Devils Tower (Devils Tower) - an unpricted mystery of nature. Devil Tower: Basalt Mountain in the USA in which part of the planet is the Devil Tower

Devil Tower (Devil "S Tower) - the most mysterious cliff America

A huge basalt pillar is right in the midst of the plain with the sinister name of the Devil Tower for more than a hundred years attracts climbers from around the world to the state of Wyoming. But at an altitude of only 386 meters, it was submitted not many crisp. How not to believe in mystic?

When you first look at this towering right in the midst of the great plains, the hill come to the mind. Associations come with some kind of a hypertrophied meal or erected by some crazy architect of the tower. The perfectly correct shape and incredible dimensions make this mountain formation almost the main attraction scarce on the spectacular places of Wyoming. It is no coincidence that another 1906 in the area envelope the devil tower was created National ParkAnd the peak itself acquired the status of the national monument.

The Indians called this mountain, Maty tiled, which means "Bear House". Until now, according to the collections of mythology, the legend of seven girls is huddled by time, in which, during a carefree walk through the forest, a bear attacked. Desperate to escape from an angry beast, the girls climbed the stone and began to pray for salvation over. As a result, the stone rose to the very sky, and the girls went straight on the heavenly plateau and became the stars of the Pleiads. No matter how tried to climb the bear on the mountain, but it did not succeed, but the longitudinal traces of his claws on the surface of the stone - direct evidence of his disembodied attempts to taste the innocent children's flesh. Looking at this wonderful rock, involuntarily agree with the progress of the thoughts of the indigenous people: here it really lives something very big, evil and otherworked.

The nature of this unique object is covered with mystery mystery and thick layer of dust. Scientists say the devil tower is nothing more than the remnants of impressive mountain Massiva, injured crushing defeat in a fight with time and adverse weather phenomena. Two hundred million years ago the Great Plain was all covered with the sea. Magma, introduced into the strata of the seabed, from the racing subsoil of the Earth became an impetus for the formation of a post-based basalt body. Over time, the sea hosted here was gone, exposing basalt formations, once appeared at the bottom, and the merciless to the whole living and even inanimate time, taking erosion into the allies, destroyed even basalt. In favor of this version, the fragments of the rocks say, they scattered here, then there all the foot of the majestic tower. The pieces were disappeared, but the base itself, which is a giant sizes, a stone pillar, and to this day amazing the imagination of tourists from around the world.

There is another, much less believable, but bribing a mystical halo is the version of the origin of the Devil Tower. The correct shape of the rock suggests that someone worked on it well in addition to nature, and since people in those days the construction of such "construction" objects was not under the power, then the idea of \u200b\u200bthe intervention of the highest strength takes place in human consciousness . It is clear that God here is nothing to do with the object too gloomy in order to be the fruit of divine intervention. But the devil ...

Indians who lived nearby, it was the devil and considered the owner of this amazing mountain. Consciousness of the Aboriginal was in favor of the top of the top and emphasized the ability to cause thunder and lightning, mercilessly affecting people with fiery arrows. It is likely that in a few centuries Zipper took a lot of human lives, and the Indians generously shared their knowledge with the first white settlers. Actually, the last and worth attributing the authorship of the modern name of the mountain - Devil`s Tower.

Alive from primitive beliefs in some kind of omnipotent devil, who found a shelter on top majestic MountainThe consciousness of people began to look for the nature of mysterious light anomalies, regularly discovering themselves on top, in the contact plane with alien civilization and view the vertex as a site to landing flying objects from other planets. This curious version was widespread after the wonderful film Stephen Spielberg "close contacts of the third kind", in which the UFO landed just on the very top.

Numerous rumors about unclean origin mountain peak There are no ambitious climbers, in whose dreams, the conquest of the Devil Tower occupies about the same place as Royal Flush on the hands for poker player. The height of the tower is 386 meters - it is higher than the famous Empire State Building in New York, but there is nothing superpicure in these figures in the climbing standards. Conquered and much more significant heights. The difficulty in the case of the devil tower generates its sheer walls: climb not just difficult to climb the top, and it is incredibly difficult, and even more difficult to go back, as the descent represents a much more serious danger than climbing. Plus, the danger of falling boulders from a huge height is still relevant.

Each attempt to conquer an impregnable peak is conjugate with a huge risk to life. The pioneer was one of the locals, but it happened in the distant XIX century, and it is no longer a strong opportunity to confirm this information. After almost a century, in 1938, this feat repeated Jack Durran.

George Hopkins became the third conqueror of the ominous tower, but in contrast to his predecessors he conquered her from the air. An experienced parachuticist wasveling the worldwide glory, but turned out to be the hostage of the devilish vertex: he successfully landed on the mountain, but Euphoria from success was soon changed by the complete lack of constructive solutions to the earth descending. Parachutist became a prisoner of the rock.
The same Durrannce came to the rescue, heading the climbing expedition to rescue an ambitious parachutist.

All America spoke about this news. Crowds of tourists and zooak surrounded the tower, and the captive gave an interview in the direct radio. Soon, dozens of aircraft circled in the air, throwing free food and equipment on Hopkins provided by manufacturers for promotional purposes. The charter is to dilute from the falling objects, the paratrooper on the radio began to stop the bombardment, especially since most of the items still fell into the abyss.

Devil Tower (Devil "S Tower)

Despite the abundance of products, Hopkins quickly left the rain and penetrating the wind. In addition, it turned out that impregnable granite rock Inhabited rats that every night became all the impudence. The specially created committee for the salvation of Hopkins called for the rescue operation of the experienced climbers of Ernst Field and his companion Gorrell from Colorado. But the team of climbers after visual intelligence and 3 hours of lifting were forced to return and abandon further attempts. Field confessed: "We are not the devil of the boulder!"

It seemed incredible - professionals conquer the peaks with a height of more than 8000 m, but powerless before the height of 390 m! The Committee was looking for Jack Dürran through the press, and only a day later, he was found on eastern coast In Dartmouth. Aven a day later he came and began preparations for climbing the old one, known route. Exactly at noon began to climb the devil tower. Despite the fact that the top of the rock closed with a thick fog, the climbers under the leadership of Durranians got to the top and with the help of special equipment were descended down by an exhausted parachute. In total, Hopkins stayed by the tower prisoner about a week.

After the long-awaited descent to Earth, Hopkins, who languished on Mount the week, told the whole world about the whole hordes of huge rats, settled on the top. If there is no life there, then the question of what these insatiable creatures can eat, remains open.

Of the 400,000 tourists visiting the Devil Tower every year, only one percent is decided to climb on top. Here are just the Indians against the crowd of tourists to lay on the top of the cliff, since she is sacred for them. Therefore, most climbers do not do climbing here in June. At this time, the Indians spend their ceremonies.

At the moment, the tower is very popular with climbers and climbers. A considerable number of routes has already been laid on the top of the tower. According to their structure, the rock relief is very unusual, and therefore the technique of Lazania also requires additional skills, for example, the skill to move along the relief in the spacer. Also, a lot of slit climbing.

Diavil Tower Routes (Devil "S Tower)

You can get to the Devil Tower: in the USA anyone (auto, air, rail) transport to the city of Rapid City (or Gillett in the northeast of Wyoming); Next, only by car to the elevation itself.

Years pass, and the rock is still majestically towers over the Great Plain, keeping around himself such an attractive mystical halo. From time to time in the sky over it, mysterious glows are observed, witness of eyewitnesses about unidentified flying facilities are recorded, researchers are building guesses about the mysterious destination of the tower, the role of almost new noeva ark in the coming apocalypse or the corridor to another, still unknown to us. Many questions, answers to which are known to God alone. Or is it all the devil?

The Devils Tower Tower is a columnar rock that resembles a tower consisting of a bug of individual stone pillars, located in Wyoming. This mountain is unusually correct form that emerged 200 million years ago, for a long time, made an impression of artificial structures, but not human, and devilish origin. It is worth noting that the rock in size exceeds the Hoeop Pyramid 2.5 times.

Mountain for a long time served as the subject of reverent worship and the source of fears from the local population, while it was argued that strange mysterious light phenomena was repeatedly observed on the top of the top.

The Indians say that one day the seven beautiful girls climbed onto the flat top of the mountain, fleeing from a huge terrible bear. The beast, desperately desired to catch girls, left deeply traces of claws on the slopes, trying to climb upstairs. When a bear finally managed to reach the vertices, the girls jumped into a small rock and avoided the fate of the monsters in the claws, waking into the sky.

According to another myth, the Devil Tower received its mystical name because of an evil demon who was on top of the drum, generating thunder. Be that as it may, but the cliff really amazes with its size and bizarre form. This is the most high Point At the distance of many kilometers around, it can be seen in 160 km at clear days.

Conquered this vertex only twice: local In the XIX century and climbing Jack Durran as in 1938, the plane to sit on the top can not, and the helicopters literally blows away from a small site. An experienced parachutist George Hopkins expected to become the third conqueror of the vertex.

The landing has passed successfully, but all special rings who have dumped from airplanes, from hitting the rocks came into disrepair. Parachutist became a prisoner of the rock. The message about it was attracted all America. Soon there are already dozens of aircraft circled in the air, throwing free food and equipment on Hopkins. But most did not fly.

It turned out that the impregnable smooth granite rock was inhabited by rats that every night became all the impudent. The specially created committee for salvation of Hopkins caused the experienced climbers of Ernst Field and his partner. But climbers after 3 hours of lifting were forced to return. Field confessed: "This is this fucking boulder not for the teeth! Professionals conquer vertices with a height of more than 8 km, but powerless before the height of 390 meters! "

The Committee through the press began to search for D. Dürrana. After two days, he arrived and began preparations for climbing one famous route. The climbers, under the leadership of Dürran, got to the top and descended down the exhaust parachutist. In total, Hopkins stayed by the tower prisoner about a week.

Photo - Devil Tower

Video - Mystery of the Devil Tower

Devils Tower (Devils Tower National Monument) - Monument of Nature in the territory of Wyoming, USA. It is a columnar rock (the so-called geological separateness), which resembles a tower consisting of a bug of individual stone pillars, is a monolith of volcanic origin of 1556 m above sea level and a relative height of 386 m. It is the oldest "national monument" of the United States, which received its status from President of Theodore Roosevelt September 24, 1906.

This mountain is unusually correct, for a long time I had an impression of artificial structures. But since the rock in size exceeds the pyramid of Heops 2.5 times (the height is 390 m, the width of the base is about the same), then the construction of the "tower" was often prescribed not to the hands of the human, but the devil (hence the name). Mountain for a long time served as the subject of reverent worship and the source of fears from the local population, while it was argued that strange light phenomena was repeatedly observed on the top of the top.

After the origin of the devil tower received a decent explanation, this formation became the desired object for filming mystical and fantastic films. One of the later myths about the tower claims that on the top of the almost impregnable mountain is the alleged platform for landing UFOs.

Origin of the Tower of Devil

The devil tower was formed from a magmatic melt, which rose from the depths of the Earth and froze in the form of elegant columns. The age of Devils-Tower is estimated from 225 to 195 million years. Accommodating rocks are represented by dark-red sandstones, aliases with shale layers.

However, the Indian residents have their own version of the origin of this cliff. There is a legend, which tells about 7 girls who escape frightened grizzly. When the bear drove them to a low stone slab, they prayed for salvation, and the great spirit heard them! Suddenly the stone slab on which girls climbed, began to grow rapidly. Grizzly roared from rage, and, scratching the rocks of the rock, tried to get to the children, but it did not succeed, but the traces of his sharp claws remained on the "devil tower".

The Indians themselves always tried to avoid such an unusual rock and settled as far as possible from her.

Conquesting the devil tower

Due to the difficult conditions for climbing the climbers for the sake of sports interest, this vertex was conquered only twice: a local resident in the XIX century is unknown as, but a man almost without equipment climbed to the top of the rock (unfortunately, the name of this brave was steemed by time ...) And Jack's climbing Durrannce in 1938. The aircraft can not sit on the top, and the helicopters literally blows up with a small platform the incessant powerful wind on top, so that the tower really was considered almost impregnable.

Experienced parachutist George Hopkins did not appreciate the danger, counting on the third conqueror of the vertex. The landing on the parachute was successful, but all the ropes that were discharged from the aircraft, from the remote cliff came into disrepair. Parachutist became a prisoner of the rock. The message about it was attracted all America. Crowds of tourists and zooak were surrounded by the tower, and the host prisoner was hushed by sharpness in direct radio. Everyone liked the joke that he lacks only Eve to happen there, downstairs, the flood, to give the beginning of the new branch of mankind. Soon, dozens of aircraft circled in the air, throwing free food and equipment to Hopkins, provided by manufacturers for promotional purposes. The charter is to dodge from falling objects, a paratrooper on the radio began to cease to stop the bombardment, especially since most of the items still flew into the abyss.

Despite the abundance of products, the prisoners quickly left the prisoners. It turned out to be horror that the impregnable smooth granite rock was inhabited by rats that every night became all the impudent. The specially created committee for salvation of Hopkins called for a special operation of the experienced climbing Erena Field and his partner of Gorry from Colorado. But the climbers after the hour of visual intelligence and three hours of lifting were forced to return and refuse further attempts. Field admitted: "We are not the devil of the boulders!"

It seemed incredible - professionals conquer the peaks of more than 8 thousand meters, but powerless before the height of 390 m! The Committee was looking for D. Dürran through the press, and only a day later, he was found on the east coast in Dartmouth. After another day, he came and began preparations for climbing the old one, to his famous route. Exactly at noon began the assault, and although the topped with a fog, the climbers under the leadership of Dürranians got to the top and on the climbing cradle, lowered down the undusted parachute. In total, Hopkins stayed by the tower prisoner about a week.

It seems incredible, but at the end of the XXI century, when a person can achieve almost any point of the planet with the help of the technique, this small rock will remain closed for people. But for some reason not for rats.

Interesting facts about the devil tower

  • The Mountain appears in the film Stephen Spielberg "close contacts of the third degree" (1977) - it is here that contact with the aliens takes place, and a reduced copy of the tower builds at home one of the main characters;
  • The mountain appears in the film Gregar Mottole "Paul" (2011);
  • The Russian surgeon-ophthalmologist Muldashev E. R. In his book, "in search of the city of God" puts forward marginal theory about the change of earthly poles, according to which Devils-Tower once was the geographical pole of the Earth.
  • The mountain appears in the GUN computer game as the place of the last battle, inside the mountain itself, then the mountain is collapsed.

Photos of the Tower Devil

Amazing natural education is located on the territory of the Great Plains in the northeastern part of Wyoming (United States of America). it famous tower Devil (in the original Devils Tower). It is located 14 kilometers from the city of Halett.

Devil Tower on the map

  • Geographic coordinates 44.590538, -104.715416
  • Distance from the capital of the USA Washington approximately 2400 km
  • To the nearest Campbell Airport about 70 km to the West

Most likely, this attraction would be so amazing if there were at least some rocks or mountains in her surroundings. But within a radius of several tens of kilometers, they do not even have a hint.
The devil tower is a high rocky formation against the background of endless plains with rare low hills. Moreover, its upper part is similar to the unnatural design rugged along the unnatural, published a giant stump, from the same gigantic sawing tree. For a long time, people believed (and some still think) this monument man-made. The fact is that the mountain, especially in the upper part, resembles a tight beam of huge and long multifaceted pillars.

Devil Tower in Figures

  • Height above sea level - 1558 meters
  • Height above the nearby River Bel-Fur - 386 meters
  • Height from the layer of sedimentary breeds to the top - 285 meters
  • The size of the upper part of about 100 is 60 meters, which is comparable to the area of \u200b\u200bthe football field.
  • The circle of the tower has a length of a little more than 1,500 meters

Legends of the Tower of Devil

As you understand, this is a rather noticeable rock, and the Indians lived around with ancient times. In the end, what? That's right, the Indians endowed it with mystical properties and enveloped legends. And for each tribe, they differ slightly, but, as a rule, were reduced to one conclusion. Here is a pair of legends.

One of the myths tells about the group of girls who walked in the forest. They noticed fierce bears and began to pursue. Girls were running around for a long time, but the charter climbed to a small stone and began to begging the great spirit to help them. The spirit heard plenty, and the stone rapidly grew. Bears, trying to boil upstairs, scratched the slopes with claws, but they did not work out. Bears were removed by the ravis, and the girls turned into bright stars. So there remained a mountain, ridden by bearish claws, on Earth, and beautiful, forever shining, stars in the sky.

The second legend reads: Two boys from Siu's tribe, again, were attacked by the Mato's bear and, running away from him, prayed to the God-creator Vakan Tank. He helped the guys to swell on top big Mountain. Further, the history of the appearance of scratches and a disappointed departed bear is repeated. To descend the boys from the mountain a big eagle helped. This time the gods were favorably and did not turn the guys to anyone.

Such stories are found in many tribes in various variations. But often the bears appear in them. Therefore, local was often called the mountain "bearish", the lair (or house) of the bear.

Where does such a name come from?

As you can see between the Indian Bear House and the modern "devil tower" there is actually no connection.
The appearance of today's name of this attraction The whole world is obliged to translator. The name "The Devil Tower" appeared in 1875 during the expedition under the leadership of Colonel Richard Irvina Dodge. The translator, accompanied by the colonel, missed the original name from the Indian language, denoting it approximately as the "tower of bad God", that is, the devil.

On another version, the Colonel himself called so mountain, so to speak "for the red sense." In any case, this name and gothes.

Twice in history, attempts were made to rename the devil's tower into the Bear House.
The first time it was offered to make representatives of several Indian tribes in 2005, but the offer did not find support from the authorities. The refusal was argued by the fact that the change of the name would cause problems in the tourism sector.

For the second time in November 2014, one of the influential people of the Indian tribe again proposed to rename the monument, and again to the Bear House (it was assumed that this place would be called Bear Lodge National Historic Landmark). Moreover, this time, public debate continued until the fall of 2015, but again ended with the refusal of the authorities.

Geology Tower Devil

As always, stubborn scientists break the entire mystical American halo and put forward their version of the appearance of the tower. We will not deepen into the deburs of scientific terms and try to summarize it.

The landscape surrounding the Devil Tower consists mainly of sedimentary rocks. Ancient deposits appeared here in the Triassic period (this is about 225-1900 million years ago), when there was an ocean in these places. The bottom abundantly covered the large layer of these sediments. About 60 million years ago, a volcanic eruption occurred, but Magma did not reach the surface of the water and froze. Then this part of the Earth began to rise, and the erosion process was launched. The soft layers of sedimentary rocks began to wash the soft layers of sedimentary rocks and rains, but the residues of the frozen magma turned out to be stronger and while erosion is not on the teeth, so only this education remains in the midst of an even plateau. Although the process of destruction is still coming. Around the central part of the tower now you can observe numerous fragments of the rock. This suggests that in ancient times the mountain was much larger.

The form of basalt faceted pillars is scientifically explained so. As volcanic rocks were cooled, the vertical columns were compressed in cross section (horizontally), and the cracks occurred at an angle of 120 degrees, usually forming hex columns (but 4-x, 5 and even 7-grades come across).

The devil tower is not the only similar miracle of nature. Almost exactly the same natural education can be seen on the famous Giant Road in Northern IrelandAs well as in the Fingal Cave of Scotland. And some people suggest that the cave, and the road in general a part of one giant inexplicable structure.

Devil Tower and Preker Top

Despite the height funny for professional climbers, this mountain remained unoccupied for a long time. Indians, considering her sacred, did not even try to get to the top. The first migrants also did not see sense in this. In addition, it is quite difficult for the sheer walls. Nevertheless, the Devil Tower was still conquered.

History of the first climb

Not far from the mountain was ranch. They owned William Rogers. Cases walked not very. And then he with his business partner Willard Ripley decided to attract people to these places and earn some money. Ripley's father supported this idea, and three men began to develop a plan of ascent. In 1893, they tried with the help of a big aerial snake Patch through the mountain cord. But the idea failed - snakes stuck in crevice. During attempts to free the snake, Rogers and Ripley noticed that the crack in which he was stuck was from the base of the tower to the top of the vertex. She should have become their top ticket.

The conquerors decided to establish a kind of staircase, driven into a cleft wedge with a diameter of about 8 cm and a length of about 30 cm. Between the wedges were connected to the boards.

The work lasted for several months, and Ripley slowly, but rightly climbed along the slope of the tower.
The construction was completed at the end of June 1893, and Rogers rose to the top. When he descended, he said to his wife with some ordinary tone: "There is nothing on the top of the tower, only a little soil and some wormwood." (as if he went to the garden behind parsley)

The attraction of the solemn climb was appointed on July 4th. All over the region was distributed to this news. All were invited to the festival with food and drinks, hay for horses and a large number of dances. The main event of the day will be ascent to the tower with the installation of the American flag on the top. In the information leaflet even said "July 4, it is better to spend on the devil tower than at the World Exhibition."

Linny Rogers and Dolly Ripley, the wives of our heroes, organize the sale of food, beverages and feed for horses.
About 800 people gathered at the tower to witness the first climb. Some have traveled a three-day way to a hundred miles, only to look at this desperate act.

Before the ascent of Bill Rogers put on the suit of Uncle Sam and took the flag. By noon, he was on top, and the American flag developed in the wind. After he descended, the crowd greeted him, and the celebrations continued all night.

