White mountain in the Crimea. Ak-kaya White Rock

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Municipal state institution

"Department of Education of the Municipal District of Yanaul district of the Republic of Bashkotostan"

Municipal budgetary educational institution Lyceum G. Yanul Municipal district Yanaul district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


Bashkir folklore in mathematics lessons

Nomination Mathematics

Leader: Kilina Elena Grigorievna,

sovietovskaya d.25 sq.62,


Introduction 3

Chapter 1 Theoretical Part

Folklore of the Bashkir people 4

Chapter 2 Practical Part

2.1 Local Lore Folklore Tasks 6

2.2 Results 8.

Conclusion 9.

Literature 10.


When I first crossed the school threshold, I was very exciting, how will I learn whether I can overcome the fear of complex tasks and questions. But our first teacher did everything in order for our class all the difficulties overcome with ease. And great merit is that many tasks she tied up with fairy tales, sayings, counters, proverbs. Now I study in the fifth grade and it became very interesting to study the effect of folklore on the development of mathematics, because on average, studying new mathematical terms and, we often associate them with folklore.

We live in the era of computers and endless flow of various data. All these achievements are based on mathematics. What science we did not look - everywhere we find mathematics. "Mathematics is a language that all accurate sciences say," wrote the great Russian mathematician N.I. Lobachevsky.

The relevance of my work is that mathematics and the world around us are very interrelated. And the beauty of the mathematical language can be shown, not only solving, complex mathematical tasks, but also the tasks associated with the folk folklore. With the help of folklore, you can see the beauty of mathematical patterns that describe many processes and phenomena of surrounding reality.

The purpose of my work is to study the topics and genre features of mathematical folklore based on Bashkir fairy tales, readings, proverbs.

Subject: Folklore products and genres that allow you to look for the most interesting forms of work.

To implement this purpose, you must perform the following tasks:

    get acquainted with the origins of the folklore.

    examine the features of the folk form with mathematical content.

    prepare a collection with tasks associated with the Bashkir folklore.

    conduct survey among students in grades.

Based on the purpose of the object and the subject of the study formulated hypothesiswhich lies in the fact that during the study the process of forming the development of the seven, imagination, creative thinking of students will be more efficient and will allow, along with mathematics, study the history and culture of their edge.

At the first stage of work, we met with the origins of the origin of the Bashkir folklore, studied the features of the folk form with mathematical content. At the second stage, a collection of tasks associated with the culture, history of Bashkortostan .

As a result of the work carried out, we were convinced of the correctness of our hypothesis. The result of the work is the collection of entertaining, logical examples and tasks associated with the culture and history of our region, which is the author of which I am and my classmates, students of the mathematical class.

Chapter 1

Folklore of the Bashkir people.

The term "folklore" (translated "People's Wisdom") first introduced an English scientist W. J. Toms in 1846. At first, this term covered all the spiritual (beliefs, dances, music, wood carving, etc.), and sometimes material ( housing, clothing) culture of the people. In modern science there is no unity in the interpretation of the concept of "folklore". Sometimes it is used in the initial meaning: an integral part of the people's life, closely intertwined with its other elements. From the beginning of the 20th century The term is used in a narrower, more specific meaning: verbal folk creativity.

Bashkir folklore is the oral folk creativity of the Bashkir people represented by labor, ritual and household songs, fairy tales, legends. Bashkir folklore was created and passed to heredge generations over the centuries. His creators and carriers were folk singers and musicians, dancers,, Yyrau

Themes of Bashkir Folklore were the views of the ancient Bashkir on nature, moral ideals, their life and aspirations. Folklore was a source of their knowledge.

The features of the folklore include the perception of its transfer, improvisation and the team of execution, multivariate.

The genres of Bashkir folklore are a fairy tale, epos, kuliamas, fables, lacquer, non-fatal, kulyamas-riddle, binding fairy tale, satire, parable, saying, proverb, riddle, Nasihat, etc.

On the inclusion in the socio-household activity of people, the Bashkir folklore is divided into ritual, children, song, dance, local history, etc.

Bashkir is rich in a song folklore. Dance, comic, gaming songs accompanied festivities and entertainment. Distribution received a chastushka, Baita. Small genres of folklore are common, which belong to the children's folklore such as shafts, sentences, riddles, proverbs, sayings, signs, fairy tales.

Regional science is a complete study of a certain part of the country, a city or village, other settlements. This study, as a rule, scientists are engaged in scientists who were limited to this edge (architects, architects, biologists, military, geographers, historians, environmentalists, ethnographers), as well as enthusiasts from the local population. Scientific regional studies in Bashkortostan originated, as well as in Russia as a whole, only in the 30s of the XVIII century. Therefore, in antiquity, many interesting Facts The Bashkira was transferred from mouth to mouth, in the form of fairy tales, legends, myths.

The folklore dance is a genre, expressively preserving ethnic symbolism, informativeness and national recognition.

Dance is a type of art in which the artistic image is created by rhythmic plastic movements and the change of expressive positions of the human body.Create a beautiful dance is impossible without graphs of mathematical functions. Beautiful dance is a beautiful schedule that can be recorded with a mathematical formula. Movements are changes in the plane in which the size and form of objects are saved. Examples of movements - symmetry, parallel transfer and rotation. Such geometric movements take place in many Bashkir dance productions.

The dance symmetry is: use in the figure of dance figures having a center or axis of symmetry, balanced location of the dancer body, the location of dancers in space, simultaneously execution by dancers of the same movement.

Symmetry allows you to make a drawing of a dance beautiful and synchronous, helps to create a harmonious design of space. Dance can be considered as creating drawings in space, including consisting of geometric shapes. Dance drawing is the location and movement of dancing on the stage area. Dance drawing depends on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe number, its ideas, musical material, rhythm, tempo, national dance affiliation.

In modern choreographic folklore of the Bashkir people, dance forms relating to deep antiquity (photo1, Appendix 3) are preserved. Some of them are a circle in movements and circular dance (TңәңәRK). Circle - characteristic of antiquity Action that has magic of healing, protection, meaning of the method of managing natural elements. In the magical rites, the Bashkir laid the wicked meaning of the circle (overnight in the field is discharged around, the first thunder meet, conducting circular bypass of the house, Glev, etc.). There are ideas for preserving, acquisition, multiplying forces and resilience: Brestz Kuresh (BID of the struggle), pronouncement of prosperity, in three layers of the mill, bypassing it; The same action committing a warrior to battle or a bride from the house of the Father.

It has been proven that dancing has a beneficial effect on human mental abilities. During the dance, you must constantly think, think about each form of movement, order, rhythm. Combining dance elements, we build logical chains. The spatial imagination is developing. Dancing- good way Training Intellect!

Mathematics and the world around us are very interrelated. And the beauty of the mathematical language can be shown, not only solving, complex mathematical tasks, but also the tasks associated with the folk folklore. With the help of folklore, you can see the beauty of mathematical patterns that describe many processes and phenomena of surrounding reality.

Greater possibilities Possesses folk material and for the development of mathematical abilities. The tasks offered in folklore forms often require a non-standard solution. It makes children compare, analyze, arguing. Thus, seducker develops, imagination, creative thinking.

Chapter 2. Practical Part

2.1 Objective Folklore Tasks

The tasks of the local lore folklore are of great importance. Mathematics training should not be a boring occupation. You can interest, solving the tasks that reflect the facts and curious information about your Territory.

Task1. In Bashkiria, about 3840 rivers and lakes. Rivers make up from this quantity. How many rivers and lakes on the territory of Bashkortostan?

Answer: 1120 rivers.

Task2. The highest point of the Republic of Bashkortostan Mount Yamantau. Its height is 1638m. And the lowest point is in the mouth of the river Belaya and in

26 the Jamantau Mountains times below. What height above sea level is the lowest point.

Reply 62 meters above sea level.

Task3. Write down the numbers in the text:

The Square of the Republic of Bashkortostan is one hundred forty-three thousand six hundred square meters. km. In the north, it borders with the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions, in the East - with Chelyabinsk, in the Southeast, South and South-West - with the Orenburg Region, in the West - with the Republic of Tatarstan, in the North-West - with the Udmurt Republic. The population of the republic is four million one hundred and four thousand three hundred thirty-six people. In Bashkortostan, eighteen cities.

The territory of Bashkortostan is within the limits of the four geographical zones of a moderate belt: mixed forests, deciduous forests, a forest-steppe and steppe zone. The forests covered more than one third of the territory of the republic. Seventy-three percent of the steppe and thirty one percent of the forest-steppe zone takes the black soil. There are more than thirteen thousand rivers in the republic and two integer seven tenths of thousands of lakes, ponds and reservoirs.

Task4. . Square of the Republic of Bashkortostan is 143600 . The total area of \u200b\u200bthe capital of Bashkortostan G. Ufa about 707 . Determine how many times the area of \u200b\u200bUfa less area Bashkortostan.

Answer: 203 times

Task5. The monument to Salavat Yulaevo is the largest equestrian statue in Russia 5.6 m above the monument to Alexander Matrosov, a 19-year-old soldier who departed a German machine gun. Find the height of the monument to Salavat Yulaev and the height of the monument to Alexander Matrosov, if their total height is equal to 14 m.

Answer: 9.8 m and 4.2m

Task6. . Cuther Cave Length, Largest Gypsum Cave Southern Urals, is about The length of the cap of the cave, famous for the ancient wall pictures of mammoths, rhinos, wild horses. Find the length of the Cuede cave, if the length of the cave is about 3047 m.

Answer: 554 m

Task7.The length of the territory of Bashkortostan from west to east is 80 km less than from north to south. Find the length of the Republic from West to the East, if from north to south is 550 km. Answer record in meters.

Answer: 470000 m

Task8.. From Ufa to Yanul, a cargo machine was left at the same time, at a speed of 73 km / h and a passenger car at a speed of 109.5 km / h. How many kilometers a truck will go back from the car 1 hour after the start of movement? What time is the car in Yanaul, if the distance between cities is about 219 km?

Answer: 36.5 km, cargo car after 3h, easy to 2 h.

Task9.. Bashkir honey in his healing and taste, as well as the unique composition of trace elements has no analogues in the world. So linden honey contains 36.05% glucose and 39.25% fructose. How many grams of glucose and fructose are contained in a 3 liter jar of honey, if 1 liter of honey weighs 1 kg of 440 grams.

Answer: 1557.36 g glucose, 16 95,6g fructose

Task 10. On the national holiday "Sabantuy" at horse races one of the horses ran two circles. One circle is 1600 meters. The second horse ran half a circle. How many meters the first horse ran more than the second?

Answer: 800 meters.

Task 11.. Kurai. - National Bashkir, similar to. TO uray It is made from the stem of an umbrella plant Refrodnik Ural, has 4 game holes on the front side and one on the rear. Kurai. They are made by girth of the stem with hands alternately, measuring from 8 to 10 times the width of the palm, then trimmed. The holes are cut from the bottom: the first - at a distance of 4 fingers, the following three - at a distance of 2 fingers, the last, 5th - on the reverse side, at a distance of 3 fingers from the 4th opening. At what distance will be the 5th hole, if the palm width is in four fingers 8 cm, and all the fingers are the same width.

Answer: 26 cm

2.2 Results

In the course research work We have compiled a collection of tasks that we suggested to solve in the 5th grades in order to find out how much the tasks proposed in this form will become interested in my peers. The survey was conducted among 108 students (photo2, photo3 Appendix 3).

The results we presented in the form of a diagram (Rice1, Appendix 3), where it is clearly seen that the students liked to solve the tasks, they showed interest, and even if there was no right decision, attracted the content of the tasks.

To the question than liked the tasks from the collection, the most common was the answer: they learned interesting facts about our Bashkortostan.

My classmates, learning mathematical class, like to solve various tasks. But I think that the use of tasks related to history, the culture of its edge, will not only increase the skills of solving text tasks, but also help to expand the horizons of students, to instill interest in mathematics and love for their land. The ability to solve tasks will help achieve good results in various intellectual competitions.


Sometime was declared a big award to those who write a book on the topic "How did a person live without mathematics?"

Prize to get anyone failed. There was no such person who would have managed to write such a book. People from time immemorial use mathematical knowledge, we sometimes do not pay a report how important they play in our lives.

Mathematics has a unique developing effect. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; Forms perseverance, patience, creative personality potential.

Organized work on the development of mathematical abilities, including various genres of folklore, will contribute to an increase in the level of development of mathematical abilities.

At the first stage of work, we met with the origins of the origin of the Bashkir folklore, studied the features of the folk form with mathematical content. At the second stage, a collection of tasks associated with the culture, history of Bashkortostan.

These tasks we suggested the learning 5 classes (5a, 5b, 5V, 5G) to solve, then the survey was carried out.

The results of the survey showed that many students were interested in solving problems associated with history, culture, geography of their land. Such tasks are solved with great interest and curiosity. Many facts became known to which they did not pay due attention to the ICB lessons and the history of Bashkortostan.

As a result of the work carried out, we were convinced of the correctness of our hypothesis. The result of the work is the collection of entertaining, logical examples and tasks associated with the culture and history of our region, the author of which are me and my classmates, students of the mathematical class.

Thus, our study confirms the possibility and need to use such tasks, legends and myths as a means of developing mental operations and spiritual culture in middle-aged children.


    Bashkir Children's Folklore /Alt. A.M. Suleimanova, I.G. Galyutdinov.

    The origin of the Bashkir people / Avt. Kuzeev R.G.

    School Mathematical Olympics 5-11 CL / Avt. Farik A.V.


    Videouroki .NET.

    Sokrnarmira .ru

Attachment 1


    What class do you learn in? (Liter class)

    Do you like mathematics?

    Will you be interested in solving textual tasks proposed in a textbook or teacher?

    Did you like the tasks proposed in the collection (if so, then)

    Would you like such tasks more, why?


collection of tasks

Appendix 3.

White Scala, Ak-Kaya - the pearl of the mountain Crimea, located in the heart of the peninsula near Simferopol and Belogorsk, it is majestically towers on the background of the emerald valleys and the blue sky.

Why is it worth visiting a white rock (AK-Kaya) in the Crimea:

✦ This is extremely picturesque and unusual in its beauty
✦ This is ancient natural monument Republican importance
✦ Parking of primitive people
✦ Historically important events took place here
✦ Found here ancient temple Sarmatov and Gold Tomb Scythians
✦ This place is washed with legends: labyrinths, dragons, treasures and treasures
✦ Here they filmed the famous films: "Man with Capuchin Boulevard", "Rider without a head", "Leader of redheads" and others

Get a guide to the White Rock route (AK-Kaya), which includes:

✦ White Rock Description
Detailed route How to get there by car from Simferopol and Kerch to Belogorsk
✦ Car maps and terrain plan
✦ A selection of cultural and historical facts about the place
✦ Tips for travelers
✦ Information about guides, transport and accommodation in Crimea

Travel Guide on the route White Rock

Interesting details about the White Scale (AK-Kaya) in the Crimea

This limestone work of natural art conquers its greatness. The triangular cliff break towers up 325 meters above sea level, and the distance from the foot to the top is more than 100 meters. Vertical Wedge Rock Cuts Green Luga Valley, as if a mighty icebreaker. On the sides of this giant ship, the wind, like the portholes, created picturesque niches and the grotto, which can be reached and hiding from the scorching Crimean Sun in the cool shadow of the caves.

Legends say that the caves of a white cliff hide in their depths the beginning of a multi-kilometer labyrinth leading to the southeast to the coast of the Black Sea. In ancient times in the maze, hid the giant snake-wing and firewood dragons who kidnapped beauties were hidden in the labyrinth, and in the Middle Ages, the robbers were reliably covered with invaluable treasures and treasures.

In the last century in a red beam in the vicinity of Ak-Kai, archaeologists have discovered several dozen parking of primitive man, which is not less than 30,000 years. This place in the number of anthropological remains found is recognized as one of the largest monuments of the paleolithic era and the only place in the world, where the collective burial of primitive people was found. Even an ancient person was not alien to the beauty of the White Rock and the Valley of the Black River.

A great place to live at all times left us traces of the left eras. Once there lived Mammoths and cave bears, giant deer, saigas and primitive bulls found themselves food in the valley, where she grace herds of horses.

More than two thousand years ago, the White Rock served as a sacred temple for the nomadic people of Sarmatov. They left us a legacy of their generic signs, carved in stone caves, as evidence that this land belonged to them.

In the era of Scythians, AK-Kaya possessed the capital status, it was located here big city with fortress. Scythians crowned the plateau of the White Cliff with their mounds - the luxurious tombs of the kings and the local nobility, which were buried in a rich gold decoration with chariots, horses and servants.
Perhaps not all mounds are found, and there is another place to open and search for ancient treasures.

In the era of the Middle Ages, the Crimean Khan owned by these lands, he, together with his family, lived in a large house at the foot of the White Rock. And the Crimean Aristocrats - Murza, who took important state decisions were collected on its top. The criminals were executed here, throwing them away from a sheer cliff.

In the XVIII century, the White Clock Plateau, Krymskaya she brought the oath to the loyalty of Russia, when, with Ekaterina II, under the leadership of the great Russian statesmen of Suvorov and Potemkin, the Crimea became "Pearl in the Crown of the Russian Empire".

In the era of the USSR, the White Rock became famous as a place of shooting of the legendary Soviet cinema: "Man with Kapuchin Boulevard", "Leader of Redheads", "Chipollino" Horseman without a head "," Armed and is very dangerous "," The plane flies to Russia "," Apocalypse Code "," Day of Anger "," Star and Death of Hoachin Muriet "- a far from a complete list of filmtin, which were filmed in a picturesque valley.

Each era imposes its mark on this place, creating a special energy of the space that you can feel just arriving here. And, if time allows time, it would be good, to spend here a few days, in nature in a tent by the fire in order to fully enjoy the beauty of this place, and maybe, and open some of his secrets.

In addition to the incredible beauty and cultural and historical heritage of the White Rock, another unusual property is in itself - she changes its color depending on the time of day, weather conditions and season. For example, on a clear summer day against the background of the blue sky, the ak-kaya has a gentle color of the creamy vanilla, bliss in the golden rays of the sun. Especially picturesquely in such a framed looks herd of red horses - the background of emerald grass spread over all directions of the valley, vertical peaks of dairy rocks, and the azure sky create a unique paint palette. And at sunset on several magic minutes, the white rock becomes a sunny mirror, casting a pink-pink halo of the setting sun and bringing happy tourists an unforgettable romantic moments.

You can tell infinitely, but it's worth seeing it with your own eyes ...

- April, 10th 2008

White rock, or ak-kaya, is the only and unique in the Crimea and not only ... what can be seen from it, as well as how to find in the gorge of the source of the Biyuk Karasa river.

It is worth this cliff in the distance from the main spa places Peninsula and, probably, therefore, many of those who rested in the Crimea did not see it, although they probably would know how the "participant" of many well-known Soviet art films: "Horseman without head", "Mirage", "Fifteen-year-old captain", "Business People", "Lobo", "General Lukach", "Mustang-Inadets" and even "Chipollino". And it is a pity that they have not seen, for it is worthy of not only attention, but even a separate trip to her. So forward, hike!

And in order to still meet with a white rock, first of all, you need to go to the south-eastern Crimea, to the Belogorsk area (which was once called Karasubazar). Today it is a modest, small town and almost can not believe that his history is already more than seven centuries! He survived and seemed a lot: both the time of the heyday and the times of the decline.

When "the anger of Allah" in the form of an earthquake hit the capital of Tatar Khanate (today it is Old Crimea), Many survivors moved to the fertile plain of the Biyuk-Karasu River and laid the city of Karasubazar ("Market in Black Water"). The first mentions are found about him in the XIIIV., When it was here that the Great Silk Road is the trading artery of world importance. Although today this path on the map of Crimea you will not find, but it is easy to find the track Simferopol - Feodosia, almost in the middle of which you and the current Belogorsk will meet, and not far from him and she is a white rock. It will be difficult to miss it: a majestic look, unusual color and special outlines of the Statercar Rock, surprisingly similar to inaccessible fortress, I will not allow her to stay unnoticed even from afar. But this "fortress" above the Valley of the Biyuk-Karasa River (which takes the beginning here, and then carries his waters to the Sivas himself) not by people, but by nature, and so long ago, that, probably, it doesn't even remember that That sea waves splashed around her ... Yes, yes, in the thicker of her white limestones, the petrified remains of ancient mollusks and fish are still "stored". What kind of fish! 27 years ago, a 50 million deadline for the dice of special, amphibian whale was found in one of the mountains of the mountain. The same thanks then the Americans found in Pakistan, so noise, there was noise ... And our whale (by the way, the only one is so far in all of Europe), and has entered the annals of world paleontology modestly and intelligently, although it was found six years earlier (!)

Then, when or whether the Sea left, whether the land had risen, our ak-kaya would be blown in winds, washed with rains, drying over the sun and for many centuries formed these bizarre outlines with tower columns and caves, so similar to the firm boots. There are interesting caves on it and for visiting - the bottom and top. During their study, special images were found: these are not pictures and not writing, and the so-called Tamga - the generic signs of Sarmatov, who indicated the "registration" of the tribe in these caves (Sarmati appeared in the Crimea from the end IIIV. BC and by testimony Ancient authors were high, blonde, beautiful people, but also formidable - able to stand up).

The cave Altyn-Techik (Golden Nora) is because it is called the top, which is located at an altitude of 52m. It is pretty difficult to reach and covered the mass of legends, according to one of which was the once lair of a rolling snake and a sweaty laser stretches, almost to the most; On the other, the chest with gold was hidden here, which, notice, until they found ... In the 60s, the group of climbers it was found that it was not only a cave, but also the grotto of a 20-meter height. Then archaeologists came and found in it a lot of animal bones (most - mammoths), as well as stone workers of labor. In general, it turned out that people lived here many thousands of years, both in the cave itself and on the banks of the river. IN last years In the excavations, the Americans and Italians have also fallen. And quite recently, the perfectly preserved skeletons of women-Neandoretles with a child, which turned out to be 150 thousand years old!

Mammoths, people, snakes, whales - so, as you can see, once these places were quite tightly populated, not what now. But now, by the summer, so many people with shovels are tightened to Belogorsk, that it would be time for them and the snake to start ... They say that, among other things, it is in the area that there is the greatest accumulation of the Old Curricians, and among them there are probably the rich tomb of the Scythian kings (So \u200b\u200bthey do not give rest to the kings these grief archaeologists). But where is it better to just come with a backpack, climb, wander around, breathe fresh air, climb to the top. And you can even on horse! At the foot of the White Rock there is an equestrian farm with the same name - "AK-Kaya". There you can drink Kumsa, and a horse take rent. You will be offered even two lifting routes: fast - 1.5-hour, with cool lifting and descent down; And the 3-hour walk around the cliff - at all safe (60-100 UAH.). In addition, there are relaxing rooms on the same farm (and even with amenities), so you can stay for a couple of days and do not drag a tent with you.

On a white rock you can completely climb along the trail and yourself. The road is clearly visible from below - it is the right (east) of the corner protrusion of the rock. Ak-kaya only over the plain rises to 100m, and above the sea level - for all 325m, being part of the inner ridge of Crimean mountains with characteristic steep southern and gentle northern slopes (the so-called coesty). The difficulties of the lift will be rewarded with more than the stunning view that will open from height. The peak of white is a relatively smooth surface. The ancient mound will be located to the east of the chain, and on the other hand, the Valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River, and Belogorsk, which will be very visible as on the palm. If the weather is quite clear, you can even see the eastern part of Simferopol. Further to the horizon in the smoke - the ridges of the main ridge, and the high array in the south-west. White rock is interesting at any time of the day: both at dawn, and at sunset. Even at night (especially spectacularly she looks in full moon) it stands out for its whiteness. But it is precisely a bright day lit by the sun, she literally blind eyes. The employed hypothesis in connection with this was put forward in the middle of the XIX. The author of one of the directories in the Crimea: Say, the reason for the heat in Karasubazar is exactly AK-Kaya, which additionally discards the sunlight ...

In the Middle Ages, the White Cliff had another name - Shirinskaya, by the name of the owners of these lands (and many more from the reaches to Kerch), the richest Tatar race of Shirin, leading his beginning from Genghis Khan himself. Crimean rules - Gires traditionally gave their daughters to wives for Shirin Beeev. The genus was really big - more than 300 murz, the eldest of whom was elected exactly there, on the top of the White Rock. And if with the XVIV. He was the political capital of the Crimean Khanate, Karasubazar was undoubtedly its economic center. 8 stone citades was then inside this shopping metropolis (such found it back in 1667. The famous traveler Evlia Chelebi). Today, almost in the center of the city, there were only ruins and that, only one of the towers - a mighty Tash-Khan with powerful walls, braces, vaulted dungeons, where the caravans were once stopped, the goods were kept, trade transactions were held (they say that this The day there is still an underground course leading to the river ...).

From the outside of the caravan shed, on market Square They were sold both numerous products and people ... The main article of the revenues of Khanate was the slave trade, and not one decade was announced by the neighborhood of the White Rock by ringing shackles. In addition, the rock itself became also the sinister venue of the executions: those perpetrators in something and sentenced to death were confronted from 100-meter heights. They encountered and not guilty, namely prisoners, to others, eclipse, frighten and make hurry with redemption. So on a white rock, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, captured in 1620, to watch the torment of his tribesmen, until he was finally bought by one of the Tatar Murz. For all this, Zaporizhzhya and Don Cossacks have repeatedly attacked Karasubazar, and freed the prisoners, and the city itself was punished. So he got anything ...

During the Russian war, the Crimea in 1777 on the White Scale was the headquarters A.V. Svorov. Then the legendary warlord was only 10 thousand. soldier, and Calgi-Sultan - 4 times more, but while Tatars were going, on the order of Suvorov, first on their courtyards, which were well visible from the mountain, "gave" a volley from the guns, and then endured the cone from behind the cliff and dispersed the army Widths in the mountains. Right: Do not pull with Suvorov - he and not such a win. And then it was on the White Rock of Crimean Khan Sande Gury with the prince a long-term agreement on which Crimea was declared independent of Turkey with Khanate.

And here, on June 10, 1783, finally, the total of the entire 10-year war of Russia behind the Crimea was summed up: it was on the white rock of the bright prince G.A.Potemkin took the oath to the loyalty to the Russian state from the Crimean-Tatar nobility and all the layers of the Crimean population. Then the city of Karasubazar became the main - administrative center of the peninsula. And only from 1785. The capital of Crimea was transferred to Simferopol. Even the Empress Empress Catherine II itself was looking here, during his Crimean journey in 1786. For which the palace was specially built with a park, fountains, cascades and gazebos, in which, however, the empress stayed for only two days. Now is the building of a local hospital, many times rebuilt for all the years. It costs immediately outside the city, on the elevation before the bridge through the river and it can also be seen from above.

This is what a wonderful trip to the past can be done, standing on the majestic top of AK-Kaya once a summer day!

In addition, it will not hurt to take a walk in the upper river Biyuk Karasu - to its origin in the Karasu-Bashi gorge. Have you seen the beginning?! And isn't it interesting to see the place where one of the most popular tributaries begins is the main Crimean River? Not a gift in the Turkic name is the word "Biyuk" - big; The word "Karasu" can be translated and as "black water" and as "water flowing out of the ground." Yes, and the Karasu-Bashi gorge itself in the upper horse is a very picturesque dark gray (almost black) real stone chaos: rocks, wreckage of rocks, races of stones. A strong impression also produces a cave of Karasu-Bashi (you can pass through it with a narrow underground stroke - 8-10m). In the dry time, the origins of the river are at the foot of the cliff, in the meadow, where among the thickets on the surface there are many springs, which are already 50m connected to the real stream. And in the spring and during the rain, the water literally breaks out straight from the cave hole (hence the second name of the cave - Su-Obuchan-Hob - "Cave of Flying Water"). This is indeed the most centuries source of the Crimea (even in dry time gives 200 liters per second of the purest, delicious underground water). No wonder on the river above Belogorsk, two reservoirs were built: Taganskoye and Belogorsk. So there is no problems in the city with water, and on the shore of the reservoir the beach is equipped - one of the favorite places of local recreation places. They say, there even fish is caught!

Karasu-Bashi gorge is approximately 8 km south-west of the city (near S. Karasevki). Behind the village, rising by the river a couple of kilometers, the water meter needs to go to the path and go a little more up the wall of the tap channel. So find yourself in the gorge. And even better - take someone from local guys to conductors (everyone will gladly want to earn 30-40 UAH., Yes, and probably tell you a lot of interesting things).

From Belogorsk, you can then go down to the sea: one of the most from the south-west picturesque roads Crimea - highway to P.Preet (up to it 34km). And 15km before the Krasnoselovka can be driving on the bus or travel, but then you can go on foot and enjoy the Crimean Forest, His cool, birds singing and the murmur of another local river - Tanasa (Tana - Chick, and "Su" - water; then There is - "calf water", which and the calf vbod will go). This river is very small and falls into a familiar Biyuk-Karasa. By the way, it is possible to travel to the sea, and then continue your journey to the sea.

This is what I offer a wonderful route for the lungs on the rise and inquisitive. Have a good trip! And, as always, a big request: Do not leave behind yourself, please, traces of stay and will completely be great, if you do not consider the work to take off the clearing and paths behind the careless, for how it does not seem strange, but from this good Missions your journey will be pleasant doubly.

The Crimean Mountains make a lot of interesting and unexplored in themselves. They protect the peninsula from the south side and admire their, sometimes bizarre, forms. One of the particularly remarkable and memorable rocks is called AK-Kaya. There is AK-Kaya not far from the village of White Rock in the Belogorsk district.

Geographic coordinates of the White Rock - Ak-Kaya on the map of Crimea GPS N 45.098056, E 34.633333

Name AK-Kaya. With Crimean-Tatar translated as a "white rock". And, it is under this title that it is more famous among tourists and local residents. And the village of White Scala received its name in connection with the proximity of Ak-Kai. Driving up to these places of the Belogorsky district, Ak-kaya simply can not notice. This is a steep sheer white cliff with a very flat vertex. Ak-Kaya serves as a natural decoration of the Valley of the Biyuk Karasu River. The height of a white cliff reaches three hundred twenty-five meters, so if you go to her foot and look up, it will seem endlessly high. They published ak-kaya looks perfectly smooth, but in fact it is filled with many thresholds and protrusions.

It must be said that only the most courageous and prepared climbers are resolved for the conquest of this vertex. The white color of the ak-kaya is explained by the fact that it consists of their limestone and sandstone, and is the result of their weathered and erosion. At the top of the ak-kaya there are various natural grots and rounded niches, and at the bottom you can see the stony mound and clusters of large stones. Such an unusual and massive view of Ak-Kai attracts many cinematographers here. The rock has become a shooting platform during the creation of such films as a "rider without head", "Code of the Apocalypse", "Leader of Redheads", "Escape to the Edge of Light" and some others.

In the second half of the century, the white rock caused considerable interest among archaeologists of researchers. At this time, excavations were held here, the progress of the institute of the Archeology of Kolosov Yu. G. The two dozen parking lots belonged to the Mustian era were discovered here. On the rocks were found stone knives and tools of labor. For the first time, the bone remains of Neanderthals were excavated here. There is also a confirmation that the mammoths, giant deer, cave bears, saigas and other animals, atypical for modern fauna, have ever dwell. There is an assumption that Sarmatov and Scythians settlements were located on Ak-Kai.

How to get to the White Rock - Ak-Kai

Getting to the white cliff is the easiest possible from the city of Belogorsk, in the north of the city, there is a departure towards the settlements: Apple and White Rock, from Belogorsk 4 km and you in the village of White Rock, the rock of Ak-kaya just hangs over the village, to drive it or not notic Just not possible. On the top of the mountain from the village leads the dirt road, it is lazy for several km., Rises to the big plateau of the rocks of Ak-Kai. on the plateau a lot of viewing sites, even eat viewing platforms For cars. Late in the spring and early in the fall, the dirt road blurs greatly, it is best to get on the all-wheel drive car, in winter, even on it is very dangerous.

In the middle of the Walls of the White Rock is a hard-to-reach cave called Altyn Techik ("Golden Nora"). There are several legends about it, one of which says that the treasures of the robbers are hidden.
For many centuries, Ak-Kai has changed their destination. She was both a venue and solemn suspension, and the housing and even the military headquarters. White cliff is one of the most famous and visited.

White cliff Ak-Kaya on the map of Crimea

White rock or on the Turkic AK-Kaya - not the most popular place In the Crimea, but nevertheless, immediately attracting a look at even random tourists.

This place is impregnated with the spirit of history and richly significant events. In her caves always found the shelter from the enemy people and from the predator of the beasts. Her grotto store hundreds of archaeological secrets, mysteries and discoveries.

Ak-kaya is similar to the nose of a huge snow-white shipwhich cuts the Crimean steppes of the Belogorsky district.

A white cliff admires its natural natural power and beauty, which has not been used by many artists and directors.

Ak-Kaya in Belogorsk involuntarily makes enthusiastically stop and enjoying it unusual shape and beauty.

Nature Monument

And since 1981, Ak-Kaya is recognized as a monument of nature of republican significance. Mountain White Rock is an object cultural heritage federal significance.

White Rock (AK-Kaya) - Nature Monument

Temperature differences, rain and snow destruction, natural weathered, tectonic processes for many years have formed amazing and unique forms of slopes and outlines of a white rock. From the west side, the eolsons of the grotto were formed under the influence of the wind.

White cliff allows you to enjoy a part of the Crimea, not touched and not destroyed by man. The height of the top of the cliff is 325 meters above sea level.

And the snow-white color of the cliff gives the limestone rock, which it is covered. Photo on the background of ak-kaya will not leave anyone indifferent.

Movies filmed on a white rock

Here are the famous and loved by many Soviet films:

  • "Captain at fifteen",
  • "General Lukach",
  • "Business people",
  • "Mirage",
  • "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • and many others.

How did the white cliff arose?

Ak-Kai Millennium Back was at the very bottom of the ancient Ocean of Tethys, which is confirmed by the finds of petrified remains of ancient fish and mollusks, a shark teeth in the thicker of limestone.

At that moment, when the water of ancient Tethis retreated, mighty ak-kaya rose over the Crimean lands.

Long years natural phenomena Formed and changed its appearance, creating unusual forms, outlines, grottoes and caves.

In addition, in one of her quarries about 20 years ago, the bones of amphibian whale were discovered, which had no less than 50 million years.

In the prehistoric period there was asylum of animals and primitive man. In the cave Golden Nora, or Altyn-TechikMany of the remains of ancient animals were found, including mammoths, as well as stone ancient tools.

More detailed excavations helped to discover the skeletons of Nevander girls and her child, preserved in perfect condition, whose age is at least 150 thousand years.

In another archaeological expedition were four parking lots of the Mustian era are found, the period is about 100-140 thousand years ago.

Total thanks to excavations found 17 parking of primitive people in these places.

Legend of white rock

According to one of the legends, in the local cave Golden Nora hidden a chest with gold, which has been looking for archaeologists and tourists for many years. However, there is a part of the truth. When studying the lower and upper caves, Tamga was discovered - signs of Sarmatov, probably pretending or residing in the caves of the rocks. It means that there may be precious caches with Sarmatian gold in her depths.

Cave "Golden Nora" Altyn Techik

In the foothills of the White Cliff there is a lot of Old Treasury Kurgans, which does not exclude the tumbels of rich Scythian kings. So, one day, a particularly happy treasure detector can be significantly driving.

During the Khan Principality in the territory of the Crimea, the slave trade was one of the ways to receive income. It is assumed that Ak-Kaya was a place of execution of the sentenced to death. They were dumped down from a 100-meter height.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich sometimes killed innocent people here, demanding redemption for their lives. There is a legend that young Bogdan Khmelnitsky was given on the slope of the cliff and there were innocent prisoners in his eyes, forcing the hetman to pay redemption.

However, a white cliff became much more famous after the events during the Russian war behind the Crimea, in 1777. Here was the headquarters of the great commander Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich.

According to the story, managing a few Russian army, he managed to win over the forty-fish Turkish yanychar army. The enemy did not expect an attack, was taken by surprise and was overclocked through the mountains around the mountains.

After that, on the White Rock, the prince Dolgoruki and Crimean Khan Sanda-Girey signed a treaty according to which Crimea became independent of Turkey by Khanate.

It also summed up this ten-year war. June 10, 1783 Potemkin G.A. Speed \u200b\u200bin the loyalty of the Crimean-Tatar nobility of the Russian Power. After that, Karasubazar, modern Belogorsk, became the administrative center of the Crimea.

Latequies Fortress and Caian's fortress

Not far from the White Rock, near the village of Visheny in this moment active excavations are underway ancient Fortress. The favors of the ancient Scythians dates from the IV-III centuries. BC, and this is a unique find.

The fortress covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 10 hectares. From the north and east, it was reliably surrounded by defensive fortress walls, the thickness of which was about 4-6 meters. And from the south and west side, the fortress surrounded the climbing rocks.

In the northern part, the plot of main deonted Wall And proteicism is an advanced wall that was intended to protect against trumpet cars.

Plot of the main defensive wall

A little later, in i century. BC. From the inside of the defensive wall several economic structures and a large earthwoman were attached.

In addition, due to the excavations, it was found that before the emergence of the fortress there was no settlement here and it was built directly on the rock.

Extremely important finds in this territory are 2 Chersonese stimples of rare types.

Similar pits in the rock you can meet in Cave cities Crimea - Eski-Kermen, Bakla, Tepe-Kermen and others. These pits served to storing the grain, collecting rainwater.

Caves and Grota White Rock

Ak-kaya caves are great interest - upper and lower. In the middle of the western side there is a lower cave - a large grotto. It is believed that before here was the ancient temple - the sanctuary. And the upper cave is Altyn-Teshik, which we have already spoken earlier. It is quite difficult to access it - its round entrance is located 49 meters from the cliff and 50 meters from the sole.
In total, more than 50 karst emptiness were found in the cliff slopes.

We go to a large grotto to which the steep path leads. But these difficulties are not stopping these difficulties, they have been seen that inside will be on what to see.

Trail in big grotto

Judging by the excavations carried out in these places, once, a large grotto was used as a sanctuary at Sarmatov. Inside there is really an impression of a large and roomy temple. Strengthens this impression a large stone resembling an altar.

If you continue your route on, along the White Rock, you will definitely go past the cold gorge - a red beam. It received such a name due to the inconspile number of red peonies, blooming here in the April-May.

Pion bloom in red beam. Photos from the site - Zerkalokryma.Ru

How to climb to the top? Routes on white rock on the map

Along the eastern corner protrusion on the top of the cliff leads the trail. From the plain side, the height of the ak-kaya in Belogorsk is about 100 meters. The rise in places is quite difficult, but it is worth it. Walking along this path, you can also get to the lower grotto. All efforts at the top are competent with stunning pictorial panoramas.

The top of a white cliff is a flat and smooth surface. Wrapped to the east, you can observe the ancient mounds. And in the west, the city of Belogorsk and the Biyuk-Karasu River, on the shore of which once broke the camp Suvorov A.S. And closer to the horizon are visiting the tops of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

On the way to the top you will see a separate stone block, near which the imagination has played.

I wonder what you think about this? Leave your opinion in the comments under this article.

How to get to an amazing place?

Getting to the rock of ak-kaya is quite simple. It is located just 5 kilometers from the city of Belogorsk.
on a personal car. You should drive to Belogorsk, and then roll to the side of the mountain and continue your way about 5 km.
GPS coordinates of the mountain AK-Kaya for navigator - 45 5 '55.45 "N 34 37' 53.92" E
on the public transport. On the flight bus, you should drive to Belogorsk, where to transfer to the minibus, which goes to the village of Belaya Rock. Next, go through a wide street to the river. Go through a small bridge and pass the apple garden.

Mighty white sowing winds of the rock will be visible from afar and help you do not get off the way. On the way, you can also visit and try to hug the famous Suvorov Oak.

See also: