In which part of Zakynthus it is better to rest. What is worth looking at Zakynfe? Prices for tours to Zakynthos

Island Zakynthus gives its guests indescribable memories and impressions. Coexistence of the mountains and the purest azure sea, sandy beaches And pine forest captivates the hearts of tourists once and forever. Zakynthos - Capital nom Zakynthuswhose coast is washes Ionian Sea.

According to legend, the inhabitants of Zakynthos fought in the war with Troy on the side of Odyssey. For a long time, Zakynth Island is under Greek influence, but at the end of the first one Millennium BC, Roman legions captured him. From that moment on, the Romans began to use and rich natural resources Islands and advantageous geographical position. And so continued to V c. n. E. When the power over the island switched to Byzantium. From this point on, these are the power transitions, the seizures of the territory have become quite familiar. Barbars and pirates were constantly attacked on the island. In the XV century The island was owned by Venice, in the XVII-XVIII centuries. The battle of the Turks and the French for the right to domination were held. As a result, France won, but later she gave way to Britain Island. And only by 1864 Zakynthos began to officially enter into Greece.

Climate and weather

The resort reigns a soft Mediterranean climate. average temperature In the summer in Zakynthos +27 ° C.. Even in August here is dry and slightly cool. In general, the climate of Zakynthos is favorable for rest round year. Within 12 months, a decent amount of precipitation falls on the island, and the number of sunny days is large here. That is why Zakynthum literally slows down in greenery.


Natural routes around Zakynthos are much more popular to inspect historical attractions. So, if you ended up on this island, be sure to get to bay Naviero. Such a luxurious picture you will not see in any movie! Right in the midst of the picturesque sandy beach from the last century is a pirate ship.

Do not forget to include on your journey another item - grotto Blue Caves. The rays of the Sun are reflected in the sea water, jump along the crots and give them a heavenly blue color.

Also worth looking at beach Zakynthoswhich spreads along the shore of the Ionian Sea by 14 km. A real work of art will appear in front of you: stunning caves and grottoes, white rocks, pure blue water ... It is impossible not to admire it.


National Marine Park Reserve With its typical Mediterranean ecosystem - the pride of all Zakynthus. It was created to preserve the natural variety of the island. The park includes several beaches, each of which has its own distinctive feature. For example, langas Bay Unique in that the rarest giant turtles Carette Caretta put their eggs there.

The island is also rich in the man-made attractions, he admires tourists with its aristocratic refinement, luxury palaces And beautiful churches. Majestically rises above the sea venetian fortress - Symbol of Zakynthos. In the center of the capital of the island are:

  • Church of St. George;
  • Byzantine Zakynthos Museum;
  • Church of St. Nichola;
  • Library.


Greek fans will certainly appreciate the restaurants of Zakynthos. But I would like to immediately note that the local institutions are not limited to national Kitchen. Many local restaurants, cafes and taverns offer to try either European, Chinese and Indian dishes. The best establishments with traditional Greek cuisine can be rightfully called:

  • Akrotiri;
  • Patari;
  • Poseidon;
  • Hermi.

And fish restaurants Poplaros. and Andreas. immensely delight visitors to live Greek music. Magnificent seafood dishes can be tried in a restaurant Komis Fish Tavern.. Guests are taking guests to late night and besides excellent cuisine offer an interesting entertainment program.


Hotel Captain`s Commodore 3* That in the center of Zakynthos, perfectly suitable for families, married couples and young people. The hotel is located on the sandy seach of the sea Zante. Maris. 4* , and in the suburbs Lagan Next to the Reserved Forest and the famous " turtle beach»Half the hotel Ilaria. 3*.

Entertainment and recreation

On the beaches of Zakynthos, you can show your abilities in various sports: Diving, sailing sports, tennis, cycling and dr.

An annual music festival is held on the shore of Zakynthos Ionio Festival of Classical Musicwhich is held since 2008. The time of his holding is chosen the hottest months - July and August, and the location is an outdoor theater Dermatousa.Harding on the mountain and surrounded by cypresses. Other musical and folklore festivals often pass here.

And the most popular clubs on Zakynthere, youth consider Rescue. in Lagan as well Barrage. and Factory. in Zakynthos.


The best shopping on the island is natural in the capital. In Zakynthos, you will not find huge shopping centers with hundreds of shops, boutiques and cafes. The local shopping has its own characteristics. Among the most popular shopping tourists in Zakynthos - Cosmetics and Perfumery, handmade soap, sweets, olive oil and jewelry of local masters.

The main shops and shopping shops are located on Alexander Roma Street. Jewelry shops are closer to St. Mark's Square. Here you will meet the famous brands and products of local jewelers. Many tourists prefer the second option. Cosmetics is better to buy in pharmacies.


The airport is 4 km from the capital. A regular aircraft are flying between Zakyntos and Athens daily. Greek port of Killini And Zakynthus binds the marine message. In the same capital public transport Deposited buses and taxis.


Many hotels in Zakynthos provide their guests with Wi-Fi internet access. When you choose the hotel, pay attention to this parameter.

Call better with street telephone machines with payment cards. You can buy them in newspaper kiosks. Calls from the hotel will cost more. Also, keep in mind that from 8 pm to 7 am - a preferential time, when calls are 30-40% cheaper.

You can always remain in touch using roaming connection. More budget option will be using mobile communications local operator. SIM card and balance replenishment card is very easy to buy in the city. The seller will help you with the choice of the tariff plan and replenish the account.


The beaches of the Zakynthos are distinguished by impeccable cleanliness, and are also considered the safest to relax with children.

When walking around the city, make sure that your bag is closed and the valuable things lying in it did not tease pockets.

The property

Real estate on any Greek island will cost an order of magnitude higher than a similar option on the mainland country. Small squares of the islands provide the maximum proximity of real estate objects to the sea. This characteristic of Greek real estate attracts more and more buyers. The housing of Zakynthos also refers to prestigious, however, unlike other islands, available offers here much more.

The route of almost all excursions includes a visit to the picturesque rocks arches located at the very northern point of the island. Despite the huge temptation to swim on this luxurious area Ionian Sea, tourists are in no hurry to do this, because the water temperature is there + 14-15 ° C.

By phone 166 you can call an ambulance. Tourist Police Phone - 171 .

Zakynth Island Greece is a magical corner of beautiful dreams. Thousands of poets and writers chased this paradise Island, gifted by the beauty of untouched nature, the manifold of juicy paints and all the conditions for a magnificent rest. It smells a cheese, felt flavors of exotic colors, citrus and grapes feel.

Luxury flower of Mediterranean

Zakynthos Island or Zakynthos, as is customary to call him in Greece, is included in the group of Ionic Islands. It is located 300 km west of mainland Greece and is the third largest among all islands of his group. To get, if desired, on the mainland tourists will be completely unclear. Capital city, by the way, is also called Zakynthos. Very convenient - no one does not sleep anything when planning a rest, because Zakynthos and Zakynthos are, in fact, the same thing.

The total area of \u200b\u200bZakynthos - 407 km of the square. The length of the coastline is 123 km. The population is about 39,000 people. Sufficient modest dimensions do not completely interfere with this island develop in the tourist direction, because nature here is truly beautiful, small villages are very colorful and attractive, and sandy beaches are very comfortable and beautiful.

Features Zakynthus

Greek Island Zakynthos in ancient times was called the "flower of Levant" or "The Flower of the Mediterranean East". These names gave a beautiful corner of Venetians who appreciated all his beauty in the 15th century. The island not only inspires musicians, artists and writers, but also manits numerous tourists with delicious beaches, pure emerald sea, unusual attractions. The greatest flowering of the culture of this Greek corner falls for the period of the reign of Venetians.

Cavers Keri.

If you believe legend, Zakynthos fascinated with his beauty even the Greek gods. The most admired by Apollo and Artemis. Probably, therefore, the indigenous inhabitants of ancient times emphasize this couple. In immortal poetry, Homer Zakynthos is also described as "paradise, drowning in emerald forests."

At the beginning of the summer, people wishing to see one interesting event come to Zakynthus. The impressive size of the casual turtles of the carriage in the summer is laying eggs in the sand. 55 days after masonry, new individuals and massively head to the sea are increasing. Experts are followed by the process, because only 1-2 turtles are independently able to get to the water. Such an event is also very important. Carette Carette Turtles reach up to 1 m in length.

Museum-Factory Olive Oil

The island of Zakynthos, or Zakynthos, is unique in that the nature has been preserved here in almost its original form. Everywhere the greenery buffels, all year round and spread their honey fragrances numerous flowers. There are no aggressive industrial facilities here, so no harmful substances contaminate the atmosphere, water and land. The activities of small plants for the production of olive oil and wine are strictly regulated by environmental standards and does not harm the environment.

Photo of tourists who returned from the island of Zakynthos in Greece, literally faster images of folklore and musical festivals. In this place, cultural traditions are very much, so you can meet many authentic items of painting and local architecture. In colorful taverns on the seashore, you can try delicious food.

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What to see and where to have fun?

The most important for travelers and holidaymakers who fall on Zakynthos from different parts of the planet is the nature of the island: the picturesque beaches, the natural origin of the grotto, thick greens and truly beautiful panoramic views. It is a pity that most historical monuments did not survive. But the population of the island tries to protect all the beautiful and interesting things left. And there really is what!

Blue caves Keri on Zakynth

In the north of Zakynthos, you can make a stunning photo if you decide to visit unique blue caves. Admire numerous picturesque grots, stone arches and pure blue water. The originality of this attraction adds the fact that you can get to the cave exclusively a reason. The most visited and famous blue cave is at Cape Skinari. Artists, professional photographers and directors really love to work in it.

By the way, water in snow-white grotto is very saturated with calcium and other minerals. Therefore, washing such a water is very favorably affected by the skin. The depth of these waters reaches four meters. Thanks to a sufficiently large depth, here you can sneak with a mask and plenty of corals.

Bay Naviero

Church of St. Dionysius

On the city embankment of the city of Zakynthos, there is a temple with an impressive bell tower, which is seen from afar. This is the Church of St. Dionysia, named after the priest with a challenging fate, which, contrary to human malice, earned great respect and love of the inhabitants of the island. The inner decoration of the temple is striking with its luxury and splendor.

By the way, in honor of the priest, another outstanding islander was named. For Greeks, Zakynth Island is not just beautiful beaches And primordial forests. First of all, this is the birthplace of a person who is honored, the Great Poet, the author of the National Anthem - Donia Solomos. On the main Square Capital installed his monument.

Water Park Water Village.

If you want to spend time on Zakynthos not only useful, but also fun, then you must visit the water park. Their three on the island, but the most famous and largest - "Water Village". He is in the village of Sarakanado. There are slides of different levels for children and adults, a huge number of pools and various water entertainment. In numerous cafes located right on the territory of the water park, you can well refresh yourself or refreshing the cocktail.

Ticket price: 18 EUR for adults and 14 EUR - for children, half a day (after 14:30) 14 and 10 EUR, respectively.

Marine Reserve

In 1999, a reserve was founded on the island. It is located on several beaches and 2 small islands. This is a miniature sample of the Mediterranean ecosystem. It will be very interesting here and children, and adults. Everyone can see iguan, dictum, dolphins, rare turtles, unique seals and many other inhabitants of the sea.

In addition to the sea, there is also the Stone Reserve Askos, famous for its simply unearthly beauty. A variety of rare animals and plants from the planet has been collected in a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe park from the entire planet. Huge stone structures, large water tanks and wooden compositions are harmonized with the untouched nature of Zakynthos.

Children will simply be delighted with a walk through Askos. Some animals of the park are allowed to feed food, which they themselves give. The cost of the entrance ticket - € 9.50.

Preobrazhensky monastery on strangers

The monastery was erected back in 1241 on one of the islands near Zakynthos. In the XV century, the building of the monastery was rebuilt, and he became like a castle or medieval fortress. Such a structure served as an excellent shelter monks from pirates. The central temple is made in the form of a tower. It was here for some time a simple monk served by Saint Dionysius. As a result of the earthquake, the monastery suffered greatly, but he was tried to restore, resumed the original appearance. Nowadays, the abode acts, 60 monks live in it.

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Weather on the island

Zakynthos attract holidaymakers and tourists with their soft Mediterranean climate. In winter, it's not cold here, and in the summer there is no burning heat. In winter, the land generously watering rains. Such weather conditions favors the formation of rich vegetation and the constant accumulation of fresh water. In the summer season, from the beginning of May to October, it almost does not happen rain. Soften the heat in July and August helps the constant fresh breeze from the sea.

Weather and water to sea for months on Zakynthos are displayed on schedules.

The average temperature in summer: + 24 ... + 30 ° С. The experienced tourists believe that the best period for recreation in Zakynthos is June-October. At another time, it is also not cold here, but the sea warms up not enough. If you are not fundamental beach restThe year rounds and entertainment tours are held on the island.

Zakynthos island, Greece is a cognitive and harmonious rest on an environmentally friendly territory with virgin nature.

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Tourist replies:

Green waters of the friendly Ionian Sea surround the paradise place - Greek Island Zakynthos. Here are the ancient temples of the Venetian period and many monasteries, which gently store shrines and miraculous icons. The island, which is the birthplace of St. Dionysius Zakynthos, defender of the island, the poet Andrei Calvos, as well as the Dionysius of Solomos, who created the national anthem of the country. This sinking in greenery and a fragrant set of colors, the island's sinking poets has ancient history. Thanks to the convenient location of the island Zakynthos, there is an opportunity to easily move to other Ionic Islands - Corffs, Lefkas, Paxa, Itaks, Ketira and Kefalonia, as well as to Peloponnese. The tourist industry is experiencing rapid growth here, but at the same time he is listening to the local population, which does not want to build huge buildings to spoil and destroyed the natural medium of the island. The advantages of this resort in Greece are his extraordinary natural beauty, a rich cultural and historical heritage and traditional guilty of the local population.

Zakynthos represents the wonderful harbor, white sand And the mountains covered with pine forests, green vineyards, golden beaches, transparent water, almond and olive groves ... They also cause interest to large turtles carriages - they have appeared here in July for many millennia to postpone eggs on the beaches of the island.

Today on the island of Zakynthos, the ancient traditions of ancestors - well-known folklore and musical events are regularly organized. Comfortable hotelshaving a fairly high level of service, many restaurants, colorful taverns and bars, beaches with excellent infrastructure, where you have the opportunity to engage in various sports on water, emerald sea waters with a variety of animal and vegetable worldAnd also, of course, comfortable climatic conditions - this is what attracts many holidaymakers here. Any tourist who will come to Zakynthos Island will detect all the conditions for a great pastime filled with positive emotions. Wonderful landscapes of the island will not be able to leave indifferent.

Probably the main attraction of this town is wonderful sandy beaches, which are located in the cozy harbors. However, the island is most proud of its Naval Park ReserveOpened more than eleven years ago, which includes Limni Keri beaches, Laganas Beach, Kalamaki, Strofades, as well as some small islands south of Zakynthos. Here you can observe a typical Mediterranean unique and unique ecosystem - sand dunes and beaches, washed by the Ionian Sea, where the rarest kinds of turtles, dolphins, unusual feathered, iguan and dictum live. If you relax on Zakynthos, then you should be in numerous local museums, most famous among which are Museum of Byzantine Art and Museum of the Two glanced Greece poetswho lived here - Andreas Kalvosa and Dionysios Solomos. Do not forget to also visit house-Museum of the family Alexander Roma and Maritime Museum where you can learn about the history of the Greek Fleet in detail.

On the island very carefully apply to all buildings that they are painted in the column of ocher. All houses are built according to traditional style - they have loggias and confused venetian porticists. In the traditions of the same style built and embankment of Prat Marinawhere at any time life boils, central Square on the island - St. Markthat completely laid down tiles as well district of Bohaliswhich is located near the fortress - here you can walk along the narrow streets, sit in comfortable restaurants and coffee shops, where we are not only tasty, but listen to old music. Abniently elevated over the bohalis area fortress buildingWhere you can observe a wonderful picture of Zakynthos Island, surrounded by the azure waters of the Ionian Sea.

And coming, and the local youth loves to relax in the small town of Argasi, in which the famous ancient bridgewhich erected in the 1800th year. An interesting design of this structure is one part of the bridge stands on the sand, and the other in the water of the sea. The pride of the island Zakynthos is also the church buildings of the Byzantine style, one of which is an old church of St. Donia.

This building is erected in honor of the patron saint of the island of Zakynthos, and its holy remains are stored here. On August 24, this temple hosts a meeting of the inhabitants of the island and pilgrims from around the state, as well as others, they are solemnly honored by the memory of this saint.

Also notable church of St. Nicholas, dated the period of the Middle Ages.

This temple, which stands out due to its unusual construction of the Venetian style, destroyed the earthquake and the fire that followed him - in 1953, after that, he was rebuilt again and appeared to the world in pristine gruse - with the help of sailors. At first, this temple was erected on the island, and only the bridge connected this island building and Zakynthos, but later the island was attached to land - with the help of mound. Therefore, in our days, this temple belongs to the local diocese. The building is dated to the seventeenth century, this is the oldest building located on the Solomos Square, erected according to the Renaissance style, and his bell tower more corresponds to Byzantine.

Temple of Holy Maurus

This building is located in the village of Maheherado, it was erected as a simple basilica, has a Venetian bell tower with a height of thirty-seven meters. It is believed that the sound published by its bells is most melodic in all Greece. The temple was erected where the miracle of the icon of the Holy Maur occurred. According to the legend, the icon hung here on the tree when she found her local shepherd. He took her away with him to the village, but in the evening she appeared again at the same place. It happened until then, until the temple was erected in honor of the Holy Maur. It is believed that the icon of this saint is the most famous monument of history on the island. The island is very honored by the holy and her icon. In 2005, a fire happened, which destroyed the inner decoration in the church, which was a unique example of church art ... Nowadays, restoration work is held here.

Is the answer?

Zakynthos (or Zakynthos) - the third island in the Ionian Sea.
The island itself consists of two mountain chains, between which the valley extends. Summary paradise, with olives, grapes and citrus plants, golden beaches and beautiful spokes. There are about 40 thousand people who are engaged in agriculture, winemaking and fishing or involved in the tourist business. A huge number of tourists come to an island annually to enjoy his beauty, relax and swim away in the azure coastal waters. So, a little about what you can look at Zakynthos.

Navagio Ship Wreck (Navagio Ship Wreck)

The bay name is translated as "shipwreck". And all because about 35 years ago, the ship "Panayotis" crafes here, who was dripped tobacco from Turkey to Italy (so the beach is sometimes called the "bike of smugglers"). As a result, the ship, which was left in place, became a kind of symbol of Zakynthus. By the way, it is impossible to get on the beach on the shore and the beauty of the bay. Tourists can admire only from the board of boats and yachts (which float to the bay every one and a half hours). The bay is incredibly beautiful - the blessing sand, the cliffs of the unusual shape and the purest water of bright blue color.

How to find: West Bank, North

Blue Caves

Also, you can hear the name "Blue Grotes". These are the wonderful caves of light breeds that have formed in the form of an archer over water. Under these arches, crystal clear water of azure color and beautiful coral reefs. Be sure to go there! Again, the caves can be achieved on a yacht or boat from Iyos Nicholas. Grotes are located in the northern part of the island on the eastern shore.

Askos Stone Park (Askos Stone Park)

Park on an area of \u200b\u200babout 500 thousand square meters is a house for hundreds of animal species, more than 170 thousand species of plants, birds, insects and reptiles. you can feed the animals in the park, and even some pet (pets that here too obitayut- goats, sheep, ponies, rabbits, horses). The park is called the way, because there you can see a variety of items made of stone - ancient tanks, trough, vessels. All this is very harmony with the nature of the park. Also, here you can find ancient stables and pools right in the rock, which were previously used to collect water. After a walk through the park, get to the beach Xiggy - this is a hydrogen sulfide source, health and beauty. Also during the park there are Russian-speaking guides. Perfect place for kids!

How to find:vOLIMES District, Northern Island, closer to the West Bank

Keri Caves (Keri Caves)

Blue-colored caves are available only from a boat or boat. Rocks surround the azure waters, and on the rocks themselves there are volatile mice, sea seals are splashing, the sea turtles of the carriage and fish are gladly sailed. And at the bottom you can admire the beautiful corals, so that diving or snorkeling lovers will like even more.

How to find: southwest coast, in the area of \u200b\u200bKeri

Marathonissi (Marathonissi)

This little island Next to the south side of Zakynthosbut. His still often island turtles. First, the shape of the island is somewhat similar to the shape of tortoise shell, and yet it is often the place chosen for the carriage relic turtle eggs. The island is covered with olive trees, pines, as well as there are beautiful two beaches - sandy and pebble, and two sea caves, where it is so cool to swim! Beaches are not landscaped, and in this all of their charm. It is best to poison the island around on a rented boat to enjoy the beauty fully, and even then go to the beach and swim.

Callinico Wine Museum (Callinico Winery)

The plant can be found in the village of Kalipado, in the heart of the island. This is not the only wine plant plant, in general, the whole island lives this case, and the territory of the valley covers numerous vineyards. Here they produce such wine as Verdea, perhaps the most famous. He began to prepare at the very beginning of the nineteenth century. The owners of the museum are good-natured and very generous, spent tasting for tourists, and then you can choose a couple of bottles to taste, which are sold there very cheaply (three bottles can be bought in just 10 euros).

How to find: National Road of Zakynthos Alikes, Southeast Islands, close to Zakynthos

Fortress Bacheli (Bohali Fortress)

The fortress is located three kilometers from the city of Zakynthos on the hill. Thus, a wonderful view of the city opens from the fortress. Built this building was in the 12th century, on the ruins ancient Fortress Psopidas. In principle, the fortress is very similar to other fortresses of Greece, built by Venetians. The fortress can be reached on the road from St. Mark Square. Inside the fortress there is an area that was once central and main on all island. To get there, you need to raise the three gates of the fortress. One of the attractions of the place is the sculpture of the Lion of St. Mark next to the third gate. Incredible construction!

How to find: Bohali Hill, northwest from Zakynthos

Women's Monastery Panagi Elefternotria (liberty)

There is this temple in the village of Lagopodo (Lagopodo), which is located in the center of the southern part of the island, 10 km from the city of Zakynthos. It was reredisitive relatively recently, as well as he was reconstructed after the earthquake of 1953. IN this moment She lives 17 girls. Appearance The monastery looks at some kind of fortress, and quite large, which is rather unusual for Greek monasteries. In general, a very beautiful and statutory building of light color! For tourists, the monastery is open every day from 8.30 to 12.00 and from 16.00 to 19.30. From the hill at which the temple is erected, a wonderful view of the city and the sea opens. Also in the monastery you can buy manual embroidery and icons.

Rocks big and small Mizitra (Rocks Large and Small Mizithra)

These are two snow-white cones-shaped in the open sea. not far from Lighthouse Keri. These mountains are named after ... Greek cheese of Mizitra, one of the favorite products of local residents. By the way, the rocks are "made" from limestone, so they have such a light color. Very beautiful place one of the favorite tourist destinations. Rocks are in the southernmost part of the island, in his left "leg". You can admire the rocks from the yacht or boat, as well as from the Keri lighthouse or from the observation deck of the bistro on the cliff next to the cliffs. In this observation site You can see a huge size of the Greek flag.
Until recently, this flag raised in 2007 was the largest in the world and even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. A flag of 36.90 meters long and a width of 18.1 m is located at an altitude of 50 meters and is visible from a distance of 25 km!

Monastery of Our Lady of Anaphonitria (Anafonitria Monastery)

The story of the construction of this monastery is full of secrets. It was founded in the 15th century, when a local resident accidentally discovered an icon in the rocks, which spread weak light. The glow itself fugged and light up again, and the surprised residents seemed to be that the icon shouted (therefore it was called it, because the AnaFonitria means "screaming"). At the scene of the find built a small chapel, and later the monastery. By the way, during a strong earthquake of 1953, when all the facilities of the island were quite restricted, this monastery did not suffer at all, which further strengthened the faith of people in a miracle. The entrance to the temple is the tower with the bell tower. The three-pneum monastery itself with a wooden roof produces an indelible impression on visitors. There is a monastery in the center of the island, approximately 15 km northwest from Zakynthos.

Capital: The capital and port of the island city Zakynthos is located on the hills between the ancient fortress and the sea. Buildings, buildings of the characteristic of terracotta, built in the traditional spirit with loggias and Venetian porticoes, are preserved here. We advise you to stroll along the Embankment of the stratum Marina, the famous Ruga, shopping center with its picturesque arches, on the lined tile central Square St. Mark, where is always very busy. The Thakhalis area, located directly under the fortress, will charm you with narrow quiet coffee shops and restaurants where you can listen to old music. The fortress towers over the Bohalys, offering a beautiful view of modern city And the Ionian Sea.

Zakynthos is known from prehistoric times, he was part of Odysseeva Kingdom. Homer calls him wooded and considers him the first place of habitat of the son of King Freigia Darudano - Zakynth. As described in ancient myths, Antique Gods Apollo and Artemis walked around the island, enchanted by his beauty. Back in the distant past, thanks to his geographical position And the large stock of resin, the island has learned his political and trading flourishing. He took a neutral position in the war with Persians, but in the Peloponnes war fought on the side of Athenian. Zakynthus had always and retains a high level of culture to this day. This is the birthplace of the National Poet of Greece Dionysus Solomos, Ogo Foscolyos, Xenopoulos. The influence of the Venetians, along with the Greek traditional way, served as the basis for the development of a special refined culture. All kinds of art were rapid development on the island, so it is fully called the Florence of the East. Music "flows in blood" among the inhabitants of the island. Love for this kind of art from the indigenous people was noticed since the ancient times, as evidenced by the worship of the islanders to God of Music Apollon. Already in the XV century. Under the influence of Italians, theatrical art receives strong distribution. In 1571, for the first time put on the scene of the play of Eschila "Persians". Today Zakynthic is one of the most important cultural centers Greece. Every year there are concerts and other concert events on the island. Most of the 44 areland villages retain traditional life lifestyle. Tourism develops taking into account the interests of local residents who impede construction huge complexesnot to disturb the natural beauty of the island. Here you will find only medium and small hotel farms, where all modern amenities will be offered at your service. The greatest number Vacationers in the summer period falls on the town of Lagan, located 11 km. south city Zakynthus. Flowering plains There are intermittent with olive groves, vineyards and endless beaches. The famous sea turtles of Caretta-Caretta in the coast of Lagan live. Another area of \u200b\u200bthe island with developed tourism is Argassi, which is considered to be a favorite holiday destination. Here you can have fun and carefree your vacation. The Kalamaki area, located in the south of the island - a quiet seaside corner with a wonderful sandy beach - a place where you can relax with "soul and body". Northeast Islands represented by the village of Aliki, attracting fans family tourism Stretched through the entire coast of sandy beaches and shallow, safe sea. Many possibilities seem to lovers water species Sports. Next to the village of Alika is a new rapid rate center summer holiday Alikanas. 16 km. The south-west of the capital of the island is Vasilicos, a small village with lush vegetation and crystal clear water, blooming grounds and gardens, sandy beaches. At the very south of the island there is a tiny village of Keri Limni, which reminds old city Zakynthus. Built on the top of the hill, surrounded by brightly green slopes, with narrow streets and chopped to each other by stone houses, she leaves an indelible impression. View of the Ionian Sea and " turtle Island"Marafonisi, located opposite the village, amazing the imagination. The coastal waters of Limni Keri are rich in a diverse fish. Each sunset fascinates everyone who has happened to watch it in Campi ... From the height of the hills, Zakynthus opens from the new side: the villages are drowning in greenery, among they are Volleymes - the center of folk crafts, which is three settlements with old well-groomed houses. With Samoa | high Point The islands offer an amazing view of the Ionian Sea to the Kefalonia itself! The islanders have a special attitude towards environmental protection, as evidenced by the huge territories of the island remaining intact and preserved their virgin beauty, as well as the rare species of marine animals and crystal purity of coastal waters. The famous Sea Turtle of the Mediterranean Caretta-Caretta, who has already lived for millions of years southern coast Zakynthus, feels in complete safety, and lays eggs on the sandy beaches of the island. In the southwestern Gulf of Zakynthus dwells the rare view of the Black Sea seal Monachus-Meachus.

Geographical location

Zakynthos island in the southern part of the Ionian Sea. Thanks to its geographical position (it is just an hour of ride on the ferry from about. Kefalonia and Ploponnes), guests of the island can visit other islands of the Ionian Sea, ancient Olympia, as well as the capital of Greece - Athens. The island is a natural and turtle nature reserve, and is rightfully considered the most romantic place in Greece. Neoschable sandy beaches of Zakynthus! In the north-western part of the island there are famous "blue caves".


The climate of the island is Zakynthos soft-counterinental, favorable for recreation throughout the year. In August, there is dry and cool, the temperature reaches an average of +27 degrees Celsius.

How to get

Just 1 hour you will need to fly to the island from A / P Athens. Every day two flights are performed. Zakynthos Airport is 6 km away. From the capital of the island (Night flights are prohibited). If during the journey you will use the car rental, you can use the services of ferries, which within an hour will take you along with the car at Zakynthos from the port of Killini, located on the Peloponnese Peninsula. In the summer, ferries make up to 10 flights daily. You can also use comfortable buses or trains committing daily flights from Athens all year round.

Greece, island of Zakynthos ... These words give rise to the soul memories of the white house by the sea, the smell of herbs, endless sun over his head. Amazing land, saturated with thousand-year history, manits tired of city traffic jams from the northern countries.

Split history

The Greek island, called the surprise of Zakynthos (Scientific Version - Zakynthos), is the most southern "fragment" of the Ionian archipelago. Despite the similarity with other regions, Eldlats, there is a raisin, a soul that attracts hundreds of thousands of guests annually. Not in vain the speech of local tour operators is such a phrase: "Zakynthos island - a unique stay in Greece."

The name Zakynthos is coming on behalf of the Mythological Son of Dardan, the King of Arcadia. According to Homer, the island was the ownership of the legendary Odyssey. In the Middle Ages, Genoa and Venice and Venice were ruled in the territory. In 1800-1807, the region was part of the Republic of Seven Islands. It was on Zakynfe that Dionisios Solomos was born, the author of Oda to Freedom, as well as the poet Andreas Calvos.

Sand beaches, rocks and bays

Special charm is the island Zakynthos (Greece). The beaches are framed by almost all the eastern shore, making it soft, like fluffy. In the west, the most mountainous part of it remains untouched and little known - the territory of the true pioneers who are alien to the philosophy of beach recreation. This land is characterized by steep cliffs, which descend to the sea with white walls. The fertile center of the island is covered with huge olive-citrus groves and vineyards.

Northern areas with bad roads and wild mountains, as well as central fertile plains and hills escaped invasions mass tourism. In the south-east, on the contrary, the resorts, beaches and commercialized crowds of vacationers are dominated.

Nature Reserve

The most recognizable location is Navagio Beach. Zakynthos Island (Greece) is one of the rare territories where the turtles of the kind of carriage are laying off eggs. Carette (she is Loggerhead) has become a symbol of the island. For masonry, the turtle chose the southern bays, in these places restrictions were introduced to protect the magnificent marine creatures. The Bay of Lagan, in particular, declared the National Park.

Thousands of tourists eager to watch the loggerhead turtles, and at the same time impressed postcard views of the legendary beaches, protected by steep cliffs and numerous caves (eg, Galazia Spilia - Blue Cave). The most photographed place on Zakynthos (possibly, and all Greece) was Navagio Beach. Probably the cause is the ship-thrown by the sea, spectacularly rust in the midst of snow-white sand in the vice of high rocks.


The city of Zakynthos, lovingly called Zanta, is the largest settlement on the island and at the same time its capital. The 1953 earthquake actually destroyed Zakynthos Island (Greece). Sights who survived the Millennium, were destroyed overnight. Of course, some of the buildings survived either restored, but today's updated after the cataclysm was completely reproached.

Located a 16 thousandth town on eastern coast, "Face" to Peloponnes. Zakynthos is devoid of medieval charm under the above reason. However, modern union buildings in the Mediterranean style are bizarrely harmonized with recovered quarters.


Although the main attraction of the area is the Bay of Navagio, Zakynthos Island (Greece) will be interesting and connoisseurs of architecture. First of all, you should bow before the Altar of the Church of St. Dionisa. This is the patron of the island, which means that it will not be superfluous to enlist his support. In the church are the remains of the saint. Visitors can enter only properly dressed: men - in pants (not shorts!), Women - with a covered head. Information with the rules has been posted at the entrance. If tourists are not properly dressed, they will be given fitting clothes. As a rule, these are big scarves that can be covered with bare places. A historic bell tower is standing next to the church.

There are many temples and bells built in Venetian style when the bell tower is always posted separately, near the church. On the main square, a monument to the poet Solomos, the Creator of the National Anthem of Greece appears. Not far is the library, where the photos of the city are exposed to the earthquake. An obligatory is considered to be visited by the Byzantine Museum with a collection of the Ionian School of Painting.

The natural and architectural dominant of the capital are two rocks towering over the city quarters, pressed mountains to the sea. The castle and the settlement of Balka are located here. From these sites, you can see almost all the zakintos, as well as meet the best dawn in your life. By the way, straight tours on Zakynth Island (Greece) from Moscow are already available. Previously, it was necessary to get through Athens or other major tour centers.


It is the largest and most popular resort on Zakynthos Island. This is a noisy cluster of hotels, guest houses, bars and restaurants. There is here numerous clubs and discos, where fun usually lasts until dawn. Therefore, people who appreciate peace, it is recommended to choose a quieter resorts to relax on the island, for example, cylii and aliches. If there is a desire to consider the Island Zakynthos in more detail (Greece), local operators can be purchased in specialized centers.

After a day on an exceptionally beautiful sandy beach, you should make a tour on the boat with a transparent bottom. When it moves, you can see the Laganas migrating from Africa. Because of them, some sections of the beach are closed for people, so animals can calmly put eggs. In Laganas huge selection good restaurants and charming taverns. In the evening, with the onset of coolness, the traditional Greek dinner will become true pleasure.

There is an international airport of Dionisios between the resort and the capital of the island. Flights arrive here towards "Mainland Greece - Zakynthos Islands", as well as air transport from other airports in Europe.

Porto Dukla

Very quiet resort located on a picturesque bay 4 km from the same name of the Laganas resort. His charms will appreciate those who want to stay from the bustle of big cities and spend their holidays in beautiful place. Here, narrow "chamber" beaches alternate with rocky protrusions and rising from the depths of stone ridges.


The resort village is located in Laganas Bay, where National marine Park Zakynthos is famous for its inhabitants - marine turtles. The resort impresses the beauty of its beaches with crystal clear water. From taverns, bars, restaurants conveniently overlook the picturesque surroundings.


This is one of the most beautiful Peninsula Zakynthos. The coast of the region is written by small sandy bays, and among the hills, cozy hotels were sheltered. All this forms an unforgettable landscape. The perfect place for families and romantic holiday for two.


Cilivi (coastal area of \u200b\u200bthe Planos) is located on the east coast. Fashion resort B. last years Studently develops, and it is not surprising: Greece has always attracted holidaymakers. Zakynthos Islands are famous for hospitality: even against the background of cheerful Greeks local residents Allocated by courtesy, sometimes even unnecessary.

Day Tourists relax on sandy beaches and walk along a small promenade. In the evening, they roam the shops and shops or trapes in numerous taverns and restaurants offering a huge selection of dishes: from traditional to exotic. A pleasant end of the evening will be a visit to one of the many bars.

If you go further along the coast, you can find a cozy beach in some secluded bay. Especially charming nearby Drossia Beach. The farther from Cilivi, the more modest choice of hotels and power points. It is interesting for visiting the mainland village of Planos. The road to it passes through the picturesque fertile lands along the green hills of olive groves and vineyards with delicious juicy berries.


Kipis is a small resort located in the northeastern part of Zakynthos, just a few kilometers from the famous resort of Cilivi. A quiet and peaceful settlement is a traditional Greek village surrounded by olive groves and forests. The area has several good sandy beaches in Pati Ammos and Agios Constantinos, which every year attract more and more tourists. The most famous place in this area is an unusually picturesque drossy beach, located near the village of Alikes. The region is also known as mineral waters, known under the Levante brand. The architectural and historical pearl is the church of St. Mary and her bell tower.

Zakyntal Island, Greece: Reviews

Many travelers first learn about Zakynthos for the famous Navagio Beach photos with a rusty ship. They are starting to be interested in where this beauty is located, and some particularly curious road leads straight on Ionian Islands. According to reviews, it is a desire to personally see the legendary corner of nature encourages tourists to choose this direction.

Arrivals on the Zakynthos people captivate his beauty. Unlike the sun-lied by the end of the season of Greek islands, Zakynthos wonderful remains green, despite the heat. The "Lagan" National Park becomes the second more pleasant opening - where else will you see swimming augin of huge turtles? The third phenomenon is people who are kind and friendly.

Zakynthos island, Greece: Prices

Prices are not much different from the nearby regions of Greece:

  • Beach. Use for the most part for free. Rent: chaise lounge + umbrella - 5-8 euro / day.
  • Transport. Buses are the main means of movement on the island. At the city bus acquire tickets in the kiosk or reception room. Tickets for long-distance flights are implemented at the station or in vehicle. The price of a city bus is from 1 euro. Taxi price is about 2 euros / 1 km.
  • Rent a car - about 35-40 euro / day + fuel. Landlords without problems are issued by transport visiting if there is an international sample rights. But some sufficient and national driver's license. The age of the tenant must be at least 23 years. The price of gasoline is about 1.8 euro / liter.
  • Skiver rental will be twice as cheaper: 15-20 euro / day.
  • Prices in stores: mineral water - 0.8 euros; Beer - from 1.5 euros; Wine - 3.5-5 euros; Cola (2 l) - 2 euros; Postcards + brand 1.5 euros; Phone card - from 5 euros.
  • Prices in Restaurant: Dinner - from 12 euros; Greek salad - 5 euros; Pizza - 8 euros; Coffee - from 3 euros; Ice cream - 4 euros, beer - from 3 euros.

On the edge of the Ionian Sea

Always different, but always unforgettable impression leaves Greece. Zakynthos Islands - and this is the mainland island and satellite island itself, Maratonisi, Agio Loannis and others - have become a real discovery for dismissed tourists. Especially painted a small rocky chameo, where the wooden platform leads from the shore. For those who alien "pop" resorts, the birthplace of turtles and good people will become an unexpected, but very pleasant discovery.

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