Sacred Lake Tyva. Tourist Tuva

SUT-HOLSKY DISTRICT situated On the northwestern part of the republic. He bordered In the south with Dzun-Hemchik, in the West with Barun-Hemschik, in the east of Chaa-Holly Kozhevunov of the Republic of Tyva, in the north with the Republic of Khakassia.

District Center - Sug-Akssee village - located in the middle part of the day-honky district (Kozhown). Population size KEEZUN - 7933 people (2016)

A feature of the economic and geographical position of the Sut-Kholsky District (Konotun) is its remoteness from the central districts and the capital of the republic. The distance from the district (leather) center to the capital of the Republic of Tyva - Kyzyla is 286 km, and the nearest railway stations - respectively: 323 km (abase) and 730 km (Abakan). The main means of communication connecting the leather with other leather of the republic is motor vehicles.

In the central part of the leather there is a hempkaya brand, in the north of Kozhuna high mountains. Most of the leather (51.0%) are engaged in forests in which cedar, poplar, larch, birch, cherry, aspen, as well as sea buckthorn, currant, blueberries and others are growing. By area of \u200b\u200bthe busy sea buckthorn, the fruits of which contain a large number of Vitamin "C", Kozun takes one of the leading places in the republic.
From the West to the East, the Kheemchik river with the tributaries "Alash", "Ak", "Ustu-Ishkin", "Akshkin", "Shele", "Terektig", "Shom-Noise".

On the territory of the leating at an altitude of 1814 meters above sea level, a mountainous freshwater lake "Sut-Hol" is located, in which they are divorced: Pel'l, Omul, Mongolian Harius.
The main direction of the leather - agricultural.

Climate Cropped continental. The lowest temperature observed in the winter - 50 ° C, the average January temperature is 30 degrees below zero. Winter period lasts about 180 days. The face nature of the relief of the area with the general predominance of the anticyclonal regime in winter contributes to the cluster of cold air in the hollow and its additional heating.

Roast and dry summer comes at the end of May and lasts 85 days. average temperature July +20 degrees, maximum +38 degrees. Freezing during the summer is not observed. Spring frosts usually end at the end of the second decade of May, but in some years they are observed in early June. Autumn frosts begin in the third decade of September, in seven years at the end of August. The duration of warm (temperature above +10 degrees) of a period of about 125 days. In general, the climatic conditions of this area differ in severeness.

On the territory of the district (Kozhown) from the explored mineral deposits, the lime of lime in p is involved in the economic turnover. Aldan-Madyr, and the brick clay deposit in s. Ak-Dash is planned in the coming years to give turnover.

Beautiful mountain Lake The day-cold, which is located on the territory of the Sut-Holly Kozhena of the Republic of Tyva, over the mountain "Kyzyl Taiga", is considered sacred. The locally residents are confident that it was under the influence of the lake that the region was fruitful on the great wrestlers on the national struggle "Hursh".

The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake - 1400ga, and the depth in some places reaches 50 m. Mongolian Harius, Omul, Pelen, Ryapushka live in it. The purity of the water of the lake is only comparable to Lake Baikal.

Here, the shamanic rites are produced annually, during which the owner of the lake will undermine the owner of the lake, so that he helps in obtaining good harvest, well-being and defended the population from diseases, jute (holing and hunger pants).

The lake is considered sacred since ancient times, no wonder all Tuvinian fairy tales and legends begin with: "Long ago, when Lake Sut-Hol was a little puddle, and Mount Sumber-Wool (the mountain that is currently under the lake) Kochka ..." . There is a legend that once in the lake lived Lake Holdong Kok Bughaz (Lake Blue Bull). When the owner begins to get out of the lake, thunder thunder, sparkle lightning, the waves are beginning to walk on the lake with a height of more human growth and with force they are broken about the rocky shores.

Scientist, k. I.N.

The Republic of Tyva has a sufficiently large number of unique, unique places on its territory, which are rich not only natural resourcesbut also historical monuments. One of these places is the day-holly leather (district). It was officially created only in 1983, before that, the territory of the day of the day-honcian district was part of the Dzun-Khemchik district. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe district covers an area of \u200b\u200b669125 hectares. In its composition, there are 7 sums: Aldan-Madyr, Ak-Dash, Bora Taiga, Sug-Akssee, Kara Chiraa, Kyzyl Taiga and Ishkin. The district center is the village of Sug-Akssee, which is located in the middle part of the day Holh district. The district itself is located on the north-western part of the Republic of Tyva. He borders in the south with Dzun-Chemchik, in the West with Barun-Hemchik, in the east of Chaa-Kholskiye Kozynuns of the Republic of Tyva, in the north borders with Khakasia.

There is a beautiful mountain lake of the day of Sut-Hovun on the territory of Sut-Holly Kozoun, which is located next to the Mountain "Kyzyl Taiga" (mountain height of 2400 meters above sea level). The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake - 1400 hectares, length - 8 km, width - 3.5 km, depth - 35 m, the lake is located 1814 m above sea level, Mongolian Harius, Pelen, Omul, Ryapushka live in the lake. The leather has received its name in honor of the lake - Sut-Kholsky.

In Tuva, there is a national sports wrestling "Hursh". At the traditional festival of livestock breeders (Naadym), fighters commenced annually. All the great wrestlers on the national struggle "Hursh" come from the day-holy, and these are local residents are considered the influence of the sacred lake of the day. The purity of water in the lake is only comparable to Lake Baikal. Since ancient times. The day of day is considered sacred, no wonder all Tuvinian fairy tales and legends begin with: "Long ago, when Lake Sut-Hall was a little puddle, and Mount Sumber-Uula (the mountain, which is currently Lake) Kochka ...". In the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, the shamanish rites are produced annually, during which the owner of the lake will suffer, so that he helps in obtaining good harvest, well-being and defended the local population from diseases, jute (hysteries of hunger and cattle podge).

Wild animals live on the territory: Maral, Koslya, Kaban, Kabagra, Hare, and others. Birds: TETIVE, Ceremonic, Partridge, Duck, Goose, Ular, Eagle, Korshun, and others. River Chemchik, Sep, Ak, Alash Fish.

The unique monument of cultural and historical heritage is Ulug-Oova. Ovaa is the traditional place for the worship of Tuvints to various spirits of nature, where mound from stones with sticky dry branches are formed, for which tapes are tied in worship. Ulug-Oova is on the border between Khakasia and Towva. It is assembled from special stones, which are knocked out in two languages \u200b\u200b(Tibetan and Tuvinsky) writing and horoscopes compiled by Lamami. Ulug-Ova Oncecale has been the place of worship local residents. Today it is more often abandoned. And before, by him, the road was held in Tuva because of the Sayan.

In Tuva, the holy source is called Arzhan. There is Arzhan Shaaaras on the territory of Sut Halya - the Radon Source, which is located on the territory of the village of Kyzyl Taiga. Sea temperature in Arzhana + 4.2 degrees. It treats from diseases of the endocrine, reforid - motor, respiratory systems. People come here to be treated not only from Tuva, but also from other regions of Russia.

In the village of Aldan-Madyr, there is a monument dedicated to the uprising of 60 heroes. The author and manufacturer of the monument Sarygar Orthun Ertineevich. In the village of Village in 1883 - 1885, there was a rebellion of 60 heroes - this is the largest performance of Arata against the Manchurian oppression and local feudal. The monument was established in 1993, made in the form of a huge quiver for arrows, it was put on a metal of 68 names of the rebels. The monument is a landmark of the village.

Mount Kizhi-Unmes is at the village of Ishkin. Translated by Kizhi-Unmems means a mountain for which it is impossible to climb a person. Kizhi-unmes is the most high Point Ishkinsky chorus taiga, 2650 meters above sea level. According to the observations of local residents, the weather is born on this mountain. Locals believe that if clouds were gathered above the top of the mountain and the blizzard begins - wait for bad weather. On the top is always windy, so you can go there only in clear weather. Before climbing is considered obligatory to make a rite of worship of grief. It is noticed that if a person rises to the mountain, then after that a few days there are rain or snow, it is believed that the mountain is angry. In 1953, a plane crashed here with an expedition of geologists. The plane crashed into the mountain due to fog. One of the passengers of the plane remained alive and plenty of taiga a few days before the shepherd parking, where he was assisted. In the light of this event and various will take the local population to make a special attitude towards Mount Kizhi-Unmemes.

In a picturesque place, Nizhny Eishkin is a stone stele of Dash Kozhee, about 2.5 meters long. As the local resident of the village of Ishkin Koshkar Ool Outar: "The oldest residents of these places said that two brothers lived here - Borbak Sat and Churek-Sat. During the war with neighboring tribes, they died. On the spot of their Yurt's wife of these fighters put stone sculpture Dash Kozhee. " However, Nikar Ool Ondar argues that it was originally stela two times higher. Apparently I could not stand the weight of time and collapsed. Although this fact, and also the names of those for whom, according to the stories older, she was erected, talking about the comparative youth of the monument. Stone sculptures of Scythian times look different. Not far from the stela are several Kurgans, each diameter of 15 - 20 meters. They are not looted, as they are in a hard-to-reach place.

Sut-Holly Leather is one of the beautiful areas of the Republic of Tyva, in the leating is not only unique places Nature, but also historical monuments, Around many of them, sincecorable legends and legends were made. The inhabitants of Kozoune themselves are proud to live in the day-chole. It is necessary to maintain historical heritage, cultural monuments, and traditions of the area.

Bibliographic list

1. Tuva. Travel Guide "Le Pok Futhe" - Moscow: Avangard. - 2001. - P. 148-149.

2. Aldan-Madyr. Memory ancestors. - Kyzyl: 1997. - P. 12.

3. Beach-Ool V. L., Shactarus Dugayynda Chugaealar. - Kyzyl: 2C. 139.

One of the most successful places for tourist holidays in the Republic of Tyva can be called Lake Sut-Khol, located on the territory of the day of the day Kholovna. This picturesque reservoir hid from prying eyes in spurs. mountain Massiva Western Sayan, at an altitude of 1.8 kilometers above sea level, surrounded by raspberry firings, larchs and cedar. The beauty of these places just fascinates. Not far from the lake rises the mountain of Bora Taiga, whose vertex is crowning a man-made wooden pyramid installed here with topographs. The surrounding forests are replete with currant and lingonberries, which can be collected by entire baskets, and in open areas there are wells, pens and other flowers, pleasing eyes with their variety. In the immediate vicinity of Lake Sut-Hol is the same name tourist basewhich receives guests for over 10 years. Here you can accommodate in the legal camp, equipped with all the benefits of civilization, and taste the cuisine dishes that you will be delivered directly to the yurt. Alternative options are three meals in the dining room, and cooking kebabs on the grill.


The purity of the water of Lake Sut-Hol can even envy Baikal, but it is impossible to swim in it. The fact is that this reservoir is considered among the locals sacred, and the ablution in it is punished by terrible curses. Believe in these legends or not - everyone's personal business, but they clearly not be neglected, at least out of respect for the traditions of Tuvintsev. It is noteworthy that next to the lake is located mineral Source Ulug-Dorgun, whose water is allowed to use not only for drinking, but also for swimming. However, its temperature barely reaches 5 degrees, and such a test is only a real "walrome". Recently, day-hol began to use for breeding fish. Flinks of Harius, Ripus, Pelyadi and Omul were delivered here, which were not bad in a new place and had already managed to give offspring. The main feed database for these fish was small wraps, which are found in the lake in huge quantities. On the this moment Fishing on the day-Hole is prohibited, and vacationers come here only for recreation and recovery. The beautiful landscapes of these places are often becoming a background for photos, and the most successful angles can be caught on the southeast coast, at the site of the root of the river Hol-Ob, forming a gorge with waterfalls and bizarre rocks.


One of the Tuvinian legends says that its name is reservoir thanks to the old witch, living in these places in time immemorial. During the preparation of the next brave, she splashed into the water Chan Milk, and all the lake was painted white. Since then, the cows embraced on his shores began to give thick, fatty milk, similar to cream, and the reservoir itself began to call "Sut-Khol" - "Dairy Lake". Another legend talks about a mythical being - a bull, living in lake depths and helping people in their misfortunes. Each time the bull goes to the surface, the lake begins to brighten and foam, and the thunderstorm begins in the sky and blew a squall wind.

How to get

Nearest locality Sut-Hol - South Akssee Lake, to which from the regional center can be reached by good asphalt highway. The country road, which often blurs the rains to the shores of the reservoir from the village, and even an SUV can always drive. On the way, you will have to overcome steep pass, which is possible only under favorable weather conditions.

Lake Sut-Khol is located in the Sut-Holly Kozhene of the Republic of Tyva in the sputs of Western Sayan not far from a turbulent peak at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level.

Lake length from west to east 7-8 kilometers, width - 2-2.5 kilometers.

On the shores of the lake, rampant larches are growing, slender ate, handsome-cedar. On green MSh, the pink flowers of the headache of round-hearted, lingonberry, Badan. In the vicinity of Sut-Holy, there is a rounded round, covered with the forest of Bora Taiga, a rocky top of which is crowned with a wooden pyramid, built with topographs. From the south over the lake, the dome of Mount Kyzyl Taiga rose, from where it opens great view On the hempkaya hollow.

Sut-hol is remembered to everyone who at least once saw him. The bizarre shape of the peninsula is deeply sent to the smooth of the lake, in water, as in the mirror, are reflected wild rocks And white clouds.

From the west, small rivers fall into the lake. Their shores serve as the usual place of the shepherd parking. In the south-east of the day-holy picturesque gorge, surrounded by yellowish cliffs with stone scalp loops, the river is rapidly leaving the river holly, forming small waterfalls in some places. A bushes of red and black currant are hanging over the river, blooming irises, bells, lilies, a wild gooseberry is found in Rasseks.

Not far from Sut Holy Beats Arzhan Ulug-Dorgun. The temperature of the water in the source is +4.2 degrees. Trees near him in the old Tuvinian custom are hurt by the innovations of the spirit of the mountains. In the summer, Arzhan is located the tents of holidaymakers, who not only drink the source water, but also take a shower.

The lake is very rich in plankton. There are many glass-bookers in it, which feed Omuli. The ichthyologists launched in the day-kol fry of the Baikal Omul, Mongolian Harius, Pelyadi, Ripus, Ryapushki. Scientists believe that day-hol is an ideal place to breed these fish.

On the lake very clean air and absolute sishin. Since the ancient times, the day-hol is considered sacred, his name of the lake in the translation means "Milk Lake", and the milk of tuvintsev symbolizes purity. To this day, in the sacred lake can not be bought by anyone. It is believed that if anyone breaks the rest of the lake, the clouds raid clouds and hail begins. It is possible, therefore, the purity of the lake water is comparable only with Lake Baikal, because no one is solved not only to pollute the water, but also leave the garbage on its shores. On the lake really no one disrupts peace, it is a sacred place.

And the day-hol is the birthplace of the most famous narrowers and the strongest Tuvinian fighters, which is also attributed to the influence of the Holy Lake.

The people exists a legend. In ancient times, it settled by the lake of the old woman-sorldong. She cooked healing braids from day-kholish herbs, told spells, sent a thunderstorm on Taiga. Once the sorceress splashed in the water of the day of the day of the Sut-Hazie. In the morning, people did not recognize the lakes: it became snow-white, as if filled with milk. Since then, the people began to notice that there are a lot of thick, like cream, milk on the day-Colish pastures of the cow. Not in gift, day-hol translated into Russian and means - dairy lake.

See also: