What is better than the hotel Apartment for rent. Why apartments, not hotels? A few words about the lack of settlement in the hotel room

Many people who come to another city have a question about where you can catch a couple of days. Some prefer not to bother, but simply go to the nearest hotel and remove the room. Others, on the contrary, in the hotel prefer to rent an apartment for a day. Each of these options, of course, have their own positive and negative sides. Therefore, to figure out what is better, a hotel room or apartment for a day, it is worth considering the most obvious advantages and cons of both options.

Advantages of accommodation in the hotel room.

1. Some prefer to shoot rooms in hotels Only because it gives a salt-set solid status. Especially if a person chooses a very expensive hotel or hotel. So, if there is a desire to characterize yourself as a person of a serious and solid, then the hotel for a day will be the best choice.
2. In solid hotels, customers are offered comfortable accommodation conditions, such as the pool, a chic restaurant, entertainment clubs, gyms, etc. However, for a simple person to settle in such a hotel may not be affordable. Such a luxury, even on one day, wealthy person can afford.
3. Any hotel is equipped with a security system that includes, in particular, video surveillance. For someone, the reliability of accommodation in the room is a priority, and for someone, on the contrary, to be in front of observers is considered quite uncomfortable. In any case, in modern hotels there is always a security, there is a bandwidth and reliable security systems.
4. You should also say that advanced hotelwhich takes care of its reputation and comfort of their customers, has special centers where you can use the computer, Internet and other similar services.
5. Also during settlement in the hotel, a person will disappear the need to think about where you can eat delicious. After all, any hotel It has its own kitchen with professional chefs. So, restaurants and cafes are an integral attribute of a modern hotel.

A few words about the lack of settlement in the hotel room.

1. The most important disadvantage is perhaps this is a fairly high cost of rooms in hotels and hotels, and often they are simply missing. You have to ride and look for a hotel where you could take a day for a day. Some make cunning - in advance. However, such an opportunity appears not for everyone. So, sometimes, to rent an apartment for a day it turns out more profitable financially and much faster.
2. It cannot be said that the hotel can retire and get expected confidentiality. After all, this is, in fact, except for personal number, public place (hall, restaurant, etc.), so there will always be a huge number of unfamiliar people around.
3. If the number is planned to be removed in order to conduct business negotiations, then some difficulties may arise, as it will be extremely difficult to arrange a meeting at a high level with snacks or even tea.
4. Each hotel has its own rules, so there are limitations that relate to the guests of the hotel client - they can be in the room, as a rule, no longer than until 23 hours. Moreover, since the hotels there is a throughput system, no guest will miss until his personality (passport, driver's license and other similar documents) will be checked.
5. The rooms do not have the right amount of household appliances, which can be needed at any time (washing machine, stove, etc.). These questions the guest hotel have to solve themselves.

Advantages of renting an apartment for rent.

1. Accessibility of housing. Now a huge number of companies in a matter of minutes will help to choose a person here is the apartment that will arrange it in terms of location, the number of rooms, in the price issue, etc. That is, the choice of rental housing is grandiose.
2. Remove the apartment for a day to rent much cheaper than renting a hotel room. Saving funds.
3. In the apartment you can feel much more comfortable than in the standard hotel room. There is everything for normal accommodation: household appliances, telephone, Internet and other amenities.
4. A person who settled in a removable apartment, at any time can take guests without any restrictions. In the hotel such a number will not pass.
5. You can choose any apartment in any comfortable area of \u200b\u200bthe city for rent for a day.

Disadvantages of renting an apartment for a day.

1. Rental apartments does not have such a security system like hotels. Although, of course, there are houses equipped with video surveillance. However, the cost of renting in protected homes will be higher.
2. In removable housing, it is necessary to serve themselves: cooking, cleaning, etc.
3. If the arrivals of the guest has a car, then finding parking near the removable apartment will be extremely problematic, while each hotel has its own personal parking.

Perhaps, if a person did not shoot her housing for a short time, he does not know anything about the daily rent of apartments. Today the daily rental market is quite developed and, it is easy to obtain information about it, including one can see explicit differences between the removal of the hotel room and an apartment, surrendered by the daily rent.

