What places can be visited in Africa. Amazing facts about Africa

"Little children, for nothing in the world, do not go for a walk in Africa!"- Everyone remembers how they scared us as a child's scary Barmalem Chukovsky's roots. But we know that in fact the black continent is not only sharks, gorillas and evil crocodiles. This hot sun, unprecedented plants, amazing traditions and exciting adventures that are waiting for everyone who dares to challenge their everyday life!

Attractions of South Africa

When it comes to Africa, the southern territories come to mind first of all. Traditionally k South Africa Present five countries - Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia and the South Africa. So, meet the main attractions of South Africa, their photos and description.

Riding swaziland's trails

Swaziland. - Not just a country in southern Africa, but the most real kingdom (as, however, the majority of African states) with the most real king (which in Africa is at identity - at least a pond pond).

About ten reserves and natural parks are located on the territory of the kingdom. The largest of them - Royal Hline National Park. As you can guess by the title, it belongs to His Majesty King Swaziland, for which the role of hunting land. Tourists will hunt, of course, they will not give, but Lviv, giraffes and antelope will still be shown. Much more democratic is nature Park Mullvana, in which crocodiles, hypopotamas, zebras and a huge number of all sorts of birds are distinguished, including the famous purple Laurie is a symbol of Swaziland. If you go to visit the hypopotamas are scary, you can watch their lives from the windows of the Gippo restaurant right there.

Among other natural parks - Mlawula, Mkhaya, Minjah, Manting, Poponyan Falls, each of which is different unique Florato Both fauna, as well as centuries-old ethnotrops, for which hundreds of years ago, the ancient leaders took their tribes to hunt or war.

Swaziland is known worldwide as one of the largest centers of equestrian tourism. It is not surprising, because to most tourist objects can be reached exclusively top. If you do not eat addiction to horseback, you will have to be either satisfied hiking walksOr master mountain bike.

Lesotho - "Kingdom in the sky"

Major Landmarks are mountain landscapes.

  • Schlabatebe National Park It is intended to save and perpetuate the unique charm of the dragon mountains - the highest mountain range of Africa. Besides magnificent speciesThe park can surprise tourists with karst caves, mini savannas and rivers, full trouts.
  • IN Quicing, or "Wind place", very southern city Lesotho, all lovers of riddles awaiting unique phenomenon - Prints of traces of the most real dinosaurs, the age of which, if you believe scientists, there are about 180 million years.

"State Reserve" Botswana

This country is famous primarily for the Kalahari desert, which occupies most of the territory of the state and, of course, is protected by law.

  • Reserve "Sentral-Kalahari" - This is perhaps the largest natural park in the world (more than five million hectares). He is famous for his Flora and the fauna, the picturesque Delta River Obavenga.
  • If you go to Botswana, be careful with a cunning Valley of Deception. For many centuries, Mirage appear here, and it seems that there is no water in the dry river in the dryer. Or maybe you can rush something else?
  • Best guides in "Sentral Calahari" There are representatives of the Bushmen tribe - the true hosts of these lands, being here for thousands of years. Today they spend the most interesting excursions On the continent, talking about the traditions of their people and the secrets of the Great Calahari.

Namibia: Sun all year round

Natural world of Namibia amazes with its diversity. In this amazing country, all year round with sunlight, lakes and deserts, fields and mountains, volcanoes and canyons are adjacent.

  • Desert Namib It is famous not only with its sands, but also the infamous coast of skeletons. It is said that many years ago a terrible captain Kidd buried the chests with gold and precious stones here, and since then, hundreds of desperate adventurers overcome the unwriting sea and harsh mountain ridgesTo try happiness and find treasures. While it was not yet possible, and only the cozov of ships, shipwrecked, stand on sealandAs if terrible monuments of the age of adventure.
  • In Namibia, there is a second largest natural canyon in the world largest, inferior only to Arizona Big Canyon. Canyon Fish RiverFormed thanks to the centuries of tectonic activity, strikes with its amazing landscapes, which can be observed as much as you like, stopping at one of the numerous campgrounds of the Natural Park of the same name.

Precious South Africa

South Africa Republic - This is an incredible beauty of the Dragons of the mountains, worthy of being the background of any Hollywood fairy tale, numerous parks and, of course, place of diamonds.

  • The most extreme southwestern point of Africa - well-known to all sailors cape of Good Hope. And if earlier this place gave hope to all the bravesties, enveling the black continent, today it attracts thousands of tourists thanks to beautiful landscapes. By the way, in the reserve of the same name you can meet not only traditional African animals, but also - imagine! - Penguins. The main attraction of the Cape of Good Hope is a lighthouse, with observation deck which overlooks the two ocean immediately - Indian and Atlantic.
  • Trance national Park Limpopo. - this is unique placewhere abolished state borders. Located on the territory of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa, he gives his guests the opportunity to visit three countries at once. Rare, endangered species of animals live around the merger of the Limpopo rivers and Shashi and still peaceful life lives traditional African communities.
  • If you get to Cape Town, the capital of the South African Republic, well known to all lovers of adventure novels, be sure to look at Museum of diamondwhere you will tell you how South Africa became the world leader in the extraction of this precious stone, and will show how natural, not a faceted diamond turns into an exquisite jewelry.

Sights of North Africa

Very different appears before us North Africa, uniting Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Western Sahara. The African Mediterranean, inhabited by most of the Arabs, can not boast of violent vegetation and dizzying mountain landscapes, but is an example of a unique combination of various cultures and an amazing focus historical monuments - This is what you should look at.

Secrets of Egypt

Oddly enough, it is not only great pyramids. Although, in fact, where without them?

  • On the Plateau Giza Hundreds of years under the hot African Sun stand the pyramids of Heops, Micheer and Heffe, and Big Sphinx Mys of his riddles to everyone who wants to heed. Go to look at the pyramids, and after to better figure out the ancient history, visit the Cairo Museum.
  • Luxor Confidently enters the top ten most entertaining cities in the world. The right bank of the Nile here is called the city of living, and it is far from being so interesting as the left bank and located there City of dead. Crouching on a small boat along the river, you will get to the valley of the kings and the Khatsepsut temple with the famous tomb of Tutankhamon.
  • After communicating with ancient kings, it will not hurt a closer look at the Egyptian world of living. IN Hurghada, best resort Egypt, life boils all year round. In addition to the beaches, the city is famous for its most beautiful mosques, ethnic markets and even the Palace of "Thousand and One Night".

Sudanese Rosa

North African Sudan - This is the country of various landscapes, the Red Sea and the ancient historical monuments, ready to compete with Egyptian.

  • Sudanese coast of the Red Sea It boasts beautiful sandy beacheswhich stretch for several tens of kilometers. By the way, Sudan is a wonderful place for diving lovers; For tourists, there are special diving tours here, or, how they love them here, Diving Safari.
  • Pyramids of Meroe It is known much less than the pyramids of Giza in Egypt, and perhaps undeservedly. With narrow bases and cool the tomb of the Sudanese kings, the tomb of the Sudanese kings, coexist with the elegant front gates and colonnade sculptures in honor of the god Amon.
  • In the west of the country bounce Jebel Marra - Picturesque mountain with an extinct volcanic crater, called the "Mountain Eye", near which several hot springs beat.

Jebel Marra

Elegant Libya

Apparently, Libyan Bedouins were a very poetic people. Just listen, what names they gave their cities!

  • The capital of Libya - tripoli city - often called the "Bride Mediterranean". It is necessary to visit the old part of the city, built in the spirit of the Arab East with the most numerous mosques.
  • Ghadames, or "Pearl Desert"It is an amazing oasis city in the middle of the desert, whose houses are reminded of neat white honeycombs from the height of a bird's-eye.

Tunisia - Heir to ancient Carthage

Tunisia is not as spoiled by the tourist flow as other countries of North Africa, but here there is something to see and wonder.

  • Ruins of the Great Carthagene Today are located in the suburb of the capital. Ancient city Please make archeology lovers with several layers of excavations, great views for the photo and a worthy museum.
  • In addition to the Carthage in Tunisia, pay attention to Colosseum in El Jime and fortress Gazi Mustafy..
  • The "Nail of the program" of rest in Tunisia is thalassotherapy, or a comprehensive recovery with the help of the healing properties of the sea. It uses only freshly sea dirt, and prices are much lower than European.

Ruins of the Great Carthagene

Medieval Algeria

In a sultry Algeria, the past and present are surprisingly.

  • Old Town Kasba - unique part modern capital Algeria. Finding here, as if they are transferred for several centuries ago: tangled labyrinths of narrow streets, buildings puzzled on each other, riding donks as the only possible type of transport, lazily dormant at the door of the houses of Algerians and children playing on the roofs. Coloring, which is not talking!
  • Picturesque Atlas Mountainsrelated to the ancient myth of Titan, or rather, their sugar portion stretches through the entire Algeria. The best way to get acquainted with the Atlas Mountains - hiking, because here is a huge number of specially equipped trail.

Red dunes Morocco

Morocco - Samea suitable country For acquaintance with Grozny Sugar, the personification of all deserts. You are waiting for awesome landscapes: red Dunes, Vintage Fortresses and Draa Valley - The world of lush oasis, the goal of all trading caravans, who once crossed the Sahara, following Timbukti to the Mediterranean.

Mysterious Mauritania

If Morocco should go to enjoy the majestic scenery of the Sahara, then in Mauritania - to touch the secrets and mysteries of the Great Desert.

Richat, or "Sugar Eye"- This is a unique geological object of local relief. Thanks to the huge size of "eyes" (diameter about 50 kilometers), astronauts in the orbit of the Earth are even focused on it. Scientists have not yet come to a common opinion on the origin of this phenomenon: they call meteorite, and natural erosion of rocks, and even volcanic activity. But tourists are unanimous: hundreds of people flock here every year, to live in a cozy hotel in the very center "Eyes", try to solve him to the mystery, and the most desperate - to drive in jeeps on the ancient rings of Richat.

Sights of West Africa

West Africa includes about two dozen countries. For many decades, it was associated exclusively with slave trade and tropical diseases, today attracts numerous surfing lovers, fishing and rally.

  • Sacred forests Nigeria. This country will inspire fans of green tourism. National Park "Yankari"Of course, the best in West Africa offers tourists a unique opportunity to see wild animals in their natural habitat and touch the hot springs on the territory. In addition, great interest is reserved Forest "Ogun"in which, according to believing local tribes, spirits and deities live, sculptures in honor of which are there to this day.
  • Hitchhiker from Paris to Senegal. Say that Senegal is the most hospitable country Africa. Local women are considered the most beautiful, royal shrimps are delicious. In addition, it was in Senegal for more than thirty years that the most famous rally of the world "- Dakar" finished. Today is his successor Africa Eco Race. Supports the specified brand and attracts thousands of tourists and auto racing lovers to enjoy a drive spectacle.
  • Cape Verde - Child Ocean. Worldwide Cape Verde state recognized by the Windsurfing Center and Sports Fishing. Here you can forget about the oppressive obligations of civilization and immerse yourself in the unusual underwater world of the islands of the Green Cape. In addition to the ocean and secluded beaches, Cape Verde is proud of the most colorful carnival in Africa, which takes place in February and collects thousands of lovers of costume views.


Sights of Central Africa

Central Africa - The heart of the black continent, the territory as close as possible to the equator and the maximum remote from civilization. Go to conquer it - it's not for unimustal!

  • Volcanic Cameroon. If you hunt yourself nerves, go to Cameroon to the Mountain of the same name, which is active volcano, the last eruption of which took place since 1999. No wonder that local residents They consider Mount Cameroon sacred, very reading it and regularly bring sacrifices - so be careful and spoke about the volcano exclusively with respect! By the way, the view even on the sleeping volcano is the most painful one.
  • Lake Chad.The Republic of Chad boasts more than a dozen lakes: it's a Phienga, and Fitri, and Katam, and many others. However, they are all small in size and cannot compete with the main lake, which gave the name of the country. Lake Chad is unique in that it does not have drain and is relic, that is, isolated from the ocean. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 27,000 square kilometers, there are even several islets inhabited by the aborigines.

Unfortunately, the tourist infrastructure is developed extremely modestly, travelers will have to stock up with considerable patience, in the end to get to the lustful goal.

  • Fishing in Congo. If Nile is the longest river Africa, then river Congo Confidently holds the palm of the championship in full strength. The nature of the Congo is changeable as the mood of the true Yuzhanki: first it is a small mountain river, which from time to time is boils by waterfalls, then bottled into the lake and finally wide, the full-flowing river flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Fishing at the Congo can turn into the most real adventure: what is only "bloodthirsty" tiger fish, which is caught by the most diverse ways! If you frightened it a bit, do not despair: local here you can always buy part of their rich catch, presented by the generous River Congo.


Sights of East Africa

This region was lucky with a combination of exotic African nature and friendly seaside resorts. So after the adventures of Western and Central Africa, the East of the Black Continent will seem a traveler by paradise on Earth.

  • Zambia: in the splashes of the waterfall. "Rady smoke" and "Place of Rainbow" - Such names gave local residents to Victoria's majestic waterfall. Indeed, millions of splashes from a powerful stream create a fog cloud, over which the rainbow always overflows. From several viewing sites, the waterfall opens completely differently. And in order to fully cover the most remarkable spectacle of Africa (according to D. Livingston, and it is difficult to argue with it), you can use the services of excursion helicopters and paraglians.
  • Reserves Zimbabwe. IN hwange National Park It is worth going to at least for the sake of elephants considered a symbol of the reserve. Elephants here peacefully coexist practically with all representatives of the African fauna, so welcome to this animal kingdom. By the way, national parks Mathobo and Zambezi. No less interesting and hospitable for tourists.
  • Diving in Kenya. Marine Park Vatama It is famous for its coral reefs with amazing arches, caves and even sunken vessel, to which you can also go down. The depth here is not extreme, so everyone may feel Jacques-Shoe Coust And shake in one of the green sea turtles living in the underwater caves. Among other things, off the coast of Kenya all summer you can observe the migration of whales floating from the south to the north.
  • Rwanda: "Country of thousands of hills". National Park VolcanovWith which Rwanda is rightly proud, will not meet you with a hot lava and ash. Volcanoes have long been extinct, sworn by the rainforest, and they were chosen for themselves seven families of the gorillas. Each of them is known to the whole world (at least zoologists and fauna lovers), and the birth of a new gorilla baby is accompanied by a special ceremony of imparting by the name - "Kwit Isaina".
  • In Tanzania on Safari. Tanzania generous on entertainment for lovers of active tourism. Here you can make climbing the "roof of Africa", the famous Mount Kilimanjaro, ride to Zanzibar Island and ride all the best corners of the country in a variety of safari tours.
  • Privacy Seychelles . Seychelles - the world's most popular place for a wedding trip. Thousands of newlyweds go here every year to enjoy the full rest, the purest sea and secluded beaches, and the most restless - all sorts of seaside activities: diving, surfing, yachting.
  • Madagascar - Exotic Island. Madagascar is the real continent in miniature. This is an island, where there is almost everything: both mountains, plains, and a unique, not found anywhere in Flora and Fauna, and beautiful architectural ensembles of the capital Antananarium, and wonderful natural parks. Ranyan Afrau Park is famous for his nightly excursions, and Issa Park is stunning landscapes and almost complete lack of animal in the world (the exception is lemurs, but they are in Madagascar literally everywhere).

East Africa - Video

African continent is really huge and diverse. Here you can return all my life, but so to the end and not understand it amazing nature, ancient history and residents, so not like us and therefore even more attractive. But starting it, of course! Therefore, look for your "piece" of solar equatorial land, choose where to go or fly to Africa, and open for yourself - for the first time or anew - this bright black continent!

Africa is one of the major continents, with a lot of attractions that should be visited by. If you go on a trip to Africa, be sure to visit at least a few of the places listed.

Africa is so exotic and diverse that every place will surprise you with something unique. If you visit at least one place from those given by us, you can deservedly consider your trip to Africa useful and interesting.


A semi-autonomous archipelago near the coast of Tanzania is a truly unique destination in Africa. Zanzibar offers travelers an interesting mixture of architecture, uniting Arab, Middle Eastern, Moorish and Indian styles. There are many world-class beaches, bright attractions and a well-preserved story. Be sure to spend time in the capital of Zanzibar Stone Tauna ( stone city), where there are several fantastic museums and the old Fort of the 17th century times.

