Sports and tourism sector. Family Smorgon Smorgon in Belarus Attractions and Entertainment

Repetition passed 1. List the general features of military political unions. 2. Name their differences. Military political unions On the eve of the First World War, Anntan in 1907, England, France, Russia, and another 30 countries The Triple Union of 1882 Germany, Austria-Hungary Italy.

There is a 100th anniversary of the beginning of one of the most bloody and large-scale armed conflicts in the history of mankind of the First World War. It is already known that the main events dedicated to this event will be held in Smorgon. And it is no coincidence. It was this corner of the Grodno land that was one of the epicenters of the past, it was here that the great war (it was called it in the interwar period) left one of those traces, which was never erected from popular memory. However, despite numerous losses, Smorgon stood, did not conquer the enemy ... Let's learn about the exploits of people in Smorgon. This is what our current lesson is dedicated.

Smorgon: The background in the first world literally through Smorgon passed the front line. Local chronicler of history Vladimir Nikolaevich Liguta tells: "Smargon was the only city at the front from the Baltic to the Black Seas, which for so long and persistently 810 days defended the Russian army in the first world War... "Yakov Matveevich Liguta (right)

The city of Smorgon is located in the north-west of Belarus within the limits of naruphous-visa plains, two kilometers southwest River Vilia. From September 1915 to February 1918, the Russian-German Front line was held through Smorgon. As a result of the positional fighting, a 16-thousand city turned into ruins. After 810 days defense, he practically ceased to exist. The newspapers of that time called it the "dead city". The first gas challenge attack of the Russian army was produced in the District of Smorgon on September 5, 1916. In memory of the fights under Smargon, the "Smorgon Marsh" composer Herman Blumes wrote.

Formed in Russia in 1917, women's battalions of death took part in hostilities only once in July 1917 near the village of Krevo, which, under Smargon, "The first women's military team of the death of Mary Bochkuravoye" was constantly chosen the attacks of the Germans who switched to the counteroffensiveness of the Germans. The future Marshal of the Soviet Union and the USSR Defense Minister of Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union and the Minister of Defense of the USSR, the Muttage of the 256th Elisavetrrad Region Rodion Malinovsky, the future Marshal of the Soviet Union Boris Shaposhnikov and Alexander Tolstaya (Daughter of Lion Tolstoy), as well as headquarters-captain of the 16th Mingrelsky Grenadier Shelf Mikhail Zoshchenko (world famous Satir writer). Tens of thousands of soldiers and officers gave their lives, defending their homeland, hundreds of unknown and 847 replaceable famous heroes of Smorgon became in those battles by Georgievsky cavaliers. There are several documentary films of domestic and foreign directors about that terrible time.

The most tragic pages of the history of the First World War Gas attacks. The first gas attack on the territory of Belarus them was undertaken on the night of June 20, 1916 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Smorgon on the front of the front, occupied by the 253rd Perekopsky and 254th Nikolaev infantry regiments of the 64th Infantry Division of the 26th Army Corps.

Read the memories of eyewitnesses about gas attacks and think: what is dangerous to the means of warfare? From the memories of the daughter of Leo Tolstoy Alexandra (she headed the front hospital in the lodge): "In the narrow movement, we reached a deep low blockage. You could only enter it only bent. At the table, covered with papers, sat general. He confestedly informed me that our army is preparing before dawn to the offensive. I asked me about medical personnel, the number of sanitary wagon, the hospital. We were hardly waiting. At two in the morning we noticed that, torn, German shells produced yellow smacks. He was spread on the hollow, and the smell of chlorine came from him. Masks! Masks wear! Passed from half an hour. Gas shells continued to burst with a thick yellowish fog. Something cherry smell, brothers! Cyanium potassium! Again this terrible animal fear! Trembled jaws, knocked teeth ... "

Vladimir Liguta, the events of July 1916, Including chemical shells. After a few minutes, the Germans released the first cloud of gas blue gases. Gaza escaped from cylinders with strong hissing. As soon as the cloud was noticed, the signals played a conditional signal on the horns, the fighters rushed to their places, put the masks and made to battle. Immediately at first, the second wave of gases was already coming to the advanced trenches, 6,8 meters high. There was a smoke curtain behind the gas cloud, and four chains of German infantry appeared behind it ... For 1.5 hours, the attacks of gas entered the depth of 19 km and caused a large damage to the troops of the 26th Corps. 40 officers were poisoned and 2076 soldiers. The carts hung the blackened bodies of the dead, the sanitary wagons were filled with poisoned. Fallen buried B. fraternal Mogilach In the villages, white and lump ... Almost to the youthless lifeless yellowed stripes stretched and fields behind Smargon ... "

Read the interview with the historian by Kontravda Vladimir Liguto and answer the questions Smorgon in the first world sometimes compare with Stalingrad during the Great Patriotic War. What unites these cities and should they put them next? Stalingrad Smorgon is similar to the degree of destruction and rage of autumn fights of 1915. But as for the duration of the confrontation, then Smorgon is better to relate with a blockade Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War. In Smorgon Earth, the Russian army of 810 days stubbornly opposed the enemy! That's what I read in the memoirs of the German officers who were captured: "How so? Russians handed over Brest, Grodno, Vilnia, and this small town fights to death ... "It is known that under the impression of the fights in Smorgon Krevo in the summer of 1917," Smorgon march "was written in the German Bundeswehr, which sounds there and Ponya. It turns out that really "who was not under Smargon, did not see that war"? This statement is a tragic soldier folklore. So they talked about other terrifying places of that war. However, the reason in these words is definitely there. Fights for Smargon were very scary. Our military received an order: "Stand to death! Not one step back! For us Russia. " Only on one day, 5.5 thousand Germans and 3.5 thousand Russian soldiers of the Guards regiments died on September 25, 1915. In violation of all orders, a truce was concluded to gather killed and wounded from the battlefield at the Vilia River. Smorgon then call " dead city": It will be completely destroyed and burned. After the war of 16 thousand inhabitants, only 130 people will return here ... And who are they the heroes of Smorgon? I adhere to the point of view that the heroes are those who fought in Smorgon with the enemy. And the enemy was the Germans. The Russian imperial army, a faithful oath and military duty, was to death in the Belarusian land, holding the front until 1917, thinking about the victory. The names of 838 soldiers, non-commissioned officers, officers and generals of the Russian army, the Georgievsky cavaliers, awarded for feats in the battles at Lake Vishnevo, Smorgon and Krevo in the years were already known.

Women's battalions of death by the Temporary Government on June 19, 1917, the first female death battalion was formed. No army of the world knew such a female military formation. The initiator of their creation was the military personnel of Maria Bochkarev. On June 21, 1917, a solemn ceremony of presenting a new military unit with the inscription "First Women's Military Death of Mary Bochkareva" was held at the Square of the St. Isaac's Cathedral. The Military Council on June 29 approved the provision "On the formation of military units from women volunteers." The main goal was to be the provision of patriotic impact on man soldiers by direct participation of women in hostilities. As M. Bochkarev herself wrote, "Soldiers in this great War Tired and they need to help ... morally. " In female battalions, a tough discipline was installed: a rise in five in the morning, classes up to ten in the evening and a simple soldier's food. Women strigley naked. Black shoulder straps with a red stripe and emblem in the form of a skull and two crossed bones symbolized "unwillingness to live if Russia perished"

Women's death battalions on June 27, 1917, the "battalion of death" in the composition of two hundred people arrived in the existing army. And was sent to the rear parts of the 1st Siberian Army Corps of the 10th Army of the Western Front. The female battalion, who commanded M. Bochev, was located in the city of Molodechno, that under Smargon. In offensive battles under Smorgon, the battalion suffered serious losses killed and wounded. M. Bochkarev herself was severely contused. Perhaps, given the sad fate of this battalion, the Special Commission for the Reduction of States in the army expressed in August 1917 by the head of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of his negative attitude towards female formations.
In the reports it was said that "the squad of the Bochkareva behaved in the battle of heroic," it became clear that the effective combat force of women's military units could not. After the fight, 200 women soldiers remained in the ranks. Losses were 30 people killed and 70 wounded. M. Bochkarev was produced in the rank of a porquet, and afterwards to the lieutenants. In January 1918, women's battalions were formally dissolved, but many of their participants continued to serve in parts of the White Guard armies. Maria Bochkarev herself took an active part in white movement. On behalf of General Kornilov traveled to the United States to ask for help to fight the Bolsheviks. Upon returning to Russia on November 10, 1919, M. Bochkarev met with Admiral Kolchak. And on his instruction, a female sanitary squad in 200 people formed. In November 1919, after the capture of Omsk Red Army, she was arrested and shot.

Forgotten war ... Forgotten heroes ... A hundreds of thousands of documents of this terrible First World War are dusting in the archives. More than 35 states were drawn in this war, the war went to Europe and Asia. On the oceans and the seas treated ships, including peaceful, on which there were no military. A terrible war took with him many millions of human lives. Smorgon stood to death, because there was an order "Neither step back! Stand to death! For us Russia! " Such an order received 582 officers, 24 thousand guardsmen and 1100 cavalrymen. Add to this 90 machine guns, 145 artillery guns and 5 airplanes. These forces were thrown to stop the offensive of the German military car. And with their task, the Russian army coped. The enemy did not pass. Smorgon defended 810 days. It was "Stalingrad" of the First World War!

1. Ludendorf, E. My Military Memories of War 1914-1918: at 2 t. / E. Ludendorf. - T. 1. - M., Soviet military encyclopedia: in 8 tons. [Ch. ed. A.A. Buckle]. - T. 2. -M., Milivdat, Ludendorf, E. My memories of the war 1914-1918. / E. Ludendorf. - m.; Minsk, Russian State Military Historical Archive (RGVIA). - Foundation - OP. 1. - D RGVIA. - Foundation - OP. 1. - D RGVIA. - Foundation - OP. 1. - D RGVIA. - Foundation - OP. 1. - D LIGUT, V.N. In Smorgon, under the sign of St. George / V.N. Liguta. - Minsk: Publishing House V. Hursik, De Lazari, A.N. Chemical weapons at the fronts of World War I 1914-1918. / A.N. De Lazari. - M., Kershnovsky, A. History of the Russian Army: 1881-1916. / A. Kershnovsky. - Smolensk, Rusich, 2004.

What is Smargon? District center in Belarus. You could hear about her if wars were interested in history.
In the harsh 1812 Napoleon, retreating from Moscow, has also made the form that he is the commander of the army, temporarily fail. Having spent over in Smorgon, he spat on the remnants of his army, shook her dust from his feet and pulled into Paris with a little escort to Paris with all the speed on which his coach was capable of.
In a no less severe 1915 Smorgon became the center of hostilities of the 1st World War. All of its inhabitants were ordered to leave the city for 3 hours, and for three years he became a front-line.
In Smorgon, I was for the first time and was pleasantly striking, finding there a lot of interesting things there for watch and not only. Under the "not only" I mean the delicious Smorgon ice cream. If you bring to come through this town, I will definitely go to the store, proudly call yourself by the gum, and buy a unpretentious plastic cup of vanilla seam. Taste - as in the time of the USSR. No tastes of margarine or palm oil, pure taste of cow cream and moderate sugar. Unfortunate delicacy!

Why smargon family? And because the entrance to the center of the Belarusian town Smorgon meets you a registry office with drawn doves:

Like, flew, dove? Please sign in document!
At the same time, all conditions are created for lovers. Here you, Pzhalsta, a bench for kisses:

Above the bench is still a couple of doves, worrying about love:

If it is not clear in pigeon, here's a translation carved on the stone:

Immediately behind the bench, the openwork bridge, especially for those who wanted to hang the castle (so some idiot came up with it!). Adorable bridge:

And only after all procedures, you can proceed to what a familiar lady hints, again carved in stone. Like, I managed to become, and you are not all right!

Although, if you go in the opposite direction, you will get a reverse sequence of actions. But still the registry office will not easily!
Rovenko opposite the registry office is a church. Although Novodel, but very beautiful:

Would you wish to get married? It is not necessary to go far, everything is to the services of the marriage.
Oh, you Catholics? Remote-C, won behind the cat's church. Archangel Mikhail.

But before we approach the church, pay attention to the summer amphitheater. How interesting it is built: the scene on one bank of the river, and the places for the audience on the other. Artists can perform boldly. Even if the audience wanted to beat them, they won't throw them through the river!

Now the church is closer. It is highly old, built in 1606-1612.

Outside the temple has corners, and from the inside it seems round. There are no support pillars in it, therefore the impression of space and light. At the depths of the windows you can see which thickness of the wall.

For what I love Catholic temples - beautiful flower beds are always near them:

The most elegant man in Smorgon - Christ, standing near the church:

The church is dedicated to Archangel Mikhail, who also stands here, dressed in a luxurious skirt, sparkles with bare knees and hit the small unfortunate damn. Somehow strange, he keeps his sword for his head, as if he was going to demolish himself.

Well, it is his stern choice.

The memorable chip of Smorgon is an abundance of stones. On the main Square Stone with the coat of arms of the city:

Near the bridge several pieces:

It was kind of shell. But on the following stone, we dealt with the opinions: whether the cactus, or hedgehog, or the turtle:

The rest already and did not try to guess:

A lot of similar boulders with images in the city park behind the river:

The poet Francishak Bogushevich is also worth leaning to a huge stone. Standing, having frowned. Probably dissatisfied that schoolchildren in the park are walking, instead of tooling his poems from the collections "Dudka Belaskaya" and "Smyk Belarus".

The memorial sign on the bear academy is also carved on the stone:

Near the pretty sculptural group depicting the pet Academy:

It would be funny if you do not know what harsh methods taught the bears to dance in the famous once smorgon "bear academy". They knocked out a hole, burned the bonfire, put a copper sheet upstairs and a bear was treated on it. The bear began to raise the legs alternately to save the heels from the heat. The owners at that time were beaten in Tuben. After a couple of such sessions, the bear was developed by reflex. After heating the tambourine, he immediately was taken to shut up and jump, as if having been sailing. The owners rose him in the bazaars, showing the bear dances for money.

When I saw this animal, first it seemed that the Academy lead a new bear for training:

Here is such a nice town Smorgon in Belarus.
The main street is decorated with pre-revolutionary houses, where shops usually were located:

On the main square, of course, a monument to the warriors of Patriotic:

Vladimir Ilyich, on the high pedestal, leaned forward, looks like the populations without his covenants live-exercises.

Yes, somehow good and doing.
So do not forget to try your local ice cream!

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Smargon is a city of contrasts, where, it seems, the Soviet past left as many traces as Polish and Litvinskoye. Although the Soviet years, when the smorgrounds went to Vilnius just to drink coffee or buy sausages, they remember often here. With the advent of the visa regime, not everyone can afford such joy for the soul and body. Although it would seem, to Vilnius from Smorgon - 87 kilometers, and to Minsk - 110. Feel the difference as they say.

To understand how this is to live in such a provincial city, here you need to look, get used to the environment and chat with the locals. But if a couple of hours cut the time of shopping in Vilnius and on the way to Minsk on the car to call in this city and visit the neighborhood, then home can be back also with impressions from the unknown capital in Belarus.

Why do you need to Smorgon if there are ice Palaces And Burger King? Because all this is not here, but there is something else.

The reason is the first. Try Smorgon Silver and see the portrait of Neklyeva in the museum

The Belarusian group "Otzlіtai Sirza Patsan" dedicated to Smorgon one of his songs. Specifically, the name of the city is mentioned in such a line: "You are a paedscene ў Smargon, there Zevachki - Agond." What exactly was the author who wanted to say the author, it's not worth thinking for him, but I want to hope that the conversion of the city of the song added, and the tourists thanks to her it became more.

Smargon is a small city in the west of Belarus with a population of more than 37 thousand people. Through it pass the iron and highways in the direction of Vilnius. Maximum two hours by car from Minsk - and you are in place.

From the enterprises here, including the giants: a branch of MTZ, a plant of optical machine-building, feed and silicate plants. Not all of them are experiencing the most promising times, so some smorgrounds are looking for a better share of construction sites in the Moscow region and at Minsk enterprises.

The place where local standards are considered to be prestigious to get a job, the Austrian company Kronospan, which in Smorgon, produces chipboard and including them in Russia.

Today in the center of the city is familiar to the province: a district executive committee (which some is called the "white house"), the board of honor, Lenin, Church, Church, their GUM and Tsum.

During the Patriotic War, 1812 in Smorgon made the last stop before Napoleon's retreat. During the First World War, the city was almost completely destroyed. According to the 1921 census, 154 people lived here.

Residential building in the center of Smorgon, November 2015.

In the Riga World of 1921, Smorgon moved Poland and was in its composition until 1939.

On the coat of arms of the city depicts a brown closure bear. It is also on the packages of goods of the local enterprise of dairy products. Therefore, in almost every grocery store of the district you will see a bear - a symbol of the Fame of Smorgon. But if it seems that on this Kosolapi, you will be punishable, mistaken. In this city, they are practically at every turn, and this is not a dejum: wooden, copper, they stand in the courtyards, parks and the district museum.

The city is known since 1503 as the ownership of Senovich, Radzyvilles and Psugeck. In the time of Radzivilov, a bearish academy was a bear, where animals were taught to dance. Bears for training brought from local forests.

The Academy was on the site of the district hospital. There were deep pits with a twiety, on which there were cells with a copper bottom. When the twiest was fired, the bottom was heated, and the bears from the heat, which beat into the paws, began to dance. At this time, the trainers were knocked in the tambourine. After several months, the bears were removed from the cells, and they had already enough to hear the sounds of the tambourine to start shutting up from the paws on the paw.

District Library, November 2015.

Since the spring at the beginning of November, the bears were engaged in fairs Western Europe And they earned money, then returned to them in Smargon.

Another entertaining fact from the history of the city is local rains that once conquered the soul of not one tourist. I wonder, but it is Smorgon that is considered their homeland. There is a version that initially the Barancas used as a treat for bears from the Academy. In the newspaper "Culture", the book from Smorgon is dedicated to the article. It provides a quotation from the work of a historian and ethnographer Adam Kirkora:

- SMARGONY, Ashmyanskaga Paveta, Vіlenskay Gubernі, glazy not ўso Mohschanskaya PoshlіtsTVA Busy Baking Little Boblekaў, Abo Cranechkoўў, Yakiya Karystayutsz Vyalіkai Vyadomasyu Pad Name SMARGONSKI ABVARAKўўўў. Skin gadgets Abavizkova Kompaniya Neoxcі Zakaka Gati Bounceў; Akramy Tago, ІХ Delivery at Vіlnya І Insyya Garada.

In the Smorgon Historical Museum, November 2015.

Despite the fact that in the 30s of the 20th century, there were about 60 bakers of the Baranoch, today there remained a hole from a bagel image in the city. Because if it were not for Wikipedia or stories of historians, local history, guides and just not indifferent citizens, who would know about these rams?

Although the grandmother of the author of this material, which lived in Smorgon, a few years ago on the eve of Christmas baked Baranki, then soaked them in the syrup from the grated poppy, water and a bit of sugar. The poppy had previously needed to rub in a brush in the cast iron at least for half an hour. For this purpose, they chose the most patient family member. After the cats and lean dishes were seated, the insisted "Abaranki" was considered the most long-awaited delicacy.

This dish in some families in Smorgon is preparing so far. Of course, the Baranki is no longer baked, but they buy in the store. But it seems that if someone decided to revive the original Smorgon dish, it could again become a symbol of the city and please the tourists.

Unlike mythic raguments, smorgon ice cream is gaining unprecedented popularity. Vanilla or chocolate seal in packaging with already familiar readers bear.

Ice cream can be bought in almost every grocery store. The visitors acquire several bundles, and some Minsk residents are even carrying in the refrigerators bags to try their relatives to the capital.

Savior Transfiguration Church in Smorgon.

Those who want to relax from the metropolitan fuss, the calm and measured life of Smorgon will like. Here it is good to walk by a low-storey building, look into the park, where sometimes you can meet quite modern and not always unambiguous architectural forms (for example, a sculpture with several stone faces), visit the church and the Orthodox church that are at a distance of about 200 meters from each other .

Sculpture in the park.

By the way, the church of St. Michael Archangel, the former Calvinian fee, is considered a monument of the XVI-XVII centuries. There is a legend that there was a direct move to Vilnius and Krevo from the bumps of the church.

Church of St. Michael Archangel.

The inquisitive guests of the city can go to the local historical and local history museum, where with the help of exposure to consolidate knowledge and proceedings Academy, and Baranki, and Radziwill. In the museum, including the portrait of an honorary citizen of the district, the poet and the former presidential candidate in the 2010 elections of Vladimir Neklyaeva.

Portrait of an honorary citizen of the city of Vladimir Neklyayev in the city museum.

The cinema called "Cosmos" in Smorgon closed a few years ago. Space Cinema Club appeared in his place, where film and discos are passing. But filmmakers here, unlike Minsk, are delayed if they show at all. Therefore, local youth drives them to look including in the Motherland's cinema in the neighboring city of Molodechno, which from Smorgon is separated by 40 kilometers.

About ten cafes and restaurants operate in the city. But entertainment and sports facilities local residents lacks. Many young people who have a car ride rest and spectacles in the same Molodechno and Minsk.

Metropolitan life and mass instinct consumption came to Smargon together with Euroopt's network supermarkets and Mart Inn. Today, smorgrounds among themselves discuss the cast prices for some products and from the mouth to the sense report information on discount promotions.

Tourists in Smorgon can stay at the hotel in the city center. It has more than 70 rooms.

There are seven schools in the city, one gymnasium and boarding school, also known. The first plants here landed in November 1997. In the greenhouse there are exhibits of Africa and America's flora, green inhabitants of the tropics and subtropics, as well as the plants of the native temperate zone.

View of gum.

Of course, when you tell about Smorgon, it often arises the idea that all the most interesting in the tourist sense remained in the past. Nobody will show dancing bear guests today, "Abaranki" is unlikely to treat, and about many people who were born or lived in Smorgon, not every citizen knows. And if someone knows, it may not want to talk from ideological considerations.

For example, if you walk on one of the central streets of the city called Soviet and ask people who are Rostislav LapitskyMost likely, no one will not answer. And this man was a member of the anti-Soviet underground in Smorgon and Moedellian districts in 1948-1949.

Rostislav Lapitsky was shot for his activities, and Smorgon schoolchildren who participated in his anti-Soviet organization were given up to 25 years in prison.

Until World War II, a significant part of the population of Smorgon was Jews. Among the Smorhongsev-Jews there were several people who glorified their hometown. For example, the poet Abram Szkevever, teacher and writer Abya Gordin, writer and poet Moses Kulbak, Soviet Children's Writer Jacob Takes, actor Shmuel Rodensky, commander Beni Marshak.

Cause of the second. Make selfie on the background of the ruins of the Krevsky Castle

In Smorgon district there are agro-town of Krevo, where the famous Krevsky castle is located. Interestingly, the village is mentioned in the documents in the XIII century, earlier than Smorgon. Today more than 600 people live here.

Ruins of Krevsky Castle, November 2015.

The Krevsky Castle was built in the XIV century during the time incl. It was the first stone castle in the principality. It was here in August 1385 signed the Krevian Ulya between incl and Poland. The castle was repeatedly destroyed during the deposition and the First World War.

Today, the castle remained ruins. Although the facility preservation began in 1929 and periodically returned to it.

As part of the state program, the "Castles of Belarus" also planned to carry out preservation, but the project had financial difficulties. Head of the Department of Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture Igor Chernyavsky At a press conference on August 13, 2015, which in the formation of the state program was assumed that the activities within the framework of it will be "a little different". But during comprehensive research of objects, nuances appear.

For example, only for the preservation of the former prince of the Tower of the Kuress Castle, you need to spend a "significant amount". Therefore, the funds allocated by the republican budget for this year will complete the project documentation. Most of the work within the first queue will be postponed by the next year.

Nevertheless, tourists still have a chance to see the castle ruins, while their condition has not become even worse, and at least make selfie against them.

In addition to the castle, in Krevo there is a church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Church of St. Alexander Nevsky.

The cause is the third. See the ruins of the Holy Preobrazhensky Church, until they disappeared

On the way from Smorgon in Krevo there is a village Novospassk. Here once pan Bukata, Chairman of the Polish Sejm in Warsaw, founded the Uniat Temple. According to different estimates, the temple was built at the time of incl in the XVIII century or in 1808.

There is a legend that in one of the walls Pan laid a cache on the overhaul of the temple in the future.

The temple remained Orthodox until the beginning of the 20th century. During World War I, the village walked Poland, and the temple made Catholic. During the battle, the church was destroyed. After the war, the temple wanted to restore, but some of the villagers made it to be Orthodox, and the part is Catholic. As a result, it did not restore it. But next to him today built a new Orthodox Church.

The reason is the fourth. Find out what the interiors Francishevich himself worked

Belarusian poet Francis Bogushevich He lived in the village of Kushlans Smorgon district. Now there is his house-museum.

Although the poet was born in the foil of Sviran today's Ostrovetsky district of the Grodno region.

Bogushevich is known for his collections of the poems "Dudka Belarusian" and "Smyk Belarus".

The estate in the Kushlans once bought Prapraded Bogushevich, and in 1841 his family moved here to a permanent place of residence.

In the area are proud of the fact of the involvement of the famous poet to the history of Smorgon. In the city park, there is also a monument to Bogushevich, and on the wall of one of the houses in the center of his quotation: "Do not Pakіdayz W Movya Movy Belarusian ...".

Monument to Francis Bogushevich in Smorgon, November 2015.

The reason is the fifth. See where Mikhail Cleafas Oginsky worked

In the agro-house, the Museum of the Smorgon district has a museum-manor of a diplomat and composer Mikhail Cleofas Oginsky. After the restoration, it was opened in 2014.

According to one of the versions, it was here that Oginsky wrote the famous polonais "Farewell to the Motherland".

Video: Polonaiz "Farewell to Motherland" . Piano execution

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But this assumption is erroneous, since he wrote the composer in 1794, before his move in the lodge.

Composer lived in this manor 20 years, and she got him from uncle Frantka Xaveria, Lithuanian kitchenware.

Oginsky rebuilt the estate and laid the English park near her.

In the late 30s of the 20th century, the estate and park acquired a resident of Warsaw Maria Zhabrovskaya. The estate turned into a summer boarding house.

In 1939-1941, there was a holiday home for Minsk. In 1961, a nursing home was organized in the estate. In 1977, she was given to the balance of the local enterprise "SmorgonSilicatobeton". Here they wanted to build a sanatorium-profilatory. But in the early 1990s, the estate became a branch of the Museum of theatrical and musical culture.

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Smorgon - beautiful city, spreading on the shores of the rivers Oxny and Swimeth, 110 kilometers from Minsk, quite close to the Lithuanian border. Excursions to Smargon are included in many rounds for choosing holidays in Belarus.

To say exactly where the city name comes from is quite difficult. Historians offer a version of the merger of the two words "Morg" (a unit of measurement of the area in the Grand Duch of Lithuanian) and "Goni" (arable land) in the expression "with morgue" - that is, the land put on the size of the morgue, which received peasants from the princes-owners Earth. According to another version, in places of these these people lived, who challenged the Dellow -Smar, called them - "Smarogons", which gave the name of the settlement.

For the first time, the city is mentioned in the 15th century as the place of Zenovich, who founded their residence here. Later, the estate and land passed to the property of the princes of Radziwilles, which Smorgon is largely owned by the bright pages of its history.

The city was founded by the famous "Smorgon Medvezhya Academy". She received wide fame with Carol Radziwill "Pan Kohank", while 10 bears were trained at the Academy. For this reason, the stray gypsies with a bear was often called "Smorgon Teacher with a Student". It is no coincidence on the coat of arms of the city, a black bear with Radziwilovsky coat of arms "Pipe" in the paws is depicted on the back paws.

Thanks to its convenient location, Smorgon was often used by conquerors as a headquarters or bet. Moskovsky stopped here king Alexey Mikhailovich, and Swedish King Karl 12, and Napoleon, and Kutuzov.

During the liberation uprising of the 1830-1831, Smorgon became one of the centers of struggle. Here were formed by the rebel shelves under the leadership of the owner of Smorgon's Count Pszedatsky. However, for participation in the uprising land, the count was selected and transferred to the state.

During World War I, the city was destroyed, his restoration was stretched by year.

Business card of the city - Church of St. Michael Archangel in Smorgon. Built in the 16th century as the Calvinist collection of the city owner Christoph Senovich, the temple was given to Catholics after a while, in 1866 - Orthodox, then again Catholics. In Soviet times, there was a shop and museum in the temple. In 1990, the church was given to believers. Legends say that under the temple is the tomb of the Zenovich family and the system underground strokesleading to Wilna and Kreva.

No matter how surprisingly, but Smorgon is the birthplace of the ram. It is believed that initially the Baranki was intended for trainee bears, but over time they spread throughout Belarus and beyond.

In addition to the traditional monument, Lenin can see the monument to F. Bogushevich, a famous Belarusian writer. The monument was set by the day of writing. Quite unusual monument In 1928, the Day of the 10th anniversary of Poland's independence in Smorgon was able to reach this day. It will also be interesting to look at the monument set to the 500th anniversary of the city, on which the image of the coat of arms is.

A visit to Smorgon will be remembered for a tourist who prefers excursions in Belarus - many stories and legends, attractions and old monuments will not leave anyone indifferent.

The city of Smorgon Grodno region is by no means bear corner on the map of Belarus. In the district center lives more than 37 thousand people. But the history of the city is tightly connected with bears ...

Slava "Smorgon Academy"

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the famous "Medvezhya Academy" was worked in Smorgon - a school for the training of bears. Kosolapi pupils from Smorgon sweat the people not only at the fairs on, but also in Europe. Found a bear school Radziwilli, who owned the city. And the bear brought from the surrounding forests.

There is a version that successful bears fed the rams that were baked in the city for two centuries. Moreover, Smargon call birthday ram.

The training school of bears was closed in the 1870s, but I managed to bring Smorgon's fame. The "Smorgon Academy" squeezed in the poem of the Belarusian classic classic Rygor Borodulin, and the townspeople in 2014 established a sculptural composition in honor of the bearish school.

The black bear occupies a central place on the coat of arms of Smorgon, established in 2004. The bear stands on the hind legs and keeps the coat of arms of Radziwilles in his paws.

On the origin of the city name

There is a lot of interpretations of toponym "Smorgon". According to one of them, the name of the city happened from the combination "with the morgue of the drive." In the distant past, "Morgami" measured land areas (1 morgue - 0.7 hectares), and "Gon" called arable land. There is information that Zenovichi, who owned the place, highlighted the village of the Earth no more than 1 morgue. Hence the combination.

According to another version, among the first settlers there were those who, after clearing the site, the stumps and drove the Skipidar - "Smar" after clearing. Such called "Smarogons".

7 milestones in the history of Smorgon

This West Belorussian city standing on the rivers of Oxna and Hervity, rich and rich history, but not always sparing him from wars and devastation. So, during the I world, the Russian troops applied a gas-ballon attack for the first time in history. In 1921, Smorgon numbered only 154 inhabitants.

    1503 - the first mention (about the construction of Saint-Church of St. Nicholas Archangel).

    1590 - In Smorgon, founded a paper factory.

    1762-1790 - Smorgon owned Karol Stanislav Radzivill (Pan Kohank), who founded the "Bear Academy".

    1812 (December 5) - Napoleon transfers to Smorgon Management of the army Murata and leaves for Paris. The French are retreating. After a couple of days, the Kutuzov rate was located here.

    1972 - 1976 - In Smorgon, the plants of optical machine-tooling, dry milk and flanery were commissioned.

    2003 - Smorgon celebrated the 500th anniversary.

Earth of Oginsky and Bogushevich

Smorgon earth has become a birthplace and a pier for many wonderful people. So, under Smargon (village lodge), a composer lived in his family nest and a diplomat Michal Cleafas Ohinsky, who wrote the famous polonais "Farewell to the Motherland". Oginsky Manor ("Northern Athens") - Mandatory item tourist routes in Smorgon.

And in the Kushlans, not far from the district center, there is a manor Frantka Bogushevich, the Rodonarchist of Belarusian literature. In 2009, a monument to the writer was established in Smorgon - the only one in Belarus.

Smorgon is a hometown for the famous Belarusian poet and Prosaika Vladimir Neklyaev.

To feel and understand this city, it is necessary to touch the walls of the defensive church of Nikolai Archangel, visit the garden of stones and a greenhouse "Winter Garden", to taste local rams and not forget about bears ...

See also: