Island to Lype on Thailand map. Island to Lype in Thailand: useful information and our feedback

Updated: 17 Sep, 2018

The Adang Archipelago, located in the southern part of the Andaman Sea, not far from the mainland of Thailand and Malaysia, is often called "Thai Maldives", first of all, for snow-white sand. To Lype (Thailand) is the only inhabitable island in this archipelago. Tourists come here to enjoy serenity and tranquility. In addition, the island attracts divers, because the coast lives a lot of maritime residents - almost a quarter of all existing in nature. The island is the most southernmost point of Thailand and many tourists scares the question - how to get to the lime. Nevertheless, the number of travelers increases annually. We prepared detailed information For those who are planning a trip to the island.

general information

The island of the Lype in Thailand is located in the southern part of the Andaman Sea and belongs to the province of Satun. This is no longer southern point of the country. In a sunny, a cloudless day from the island you can see the coast of Malaysia, namely, Langkawi Archipelago, located 30 km away.

Phuket is 250 km away, to Krabi - about 220 km, and the mainland of Thailand is 70 km away.

The length of the island is only 3 km, it is easy to walk on foot, indigenous inhabitants on the lime about 800 people. The main source of income is fishing, tourism.

Interesting fact! The indigenous population belongs to the marine gypsies - comes from Malaysia, who came to the island near the century ago.

On the lipa is the thematic marine Park Tarutao, who was assigned the status of the national, at the end of the 20th century it was called the second in Thailand.

Tourist infrastructure and recreation features

Every year the number of tourists on the island of Kohl Leip in Thailand increases, despite the fact that it is possible to get here only by water. Infrastructure accordingly develops rapidly - the resort blooms and attracts more and more travelers. The first and main reason why tourists come here - beaches where you can enjoy calm holidays Or make an exciting immersion, snorkeling.

Interesting fact! Not far from the lipa there are several uninhabited islands, where they are sent with the excursion tour or stay for several days in the tent.

Volking Street

The island of Lipe in Thailand boasts a walking street - Volking Street, where souvenir shops, pharmacy, travel agencies, cafes and exchange office work. The rates on the central street of the island are high enough, and the course is unfavorable, so everyone needs to be better stock on the mainland. The local attraction of Pattaya Beach begins and stretches to Sunrise Beach. The signs indicate that the street works from 6-00 to midnight, but Volking Street does not close, many cafes, restaurants and bars open in the afternoon. Of course, most of the institutions for midnight will be empty and closed, but still, you can find several bars that invite tourists.

Regarding recent banking offices and banks on the island there was no, but today it will not make money will not be difficult. It should be noted that the commission will have to pay for the removal of money, and the course is disadvantageous. Also in some hotels, you can pay the number and services of a plastic card, but the Commission is charged for it. In exchange offices, you can exchange dollars and the currency of Malaysia - Ringgit.

On the lipa in Thailand there is Wi-Fi, the Internet access points are presented in hotels and Internet cafes.

Most cafes, bars are on the coastline, the maximum distance to the sea is 200 meters. Disco and other entertainment institutions, however, there are no attractions on the island.

Interesting fact! The maximum distance between the beaches on the island is 1 km, so during the rest you can easily visit everyone. A walk from one to the other will take about a quarter of an hour. Do not like to walk - rent a bike.

For what is worth getting to the lip

  1. Sea landscapes. Already on the way to the island, on the ferry, you can make beautiful photos.
  2. Bright underwater world. The coast of the island has a lot of fish and maritime residents, even tourists who do not know how to swim. For this you do not need to wear special equipment, just enough masks and tubes.
  3. Big choice tour tours. Most of them are on deserted islands, it's easy to stay here for several days. There are night bathing tours, which flickers from the abundance of plankton, a ride with a barbecue against the marine sunset. The cost of the excursion is about $ 17-19.
  4. Snow white beaches and pure turquoise water. Despite the fact that it is not so easy to get to the island, and there are minor flaws in Thailand, the beaches are attracted by beauty and allow you to not pay attention to small inconvenience. Here you can meet fabulous dawns and sunsets, numerous bars offer drinks, delicious treats right on the shore.
  5. Large seafood dishes. In each restaurant and bar offer delicious treats from such maritime residents, which you did not even hear. Some dishes are prepared right in front of tourists.

Good to know! In addition to traditional restaurants on Volking Street, buffets work, for a certain amount you can try at least the entire range of dishes. Cost about $ 15-17.

Will be wrong to tell only about positive sides Islands in Thailand. If you decide to make a journey and get to the lime, be prepared for the following unpleasant surprises:

  • garbage, the power of the island just do not have time to export it;
  • boats - the real Beach of the island, they are moored on all beaches;
  • cats and dogs, some of them are annoying;
  • product prices are higher than in stores on the mainland of Thailand.

Natural disadvantage - strong tides and lowers. During the tide, the coast has underwater, there is no place for the sun. In the clock, the sea is so smashes that only children can swim in the sea.

Interesting fact! The only place on the island, where there are no rows and flows - the northern edge of Sunrise Beach.

Large stores on the island are not, there are small food shops. Be sure to try pancakes - they are sold in street tents.


Getting to the island is not so simple, but on the linda to solve the issue with movement we decide. There are no cars here, little bikes, public transport does not go. Travelers offer several ways to move around the island:

  • on foot;
  • motobike Taxi;
  • bicycle rental;
  • between the beaches regularly run boats.

Accommodation on the island

Every year, new hotels opened in Thailand on the Lamp, however tourist season Find free housing is not so simple, so the room is better to book a few months before the trip. Most hotels are built directly on the shore, many have a kind of bungalow, but you can find a traditional hotel.

In the tourist season, rates for accommodation in the hotel category three stars make up about 3 thousand baht, and the bungalow can be rented for 1 thousand baht. In the low season, the rates are doubled.

Features of hotels in Lipe (Thailand):

Good to know! In addition to hotels on the island, there is also a budget accommodation - tents in Campunga. Most of all they are on the beach of Sunset.

Find out prices or book any accommodation with this form.

Beaches of Islands

The first and most important advantage of the island to Lype - beaches, which are considered the best in Thailand. Coastline is better only on Similans. A few decades ago, the beaches of the island were deserted, but today the situation has changed - infrastructure has emerged, but at the same time exotic nature has been preserved. For the sake of the beaches, many tourists make a decision to get to the lipa. We made a selection for you best places For rest on the island.

There is Pattaya Beach in the south to lipa and is a long coastline with a length of almost 1.5 km. The shore is covered with white and very small sand. In sunny weather, water acquires a turquoise tint, but in a low season, strong waves appear from the wind that bring to the shore of the garbage. The descent into water is gentle and smooth. On Pattaya Beach Strong flexures and tides, and, given the smooth entrance to the sea, find a swimming space is difficult.

Next to the shore there is a reef, so be sure to take a mask and a tube with you. Unfortunately, the shore's boats have a lot, but they are moored, leaving the bathing area. On the evening the fire show is held on the shore. There are many hotels, cafes and restaurants on the first line.

Good to know! Pattaya Beach is a tourist office for visits from Malaysia and the mainland of Thailand. In addition, there are representative offices of all shipping companies.

The eastern shore of the island is Sunrise Beach, there is a large and enough swarm sand, and the descent into the sea is sharp. On the right side there are corals and many different fish.

The coastline was stretched by 1.5 km, and the width varies depending on the tides and tides. The widest part in the northern part, and the narrowest - in the central part.

Good to know! There is no entertainment institutions and discos here, by 22-00 shore empty. To get to Volking Street, you need to go past the local slums.

On the shore there are hotels, cafes and restaurants, you can buy an excursion to the mainland of Thailand, to the uninhabited islands of the archipelago and rent a kayak. Also working diving schools.

The only thing that overshadows rest on Sayraz Beach, is chaotic moored boats.

Interesting fact! It is believed that on the beach the most beautiful sunrises, which is why the place and named Sunrise Beach.

Western part of the island to lipa. This is a small, cozy beach, where the most beautiful sunsets, therefore, called the beach - Sunset Beach. The shore is covered with stones, in some places there are large stones in the water. The sand is large, inhomogeneous color - white with bright and dark splashes. The sea is fine enough, there are fish in the water, but they are not so much. This place is calm, poorly, in the central part of the beach a lot of boats.

Good to know! Sand is unpleasant to the touch because of the fragments of the shells, so take shoes with you.

On the left side of the coast there is a cafe and sun beds. On the first line are hotels. The distance to Volking Street can be overcome for a quarter of an hour.

Sheltered, quiet beach, it is often called secret. To get here, you need to go to the right of Pattaya Beach, get to the wooden bridge and go through it. Not all tourists come to this part of the island, so not everyone knows about the beach.

Good to know! On the shore is built the only bungalow.

Go to the bridge with caution, on the view it seems fragile, creaking boards do not give confidence. Under the bridge lie huge boulders, and the turquoise water is quietly splash.

On the shore reigns a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere - someone bathes in a calm sea, someone drinks a cocktail on the shore, and someone takes pictures of beautiful views.

The beach is perfect for swimming - the water is clean, the sea is calm, the descent is flat. The seabed is soft, covered with sand, without stones.

Weather and climate when it is better to come

To Lipa - Island of two seasons:

  • dry - begins at the end of autumn and lasts until the middle of the spring;
  • rainy - begins in the middle of spring and lasts until the second half of autumn.

Today, the message of the island with the mainland of Thailand remains open throughout the year. Previously, in the summer, in a low season, when the sea is stormylo, the lime was closed, the hotel staff went on vacation. IN last years The climate on the island is so changeable that even in the low season there is a good, sunny and clear weather.

Concerning price Policy In hotels, there are three seasons here:

  • low - three year old months;
  • high season - two autumn months - October and November, two spring months - March and April;
  • peak - from December to February.

To get to the island, you need:

  • come to Trang or Hut Yai;
  • get to Pakbara Pier;
  • purchase a boat ticket that follows to the lime.

In Trang or Hat Yai, you can get in several ways.

  • aircraft;
  • bus - flights depart from southern Bus Station, schedule of the following - from 6-00 to 20-00, the road takes 13-14 hours, the cost of tickets about 1000 baht;
  • by train - from Bangkok flights depart from Hut Yai, the route is designed for 13-17 hours to get to the island on the day of departure from Bangkok, it is necessary to leave no later than 15-30, the fare from 400 to 900 baht;
  • a comprehensive ticket - provides travel on an airplane, minibace (to the pier) and in a boat (up to Priepe), flights are provided only in the morning.

To Lype (Thailand) - how to get yourself from Phuket.


In high season it is the most convenient way to get to the island by the waterway. Between Phuket and the lime regularly run a boat yellow. Departure from the pier seedlings. On the road, the tourist spend 4 hours. The fare is about 2100 baht.

The first route is the bus. The algorithm is the next - bus to get from Phuket to Hat Yai. It is more comfortable to go to the Night flight VIP 24. Departure of 21-45, to the destination Transport comes to 06-00. Then you need to get to the pier and from there in the boat to the island - departure of 9-30, and arrival at 11-30.

Another route is the plane. From Phuket there are direct flights to Hut Ya - departure to 7-25, arrival 8-30. The price of a ticket is about 1700 baht. In online you can purchase a shuttle - from the airport to the pier, then on the island. Sale of transfer tickets stop over three days before the trip. Also, a comprehensive ticket sell tourist agencies.

Compare prices for accommodation with this form

How to get to the lime in Thailand from Krabi

The only way to get from Krabi (AO Nang) to the island - through Hat Yai. There is no direct air service, so you can choose the following method:

  • bus;
  • minibas;
  • taxi.

The cost of a comprehensive ticket about 1200 baht

Prices on the page are shown in September 2018.

The lack of attractions on the lime (Thailand) with more than compensated by beautiful beaches. To fully enjoy nature and spend your vacation in the bungalow by the sea, get ready for a trip in advance - choose a hotel, book tickets.

Related records:

I would like to start your feedback on the lime brief informationcharacterizing this island. Lies in the Andaman Sea, on the southern border of Thailand. The island is very small and cozy - you can bypass it in a couple of hours. It is simply created for calm, leisurely beach holidays and romantic adventure. There is no road transport, but only a couple is a triple of motorcycles that perform a taxi role that almost no one uses. You should know, except for cars on the lipo there are no ATMs (in 2012 they were not exactly)! You need to come here only with cash and preferably with Thai Batami, because The local currency exchange rate is just a pirate.
But the rest of the benefits of tourist civilization - comfortable hotels, spa salons, cafes and restaurants are present in the excess. For such a tiny island, they are even with an excess.
There are many vacationers, but they are somehow so dispersed that they do not greatly interfere with each other. Podcats on the beaches are not observed.
Getting to the lipa is not too easy. To do this, change several types of transport. If anyone needs, then you read to this paradise, read .

Beach Pattaya Beach.

On the island of only three beaches. The central is called Pattaya Beach is the most densely populated area. Here the main mass of hotels, including the most comfortable ones, is concentrated. Note that the entrance to the water is clean and smooth, the beach is not suitable for vacationers with children.

Popular Pattaya Beach Hotels:
  1. Hotel Akira Lipe - For those who appreciate on vacation High Comfort
  2. Hotel Mali Koh Lipe - Wonderful Bungalows, perhaps the best hotel to lime on a combination price / quality
  3. Seaside Resort and Family Restaurant - one of the most budget options on the island, bamboo bungalows with a fan from about 800 rubles.

The pier on which the boats arrive from the mainland and other islands is also here.

Home and by and large, the only shopping street to Lype - Walking Street, ran from Pattaya Beach to a calmer beach Sunrise Beach.

Beach Sunrise Beach.

This beach is the second most popular on the island. Accommodation here is different. From expensive resorts and duplex bungalows to bamboo houses of 300 baht per night. True, such houses can not be booked through the Internet, only in place, but they are almost always bought, because This is the only similar resort on the lipa.
Sunrise Beach is a calm and quiet place, perfectly suitable for a leisurely holiday.

Popular Sunrise Beach Hotels:
  1. IDYLLIC CONCEPT - for those who appreciate comfort
  2. Anda Resort Lipe - Excellent bungalows with glass walls and sea views, hammocks on balconies and elegant beds

Beach Sunset Beach.

The third beach on the lipa is the most distant, small and least hidden Sunset Beach. The beach is not big and a little built, the housing is not enough and it is relatively not expensive. There are almost no tourists in this part of the island.

Popular Sunset Beach Hotels:
  1. Smile Sunset - Good bungalows in quiet place with great sunset views
  2. Phuritra Resort - Pleasant Bungalows on the rocks with a pleasant panorama for uninhabited Islands of the Reserve
  3. Mountain Resort Koh Lipe - Excellent combination price / quality, magnificent views from excellent bungalows and just a gorgeous territory, one of better hotels To Lipa

The beach is not in vain wears the name Sunset, you can watch beautiful sunsets from it.

All hotels in Lype on the map

To go to view the hotel, simply click on the marker, to change the display of the number of hotels, change the scale (+/-), to sort the cost, use the price range.

In the depths of the lime, closer to Sunset Beach, there is a simple buddhist templeBut with a wonderful atmosphere and energy.

How to take yourself on a lipa besides a beach holiday

Of course travels on nearby uninhabited islands
and snorkeling.
The underwater world is one of the best in Thailand. In order to make a similar walk, you can contact one of numerous agencies and buy a mini-tour, and you can agree with local boatmen in direct. By the way, newlyweds, and just lovers, in this way can organize an unforgettable romantic adventure ...
The same who dreams of feeling Robinzon can go on a journey through the islands on their own. See such a trip to see.

And of course, kayak rentals are at your service, on which it is very interesting to walk around the lime or to the Ranger Station on the island of Ko Adang. The Rhinee Station is a place for those who are looking for privacy, silence and a little rest from the problems of civilization. You can settle in one of several bungalows or in a tent, including yours.
But be careful, do not leave things unattended! Monkeys live here - thieves hiding in the branches of trees.
Almost all restaurants, cafes, shops are focused on Walking Street, it is also a center nightlife Islands. Travel agencies, exchange offices and diving centers should be searched here too.

Well, in the evening, after grave tourist works, you are waiting for a well-deserved rest - cocktail
And dinner on the seashore.
However, it should be noted that the prices of the Lype, compared with other resorts of Thailand, are greatly overestimated. So that if you go to this paradise with snow white beaches, crystal transparent water and protected beauty uninhabited islands Next door - be prepared to spend significantly. And do not forget about the lack of ATMs.

Pleasant rest!

This one can be called one of the most beautiful. This article will be told about one amazing corner of the Earth. This place is the island of the Lipe (Thailand). Attractions, leisure features and reviews will be presented below in this article.

The presented island is quite rapidly developing, due to the desire to meet the requirements of growing tourism in these surprisingly beautiful and warm places. Therefore, certain global problems arise: an increase in garbage volumes, the likelihood of reducing the diversity of animal populations. Today, serious projects are being developed, the main purpose of which is to preserve the island to lip in a pure priority form.

To Lype (Thailand): General Information

This is a small island of Adang Ravi Archipelago, located in the Adamian Sea. Located to Lype in the province of Sentun, located in the southwestern part of Thailand. It borders this fabulous paradise with Malaysia.

The name of the island sounds in completely different versions, the most common of which are the following: to lime, Koch Lipech, Koh Lip and Lypei. The location of the island is the border with Tazhutao (Sea National Park), next to the islands are larger: to Ravi and Ko Atan. This place has long been populated by Malaysian sea gypsies, which are known as "Chala Lei" and "Warva Lova".

Morner to leisure tourists Thailand. Lipa is one of the most beautiful places. It is approximately 50 or kilometers from Ko Tarutao (Island).

The length of the lipa extends 2.5 kilometers, and in width - 1.5 km away. The widest territory of the island in the form of the letter "G" was settled by the very sea Rygane (about 500 them). They live in small villages, mainly in the East, close to Sunrise Beach. Therefore, their main occupation is a tourist business.


To Lype (Thailand) has three main beach zones: it's Pattaya, Sunrise Beach and Sunset Beach. Compared to neighboring islands it is the most popular place Recreation with tourists. A small island, in shape resembling a triangle, is located in 2 kilometers from about. To adang The bulk of the locals was resettled here in the period between wars from the island of Lanta. The reason for the perfect action was to preserve the Thai territory from the invasion of the British, colonized by Malaysia.

In the lime, as in the neighboring islands, there are also excellent places for diving and snorkeling with masks.

On the territory of the island there are many diving centers and shops that provide the necessary equipment for snorkeling (swimming with mask and flippers). Also organized here interesting excursions on the ship by sea.

Water on the lipa is amazingly clean and calm, so it is perfect for snorkeling. Inhabit the marine waters in this place a total of 25% of the varieties of tropical fish of the whole world. In coral reefs at large depths you can find fish of the largest species. Beautiful and convenient to relax in all respects to Lype.

Reviews, advantages

For tourists on the island a huge variety of guest houses and hotels, and almost all of them are located on the coast, especially in the eastern part of the island. These are four-hundredth hotels, and 3 star hotels. There are more modest places. Below are the best, reviews of tourists, hotels in Ko Lipe (Thailand). Reviews and impressions of holidays in them are the most wonderful.

1. Sawan Resort 2 * It is considered one of the most convenient and pleasant options for recreation. It is offered here accommodation in one of the 5-cells, cozy and arranged on the northern coast of the island. He is located away from a more noisy lime. Sunset Beach is just 3 minutes walk, Pattaya Beach Beach is 10 minutes away. Prices for accommodation here depend on the house, but almost all of them are pretty comfortable and comfortable.

2. TEN MOONS LIPE RESORT 2 * Represents the most romantic vacation option. It represents 15 with bungalows built from wood, in the jungle, near the beach with snow-white clean sand. This place is also relatively calm and not strongly built. The only small minus is a small beach that is overflowing with a large number of vacationers.


There are practically no such remarkable places on the lip. Only in the center of the island is the Buddhist Temple of Hantalai, to get to which you can from the pedestrian street on the road leading to the Sunset Beach beach (i.e. between Sunrise Beach and Sunset Beach). This temple is in the jungle on the hill. It does not look like the usual other temples in Thailand - with luxurious roofs and impressive stairs with fabulous dragons. It represents a shawl with a pair of statues and with multi-colored ribbons. The center of the institution has a large statue of the Golden Buddha. Local residents of the Lype (Thailand) come to her daily.

In Khantala, there are several monks who care about the large number of dogs and cats living here with them. Although this temple looks not aesthetically, as many other luxurious temples of Thailand, still he is a decent landmark of this place. It also has an incredibly strong energy. Being here, people get calm and peace. Among all, the age-old tradition here is that the monks from the temple go in the morning to alms. This exciting event can be seen every morning on the main walking street island at 7 o'clock.

How to get?

There are always a lot of people who want to go to rest in Ko Lipe (Thailand). How to get there?

The closest airports are located in the districts of Trang and Khatyayi. Both are approximately 100 kilometers from Pakbar Pier. Hatyay daily takes airplanes from Singapore, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur. The plane arrives in Trang only from Bangkok. It turns out that the Russians have to get to rest with transfers, possibly with two. Some flights in their cost include transfer and steam to the island to Lype (but it is only from Khatyaya). Otherwise, you can book a minibus to the island in tourist offices At any railway station.

Railway stations Nearest are located, too, in Hatyai and Trange. Daily two trains come from Bangkok. In Hatgyai, the train from Malaysia also comes.

By its own way

Many travelers themselves get to Lype (Thailand). How to get yourself? After arrival in Thailand, the easiest and easiest way to get to the island - through Pakbar Pierce (twice a day). From the city of Satun, Songteo ( public bus), Which is going to the final stop of 50 minutes. It is possible to get to Ferryboat, a ticket to 100 baht less, but on the way it is 1.5 hours longer.

Many travelers enjoy the purchase of combined tickets: a minibus plus a ferry from Tranga, Krabi or Khatyaya to the lime. And these seats can be reached from Bangkok and other cities of Thailand by bus.

A little about the western part of the island

Many of the trees growing on the eastern to Lype, in recent years have been hardened. Their place was taken by modern concrete structures. But there is still on this island the western part remaining practically untouched people. You can use it wild beaches And the jungle to those who love to retire from the fuss and merge with the magnificent nature.

Here you can wander among the trees and copies of dark gray boulders scattered along the slope. Walking on them, you can admire the amazing clean natural nature.


To Lipa (Thailand) is a unique combination of beauty with a special atmosphere of practically not touched nature. This is one of the beautiful paradise places in Thailand.

It is noteworthy that it can still be found wild deserted beaches and places with amazing species and a great atmosphere.

However, is it for a long time? A few more years and the last purest sections of the paradise will be built up with communals, hotels, bars and other facilities ... it means that now we need to use the moment. After all, such places in the world are not so much.

The island of Lipe is located in the south of Thailand, on the border of the territorial waters of Thailand and Malaysia
There are several options how to get to the island to Lype

1) Any airport of Thailand -\u003e Hat Yai (Avia) -\u003e Taxi to Pakbara (1800 baht). Pakbara (Pakbara) -\u003e to the lime on a speed ferry or speedbote 3 times a day.

For example, from Bangkok (Don Muang) in Hat Yai flight Lion Air at 7:45.
At 9:15 in Hat Yai. Receipt of baggage.
Exit and choice of transfer (group on minibas or individually by taxi) to Pakbara. Travel time 1:30.
Pakbara: Buying tickets for speedbot 11:30 to Lipe (450 baht) + 20 baht pier.
Time on the way to Ko Lipa 1:30.
Disembarking or immediately ashore or on a floating platform (depends on the tide / lowbow).
If landing on the platform, then +50 baht for shipping by shore by boat at 13:00

2) Malaysia. From the island Langkavi (Langkawi), Malaysia on the ferry Langkavi - to Lipe ().
3) To Lanta. From the island to Lanta (Province of Krabi) on speedbote.
4) Trang. With pier Hat Yao Pier. (TRANG) on a high-speed ferry of yellow
5) Phuket.. With pier Rassada. (Phuket) on a speed ferry with two stops of Phi Phi and Hat Yao (Trang):

I have described in detail how we traveled to a lithon from Phuket
Transfer bunch: Morning (7:15) Flight Phuket - Hut Ya + Taxi to Pakbara + Speedbot to the lipa allows you to be on the lime to the dinner of the same day.

There are several more exotic options, but because of their exotic and time spent - they will not be considered here.
However, the option 3 is also uninteresting as a speedbote transfer - therefore it is very seasonally and depends on the weather (with a large bolton, cancel).
The most common option: a speedbote trip or ferry (from November to May) to the island to lime from Pakbara Village Pier (Pakbara) Province of Satun (the nearest airports of Hut Yi and Trang).

Than famous village Pakbara (Pakbara)

Previously, it was a terrible hole
When I first got into Pakbaru, there were no hotels in the village of Fishermen, except for 4 rooms on the second floor of a grocery store with one toilet in the corridor at all. And the vessel who delivered tourists from Pakbara to the lipo was from the tree and reminded the Spanish Galeon of the 15th century (broke twice for the flight)

Now Pakbar will not know: 7/11 store, ATMs, Sfund restaurants (True Muslim from the Thai menu)
Port in Pakbar is a building from stone and glass
It is a pity I don't have a photo of Pakbara-2002 ports: on the banks of the river sand bags, which are thrown on 2 boards

How to get to Pakbara

Nearest airports in Pakbar:
Trang (TRANG)
Hat Yai. (Hat Yai)
Trang Airport is a little closer to Pakbar than Hat Yai Airport.

For example: you arrived in Trang from Bangkok ()
Go to the arrival hall and come to the rack of transfers (left part of the hall).
Taxi to Pakbara costs 2200 baht and one and a half hours on the way. The price is fixed and written on the shield before the rack.
If you have a speed ferry tickets Tigerlinethen on a taxi you need to go to the pier Hat Yao. - This is 50 minutes from Tranga Airport)

You can cooperate with someone and divide the cost of a taxi.
You can go on a big way and try to find a way or agree with a taxi directly.
But the fact remains: from Trang Airport to Pakbara Taxi 2200 baht.
Ride taxi from Trang Airport to Pakbara Pier: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Speedback Schedule from Pakbara to Lipe

The schedule varies depending on the season, from the weather and the number of tourists going to the lime.
In general, it is better to clarify the information on the spot.
As of August 2016, the schedule looked like this:

Something can be viewed on the site
Speedbots depart from Pakbara at 9:30, 11:30 and 15:30 in the low season.
The best option will go on the first speedbote at 9:30 so as to be in place (on to lipa) at 11-11: 30
To do this, you must come to Pakbar the day before departure to the lime.

Look at what flights arrive in Trang or Hat Yai on
Add 20 minutes to get baggage and taxi finding.
Add 1.30 to the road to Pakbara and 10 minutes to buy tickets and count on what speedbot you have time.

Where to spend the night in Pakbar

There was a simple hotel near Pierce - Best House.
But in August she had such a species, although it was offered to the Agoda.

But there is something nearby - Marina Resort and Restaurant.
If you want more comfort, it is better to stay in the city Langa 7 km from Pakbara.
For example, praise Farmsuk Residence and Resort Or Bara Resort 3 km from the Pier (right) - there is no good in Bucking, but the houses are good.

The article contains all useful information about the island to Lype in Thailand: how to get to the island to do, the beaches of the lime, hotels and other infrastructure. And, of course, our feedback from the photo and tips.

On the island of the lime in Thailand

Island to Lype: General Information

Island to Lipa - A small island in the south of Thailand in the Andaman Sea in Satun Province is located next to Malaysia (to the nearest Malaysian Island Langkawi are only 30 km). Island to Lype on the map

To Lepa is part of the marine national Park Tarutao, for the visit of which it is necessary to pay 200 baht with a person (do not throw tickets, they will use if you swim on a tour of the neighboring islands, and before sailing from the island we demanded the tickets!).

The island of Ko-Lipa became known for tourists relatively recently: they settled the marine gypsies from Malaysia 40 years ago, and the first European tourists appeared in the 90s of the last century.

To Lype: Sunrise Beach

I was lucky enough to visit the lipa in Thailand in 2006 and to catch a small piece of paradise 🙂 At that time, the island was already equipped for tourists, but, of course, not on such a scale, as now: on the lipo there were only cheap wooden bungalows, almost Desert beaches, one shop in the center of the island and Pooh Bar - the only place on the lipa, where there was an Internet 🙂 and in general, all the Europeans gathered every evening in this dinner bar and beer 🙂 No concrete roads on the island of Ku lipa was not everywhere, everywhere There was sand, and before the entrance to any room it was necessary to take shoes, and indeed shoes on the island was not needed - everywhere went barefoot.

To Lype in 2006

After a couple of years, the total building of the island began, the first large hotels appeared (some of them even with a swimming pool), old wooden bungalows were also reconstructed, and a little later, the lipa was joined by maritime communications with Langkawi, an immigration office appeared on the beach for passport control when arriving from Malaysia and desired from Thailand. A little later, the Central Street was concreted - so the walking street Walking Street appeared.

Immigrate office on the lime in the center of Pattaya Beach Beach
Entrance to the walking street on the side of the beach Sunset
Volkin Street: A walk street with shops, cafes, bars appeared central street
Roads almost all over the island
Although there were still clay and sandy roads on the island, and on the way to the beach of Sunrise, the deposits of garbage
Pointers in the center of the island
Houses of local residents
But there are also such hibars of local residents who have not changed at all over 10 years ... The most funny that in such houses on the walls huge plasma TVs are hanging.
Local residents Islands
On the island a lot of well-kept cats and dogs

Of course, the development of the tourist infrastructure of the island could not not entail an increase in the flow of tourists and crowds, huge crowds of holidaymakers poured on to the lipo. For some reason, the island of Lipe especially loved by the Chinese (each respected Chinese wants to have selfie with the lipo and with 🙂). Yes, and other Asians there are enough there, especially love to come to the island of Lipe Thais and Malaysians for the holidays and on weekends. There were times when tourists on the island were so much that they were not placed in hotels, and people spent the night in tents on the beach!

According to rumors, to the island of the Lipe of travel agencies even tried to send our compatriots "Paktnikov" and people were very unhappy, in which hole they were seased (and where are the entertainment and shopping centers, like in? 🙂)

But now, fortunately, the unhealthy excitement to the island of ok, our packets are not on the lipo, but chinese tourists Come in large quantities, especially in winter to the Chinese New Year.

Bright colors to lipe

Map diagram of the island of the lime

Island map

Seasons and weather on Koh Lype: when it is best to go to the island

On the island of Kohlip, there are two main seasons:

  • Rain and Storms Season: April-May to October
  • Dry season: From November to April

Earlier, the island "closed" for the summer, because of the strong storms in the sea almost completely stopped by marine communication with the mainland, hotel workers went on vacation 🙂 Last years a message with an island and mainland Thailand does not stop round yearonly reduces the number of flights. And the weather and climate is now so much changeable, as in the summer you can catch good sunny weather, and in the peak of the season to get under the rain.

But prices for hotels usually differ in three seasons:

  • Low Season: Summer
  • High season: October - November and March - April
  • Peak season: December - February

When is it best to go to the island?

SAMI good weather On to Lype in the winter, in December - February, but during this period there are a lot of tourists on the island and the prices of everything, especially for accommodation, are significantly increased. Summer season rains, but desert beaches and low prices On hotels. In my opinion, the optimal time to visit the island to Lype in Thailand is November and March-April.

The weather on the island depends on the seasons. Best season in winter, but at this time there are a lot of tourists

How to get to the lip

The island of the Lype in Thailand is located in the Andaman Sea, the island of the small, the airport is not there 🙂 Nearest to the lipa airports:

  • Hat Yai (Thailand)
  • Trang (Thailand)
  • Langkavi (Malaysia)

You can get on the lipa only by water - on fast boats or boats by the sea that go with piers:

  • Pakbara (Pakbara Pier), Thailand. You can say this main pier, Pakbara message - Lipo year-round
  • Trang (Hat Yao Pier), Thailand
  • Kuah Jetty, Malaysia, Langkavi
  • Telaga Harbor, Malaysia, Langkawi

Direct water communication between Langkavi - Lype stops in the low season.

Also in high season there is a marine message between the islands - - Lanta - Lipa.

Many boats and boats deliver tourists to the island

Briefly algorithm, how to get to the island of Lipe the following:

  • Flight to or Kula Lumpur. Flights Weeking
  • Flight from Kuala Lumpur to Langkavi, from Bangkok to Hut Ya or Trang, or you can reach Hut Yas Grown - by bus or train
  • Taxi / Minibus / Pier Transfer
  • Boat / Boat to Island to Lype

Very detailed article with prices and tips on how to get to the lime from different places Thailand, Malaysia and from Russia:

Transport on the island: on what to move

There are no big roads on the island of Lipa, there are no cars and few bikes (some locals go on the bikes, but they do not rent them for rent)

You can move a small island to the lipo:

  • on foot
  • if necessary, take a motorbike taxi (this is a bike with a cart) for 50 baht per person in one direction or ride around the island for 400 baht / h
  • bicycles for rent - 200 baht per day.
  • you can also move between the beaches by boats. But boats-taxi on the island is not such a common phenomenon, such as on or in, because Almost between all the beaches of the island to lipa can be quiet

Pricing for moto taxi in the island

Hotels in Lype: Where to stay on the island

Every year, more and more new hotels opened on the island, but, despite this, in the peak of the season to find accommodation in place may be a problem. Therefore, hotels in Lipe advise to book in advance.

Most hotels in Lipa are right on the coastline, many of the hotels in the bungalie type, although there are hotels with rooms in the housings.

Air-conditioned bungalow Right on the beach: Hotel Andaman Resort
The hotel is very popular with Europeans
New villas on the green lawn of the Z-Touch Lipe Island Resort
Some of the hotels in the center of the island

Prices for hotels in Lipa are quite high:

  • double Room The hotel in the middle loss on the beach will cost +/- 3000 baht
  • cheap beach bungalows - from 1000 baht

Prices are for high season, in summer housing is twice as cheaper. Perhaps you can find huts and for 500 baht, for example, houses in the photo below stand right on the beach and belong to the Andaman Resort. Cost did not recognize.

Very budget houses right on the beach

Example of prices for hotels in Lype

Detailed article about Hotels to Lype with their features, prices, recommendations:

Our review about the hotel in which we stayed for a few days:

All hotels in Lipe can be booked on the following booking sites:

Beaches to Lipa

Island to Lype in Thailand is famous for its chic beaches. Allocate the following main beaches:

  • Pattaya Beach (Pattaya Beach)
  • Sunrise Beach
  • Sunset Beach (Sunset Beach)
  • Karma Beach (Karma Beach) or North Beach
  • Beaches in Bays

Pattaya Beach Beach

The most popular beach of Lipa is Pattaya Beach. He is in the bay in the south of the island. Snow-white white sand, clean sea, near the shore of a lively coral reef with fish. Good infrastructure, but sometimes it is noisy and crowded, especially at a time when I arrive at the boats with tourists from the mainland and Langkavi and in the evening before sunset. Details about Pattaya Beach Beach:

Pattaya Beach Beach in the south to lipe
View of the beach Pattaya Beach Beach from the sea
Long and Pretty Wide Beach Pattaya
Before sailing boats on the beach can be crowded
Before sunset, there is also a crowd of resting 🙂

Beach Sunrise Beach

Sunrise Beach is the second most popular beach on the lime. He fell in love with silence and pacification. On the beach. White snowy sand, good sharp occasion at sea. Details about this beach here:

Sunrise Beach: Southern Part
Sunrise Beach: Northern
Central Sunrise Beach

Beach Sunset Beach

Beach in the west island to lime. Sand is grayish, entering the sea is very smooth, on the shore there are many picturesque stones. Frankly, this beach did not impress me at all, maybe we were not at that time ...

Sunset Beach in the West Island

Karma Beach Beach

The beach of karma or the beach next to the Mountain Resort hotel is the northernmost beach of the island with a beautiful sandy oblique (Spit is closer to winter, in the summer it may not be). Sand is very large, white, sea bright turquoise, beautiful view To the next island Adang. In this beach, there are often strong wind in winter. Read more:

Picturesque sandy braid In the north of the island - the symbol of the island of the lime 🙂
Karma Beach in the north of the island
Beach in the north of the island

What is the beach on to lipa best? - It's hard for me to answer this question, I like and Pattaya Beach, and the beach of Sunrise 🙂 Detailed description of all beaches to Lype:

Almost all the beaches of the lipe are good 🙂


Tourist infrastructure on the island is well developed. Of course, large stores like Tesko and Big with on the island of Lipa is not, but there is:

  • two 7 Eleven (in which for some reason eternal queues)
  • small stores with water-food
  • shop with souvenirs and beachwear
  • a huge variety of cafes and restaurants, which contain not only Thai cuisine and seafood, and the Indian and European food.
  • bars and coffee shops
  • tents with pancakes, fruit cakes, ice cream
  • massage salons
  • and even beach club on Pattaya Beach 🙂
  • several ATMs, currency exchange (the exchange rate in the exchanger is not profitable, it is better to come to the lime already with cash bast)
  • tour agencies in which you can buy a tour, tickets, exchange money, etc. etc.
  • pharmacies
  • hospital

On the island of two 7-Eleven
Several pharmacies
Shops with souvenirs and beachwear
Cozy bars
Cafe with delicious ice cream
Pancakes, baguettes, croissants, fruit cakes, smoothie
Walk through Volkin Street
Evening relax on the beach

Mostly the entire infrastructure is located in the center of the island at Walking Street. Read more:

Prices on the lime

We can say about prices for to lipa: here are expensive hotels, prices in 7 Eleven is higher than on the mainland, expensive fruit, but prices in the cafe are quite adequate, I would even say low for such a quality of food.

Not first noted for myself a strange feature: on the small islands in Thailand is usually all more expensive, except for food in a cafe. So it was, for example, at Phi Phi - the island is not cheap, and the food in the cafe is not only delicious, and also inexpensive!

For example, our average score for dinner with a beer on a lipo never exceeded 500 baht (except one evening when we went to dinner on a unlimited buffet in the Progress restaurant).

Some prices on the lime:

  • Water 1.5 l in 7 Eleven - 26 baht
  • Yogurt - 21 baht
  • Coffee in Seven - 60 - 65 baht
  • Finished food in boxes in 7 Eleven (for example, rice + meat) - 70 - 80 baht
  • Beer Chang 0.6 in Seven - 90 baht, in a small shop - 65 baht
  • Water Packing 6 bottles of 1.5 liters in the shop - 100 baht
  • Pancakes with different fillings ~ 40 - 70 baht
  • Fish in a cafe ~ 240 baht
  • Squid, shrimp in cafe ~ 150 baht
  • Tom holes ~ 120 - 150 baht
  • Rice with meat or seafood ~ 80 baht
  • Beef steak in Steak House - 450 baht
  • Coffee in a cafe ~ 70 - 90 baht
  • Breakfast in the cafe - 200 - 300 baht

One of our dinners
Buffet with seafood in a restaurant Progress on wolping Street 490 baht with a person
Watches from 6 pm Restaurants and cafes begin to spread the fish on the shop windows. Prices for photos
Cocktails in Bars on average 200 baht, beer 100 baht

What to do on the lip

To Lipa is an island for a relaxing beach holiday, no noisy parties, nightclubs or attractions here are not 🙂 The main attraction for the lime is its beaches, the neighboring Islands of the National Park and the underwater world. Therefore, the list than to do on the lipa is not so big:

  • Visit and swim on all the beaches of the island
  • Strengthen snorkel. The island of the lime is the only place in Thailand from those where we were, where a good snorkeling near the shore
  • Come on
  • Flow to the next Adang Island
  • Lead a course of study at the diving school - near the lime excellent dive spots
  • Eat - drink - sleep - go for a massage - relax 🙂

The cost of diving on the lime
Cost and description of excursion tours with to lime
Visit the neighboring islands during one of the excursions
View of Adang Island, to which you can fuse, rented boat
Adang: removed with a strong approach

Island to lipe reviews

You know, there are such places on the ground, which at first glance are in the soul. With the lipa, I had a similar situation 🙂 I fell in love with even not at first glance, and even earlier, when I read about him on the forum (if I'm not mistaken, it was in 2003). Soon my dream came true: I flew to Thailand. But for the first time, the route was simpler and did not include the island of the lipa, but included in itself - -.

A little later, I still got on the lipa and stayed in complete delighted with this tropical paradise. Years passed, alternated countries and beautiful islands (What is only worth beauty in the Philippines or Saray's Islands and a ditch in Indonesia), but the island of Ku Lype in Thailand always remained in my memory and I knew that someday I would definitely return there 🙂 and returned after more than 10 years later!

Yes, the island has changed (but I read about it and this fact was not shocked for me), but still I like it just like before. Most likely, those who are looking for parties, shopping, etc. etc. will be bored on the lipa (in this case it is better to go to Phuket), and we are just right

To lipa - my love for many years :)))

How many days to spend on the lipo?

Many are advised not to spend on the island of the lime in Thailand more than 3-4 days, we spent on the lipa almost a week and left well, I did not want at all. If you are traveling in Asia, then you can combine a lipo with some more large island and the city, such as routes, can be the following:

  • Bangkok - Phuket - Ko Lipa - - Bangkok
  • Bangkok - Hut Yai - Ko Lipa - Langkavi - Kuala Lumpur
  • Kuala Lumpur - - - Langkavi - to Lype

And many other options 🙂 pleasant stay!

See also: