Elf country. Stone cities of Elfs



According to the Scandinavians, first was the emptiness of the hynunghap. To the north of it was a frozen world of Mraka Niflheim, and in the south lay the fiery red-hot country of Muspelheim. From such a neighborhood, gradually the global emptiness of Ginungagap was filled with poisonous Intea, which began to melt and turned into an evil insicuity of the Giant Imir. IMIR was the ancestor of all the giant frosts.
Then Imir fell asleep. While he slept, sweat driving from him from under the mice, turned into a man and a woman, and sweat dripping from his feet, in one man. When a lot of ice melted, the cow of the Audum originated from the resulting water. Imir began to drink her milk, and she liked licking salty ice. By slipping the ice, she discovered a man under him, his name was storms.
The storm had a son Borhore Bor married an ineiste Giant Bestley and they had three sons that were born: one, Vili and Ve. The sons of the storm hated imir and killed him. From the body of the murdered Imir, there was a lot of blood that she sank all the giants, except Bergelmir, the grandson of imir, and his wife. They managed to escape from flooding in a boat made from a tree trunk.
One and his brothers brought the body of Imir to the center of Ginunghaps and created the world from him. From the flesh of imir made the ground, from the blood of the ocean from the skull turned out to be the sky. And the brain scattered into the sky, it turned out clouds.
The gods left without attention only the part in which the giants lived. It was called Etunheim. Best part Of this world, they buried the eyelashes of Imir and settled people there, calling her Midgard.
Finally, the gods created people. Of two wood bitch, a man and a woman, Ask and Emblem turned out. All other people occurred from them.
The latter was built inaccessible fortress Asgard, which rose highly over Midgard. These two parts were combined with a rainbow bridge. Among the gods, the patrons of people, there were 12 gods and 14 goddesses (they called Assa), as well as a whole company of other deities, beds (Vanov). All this premises of the gods crossed the rainbow bridge and settled in Asgard.
Over this multi-layer world grew ash ash igdrasil. His roots sprouted in Asgard, Etunheim and Niflheim. The eagle and hawk were sitting on the branches of Igdrasil, a squirrel was rushed along the trunk and down, the roots were inhabited by the roots, and the snakes of Nidhegg, who wanted to eat all. Igdrasil is what has always been, there will be.


At the beginning, there was a relaxed, dimensionless chaos, then Gaia (Earth) appeared with a deeply airing tartar in her depths (the abyss) and the eternal, which existed long before them the cause of attraction - Eros. The same name of the Greeks called the God of love, accompanying the goddess of Love Aphrodite, but Eros, who was at the beginning of the Universe, excludes any feeling. Eros can be compared with the power of world gravity - it is similar to the law. This force has led to chaos and land in motion. Chaos produces a feminine start - night and male start - Ereb (darkness). The night gave rise to the Tanat (death), sleep (hypnos), a huge number of dreams, the goddesses of the fate - Moyer, the goddess of Retribudia Nemoxida, deception, old age. The rivalry and partnership of Erid, which had exhaust work, hunger, sorrow, battles, murders, false words, litigation, biblies, murders, false words, litigation, and lawlessness, but also a fairly fair orc, punishing anyone who gives a false oath. And from the connection of the night with Ereb was born transparent air and a shining day - light from darkness!
According to the myth of the origin of the world, after, Gay was awakened: at first it was born by Uranus (heaven), then rose from her mountain depths, their wooded slopes filled the nymphs born by her, blown on the plains of Pont (sea). The coverage of the Earth led to the appearance of the gods of the first generation - they were twelve: six brothers and six sisters, mighty and beautiful. Not the only ones were children from the Union of Gay and Uranus. Gay was also on the light of three huge ugly cyclops with a large round eye in the middle of his forehead, and after them are three more titled storuchny giants. Titans, by taking their sisters to his wife, filled out the expanses of the Mother Earth and the Head's father with their offspring: they gave the beginning of the tribe of the most ancient generation. The older of them, the ocean, there were three thousand daughters, beautiful Oceanid, and as many river flows covered with the whole land. Another pair of titans produced Helios (Sun) Selena (Moon), EOS (Zaraka) and numerous stars. The third pair gave rise to the winds of Borey, a note and marshmallow. Titan Japet could not boast of as abundant offspring as his older brothers, but he became famous for a few, but the great sicks: the Atlanta, who took the heavy wear of the Heavenly Code to his shoulders, and Promethem, the most noble from Titans.
The younger son of gay and uranium was crowns, daring and impatient. He did not want to demolish like the arrogant patronage of the older brothers and the authorities of his own father. Perhaps he would not have decided to raise his hand on him, encroaching on the Supreme Power, if not a mother of Gay. She shared with the outrageous son of a long sentence on his spouse: he asked Uranus for the deformity of sons - storuchny giants and sharpened them in her dark depths. Crowns, under the cover of Nikti and with the help of Mother Gay, captured fatherly power. Taking her sister to his wife Rei, the crowns laid the beginning of a new tribe, to which people gave the name of the gods. However, the cunning crown was afraid of his offspring, because he himself raised his hand on his father, and so that no one would deprive his power, began to swallow his own children immediately after their birth. Gorky complained about Rie and received advice from her, how to save the next baby. When the child was born, Gay herself covered it in one of the inaccessible caves, and Reia handed the spouse a ferrous stone.
In the meantime, Zeus (so called the mother of a saved baby) grew in hidden from the eye of the cave on the slopes of the slander Ida, the most high mountain Crete Island. He was guarded by the young men, jackets and Coribants, drowning children's shock with blows of copper shields and the bumping of weapons, and Amalfy, the noblest of the goats, fed him with his milk. In gratefulness for this, Zeus, after studying the place at Olympus, constantly cared for her, and after death, she ascended her to the sky so that she would always shine in the constellation. Interestingly, Zeus left the skin of his cormalitsa, making the shield from it - the sign of the highest power. This shield was called "aegid", which in Greek and meant - "goat". According to him, Zeus received one of its most common epithets - egid-containing. Horn, which Amalfoy randomly broke back during his earthly life, the Vladyka of the gods turned into a horn of abundance and gave his daughter Airen, the patronage of the world.
Misiroval, Zeus became stronger than his father and not in cunning, like crowns, and in a honest match, he made him and forced him to spew out of the womb of swallowed brothers and sisters: Aida, Poseidon, Gera, Demeter and Gesty. So, according to the myth of the origin of the world, an end to the era of Titans came, who filled out a few of their heavenly and earthly expanses by several of their generations, "The Era of Olymps Gods began.


In the distant past, there was nothing before the creation of the world: neither warmth, no light, no living beings on earth and in heaven. In an immense space, there was only one gravan - endless eternity. It was empty and lonely, and then he had an idea about the creation of the world. He wondered to be born his son. The desire was extremely great that the Zranman began to commit sacrifices for a thousand years. And two sons in his womb originated in his womb and Ariman. The Zranman decided that he would give his first-breed son Ormuzdu power over the whole world. Ormazd read the thoughts of his father and told Ahriman about them. However, evil was already then the essence of Ariman, and he, to be born first, hastily swaying the shell of his father, appeared to light. Evil Ariman stated Father: "I am your son, Ormazh". He looked at the Zranvan on the ugly, filled with the darkness of Ahriman and buried: he didn't wait for it. Immediately, the Ariman from the womb seemed to the ORMAD, emitting light. Achriman, the thirsty of power over the world, was a younger brother, but the first cunning was born. Therefore, he dazko reminded the mirror that it was him to rule the world, as was promised. The gravan answered Ariman: "Sgin, unclean! I will make you king, but only for nine thousand years, but Ormazd will have power over you, and after the end of the allotted time the kingdom will be given to Ormuzdu and he will fix everything according to his will."
So, after the creation of the world, he was divided into two parts. The place of stay of Ormuzda, permanent and limitless in time, performed by omniscience and virtues, pierces endless light. The region, subject to Ariman, located in darkness, ignorance and the passion of destruction, which was, is, but will not always exist, called the abyss. Between the light and dark abyss, there was an emptiness in which endless light and endless darkness mixed. Ormáred began the creation of the perfect world, shed a particle of his pure light into the abyss, who separated him from Achriman. But Ariman rose from the gloom, as was predicted. A cunning younger brother who does not possess ought, did not know about the existence of Ormuzda, and so much went into rage from the world's creation, which announced the war to all of the creation. Ormyred tried to convince Ariman that there was no benefit from such a war, and he does not hold any evil on his brother. However, did not listen to Ariman, because I decided: "If the omnipotent officer is trying to solve the case peacefully, then he is powerless." He did not know Ahriman, which is not able to hurt his brother to his own, but can only harm the harm to the existence, "only omniscient Ormazhd knew about it.
The brothers allocated nine thousand years from the beginning of the creation of the world: the first three thousand years of events will take place by the will of Ormuzda, the next three thousand years - the will of Ormuzda and Ariman are mixed, and in the past three thousand years, evil Ariman will be existed and their confrontation will stop due to creation . I showed Ormongov Ahriman my victory at the end of the story: the powerlessness of the evil spirit and the destruction of divov, the resurrection of the dead, the final embodiment and the future reassuring creation forever. And ran in the fear of Ariman back in darkness. And although he fled, but continued the insane struggle against creation - created divis and demons that rose to intimidate. The first thing that Ariman was created is a lie, which is pushing the world. Ormyzd, created himself eternal immortal satellites: good thought, truth, obedience, dedication, integrity and immortality. Then he created the beautiful angels who became the hearts of Ormuzda and the defenders of good. I continued the creation of the world: he created the sky and land, and between them created the light, stars, the moon and the sun. I defined the all-time places for everyone so that they are always ready for battle with evil and saved.

Arikar Indians.

The Great Heavenly Spirit, Nesaar, who is sometimes called the Great Mystery, was the Lord of all creation. Under the sky, the bustle sea was spread, on which two ducks were always floated. Nesaar created two brothers, a wolf and a happy man who commanded ducks to dive into the bottom of the Great Sea and bring a little land. From this land, the Wolf created great plains, and a happy man - hills and mountains.
Two brothers descended under the ground and found two spiders. They explained to spiders, how to multiply. Two spiders gave rise to many species of animals and plants, as well as people. In addition, they spawned races of evil giants.
These giants were so angry that Nesaar in the end had to destroy them, the Great Flood. People loved Naorear and saved them from death.

Indians Huron.

Initially, nothing but water was not. Only a wide-wide sea. The only inhabitants of him were animals. They lived on water, under water or flew through the air.
Then a woman fell from the sky.
Two polar gagars flew past and managed to pick her up on their wings. However, Nosha was too heavy. Gagars were afraid that the woman would chase and she drowns. They appeal loudly about help. All the creatures flew on them and sailed.
Great Sea turtle Said:
- Lower the celestial to my back. Nowhere she will not go with my wide back.
Gagars did.
Then the Council of the Beasts began to think about how to be further. The wise sea turtle said that the woman needs the earth.
All the beasts took turns began to dive on the bottom of the sea, but no one did not reach the bottom. Finally, dived toad. There was a lot of time before it appeared again and brought a handful of land. She gave this land to the woman. Woman scattered her on the back of the turtle. So there was a dry.
Over time, trees have grown on it, rivers flowed.
The children of the very first woman began to live.
To this day, the Earth rests on the back of the Great Sea Turtle.

Maya Indians.

A long time ago there were neither people nor animals nor stones nor trees. There was nothing. It was a beless and sad plain, covered with waters. In the twilight silence, the deities of heat, Cukumats and Huracan were inhabited. They talked and came to an agreement that he had to do.
They burned the light, which first lit the land. The sea retreated, exposing the land that could be processed and on which flowers and trees flourished. Beautiful fragrance ascended to the sky from the newly created forests.
The gods rejoiced their creations. However, they thought that the trees should not remain without servants and keepers. Then they placed on the branches and near the trunks of animals of all kinds. Animals remained immobile until the gods ordered each of them: - You will go drink water from rivers. You will go to sleep in the cave. You will walk on four legs, and one day your back will know the severity of portable cargo. And you, the bird, you will live in the branches and fly through the air, without fear to fall.
Animals obeyed orders. The gods thought that all living beings should be placed in their natural environment, but should not live in silence, as silence is a synonym for devastation and death. Then they gave them voices. But animals only knew how to scream, without knowing how to say a single intelligent word.
The sorry gods were consulted and turned to animals: - As you failed to understand who we are, you will always live in fear of others. Some of you will be able to devour others without any disgust.
Hearing these words, animals tried to speak. However, from their sip and pastes, only screams were departed. Animals conquered and accepted the verdict: they soon began to pursue and sacrificing, and meat to cook and there are much more reasonable creatures that had to be born.

In any mythology, the foundation make up myths about the creation of peace and people. It is difficult to allocate some kind of definite trend in all this. The creators of the world are somewhere the gods, somewhere animals, and even plants at all. How the pristine creature originated from primitive chaos and how the world worked - it has its own story. This article presents several myths about the creation of the world of Slavs, Greeks, Suchmers, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, Scandinavians, Zoroastrians, Indians of Arikar, Huron, Maya.


Slavs existed several legends about where the world and its inhabitants came from. Many nations (the ancient Greeks, Iranians, the Chinese) have existed myths that the world arose from the egg. Similar legends and fairy tales can also be found at the Slavs. In a fairy tale about the three kingdoms, the hero goes to search for three princes in the underground world. At first he gets into the copper kingdom, then - in silver and gold. Each princess gives a hero on the egg, in which he turns into turns, concludes every kingdom. Selecting on the white light, he throws eggs to the ground and unfolds all three kingdoms.

One of the old legends reads: "At first, when there was nothing in the world, except the boundless sea, a duck, flying over him, dropped an egg in water punch. The egg split, and the mother's mother came out of its lower part, and the high arch of heavenly stood up from the top.

Another legend binds the appearance of the world with a hero duel with a snake that the golden egg rang. Killed the hero of the snake, the egg split the egg - the three kingdoms came out of it: heavenly, earthly and underground.

But how did the Carpathian Slavs told about the birth of the world:
When it was the beginning of the world
Then there was no sky, no land, only the blue sea,
And among the sea - the oak is high,
Two wonderful doves sat down on oak,
Began to think how to light the light?
We go down on the bottom of the sea,
I will bring fine sand
Small sand, gold stone.
Shallow sand we will face
Golden stone we take an eye.
With fine sand - Black Earth,
Voddy's student, green grass.
From the Golden Stone - Blue Sky, Blue Sky, Light Sun,
Clear month and all the stars.

Here is another myth. At the beginning of the time the world was in darkness. But the Almighty revealed the Golden Egg, in which the genus was concluded - the parent of all things.
Rod gave birth to love - Lada Mother and, the power of love destroying his dungeon, gave rise to the universe - countless star worlds, as well as our earthly world.
The sun came out then from his face.
The month is light - from his chest.
Stars are frequent - from his eyes.
Zori clear - from his eyebrows.
Nights are dark - yes from the spirit of it.
Buus winds - from breathing) ..
"Book of the strides", 1 A
So the genus gave rise to everything that we see around, all that in the way, is all that we call nature. The genus separated the world visible, yielded, that is, the Yava, from the world of invisible, spiritual - from Novi. The genus separated the truth from Kryvda.
In the chariot of fire, the thunder has approved the thunder. The god of the Sun of the Republic of Armenia, who came out of the face of the kind, was approved in the Golden Boat, and the month is in Silver. The genus I went out of my mouth the Spirit of God - Bird Mother Sva. God's spirit gave birth to Svary - Heavenly Father.
Svarog finished the peacekeeping. He became the owner earthy world, Lord of God's kingdom. Svarog approved twelve pillars supporting the sky.
From the word of the Almighty, God created God Barm, who began to mumble of prayers, glorifying, telling Vedas. He also gave birth to the Spirit Barma, his wife Tarusu.
The genus became a heavenly spring and spawned the waters of the Great Ocean. From the ocean water foam was a global duck, which gave birth to many gods - Yasuni and Dunov Dasune. Rod gave birth to a cow Zemun and Goat Seduni, milk broke out of their gifts and was the Milky. Then he created the Alatyr stone, which he began to bring down this milk. The mother of cheese is created from the oil obtained after the smell of oil.


Sumerians explained the origin of the universe as follows.
In the Sumerian mythology, the sky and the land were initially thought as a mountain, the basis of which was the land, who personified in the goddess Ki, and the top - the sky, the God of An. The God of Air and Wind Enlil was born from their union, named " Great Mountain", And his temple in the city of Nippure was called the" Mountain House ": he separated the sky from the ground and arranged the universe. Thanks to the enclosure and shining. Enlil falls in love with the goddess Ninlil and the force takes on her when she sailed along the river in his barn. For these, the elder gods are expelled to the underground world, but Ninlil, who already conceived the Son - God of the Moon Nanna, follows him, and Nanna is born in the underworld. In the underworld, Enlyl takes the appearance of guards three times morbon world, gives rise to Ninglil three underground gods. They return to the Heavenly World. From now on, Nanna in Barka, accompanied by stars and planets, travels at night across the sky, and in the day underground kingdom. He gives rise to the son of a sunny God of Uta, traveling across the sky in the afternoon, he travels on the night underground world, bringing dead light, drink and food. Then enlil places the land: he grunted "Seed Fields" from the ground, made a "all useful" light, invented the moth.
There is another version of the myth about the creation of the world.
The beginning of this story is quite beautiful. Long ago, when there was no sky, neither the earth, the Tiamat - Goddess of Sweet Waters lived, the Apsse is the god of salted waters, and their son-fog rising above the water.
Then, Tiamat and Apsse have two pairs of twins were born: Lahma and Lahama (demons), and then Anshar and Kishar, who were smarter and stronger than the elders. Anshara and Kishar had a child named Anna. Anna became the God of Heaven. Anna was born Ea. This is the God of groundwater, magic.
The younger gods are Lahma, Lahama, Anshar, Kishar, Anna and Ea - every evening they gathered to a noisy feast. They prevented Apsse and Tiamat. Only Mumma, the eldest son Apsu and Tiamat, did not participate in these fun. Apsu and Mummu turned to younger gods with a request to stop the festivities, but they did not list. The elders decided to kill all those interfering to sleep.
Ea decided to kill Apsse, who started a conspiracy against the younger.
Tiamat decided to take revenge for her husband's death. Her new husband, the God of King, in every way supported this thought.
So, Tiamat and King have developed a revenge plan. Learning about the Tiamat Plan, Ea appealed for advice to Grandfather Anchra. Anshar suggested to hit Tiamat with the help of magic, because with her husband dealt with it in this way. But the magical forces of EA do not act on Tiamat.
Anu, Father Ea, tried to form an angry goddess, but nothing came out. Since magic and negotiations have led to anything, it remains to turn to physical strength.
Who to send to the battle? Everyone decided that this is only a Marduk. Anshar, Anu and Ea dedicated young Mardook the secrets of Divine Magic. Marduk is ready to fight Tiamat, as a reward for victory requires the undivided authority of the Supreme God.
Young Marduk collected all Annunakov (as the gods called himself), so that they approved the war with the Supreme Goddess and recognized him with their king. Anshar sent his secretary to Kaku to call Lahm, Lahama, Kishar and Damkina. Having learned about the upcoming war, the gods came to horror, but a good dinner with a lot of wine calmed them.
In addition, Marduk demonstrated his magical strength, and the gods recognized him by the king.
For a long time the merciless battle lasted. Tiamat fought desperately. But Marduk won the goddess.
Marduk removed from King "Fate Tables" (they defined the movement of the world and the course of all events) and put on their own neck. He killed tiamat he slammed into two parts: from one made the sky, from the other - the Earth. People were created from the blood of the killed king.


In the Egyptian city of Heliopole- "Gorda of the Sun", as the Greeks called him, "Atum was considered the Creator and PRESIDENT. It originated from the nunter-primary ocean, which Atum called his father, when there was still no sky, no land, no soil.
Atum rose as the hill among the waters of the World Ocean.
Prepassions of such hills were the real hills, highlighted on the water surface of the spilled Nile. Appropriately fortified, they became a platform for the first temples, the construction of which as it would have perpetuated the act of creating the world. With the presentation of the primary hill, apparently the form of the pyramid.
- I exist! I'm creating the world! I have no father and there is no mother; I am the first God in the universe, and I will create other gods! With an incredible effort at ATUM broke away from the water, he wondered over the abyss and, waiting his hands, said a magic spell. In the same moment a deafening roar was heard, and among the foam splashes from the puchin, the hill of Ben-Ben. Atum went down to the hill and began to reflect on what to do next.
But it was not about to create a lonely creator from what, and he coincided with his own hand and absorbed his own seed, and then he drove away from the mouth of the god of air Shu and the goddess of moisture of the Tefnut, the first divine pair. Ocean NUN blessed creation, he woven him to increase. Hardly born, the children went somewhere. Atuum could not find them and sent his daughter in search of his daughter, the Divine Oko Atuma. The goddess returned fugitives, and the delightful father was silent. Tears turned him in the first people.
From the first pair, born atum, there was god GEB and Nut, Goddess and the incarnation of the sky. The God of Air Shu and his spouse was divided into the earth and the sky: the chick climbed in the form of a creepy over the graze, relying on him with his hands and legs, Shu began to support the sky in such a position.
It was necessary to divide the sky and the Earth, because until they drank, in the arms, there is no place for other creatures on Earth.
But GEB and Nut managed to give birth to the twins Osiris and Isido, as well as set and oil. Osiris was destined to become the first killed and resurrected for the eternal afterlife.
Earth and the sky are surrounded by waters from all sides. Every night nut swallows the sun, and the next morning again
him gives him.

In Memphis, there was a version of the myth about the creation of the world. God-Creator PTA creates all the existing strength of thought and the word: "Pta drew, creating all things and divine words. He gave rise to the gods, created the cities, placed the gods in their sanctuary. Any work, art, the movement of hands and feet arose, according to the order, conceived by the heart and expressed language that created the essence of all things. "
The main gods of ancient Egypt, created by PTA, were his own embodiments. In Egyptian mythology, there is another version of the creation of the world, which emerged in the city of Shmun, - "City eight." According to it, eight gods and goddesses - Nun and Nuahnet, Hashe and Huaheth, Cook and Kuahet, Amon and Amaunet. Men's deities had head frogs, female - snakes. They lived in the waters of primitive chaos and created the original egg there. From this egg there was a sun deity in the image of the bird, and the world was filled with light. "I am a soul that arose from chaos, my nest is invisible, my egg is not broken."
During the period of the new kingdom (XVI-XI centuries. BC) the city of the hair becomes the political capital of Egypt. The main FVAN Divine - the God of the Sun of Amon. In the "big hymn of Amon" says:
Father's father and all the gods,
Raised heaven and approved land
People came out of his eye, became the gods from his mouth
King, yes he lives, let him live
May be well-being, the head of all the gods
In the myth of Amon, previously existed versions of the myth on the creation of the world were united. It tells it that at the beginning there was Amon in the image of a snake. He created eight great gods, which in the yunua gave rise to RA and Atuma, and in Memphis - Puta. Then they returned to the hair and died there.
About the creation of man's gods in Egyptian mythology is almost not mentioned. According to one version, people arose from the tears of the RA god (explained by this similar sound of the Egyptian words "tears" and "people", on the other - the people were blind from clay God Hnum.
Nevertheless, the Egyptians believed that people are the "the flock of God" and that God created the world for people. "He created the sky for them and the earth. He destroyed the irreversible darkness of the water and created the air so that they could breathe. He created plants, cattle, birds and fish for them in order to feed them." It should be noted that in almost all legends, legends and myths - it is common ...



According to the Scandinavians, first was the emptiness of the hynunghap. To the north of it was a frozen world of Mraka Niflheim, and in the south lay the fiery red-hot country of Muspelheim. From such a neighborhood, gradually the global emptiness of Ginungagap was filled with poisonous Intea, which began to melt and turned into an evil insicuity of the Giant Imir. IMIR was the ancestor of all the giant frosts.
Then Imir fell asleep. While he slept, sweat driving from him from under the mice, turned into a man and a woman, and sweat dripping from his feet, in one man. When a lot of ice melted, the cow of the Audum originated from the resulting water. Imir began to drink her milk, and she liked licking salty ice. By slipping the ice, she discovered a man under him, his name was storms.
The storm had a son Borhore Bor married an ineiste Giant Bestley and they had three sons that were born: one, Vili and Ve. The sons of the storm hated imir and killed him. From the body of the murdered Imir, there was a lot of blood that she sank all the giants, except Bergelmir, the grandson of imir, and his wife. They managed to escape from flooding in a boat made from a tree trunk.
One and his brothers brought the body of Imir to the center of Ginunghaps and created the world from him. From the flesh of imir made the ground, from the blood of the ocean from the skull turned out to be the sky. And the brain scattered into the sky, it turned out clouds.
The gods left without attention only the part in which the giants lived. It was called Etunheim. They burned out the best part of this world and settled people there, calling her Midgard.
Finally, the gods created people. Of two wood bitch, a man and a woman, Ask and Emblem turned out. All other people occurred from them.
The latter was built by an impregnable fortress Asgard, which rose highly over Midgard. These two parts were combined with a rainbow bridge. Among the gods, the patrons of people, there were 12 gods and 14 goddesses (they called Assa), as well as a whole company of other deities, beds (Vanov). All this premises of the gods crossed the rainbow bridge and settled in Asgard.
Over this multi-layer world grew ash ash igdrasil. His roots sprouted in Asgard, Etunheim and Niflheim. The eagle and hawk were sitting on the branches of Igdrasil, a squirrel was rushed along the trunk and down, the roots were inhabited by the roots, and the snakes of Nidhegg, who wanted to eat all. Igdrasil is what has always been, there will be.


At the beginning, there was a relaxed, dimensionless chaos, then Gaia (Earth) appeared with a deeply airing tartar in her depths (the abyss) and the eternal, which existed long before them the cause of attraction - Eros. The same name of the Greeks called the God of love, accompanying the goddess of Love Aphrodite, but Eros, who was at the beginning of the Universe, excludes any feeling. Eros can be compared with the power of world gravity - it is similar to the law. This force has led to chaos and land in motion. Chaos produces a feminine start - night and male start - Ereb (darkness). The night gave rise to the Tanat (death), sleep (hypnos), a huge number of dreams, the goddesses of the fate - Moyer, the goddess of Retribudia Nemoxida, deception, old age. The rivalry and partnership of Erid, which had exhaust work, hunger, sorrow, battles, murders, false words, litigation, biblies, murders, false words, litigation, and lawlessness, but also a fairly fair orc, punishing anyone who gives a false oath. And from the connection of the night with Ereb was born transparent air and a shining day - light from darkness!
According to the myth of the origin of the world, after, Gay was awakened: at first it was born by Uranus (heaven), then rose from her mountain depths, their wooded slopes filled the nymphs born by her, blown on the plains of Pont (sea). The coverage of the Earth led to the appearance of the gods of the first generation - they were twelve: six brothers and six sisters, mighty and beautiful. Not the only ones were children from the Union of Gay and Uranus. Gay was also on the light of three huge ugly cyclops with a large round eye in the middle of his forehead, and after them are three more titled storuchny giants. Titans, by taking their sisters to his wife, filled out the expanses of the Mother Earth and the Head's father with their offspring: they gave the beginning of the tribe of the most ancient generation. The older of them, the ocean, there were three thousand daughters, beautiful Oceanid, and as many river flows covered with the whole land. Another pair of titans produced Helios (Sun) Selena (Moon), EOS (Zaraka) and numerous stars. The third pair gave rise to the winds of Borey, a note and marshmallow. Titan Japet could not boast of as abundant offspring as his older brothers, but he became famous for a few, but the great sicks: the Atlanta, who took the heavy wear of the Heavenly Code to his shoulders, and Promethem, the most noble from Titans.
The younger son of gay and uranium was crowns, daring and impatient. He did not want to demolish like the arrogant patronage of the older brothers and the authorities of his own father. Perhaps he would not have decided to raise his hand on him, encroaching on the Supreme Power, if not a mother of Gay. She shared with the outrageous son of a long sentence on his spouse: he asked Uranus for the deformity of sons - storuchny giants and sharpened them in her dark depths. Crowns, under the cover of Nikti and with the help of Mother Gay, captured fatherly power. Taking her sister to his wife Rei, the crowns laid the beginning of a new tribe, to which people gave the name of the gods. However, the cunning crown was afraid of his offspring, because he himself raised his hand on his father, and so that no one would deprive his power, began to swallow his own children immediately after their birth. Gorky complained about Rie and received advice from her, how to save the next baby. When the child was born, Gay herself covered it in one of the inaccessible caves, and Reia handed the spouse a ferrous stone.
Meanwhile, Zeus (so called the mother of a saved baby) grew in the cave hidden from the eye on the slopes of a wooded goda, the highest mountain of Crete Island. He was guarded by the young men, jackets and Coribants, drowning children's shock with blows of copper shields and the bumping of weapons, and Amalfy, the noblest of the goats, fed him with his milk. In gratefulness for this, Zeus, after studying the place at Olympus, constantly cared for her, and after death, she ascended her to the sky so that she would always shine in the constellation. Interestingly, Zeus left the skin of his cormalitsa, making the shield from it - the sign of the highest power. This shield was called "aegid", which in Greek and meant - "goat". According to him, Zeus received one of its most common epithets - egid-containing. Horn, which Amalfoy randomly broke back during his earthly life, the Vladyka of the gods turned into a horn of abundance and gave his daughter Airen, the patronage of the world.
Misiroval, Zeus became stronger than his father and not in cunning, like crowns, and in a honest match, he made him and forced him to spew out of the womb of swallowed brothers and sisters: Aida, Poseidon, Gera, Demeter and Gesty. So, according to the myth of the origin of the world, an end to the era of Titans came, who filled out a few of their heavenly and earthly expanses by several of their generations, "The Era of Olymps Gods began.


In the distant past, there was nothing before the creation of the world: neither warmth, no light, no living beings on earth and in heaven. In an immense space, there was only one gravan - endless eternity. It was empty and lonely, and then he had an idea about the creation of the world. He wondered to be born his son. The desire was extremely great that the Zranman began to commit sacrifices for a thousand years. And two sons in his womb originated in his womb and Ariman. The Zranman decided that he would give his first-breed son Ormuzdu power over the whole world. Ormazd read the thoughts of his father and told Ahriman about them. However, evil was already then the essence of Ariman, and he, to be born first, hastily swaying the shell of his father, appeared to light. Evil Ariman stated Father: "I am your son, Ormazh". He looked at the Zranvan on the ugly, filled with the darkness of Ahriman and buried: he didn't wait for it. Immediately, the Ariman from the womb seemed to the ORMAD, emitting light. Achriman, the thirsty of power over the world, was a younger brother, but the first cunning was born. Therefore, he dazko reminded the mirror that it was him to rule the world, as was promised. The gravan answered Ariman: "Sgin, unclean! I will make you king, but only for nine thousand years, but Ormazd will have power over you, and after the end of the allotted time the kingdom will be given to Ormuzdu and he will fix everything according to his will."
So, after the creation of the world, he was divided into two parts. The place of stay of Ormuzda, permanent and limitless in time, performed by omniscience and virtues, pierces endless light. The region, subject to Ariman, located in darkness, ignorance and the passion of destruction, which was, is, but will not always exist, called the abyss. Between the light and dark abyss, there was an emptiness in which endless light and endless darkness mixed. Ormáred began the creation of the perfect world, shed a particle of his pure light into the abyss, who separated him from Achriman. But Ariman rose from the gloom, as was predicted. A cunning younger brother who does not possess ought, did not know about the existence of Ormuzda, and so much went into rage from the world's creation, which announced the war to all of the creation. Ormyred tried to convince Ariman that there was no benefit from such a war, and he does not hold any evil on his brother. However, did not listen to Ariman, because I decided: "If the omnipotent officer is trying to solve the case peacefully, then he is powerless." He did not know Ahriman, which is not able to hurt his brother to his own, but can only harm the harm to the existence, "only omniscient Ormazhd knew about it.
The brothers allocated nine thousand years from the beginning of the creation of the world: the first three thousand years of events will take place by the will of Ormuzda, the next three thousand years - the will of Ormuzda and Ariman are mixed, and in the past three thousand years, evil Ariman will be existed and their confrontation will stop due to creation . I showed Ormongov Ahriman my victory at the end of the story: the powerlessness of the evil spirit and the destruction of divov, the resurrection of the dead, the final embodiment and the future reassuring creation forever. And ran in the fear of Ariman back in darkness. And although he fled, but continued the insane struggle against creation - created divis and demons that rose to intimidate. The first thing that Ariman was created is a lie, which is pushing the world. Ormyzd, created himself eternal immortal satellites: good thought, truth, obedience, dedication, integrity and immortality. Then he created the beautiful angels who became the hearts of Ormuzda and the defenders of good. I continued the creation of the world: he created the sky and land, and between them created the light, stars, the moon and the sun. I defined the all-time places for everyone so that they are always ready for battle with evil and saved.

Arikar Indians.

The Great Heavenly Spirit, Nesaar, who is sometimes called the Great Mystery, was the Lord of all creation. Under the sky, the bustle sea was spread, on which two ducks were always floated. Nesaar created two brothers, a wolf and a happy man who commanded ducks to dive into the bottom of the Great Sea and bring a little land. From this land, the Wolf created great plains, and a happy man - hills and mountains.
Two brothers descended under the ground and found two spiders. They explained to spiders, how to multiply. Two spiders gave rise to many species of animals and plants, as well as people. In addition, they spawned races of evil giants.
These giants were so angry that Nesaar in the end had to destroy them, the Great Flood. People loved Naorear and saved them from death.

Indians Huron.

Initially, nothing but water was not. Only a wide-wide sea. The only inhabitants of him were animals. They lived on water, under water or flew through the air.
Then a woman fell from the sky.
Two polar gagars flew past and managed to pick her up on their wings. However, Nosha was too heavy. Gagars were afraid that the woman would chase and she drowns. They appeal loudly about help. All the creatures flew on them and sailed.
The Great Sea Turtle said:
- Lower the celestial to my back. Nowhere she will not go with my wide back.
Gagars did.
Then the Council of the Beasts began to think about how to be further. The wise sea turtle said that the woman needs the earth.
All the beasts took turns began to dive on the bottom of the sea, but no one did not reach the bottom. Finally, dived toad. There was a lot of time before it appeared again and brought a handful of land. She gave this land to the woman. Woman scattered her on the back of the turtle. So there was a dry.
Over time, trees have grown on it, rivers flowed.
The children of the very first woman began to live.
To this day, the Earth rests on the back of the Great Sea Turtle.

Maya Indians.

A long time ago there were neither people nor animals nor stones nor trees. There was nothing. It was a beless and sad plain, covered with waters. In the twilight silence, the deities of heat, Cukumats and Huracan were inhabited. They talked and came to an agreement that he had to do.
They burned the light, which first lit the land. The sea retreated, exposing the land that could be processed and on which flowers and trees flourished. Beautiful fragrance ascended to the sky from the newly created forests.
The gods rejoiced their creations. However, they thought that the trees should not remain without servants and keepers. Then they placed on the branches and near the trunks of animals of all kinds. Animals remained immobile until the gods ordered each of them: - You will go drink water from rivers. You will go to sleep in the cave. You will walk on four legs, and one day your back will know the severity of portable cargo. And you, the bird, you will live in the branches and fly through the air, without fear to fall.
Animals obeyed orders. The gods thought that all living beings should be placed in their natural environment, but should not live in silence, as silence is a synonym for devastation and death. Then they gave them voices. But animals only knew how to scream, without knowing how to say a single intelligent word.
The sorry gods were consulted and turned to animals: - As you failed to understand who we are, you will always live in fear of others. Some of you will be able to devour others without any disgust.
Hearing these words, animals tried to speak. However, from their sip and pastes, only screams were departed. Animals conquered and accepted the verdict: they soon began to pursue and sacrificing, and meat to cook and there are much more reasonable creatures that had to be born.

source Vision7.ru.

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Section History

Myths about the creation of the world


Ivanova Ealina, Grade 6


Izosimova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, history teacher


  • Introduction
  • I.. Myths about the creation of the universe from the world egg
  • Ancient China
  • Ancient indium
  • Slavic mythology
  • II.. Myths about the creation of the world of the primary ocean
  • Ancient Egypt
  • Sumerian mythology
  • III. Bible about the creation of the world
  • Conclusion
  • Literature


All modern people know how our world is arranged. We live on planet Earth, which, together with other planets, revolves around the Sun. Our solar system enters the galaxy with many other galaxies ...

The question of the construction of the universe is inseparable from the question of its origin. A person at all times worried where this world came from and what the main stages of his formation took.

In any national traditional culture there are myths explaining the origin of the Universe and Human, as well as telling about the initial stage of the existence of the Earth. This part of mythology in science is called cosmogonia, and the myths are cosmogonic.

Cosmogonic myths, myths about the creation, myths about the origin of the Universe from Chaos, the main initial story of the majority of mythologies. Start with the description of chaos (emptiness), the lack of order in the universe, the interaction of the initial elements. The main motives of cosmogonic myths are the structuring of the outer space and time, the separation of the gods of the earth and the sky, the establishment of the space axis - global wood, shining (division of the day and night, light and darkness), the creation of plants and animals. Creation is completed, as a rule, creating a person.

Different peoples exist myths about the origin of the world from the world's egg, the primary ocean, the God-Creator.

The purpose of the work: to identify the similarities and differences in the myths about the creation of the world of various peoples;

Tasks: analysis of myths from the point of view of their origin;

Object of the study: the myths of the peoples of the world on the creation of the world;

Hypothesis: the creation of the world from the world's egg, from the primary ocean and the God-Creator.

Research Method: Acquaintance with myths about the creation of the world and their analysis.

creation World Myth Bible

I. Myths about the creation of the Universe from the World Egg

Ancient China

Initially, the universe was like an egg. In this egg originated by itself

Ancient indium

Initially there was nothing. There was no sun, nor the moon, no star. Only water

stretched infinitely. At the beginning of all, the original space waters spawned fire. The power of the cosmic heat - Tapas - the egg was born in the waters. It swam in the waters, when the time has not yet measured, but through the gap, equal to year, the creator of the Brahma Universe arose from the golden embryo. Brahma of the power of thought divides the egg into two halves: from one it is created by the sky, from the other - the earth; between them occur air space. Brahma approved the land among the waters, created the parties of the world - no wonder he has four faces and four hands - and began counting time. But when the Creator looked around and saw that the Universe was empty, the fear of loneliness embraced him. Since then, every person is afraid of loneliness. Brahma continued to reflect and established himself in the thoughts that it was possible to be afraid of something. There is someone to be afraid, but the existence of it is impossible. Then Brahma by the power of thought gave birth to seven sons - Vladyk all creatures. Senior - Marichi, the embodiment of the starry light, he was born from Brahma's soul. From his eyes, his second son - Atriya was born. From the mouth was born Angiras, the mediator between people and gods. Fourth - Pulasty - from the right ear, and from the left - Pulak. The sixth son of Kratou was born from Brahma's nostrils. The younger - the seventh son of Brahma became Daksha, born of a thumb on his right foot; From the finger on his left leg was born the only daughter - Virini. They produced numerous offspring with Daksha, their children became constellations in the sky.

Slavic mythology

At the beginning of the time the world was in darkness. But the Almighty revealed the Golden Egg, in which the genus was concluded - the parent of all things. Rod gave birth to love - Lada Mother and, the power of love destroying his dungeon, gave rise to the universe - countless star worlds, as well as our earthly world.

The sun came out then from his face.

The month is light - from his chest.

Stars are frequent - from his eyes.

Zori clear - from his eyebrows.

Nights are dark - yes from the spirit of it.

Buus winds - from breathing.

So the genus gave rise to everything that we see around, all that in the way, is all that we call nature. The genus separated the world visible, yielded, that is, the Yava, from the world of invisible, spiritual - from Novi. The genus separated the truth from Kryvda. In the chariot of fire, the thunder has approved the thunder. The god of the Sun of the Republic of Armenia, who came out of the face of the kind, was approved in the Golden Boat, and the month is in Silver. The genus I went out of my mouth the Spirit of God - Mother's Bird. God's spirit gave birth to Svary - Heavenly Father. Svarog finished the peacekeeping. He became the master of the earthly world, the Lord of God's kingdom. Svarog approved twelve pillars supporting the sky. From the word of the Almighty, God created God Barm, who began to mumble of prayers, glorifying, telling Vedas. He also gave birth to the Spirit Barma, his wife Tarusu. The genus became a heavenly spring and spawned the waters of the Great Ocean. From the ocean water foam was a global duck, which gave birth to many gods - Yasuni and Dunov Dasune. Rod gave birth to a cow Zemun and Goat Seduni, milk broke out of their gifts and was the Milky. Then he created the Alatyr stone, which he began to bring down this milk. The mother of cheese is created from the oil obtained after the smell of oil.

All three myths combines the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the world from the egg. The creator originates from the egg, which subsequently separates the land from the sky and creates all living things.

II. Myths about the creation of the world of the primary ocean

Ancient Egypt

Long ago, many millions of years ago there was chaos - the endless and bottomless ocean. This ocean was called NUN. Gloomy he represented the spectacle! The petrified cold water of Nune seemed forever froze in immobility. Nothing disrupted rest. Held a century, millennium, and the Ocean NUN remained motionless. But one day a miracle happened. The water suddenly frolved, slept, and the great God of ATUM appeared on the surface. - I exist! I'm creating the world! I have no father and there is no mother; I am the first God in the universe, and I will create other gods! With an incredible effort at ATUM broke away from the water, he wondered over the abyss and, waiting his hands, said a magic spell. In the same moment a deafening roar was heard, and among the foam splashes from the puchin, the hill of Ben-Ben. Atum went down to the hill and began to reflect on what to do next. I will create a wind - so I thought ATUM. Without wind, this ocean will again zoked and will remain a fixed forever. And I will create a goddess of rain and moisture - so that the ocean water subordinate to her. And Atuum created God Wind Shu and Goddess Tefunut - a woman with a fierce lion's head. It was the first divine pair on earth. But the misfortune happened. The impenetrable gloom still enveloped the universe, and in the dark of Chaos Atum lost his children. How much he called them, how much he shouted, the stunning water desert crying and silent, the answer he was silence. In complete despair, Atuum drew his eyes and, referring to him, exclaimed: - My eyes! Do what I tell you. Go to the ocean, Looking for my children Shu and Tefnut and return them to me. The eye went to the ocean, and Atuum sat down and began to wait for his return. Having lost finally all hope to see their children again, Atum shouted: - About the grief! What to do me? Not only, I forever lost my son Shu and my daughter Tefnut, I also lost my eyes in addition! And he created a new eye and placed it in his empty wrist. The faithful eye after many years of searches still found them in the ocean. It's hardly shu and tefunut stepped on the hill, God rushed to them to meet them, so that they quickly hug them, as suddenly the eye, all the dusty from the rage, jumped to Atumu and was angry: - What does it mean?! I don't care if I went to the ocean Nun and returned to you lost children! I served you a great service, and you. "Don't be angry," said Atuum. - I will put you on my forehead, and you will be contemplating the world from there, which I will create, you will admire His beauty. But the offended eye did not want to listen to any excuses. In an effort by all means, to punish God for a betrayal, he turned into a poisonous snake Cobru. With a threatening hiss of Cobra, I swelled the neck and exposed deadly teeth aimed right in Atuma. However, God took a calmly snake in his hands and placed on his forehead. Since then, the eye-snake decorates the crown of gods and pharaohs. This snake is called urea. White lotus grew out of the ocean water. The bud revealed, and from there the God of the Sun of the Republic of Armenia flew out, who brought the world a long-awaited light. Seeing Atuma and his children, Ra ripened from joy. His tears fell to the ground and turned into people.

Sumerian mythology

Long ago, when there was no sky, neither the earth, Tiamat lived - the goddess of sweet waters, Apsse is the god of salted waters, and their son is a fog rising over the water.

Then Tiamat and Apsse born two couples twins: Lahma and Lahama (demons), and then - Anshar and Kisher, who were smarter and stronger than the elders. Anshara and Kishar had a child named Anna. Anna became the God of Heaven. Anna was born Ea. This is the God of groundwater, magic. The younger gods are Lahma, Lahama, Anshar, Kishar, Anna and Ea - every night gathered on a noisy feast. They prevented Apsse and Tiamat. Only Mumma, the eldest son Apsu and Tiamat, did not participate in these fun. Apsu and Mummu turned to younger gods with a request to stop the festivities, but they did not list. The elders decided to kill all those interfering to sleep.

Ea decided to kill Apsse, who started a conspiracy against the younger.

Tiamat decided to take revenge for her husband's death. Her new husband, the God of King, in every way supported this thought. So, Tiamat and King have developed a revenge plan. Learning about the Tiamat Plan, Ea appealed for advice to Grandfather Anchra. Anshar suggested to hit Tiamat with the help of magic, because with her husband dealt with it in this way. But the magical forces of EA do not act on Tiamat. Anu, Father Ea, tried to form an angry goddess, but nothing came out. Since the magic and negotiations have not led to anything, it remains to turn to physical strength. Who to send to the battle? Everyone decided that this is only a Marduk. Anshar, Anu and Ea dedicated young Mardook the secrets of Divine Magic. Marduk is ready to fight Tiamat, as a reward for victory requires the undivided authority of the Supreme God. Young Marduk collected all Annunakov (as the gods called himself), so that they approved the war with the Supreme Goddess and recognized him with their king. Anshar sent his secretary to Kaku to call Lahm, Lahama, Kishar and Damkina. Having learned about the upcoming war, the gods came to horror, but a good dinner with a lot of wine calmed them. In addition, Marduk demonstrated his magical strength, and the gods recognized him by the king. For a long time the merciless battle lasted. Tiamat fought desperately. But Marduk won the goddess. Marduk removed from King "Fate Tables" (they determined the movement of the world and the course of all events) and put on their own neck. He killed tiamat he slammed into two parts: from one made the sky, from the other - the Earth. People were created from the blood of the killed king.

What should be allocated from these myths ... and in the Sumerian and in Egyptian mythology we find the concept of the initial existence of only one bustal ocean, which was in itself. This ocean was lifeless. Then the gods are born from the ocean, which give rise to other deities, with many relatives, and create the whole world. The gods are creating people. That is, in these myths, three main steps are traced, following one by one: 1 - the existence of the original ocean, 2 - the birth of gods and the creation of the world, 3 - the creation of a person.

III. Bible about the creation of the world

Christianity considers the emergence of the Universe as the creation of a single God-Creator. God created the whole world in six days: "God created the sky and the earth at first. The lands were anhydrous and empty, and darkness over the vigilance; and the Spirit of God rushed over the water. And God said: Yes, there will be a light. And there was a light. And God will be The light that he is good: And God separated the light from darkness. And God called the light in the afternoon, and darkness at night. And there was evening, and it was morning: one day. And God said: Yes, it will be talked in the midst of water, and it separates water from Waters. And it became like this. On the third day he collected all the waters on the ground. So the ocean appeared, and sushi appeared from the water. On the fourth day he created two shines: one to shine in the afternoon, and the other - at night. Fish and reptiles, as well as birds in heaven. And the sixth day created all the animals wandering on the ground. Then God created a man in the image and likeness to his own way, and in the seventh day God rested from his works and blessed this day by making it a holiday For eternal times.

A distinctive feature of the biblical myth is that the True Creator of Man is a single God Creator. The whole world was created only for the sake of Genesis, which is the way God and which is designed to reign over the world. And in mythologies, the appearance of a person looks a secondary event against the background of the origin of the gods. The creation of the world for six days is consistent, stepped. After the next stage of creation, God characterizes pristine nature And the creature as perfect in his eyes. This recognition in myths is not. The biblical understanding of the creation of peace and humans is different from the myths about the creation of the world from the egg and the primary ocean.


Cosmogonic myths of the peoples of the world are an integral part of mythology. In their material, the general and differences are clearly traced. There is an interpenetration of cultures and this is exactly what the similarity of the motives and elements in the myths of different nations are explained.

These myths will be transmitted from generation to generation. They will be eternal. And I think that the secrets of the universe will always be attacked by a person.


1. Myths about the creation of the world / V.Ya. Petrukhin. - M: Astrel: AST: Suite, 2005.

2. Myths of Ancient India / E.N. Temkin. - M: Science, 1976.

3. Religion Ancient Egypt/ MA Korostovtsy. - M: Science, 1976.

4. History Ancient Mira/ A.A. Vigasin. - M: Education, 1993.

5. http: // RU. wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0%BC. % D0% B8% D1% 80% D0% B0_% D0% B2_% D0% 91% D0% B8% D0% B1% D0% BB% D0% B8% D0% B8

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