Before you go on a trip, it is necessary to check everything carefully, think about it to find out so as not to fall. Of course, some tourists prefer to stop at the hotel. Such accommodation has their own positive sides. Let's talk about them:

1. For a woman, accommodation in the hotel makes it possible to relax from household problems and pay more attention to yourself, your appearance, resting in bars, restaurants, cafe, or visiting the beauty salon.
2. The advantage of living in the hotel is the presence of security both in the central entrance and every hotel floor. In addition, in the premises of the building installed cameras that ensure the safety of guests.
3. Availability in some hotels of business centers, providing the opportunity to use various computer equipment, as well as high-quality Internet, which is very convenient for business trips, businessmen and just active people who love to spend a lot of time in the World Wide Web.
4. In addition, in large hotels are provided for active rest and maintaining the body in healthy form beauty salon, fitness club, entertainment centers, clubs, shops.

In addition to some advantages, accommodation in the hotel has its own minuses:

1. Wherever you go, there are always unfamiliar people who study you and often wanting to get acquainted with you. For a person who preferring to relax alone, peace of mind and silence, as well as for guests who stopped in a hotel confidentially, outsiders and communicating with them are completely undesirable and create extra inconvenience.

2. Another minus hotel accommodation is the high cost of rooms and the lack of free seats in most cases. Why is such a discrepancy? The visitors go to the hotel, because they do not know other places where they can still be equipped. For this reason, find a free room in the hotel buildings is not easy. What? Definitely, such questions need to be addressed before traveling.

3. You can still add to the mines of the hotel's neighborhood of inconvenience above, which tenants are experiencing, if necessary, to drink coffee, tea or simply to eat sandwiches. After all, there are no household appliances in hotel rooms. In addition to its absence, the hotel administration strictly prohibits stores in the rooms and eating food.

4. Probably each of us, stopping in the hotel, experienced problems related to visiting guests. It was always in hotels, there will be! You cannot visit you after twenty-three hours, as well as your friends and acquaintances who do not have a passport, in no case will miss the security.

What is the difference between short-term accommodation in the day shot apartment From a hotel or hotel?

1. In the rented apartment, the owners change less often, so the tenants do not feel as if they hit the state atmosphere.

2. Each owner of the housing itself is a designer, so the apartment interior is always different from the hotel and provides it to the residents of the comfort, as well as the feeling of a homely hearth.

3. In the rented apartment there is always the opportunity to cook food, brew tea, coffee. In addition, the presence of an equipped kitchen in living people have the opportunity to loudly listen to music, watch TV. Of course, you can walk on my head, but do not forget about the neighbors and responsibility for violation of public order after twenty-three hours. Otherwise, you can get acquainted with the guardians of the law and get a fine. Unwanted neighbors with ears and eyes, as well as the desire to talk everywhere, but accommodation in the rented apartment makes it possible to maintain confidentiality, due to the fact that you can not see the neighbors.

4. The advantage of removal of the daily apartment consists in contrast to the hotel, the hotel is also able to free visits to guests without any restrictions in time, their number, the frequencies of visits and documents in your pocket. The main thing is that the neighbors do not complain!

5. Apartments for rent are in different parts of the city, while hotel buildings are located mainly in its central part. Thanks to this difference, visitors tourist can always choose a convenient neighborhood for living, without filling in the central part of the city.

6. To one of the main distinctive advantages of apartments, surrendered by the daily delivered them low price Comparatives with a hotel room. Please note that the daily payment for the rented apartment is established regardless of the number of people with you.

7. The apartment-handed apartment has a private bathroom, all the necessary furniture and household appliances needed for accommodation, while in low-cost hotel rooms for guests are provided on the floor of the shower, in the room - bed, table and bedside table.

Having highlighting the lack of removable housing during the daily rent, you need to stay at a low level of security due to the lack of in all houses of equipment in intercoms, metal-plastic windows, as well as metal doors. In addition, the concierge is sitting everywhere. Minus daily rental housing and in most cases near the rented apartment inexpensability to deliver vehicles. Unlike them, the territory of hotels is equipped with this purpose a special place - parking or parking.

Hello, my name is Alexey and for 4 years I do not live in hotels. Unless in extreme cases when there is no choice or the inviting party provides it. Arriving in some city I just remove the classroom in the center and go to walk. But it used to be wrong.

I was looking for the hotel in the very center, went away from the price of the room per night and booked a surcharge at 8 sq.m. on the outskirts. And it lasted until I started shooting apartments for rent. Salla one, then another. And then I was no longer stopped. Four years of fascinating trips flew like one in removable apartments. I had a lot of them and they were all different: beautiful, terrible, with large rooms and small, new, old, on the first floor, on the last, in Arzamas, in Nizhny, in Kazan, in Budapest, in Tbilisi, in Yaroslavl, In Vologda, in Moscow, in Perm, in Minsk, in Brest, in Ryazan, in Prague, in Budva, in Arkhangelsk, in Yoshkar-Ola and other cities whose names do not even remember.

Another 4 years ago, I had only one, but the resistant Association - Gadyushnik. I will immediately say that in some cases it is, unfortunately, it is. If you take an apartment on an ad in the newspaper or at a bus stop, then in 90% of cases, the gadyushnik you will remove. To avoid this and generally stop afraid of removable apartments, I will tell you how to do it right. And why apartments are better and more profitable hotels.

1. Square of the room

The first reason to prefer the daily apartment of the hotel is a living area. For the same price in the case of the hotel, you will receive a one-room number in which pair of beds, bedside tables, a table and a TV fit. Whether it's a whole apartment with two and three rooms! Regardless of the number of sleeping places, the apartment is handed over completely. Want to explore - remove the "Tree" and run through it. Traveling big company - Remove the foot and sit all night behind one big table in the kitchen!

2. Price

The cost of housing is directly related to its capacity. Probably, all of you know how the prices for single, double, triple and four-bed rooms in hotels are distinguished. The last two species are generally rarely found in the free form and your large company or family are offered to break up on free "doubles" and "odnushki", which can noticeably hit the wallet. The cost of renting a large apartment is not very different from the cost of small. In their own experience, the average price of spacious and comfortable "doubles" for 4-6 beds in Russia jumps around 2000-3000 rubles per day. Dividing this by the number of residents, we get 500 rubles per person.

500 rubles - this is the lowest price for a bed-room in the evacuated hotels, such as such:

And everywhere this magical figure is 500 rubles for bed-night. Russian tariff, however. For example, hotels in the same Nizhny Novgorod.

For comparison, I will give several apartments for the same price:

One bedroom apartment on Tverskaya Street, 5a in Nizhny Novgorod. For 2550 rubles per day. 4 beds.

One bedroom apartment on Volkova Street, 6 in Yaroslavl. For 1900 rubles per day. 4 beds.

3. Location

As I already wrote, I like to stop as close as possible to the city center. I come to another city I usually on the car very tired. After a long road, I want to find out from behind the steering wheel, close it on the lock and no longer approach her until the morning. After that, walk to the river or the sea, sit with light alcohol in the cafe and then donate to the bed. Hotels of this location usually wear loud, beautiful names and fearless money. And from hotels in more modest to the city center already have to get to public transport. Taxi, of course, is also an option, but why?

Why, if in the city center gives me full of apartments? People specifically buy apartments in the center not to live in them, scent exhaust gases and listening to the "rocker of the cosmodrome", and to take them. For the same 2-3 thousand can be removed the beautiful apartment on the top floor of the high-rise building, with a wonderful view of the river, mountains, park or sea. For example, as in Naberezhnye Chelny (let it and not quite the center).

4. Choice

How much can be hotels in the city? On average, a pair of tens. In small - one or two. And the apartment's score goes for hundreds. There is always a choice. Busy one is different. I did not like alone - chose another. Using special rental services apartments, you can generally choose apartments on a map of the city, given the proximity to the sea, rivers, a promenade, a Kabak or a monument to Lenin.
Than larger cityThe more offers for the daily rental of apartments, higher competition, is more adequate and more stable. Paradox but in large and beautiful cityWhere there is something to see, the prices for apartments are lower than in the semi-winning Russian outback. For example, in Vyazma, apparently, only one landlord, owning all the 5-year-old apartments, presented on the service to Suither :), respectively, low quality and with high cost.

But, what two-bedroom apartment we shot last year in Perm for 2000 rubles:

Then even photographed for the section "Our Dear guests" :)

5. Domestic environment

I have not met a single hotel with a washing machine and iron in the room. If you need to get it - you order a laundry service for a fee. In many daily apartments, the presence of a complete set of household appliances: washing, hair dryers, irons, boards, microwaves, huge refrigerators, brass cabinets, cooking plates, kondey. In one tricky three-bedroom apartment in Minsk, on Hydiganova Street, 4b, in each of the three rooms hung over one large LCD panel, and the fourth flat TV hung in the kitchen. Sorry, there was no bathroom. And then from the hydromassage it would be convenient to watch. They gave 3,500 rubles for it and celebrated the birthday of our younger traveler in it :)

In a small and medium-budget hotel, at best there will be a TV, a hairdryer and a small fridge.

6. Immersion in the atmosphere and local flavor

Living in the city in the hotel is still going to swim at the seaside resort in the pool, without reaching two steps to the sea. Want to smell the real life of the new city for you, find out what they breathe and that local people eat - remove the apartment in a residential area. Stroll to the local "magnet", raise your local beer, local sausage, sour cream, milk, try fresh local pastries. Oh, what a beautiful and cheap oil in Vologda! In Ulyanovsk, it is 3 times more expensive and we do not buy it here. In Prague, right under the apartment there was a store with absinthe, in Arzamas in the courtyard stood christmas tree and the inhabitants drove there a dance, in Ryazan from the window it was visible a railway station, by whom I should have passed the time for the route Ulyanovsk-Moscow, in Tbilisi there was a classic courtyard of the old city with livuality and curious neighbors, and in Livadia under the apartment was Garage, where I put the car. Independent delight from taste local life! From the first turn of the key in the keyhole, you begin to feel like a local resident :)

2-bedroom apartment in Minsk at Yesenin, 16. For 2100 rubles a day. An excellent example of the ideality of a removable apartment and the credibility of the hostess.

7. Food

Removing the apartment can be well saved on the nutrition, buying products in the near supermarket and preparing myself going on the stove.

1 bedroom apartment in Smolensk on Normandy-Neman Street, 7a. For 1800 rubles a day for 4 guests.

2-bedroom apartment in Minsk at Yesenin, 16. For 2100 rubles a day.

8. Pleasant little things

Some apartment owners have already begun to adopt some things familiar to hotels. For example, minibar in the refrigerator. Take up late at night and it is not necessary to run anywhere for beer and chips - everything stands on the shelves. Disposable slippers, hygienic kits are no longer new.

"Full minced" in the bathroom Apartments in Nizhny Novgorod, for 3000 p. per day.

Or figurily laid on the bed towels. Trifle, but nice.

One bedroom apartment with a living room in Vologda, on Leningradskaya, 136. For 3000 r. per day.

How cool! Tomorrow we leave for the sea and now we will dwell only in apartments!

But do not hurry ... there is a couple of small things to which you should be prepared:

Disadvantages and nuances

1. The first one from which is not going anywhere - cleaning. More precisely, its absence. In the daily rental apartment usually remove 2 times: before your arrival and after. If you plan to stay in it on long term, then cleaning you. But, as a rule, in such apartments do not live longer than a week, but most often a day or two.

Bathrooms in the Minsk and Nizhny Novgorod apartment for 2000 and 3000 rubles, respectively.

2. The second thing is not a trifle at all, but a substantial nuance, which is quite often found in Russia - unfair for landlords. Especially, Kazan.

It is that you have not received the guarantees in advance that you do not get warranty that you are in it. Kazan subsidians are very loved at the meeting "please" with news that your apartment has not yet been freed, but you will now offer an equivalent or even the best option for the same price. And bring to the annoye on the outskirts. It was several times with me and it was in Kazan. Even a complete prepayment may not help.

One bedroom apartment in Naberezhnye Chelny for 1700 p. per day.

How to deal with it?

The market for the daily rental of apartments in Russia slowly but confidently becomes civilized. The educator in this case serve all kinds of apartments selection. You can choose and book an apartment on airbnb.com, where the apartment and the landlord is trying to preserve and raise your reputation. In Russia, too, there is a similar service - Suquodno.ru.. It is about 80,000 apartments throughout Russia, near abroad and even Montenegro.

How does he work:

  • Specify the city and search filter by date and number of residents.

  • From the search results, using sorting by price, reviews or on the map you choose an apartment.

  • Read reviews of previous guests.

  • Press the booking button, connect the site with the owner and make a prepayment that remains from the service.

  • Come to the apartment, settled and live.

  • Leaving, not forgetting to leave a review on the site service for future travelers :)

In case you have not arranged something When settling, you will cancel the reservation through the mobile application or call to the hot line:

  • Prepayment returns to you.

  • The landlord gets a fine and negative feedback that lowers it in the search.

  • Support "Suquodno.ru" helps you promptly pick up another option. I was in their office - there is constantly sits a lot of people on phones.

If you doubt, then everything is described in detail. In general, the guys are fighting with such gloomy landlords. The stronger the authority of the service, the more unscrupulous landlords will be treated with their reputation. Airbnb has already brought up - they can't burn there: just that, and out of the profession.

One bedroom apartment with a living room in Vologda, on Leningradskaya, 136. For 3000 r. per day.

And one more rule that should be observed when using such daily rental services of apartments: Never contact the landlord directly, bypassing the service. Otherwise, if you rush, then no one will help you. Come on the history of correspondence and translate the prepayment through the service, which will speak the arbitration side in the dispute. If the landlord does not answer for a reservation for a long time - just forget about this apartment and do not call the owner on the direct phone. there is great chanceThat such an owner will provide you upon arrival another apartment, the worst quality and you already do not prove anything. And always read the reviews :)

Pleasant travels and beautiful apartments!

Planning a trip to the capital and considering accommodation options in daily apartment Or the hotel, it is difficult to choose. It is more convenient to rent an apartment for the day, who is not for the first time stops in the capital and knows proven landlords. Most often, tourists can not boast of such dating, and then the hotel comes to the rescue.

Daily apartment is not always beneficial

According to AirBNB, at the end of March, the cost of a one-room apartment per day in Moscow varies from 1500 to 100,000 rubles, and according to Booking you can from 1250 rubles per night. The price for the room is directly related to the location of the hotel. So, closer to the city center, the hotels offer accommodation in a single or double room from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles.

"Not always rental housing is cheaper than hotel room. You can save in accommodation by traveling a large company and renting an apartment for a long time. If the travelers are two, and you need to stay for a couple of days, the hotel in most cases will become a more economical option, "says the head of sales in the foreign markets of Moscow Sotheby" S International Realty Tatyana Nikishin.

Choose a hotel \u003d protect yourself

According to the study analytical Center "Real estate market indicators IRN.RU", most of the respondents prefer to stop at the hotel. According to the director of the Agency "Silver Age" Olga Priutila, people who always love everything at hand, as in hotels, rarely agree to accommodation in the daily apartment - for them it looks like an adventure. Service I. additional services - Pleasant hotel benefits, but are these advantages?

The danger that can climb the daily consumers - the so-called non-existent apartments. "So that the tenant agrees to housing with bad conditions, the landlord offers to see one apartment. Then at the last moment he may refuse to conclude a contract, for example, with an explanation that this apartment flooded, and to offer another, with the characteristics worse than the previous one. So, in a hurry you can get an apartment on bad conditions, "reports the IRN real estate site. If you book hotel roomThe possibility of unforeseen circumstances with temporary housing is approaching zero.

"The trouble in the course of the living space, which can significantly affect the journey, can be the inability to always be in touch with the owner of the apartment, especially with unexpected circumstances. For example, late check-in or early departure may not take place, because to get or give the keys to the landlord will not be released if it does not take the phone at 5 am or 12 o'clock in the morning, "the Deputy Head of the Marketing Agency MVN Julia Ryshkin reports.

As for hotels, most of them have 24-hour reception racks work to quickly solve guest issues at any time of the day and night. If there is no rack 24/7 in a small hotel, then usually guests leave a room for communication with the hotel's employee to contact him at the right moment.

Build a daily rent apartment VS Book a room

If the traveler finds a suitable apartment, then the first thing that is important to do is to make up documents. It requires a certain time and great care. The lawyers of the Portal "People's Counselor" argue that the conclusion of the Daily Rental Agreement is a necessary condition that will protect both the tenant and the landlord. Landlord may encounter a damage of property and non-payment rentalAnd the second is to stay without a roof above your head.

When making a transaction, it is necessary:

  1. Check documents (passports, documents on the right of the landlord on the leased residential premises or a set of constituent documents (for legal entities));
  2. Stop fixed rental size;
  3. Make an act of receiving an apartment;
  4. Take a receipt of receipt of the leaser for rent in a certain amount;
  5. Ensure the possibility of visiting an apartment by third parties and other questions.

According to the rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, when settling in the hotel, only a passport is needed at the reception desk, in a rare case, they will also be asked to fill out the questionnaire. It greatly simplifies the procedure for decoring and removes extra experiences from the traveler.

Conclusion: If you decide where to stay in the city while traveling, and there is no proven options with an apartment, then you'd better choose the hotel. It was the hotel that will reduce your risks to a minimum when designing and accommodation in the room, and a small payment with interest will pay off. In addition, for greater convenience, you can always be, depending on the class of the hotel.

Hotel selection is a large separate topic, but certainly the main parameters are always the location, transport accessibility, a set of services offered, the presence of dots of food nearby and the price. The latter also depends on the "stars" of the hotel and category rooms. For example, we offer our guests hotels category 3 and 4 stars. In each - 6 categories of numbers: from democratic "standards" to luxurious "suites". Of course, we have other advantages that can be boiled not every hotel in Moscow:

  1. 15 minutes by metro to the city center;
  2. Europe's largest city park next to megacomplex;
  3. 16 cafes, bars and restaurants right on site;
  4. Highly developed internal infrastructure;
  5. Security and comfort.

Many people traveling to a tourist trip or just to familiar to another city, causing what is better: a hotel or apartment for rent, where is more convenient and cheaper to stay for a while? Weighing "for" and "against" in favor of the appropriate option.

Rent a hotel for rent: pros and cons

So consider the advantages of accommodation in the hotel, compared with a temporary accommodation from a private owner:

  • security and guarantee of preservation of personal belongings - hotels are protected and supervised;
  • availability of special places for daily parking;
  • no care for cooking - in hotels there are cafes and restaurants;
  • equipment of the hotel rooms Amenities: comfort, comfort and order, followed by hotel staff, trouble-free connection to the Internet in the room;
  • wide range of services (breakfast in the room, etc.)
  • business centers with a stationary computer and high-speed Internet required during a business trip;
  • lovers of outdoor activities are fitness and entertainment centers, beauty salons - wishing to put themselves in order.

Lack of hotels is a frequent intersection with unfamiliar people living in the same building. But you can choose rental rooms in a mini-hotel. Some are expensive, and the quality of service does not everywhere meets the expectations of the client. Therefore, choose a place to stay daily need carefully, relying on feedback.

Pros and Cons Eat Apartments for rent

Will the apartment or room be more profitable? Daily rent. Apartments - a good choice For those who want to save. You can shoot a one-room apartment for several people, the number of places for the price does not affect. Another advantage - you can choose a convenient area for temporary accommodation.

But comfort and order in the apartment will have to be maintained independently. And this is not the main drawback. Other negative points:

  • the lack of high security in the apartments, for the safety of things of the owners does not respond;
  • difficulty with parking, especially if the house is located in the city center.
  • the owners of the apartments beneficially take place not for a day, but for a long time. Consequently, finding a suitable home for a short period is difficult. Hotel for a day for housing is easier. As an option - rent apartments.

Going on a trip to work or leisure, it is better to choose accommodation with amenities and quality service. If you are in Moscow, make room at the Key Element Hotel: Prices are optimal, comfort at the height. Full information You will learn on the site.

See also: