In which country is the best new year. Beautiful cities where you can meet the new year

New Year - This is a holiday with which fireworks, concerts, parties, carnivals, champagne are associated with. If you want to go on vacation on the last day of the year and meet the next year in a special atmosphere, you will probably use this list of cities where the celebrations pass with a special scale.

New York

In terms of the celebration, other cities are extremely difficult to compete with New York: millions of people are gathering annually on the square to listen to the speeches of famous musicians and watch the traditional descent of a huge crystal bowl. All this is accompanied by free food and unlimited drinks. If you manage to get to such a celebration, you are guaranteed to get the brightest emotions!

Rio de Janeiro

Rio is famous for its carnivals, beaches and flawless sand, as well as magnificent view On the mountains. On the eve of the New Year, there are huge parties here, on which up to two million people are going. In addition, the traditional religious festival is also held, as part of which it is customary to throw flowers into the water to ensure good luck for the next year. Everything is accompanied by music, dancing, champagne. It is customary to fall into white, which also brings good luck. Multicolored fireworks start at midnight from ships in the sea.

Las Vegas

On the eve of the New Year in this city there are practically no cars - the street with popular casino closes for the movement and turns into a platform for street parties, living musical performances, a laser show. Already at six pm, people begin to gather. In all bars and hotels offer a variety of entertainment and shows, and fireworks are launched at midnight with seven roofs of high buildings. If you want to have fun while never before, go to Vegas!


Sydney is one of the first world capitals, where they meet the new year, in addition, this is a city where an incredibly luxurious fireworks over the bay is arranged. He emphasizes the beauty of the bridge and the opera building (main photo), reflected in the water stroit. Everything is accompanied aerial ShowParades of highlighted boats and other events. Try to book your ticket in advance or reserve a table in a restaurant overlook, because Sydney is very popular.


Bangkok is not just a direction, this is a place where you can choose from a whole list of new year meeting options. The most popular solution is central squareWhere people are going to watch the light show and concert. In some cafes and restaurants offer tables on the roof, which offer an excellent look. You can drink champagne and admire fireworks, before the start of which thousands of people together count seconds.


This is a unique city of romance, which becomes even more beautiful for the New Year, when the Eiffel Tower is arranged light show. If you prefer something more secluded, you can go to the exquisite dinner in the restaurant. On the streets are dancing with champagne and chocolate.

Los Angeles

In Los Angeles, exclusive Hollywood parties with music, food, comedy show are waiting for you, and the like. In addition, there are many clubs that are also worthy of attention.


Miami are located best clubsMoreover, there is incredibly warm. If you want to celebrate the New Year on the beach, this is your choice.


Beautiful Icelandic city is decorated on New Year's Eve with lights. Locals are confident that it helps burn the problems of the outgoing year. They sing and gather around the fire, and at midnight arrange fireworks.


Where else to enjoy the holiday, as not at the highest building in the world! Admire the luxurious hotel of Burj Khalifa, which is satisfied with a magnificent firework.

Have you already thought where you will celebrate the New Year? This is a home family holiday. But not at all be sure to meet him at home. This article will be useful for those who want to change the situation and celebrate the beginning of 2016 in another country. In Europe, New Year's and Christmas holidays always celebrate fun and brightly. In a new country and in a new city, you can familiarize yourself with local traditions, celebrate the 2016 unusual and remember these holidays for life. We offer a selection of cities where local residents turn a holiday into magic.

1. Paris

The city of Sharm, in which romantics live. The city of the infinite admiration, which is impossible to forget. Different bars and restaurants in Paris offer their entertainment programs. But most tourists invariably go to the Eiffel Tower and the Elysees Fields. The triumphal arch traditionally organized a special New Year's show with fireworks. Dinner or lunch on the Eiffel Tower these days is particularly popular. The same with the representations of Moulin Rouge. Disneyland, starting from November to mid-January, conducts special New Year performances. The entire park in the Christmas decoration, and Disney heroes are forced in carnival costumes and arrange a parade on the main alley. Without Santa Claus, every year he opens his residence in Disneyland. And where Santa, there are definitely gifts and miracles.

2. Vilnius

Like many other European capitals, Vilnius takes many guests for the new year. Surprises are waiting for residents and guests on the main squares of the city. The main tree of the city by tradition is installed on the cathedral area. The opening of the New Year tree is a real holiday in Vilnius! It is accompanied by fireworks, congratulations "local" Lithuanian Santa Claus and the concert of Christmas Psalms. Therefore, being in Lithuania, be sure to adopt this beautiful festive Christmas tree! Sometimes on the cathedral area make a special surprise for children: they allow a children's train on the rails, the route of which passes through the Christmas tree. Enjoying a christmas bustle, walk through the Gediminas Avenue, go to picturesque river Neris. Go behind your impressions in the creative area of \u200b\u200bthe Uzhupis and collect emotions, taking pictures and rejoicing the coming new year.

3. Istanbul

This Turkish megalopolis is similar to a motley cauldron, in which Europe and Asia, East and West, Starina and modernity, traditions and innovations mixed up. For those who prefer to open different cities and countries with the most unusual side, the new year in Istanbul is the best way to get acquainted with another Turkey. Celebrate New Year in Istanbul means to arrange a romantic holiday in the city where there is a place for any entertainment. He is full of paints, smells and sensations. Here you can drink aromatic coffee at the street cafe table and watch the life of ordinary people. Or order a table in a restaurant on the shore and try Buyabes, who is not inferior to Marseille. Festive delicacies can be eastern sweetsAnd a wonderful dessert - the belly dance, filled with a local beauty. You can order a place in a restaurant or cafe, which are located in the area of \u200b\u200bTaksim Square and Streklyal Street in a great set. It will be interesting to spend New Year's Eve In the club or on a disco, which can also be found in the Ostiklal Street district. Lovers of romance can book a place in one of the restaurants in the Galat Bridge and admire the urban fireworks over the Golden Horn Cove. You can also order a place on a cruise boat and meet the New Year, swimming on the Bosphorus, between Europe and Asia.

4. Rome

Ancient and power Rome for the new year is transformed beyond recognition: trees along urban alleys, as well as house facades, shopping centers And restaurants envelop the network of multicolored garlands, shop windows are festively decorated, and you can see small elegant christmas trees and colorful compositions from biblical plots dedicated to Christmas. The biggest Christmas nursery and a huge New Year's fir erected in the center of St. Peter. On the days of the celebration on the squares of Rome, pedestal fairs are opened, where you can buy all sorts of sweets, Christmas souvenirs and artificial artisans. Rome on the festive New Year's Eve turns into a solid anthill from a thousandth multilingual crowd of residents and guests of the city, which certainly seek to get on main Square The capitals - Piazza Del Popolo, at which time there are massive folk festivals, and where you can meet the redistan Italian Santa Claus, Babbo Natal. You can meet the New Year in Rome 2016 as in the middle of the raised sea of \u200b\u200bcostume processions on one of the noisy areas of the city and at the table in quiet and cozy restaurants in the historic center of Rome, right at the steps of the Eternal Coliseum. The love of Italians to life and their incredible optimism is very infectious, and therefore the new year in Rome is a great opportunity to get a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive for many days ahead.

5. Munich

The capital of the German land of Bavaria, Munich is famous for the whole world of his amazing cuisine, beer, interesting museumspresent royal Castle, Alps in close proximity and endless possibilities for shopping in its limitless outlet. All together it is a great reason to stock air tickets and meet New Year in Munich. Walk after abundant meal in the New Year in Munich is where. First, it will be nice to look at the city's richly removed for the holiday. Lanterns and Christmas ate, shop windows and houses of citizens - everything sparkles, sparkles, shines and prizes thousands of multi-colored light bulbs. Fireworks in honor of the new year's occurrence begins with the last blow of the clock. It is best to watch the hill in the Olympic Park or Marienplatz. In Munich, you can have a great time and get a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasant impressions at any time of the year.

This year Moscow is best decorated with winter holidays! A traditional gum fair has been developed on Red Square. Externally, it is almost no different from their last year's predecessors, even the attribute is the same. The only one was added to the design of festive retro postcards, which gum decorated with this year.

1 | Tradition to decorate not coniferous trees on Red Square also continues. Unusually and beautiful.

2 | Nikolskaya Street - most beautiful place In New Year's Moscow! Probably, even the street itself thinks that this is just a Christmas dream)

3 | People stand in front of the decorations, as before the scene, many can not hide delight. The most popular phrase on Nikolskaya: "As in Europe!" (Although many cities of Europe are decorated much more modest). In second place there is a question: "Is this exactly Moscow?".

4 | The whole street was turned into a festive light corridor. True, on the side of Lubyanka, decorations look more modest than from the Red Square.

5 | Tretyakov's jewelery has traditionally for a couple of years. From the new - the guards learned not to click on the tripod and now it is now His to the "spy attribute of competitors presented here shops." How after this not to believe in miracles?

Last year, one head of the barrier tried to ban me to shoot with a tripod. There was of course politely sent. I did not asshide, even called a policeman. He was sent a second time, already a policeman.

Maybe the White Square now also the guards are not so strange? And then there they also looked at the tripod as a weapon.

6 | Ice hill on the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution. Alas, today there is a little attributed and was already closed.

7 | Fair on Manezh Square. Gorgeous place!

8 | For history)

9 | The second year on the playpen appears a huge ball. Unlike the predecessor, it is now overflowing with different colors.

10 | As before, you can go inside. Say the ball fulfills wishes

11 | Big theater in the crown!

12 | The fountain.

13 | The second after Nikolskaya in the beauty place in the center!

15 | Fair in front of the Central Committee.

16 | Carousel.

17 | Chic chamber.

18 | Let's go through it.

19 | From the part of Tverskaya on Camerogensk, they put glowing figures 2016. They are found in other places of the city - on the Pipe, Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya.

20 | Cozy fair on Tverskaya Square. The most difficult thing for the photo is to catch the moment without people. Walking a lot, so sometimes it falls for a long time. I was told, there were photographers who, in anticipation of the right moment, had time to read the whole volume of "Wars and the World"!)

23 | And the tunnels are smaller)

24| Inside the heat and cozy

Galina Chernenko

Director of Travel Agency "Rosstur", Ulyanovsk.

  1. Place your holiday stay at least from December 24 or even earlier. Then you can pick up the most profitable at the ratio of "price - quality" tour.
  2. Consider non-standard countries and cities for New Year's holidays. In any case, you will be satisfied, because the new year is an international holiday.
  3. Choose tours based on the company in which you are going to relax. For example, families with children will probably enjoy in Finland, where there is a residence of Finnish Santa Claus and a school for small skiers.

  • Air temperature: -10 ... -15 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who fits: Families with children, as well as anyone who loves fairy tales.
  • Cost of living: from 1,071 rubles per night at the hotel.
  • : from 9,464 rubles.

Santa Claus is registered in one of the oldest Russian cities, the famous center family tourism - Great Ustyug. To visit homeland fabulous hero In winter, it's how to return to childhood.

In the property of Santa Claus, there is a library, a observatory, a fever, a lightweight of magical items, rides, a zoo, a throne room where you can make selfie with the famous grandfather. It is from here that he goes to his famous tour in Russia - to light the main city trees.

If you go to Veliky Ustyug DIC, please note: the entrance to the territory of the charge is paid. The entertainment package costs from 1 220 rubles.

Bonus - Pure Fresh Air, Elegant Northern Fir Forests, as well as a huge number of architectural monuments and stories that can be seen during a sightseeing tour.

2. Kondopoga, Russia

  • Air temperature: -3 ... -5 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who fits: to everyone who loves leisure, families with children.
  • Cost of living: from 385 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • Cost of trains from Moscow and back: from 4 704 rubles.

Vacations in Karelia are active holidays surrounded by picturesque landscapes. You can ride on snow plains on husky, deer and snowmobiles, go to Keeach Waterfall, and also to get acquainted with Karelian Santa Claus, arranging cheerful competitions like throwing boots.

Among other things, tourists in Karelia are fed tasty dried fish and sing with water from healing glands.

  • Air temperature: 4-8 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who fits: Mountain ski lovers, but not sharp temperature drops.
  • Cost of living: from 190 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 12,300 rubles.
  • : from 27 138 rubles.

Despite the workload of the most popular Russian ski resortThe places in hotels with interesting price tags can still be found. The main thing is to pick up.

On the Black Sea on the New Year's Eve is cool and windy. But this does not cancel pleasant walks, sitting in coastal cafes and activities of active sports, including riding on alpine skiing and snowboards.

Tourists from regions can go to new Year's vacation at bus tours B and Moscow. Their cost - 12-15 thousand rubles per person.

Galina Chernenko, Director of the Travel Agency "Rosstur", Ulyanovsk

If you decide to go to Sochi, use Aviasales to save on buying tickets.

  • Air temperature: 7-9 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who fits
  • Cost of living: from 455 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 17,862 rubles.
  • The cost of a weekly tour of two: from 57 384 rubles.

Istanbul is not the most popular in new Year holidays city. And therefore the trip will be quite budget.

You are widged on the most beautiful streets of the ancient capital of the Empires on the most beautiful streets of the Empires, you will be able to ride on the Bosphorus, diplomatic on the sellers of Eastern exotic and relax in Hammam.

  • Temperature: 24-28 ° C (water temperature - from 21 ° C).
  • Visa: I do not need if you break up the country for no more than 15 days.
  • Who fits: Fans of exotic and those who did not have enough summer this year.
  • Cost of living: from 165 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 46,763 rubles.

If you want to celebrate the New Year under the hot overseas sun, plan to fly on December 25-27, and back - on January 1-2. At this time, you can find a completely budget tour in Vietnam.

Despite the fact that the weather here is capricious, tourists sunbathe, ride fishing and excursions, enjoy the evening breeze. About the New Year resemble only elegantly decorated chips, which Vietnamese are installed in hotels and shopping centers.

  • Temperature: 23-28 ° C (water temperature - 18-21 ° C).
  • Visa: Need, but is drawn up on the border at the entrance.
  • Who fits: For those who do not want to meet New Year with snow and frosts.
  • Cost of living: from 1,394 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 23,271 rubles.

The budget will be released from December 25-28 until the beginning of January. New Year's Eve is considered here with cold weather, but not for Russians. Among our tourists are even those who risk swimming.

  • Air temperature: -1 ... -2 ° C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Who fits: lovers to walk and study new cities.
  • Cost of living: from 455 rubles per night in the hostel.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 17,862 rubles.
  • The cost of a weekly tour of two: from 57 384 rubles.

On New Year's holidays, you can go to one of the European capitals - Prague. There you can see the main sights: Ancient Fortress Prague Castle, Old Town Square, Charles Bridge and the historic district of Mala Country. But the main thing is all this time around you will surround the atmosphere of the holiday and New Year in the beautiful city of Europe.

  • Air temperature: -25 ... -15 ° C.
  • Visa: need not.
  • Who fits: Lovers of nature and travel in Russia.
  • Cost of living: from 250 rubles per night in the guest house.
  • The cost of the flight from Moscow and back: from 21 500 rubles.

A small resort on the Halkidiki Peninsula will suit for measured rest and walks by the sea. In winter, a few tourists in the city, but traditional shops and fish restaurants still work. Nea Kallicracy is 40 km from Thessaloniki, so for a few days it will be easy to go to a large Greek city.

See also: