Illustrated magazine Vladimir Dergacheva "Landscapes of life. New Boulevard in Batumi Batumi Boulevard during the afternoon one of the main

I look that Batumi is very popular this year. Photo Album Batumi has more of the views than the Malaysian photo album! Well, it's time to write a small story about how we rested in Batumi. What I liked this city and what surprised. I hope my tips will help someone.

Batumi met us the summer bright sun and an unusually beautiful color of the sea! The color is turquoise, as if the color of the ocean. Railway station is located on the seashore. We were met at the station the good owner of the Badry apartment and brought to the apartment. The road took 10-15 minutes.
We lived in a new building, but already riddown. To the sea on foot 20 minutes. For us, this is actually nothing, because at home regularly such distances are passing, and we have at home to the sea walk for about 30 minutes, so we do not get used to it. For residents of Batumi, this distance is probably distant. And what else to do tourists when they came to the city of other rest? Do not sit at home. The owner suggested that the sea can be reached by bus for a small amount (I do not remember what) or by taxi for 2.5 lari. Taxi service We took advantage of one time when they gathered to go to the restaurant to eat.

Where lived

With a cramped room in Tbilisi, in which everyone literally fit apartments, we moved to the choirs! :) 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, spacious corridors and bathroom ... When I booked this option, there were a little doubt, because this housing has not yet had a single recall. Therefore, it remained only to rely on a miracle that everything will be fine. I will say that we are not completely disappointed! The owner himself lives in this apartment with his family. At the time of vacation, they moved to another place, and give their housing. When you get into a removable apartment, then it is usually so uncomfortable, something is missing from kitchen appliances, all in Spartan, just to survive. Of course, I do not speak about the luxury apartments, but about those available to the majority. Well. And here everything you need for life. Although it seemed strange that there was no corkscrew. How is it in wine Georgia there is no corkscrew for wine? :) Well, we coped and without him, of course. This apartment is suitable for families with children or for the company. And for an acceptable price. For the same amount we shot a room with a hostess in Tbilisi. The owner of Badri is a very sociable, kind and hospitable person. It seemed that he was our relative. Everything explained, showed, brought homemade wine. Suggested to go to the market. I even left work for a long time to help us buy products inexpensively. You will probably think that I'm kidding, but it's true! This is Georgian kindness and responsiveness!

About the city

We settled a little and went to the sea. Walk, see what is the Black Sea. Reached the dolphinarium. Next to the dolphinarium there is a beautiful lake and park. There live frogs. We, like savages who came from the desert, rejoiced even to frogs :) We didn't walk in the park, but they made some great photos.

Batumi Boulevard (he - the embankment) is perhaps the main attractions of the city. It is simply created for long walks.

In the season here is full of cafes and restaurants, and outside the season is just beautiful and quiet place for relax. And loving for sunsets!

For example, sitting on such lounge chairs. Or just on benches, there are also many here.

This is a very romantic place. Especially in good weather.

The length of the boulevard is about 7 km, it stretches from Ali Statue and Nino to the airport itself.

If you do not want to walk on foot - you can rent a bike or electric car. In parallel, the "pedestrian" part of the boulevard is a cycleway.

And also, there are 3 points with street simulators on the boulevard and a few with bars.

There are areas in the shade of trees, where you can lie on the hammock.

The territory is conditionally divided into old and new boulevards.

Along the old part, the seaside park stretched out, I will write about it separately.

Well, the new is the area of \u200b\u200bnew buildings. It is also quite interesting to take a walk among bizarre buildings.

And unusual sculptures.

Very unusual)

Well, about I already wrote.

It's nice to walk around the boulevard and in the evening. Palm trees, many buildings in the city, Alphabet Tower, Ferris Wheel, Statue Ali and Nino. Especially beautiful the whole composition looks from the beach.

But here, perhaps, good at any time. The main thing is a suitable company)

Pleasant walks! Ciao!

Boulevard Batumi was laid for a long time and has a long history of its existence. Another achievement is a big length. Boulevard stretched along a central-urban beach line and easy to find it. It is crowded here not only when the swimming season is in full swing, but also when singing fountains work, or on a weekend. This is a great place for calm and active rest, walks and entertainment.

Many tourists, residents and guests of the city from paid cycle surveys take off bikes and actively spend their own free time. Along the Batumi city coast, Batumi laid red bicycle paths.

On Boulevard Batumi there is a bird mini-zoo, where you can admire the pelicans, ducks, flamingos, parrots, swans and peacocks, a great place for walking families with children in the green area in the fresh sea air. Here you can also meet lovers to play chess. Usually they can be seen near a unique monument - a huge chessboard with figures.

Boulevard Batumi is widely known since the time of the distant USSR thanks to the film entitled "Love and Pigeons". Boulevard Batumi is decorated with numerous bronze sculptures and fountains. There is even a monument to Alfons.

A new summer cinema is operating in the bathing season, the building of which is built from a natural tree.

I want to warn that the light-music fountains in Batumi (singing fountains) work regularly from 21:00 to 22:00, but only in good weather. If the street is bad weather, it rains, they do not include them.

Tell friends.

Here, what they see Batumi Tourists who arrived on train Station. Giant towers on the sea horizon Blard imagination.
At the entrance to the city hangs a huge transparant - Saakashvili and Donald Trump with the last "after 5 years Batumi will be the best city in the world".

If you sit next to 101 bus, then some time the road goes along the sea, and you can widden in love with the same beautiful picture.
Then the bus turns into the city and the Mirage disappears, the chaotic trading rows begin, dirty streets with dust clubs, endless stupuses and quite sleeping areas with drying laundry garlands ... Something from these pictures I showed last time. Today I will show you still advertised to tourists part of Batumi - we walk along the sea, by Primorsky Boulevard..

The length of the embankment is about 7 kilometers. The coating is quite interesting. At first I thought the wooden flooring was so similar to some deck. But in some way a new embankment is already in the holes, according to which it can be seen that the material is still some concrete. However, go along the embankment along the sea is nice and beautiful - on the one hand the beach, now it is empty, and in season, probably, boils ... On the other hand, the alleys of the park, fountains, palm trees and new buildings. Periodically there are such wire sculptures, simmatically.

The sea is always the sea. Suddenly in mid-October it turned out to be pretty warm, I regretted that I did not grab a swimsuit - only a month earlier in Croatia and it was cold! This is me in the morning still stroll.

Red Walkway along the waterfront - for cyclists. Immediately rental. Would ride, but the rules and prices are wisdom. We must become a member of the club or make a stupid deposit ... Well, we will be legs.

Green part of the embankment.

Hotel Tower Sheraton, 5 stars. They say it is in him who lives comrade Trump in their arrivals in Batumi.

More interesting buildings. Basically, judging by the descriptions, hotels.

On the one hand, the embankment ends with a port and a bunch of restart restaurants.

From left to right: Radisson, over which the tower under construction is under construction with the name unknown to me (a beautiful look will be from those capsules ...), Chacha-Tower and the Alphabet Tower.

Fountains with Choys near Chacha Tower We did not find. The cost of the construction of this tower is about 800,000 LARI, they say that 15 minutes once a week from the fountain near the tower pours to the joy of people The most real chacha - grape vodka.

That tower with capsules closer.

And now a little different perspective.
That is how it looks close. Gromadines in the midst of a wasteland, where something continues with the roar and dust shower ...

Viewing wheel. Beautiful, but also, alas, not working. Already or also, unknown.

Interactive sculpture "Love" (Ali and Nino). We will return to her in the evening. In the afternoon it is just a frozen steel composition.

Alphabet Tower and the beginning of the Primorsky Boulevard. Below, the tower can see the old lighthouse.

In the Lonely Planet guide, they write about the restaurant in the tower and beautiful observation site upstairs Approach.

The guard politely slows down, explains that the tower is still built, the official discovery is planning for the new year.
The design is interesting, spiraloid, resembles a DNA model. The letters of the Georgian alphabet are located on the tower.

In general, here many things are affected by sizes. According to someone else's photo it seemed to me that these compositions are small. And it's like ...

And sea. Walking on pebbles is not very convenient, but fun. Water, as I said, attempted!

Now fountains look quiet. Let's go back and here in the evening. If you look closely, around the square of the poles, on top of which the yellowish statues of the musicians. For some reason I really noticed them only in the evening))))

In the middle of the fountain on the island - the pavilion, which is used for marriages. Outside, the pavilion is not the fish, not the eye, not that spermatozoa emerging ...)))

The remains of the old Batum.

Reconstruction in the process.

Skyscrapers, skyscrapers, and I am a little such ... that round is at the bottom left - the lantern. Yeah.

Pier with cafes looks empty and a little abandoned. The season almost ended.

Turn it on the parties.

A fun playground with figures from cartoons and films, including suddenly naked blue dummy from avatar.
I chose almost decent Madagascar Zhiraffic))) I didn't break the neck!)))

On one of the quiet Alley, the park is hiding in the greenery suddenly Lesia Ukrainka and Taras Shevchenko.

Everywhere information signs, often from the photo of the same place many years ago. Nice and comfortable.

It is interesting to look at all these beauties in the evening? Then do not miss the following report from Batumi!

Thank you for attention! :)

Batumi Boulevard runs along the beach and the entire central part of the city. He is most popular Moz Rest of both tourists and local residents. Located here a large number of Restaurants, cafes, bars, small outlets, attractions, sports sites, equipped places for recreation (with benches, hammocks, sun loungers) and art objects that are symbols and business cards by Batumi.

To date, the length of the Batumi Boulevard is about 7 kilometers.

In all its length, the boulevard is planted with flowers, palm trees, shrubs, coniferous trees, bamboo, which makes it very green and beautiful place. In addition, in addition to the beautiful view of the Black Sea and mountain peaks On the horizon opening from the boulevard, in the evenings, you can admire the colorful Batumi sunsets from here.

Old and New Boulevard Batumi

Batumi Boulevard is often subdivided into two parts: the old and new boulevard, although in fact it is a single whole. As a rule, as a conditional border, the water park Batumi is indicated: the boulevard south-west calls the new one, northeast - old.

The new boulevard is located in the part of the city, which is denoted as a new Batumi, it is actively built up last years. The number of catering establishments here is still less than in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Old Batumi Boulevard, however, as for well-groomed and arrangence, then this new boulevard does not lag behind his fellow. Throughout the boulevard decorated with flowers, greens, various sculptures, beautiful backlit fountains, equipped with children's and sports grounds, as well as a special track for roller skating and bicycles.

As a rule, on the new Boulevard Batumi fewer people, the atmosphere is calmer, which has for secluded and romantic walks, holding small picnics, occupying various sports, such as yoga and gymnastics. In addition, the new boulevard is considered the best place For wedding photo shoots.

Along the significant part of the new boulevard, a seaside park is also located, in which there are a large number of famous and popular sculptures: Where and Liberte's inscriptions, "shale on eggs", a labyrinth of desires, a playground with figures of famous cartoon characters and a lot of sculptures with hearts.


It is believed that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a boulevard in Batumi belongs to Governor Smekalov, it was born almost 150 years ago, and construction began in 1881. Since appearance Batumi Boulevard has changed and improved all the time: first the project worked German designers, then the French Gardener Decorator Mikhail D'Falux, very beloved and famous here. It is His local residents They consider the founder of the boulevard, so the bronze monument even erected in his honor.

In 1934, a colonnade in the Greek style was built for the release to the sea (also referred to as colonnade Batumi), whose architect is Bogdan Kirakosyan.

In 1977, there was a bookmark of the first stone of musical fountains, which appeared on the Batumi Boulevard thanks to the architect of Ercomashvili. Since 2009, dancing fountains began to function on Ardagan Lake, striking with their grace and beauty.

Throughout its history, the boulevard was reconstructed many times: they changed the coverage, new sculptures and monuments appeared. To date, it is a modern and convenient platform for walking, dates, meetings, sports and attracts great visitors.

What is on the boulevard

Batumi Boulevard - a place where everyone can find something interesting for themselves, absolutely everything comes here: local residents and guests of the city, adults and children, couples and companies of friends, athletes and photographers.

Miracles Park

In the northeastern part of the Batumi Boulevard, Miracle Park is located on the territory of which there are a number of famous sights of the city:

  • Statue Ali and Nino "This is a masterpiece of contemporary art, which is the figures of two lovers (7 meters high) - Muslim-Azerbaijanis Ali and Christian Georgian Christians, moving towards each other. Sculpture symbolizes love that erases the face between religions, contradictions, distances, differences and traditions.
  • Alphabet Tower - This is a modern design, which is the embodiment of love Georgians to its language: all over the entire height, which is 130 meters, it is accustomed to tapes with 33 letters of the Georgian alphabet, externally reminiscent of DNA. At the top of the tower there is an observation terrace with an excellent view of the sea and the city, as well as a rotating restaurant.
  • Lighthouse - The oldest facility in the park, it was built back in 1863. The lighthouse has an eight-marched stone tower and still orients the navigators with their red light.

Pierce Batumi

Central Pier Batumi is the longest and most visited on the coast. On both sides are cafes and restaurants, and at the end there is a disco bar. Nearby there are various attractions, a playground. Pierce is a great place where you can eat with a wonderful view of the sea, dance and listen to live music.


An integral part of Boulevard Batumi are fountains. There are quite a lot of them here. They dance to music, glow, shimmer, attracting the attention of passersby, especially in the dark.

One of the oldest fountains of the Batumi Boulevard - color-duty - is located on the central entrance to the embankment. Another, more modern dancing fountain, which is also called Evening Batumi lights, is located on Lake Ardagani. It strikes with his beauty and special effects: water constantly changes patterns, moving in rhythm music, glows with different colors, and the lake surface reflects the picture and increases the volume of the light-water dance.

Sports entertainment

Along all the Boulevard Batumi is a variety of diverse sports facilities, including: several sand fields for playing football and volleyball, outdoor venues equipped with simulators, bicycle rental points, rollers, scooters, segways and other transport.

At any time of the year, but especially the summer, your proximity to the sea and good equipment, the Boulevard attracts a large number of sports lovers: People come here to run, ride a bike, engage in aerobics, gymnastics and yoga, play volleyball and much more.

Colonnade, denoting the entrance to Boulevard Batumi - Panorama on Google Maps.

How to get to Batumi Boulevard

Since the boulevard passes along the entire central part of Batumi, getting here conveniently from almost any area of \u200b\u200bthe city. This can be done, including on foot, just moving towards the sea.

Of public transport can be reached by buses and route taxiFor example, passing through the University's stops or the service center of household appliances.

If you plan to come on a personal car, you can focus on such streets as Rustaveli Avenue, Sheriff Himshiashvili, Lech and Mary Kaczynski - they all go along the boulevard.

In addition, you can get to Batumi Boulevard by taxi, especially since their services are very developed in the city. To call the machine, you can use, for example, mobile applications of companies such as Yandex.Taxi, Gett, Maxim.

Video: Batumi Boulevard from a bird's eye view

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