Indonesia, he took about 500 tons of baggage, two Mercedes-Benz S600 car and even two electrical elevators; Apparently, in Moscow, Saudis came not to snow. Especially for the delegation of hotels change the number of rooms: the usual European furniture is sent to the warehouse, and instead they spread carpets brought from Er-Riyada; In addition, from the hotels menu will exclude pork dishes.

This is not everything that hotels can go for customers, noted by the QuinteSentially Russia Club Marketing Club Director Kirill Ryabkov:
"I worked at the hotel Hyatt, where Madonna lived, and we did a separate room where she was engaged in yoga. The room was supposed to be connected to its presidential number, it was a prerequisite. One Australian pop star, demanded that there, where she passes, there was a certain smell of lilies. "

In the delegation of Salman Al Saud, a thousand people, and with the placement by him, apparently, lucky. Although it happened that wealthy guests have redeemed the best rooms at guests - about this case, Kommersant FM told the owner of the hotel "Gelvetia" in St. Petersburg Unice Teymurkhanla:
"The delegation seems to be from the Emirates, only the presidential number satisfied: it was sold to someone from the Russian oligarchs, and representatives of Arab Sheikh reached the Russians with a request to give this number. He categorically refused, trading began, and in the end, when it had already reached astronomical digits, the wife of the oligarch did not stand it, saying: "You do not want, and I want to catch this difference in France."

Prices in the best rooms Four Seasons with an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters. m. Start from 1 million rubles. per day, but for the delegation it is not a problem: especially, according to some data, Saudi prince Al-Valida, the nephew of the king, owns the proportion of this hotel chain.

The interlocutors "Kommersant FM" say that the special conditions in which the King of Saudi Arabia will not be called, it is impossible to be called a priest: this is, according to experts of the hotel business, the guarantee of their full security.

Trouble began on arrival. King Saudi Arabia Salman Ben Abdel Aziz Al Saud, who arrived in Moscow with a state visit, when leaving the aircraft in the metropolitan aircraft "Vnukovo" found a breakdown of his route escalator.

The golden trapp escalator recently accompanies Saudi monarch during his official visits. So, March 1, 2017. Indonesian observers were given a separate attention of this detail. They noted in the King's retinue 1000 accompanying, and his weight baggage was estimated at 500 tons. Two weeks later, reporting the luxurious trip of Saudi King to Japan, RT TV channel noted that the monarch's visit serve two gold escalators, 10 aircraft, 500 limousines. To accommodate the Royal Sweets in Japan, 1,200 luxury hotel rooms were prepared.

See also: