Sky (Skye) is the most beautiful types of Scotland. Where to find workers for the base in No Man's Sky Next? Sky Island in Scotland Travel Guide

NEXT, you will come across the need to hire workers. Since the game does not want to help us with this, we will try to figure out where to find them.

Missions for recruitment will appear after the construction of special terminals at its base. In the game 5 species of specialists who can be hired: builders, scientists, gunsmiths, technicians and farmers. Such a team will allow you to extract rare and valuable items in the command center. Each of these workers has its own series of tasks, after the execution of which you can get different drawings.

Where to find a builder?

First you will be offered to find a builder. To do this, we go to the hecons, on any of their space station. We speak there with everyone, until we know the information you need.

Where to find gunsmith?

Wemmaire We are going to search for a Space Station Wi'kin. There find a suitable specialist. Wi''kins are well versed in weapons.

Where to find a scientist?

Scientist We are going to search for a Corvakax race space station. We speak with everyone on the space station and choose an employee. Corvaksa are very smart.

Where to find a farmer?

Farmer We go to look for the Space Station of the race of Hekov.

Where to find appliances?

Technique We are going to search for the Space Station of the race Wi'kin. Sometimes you can find on a common platform.

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Sky (Skye) is probably the most attractive from the Scottish Islands, which can be explained by its majestic deserted landscapes with the unique Mountains of Cululs, with the most picturesque coast, old castles and an interesting story.

The tops of the mountains of Kululs most of the year are wrapped in fog. Therefore, the most popular assumption about the origin of the name of the island is associated with the Scandinavian words "SKY" - the cloud and "EU" - the island. Maybe therefore, the island is now called "Eilean a" Cheo "-" Foggy Island ". If you look at the map of the island, you can understand the second version of the name associated with the Gael's word" Sgiath "- the wing. Sky as if consists of wings This is a Sleat Peninsula, Minginish, Duirinish, Waterenish, Trotternish, separated by embarrassed by marine lakes.

It is interesting to notice that all Scottish lakes - and internal fresh and long narrow sea bays are called "Loch" - the lake. On O.Sho coast so strongly risen by sea lakes, that any point of the island is removed from the ocean by no more than 8 kilometers, although the distance between the most extreme dots - About 100 km, and the length of the coastline is 600 km.

Every corner of the island is notable in its own way - from a slightly hilly, lush-covered by the vegetation of the Peninsula Peninsula in the south, through the rock climbing climbons Red and Black Culin (about which you can read in detail on the Cullins page in the section "Mount Scotland"), then through peat empties and Forest plantations for trothernish peninsula with vertical cliffs in Storr and Quiraing mountain formations, high rocks and falling waterfalls into the sea. On the Waternish Peninsula, Dunvegan Castle (Dunvegan) is located, which is already the 8th centuries not changing the owners - the leaders of the clan Maklaud.

Even geologically Sky is different from the rest of Healunds. 50 million years ago Skye represented a boiler of a raging magma, there and here the fluxing streams of boiling lava, from which these were then formed basalt mountains And rocks admiring thousands of people who do not know how to sit at home of people. Tourists also attracts the story here, to come into contact with which you can in the castles of Danvegan and Armadale. And many English-speaking visitors themselves are descendants of those who have to emigrate from their native places due to the cruel cleaning policy (Clerarances) of Scottish Heilyands, and come to the homeland of their ancestors, and with nostalgic feelings, especially when there and here on the island you can see the settlement by residents . Today, only about 9 thousand people live here, and once this number was several times more.

On the island you can get in two ways.
- By railway Or by car from Glasgow (Edinburgh) to Mallaig (Mallaig) village, and then on the ferry to the Pier Ardvasar (Ardvasar) on O.Skay. She is in one mile from the castle of Armadeil (see Carta).
- By car or bus from Glasgow or Invernity through a bridge (Skye Bridge).

For all of us, Sky Island was, perhaps, the main highlight of the whole journey. Judge himself: mountainous island in the extreme north-west of Great Britain, located in the archipelago internal hybrids, with a population of only 10 thousand inhabitants, who speak Gaelle and are direct descendants of the Scandinavian Vikings!

Sky island - the patrimony of the legendary Scottish clan of Maklaudov (the film "Highlander" watched everything). The island has always been isolated from Mainland Scotland, and the first bridge was built only in 1999. In general, unreal for Europe, coarse and wild beauty! "The island of impressions", and the "photographer's dream". Quiraing Pass, coast cliffs and Kilt Rock Waterfall, and an unreal storm at NEIST POINT Cape, and at the end of everything - the soulful hostess in our miracle mini-gosthaus. I even left feedback!

In the evening, we finally got to the capital of Skye Island - the city of Portree. Gorodishko Tiny, population is only 2500 people, but 100% authentic. Only a bar with seafood at the sea pier is worth. No doubt, there would be at least one summer here!

It was in Portril that we were lucky to stay in a wonderful mini-hotel under the control of a wonderful granny. Another +100 to the place. MUST DO! I recommend everyone to spend here at least a couple of days. Immersion in serenity is guaranteed! About tasty jams I am generally silent :)

The island is large enough (in length more than 60 kilometers) and literally stuffed with fantastic beauty of the North Atlantic!

As I said earlier, I was driving at this journey absolutely not prepared and when I saw this inscription on the incomprehensible language, literally fell into a stupor. It turned out that Gael's language is the second official language of the island on Roven with English.

And when it came to the edge of the cliff ... I think comments here are superfluous.

On this day, we made the maximum number of stops per 1 kilometer.

Waterfall right into the sea. Behind the cliff Kilt Rock!

A little bit, I saw so bright, most powerful places, but it was necessary to move on, in the mountains!

Rocks Quirag (Quiraing) - the main natural attraction of Sky island and we even planned a small two-hour Hyking, but coming out of the car we got together on a picnic right on the green lawn, and when it was put up on a camping rain. Well, it means not fate!

Quiraing, place, of course, mega powerful! The remains of ancient volcanoes facing their rocky slopes right to meet the fierce northern Atlantic winds!

By narrow mountain road We descended to the West Bank of the island. Beautiful place UIG in full view! Driving such places I always think about the same thing. What will happen if a person born and lived in such beauty to move into our cities?!

In general, beauty for this day is already more than, but the plan has a plan, and we drove into another popular place called "Fairy Glen" (Fairy Glen). We climbed the funny karst funnels and bulges, found (ancient?) Stone pieces and photographed the most beautiful lamb in the world!

In the evening we walked along the portra. First of all, on the pier. Here all the senses understand what life is on the sea!

The second day of our stay on the island of Skye turned out to be shock! Rutting route of the first half of this day: Portree - Dunvegan Castle Castle (Dunvegan Castle) Clan Maclaudov - Cape Nest Point (Neist Point) - Sky Bridge Bridge (Sky Bridge)

Early in the morning, we once again slipped on Portree with an iPhone. There will be no more chance to see the city!

Here is a view of the secluded bay, we opened every morning!

With Dunvegan Castle, Maklaudov Clan (Dunvegan Castle) is not lucky - Lilo like from the bucket! It's a pity! By the way, this is the oldest of the dwellied castles of Scotland. The clan of Maclaudov lives in this place for more than 800 years !!!

Despite bad weather beautiful road Along the secluded bays and tiny villages, we stubbornly moved to the north of the island. Here I realized that the phrase "house on the seashore and its own secluded bay" for a resident of Sky Island does not mean anything. Bay here ten per resident!

Scotland consists of more than 750 islands, but only one of them is so beautiful that the National Geographic magazine made it to the list of the most beautiful islands in the world. It is described in all the guidebooks of Scotland, as a mandatory place to visit - this is Skye.

If you have little time, and you do not have time to call in all corners of the country, then choosing the main point of visiting Sky Island - you will not be mistaken. This is an amazing place that combines waterfalls, valleys, mountain peaks and unique landscapes. It is very often called "Scotland in miniature", but here I disagree a little about it, because Sky is something else, nothing is comparable.

Edge of land

So since 1995 it is not difficult to get to the island, since it is connected with the main part of the country Bridge Sky Bridge. The bridge is not too picturesque, but worthy of attention, since without him you would have to wait for your turn on the ferry to get to the destination. In the first trip, we traveled this bridge, without even paying attention to it, and only on the way back it was estimated for its importance for local residents.

Since 1995, the bridge connects Scotland with Sky Island

Sky is the most big Islandwhich is included in the archipelago internal hebrides and the second largest in Scotland, after the Lewis-Harris archipelago. Only 10,000 inhabitants live on its territory in 1656 kilometers of square, which makes it almost deserted, thanks to which it is possible to retire and enjoy nature with beautiful scenery. The main thing is that during the trip did not let the weather. The most numerical city island island. If you settle there, you can easily get to any part of the island by half an hour maximum. About places for accommodation should be taken in advance, since usually the number of tourists here is much larger than in other parts of Scotland.

Skye Island landscapes are very diverse

The island is enveloped with a huge number of legends and secrets, which still excite the minds of many visitors. The most important attraction and the island's business card is the mountain range called Trotternish, on the top of which lonely stone is located - old man Storr (Old. Man. of. Storr.) . The legend says that earlier it was a huge giant, who lived on trotternish. And when he died, he was buried, but a few fingers remained from under the ground, who petrified and took the form of the famous old man Storra. According to another legend, these were giants that flee flew from chase, but turned around, and turned into stones. Indeed, from afar, this sculpture looks like a sitting thoughtful old man, looking into an endless distance. The fancy stone rises 50 meters above the ground, and close to it looks truly fascinating. Especially if it is also shrouded in fog. The path to the top to the old man and back takes up to 5 km.

Mountain Ridge Trotternish in sunny weather is clearly visible
When there is no fog, the old man Storr is clearly visible from afar

For lifting, it does not need special preparation, as the road is pretty simple and does not require high physical exertion. By time, the rise and the descent will take you about 4 hours. If you are lucky with the weather, you will see an amazing beauty of the landscape that surrounds this area. When we rose upstairs, the top was so tightened with fog that we almost slipped past the older Storra. They saw it only when came close to him. Fog only added mysticality to this amazing place. By the way, the mysticality of this place noticed the famous director Ridley Scott, who showed Old Mother of Storr in his film "Prometheus". According to the plot of the film, it was here that they found a cave, on the walls of which alien creatures were depicted. Landscape near the stone really looks not very earthly. The huge blocks of black stones are scattered in a chaotic order, and what is the most interesting, the stonepad here happens to this day, so it is necessary to be very neat while walking.

That's so fucked by a trail leading us
A sufficiently tight fog dispersed many wishing to climb upstairs
Winding trail upstairs
At times, the outlines of Storra pierced
Climbing climbers are very often closed on the top of the stone
This locality was familiar to us on the film "Prometheus"
In such a fog, all the stones look like huge giggles
A little further from the trail opens great view On stones. And even fog is not a hindrance for a beautiful panorama.
This is how to sit and look at Storra - solid pleasure
The road goes on to fog

I say goodbye to the storrome, we moved further to explore the island. And on the way, we were waiting for one of the very picturesque waterfalls - Kilt Rock (Kilt. Rock) or Kilt Falls (Kilt. Falls.) . He acquired his fame due to the fact that the flow of its water from a height of 90 meters falls right in Atlantic Ocean. He received the name due to the fact that his rocks are very similar to the folds of the subject of Scottish men's clothing - Kilt. It is surrounded by high basalt columns. The waterfall appears in all beauty, if you remove it from the water, but we have not introduced such an opportunity, so we enjoyed the view from the shore.

Waterfall falls right into the ocean
View from the top of the waterfall
Basalt cliffs are located along the coast of the island

Next door to Kilt Rock waterfall are traces of dinosaurs who lived here more than 170 million years ago. Sky Island is also called the "Scottish capital of dinosaurs" due to the fact that archaeologists still find fossil traces of Zauropod. Petrapops are very well preserved due to the fact that they were left on sandstone and limestone, which were held at low tide.

List of dinosaurs, traces of which are preserved
All traces are very well preserved
Next to the waterfall is a museum with different artifacts belonging to the era of dinosaurs

Almost in the north island there is a picturesque plateau Quirag (Quiraing)which is necessary to visit. It is unique in that it was formed during the time of the ice age, and now it is actively destroyed, because it consists of frozen lava. Its plates are in constant motion, so the stonepad is very frequent here. The total route of the plateau to the plateau is 6.8 km, but we, as very active tourists, went much further, and almost bypassed Quirang on the back side, having been walking with a length of 18 km. And because of his carelessness, a very big mistake was allowed, which turned the whole tracking into a small stress - we went to the after noon's path, and did not take into account that the sun in the mountains sits much earlier than everywhere. Even before we understood our defects, the strongest wind rose, which made it difficult to move on narrow paths. In addition to us, there was no one on the path, and on the way there was countless sheep, and they were so loosely worn around the mountain slopes, which sometimes it seemed that they should not knock us down from the legs. Back we walked in the pitch darkness, the Guska and holding hands, because it was easy to stupid. That's so simple enough walking turned into a fascinating journey with a bunch of memories. But we learned a lesson well.

Beginning of the trail on Quirang
In Sunny weather, Quirang is beautiful
The further deep into the Quirangu, the stronger the wind
Symbol of Scotland.
At this point of Quirang were the strongest gusts of the wind
Turning Quirang

We hurried to visit a very famous castle, which is the generic estimate of the "immortal" clan of Maklaudov for more than 800 years - Danvegan () . This is the oldest castle in Scotland, in which people still live. Today, the 30th head of the legendary clan Hyu Maklaud has lived here with his family. On the first floor of the castle there is a museum who keeps the relics of ancient kind, and it is open to visitors. The top floors are closed to the visit and it is there who lives the family Hugh. At the time of our visit, the owner of the castle went on business in London, but workers told us that he would gladly go to visitors and communicates with them. In the castle, you can see a large number of portraits of all members of the ancient clan, their relics, awards, trophies, weapons, form and many other things than for 800 people could use people living in this castle. But the most famous of family relics, which is enveloped by a large number of secrets, is the banner of Fay. According to the legend, the Queen of Fey, which the head of the Maklaudov clan was very loved, gave the heir to the segment of silk, which could protect the genus from danger three times with the help of Magic Fay. After the third time, he will lose its strength. According to history, this banner has been used already twice, and both times to protect against the MacDonald Military Clana, which from time to time tried to conquer Sky Island, which belonged to McLaudam. Also in the castle there is a Chunk of Danvegan, which some consider the very cup of Sacred Grail, which gives immortality and happiness to its owner.

Castle stands on basalt cliff
Inaccessible and unlucky castle

The castle itself is located on a basalt rock on the shore of Lake Loch Dunvegan and from the side looks rather impregnable and irresistible. A large number of Funds for the maintenance of the castle stands out for care for a huge garden that surrounds it. Judging by the fact that plants are well maintained here it is possible to understand that the owners are invested in the trees and flowers of their soul. Here you can meet a huge number of tulips, pine trees, palm trees, exotic plants in greenhouses. Also on the territory of the garden you will see a very pretty waterfall, which is dedicated to Fayam living here. Entry tickets You can buy individually in the garden, and in the garden and the castle.

Fayam Falls In the garden there are a variety of trees
A large collection of tulips is growing in the garden Fancy trees

And finally, I want to tell you about the biggest disappointment, which was waiting for us on Skye, these are very famous Fay pools (Fairy. Pools.) . In most guidebooks on Scotland, this place is described as unique and unique. Type of photos from there makes your heart beat more often, from anticipation to see such beauty. Fay pools are multi-level cascade waterfalls that have crystal mountain water flowing several streams and merges into one large pool. It looks like a stunning ... But only in the photo. The first time we came here at the beginning of May, in the hope of seeing the splendor of water, which was shown in the photos. But we stayed very disappointed, because it was not displayed and the tenth shares of that beauty that had to be. Pofotographed, we decided to return here at another time of the year, in the hope that the picture will change. Our second visit was in early October, and here, as in the case of Quirang, we went through the distance twice the path itself to the pools. And they went so far that they almost climbed the mountain, which stood far behind these waterfalls. And all because we could not believe what they saw this and there are those pools fairies. Therefore, we decided to walk even further, and a little bit more .... What is the most interesting, we were not the only one who refused to believe their eyes. Several people who went close to us also asked everyone, where these pools are located. As a result, overcoming the distance twice as much as before the waterfalls, we, nevertheless, returned to the pool and decided to photograph what they saw. For the third time I do not want and I will not return to this place, as I still will not see what is in the photos on the Internet. Because surplus photoshop in pictures can play a very evil joke with tourists, as in our case. In no case dissuade you to go to this place, as I think that everyone should come and evaluate the situation on their own. Maybe you will be lucky, and you will open the secrets of magical waterfalls that are so beautifully described.

Both the best sweet whiskey and Isle of Skye He is a drinking quintessence among all the beauties of Scottish mountains and plains. His dramatic landscape covers everything: from gloomy windmills to pure sea cliffs and covered with seashells of beaches on the edge of light.

Immerse yourself in rare wildlife, intriguing story, unchanged myths and a variety of good (sometimes even excellent) restaurants, pubs and cafes and you can understand why sky Island is one of the premium business cards of the country for tourists.

They say that on the very scottish island It is difficult to avoid a crazy crowd, so it would be nice to rent a car. If you want to go away from the main road Kaylakin-Portrod-Uyig, then go public transport Skye will be uncomfortable.

And do not forget Gold Rule of Scotland: Stay from time to time, wear a raincoat in a backpack and get acquainted with the beauty of the Misty Island, giving the tribute to the installed fashion - on foot. Here is small Sky island guidewho should be used during your trip.

Peninsula Trotternish

The trip amazes and captures, bypassing the stone hill Storr (Old Man of Storr), Surprisingly familiar for fans of science fiction films: This iconic basalt spire was depicted in the opening stage of the recent blockbuster director Ridley Scott "Prometheus" (Prometheus). Further to the north, the road passes through the eastern shore of the peninsula, where you can stay to see how waterfalls fall into the sea, and enjoy the beautiful panorama.

Star bait Trotternish (Trotternish)it is Quiraing, surreal slope of rocks, vertices and rocks dated with the Jurassic period. This is a unique area that you can easily get around on foot for a few hours. Following on the road, you will fall on the top of the peninsula, driving past the ruins of the Duntulm castle, and then to The museum of island life (Skye Museum of Island Life) - a small preserved village with traditional straw huts.

Now, heading for the south, you can go to the Magic Bay of Wig. With the appropriate weather, ferries sail from here in Outer Hebrides. A few miles south of Wig, a narrow road leads to the Fairy Glen, a strange miniature landscape of conical and steep hills, there is even a lake on the road.

Kvilinz Hills

From gear ridges, foggy vertices and frightening space of naked stones, kvilinz Hills (Cuillins Hills.) are a formidable ridge British Islands. The mountain range, which includes 12 MUNROS (Scottish mountains with a height of more than 3,000 feet), is a plot for experienced climbers. If you want to do climbing, then many local centers offer expert instructors for those who wish to try themselves at their high routes.

If mountaineering is high in the mountains, this is not yours, do not be discouraged - here you can find many beautiful low-level routes. A good option can be a six-wing path from the camp GlenBrittle. up to Coire Lagan.. From here you can contemplate with binoculars as climbers climb up the rocks.

Want to increase your appetite of your further adventures, then you will probably go on a trip to Loch Cruisk., very remote place surrounded by forty vertices.

You can climb there on foot from Kilmarie.Although it is really exhaustive five and a half miles. An alternative to the rise on board Misty Isle, which goes from Elgolsix days a week.

Woolnish, Danvegan and Duirinish

Peninsula Woolnish(Waternish) What is located in the North-West, has an ancient bloody story, as they resemble architectural monuments and abandoned burial grounds.

Today, the former residence of Clan Macleod is the center of decorative and applied art. This is a place where you can find unique carpets from sheep skins, and you can even watch them make them.

Woolnish is the birthplace of the oldest public house in Skye - Stein Inn, which takes a wonderful place on the shore Loch Bay.. This is a truly atmospheric place with unpretentious rooms, a bar, a good meal and a fantastic little beer garden.

In south of Waternish is located Danvegan (Dunvegan)known as a place the oldest castle in Scotland. Built on rocky breed exposure in Loch Dunvegan, this residence of the kind Macleod. It is one of the main attractions of the island. Dunvegan Castle took VIP guests, including Dr. Samyul Johnson, Flora McDonald, Sir Walter Scott and Queen Elizavet II. This place is full of relics and surrounded by beautiful English gardens.

The narrow road to the west of Dunvegan passes at the most popular gastronomic place on the island - "The Three Chimneys". This restaurant, won a lot of awards and is located in the farm cottage. You can get for lunch or dinner only by booking in advance. Large lifesters can stop here at night in one of the chic 5 * star rooms.

Follow the west through Glendaleuntil you see NEIST POINT., the most western top of Sky island. This is a magical place with a wildly photographic lighthouse over naked cliffs, as well as a great platform to watch whales, dolphins, sea pigs and giant sharks. When the sun comes, the air comes to the cries of Northern Olush, Kair, Gahar and Baklanov.

What else to visit on the island

Portlish (Portree), the capital of the island, it is worth visiting her. In addition to the simple pleasure of walking along the harbor, as if conceded with postcards, which is surrounded by brightly colored houses, portrow is good placewhere a cup of coffee in cozy cafe You can designate your further route.

From here you can take a boat to look at wildlife in Sound Of Raasay. Visit the Aros Experience on the outskirts of the city that combines tourist centre, Gift Shop, Restaurant, Theater and Cinema.

At the bottom of the island Skye is located Merge (Sleat), the lower Peninsula, who lacks the dramatic topography of the center and the North, and yet it boasts a few dreaming of forest areas, hikes to remote beacons and landscapes from Sound Of Sleat to Knoydart.

The main visiting card here is Museum of Islands (Museum of the iSles) - Castles, Reserved Gardens and Tourist Center. The museum itself reveals the complex story of the genus of this remote part of Scotland.

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