Lake Malawi

Some of the biggest stocks of freshwater in Africa are located in Lake Malawi. As the name implies, most of the lake is located within the limits of Malawi borders, covering also part of Tanzania and Mozambique. If you want to see Lake Malawi, one of best ways Make it will be a visit to the National Park of the same name located in the southern end of the lake. The park has settled kilometers of pedestrian walkways, not to mention countless viewing sites, where you can admire the lake and make exciting photos. With a depth of 706 meters, Malawi enters the list of the most deep lakes World.

Chip Esha

The second largest hunting reserve in Namibia is the Ethos National Park. It was created around the salt plains of the plains where numerous animals are going. As a result, the National Park has become an exciting place to observe wildlife Africa. Be sure to take binoculars with you to consider ZEBR, the antelope of Springbok, Lviv, giraffes, elephants and other wild inhabitants of the park. Three recreation camps provide visitors with various types of housing, allowing you to observe amazing animals in a comfortable environment with all the amenities.

Canyon Fish River

The incredible Canyon Fish River in South Namibia is one of the largest canyons in the world. This is a really breathtaking natural attraction of Africa and one of the natural wonders of the continent. It is also one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. You can go on a trip along the canyon on a pedestrian trail, or order a helicopter excursion to admire multi-colored mountain mining formations against the background of a turbulent river.

Delta Okavangano.

In the meeting place of the Okavango River and Kalahari Basin, you will find the Okavango Delta. This excellent place with untouched nature is definitely worth visiting. Due to the water source, the wild nature of Ocavango is distinguished by a special variety. In addition, this is a popular Safari Place, where you can enjoy the amazing scenery of Africa. A fantastic and unforgettable way to explore the Okavango Delta - an aircraft aerial tour, which allows you to consider all local beauties in detail. This is a miracle of nature in Botswana worth visiting at least once in life.

Mount Kilimanjaro

On the distant north of Tanzania, next to the Kenyan border, is located famous mountain Kilimanjaro. She is the highest in Africa, as well as the highest autonomous mountain in the world, which makes Kilimanjaro popular Moz Appointments for many travelers. Only the strongest of them can get to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, but there are also other ways to explore one of the most beautiful places In Tanzania. Lighter excursions around the base of the mountain will delight you with great waterfalls and plenty of amazing landscapes.

Park Kruger

The most famous of the many parks of South Africa is the Kruger National Park, named after the former South African president of Paul Kruger. The creation of the park pursued three main objectives: the preservation of nature, education and tourism. To visit the park you need to buy permission, after which you can travel both independently and with a guide. Most visitors prefer to join the excursion, or order a safari tour. The main attractions of the Kruger National Park include the lookout area of \u200b\u200bthe crocodile river, the village of Masorini and the abundance of animals of the big five: Lviv, African buffalo, rhino, African elephant and leopard. Kruger is also included in the rating of the prominent beauties of South Africa.

NGoronoro Reserve

Narhongoro Natural Reserve is one of the most outstanding attractions of Tanzania. The area is called in honor of Crater Nongoronoro -vulkanic caldera in the center of the reserve. Crater attracts many tourists as the cool Gorge of Aldupai. NGoronoro Nature Reserve is one of the main attractions of Africa for nature lovers who can see here African buffalo, black rhino, hippopotamus, blue antelope GNU and even Tanzanian cheetah in natural habitat conditions.

Cape Town.

The capital of South Africa - unique city Cape Town. This extraordinary historical lively city is named after its location at the Cape of Good Hope. Learn more about the history of Cape Town, as well as to explore incredible attractions in the Bo-Kaappa area, and on Robben Island, where political prisoners contained, including Nelson Mandell. One of the main natural attractions of Cape Town - Dining Mountain, which opens the breathtaking view of the Cape of Good Hope and the surrounding city of beauty. You can climb the dining room on foot, or with a cable car.

Masai Mara.

Africa is inhabited by numerous tribes and peoples, but few of them are just as amazing as the Masai Mara tribe. This group is owned National Reserve Masai Mara in the southern part of Kenya. Every year, thousands of tourists come here to explore landscapes and wildlife. In addition to observing rhino and lions, you can visit the local village and learn more about the culture of Masai Mara, their kitchen, traditions and national outfits.

Waterfall Victoria

Right on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe is Victoria Waterfall. An incredible waterfall on the Zambezi River is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. In the season of rains from December to March, water streams are more powerful, but at the other seasons there is something to see here. In addition to the admiration of the views from the observation deck, you can enjoy the Victoria waterfall swimming on a canoe, or going down on the rafts at its base. Especially popular romantic cruises along the waterfall at sunset.

Park Serengeti.

In Northeast Tanzania, Serengeti National Park is one of the most incredible reserves of Africa. The name of Serengeti means endless plains, and this is exactly what you will find in the park. More than a million antelope of the GNU and more than 200,000 ZEBR, migrate annually on the plain. Having visited the Serengeti National Park, you will dive into the world of wildlife, watching chepads, leopards, giraffes, buffaloes, gazelles and other animals. Excursions on Mongolfierre, as well as photo safari - two excellent ways to explore the Serengeti as much as possible.

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Cape Town - the third largest and most popular city Continent, located near the southern point of Africa. This spiritual and eccentric place some are called the "Wind City". Cape Town received several international tourist awards. Next to the city rises a dining area (Table Mountain), which is among the seven new wonders of nature.

2. Nairobi.

Nairobi is the most populous megalopolis in East Africa, as well as the largest city and the capital of Kenya. He is known as the "green city under the sun." As for the options for housing, there are spacious suburban houses at quite affordable prices in comparison with other African cities, as well as elite residential complexes with pools and fitness centers. Surrounding plains, cliffs and forests give unique impressions of the African province

3. Accra


Accra - the largest city of Ghana, located in the southeastern part of the country on the coast Atlantic Ocean. There are several rich areas, including East Leahn and Ospa (Oxford Street) with luxury shops. Among attractions: Macol Market, National Museum Ghana, the arch of independence, Memorial Kwame Nkruum. An even more attractiveness of this edge adds a tropical climate.

4. Libreville

Photo: staticflickr.com

In stunning architecture and monuments of Libreville, a undoubted French imprint is read. The city lies on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. In 1960, he became the capital of Gabon. On the local beaches You can relax a fun. Near the Akanda National Park, popular among ecotourists.

5. Johannesburg

Photo: ThewanderLife.com.

In Johannesburg, the largest shopping centers are located, for example, Sandton and East Gate. Already going down on the road of the aircraft in international Airport Tambo, you will understand why Johannesburg consider the city world class. Despite the abundance of skyscrapers, individual areas literally immerse in lush and greens. Each traveler in South Africa will certainly be visited by the Kruger National Park.

6. Tunisia

Photo: Sky2Travel.net.

Tunisia is one of the smallest countries in North Africa. In her eponymous capital, the echoes of the times of the Ottoman Empire and the French colonial past in the form of disintegrating architectural ensembles. Medina Tunisia enters the list World Heritage UNESCO. In the suburbs of the city there is a famous Bardo Museum, a huge collection of exhibits of the Epoch of the Carthage, Roman, Byzantine and Arab Board.

7. Grahamstown.

Photo: Co.za.

Grahamstown is located in the eastern Cape of South Africa and is known as the "City of Saints" because of more than 40 cult buildings of various denominations. In this city there is a major center for the preparation of journalists. The most interesting time to visit Grahhamstown is a period when the National Art Festival and Science Festival ScoFest are held.

8. Kigali.

Photo: Panoramio.com.

Kigali - the heart of Rwanda and the house for about one million people, as well as for a large community of expatov, who are happy to use a variety of metropolitan opportunities. Here rural areas alternate with new modern buildings growing in the central business district. One of the newest buildings is the tower of Kigali. This 20-storey office and shopping complex became the most high building cities. Kigali lies on the slope of the mountain, where rare mountain gorillas dwell.

9. Windhoupse

Photo: Audreyandmathell.com.

The capital of the Republic of Namibia is attractive for many reasons. They say this city is clean, relatively safe and moving on it easily. German culture has had a huge impact on Windhuk: from speech to architecture. The city is famous for his beer (Windhuk Lager), which is sold abroad in more than 20 countries.

10. Dar-Es Salaam

Photo: Web-tourism.ru.

Dar-Es Salaam is a political and economic center, as well as the largest city of Tanzania. The city lies on the shore Indian Ocean, It is famous for the local university, the largest and oldest state-owned educational institution of Tanzania, and the Institute of Technology. In Dar-Es Salaam, their own magnificent beaches (including exclusive resorts), but in just a few minutes, it is possible to get to the island of Zanzibar on the ferry. The city is located near the Equator, the most part here reigns tropical weather.

11. Gaborone

Photo: ciee.org.

Gaborone - the capital of Botswana. She won a reputation for a peaceful, politically stable and economically powerful city, as this is one of the largest diamond producers in the world. Gemstones continue to play an important role in the development of the city.

12. Algeria

Photo: staticflickr.com

In Algeria, there are kilometers of beautiful beaches, the sun, a lot of prosperous cafes, a lively economy. In the city, as a rule, there is no extreme temperatures that occur in the adjacent desert. Here you can visit Kasba Fortress, Martyrs Square, Jamaa El Kebir Mosque, Bardo Museum, Roman Catholic Cathedral.

13. Asmara

Photo: ORG.UK.

Asmara is the capital and the largest city of Eritrea. Some call it "the safest city in the world." It lies at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level, a pleasant coolness reigns here, but almost all year round the weather is dry and sunny. The city has excellent architecture from the prosperous Italian community of colonial times. Asmara is also the country's economic center. This city even nicknamed "Little Rome"

lO_0_OL. Wrote in November 21st, 2012

1. Great migration in Kenya and Tanzania

2. Dining room, Cape Town, South Africa

3. Area Djemaa El FNA, Morocco

4. Dunes Sosquesflaw, Namibia

5. Mountain Gorillas, Rwanda

6. Waterfall Victoria, Zambia and Zimbabwe

7. Spitzkoppe, Namibia

8. Dunes Sahara, Morocco

9. Pyramids Giza, Egypt

10. Nyika Plateau. National Park., Malawi

11. McChadichadi Solonchaki, Botswana

12. Draa Valley, Morocco

13. Sphinx, Egypt

14. Mount Mulanje, Malawi

15. Horse safari in Kenya

16. Cruise on Nile, Egypt

18. Flamingo on Lake Nakuru, Kenya

19. Safari on Canoeing in the National Parliament Lower Zambezi, Zambia

20. Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique

21. Solonchak NXAI Pan, Kalahari desert, Botswana

22. Fish River Canyon, Namibia

23. Rhinos in Solio Reserve, Kenya

24. Nyiragongo Volcano, Virunga National Park, Congo

25. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

26. Lake Malawi

As already wrote, some items cause bewilderment. I am not silent in North Africa, but it seems to me the sphinx you can safely combine with the pyramids, because they are in one place. Regarding sugar, I know many enthusiasts who prefer Libyan or Algerian Sahara. For example, photo from photosite Victoria Rogatna
Algerian sugar

Libyan Sahara

For some reason, speaking of the horse safari, allocated Kenya, although there are no less interesting equestrian safaris in Calahari, in Botswana. Moreover, such safari are held by Uncharted Africa on the largest in Africa migration ZEBR

Mocoro is a very original way of safari, especially if we consider that such locals can meet on the berth :))

Well, the Okavango River Delta itself is undeservedly bypass.

I, of course, I feed the most tender feelings for Botswana and I am pleased that in the ranking she mentioned twice, but I do not understand why both salty lakes were attracting the attention of the compilers of the rating. It seems to me that the church (also drying the salt lake) is no less interesting than the same NXAI Pan

Again, in Namibia, Dunes Sosquesflaw - it's certainly great and they are engaged in a well-deserved place in the ranking, but Deadvlei with their surrealistic scenery should also be included.

I categorically, I have no idea about two Malawi attractions - Nyika Plateau National Park and Mount Mulanje. Probably, they are really interesting, but what managed to go on the Internet did not impress. As soon as we are talking about landscapes, then, in my opinion, not correctly bypassing the attention of Blyde Rive Canyon in South Africa. Again, this is the world's largest "green" canyon.

Kenyan icon Masai Mara could also be included in the rating. There are landscapes and animals in one bottle.

And for some reason completely forgot about original Madagascar. Where, as not in Morondava you will see such Baobabs

It seems that there are practically no unexplored places on Earth. However, Africa still remains not fully studied, and therefore the mysterious and mysterious continent.

Here you can always make the next opening. This Africa manites and at the same time scares travelers.

History, culture and traditions of this continent are so diverse that everyone will find here an interest here: be it beaches, numerous reserves, original tribes or desert.

Although Africa consists of 55 countries, less than half has been adapted for safe and comfortable tourism. Wines all permanent local conflicts and war. But every year more and more African states open their borders for tourists. Given the safety and development of the tourist infrastructure in a particular place, Biletyplus.ru has chosen for you 5 Africa countries that need to be visited.

1. Kenya (Eastern Africa)

You can allocate several main reasons to visit Kenya. First, it was on this territory that human civilization originated: the first Homo Sapiens appeared here. Secondly, on the land of Kenya passes the line of the equator, which is interesting to cross.

Thirdly, this country needs to go to see the great animal migration to see the great eyes: every year about 2 million individuals, stronge and seeking fresh pastures, overcome huge distances in Tanzania and Kenya parks. Fourth, it lives here (and willingly demonstrate to tourists guides) Famous "African Big Five": Leopard, Leo, Elephant, Rhino and Buffalo. Fifth, diving lovers can enjoy dives to coral reefs with a rare fauna of the Indian Ocean. Sixth, in Kenya, the African indigenous peoples of Masai, Samburu and Mere, who preserved the traditional way of life, with whom it is interesting to meet.

2. Namibia (South Africa)

Namibia is one of the richest and saved countries Africa. Here is a constant sun, the endless ocean coast, immense deserts, green foothills, rich animal and vegetable world, unusual landscapes and preserving the ancient traditions of the tribes. In addition, Namibia features hotels and campgrounds for every taste.

The main attraction of the country is the oldest desert of the world of Namib, which has about 60-80 million years. It affects the variety of landscapes: here they replace each other brown cliffs, canyons of dry rivers, moving dunes, empty and tiny oasis. In the very center of the desert, there is one of the largest world reserves, where you can see the national symbol of this Namibia - the rarest plant "Velvichia Mirabilis" ("Rosa Desert"), the age of some copies of which reaches 2,000 years.

3. Uganda (East Africa)

Many call Uganda Pearl Africa. Tourists go here to visit local national parks and admire the amazing nature. Uganda lies in the roaring zone of the earth's crust, so its landscapes and reliefs are very diverse. From natural attractions, the most famous Lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Alberta, Edward, River System of White Nile, Kabarega Waterfall. In Uganda, 35 extensive protected natural territories, ten national parks, where you can see the mass of representatives of African flora and fauna, including even rare mountain gorillas.

Residents of Uganda are very friendly, and the country is very safe. But it is worth being attentive outside the cities, since animals (elephants, hippos, lions, etc.) move absolutely free.

4. Tanzania (East Africa)

Tanzania is considered one of best places Africa for tourism. There is and what to do, and what to see. Many tourists go here on safari so that pleasing to the elephants, lions, rhinos, buffaloes, zebras, antelope of the GNU and other exotic animals. The most famous Park Tanzania is considered to be Serengeti, where preserved pristine Nature African jungle. Popular mountain Park Kilimanjaro, where the legendary volcano eponymed is located.

Attracts travelers and Salty Lake Magadi, located on the bottom of the crater in the Northern Park: It has become a house for thousands of flamingo, hergs, pelicans and other birds. In addition to Safari, tourists choose Tanzania because of the sandy beaches and the richest underwater world. And this is not all the sights and charms.

5. Cape Verde (West Africa)

Green Cape Island (namely, the name of this small state sounds in Russian) combines primitive nature and the European level of service. They go here to relax from civilization and explore the unique underwater world of coral reefs, where there is a huge amount of underwater caves and inhabit the most interesting representatives of the sea fauna.

Cape Verde is famous for its beautiful mountains With green terraces, soft sandy beaches, fun holidays and the sun of 365 days a year. In addition, the country is one of the five world windsurfing centers and one of the global sports fishing centers. During the migration period, whale whales appear off the coast of the islands, which let themselves at a rather close distance. Today, many call Cape Verde "New Canary Islands."

Want new discoveries and unusual sensations? Then you have to meet Africa.

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