The best climbing of the world. Tibet, Western Nepal

The conquest of mountain peaks is among the top ten most popular entertainment in the world. Climbing, mountaineering and just hiking is a lesson for nature lovers, a healthy lifestyle.

It is also worth noting that this type of rest is suitable for the strong spirit and body of people. However, unprofessionals should not be upset. In the world there are many mountain peaks that can conquer anyone. This list includes not only low mountains, but also world famous giants.

Switzerland. Shaft. Mountain Mountain Rose

Beginner climbers are offered three classical directions - Pollux (4,092 m), Brighthorn (4,164 m) and Castor (4,228 m). Best time For climbing - from June to October. All routes are marked; There are specially equipped places for overnight. The basic climbing program is designed for 7 days.


USA. Washington. Peak Baker

The height of the mountain and part-time of the current volcano is 3285 m. However, the climbing route is simple and ideal for beginners. You can conquer Baker in just one day. The best time to climb - from May to August.

Source: Francesco Sisti

Nepal. Island Peak

The height of this Himalayan mountain peak is 6165 m. However, the climbers who have passed the basic training, without much efforts will be able to conquer the vertex of Island-Peak. To do this, it is necessary to have skills in cats, working with ropes. The best time to climb - from April to May and from October to November.

Source: Iwona Kellie

USA. California. Rock Haf-Dome

  • 2694 m above sea level

The object is one of the symbols of Yosemite National Park. Every year about 50,000 people rises on its vertex. The last 150 m of 12 km of the route is a special cable trail created in 1919.

Source: Jason Hsiao

Tanzania. Mount Kilimanjaro

  • 5895 m above sea level

However, despite the status of the highest mountain in Africa, even a beginner is capable of conquering her top, and Masham, Marangu and Rongai routes - can be overcome without preparing.

Source: Kyle Taylor

Russia. Stratovulican Elbrus.

  • 5642 m above sea level

Connect the top of the highest mountain of Russia by the usual healthy person. The best time to climb - from June to October. The basic climbing program is calculated for 13 days.


Russia. Mount Belukha

  • 4509 m above sea level

The object is considered the highest point. Mountain Altai. The best time to climb - from June to September. Classical program The ascent is designed for 12 days.

Mountains always challenged a man, managon him and teased with her inaccessibility. And, as is not tragic, not all of those who take this challenge and goes to conquer the tops, then returns back. Some remain the prisoners of the mountains forever, warned the one who will follow their footsteps. Every year the mountain causes the death of tens of people. Owls and avalanches, blizzard and disrupting clothes from the body wind - it seems that nature itself does not want people to disturb her stone giants. But those who want to climb the next vertex does not become less from this. And today you are a dozen deadly vertices, the conquest of which turns into a real Russian roulette.


Location: Nepal, China. Himalayas Height: 8,848 m Everest is a modern Calvary. Everyone who needs courage and decides to get on a breathable grave mountain, knows - a chance to return may not fall. This will certainly remind the bodies of those who are no longer destined to descend. Of the more than 7,000 who rose to Everest are officially considered to be the dead about 250 people. In a percentage ratio, this figure is not so great, but statistics cease to calm down and turns around the nightmare when you climb and see the bodies of those who also believed in their invulnerability.


Location: Nepal. Himalayas Height: 8 091 M Best Annapurna describe the words of American climbers Ed Vitus: "Annapurna is one solid danger, completely covered with ice. One big piece of ice with ice-growing on it. And the question is, in which direction the next thigh, forward or backward will be turned ". Annapurna is considered to be one of the most dangerous mountains. About 40% of climbers who tried to conquer it, and remain lying on her slopes.

Mont Blanc

Location: France, Italy. Alps Height: 4,695 m Mont Blanc or White Mount - the highest array in the mountain ridge and the most high top in Europe. Among the climbers Mount Mont Blanc is not considered particularly dangerous for climbing, however, for some ominous irony, fate beats mortality records. For the history of climbing, numbering more than two centuries, the slopes of the White Mountain took the lives of several thousand climbers - a figure, to which far from Everest.

Nang Parbat

Location: Pakistan. Himalayas Height: 8 126 m before Everest gained its popularity among climbers, it was Nanga Parbat who ranked the championship in the number of kilolas on his slopes. For what got the nickname Mount Killer. In 1953, trying to reach her vertex, 62 people died at once. Since then, apparently, the mountain thicked her thirst for blood. To date, mortality has decreased significantly - up to 5.5%.


Location: Nepal, India. Himalayas Height: 8 586 m This is a third highest mountain in the world. Kanchenjanga is a real nightmare of the climbers, as the weather takes place all the time and then avalanches are broken. Only 190 Obelchitsa managed to climb the top of Kanchenzhanga, and the mortality among climbers here reaches 22%.


Location: Pakistan, China. Himalayas Height: 8,614 m Mountain K2 or Choiri provides maximum extreme conditions For climbing. This mountain does not know the mercy and does not forgive mistakes - every fourth trying to climb to her top of the climbing dies. In winter, climbing is not at all possible. Our compatriots contributed to the history of ascents on K2. On August 21, 2007, Russian climbers managed to go through the most complex route, according to the impassable western side of the vertex before that time.


Location: Switzerland, Alps Height: 3970 M Eagar is considered one of the most deadly peaks of the world, despite its insignificant height. Often it is also called "Button". Big challenges for climbers are turned around incredibly large height difference and constantly changing weather. For a half years of climbing, the top claimed 65 people.


Location: Argentina, Chile. Patagonia Height: 3 359 m This majestic granite peak is at the same time the most disadvantaged and one of the most dangerous mountain peaks. During the year, only one successful climb occurs here. Before the climb, there are two problems at once: first, to get to the top you need to overcome a drinking plot of cliffs with a height of 600 meters, and secondly, the rainy weather, which can hold on weeks may generally beat off every desire to climb on the rocks. In addition, it is possible to climb on Fitzra from December to February - the summer months in the southern hemisphere.

Massif Vince

Location: Antarctica Height: 4,892 m The highest mountains of Antarctica are not considered in the climbing medium too complex for climbing. Since 1958, about one and a half thousand people have risen on their vertices. The most difficult thing is to get to the massif. Antarctica is a suitable place for penguins, but people frozen to death or kill in Barana here easier.


Location: Switzerland, Italy. Alps Height: 4 478 m One of the most difficult to conquer peaks in the Alps - its northern slope is generally considered to be unavailable and technically difficult for conquest. Unlighten the rise of frequent avalanches and stonepads. However, in 1865, the vertex of Matterhorn conquered twice immediately. True, the first group of four fell into the abyss due to the cliff of the cable.

It is difficult to calculate the exact number of climbing on the most popular peaks in the world.
Nevertheless, managed to study various analytical and statistical data provided by national parks, customs, rescue services, climbing and mountaineering federations, as well as experts in order to provide more or less proven statistics.

However, there are factors that influence final statistics:

  • in some national parks, registration is voluntary;
  • sometimes national parks cannot hold statistical reports on everyday life and we are in you have to rely on alternative sources: reports of the Ministry of Tourism, reports of customs services, emergency rescue, etc. In order to get a full picture;
  • as a rule, statistics do not indicate which rises were recreational and commercial. For this reason, it is quite difficult to determine how much of the total number of ascents was made with guides.

Basically there are two main factors that some mountains can make a popular destination place. The first is the availability and infrastructure that facilitates logistics and the preparation process. The second distinctive feature is height, location, shape, glaciers, etc. as well as the individuality of the mountain, which can attract the attention of adventurers.

Some of the most popular climbing routes, such as Fuji, Mount Kostyshko, Sinai, Machu Picchu or Brighthorn are not included in our list, since the climbing of these peaks does not require a mining guide service.

10. Matterhorn (Matterhorn)

Country: Italy / Switzerland;
Mountain system: Penninsky Alps;
Height: 4 478 m / 14,692 feet;
Lesbirth per year: about 500;
average cost excursion tour: 2,800 US dollars;
Number of climbers: about 3,000;

Mount Matterhorn-legendary mountain in the Alps with a unique and surprisingly perfect pyramidal peak. Uniquely Matterhorn can be the most visually attractive mountain in the current list.
His stunning images have long attracted adventurers and climbers for many decades. Regardless of her beauty it would be wrong to assume that climbing Matterhorn light. Steep slopes and unpredictable weather changes took about 500 lives since 1865.
Access to international Airports And excellent infrastructure made Matterhorn one of the most preferred options for climbers around the world.

Country: Mexico;
Mountain System: Nevulkanic Cordillers;
Height: 5,636 m / 18,490 feet;
Climbing per year: about 1,000;
The average cost of the tour: 1,300 US dollars;
Number of climbers: almost 2,000;

Orizaba-highest mountain in Mexico, as well as one of the vertices of the "7 volcanoes" program. These factors make Mount Orizab one of the most desirable for climbers. The Gora Orizaba rises over the Mexican bay with a magnificent snow-covered peak and glaciers flowing through the slopes. Climbing Mountain Orizaba is an excellent choice for those who want to experience the rise in the Great Mountain Glacier before moving to big heights.

Country Russia;
Mining system: Central Caucasus;
Height above sea level: 5,642 m / 18,511 feet;
Climbing per year: almost 2,000;
The average cost of the tour: $ 800 US dollars;
Number of climbers: almost 10,000;

Mount Elbrus is the highest peak in Europe - often erroneously seen as easily accessible. Climbing Elbrus has always been a problem. During the assault, the climbers must fight with a vertical set of 2,000 meters. The journey can become extremely tedious, there were cases when exhausted climbers, going down from the top in bad weather disappeared in an ice maze. Every year, Elbrus takes an average of 10 lives.

Country: Nepal;
Mining system: Himalayas;
Height: 6 165 m / 20,226 feet;
Climbing per year: about 2,200;
tour cost: 3 000 y. E.;
The total number of climbers: about 2,700;

Island Peak is one of the most popular seats In the Himalayas. He offers unforgettable and fabulous journey In the area of \u200b\u200bEverest with a campaign to the Basic Camp of Everest. The whole expedition can take up to 16 days. Island Peak cannot be among the Himalayan giants, however, it requires technical skills and proper climbing equipment: cats, ropes, etc.

Country: Argentina;
Mountain System: Patagonian Andes;
Height: 6 962 m / 22,831 feet;
Climbing per year: almost 4,000;
The average cost of the tour: $ 3,500;
Number of waters: almost 4,500;

Mount Akonkagua-highest mountain in South America And one of the legendary 7 vertices. This is the only peak in the world with a height of almost 7000 meters, which can be a solution for those who have never had a climbing experience earlier. Despite this fact, it is strongly recommended to go to Akonkagua with a knowledgeable mountain guide in order to avoid possible risks and increase the chances of successful climbing.

Country: Ecuador;
Mining system: Eastern Cordillera;
Height: 5 897 m / 19,347 feet;
Climbing per year: 4,500;
The average cost of TURV: 1 $ 000 US dollars;
Number of climbers: almost 5,000;

Ecuador has always been a kind of Mecca for seekers adventure and lovers of mountains from around the world. The country's landscape offers many amazing beautiful mountains and volcanoes, most of which can be climbed in one or two days. One of them is Mount Kotopakh - the second highest top of the Ecuador and the highest active volcano in the world. Castopaxi is considered not difficult in the technical sense, but there are some threats such as hidden crevices in ice glacier and cool snow slopes.
Although the climbing for the Kotopakh is prohibited due to seismic activity in the area, it is considered one of the most sought-after.

Country: USA;
System: Cascade Mountains;
Height: 4 392 m / 14,410 feet;
Climbing per year: about 7,500;
The average cost of the tour: 1,400 US dollars;
Number of climbers: about 13,000;

Rainier Mountain is one of the most popular among climbers in the United States. There are several reasons for this. First, Reinir is located in the neighboring area of \u200b\u200bSeattle with about 3.7 million people, which makes Rainier one of the most accessible places in its class. The second - Reinir serves as a landfill for American climbers, providing them with breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding mountains, alpine meadows and snow-covered vertices.

Country: France / Italy;
Mountain system: Grand Alps;
Height: 4 810 m / 15,781 feet;
Climbing per year: almost 10,000;
The average cost of the tour: 2,300 US dollars;
Number of climbers: about 30,000;

Mont Blanc is Samoa high mountain In the Alps and has a reputation for a merciless killer with 1,800 deaths in the account. Unlike legendary seats For ascent on Alaska, in Himalayas or Andes, local authorities do not require any permission to climb Mont Blanc. The death toll is growing every year, has passed serious discussions lately, whether the idea of \u200b\u200bunlimited access to Mont Blanc has passed. So what makes Mont Blanc so popular among climbers?
Firstly - the historical heritage of the international mountaineering community. Mont Blanc is considered the birthplace of modern mountaineering.
Secondly, an excellent infrastructure and accessibility of European cultural and historical attractions. It must be remembered before going up to Mont Blanc: mistakenly consider how simple track, in reality it is still real mountaineering.

Country: Tanzania;
Mountain System: East African Plateau;
Height: 5 895 m / 19,341 feet;
Climbing per year: about 35,000;
The average cost of the tour: 3,000 dollars;
Number of climbers: about 35,000;

Kilimanjaro-the highest peak in Africa and the highest way of standing mountain on Earth. It also enters the programs of 7 vertices and 7 volcanoes, which makes it one of the most popular. The top of Mount Kilimanjaro is quite achievable for tourists and travelers with an average degree of physical form. Nowhere else on Earth can not be climbed to the mountain of such a height without cats. In addition, lovers active rest They can combine climbing Kilimanjaro with famous safaris in national parks and visits to Zanzibar. These factors make Mount Kilimanjaro one of the most preferred options in the adventure market.

Country: Nepal;
Mining system: Himalayas;
Height: 5,643 m / 18,514 feet;
Climbing per year: about 40,000;
The average cost of the tour: $ 700 US dollars;
Number of climbers: about 40,000;

For many mountain enthusiasts, this may seem a surprise. Why Cala Pathhar? Mount Kilimanjaro or Mont Blanc seem to be much more deserve to be on top of the list. But statistics speaks for itself. Tens of thousands of climbers on the top of Cala Pathhar every year.
Most of her popularity comes from the fact that it is the final point on the way to the Basic Camp of Everest. For this reason, the climbing on Cala Pathhar has become one of the most desirable adventures for thousands of outdoor activities. It provides climbers the most accessible overview of the highest mountain on Earth.
Every year 40,000 people rose to her. Most of the ascent are carried out with the assistance of local mountain guides.

1. Annapurna (8091 meters, translated from Sanskrit "Goddess of fertility")

One of the 14 eighties of the planet (tenth in height) is located in the central part of Nepalese Himalayas. Despite the fact that Annapurna became the first eight-year-old, conquered by a person (1950), this mountain, is also the most dangerous for climbing. At 130 successful climbing accounts for 53 dead mountaineers. This number includes our famous compatriot Anatoly Breuryv. Survive in the terrible tragedy on Everest in 1996, he died a year later when climbing Annapurna. This mountain could become his 12 conquered eight-thousandth.

2. K2 (8611 meters, she is choir, dapsang or year Austin)

The second in height after Everest the peak of the world is located on the territory of the Pakistani part of Kashmir and refers to the mountain massif in the carocorum. The first climb was committed in 1954 by the Italian expedition under the leadership of Ardito Desio, the first to the top climbers were climbers Linault Lacheleli and Akil Kom. K2 Technically, one of the most complex mountains of the world, 249 people climbed to the top, 60 died when climbing.


3. Nang Parbat (8126 meters, Sanskrit "Naked Mountain", also DIAMIR "King Mountains")

Nanga Parbat is the ninth mountain in the world in Northwestern Himalayas in the territory of the Pakistani part of the state of Kashmir, closes the top three most dangerous for the ascents of the mountains. The first successful climb was made in 1953 by Herman Bul, a member of the German-Austrian expedition. Nanga Parbat in terms of technical complexity is quite comparable with K2, its southeastern side (Rupalskaya Wall) is the highest sheer wall in the world (4.5 kilometers) and is named among the climbers "Eater of People". In the entire history of climbing on the mountain, 64 mountaineers died.

4. Kanchenzhanga (8586 meters, third in the height of the world of the world)

Her name means "five treasures of great snows." This very east of eight-thousandths is located on the border of Nepal and Indian state of Sikkim. In the local legend of Kanchenzhanga - the embodiment of the female deity and tries to kill any woman trying to climb to the top. And indeed, only one woman until 1998 managed to successfully climb to the top, it was a climbing from Britain Jenet Harison, who, however, died four years later during the ascent on Dhaulagiri. Recently, despite the general trend of reducing the risk of climb, in the case of Kanchenjanga, this rule does not work, and, if you take statistics recent years, it is Kanchenzhanga to date is the most dangerous mountain in the world. According to the statistics of climbing on Kanchenjang, 22 percent of climbers die.

5. Eiger (Iger) 3970 meters

Located in the Berne Alps, the vertex Eiger is not too high by Himalayan standards, however, it ranks fifth in the sad statistics of ascents. Its northern wall with a height of 1650 meters has gained the name "wall-killer". The first successful climbing on the northern wall, took place in 1966 and took a whole month!

6. Matterhorn (4478 meters)

Mountain in the Alps on the border of Switzerland and Italy, one of the most beautiful and impressive vertices of the world, occupies a sixth place in the sad statistics of climbing. This is caused by a number of different factors, including frequent avalanches and stonepads, as well as the exceptional popularity of the route in the peak season.


7. Mount Vinson (4892 meters)

The mountain is located in Antarctica, and its extreme degree of isolation from any civilization can make any error when climbing fatal.

8. Byte Brak (OGR (cannibal, eng.) 7285 meters)

Located in the north of the Biafo Glacier in Karokorum, the mountain fully justifies its name and is one of the most technically difficult for the ascent of the mountains of the world. The first ascent took place in 1977, the next time people rose to her top only in 2001, that is, 24 years later!

9. Everest (Jomolungma, 8848 meters)

The highest peak of the world is on the border of Nepal and Tibet. The first successful climb was made in 1953 by Shero Tenzing Northeye and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. Since the first ascent, about 1,500 people rose to the top and about 200 did not return. Recently, Everest is becoming more secure and the staining stampets improve, and this is despite the serious technical complexity of the mountain due to its unprecedented height. This is explained by the excellent infrastructure and the best guides of sherpami, which come to the top sometimes several times per season, throwing the necessary gear.

Everest from Tibet (Rongbuc Valley)

Peak Lenin - 7134 m

The first fixed climb - 1928

This mountain was one of the highest in the USSR, and for five such vertices, Soviet climbers received the title "Snow Bars". Now, when the mining and tourist industry has reached such a degree of development that a more or less prepared "kettle" can be drained with oxygen at least on Everest, Lenin's peak is customary to call the most affordable seven thousand.

It is available, firstly, because from Osh can be reached by car almost to the foot of the mountain, and from there to basic camp - Raise the equipment on the pack horses. Secondly, the classic route through the vertex separate does not require serious technical work: by and large enough to be able to walk and listen to the guide. But low temperatures, fired air, the need to wait for the weather in serious heights for many, the cause of failure - the statistics says that the "most affordable" seven-maiden letters only every tenth.

The key to success here is in excellent physical form, good weather and competent acclimatization. If the first depends on the waters itself, and the second does not depend on anyone, then the third is entirely in the hands of a good high-altitude guide. Therefore, in July, dozens of climbers rushed in July in the Alai Valley, who go from the camp to the camp, performing training exits, assault attempts and waiting for the weather. Here you can find those for whom this is the first seven-year-old, and those who are "pausing" here before the terrible peak of victory. In the camps and on the route it is not boring - a tan of snow will give your physiognomy purple shade, and the majestic landscapes of the Pamir are good from any heights.

Where:Pamir (Kyrgyzstan)

Nearest airport: OSS (OSS)

Start point: Basic Camp Achik-Tash (3500 m)

Season: July to August

Duration /cost of climb: from 21 days / from € 200

Who organizes:Three-week routes from June 20 to September 15 organizes St. Petersburg "Lenalpours". Own basic camp is and of this company. They can also order a transfer or only housing with food. Programs with transfers from Bishkek and Osh do, and applications for climbing in 2010 are accepted. Two camps, 20 guides and various saturation programs have Central Asia Travelgrew up from the Tashkent section mountain tourism More than the time of the USSR: they have offices in Osh, Tashkent and Moscow. Difficulties with visas and passes in the bordernes in citizens of the Russian Federation does not arise: but they should draw up documents at least for 3 weeks in order not to waste time on the spot. It is best to plan ascent for at least a few months: in this case, you can get a guide recommendation on preparation.

Peak Measure - 6476 m

The first fixed climb - 1953

Lukla Airport is called the most dangerous in the world - landing strip runs up to the mountain between the houses, and above it in the ruptures of the clouds virtuoso aircrafts With Yeti or Buddha Airlines. The classic route with the Pass of Mera La, although it is ice, does not require climbing preparation, and the necessary skills are still produced on acclimatization outputs. It is the acclimatization that becomes a decisive factor: do not believe the agent that will say that on the top of the base camp (5300 m) you can "run" in one day - the chances will be at best 50/50. To ensure success, you need to screw in the camp at the height of 5800 and from there to be moved to the assault. In this case, the vertices reach 9 out of 10 people who get luxurious view On 5 of the 6th highest mountains of the planet: Everest, Kanchenjangu, Lhotze, Makalu and Cho-Oyu. From here it is seen the beautiful Pyramid of Ama Dublam, impregnable rods and chamlangs and other, not less famous peaks of Himalayas. Although a successful ascent on the peak of the measure is hardly possible to hit the experienced climbers, but it is precisely on this top to make a magnificent photo against the background of the harsh wall of Everest.

Where:Himalayas (Nepal)

Nearest airport: Lukla (LUA)

Start point: G. Lukla

Season: From April to May, from October to November

Duration /cost of climb: from 20 days / from $ 1,300 per person in a group of 6 people

Who organizes:It is better to cope with the Nepalese bureaucracy to independently even try: you will be required to be permission to climb, permission to enter into national Parkand And so on. Get it under the power only to the Nepalese themselves, so it's better to trust them. Organize tracking while in Kathmandu, you can ROYAL MOUNTAIN TRAVEL; The group for May 2010 from Russia is now collected in Alpindustria.. Very respected www.southasiatreks.comWith the giant state of guides and porters, sends many groups to the region and can always attach several travelers to the already emerging team.

Kilimanjaro - 5895 m

The first fixed climb - 1889

In fact, Kilimanjaro has several vertices: the lowest - 4005 m is the extinct Volcano Shira, opposite it - the vertex is 5183 m, where serious climbers climb. And the highest - Sleeping volcano Cybo with a crater is almost 3 km in diameter and peak of Wuora, to which everyone rises.

Up are 6 routes. The most popular, the easiest and most comfortable one - with overnight stays in the huts, is the path of Marange. The second most popular is more complicated, more picturesque, with beautiful rocks is the path of Macham. Rongai is the only route from the north, starting from the Kenyan border: the most unpopular in people, so even elephants can be found on the trail. Lemosho and Shira - two variations (second more complicated) one way through the Shira plateau: the start point is thrown on jeeps, and you can get two roads to the finish line depending on the weather and feeling of the group. The Umbva route is the shortest and difficult: in the middle means storming the rock wall Barranco, because of a sharp set of height, it is here most often to fail. The MVEK trail is designed only for descent. From the height of 4800 m, lifeless lava fields begin and completely lunar landscapes, behind them - the zone of eternal snow, with Hemingue. By the way, Africa's snowy macushkin makes every year faster, so look at her and touch African snow with your own hands every year comes more and more.

Everything is found on top, the signs: "Congratulations, you are here - Peak Ugra, 5895 m." Every day, in the season, the mountain storms of a hundred trackers, but about a third come back with anything: despite the lack of technical difficulties, the height and sharp difference of temperatures make their job. On the routes a lively movement, it is impossible to get lost, but independent ascent to Kilimanjaro is prohibited: tourists are allowed to national Park Only accompanied by a local guide.

Where:East African Plateau (Tanzania)

Nearest airport: Kilimanjaro (JRO)

Start point: Mosha, Arusha, Loyatokitok

Season: From December to March, from July to October

Duration /cost of climb: from 6 days / from $ 700 in a group of 5-6 people

Who organizes:You can hire a guide and porters. You can literally at the gate of the park - in principle, they can attribute to the top and tourist himself, or to drag his equipment, or to bear the dry-looking: it depends only on the desires of the waters. The guide is responsible for the speed of movement, the choice of the route and the success of the climb: the surest way to find the right guide is to imagine the group outgoing from the park with soil, but pleased, to ask if their guide was good, and immediately hire him. You can order a guide in any major agency in advance - then the price will be doubled, but transfer from the airport, and food, and overnight in hotels, and the entrance to the National Park. Very thoughtful and humane programs, and the climb of the Macham's trail is proposed. An impressive percentage of successful ascents of this company, And slow and gentle markers are organized.

Elbrus - Western Top 5642 m, Eastern - 5621 m

1829 (Eastern Top), 1874 (Western Top)

Elbrus has long been challenged by Mont Blanca the right to be called the highest point of Europe. Of course argue, of course, not about the heights that are obvious, but about whether the Caucasus is indeed in Europe. Be that as it may, it is one of the most popular routes for mountain tourists around the world. Summer B. good weather Tops, as in a wide range, dozens of people go and in the trail is heard in all languages \u200b\u200bright up to Japanese, and somewhere in Amsterdam you can find a vigorous old-cyclist in a commemorative T-shirt with an ELBRUS 5642 inscription.

The classic route is indeed technically not complicated - to a height of 3700 m and south can be climbed onto the rope, to spend the night in the shelter "barrels", and the next night is going to the randa (Mountain tracked tractor) to a height of 4100 m and from there the remaining one and a half kilometers overcome Cats and with ice ax, meeting one of the most beautiful dawns in his life. Decision on the rise on one vertex extluous volcano It is accepted on the saddle - it depends on the weather, the well-being of the participants and the state of the slope. With good weather and the general luck, the climb takes about 13 hours and in the evening the group is already taking congratulations for dinner in terkol. Conductors say that any persistent and physically healthy person can climb to Elbrus. On the vertex they drove on a motorcycle and even by car. The main thing is to be lucky with the weather.

Where:Caucasus (Russia)

Nearest airport: Nalchik (NAL), Mineral water (MRV)

Start point: P. Terkol

Season: from June to August

Duration /cost of climb: from 6 days / from 10 000 rubles

Who organizes: All routes, including climbing from the east on eastern vertex (requires initial climbing skills) prepare. You can also refer to the most experienced Gidu Kirill Anisimov and the famous head of the igninous service Igor Komarov from Both companies are based in terkol.

Ararat - 5165 m

The first fixed climb - 1829

Bureaucratic wires are the only difficulty that expects tourists. In the hotel "Ishafan"where they usually settle down, the mess always reigns: someone necessarily forgot to send permission or even wrapped the whole group. Usually, all problems are solved in favor of visitors, and the Mountain itself in the warm season no technical skills requires: True, the Kurds running here guides are afraid, but the railing is inspired regularly and they sing the woven songs. The climbing plan is usually: two acclimatization outputs in two days are one of them to the Small Ararat (3925 m) - and the assault third day. And a short trip to the top of the top, where the eternal snow lie, it is worth viewing as an adventure, and not as hard work. Upstairs even work cell phones - So you can call friends and take congratulations. However, due to the strong wind, at the top, you do not like long - you need to quickly explore the underlying Armenia, Turkey and Iran, walking in the valley of the tornado and the giant shadow of Ararat, covering the Earth. The question is whether the noev arrived here, it remains open.

Where:Armenian Highlands (Turkey)

Nearest airport: Van (Van)

Start point: City Dogubayzit (Bayazet)

Season: from June to September

Duration /cost of climb: 4 days / from € 450 per person in a group of 6 people

Who organizes:For those who do not want to organize anything, there are "Alpindustria". Weekend trips can be ordered from local travel agenciesAnd you can find contacts of tens of Turkish agencies that organize tours. It is important to remember that the registration of the permission to climb is takes at least two months. And one more difficulty - it happened that they refused the whole group, the list of which was the Armenian surnames. As a rule, it is possible to solve this problem for more money, but will need an extra time.

Mont Blanc - 4808 m

The first fixed climb - 1786

On August 8, 1786, it is possible to consider the birthday of mountaineering as a type of pastime, and Mont Blanc is the birthplace of this fun for the "strong spirit, weak mind." Now, passing by the classic path from Saint-Jelva, it is already not to understand what kind of work it cost this route to pioneers - these days in good weather, the movement here is the same dense, like on the Champs Elysees.

The legend of Soviet mountaineering - Mikhail Hergiani - so recalled the ascent on Mont Blanc: "People go there - I have never seen so much! We are hands in pockets, ice axes under the mouse and running. Ran in five hours to the top. "By the way, the overall set of height in 5-6 hours is very impressive - more than a kilometer, therefore, a "walk" is simple from a technical point of view, it requires competent acclimatization, endurance and certain stubbornness. Even keep in mind that European guides are not taken to subject customers to any inconveniences: for example, if a strong wind blows on a preterm ridge, but the ascent is still possible, the guide can offer to return and wait for a softer weather. Therefore, it is better to discuss in advance with him, which is more important for you - comfort or successful ascent. Of course, such agreements do not apply to potentially hazardous episodes. Another path is no less popular - on the lift from Chamonix, with overnight in the hut Cosmik and access to the assault per hour or two departments. The string of naked lanterns in the dark moves through the tops of Mont Blanc de Takachu and Mont-Mont-Montoblan: Dawn with a panorama of rosy in the morning sun Alps becomes a reward to those who are willing to overcome several sets and discharges of the height of a contract. The most funny thing is that on top, where the champagne is being photographed and drink, the alpine daws in the air flows calmly - and the chocolate has themselves.

Where:Alps (France)

Nearest airport: Geneva (GVA)

Season: from May to September

Duration /cost of climb: from 6 days / from € 800 in a group of 4-5 people

Who organizes:All places in all huts for the whole season, as a rule, booked guides. Therefore, if you do not want to sleep in the tents, then it is best to turn to guides in advance in Chamonium or in Saint-Gerva.

Beluha - 4506 m

The first fixed climb - 1914

The climbing on Belukha still needs to be earned - approaches to it take almost half of all the time released on the rise. The trail first goes along the boiling mountain river and in the forefront of the foothills, and all the difficulties begin at the moment when snow appears. Beluha received its name because of the permanent snow cover - even in the summer, despite not too impressive height, the top sparkles her under the sun, like a sugar head.

Before entering the Ice Route, the participants of the ascent are taking place. Put the path and hang railing, of course, instructors - tourists remain only to follow their instructions and pray for good weather (after lunch, as a rule, it rains).

The most impressive site on the classic route - Delone Pass: 300 meters of ice at an angle of 45-55 degrees. It is tested by bundles and cats, pictures from here are completely heroic. The chances of getting into the storm on Belukha are pretty great - the weather in the mountains is always unpredictable and can make dangerous even the simplest path. Therefore, on Belukha, it is customary to argue that this sacred for Altaians the mountain of someone is easy, and someone blocks the road with snowfall and winds.

Because of this mystical halo, Beluha attracts not only climbers, but also fans of Roerich, who began its transgimalayan expedition from here, as well as the seekers of Shambhala and other enthusiastic people. Therefore, when planning your trip to Altai, it is worth clarifying whether it is not announced for the near future, for example, the end of the world - due to the crowd of pilgrims around the Beluhi will reign chaos.

Where:Altai (Russia)

Nearest airport: Barnaul (Bax)

Start point: pos. Tungur, p. Jaster

Season: from June to September

Duration /cost of climb: from 12 days / 21 000 rubles per person in a group of 6 people

Who organizes:The Base "Highland", from where the hiking and horse routes begin to Belukha, owns the St. Petersburg company Lenalpours. They water by classic route And give the icon "For climbing Belukha". A less popular and more complex route - through the menu icefall offer. And offered long routepassing through the beautiful Kucheral Lakes. You can not only go to climb, but also to go through the course of training in the basic techniques of mountaineering.

Fujiima - 3776 m

The most popular route is serpentine across the mountain from the North from the town of Kawaguchiko, from where the bus walks at an altitude of 2300 m. Further to the 10th station leads a well-maintained trail with railings, steps, machine guns with coca-cola, guest houses, shops and other attributes of the most popular tourists. In principle, thanks to the high-speed train from the capital and bus from Kawaguchiko, all the journey to the vertex Fuji from Tokyo and back can be made in one day. But if you decide to meet the sunrise on the main mountain of the country ascending sunthen you can talk on the 7th or 8th station, and in the morning before the dawn to go to the top.

If you do not want to climb Fuji-san in the crowd, it's worth going to the top immediately after the official season is closed. In fact, this means only the closure of stores on the way and post office on top. In winter, climbing is also possible - but already in cats, with ice guards and guide. And if you climb Fuji at the end of spring and do not be resting to take a snowboard or skis with you, then you can go down to Kawaguchiko with a breeze in just half an hour.


Nearest airport: Tokyo (NRT)

Start point: Kawaguchiko

Season: July to August

Duration /cost of climb: from 10 hours / from ¥ 2000

Who organizes: Camping on Fuji is not difficult to organize yourself using information on the website of the National Tourist Organization of Japan. Temperature on top and exact time Sunrise from June to October can be found. Coach and bus timetable from Kawaguchiko to 5th Station -.

Etna - 3340 m

The first fixed climb -I century BC e.

The highest and most active volcano in Europe is also the oldest of famous humanity - 500 years before our era on the edge of his crater, Empedocl lived, which was going to build a tower here to observe volcanic activity. The remains of some ancient Greek construction on the slope of Etna are really discovered, and the shelter, from which the hiking path begins to the top, is called the "Philosopher Tower". To the "tower" tourists brings an SUV. He takes people from the upper station of the register, which leads from the Sapenets shelter (not far from the town of Nikolosi, which can be reached by bus). Thus, if the height above the sea level, the deduction is all that is overcome in various transport, it will turn out that only 360 meters remain walking to the top or so. Upstairs cool, a cloud can fall (it's easier to get lost easy), and the evaporation of the current volcano makes their own business: you won't call this campaign. It is better to go to the volcano with a guide: it knows exactly where the most beautiful species opens where the slope has not yet cooled after the recent eruption, which cave can be climbed into and why the smoke is not from the central crater, but from the neighboring.

Where:about. Sicily (Italy)

Nearest airport: Catania (CTA)

Start point: Catania

Season: From April to November

Duration /cost of climb: from 5 hours / from € 50

Who organizes: On Etna you need to go with the Italian guide or pre-execute permission in Climbing club Italy or in it Department in Catania. The guide to a small company can be hired. Several routes - up to 12-hour hide hike on the volcano - there is of this company.

Olympus - 2917 m

The first fixed climb - 1913

The abode of the gods includes many mountains of different heights - here 46 peaks are above 2000 m and 47 peaks above 1000 m. The highest - MICAS (2917 m), scolio (2911) and Stephanie (2909 m). The classic route leads through the peak of the rock (2866 m), from where you can go to Scolio or Mikassa - everything, of course, go to higher point Array: You can make sure that you can see the magazine hidden in a stainless steel container on top. In good weather, it seems thessaloniki, chalkidiki and even the islands from the Turkish coast. Upstairs cool, therefore, even if it was +35 at sea, you need to take a warm jacket with you and a raincoat: the weather is changing rapidly, and the precipitation falls more than in all Greece (the neighboring top of Stephanie is still considered to be the throne of Zeus-rivets). In addition, they will need good trekking boots or sneakers, tightly holding ankle: you can climb at least in beach slippers, but the advantages of proper shoes show themselves on the descent.

Explorer you will not need - the routes are well marked: even where the trail is actually ends and the climbing starts, stones are marked where to attack and hold. By the way, the E4 markers that you will see on the way is not the Olympic trail, but trans-European Track longer than 10,000 km invented Association of European vagrants. So, descending from Olympus, the journey is quite possible to continue.


Nearest airport: Thessaloniki (SKG)

Start point: Litohoro

Season: from May to October

Duration /cost of climb: 2 days / free

Who organizes:If you wish, you can enlist support alpclub in Litohoro. Shelters - they are only nine - they work in the season on weekends, and in the peak of the season (from July to August) every day. Shelter A (tel. +30 23 52 08 18 00) stands right on the road, a kilometer above the track. Shelter with climbing climbing with his master (tel. +30 69 37 36 16 89). Above all - 2,700 m - is located shelter named after the pioneer of the Greek mountaineering Johozos Apostolidis. All shelters can be hidden from bad weather, eat and spend the night.

Sinai - 2285 m

The first fixed climb - the XIII century BC. e.

One of the most visited mountains in the world: hundreds of tourists and pilgrims are climbing every day. The latter choose a cool path, representing a stone staircase with steps of different widths and heights - they say they are about 4,000, it is not necessary to count anyone. Since the ascent begins at night (to catch at the top of the dawn), tourists usually choose a common path. There are tents for recreation, where they sell hot drinks, sweets and rented blankets. And at an altitude of 2000 m, this road connects with a pilgrimage staircase. By the way, it is better to go down the staircase - in the light of the day it is not difficult to go on it. Previously, there were ten "gates in the sky", everyone should have been confessing sins on one of the commandments. Now there are only two gates. The trail will also be afraid of the Church of the Prophet Elijah and the chapel of the Virgin - to get inside only with the accompanying monastery of St. Catherine, who is perfectly visible from the trail. This is the oldest Christian monastery - 527 buildings. It's good to go to it after climbing, and if you find enough forces in yourself, you can also go up to the mountain of St. Catherine - it is located next door.

Where:Sinai Mountains, Egypt

Nearest airport: Sharm el-Sheikh (SSH)

Start point: Monastery of St. Catherine

Season: From September to November, from March to May

Duration /cost of climb: 4 hours / from $ 30

Who organizes:Lifting to Sinai without a local guide is prohibited. It makes sense to join the already formed group, accompanied by Bedouin Conductors, or order an excursion in its hotel or the nearest travel agency in Dahab or Sharm El Sheikh. Remember: organized tour Relive from the need to bargain with the driver and guides. It is necessary to take a passport and warm clothes.

Vesuviy - 1281 m

The first fixed climb is unknown

Only active volcano In mainland Europe is known from 79 years. e. When the monstrous force, the eruption of buried under the layer of Lava and the ashes of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Staby, and at the same time destroyed the explosion the main cone of the volcano. Now the mountain crowned crest, and a new crater is already smoking inside it. Buses and taxis go to the top from the Station "Herkulanum". On foot it remains to go through only a few tens of meters - this is not ascent at all, and the walk is good, only a very dusty road with the railings. From above, a beautiful view of the Neapolitan Bay opens, and under the feet there are pieces of pembassal, which everyone strives to grab as a souvenir. The last eruption, by the way, happened only half a century ago, the volcano is active, and it is often closed for visitors: not even an eruption, and poisonous evaporations can be unsafe.


Nearest airport: Naples (NAP)

Start point: Naples

Season: Round year

Duration /cost of climb: from 1 hour / € 6.5

Who organizes:You can climb on Vesuviy yourself. Information about public transport, the cost of entry into the national park and other can be obtained.

See also: