Unusual monument on the shore of the Ostankino pond. Next to the television center "Ostankino" opened a monument to the inventor of television Vladimir Zvorykin

From here there is a beautiful view of Ostankino Telbashnya. This is a television tower, the height of which is five hundred forty-meters. It was erected in 1964-1967 simultaneously with the television and broadcasting center, in the premises of which are constantly working: 1 channel, NTV, view and about two hundred broadcasters.

Having in love with the tower, we went along Ostankinsky pondwhich was pulled back at the beginning of the seventeenth century. With Sheremetev, theater was located in this area, the performances in which they gave the fortress peasants .... Now on the banks of the pond stands the sculpture to the creator of TV Vladimir Zrobykin.

Still on this side of the 1st Ostankino Street tram depot, and in it a cafe, which sell delicious donuts.

And on the other side of the 1st Ostankinskaya Street - beautiful temple of the Library Trinity in Ostankina Building the end of the seventeenth century. The facade of the temple is very impressive. The temple refers to the complex of monuments of the museum-estate "Ostankino" and is considered an object of cultural heritage.

To the right of the temple is located Ostankinsky Palace. Now it is impossible to see all the magnificence of the palace, as its facades and the dome are closed with restoration forests. It is known that the Palace was built by the fortress people of Count Nikolai Sheremetyev. Unlike other metropolitan palaces - in Ostankinsky, a hall for spectators, a scene for actors, the front halls, residential rooms, office facilities were built. On the stage of this palace brightened the future wife of the graph - the fortress Praskovya. To her, the Count came up with a pseudonym - the surname of Zhemchugova. Ostankino performances attended the Petersburg and Moscow to know, emperors and empresses, foreign ambassadors.

And a little right of the palace - the entrance to Ostankinsky Park - One of Moscow landscape parks. He has changed a lot since his creation. Its central part was laid during the construction of the palace. He was a regular "French" garden with a lot of statues, arbors and seven ponds. Not far from the palace, huge Siberian cedars were planted, surrounded by oak groves.

Immediately near the entrance we see monument Volunteers 13 and 6 Divisions of the People's Militia, Defense Moscow in 1941.

Pretty park is quite big. Here everyone will find something interesting for himself. The park has sports grounds, playgrounds, cafes, specially equipped sieves for kebabs, dance floor, stadium and much more. While we walked around the park, took pictures of some objects: a cool sculpture carved from a large oak branch.

Ponds who share the territory of the Ostankino Park and the Botanical Garden.

Ducks walk on new park tracks along with people.

Here is the April Sunday. We wish everyone a pleasant stay and good mood!

article 17. 04. 2016

Oreanda news. On the shore of the Ostankino pond, by order of the first channel, a sculptural composition will be installed on the inventor of modern television to Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin.

The author of the composition, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, People's Artist of Russia Sergey Vitalevich Goryolavich: "The figure of Zvorykin decided in the style of urban park sculpture. From here it is approximate to human growth size. An independent character character - the famous Zvorykin TV in full-size. Zvorykin stands, leaning on a television box, live pose, in a characteristic costume of that time. He seems to represent the fruit of their thought, to whom he gave so much strength. Ingenious, slightly tired man with his creation, embodying a miracle of engineering thought. All solution of a sculpture object, complex interaction of a bronze figure and a granite TV, thin surface modeling create a chamber atmosphere and allow you to get in touch with the era of the Great Inventor. The sculptural composition stands on the granite pedestal. It is embedded in its plane with a dedication text. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition involves gaming interaction with the audience: everyone can not only take a picture of "with Zvorykin", but also, so to speak, "get into TV", using the space of the case through which the view of the Ostankino television bash. "

The initiator of the installation of the composition - Leonid Parfinov.

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Monument to Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin - The Russian inventor of television was opened in Moscow in 2013, July 29th. The event was timed to the 125th anniversary of the birth of a great engineer.

The composition was created by Sculptor Sergey Vitalyevich Golivov, with the participation of architect Alexei Konstantinovich Tikhonov.

The place for installation was chosen symbolic for our country - next to the TV center "Ostankino", on the shore of the Ostankino pond, on the background.

Photo 1. Monument to Engineer Vladimir Zvorykin in Ostankina

The sculpture of Zvorykin height two meters was cast from bronze, but his brainchild - TV - spawn from noble marble.

The authors of the sculptural composition performed a solution so that the "TV" screen is made in the form of opening, t.ch. Any of those who came here can safely become a kind of TV presenter, becoming behind the "screen".

From the biography of Zvorkina engineer

It so happened that Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin, although he received his education in the Russian Empire, but most of his fruitful life lived in the United States.

In 1923, he registered a patent application on the principle of television broadcast, based entirely on the electronic principle, and created the telescope itself directly. It was Vladimir Kozmich that played a decisive role in the formation of television in Europe, advising local specialists.

As for the USSR, Zvorykinskoe television has been introduced in 1938. At the same time, the production of television devices "TK-1", equipped with an invention invented by a study kinescope, began.

What is the pleasure of a walk.
Today we walk along the Ostankino district of the capital, we will visit the Schell de Gaulle Square, the Alley of Cosmonauts, we will walk along the street of Academician Queen to Teletozer, we will visit the park "Ostankino".

Our walk starts from the station Metro "VDNH" of the Kaluga-Riga line. Exit - the first car from the cent.

Coming out of the subway, look around. Directly in front of us are visible the tops of the buildings of the WCEC - Pavilion No. 1 "House of Peoples of Russia" and the gate of the central entrance with the sculptural group "Tractor driver and the collective farmer".

A separate walk is dedicated to the VCV-VDHV-VCC complex, and today we have a different route.

We will go there through the underground transition.

Coming out of the transition (in the transition to turn left), we find yourself in a cast-iron fence, followed by Charles de Gaulle.

The area, in addition to the flower and fountain complex, decorate two sculptures. One of them is located in the center of the square, this is a monument to Charle de Gavel, the French statesman, one of the organizers of the Anti-Hitler coalition during World War II.

The square received the name of the French general in 1990, which the memorable stone was reported on the right side of the area.

The monument appeared much later, in 2005, in the year of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and Second World War.

Another sculpture, smaller size, is the concise name "World". The girl (as an intention of the artist, she personifies the ancient Greek goddess of Corra) to the military shield, and he holds two ancient symbols of the world - dove and olive branch.

After graduating, familiarizing with the Schell de Gaulle's area, we return back to the subway. When leaving the territory of the area, let's stop right where the famous sculpture "Worker and collective farmer" rises above the prospectus of the world, one of the main symbols of Moscow of the Epoch of Socialism.

Returning to the vestibule of the station "VDNH", proceed by him, towards the stele of "Cosmos's conquerors".

Through the gate in the cast-iron fence, we go to the alley of astronauts.

Stela, besides what is high in itself (its height is 107 meters), besides, it is at a significant elevation, so that, from afar, it looks even higher. On the steps we will rise to this elevation.

The base of the monument is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting employees of the cosmic industry, from scientists to ordinary workers.

Supplement the bas-reliefs inscriptions with quotes of TASS messages about breakthroughs in the development of space: the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth in 1957 and the first flight of a person in space in 1961.

To have a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe Alley of Cosmonauts, the monument costs around. Proceed counterclockwise and go down the steps down. It turns out that the artificial elevation, on which the stela is located, is created not only so that the monument seem above, it has a much more important function. Under the monument is the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.

At the entrance to the museum sometimes open mobile mini planetarium.

We will rise again along the steps leading to the stele, this time on the other hand. Here we see the continuation of the bas-reliefs on the subject of the space industry and three more memorable messages TASS: two of them are devoted to the launch of automatic stations "Moon 9" and "Moon 10" and one - the first way out of a person from the ship to outer space.

By walking the stele around, we finally find ourselves at its front side. Here is a monument to an outstanding scientist, the founder of Cosmonautics K.E Tsiolkovsky.

On the left and with the right we see two sculpted ensemble. On the left there are five monuments of busts to astronauts.

During their flight, the first yield of a person from the ship in open space was held. With this person, Alexey Leonov became, however, the merit of Pavel Belyaev also should not be understood, he coordinated this process from the inside of the ship. In addition, during the landing of the ship "Voskhod-2" there was an unexpected, refused the system of orientation of the ship in the sun, and Belyaev had to orient the ship and include the brake engine manually. These operations were performed for the first time in history, and if they were not successful, crew members could not return to Earth alive.

The crew, which headed the mosquitoes, for the first time consisted of three people. In addition, for the first time in history, the crew members were on board the ship without a scafflers.

In the right-hand part of the allee - three monuments with an outstanding scientist.

The center is located around which 9 planets rotate.

At the end of the alley, on different sides of the center, there are two models globe. One is a classic globe with continents and oceans.

In the second, the Earth is depicted as they saw it in antiquity, with the signs of the zodiac instead of the mainland.

Wrapped, once again we will admire the general panorama alley of astronauts.

We are at the southern entrance to the Metro "VDNH". The Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, which is located on the Alekseevsky cemetery, is visible for the overpass of the world prospectus.

To continue walking, we need to return to the top of the astronauts alleys. You can go through the same route that we walked, once again loved by the monuments of the alleys, and you can roll to the left, in the Park of Cosmonautics.

There are no attractions here, but in the summer there is a lot of green and flowers.

Another original view of the main monument of astronauts alleys.

Having reached the end of the square, turn to the left and go through the gate in the fence to the intersection.

Here we should go through the roadway twice. At first, right, crossing the Ostankinsky passage, and then right, academician Queen street. The orientation can serve as a monorable road overpass, we must come to her.

It is worth saying a few words about what Moscow Monorails is. Moscow Monorailsova transport system It consists of six stations, begins the station "Street Sergey Eisenstein", not far from the northern entrance of the All-Russian Union, and it is necessary to strictly to the West, ending with the Timiryazevskaya station, which is adjacent to the Moscow Metro station of the Moscow metro station. Monorail passes at an altitude of 4-6 meters above the ground, on it at different times the day it comes from two to six compositions.

For the first time, the monorail road was opened in 2004, but only in the "excursion mode", the landing of passengers was carried out only at the end stations. Since 2008, Monorail has earned as a full-fledged city transport system. From 2013, the Moscow Metro travel cards became valid on the monorail (before that, the ticket systems existed independently of each other).

So twice by going the road, we turn out to be on the even side of the Street of the Korolev Academician. The monorail road goes parallel to the street, and under it there is a small square.

On him, we are heading towards the Ostankino Tower.

Having reached the 6th Ostankino Lane, turn right. The guideline in order not to miss the desired turn, serves the refueling, it is necessary to turn directly in front of it.

After going on the alley about a hundred meters, we see the right hand from us the territory fenced by a wooden fence.

To the left of us - the building painted under the tuning table - Ostankinsky television center.

And if we move on to the opposite bank of the pond, we will have a monument to Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin, one of the creators of modern television. The sculpture is made in full growth, Zvorykin stands, leaning on the TV body, instead of a kinescope which is an empty hole, each wishes can take pictures on the backdrop of the Ostankino Tower, as if "from the inside" of the TV.

And from this shore, the pond opens, probably the most best view On the Ostankino Tower of all possible. It appears in front of us in full growth, moreover, the review does not interfere with any wires or any other interference.

Along the northern shore of the pond passes the 1st Ostankinskaya Street, on which the Trinity Church is located.

To the right of it is located museum-estate "Ostankino", and behind them - the Ostankina Park.

The manor, which is a invaluable monument of the architecture and manor culture of the XIIX century, is currently located on the restoration. Therefore, today we can only explore it because of the fence.

Even, "dressed" in the scaffolding, the mansion looks impressive.

To get to the park, we will turn to the 1-Ostankino street to the left and pass first along the fence enclosing the restoration platform, and then past the Trinity Church.

Two first gates that will meet on our way, this is just an entrance to the territory adjacent to the church, we will not fall into the park.

The present entrance will be discovered completely unexpectedly, through an inconspicuous gate in the fence.

So, we are located in the territory of the Ostankino Park.

Immediately alleged: all of its attractions are located near the entrance, in the depths of the park - only entertainment facilities: Paint-made and horse clubs, fitness center, restaurant. You can just stroll through the park, breathe fresh air, without adhering to some particular route.

And it is also possible not to leave far deep into, but immediately go to the diagonal - forward and at the same time left. What kind of path to go, it doesn't matter, they will all lead us to the same place, the park of theater sculptures.

This peculiar park in the park was equipped in 2004 and is a tribute to theater of Count Sheremetyeva, which existed in the Ostankino estate. Despite the fact that sculptures are made in a rather abstract manner, in many of them you can find out various theatrical professions:


On this, our walk comes to an end. From Tolerentra, on Monorail, you can reach the station "Exhibition Center", located near the metro station "VDNH" or Timiryazevskaya and to be at the metro station of the same name. If you choose the first route, then our walk is not finished yet. From the windows of the car, the picturesque views of the attractions that we studied during the walk, but now we see them under a completely different angle (we will remind that the Monorail line is at the level of several meters above the ground).

View of the Otanka Pond and Trinity Cathedral.

View of the monument "Cosmos conquers" and the hotel "Cosmos". From the Earth, we could consider these attractions only individually. And from the window of the MONORELS window we can see them in a single panorama.

And at the station "Exhibition Center" from the end window of the lobby, there is a magnificent review on the monument "Worker and collective farmers" against the background of the height under construction.

Coming out of the lobby of the "Exhibition Center", we go to the station "VDNH". On this, our walk is over.

Outdoor Academician Queen is located a recreation area with an Ostankino pond, another name of the pond Ostankinsky Palace Pond

The pond is constructed at the beginning of the XVII century. In the floodplain of the Ostankinsky stream (River Gorlenka). Area 5.2 hectares. The average depth of 2.5 m. The volume of water in the reservoir is 156 thousand m³. Food due to ground and surface water.

Now the pond has a lot of dirt off the coast and still off the coast of the pond

Telentor building is decorated in the style of a television grid

From the banks of the Ostankino pond, the Ostankino Tower is clearly visible. Tower height 540 meters

Along the street academician Korolev passes the monorail road. Stop near the pond called television center for monorail train

If you are nearby, be sure to go to the territory of the temple

The whole territory is drowning in colors and greens

Easter egg

Next door to the temple is the Museum-Manor Ostankino

Entrance to the estate of the manor is paid, so it is worth buying a ticket at the checkout

The ticket costs 20 rubles per person

The main building of the estate for reconstruction. End of work I quarter of 2016 (not too in a hurry)

Statue Before the main building of the manor

Alley with benches. The bench is recreated in the image of the entertainment garden estate N.P. Sheremetyeva hand drawn with natura by artist F. Smykov in 1847

there is nothing to watch in the estate in the estate and there is nothing to do, only walking on shady linden alleys.

central flowerbed (though without flowers) estate

green corridor, though not overgrown with greens

Statue: Three girls

In the courtyard estates standing statues of graphs and shoot

almost all statues are fed noses

The first mention of the village refers to 1558, but the history of the manor begins from 1584. This year, the keeper of state press Dek Vasily Schelchelov, who at that time belonged to the village of Ostankino, builds a boyars house in it, planting a grove, a pond is satisfied and laid a wooden church. The construction created by the clicked was destroyed in troubled times, only the pond created by him was preserved to this day. Manor, Boyarsky House and Trinity Church restores Prince Cherkasy, who Ostankino complained to King Mikhail Fedorovich in 1601. The nephew of Prince Yakov, who inherited the land with 1642 shutters in Ostankino hunting grounds, and his son, Mikhail Yakovlevich, instead of the dilapidated wooden church, builds stone, and orders to plant a cedar grove. By the beginning of the XVIII century, the manor becomes one of the most beautiful in the suburbs. In 1743, the granddaughter of Mikhail Yakovlevich, Princess Varvara Alekseevna, the only daughter of the Chancellor of the Russian Empire, Prince Alexei Mikhailovich Cherkassky, one of the richest brides of Moscow, marries the column of Petra Borisovich Sheremeteva, the estate Ostankino is part of the gone.
Since Peter Borisovich lived in his generic manor In Kuskovo, Ostankino was mainly used for economic purposes. Despite this, the park was broken by his instruction, greenhouses and greenhouses were built, and the house was partially rebuilt.
The ensemble was formed over several centuries and was finally formed under the column N. P. Sheremetev at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Having been in the 1830s. In Ostankino

See also: