Mount Kaylas myths and reality. The most interesting facts and secrets of Mount Kailas

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Self interesting Facts and mystery mountains Kailas

"In this wild edge, there were rarely alien. In places we could look across the border of Tibet and see Mount Kailas. Although the height of Kailas is only 6666 meters, Hindus and Buddhists consider it the most sacred of all Himalayan peaks. Near her is big Lake Manasarovar, also sacred, and the famous monastery. At all times, pilgrims came here from the most remote parts of Asia. " Tencing Nailways, conqueror Everest.

Fact number 1. Many names

Mount Kaylas (Kaylash) It is one of the most mysterious places on our planet. She is known and under other names: Europeans called her Kailas, the Chinese - Gandysishan (冈底斯山) or Hanzhenboi (冈仁波齐), in the tradition of Bon her name - Yundruung Guceg, in the ancient texts in Tibetan, it is called Kang Rinpoche ( གངས་ རིན་ པོ་ ཆེ; Gangs Rin Po Che) - "precious snow". Many interesting secrets and legends about Kailas do not leave indifferent people like pilgrims and researchers.

Fact number 2. Center 4-Ekh Religions

Mount Kailas is a holy center of 4x religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Tibetan religion Bon and Buddhism. The dream of every Hindus is at least once in his life to see Kailas with his own eyes. With this desire, serious limitations of the visa plan are connected, issued by China for Hindus, who want to visit these places. In the Vedas (Ancient Texts of this religion) Mount Kailas - the favorite place of Siva's stay (cosmic consciousness, personifying the male beginning of the universe).

Tibetan ancient religion Bon considers Mount Kailas to the place of life in the universe and the focus of strength. According to their legends, it is here that the Mystical Country of Shangshung (Shambala) is located, and the first master of Jaina Tongpa Shenrab went down to the world from Kailas.

Buddhists worship this mountain as the Buddha's abode in one of the main incarnations - Samvara. Therefore, every year during the Buddhist religious holiday of Vesak (other names - Saga Dava, Vishakha Puja, Donchod-Khural), dedicated to the enlightenment of Buddha Gautama, thousands of pilgrims and tourists are going to the foot of Kailas Mountains.

Fact number 3. Start 4-river

According to Hindu mythology on the slopes of Mount Kailas, four main Rivers of Tibet, India and Nepal: Ind, Brahmaputra, Sutling and Carnias are taken. Jains believe that the Mount Kailas has their first holy Gina Mahavir reached enlightenment, after which he founded his own teachings - Jainism.

Fact number 4. Symbol of swastika from shadow

Mount Schastika - Another name of Kailas. The appearance of this name is associated with a pattern that form two cracks on the southern side of it. In the evening, the shadow, discarded by the protrusions of the rock, looms on it a huge image of the swastika. Swastika is a sacred symbol for many peoples of the world. In India, for example, the swastika is considered as a solar sign - a symbol of life, light, generosity and abundance, closely associated with the cult of God Agni. A wooden tool was made in the form of a swastika for the extraction of sacred fire. His plafhmy put on the ground; The deepening in the middle served for the rod, which was rotating until the appearance of fire was fired on the altar of the Divine. The swastika was carved in many temples, on the rocks, on the ancient monuments of India. Swastika is one of the symbols of Jainism.

Fact number 5. Light orientation

Mount Kailas has a pyramidal shape, strictly oriented on the sides of the world. There are also data that allows you to assume the presence of voids both in the mountain itself and at its foot. Some researchers engaged in the study of the mountain and its secrets claim: Kailas - a non-artificial formation, erected in distant antiquity by anyone and for what purpose. It is possible that this is some kind of complex, pyramids.

Fact number 6. Liberation from sins

In Religion, Bon and Hinduism exists a legend that says: bypass around Kailas (bark) allows you to cleanse from all sins committed in this life. If the bark was committed 13 times, which made her pilgrim guaranteed not to enter the hell, which made Cra 108 times - escaped from the circle of rebirth and reaches the degree of enlightenment of the Buddha. The bark perfect in full moon is considered two. That is why around the mountain today there is always many pilgrims who make their way of redemption of sins.

Fact number 6. Cailas climbing is impossible

Mount Kaylas - closed for climbers: No man has visited her top. This is due not only to the fact that it is officially asked for it is prohibited. Legends are about the fact that Kailas is capable of incomprehensible to changing the desire of climbers about ascent, thereby not to themselves. Those who approach her too close, and those who intend to climb onto her top, suddenly get the installation to go in the opposite direction.

So it is or not, but so far the top of the mountain remains uncompressed. In 1985, the famous climber Reinhard Messner received permission from the Chinese authorities to climb, but refused at the last moment.

In 2000, the Spanish expedition for a sufficiently significant amount acquired permission (PermT) to conquer Kailas from the Chinese authorities. The team installed the base camp at the foot, but it was not able to step on the mountain. Thousands of pilgrims blocked the path of the expedition. Dalai Lama, UN, a number of major international organizations, millions of believers all over the world expressed their protest conquest Kailas and the Spaniards had to retreat.

Fact number 7. Time mirrors on Kailas surface

Another mystery of Kailas, around which numerous disputes and judgments go, is the mirror of time. Under them implies many rocks located near Kaylas, having a smooth or concave surface. Whether these surfaces are created artificially in distant antiquity or are the game of nature, it is still not known.

There is an assumption that these formations are peculiar "Kozyrev mirrors" - concave mirrors, in the focus of which the time flow rate may vary. A person falling into the focus of such a mirror may experience various anomalous and psychophysical sensations. According to Muldashev, the mirrors around Kailas are placed on a specific system in relation to each other, which creates something like a "time machine" capable of transferring dedicated not only to different temporary era, but also to other worlds.

Fact number 8. Lake Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal - Such relatives, but such different

Two lakes located at the foot of the Mount Rakshas Tal and Manasarovar are located nearby and divided among themselves only with a small cage. Nevertheless, both of these lakes are equally different from each other, which represents another kaylas mystery.

Water lake Manasarovar, revered by Tibetans as sacred, fresh. According to the legend, Lake Manasarovar was the first created in the mind of Brahma. From here, his name went: on Sanskrit "Manas Sarovara" means "Lake Consciousness" from the words of Manas (Consciousness) and Sarovara (Lake). According to one of the Buddhist legends, this lake is thereby the legendary Lake Anavatapta, where the Queen Maya worst Buddha. Manasarovar, as well as Kailas, is a place of pilgrimage, around which is also performed ritual bypass - Bark for the purpose of cleaning karma. Pilgrims come here to take ceremonial baths in manasarovar cleansing waters. It is believed that this is a lake - a place where "purity" lives, in the bottom of his layer, from the North-West shore, water is alive. The one who relates to the sacred land of Manasarovar or bathes in this lake, will definitely fall into paradise. The one who drinks water from the lake - will rise to heaven to God Shiv and will cleanse from his sins. Therefore, Manasarovar is considered the most sacred, revered and famous lake in all of Asia. The bark around the sacred lake is 100 km.

Next to Manasarovar there is a salted dead lake Rakshas Tal (also Langak, Rakas, Lang Tso (Keith. Ex. 拉昂错, Pinyin: Lā'áng Cuò). In Hindu mythology, this lake was created by the Lord of Rakshasov by the Ravana demon and on this lake was located Special island, where Ravana brought one of his heads every day every day. For the tenth day, Shiva gave Ravan Support. Lake Lang Tso is put into opposition to the lake Manasarovar created by the gods. Manasarovar has a round shape, and Langa-Tso is stretched in the form of a month that Symbolizes light and darkness accordingly. Touch the water of the dead lake in local customs is prohibited, because it can bring misfortune.

The number of legends, stories and various legends associated with this place are just huge: it is unlikely that any of the other plates of our planet can boast of such a number of secrets and mysteries.

Publication 2017-12-04 Liked 13 Views 1012

Sacred Bark: 13 + 1 around Kailas

Myths about Mount Kailas

Around this mysterious mountain There are many legends and stories. Kailas or Kailash is one of their highest mountains in the Gangdis Ridge, which is mostly in China, in Tibetan Highlands.

Kailas is unusual and at night. To the Milky Way, it seems to be handed

4 main kaylas mysteries

The ancestors, looking at the mountain, was easier - they saw the Divine Will in everything. In the age of scientific and technological progress, Kailas's riddles do not give peace by rational and inquisitive minds. Perhaps the descendants will be able to find all the answers.

  1. Nobody conquered this mountain. Although she is not the highest point of the world, no climbers could not climb to her top. According to Buddhist legends, no living being has the right to rise to the monastery of the gods. Otherwise, he will have to die.
  2. Kailas side facing four sides of the world. As if this is not a mountain, but a man-made pyramid. Is nature really accurate in their dimensions, and why? There is no answer to this question.
  3. On the south side of the pyramidal peak of Kailas, you can see the sign of the swastika - the sacred symbol of many nations of the world. In fact, these are two crossed almost under the right angle of cracks or depressions, in-depth by watercourses. And then the human consciousness decides, to see inexplicable signs or not.
  4. The height of Kailas is 6666 meters. Scientists continue to argue about the accuracy of this data, according to some data, the height of Kailas is somewhat less. You can find the dark start in this figure, but it is worth transferring the measurement measurement from meters to the feet and the whole mystic is dissolved.

Lake Mansarovar - another mystery of Kailas Mountain

Sacred Bark: 13 + 1

Pilgrims come to Mount Kailas to make a ritual bypass around her. During the circumvention, they read the sacred mantra of "Om Mana Padme Hum". In religious texts it is said that the one who will cost Kailas 108 times, forever gains liberation and reaches Nirvana. Nevertheless, even one or more bypass around the mountain is the most powerful worship of the Divine that believes visits.

Scheme of outer bark. 53 kilometers pass normally for 3 days

A hiking tour or bypass around Kailas is called "Bark". The trail is several, but the most popular is the exterior bark and the inner bark. It is believed that only one who made 13 external kaylas around Kailas may make the inner boron.

Tibetan pilgrims make a bark around the sacred mountain

Why Kailas is a universal shrine

Mount Kailas is considered sacred placem for believers a few. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and others seek here. Hindus believe that Shiva lives on Kailas with his family. Mountain - Center for the Universe, the most powerful strong point of the Earth, where the acts and blessings of Shiva are diverged.

Google maps on Kailas discovered a smiling face of Shiva

Buddhists believe that Buddha lives on Kailas. He sits here with centuries in a state of samadhi and only one can see him to see it. Followers of the Buddha perform stretches near Kailas as a sign of curbing their own-sacrificed mind and in order to acquire good merit.

Pilomb at the foot of the Kailas Mountain

Spiritual Ascape in the form of a complex and long journey burns karma, cleans the mind and body, connects the person with the highest forces. This is a kind of challenge yourself, its comfort zone and mental restrictions that do not allow self-realization. If you leave Kailas from the Mountain, what is tied to the most, even mentally, after pilgrimage, life can change much.

The priests of different religions spend their rituals from the mountain

The entrance to Shambalu, the invisible country of great teachers and knowledge, is at the foot of Kailas. So the Buddhists and Hindus think, Elena Blavatskaya, Elena and Nikolai Roerich wrote about it.

Get a blessing from Sadhu - for Kailas, including this

Myths about Kailas

Some pseudochepses are convinced that Tibet Mountains are the hands of an ancient civilizations, and all the peaks of Himalayas are built into a single chain. mysterious pyramids. Some "wise men" counted that from Kailas to Stonehenge Rivne 6666 kilometers. This, of course, is not the case. And no living beings could build Himalayas.

Make sure that the myth and where the truth is possible only on the spot, listening to my soul

The myths about the man-made mountain Kailas also send information about the abnormal "Tibetan mirrors", the theory of Nikolai Kozyreva. Allegedly at the Kailas Mountain time can slow down and accelerate, it can flow in the opposite direction and so on. All this is very interesting, but extremely little informative and unconvincing - scientific evidence This theories do not yet exist.

Around Kailas all man-made has a huge meaning

Tours to Tibet, to Mount Kailas and the attractions of this unrecognized officially organize many tour operators. China's authorities opened Lhasa, the capital of Tibet to visit quite recently, in 2008 after the Olympics in Beijing. From this time, the tour to Mount Kailas can be made from Nepal by car or aircraft, or from China by train or aircraft. Visa and entry permits are issued in travel agencies.

In the west of Tibetan Highlands 200 km from the border with Nepal, there is a mountain Kailas (Kailash, Kailash). Neither geographically nor geologically belongs to the main Himalayan ridge. According to official version Geologists, she climbed along with the plateau from the bottom of the ocean, and then the water and the wind pulled her face, giving it a pyramidal form.

This mountain is considered to be sacred many millennia in all the nationalities living in nearby countries. In India, each Hindu honors for a great happiness to see her once in life. In ancient books - Vedas - it is written that all the Himalayas are sacred and are considered the abode of the gods, but Kailas. - This is a favorite place of stay of Shiva. And Shiva, according to the faith of Hindus, the Master of burning bad karma and the destruction of illusions. From his trident rushed to the ground the streams of invisible celestial fire, and the dirt turns into a crystal clear stream of energy. Many yoga and sincere truth seekers held here not one year in meditations and prayers. And today, you can sometimes meet people here, from whose eyes like a mountain river from the glacier, the flow of love and grace are continuously poured.

According to Buddhist faith, if you bypass this mountain with the right thoughts and motivation, it is possible to clean the karma accumulated over several past lives. Tibetan Buddhists reveal this mountain as the abode of the Divine Chakrasamvara.

From the point of view of Eastern Cosmology, Mountain Kailas. - This is the center of our world system through which the axis of the universe passes. Ancient Oriental Cosmogonia largely give a picture of the creation of the world. And the theory of the multiplicity of the worlds Shklovsky and the "pancake" theory of the structure of the Universe Astrophysics Zeldovich looks only as a special case against the background of the general picture of the universe of the East. Their abstract thinking, not burdened with tons of concrete private knowledge, easily operates with images and analogies, building a grandiose picture of the universe.

Here is one of the cosmogonic myths of ancient India: the world consists of seven islands, the main of which is called "Jambudvipa". In the middle of the islands is worth golden mountain Measure It rises at 84,000 Yojan over the ground and leaves 16,000 Yojan under the ground, its diameter on top is 16,000 YODZHAN, at the base of 32,000 YODZHAN, so that in shape it resembles a lotus flower. At the top of it is the city of Brahma, and around the Indra Gardens (according to Buddhist cosmology, at the top - the world of forms and shapes, around the mountain - the Great Ocean). Under the mountain measure - 28 worlds of hell are located. The world of wise men (big bear) are located above the mountain, and the worlds of saints and gods are located above the polar star - the center of the system, above all - the world of eternal truth. All worlds are surrounded by the divine shell, around which the spheres of water, fire, air, mind are located and the world is completed by the substance, which is the source of all things. All worlds rotate around the axis passing through the measure and polar star.

The measure, as the main axis of the Universe, is reflected in the texts of the Indian Tantra. In accordance with the structure of the microcosm, the Macrocosm, there is a major axis of the human body, and it passes through the spine. On the central energy channel of the worlds - chakras, gradually filling with energy each, rising from the lower energies to higher, the person is moving towards the spiritual awakening, the state of the consciousness of the saints and gods. And according to the theory of reincarnation, it will be revived in the next life in the world corresponding to the level of consciousness and energy (ie, Chakra), which a person reached during his earthly life. Thus, mythological mountain measure is a symbol of the axis of the world and contains all levels of being: from the lowest to the highest.

Ancient religion Tibet - Bon, also considers Kailas. Sacred, the site source of life and the location of the mystical country Shang-Shung. On the sheer slopes of the Mountain Bonets distinguish the sacred signs - the swastika, the symbol, which in different exercises is interpreted in different ways, but everywhere they are credited with a special meaning.

In all local traditions, the meaning of purification from all sins, which is the cause of birth in the hellish worlds. And Polluma-la - symbolizes death and birth in new life. It is believed that the one who at least committed Parikram (SanskR. "Bypass around the shrine"), saved on the century and, the worst thing that can be expected is an embodiment in the human world. Around Kailas there are several small buddhist templeswhere pilgrims come during the crust (Tib. "Bypass around the shrine"). They are built on places of force, where the great teachers meditate. To this day, we can see the prints of their hands and feet in the stone, which they left in order to demonstrate the power of their implementation and inspire people to stand on the spiritual path.

Thousands of years this area is considered the siest. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims: Buddhists, Hindus, Jainistov, Bonpo each year make a bark around shrine. They are not barrier to no hundred kilometers or the infancy of the weather, nor the political confrontation of China and India.

Piercing silence, as if an invisible finest string, stretched by hand of celestial lord, rings in the air. And the sound calls for it to merge with the divine qualities of the Absolute.

Schocks on the topic:

Photos Tibeta

Tibet: Nearest Tours

Covers of Tibet. Traditional expedition to Mount Kailas 89 K (through Guangzhou)

Departure: August 21 2020; 18 days / 17 nights
Guangzhou - Samier - Lhasa - Giandze - Shigadze - Sakya - Manasarovar - Garuda Valley - Rakshas - Kailas - TSO - Basic camp Everest - Shigadze - Guangzhou
In this program, you will find a 4-day bark around Kailas with access to the northern wall on the day of the full moon, the sacred lakes of Yammed TSO, Manasarovar, Rakshas and TSO, Hot Geyser Tagyal Chutse, Track to Bl Everest and a visit to the abandoned ancient capital of the State Shangshung - Valley Garuda!
Completing the bark and access to the northern wall of Kailas in full moon!
Guide and program author -.
From 2889 cu + A / b.

How many copies were broken, how many scholars came together in the "Battle of Truth", how many theories of scientific, near-scientific and not scientific appeared due to the mysterious and unknown mountain Kailas. How many religious flows merged together, and agreed at one point of being. Let's try to figure out (well, or even more confused).

As we always say (and we will talk) - every square centimeter of our planet is worthy of attention. Naturally, we simply have no right to pass by the sacred mountain Kailas. Especially considering how many things are embarrassed around it.

To start a little geography. The Kailas Mountain Ridge is located in the southern part of Tibet (today Tibet is the autonomous region of China, but there are differences between them). Mount Kaylas is the most significant and beautiful vertex of the same ridge.

Mount Kaylas on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (31.067112, 81.311697)
  • Distance from the capital of China Beijing about 3300 km in a straight line
  • To the nearest Simicot airport about 130 km south

Mount Kailas has an interesting and geometrically proper pyramidal shape with a permanent snow cap on top. Her faces are almost oriented on the sides of the world. It turns out a sort of giant compass visible from space.
The height of the pyramid is one of the subjects of the scholar dispute. Different groups of researchers intended the same different heights, but all the dimensions were put on the interval from 6,638 to 6,890 meters. This is enough high mountainAlthough I am inferior to the famous Everest (8848 meters) and the most high mountain On the planet in the absolute expression of Mauna Kea (10203 meters). At the expense of the height is the opinion that it is equal to 6666 meters. At least, in many sources of isoteric themes, it is this height.

The southern part of the mountain has in the middle of a smooth debris from the top to the foot. As if it was cut by a knife. In addition, this crevice again crosses the horizontal crack in the middle. As a result, when the sun is sitting, the shadows of these cuts form a swastika. Therefore, Kailas is sometimes called the Mountain Wastie.

It is worth doing an important addition. Swastika is an ancient image that symbolizes the sun or sun. Many nations are connected with our luminaire. Slavs also had a kind of swastika called Kolovrat. Please do not confuse the well-known Nazi swastika Hitler's times with the ancient runes.

To the peculiarities of Mount Kailas include its stepped structure, which makes it more like a pyramid.

Mount Kaylas in Religion

The most ancient religions of the surrounding countries give Kailas supernatural strength and consider the sacred place. Hindus, Buddhists, followers of Jainism and Bona (these are also trends in religion) call it the "heart of the world" or "the axis of the Earth". Mount raise prayers, worship and make a ritual traverser around her. This pilgrimage is called bark.

Hindus argue that Shiva lives on Mount, and Kailas is an image of a measure - great Mountain In the center of the Universe.

Buddhists say that the peak of the mountain is the abode of the Buddha. Buddhist pilgrims from all over the planet every year gather at the mountain in the feast of Saga Dava, who is dedicated to the Buddha.

The followers of Jainism believe that on the mountain, the liberation and enlightenment of the Kshatriy Mahavir himself reached - the founder of this religious flow and the main holy.

Followers of Bona religion empower the Divine properties of Lake Mapham-Yumzo, located 34 kilometers south Mountain. They consider the lake center ancient country Shangshung, in which Bon appeared. Mount Kailas they call the nine-storey mountain swastika. She is the soul of the whole religion, and here it came from Tonpa Shenrab's sky - the founder of religion.

It is noteworthy that representatives of the first three religions bypass the mountain clockwise, and the followers of the bond on the contrary, counterclockwise.
The length of the route around the mountain is 52 km. To overcome it, you need very good physical training. It is believed that making a bark (bypassing the mountain), a person enlightens and gets rid of sins. Moreover, it is advisable to get around the mountain in one day, which is very difficult. Especially honorable is the bark committed 13 times.

In religious books about Kailas there are such inspiring lines: "None of the mortals dares to enter the top, where the gods live. Who will see the faces of the gods, must die. " In the legends it is said that the mountain will throw off any brand name, having watched to climb. And even if you simply touch it, I have no healing ulcers.
All of the above religions are honored by two lakes of 34 kilometers of south of Kailas. This is Mapham-Yumztso and Langa-Tso. The first is fresh - it is considered to be a lake of life, and the second one - the saltwater is a lake of death.

In the vicinity of the mountains, there are 4 main rivers of this region - Ind, Sutland, Brahmaputra and Carnia. The myths say that they all start with Kailas. But actually threads with mountain Ridge Initially, Langa-Tso Lake, and the SathLege river flows out of it.

Occurrent and not scientific hypotheses and myths of Mount Kailas

Some sources indicate a mystical figure of 6666 and it is argued that it is at such a distance from the mountain of Stonehenge, the North and South Poles. It is said that Kailas lies on one line with egyptian pyramids and mysterious island Easter.

We sat a little over the map and realized that with distances some confusion, for example, to Stonehenge 6920 km in a straight line. If the poles were at the same distance from the mountain, it was supposed to be located at the equator - and this is not. And the pyramids with Easter Island are not quite on the same line are. Therefore, we will assign similar data into the category of unconfirmed. But, if we were mistaken somewhere, please let us know about it.

There is also a mass of pseudo-obvious hypotheses. Here and the stories that the time around the mountain goes several times faster, so that men in a few hours turn weekly bristles. And that Kailas is entrance to parallel worlds. And that the mountain is inside the hollow, and there are many saints in it (among which even mention Jesus Christ, Buddha and Krishna), and all in one place. They are not just like that, and until the moment mankind does not go crazy and does not reach the verge of self-destruction. That's no one, besides the highest strength, can not protect a person from himself.

To be honest, that these hypotheses still have little common with science, and more refer to myths and legends.

How to conquer Mount Kailas

In no point. Remember at least the most high point Planets, Mount Everest. She is conquered by all who are not laziness and deep elders, and teenagers and even people with limited features. And this height almost 9 kilometers, there almost nothing to breathe, but people hardly make ascension. What is Kailas? Surely no one conquered the top? And there is. Mount Kailas is never once, nobody was conquered. And the main factors here are two. The first (mystical) factor is that according to the unknown science for reasons, the overwhelming majority of climbers, right before the ascent of "nerves," they simply refused their desire to climb up. And even if someone, defeats internal resistance, still started climbing, he immediately returned back or died.

Locals worship the mountain as a shrine, and naturally do not even think to conquer it. Everyone wishes to do it foreigners. So, for example, Italian Reinhard Messen, who received permission to climb, in 1985 arrived at the place, but in the last moment changed his mind. The incomprehensible feeling of fear and hopelessness covers everyone who thinks to eat at Mount Kailas.

The second factor that prevents conquest local residents. They literally block the path to the crisp. In 2001, an expedition from Spain, paying considerable money only for the opportunity to climb the top of the mountain, was stopped by a group of pilgrims. Thousands of believers stood on the path of the Spaniards. Dalai Lama himself and even the UN protested against the climb on Kailas, and the climbers had to give up. Thus, to this day, the mountain is not conquered.

Reinehold Messner later spoke, referring to the Spaniards: "If we defeat this mountain, then we will defeat something in the souls of people. I would suggest go and climb something a little more difficult. Kailas is not so high and not so heavy. " We will remind, he himself still did not decide to climb.

  • The ridge, where the mountain is, is considered young, so he is still growing. " Its height increases annually by 5-6 mm
  • Scientists have established that the age of Tibetan Mountains is about 5 million years old, but the Mount Kailas itself is only 20,000 years
  • The name of Mount Kailas is translated from Sanskrit as "Crystal"

There is a set in the first group to Kailas in 2020: except the bark around Kailas you will see the northern face of Everest, beautiful lakes, The ancient kingdom of Guga, the valley of Garuda and rarely visited the ancient cave complexes in West Tibeta - Dungkar and Piyang. Route. Check-in in Lhasu April 26, 2020. A unique tour of Kailas Corra with the Russian guide! Join now!

Mount Kaylac (Kailash) - Jewelry of the snow, the center of the Universe, the abode of Shiva and Buddha Shakyamuni in the appearance of the angry Deity of Chakrasamvara, the patron of one of the highest tantr Buddhism Vajrayana. There is a belief that if you get around sacred Mount 108 times, you can achieve enlightenment.

Kailas attracted askets, yogis and pilgrims for many centuries. Nowadays, more and more people are interested in a journey to this top. And the point is not only in the unusual four-shaped form of a mountain that resembles an artificially built pyramid, but rather that Kailas is a shrine for millions of representatives of four religions: Hindus, Jainov, Buddhists and Bonpo. Every year, thousands of pilgrims make a sacred bypass around Kailas, hearing prayers and performing religious practices.


Mount Kailas is located in the Tibetan province of Ngari in Western Tibet, Tibetan Autonomous Area, China. Kailas is one of the peaks in the Handisi mountain system (冈底斯 Pinyin: Gangdisi Shanmai), located in the south of Tibetan Highlands and is almost parallel to Himalayas.

Kailas is the highest mountain peak in its area (6714 meters / by other sources of 6638 meters), which also looks outwardly different from the neighboring mountains with its four-headed pyramidal form oriented in four sides of the world. In the Kailas area, four main Rivers of Tibet, India and Nepal are taken around the world: Brahmaputra in the East, Indean in the North, Sutland in the West, and Carnali (the influx of the Ganges River) in the south.


Kailas is known under many names. The most common name in Russian Kailas. - This is the name of the sacred mountain on Sanskrit. Also quite often encounter writing Kailash.

So how correctly: Kailas or Kailash? - both options are true, as both spellings meet in Old Indian texts - both with the sound "C" at the end and with the sound "sh":

  • कैलाश Kailāśa ("Kailash") and केलास Kailāsa ("Kailas"). It should be noted that modern India now says Kailash, while Kailas is perhaps a more authentic name, because such writing is found in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata".
  • In Tibet, the most popular title of the vertex is Kang Rinpoche (གངས་ རིན་ པོ་ ཆེ WYLIE: Gangs Rinpoche) that translated means "snow jewel" or "precious snowy vertex". In classic texts, the top is called Kang Tisa (གངས་ ཏི་ སེ WYLIE: Gangs Tise) or just Tees (ཏི་སེ wylie: Tise).
  • The followers of the Dobddian religion of Tibet Bon called this sacred Mount Yundruung Hutsk (གཡུང་ དྲུང་ དགུ་ བརྩེགས Wylie: Gyung Druung DGU BRTSEGS), which means "Nine-story Mount Schastika".
  • IN english language The most common title of the vertex isKailash.originating from Sanskrit.
  • Chinese names of Kailas originated from Tibetan: Gan Zhenbocy (冈仁波齐 Pinyin: Gang Renboqi) from the Tibetan name Kang Rinpoche and Gandyishhan (冈底斯山 Pinyin: Gangdisi Shan) from Tibetan Kang Tis. Also, the people of Kailash on Chinese are simply called the "sacred vertex" - Shanshan (神山 Pinyin: SHENSHAN).

Kailas in world religions

Mount Kaylas is sacred for representatives of four religions: Buddhism, Bon, Hinduism and Jainism. For Buddhists, Kailas is the abode of the Buddha Shakyamuni in an angry form. For Hindus - the abode of Shiva, the god-destroyer of illusions. For Jain, Kailas is sacred, as a place where their first St. Adidat has achieved enlightenment. The followers of Religion Bon believe that from here the founder of the religion of Tonpa Shenb Mivochya descended from heaven to Earth.

Despite the fact that the believers of these four religions differ in the interpretation of the importance of Kailas, they all consider this vertex - the most sacred place, the "heart of the world", the axis of the universe (Lat. Axis Mundi), connecting heaven and land, through which practices can contact higher forces.

Kailas in Buddhism

For Tibetan Buddhists, Kailas is the Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha in the form of an angry deity Corwood Democh (འཁོར་ལོ་ བདེ་ མཆོག་ Wylie: 'Khorlo BDE MChog) or Chakrasamba on Sanskrit. The demo is depicted in conjunction with the spiritual wife of Dorje Pakmo (རྡོ་ རྗེ་ ཕག་ མོ Wylie: RDO RJE PHAG MO) or Vajravaraha. Their union is a symbol of the unity of emptiness and bliss (བདེ་ སྟོང་ དབྱེར་ མེད Wylie: BDE Stong Dbyer Med). Hardware spiritual practice is the only way to know this symbol.

For Buddhists-followers of a small chariot (Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, etc.) Kailas is a place that Cam Buddha Shakyamuni consecrated together with 500 Arhats, emanating himself in the Kailas district.

After the Buddha Shakyamuni, Padmasambhava meditated here, also known under the name of Guru Rinpoche - Buddhist master of the 8th century of our era, revered as the second Buddha. He, after himself left the Treasure term in the rocks around Kailas.

Three centuries later, Milarepa meditated, a master of meditation, hermit, mystic and poet, famous in Tibet. Despite the rapid spread of Buddhism in Tibet, since the 8th century, Kailas and the surroundings still remained a place, especially the followers of Bon religion. But after Milafa, the secrets of Kailas were opened for Tibetan Buddhists. Having reached spiritual realizations, Milarepa, together with his students, went to Western Tibet in the places of Buddha Shakyamuni. Arriving in the Kailas area, he met Bonsky Master named Naro Bonchung. There was a dispute over the domination between them in the Kailas area, which they agreed to resolve through competition using Siddhi - supernatural forces. The first competition was on Lake Manasarovar near Kailas: Milarepa told all his body over the surface of the lake, and Naro Bonchung rose to the water surface on top. Not satisfied with the results, they continued the competition, running around Kailas: Milarepa ran clockwise, and Naro Bonchung counterclockwise. Having met at the top of the paste of La Dolm near the northern slope of Kailas, they continued to make a magical battle, but again could not decide who is the winner. Then Naro Bonchung suggested the following competition: who on the day of the full moon immediately after dawn will be at the top of Kailas, he will be the winner. On the appointed day of Naro Bonchung riding on his shamanic drum flew to the top of Kailas. Milarepa calmly rested at the bottom, forcing the worried of his students. But, as soon as the first rays of the Sun reached the peak of Kailas, Milarepa seized for one of the rays and instantly reached the sacred vertex. Naro Bonchung was stunned and fell from his drum. Thus, Milarepa won, and followers of Bon religion lost control in the region, moving their spiritual center from Kailas to Mount Bonry in the east of Lhasa.

From the same time and up to this day, Mount Kailas is sacred both for Tibetan Buddhists, and, in particular, for the Adepts of the school, Kague, to which Milarepa belonged. But the followers of Religion Bon continue to read this vertex. So, Buddhists make a pilgrimage around Kailas clockwise, and followers of Bon counterclockwise.

In the 13th century, the Master Gotsangpa opened the magical forces of Kailas for the Adepts of the School of Drukpa Kague Tibetan Buddhism. He also spent 5 years to meditate in the monastery Dirapuk, located before the transfer of La Dolma opposite the Northern Elephant of Kailas. Therefore, right up to this day, this monastery, Kailas and all the surroundings of the tops are especially revered by the Adepts of the School of Drukpa Kague.

Despite the fact that there are many sacred vertices in Tibet, only the Kailas Area is a powerful and comprehensive mandala, where every vertex and every hill are the essential of a deity, where every crevice in the rocks was a place of meditation of hermits. Nowhere else in other places there is no such number of forces with self-reflected path symbols to enlightenment.

Kailas in Religion Bon

bon symbol

The founder of Religion Bon called Tonpa Shenb Mivoch. He lived about thirty thousand years ago in a spiritually perfect place Ollo Lung Ring, where only enlightened creatures could get. According to the preserved descriptions, this place was similar to a mixture of ideas about the mystical country Shablal, Mount Kailas and Mount Mere. Despite the fact that Olmo Lung Ring is a magical place, according to some information it was located in the country of the country in the west of the kingdom of Shang Shung in Western Tibet. In the center of Oluning, the sacred vertex Yundruung Hutsk was located - "Nine-story Mount Schastika", symbolizing the "nine ways of Bon", from where Tonpa Shenb went down to the world of people. At the foot of the mountain took the beginning of four great rivers, spreading in four directions. Some followers of Bon religion believe that Mount Yundruung Hutsk and is a sacred kaylas. For other versions of Tonpa, Shanrab moved strength and magic, concluded in Mount Yundruung Gutsk inside Kailas. At the end of his life in our world, he, using the world's axis located on Kailas, returned to heaven. In any case, Mount Kaylas is a sacred place for the followers of Bon religion, symbolizing the place of God Shang Shung Mary. The teachings and the transfer line of Meri (II RI) was one of the main practices in Shang Shung and preserved to this day.

Kailas in Hinduism

In Hinduism Kailac is the abode of God Shiva - the Supreme God of the gods, the destroyer of illusions, the masters of yoga and tantra. Shiva along with his wife Parvati lives at the peak of Kailas in the highest meditative state of absolute bliss. According to Vishnu Puran, the peak of Kailas is the mapping of the mountain to the Mere, which is the center of all universes and in material, and in spiritual aspects.

By virtue of the hemispherical shape of Mount Kailas, it is personified with the lingam - the main symbol of Shiva, male beginnings. In Puranah, lingam is a manifested manifestation of an eternal non-leaving Shiva, which dwells out of time, space, qualities and forms. The founding of Lingam is Joni - a symbol of Shakti, universal female energy. So, sacred Lake Manasarovar, located near Kailas, is the personification of Joni and the inadequate of Parvati, so together with Kailas is especially honored among the followers of Hinduism. For them, pilgrimage to Kailas and Manasarovar is, first of all, meeting with God. Therefore, millions of believers are sent annually to the sacred vertex.

Kailas in Jainis

For followers of Jainism, Kailas is also a sacred vertex, and the might of the measure personifies the center of the Universe. Rishabha, who became the first holy in Jainis, reached Nirvana in the Kailas area, thereby putting the beginning of the tradition of Tithankar. In the worldview of Jains, the world has no beginning and end, and time moves in a circle, like the wheel of being. Thus, our world has already completed countless time cycles, also countless cycles will come after our time. Each cycle or "Kalachakra" is divided into two semi-cycles: growth and attenuation. In each half-kille, 24 Tirthankara is born, the first of which became Rishabha, also known as Addatha.

stupa at the monastery Diratak near the northern slope of Kailas

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