It was rumored that a little later, someone from the guest guests climbed up, took off the flag and sold it with pieces of souvenirs. But historians do not confirm.

From the moment of the first climb, the annual tradition was gathered here on July 4th. She entered the story as a "picnic of old settlers."
Linny Rogers, Bill Rogers wife, was the first woman who rose to the tower on July 4, 1895.
The staircase over time began to collapse, and in 1927 the lower part of it was decided to disassemble, in order to prevent the tragedy. The remains of the stairs are still on the mountainside and are part of the cultural history of the National Monument of the Devil Tower.

The first climber professional who conquered the tower in 1938 was Jack Durance, who subsequently saved another conqueror.

The story is such. If Jack climbed to the top and descended from her (this is important !!!) in the traditional way, the parachutist George Hopkins decided to literally "jump off" from the plane right on the mountain. Well, he did it quite gracefully with the help of a parachute, but he could no longer descend from the top, since the rope dropped after him fell past the mountain. Jing down from the mountain down without a parachute George did not dare, and stuck on her top. Due to the strong wind, it was not possible to get from the air either by a helicopter or on airship. I had to drop a poor meal and warm clothes from the plane.

I called that Jack Durans himself. He organized the rise and salvation of Hopkins, who spent 6 days at the top. Almost all newspapers wrote about this event.

Devil Tower Nowadays

Now the mountain can be climbed. Safe tracks are laid for this. But it must be remembered that the tower of the devil is sacred for the Indians. They do not encourage such events, especially in June, when they spend their rituals from the mountain. Therefore, at this time, the mountaineering is prohibited here. Most climbers respect this decision, but there are people who even climb on top of these days.

National Monument is open round year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except December 25 and January 1. But it is recommended to arrive here from 9-00 to 16-00, then you can get on the excursion and lift to the top (unless courage is enough).

The devil tower is the national monument and the passage is not its territory paid from 5 dollars. The pass to the territory of the national monument for a whole year costs $ 30. Not far from the mountain there is parking for cars and autocamping.

Main hiking route Around the cliff is called the Tower of Trail. The length of it is about 2 kilometers. Along the way there are information stands and benches.

And some photos for a snack

). Its height is 386 m, which is comparable to the height of the Empire State Building (381 m without spire). The rock formed about 65 million years ago as a result of volcanic activity, and its unusual curly sides became a consequence of erosion of surrounding soft rocks around more durable internal. But, of course, there are other versions of its origin.

In language tribe Lakota Monument is called Mato Tipila., What means Bear House or Berlog Bear. Modern name He got mistaken. In 1875, during the expedition headed by Colonel Richard Dodzh, the translator did not have so translated the words of the Indians. As a result, the monument was called first a house of bad God, and later - Tower of Devil. In 2005, several Indian tribes offered to rename monolith on Bear House (Bear Lodge)But their proposal was rejected.

One of the Indian legends narrates about seven girls who played in the forest when a gigantic bear attacked them. Children tried to escape, but the bear did not lag behind. In desperation, they climbed at a low stone and prayed for the salvation of the Great Spirit. The spirit heard them, and the stone began to gradually grow, raising the girls all the above over an angry beast. In the rage, he tried to climb on the rock, but he failed to him, and his claws began on the rock. The mountain continued to grow until the girls were able to switch to the sky, where they turned into the stars of the Pleiads. One of the Miral Names is connected with this myth - Mato Tipila (Berlleg's bear glance).

Rock Not only has an unusual shape, it is also located on the plateau, dramatically stands out against the background of the surrounding landscape and not having anything like nearby. Therefore, it is not surprising that this geological phenomenon has become a sacred destination among the aborigines, and remains such so far, in connection with which the court disassembly between local authorities and the Indians trying to limit tourist access to the sacred grief.

In the 20th century, scientific fiction came to replace the mystical theories of origin. So, according to one of the versions, the top of Davelz Tower is a platform for landing UFOs. And there were grounds, since on top of the rocks have repeatedly noticed strange lighting phenomena, and in its vicinity unidentified flying objects. This version was so popular that even embodied in the famous film Stephen Spielberg "close contacts of the third degree".

At the moment, the tower is very popular with climbers and climbers. And interest in it continues to grow. A considerable number of routes has already been laid on the top of the tower. According to its structure, the rock relief is very unusual, and therefore, Lazanian technique also requires additional skills. For example, the ability to move along the relief in space and slotted climbing.

See also: