Ak kaya white rock sizes. Ak-kaya White Rock

How much I traveled in the Crimea, there was always a feeling that there was someone on this island of Sushi. Someone has gathered geological and landscape beauties almost from all over the world - so different reliefs and views here can be found.
One of these places can be called a white rock, which today will be discussed.
Almost in the middle of Crimea, between the main mining grocery and endless steppes, more than 300 meters rises extremely unusual coarse education, resembling world famous landscapes Arizona (though, with the exception of the color range) - Vertical wall of AK-Kaya, or White Scala.
It is difficult to imagine, but this cliff was once a seabed, as evidenced by a huge number of petrified shells and mollusks that come across here just under their feet.
From Soviet times, this place was tested by directors who are shooting films about the American West, Indians and not only - at different times on a white rock they filmed a man with Kapuchin Boulevard, "Mustang-Innodets", "Leader of Redheads", "Mirage", "Chipollino", "Armed and very dangerous", "Kings and Cabbage", "Lobo", "Changers", "Wonderful Valley", "Horseman without a head", "The plane flies to Russia", "Witch Dungeon", "Escape On the edge of light, "" Apocalypse code ", etc.

2. White cliff is located in the Belogorsk district of Crimea over the Valley of the Biyuk Karasu River. If you get to her from the north, then you will not immediately and understand that you are going to an incredible break - you go along the steppe roads, passing through the hills and suddenly ... Under you a steep wall.
From the south, the rock looks exactly as in the photo, - on the left directly Ak-Kai, on the right - Mount Ajilar. Between them, there is a squeezing winding road, which used to be raised to the plateau. Now there is an asphalt road to the right of Adzhilara, from which the primer is born at the top, passing almost along the edge of the Ajilar and Ak-Kai.

3. White rock was formed by erosion and weathering of chalk limestone and sandstones for many thousands of years. If you stand under the rock itself - the foot is very clearly visible to the mound of what was once the rock walls

4. Plateau on Mount Agilar. Here, at the foot of Adzhilara and further, in the depression between him and AK-Kaya, and the most films that I said at the very beginning were shot

5. Types opening from the Plateau Mount Agilar

6. Geometry of fields

7. And the white rock is already visible in the distance

8. Here is the same gigantic repeater that I have already

9. At the foot of the White Rock was built not one city with decorations for filming. Everything you saw, for example, in the "man from the Kapuchin Boulevard", was located precisely in this place under the rock.

10. Types opening with a white rock

11. The tip of the rock wall. It seems that someone just cut off all the excess knife

12. The height here is about 325 meters above sea level

13. Old roadwhich led on the rock. Today it is possible to climb on it only on a well-trained SUV.

14. Faults in the top of the plateau. There are generally a lot of faults, natural grots and caves

15. The rock wall of a white cliff. Below is clearly visible to the scree, created by the wind

16. Once these "small" pieces will be dismiss and crawled down

17. At the foot of the White Rock in the 70s, about 20 standards of the primitive man of the Mustier era were excavated.
And near the ancient foci we found a large number of bone residues of extinct fauna of the Crimea: Mammoth, cave bear, giant and noble deer, saiga, primitive bull, wild horse, ongra, etc.

18. One of the faults on the rock wall

19. But once it was a seabed. Yes, it's hard to believe, but it is. Then there, here under your feet come across here such stone boulders that are completely consisting of petrified seashells

20. Mollusk frozen in stone

21. Something is just part of the rock

22. Some mollusks themselves became pebbles

23. White rock, view from the route. It is this that sees the majority of people passing by people.

24. Puff pastry created by wind and time ...

Excursions and hiking are a journey from your life in someone else's alien. You seem to be pulled out of the monotonous everyday life, moved to the south, and put on the sidelines to teach the right thing to treat life and everything that happens in it. And you know, the place of these lessons was not chosen by chance: a person appeared in the Crimea for a very long time, and the "Aura" peninsula pushed by billions of lived lives. One of the first places in which our civilization began to exist - this is a surrounding mountain Massiva Ak-kaya in Crimea. Today, also known under the name White Scalais popular natural objectto which numerous tourist routes. The excursion to is remembered with its unusualness, a special atmosphere of touch to the long-spent landscapes in the fly and the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. Interesting? Welcome to a virtual excursion to !

Crimea Geography: White Scala Ak-Kai

Rock is located next to the village White Scala 42 kilometers from the capital of Crimea - the city of Simferopol. Geographically located in Belogorsk district. It is a rocky wall of white (with a slight cream tint) of a color towering over the spacious Valley of the Biyuk Karasu River. It has a height of 325 meters above sea level and relative height (above the surrounding area) about 100 meters. Translated from the Crimean Tatar Language as "White Rock".

- The result of erosion and weathering of sandstones, paleogenic and chalk limestone, classic sample of the coastal relief. Wind is an original sculptor. If he created the bizarre stone Istukhans on Mount Demerjan and "inhabited" the vallee of the ghosts, then the oval niches, grotto, "chopped" in the upper part. Scree, erosion hollows, chaotic bulbs are weathered products, in large quantities located at the bottom of the cliff. Erosion, restrained by places in the thickets of Rubernik and Rosehovnik, continues today.

About fifty are surveyed with geologists from a variety of emptiness in the cliffs of AK-KAI, with geologists. Large caves on White scale Total three. They are at the base of the yield of the rock and are called and. Archaeological studies conducted in the mid-1940s discovered on their walls sarmatian petroglyphsBrought to different epochs - from the III century to our era before the start of our era.

The third grotto, the most mysterious and inaccessible, called Altyn-Techik. The black entrance to it is visible from afar, and the name that is translated as a "gold hole" discloses the "special" attitude towards him still in ancient times. Dozens of legends in different forms tell about the treasures hidden in the cave, about the Dragon and Secret underground progress, stretching to the Feodosia itself. Studies of speleologists dispelled these legends, and discovered the truth: Altyn-Techik is a large grotto, whose arches are cool upwards, and the only dragons living in his darkness are bats. Since 1981, declared a monument of nature and is under government.

History of the rocks of ak-kaya

As mentioned at the beginning, the excursion to is an opportunity to get in touch with the past, distant from the present for tens of thousands of years. Archaeologists have discovered on and in its surroundings 17 parking lots and whole settlements relating to the era of Mill (about 100 - 40 thousand years ago) - a real Mustier city. His residents were the predecessors of Cryanontsev - Neanderthals, the fossil type of man. Such a high population density is easily explained by the exceptional convenience of the area for the life of an ancient person: a lot of grottoes with a warm south side of a mountain range, rich flocks of silica (main raw materials for weapons and tools), the proximity of the river. About 5,000 silicon scrolls, knives, pointed numbers were found around. The variety of their shapes amazes: only on the white rock has been detected eight types of knives.

Recently, a large Scythian Fortress was excavated at the plateau, the study of which continues at the present branch IA National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The appearance of this fortress belong to the IV-III centuries to our era. On the territory of the northern coast of the Black Sea is the only fortress of this period. The investigated area of \u200b\u200bthe fortress is about 10 hectares. There is an assumption that this is one of the forgotten Scythian capitals (for comparison: Naples Scythian appeared in the area 14 hectares). The life of the fortress was not calm: in the first and a half years of its existence there was at least six fires in it, in which everything burned to the ground. A large number of The burials of crossed warriors testifies that the battles here often took place. The fortress and settlement inside it was left by people in middle ages, when the city was near Karasubazar. There are assumptions that it was on his slave market that was sold to the slavery Murz Yurus Young Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

In 1777, the headquarters of Alexander Suvorov was located, and in June 1783, Crimean knew on the top of the cliff swore to the loyalty of Russia. The oath took Prince Potemkin - the star of Soviet cinema. She became the place of filming of such wonderful films as " The leader of the Redskins», « Mustang-Inododets"," Chipolino "," Man With Capuchin Boulevard», « Headless horseman», « Kings and cabbage», « Armed and very dangerous", Lobo. Some of local residents Love to tell how the boys starred in the episodes of these films.

How to get to AK KAI

Excursion to refers to the category of easily accessible - the highway leads directly to its vertex. You can get to this road on the highway Feodosia - Simferopol (to the city of Belogorsk). White cliff is already visible from the track.

From Simferopol to Belogorsk can be reached by flying bus. On the central Square Belogorsk Take a taxi, and ask to take you to the foot : It is here that you will see the grottoes and former parking lots of ancient people. Climb on one later - the rise will be about 90 meters.

White cliff, Ak-Kaya - Pearl of the mountain Crimea, located in the heart of the peninsula near Simferopol and Belogorsk, it is majestically towers against the background of emerald valleys and a blue sky.

Why is it worth visiting a white rock (AK-Kaya) in the Crimea:

✦ This is extremely picturesque and unusual in its beauty
✦ This is ancient natural monument Republican importance
✦ Parking of primitive people
✦ Historically important events took place here
✦ Found here ancient temple Sarmatov and Gold Tomb Scythians
✦ This place is washed with legends: labyrinths, dragons, treasures and treasures
✦ Here they filmed the famous films: "Man with Capuchin Boulevard", "Rider without a head", "Leader of redheads" and others

Get a guide to the White Rock route (AK-Kaya), which includes:

✦ White Rock Description
Detailed route How to get there by car from Simferopol and Kerch to Belogorsk
✦ Car maps and terrain plan
✦ A selection of cultural and historical facts about the place
✦ Tips for travelers
✦ Information about guides, transport and accommodation in Crimea

Travel Guide on the route White Rock

Interesting details about the White Scale (AK-Kaya) in the Crimea

This limestone work of natural art conquers its greatness. The triangular cliff break towers up 325 meters above sea level, and the distance from the foot to the top is more than 100 meters. Vertical Wedge Rock Cuts Green Luga Valley, as if a mighty icebreaker. On the sides of this giant ship, the wind, like the portholes, created picturesque niches and the grotto, which can be reached and hiding from the scorching Crimean Sun in the cool shadow of the caves.

Legends say that the caves of a white cliff hide in their depths the beginning of a multi-kilometer labyrinth leading to the southeast to the coast of the Black Sea. In ancient times in the maze, hid the giant snake-wing and firewood dragons who kidnapped beauties were hidden in the labyrinth, and in the Middle Ages, the robbers were reliably covered with invaluable treasures and treasures.

In the last century in a red beam in the vicinity of Ak-Kai, archaeologists have discovered several dozen parking of primitive man, which is not less than 30,000 years. This place in the number of anthropological remains found is recognized as one of the largest monuments of the paleolithic era and the only place in the world, where the collective burial of primitive people was found. Even an ancient person was not alien to the beauty of the White Rock and the Valley of the Black River.

A great place to live at all times left us traces of the left eras. Once there lived Mammoths and cave bears, giant deer, saigas and primitive bulls found themselves food in the valley, where she grace herds of horses.

More than two thousand years ago, the White Rock served as a sacred temple for the nomadic people of Sarmatov. They left us a legacy of their generic signs, carved in stone caves, as evidence that this land belonged to them.

In the era of Scythians, AK-Kaya possessed the capital status, it was located here big city with fortress. Scythians crowned the plateau of the White Cliff with their mounds - the luxurious tombs of the kings and the local nobility, which were buried in a rich gold decoration with chariots, horses and servants.
Perhaps not all mounds are found, and there is another place to open and search for ancient treasures.

In the era of the Middle Ages, the Crimean Khan owned by these lands, he, together with his family, lived in a large house at the foot of the White Rock. And the Crimean Aristocrats - Murza, who took important state decisions were collected on its top. The criminals were executed here, throwing them away from a sheer cliff.

In the XVIII century, the White Clock Plateau, Krymskaya she brought the oath to the loyalty of Russia, when, with Ekaterina II, under the leadership of the great Russian statesmen of Suvorov and Potemkin, the Crimea became "Pearl in the Crown of the Russian Empire".

In the era of the USSR, the White Rock became famous as a place of shooting of the legendary Soviet cinema: "Man with Kapuchin Boulevard", "Leader of Redheads", "Chipollino" Horseman without a head "," Armed and is very dangerous "," The plane flies to Russia "," Apocalypse Code "," Day of Anger "," Star and Death of Hoachin Muriet "- a far from a complete list of filmtin, which were filmed in a picturesque valley.

Each era imposes its mark on this place, creating a special energy of the space that you can feel just arriving here. And, if time allows time, it would be good, to spend here a few days, in nature in a tent by the fire in order to fully enjoy the beauty of this place, and maybe, and open some of his secrets.

In addition to the incredible beauty and cultural and historical heritage of the White Rock, another unusual property is in itself - she changes its color depending on the time of day, weather conditions and season. For example, on a clear summer day against the background of the blue sky, the ak-kaya has a gentle color of the creamy vanilla, bliss in the golden rays of the sun. Especially picturesquely in such a framed looks herd of red horses - the background of emerald grass spread over all directions of the valley, vertical peaks of dairy rocks, and the azure sky create a unique paint palette. And at sunset on several magic minutes, the white rock becomes a sunny mirror, casting a pink-pink halo of the setting sun and bringing happy tourists an unforgettable romantic moments.

You can tell infinitely, but it's worth seeing it with your own eyes ...


Crimea is no wonder called the land in miniature, there are all: subtropics and steppes, wide forests and relict pines, sea and lakes, plain rivers and stormy mountain rivers, waterfalls and indescribable mountain beauty. And many of these beauties are sheaven legends.

White rock or ak-kaya in Crimea is one of these miracles. It is located near Belogorsk, in the Valley of the Biyuk Karasu River, in the east of Crimea. The place is a little-known for tourists, although he has a very rich history.

The giant white cliff in the Crimea is 120 meters high by a height of the ancient ocean. When the water retreated, the rock was raised above the steppes of the Crimea. And since then, the Millennies blown over the winds and wrapped the rain, turning the growing up of Mammoths in the likeness inaccessible fortress With caves and fancy towers, grottoes and niches, relief patterns, columns and "honeycombs", which millennium particles of rocks raised by Western winds knocked out thousand years.

The age of the white cliff in the Crimea is judged by petrified remains of ancient animals and fish. Not so long ago, the remains of ancient whale were found in one of the kaja's quays, larger in the thickness of limestone more than 50 million years old, the numerous remains of Mammoths, primitive bull, saiga, cave bear are not amenable to.

Historic Past Ak-Kaya

People always lived in the White Rock in Crimea. Freshwater, a lot of caves and grotts, a lot of flint - all this favored people, even a cool cliff break helped during hunting. The most first inhabitants of the rock caves were Neanderthals - not so long ago, archaeologists found perfectly preserved the remains of the mother with the child, and the age of bones of 150 thousand years.

Later, Scythians came here, it proves a lot of Scythian burials on the White Rock Plateau in the Crimea. Then the Sarmatians lived here, they found their generic signs on the stones - Tamga. In the Middle Ages, the Tatars lived here, and in 1783, at the Plateau, the Ak-Kaja Prince Potemkin took the oath of Russia from the Tatars.

White cliff in Crimea overtook all sorts of legends about treasures, ancient dragons and tunnels, which stretch on a lot of kilometers. SAMI famous legend Talks about the treasures of the golden hole. On the sheer wall of a white cliff in the Crimea, at an altitude of 52 meters, there is a cave, in which it is almost impossible to climb without climbing gear. It is said that in this cave, the treasure was hidden, which was still not found. The second popular legend says that the Tunnel is leading from the golden hole to Feodosia, this is also a fiction. But anyone who sees a white rock in the Crimea, especially at the time of the sunset, breaks over - what if it is true?

How to get

Getting to AK-Kaya will have to be in several stages:

  • from any city of Crimea in Belogorsk go buses;
  • in Belogorsk bus station, you need to sit in route taxiwalking to the village of white rock;
  • once in the village, you need to go through a few kilometers to the north, towards the bridge over the river;
  • on the plateau of the white cliff leads the trail, it is better not to look for it yourself, but to find a conductor, as the path is sharp enough.

One of the most beautiful places Crimea. The mountain is towers over a 100-meter valley. From her, as well as with the foot open insane beautiful views. At these moments I am glad that I got a quadrocopter: under other circumstances it would be necessary to look for a helicopter and pay pilot to make a frame, and now it is enough to run a wonder-typewriter for 5 minutes.

White rock is immortalized not only on numerous photos, but also in the movies. It was here that films "Horseman without a head", "Man with Kapuchin Boulevard", "Leader of Redheads", "Armed and is very dangerous" and many others ...

Harrow lifting options were two: a long time in the detour and short through the arms (visible on the frame in the left side of the mountain). On the map the short path suddenly ended, but we decided to go - in vain Do we have SUVs?


We drove away, the road became worse and already, when it suddenly rested in a stone wall, the meter height:


The rolling pin, as it were, telling us that we are not alone as smart and cunning guys who decided to save time:


How many times I did not shoot cars in the mountains, always one story: the photo it seems that the car is almost exactly, but in fact it is at a large angle. The only thing that gives a slope on this frame - Figure Artem which climbs up the slope:



Somehow unfolding, go down:

4. Crimea. Koktebel and Mecca aeronautics -

5. A washing air rehearsal in Sevastopol -

6. Sudak, Genoese Fortress and New World -

8. Alushta, Gurzuf, Nikitsky botanical Garden and Massandra -

12. Bay Donuzlav, Dzhangul and Kaiter Reserve -

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